Introduction: The Art of Communication
Good morning, students! 🎉 Welcome to your first session on Professional Communication with Dr. Apurva Chan. With nearly 900 eager learners joining us, let's kick off this journey towards mastering communication skills! How's everyone feeling this morning? I hope you're all energetic and ready to dive into the world of effective communication.
The Importance of Communication
As we embark on this learning experience, let’s reflect on a powerful quote: "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." This highlights the core of what we’ll explore today: understanding how to communicate clearly and effectively.
Key Takeaways from Today's Session
In this session, we'll cover several critical areas:
- Verbal Communication: Understanding how to express yourself through spoken words.
- Written Communication: The art of conveying messages effectively in writing.
- Nonverbal Communication: The impact of body language and gestures.
- Interpersonal Skills: Building strong connections with others.
- Presentation Skills: Engaging your audience effectively.
- Professional Etiquette: Navigating the workplace with confidence. For a deeper understanding of workplace conduct, check out Understanding Professionalism: The AAA Framework.
Engaging with the Audience
Before we delve deeper, let’s do a quick self-assessment! On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your professional communication skills? Many of you have shared ratings like 5, 6, and 7, which is fantastic! Remember, we all come from diverse backgrounds, and this session will provide you with tools to enhance your skills.
Defining Professional Communication
So, what is professional communication? At its core, it involves the exchange of information in a workplace or professional setting, aiming to convey messages clearly and appropriately. It incorporates various forms, including verbal, nonverbal, and written communication. Understanding the nuances of each type is crucial for success in your careers.
The Essence of Communicare
The term "communicare" comes from the Greek word meaning to share with care. Effective communication requires an understanding of both yourself and the person you’re communicating with. This brings us to the question: How can we improve our communication skills? For more insights on enhancing speaking skills, consider Master the Art of Speaking: Avoid These 7 Deadly Sins and Embrace HAIL.
Tips for Effective Communication
1. Walk and Think
One practical tip I’d like to share is the "Walk and Think" method. Before an important meeting or presentation, take a 15-minute walk. Imagine the scenario in your mind while articulating your thoughts out loud. This technique can significantly boost your confidence and prepare you for the actual interaction.
2. Types of Communication
Understanding the different types of communication is key:
- Verbal Communication: This includes spoken and written words. Mastering this is essential for clear expression.
- Nonverbal Communication: Remember, how you say something can be just as important as what you say. Body language, facial expressions, and gestures all play a crucial role.
- Digital Communication: In our digital age, understanding how to communicate effectively through emails, social media, and video conferencing is vital. Explore strategies for verbal communication in Mastering the GRE Verbal Section: Strategies for Success.
The Role of Coherence
A critical aspect of effective communication is coherence. This means ensuring your message flows logically and is connected to the topic at hand. If you find yourself zoning out or distracted, your communication will lose its clarity.
The Jaw Smith Concept
Lastly, let’s touch upon the term "Jaw Smith." A Jaw Smith is someone who effectively uses their words, much like a goldsmith shapes gold. Aim to become a Jaw Smith by mastering the art of articulation and enunciation in your conversations.
Conclusion: A Journey Ahead
As we wrap up today’s session, I encourage you to reflect on what you’ve learned. This is just the beginning of our journey together, and there are many more sessions to come! We’ll delve deeper into various aspects of professional communication in future meetings. Remember, the goal is to empower you to become effective communicators in your professional lives.
Thank you all for your participation today! I’m looking forward to our next session where we’ll continue to build on these essential skills. Happy learning, and have a wonderful weekend! 🌟
morning and this is Dr apurva Chan am I audible once again I would like to ask yes all right so great good to have you
all here in the session and as we begin I hope um yeah so the webinar is being live streamed now and I hope you're
recording as well so we have around 895 98 99 and 900 students great good morning students this is Dr Aura Chan
and this is your session for professional communication so are you all excited it's 9:00 a.m. in the
morning I hope you're all energetic and not lazing around or not feeling uh sleepy yes I think some I think I just
read some students says sleepy yeah so just uh uh get out of that zone that that lazy environment uh I don't want
any of my students right now to be sluggish so how's your Jo how's the energy
how's the energy students hi great great great all right students so welcome to the first session and uh I congratulate
you for beginning your journey with Amit University online and here today in this very um session we are going to talk
about the first module that you have uh in professional communication I know you are all students coming from uh
different uh postgraduate uh courses MBA MCA mjmc so I'm sure that my audience here is very mature and uh we will go
through a number of tips and tricks that can help you become a better conversationalist a better jaw Smith uh
a better communication expert a better professional on together right so who is a jaw Smith here we'll get to know all
right so all right I see the numbers are increasing so let me begin with the general guidelines all right yes great
Arian hold on to that thought of jaw Smith we are going to talk about it okay all right students so uh please keep
yourself mute and your videos should be disabled during the session you are requested to requested to keep a note of
all your queries they will be discussed during the session type your queries in chat they will be taken up do not cross
talk share your screen or disturb others the session as you can see it is being recorded and it will be available in the
common room calendar after the session your advise not to stop the recording during the session if any student stops
the recording they will be debarred from the live session recording by any means that is photographing audio taping or
video taping of any presentation or session is prohibited the recordings which are
shared bya Amigo are also copyrighted so you may not copy reproduce distribute publish display perform modify create
derivative Works transmit or in any exploit any such content nor may you distribute any part of this content over
any network so please pin the presentation with my name that is Dr Pura Chan and do not click on present
now anytime during the session all right students let's get started this is professional communication module one
now students in this session we are going to talk about a number of things with respect to your course with respect
to communication but I would like to begin this with a cot okay so um just listen to me very carefully it is
said the single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place I'm going to repeat it
the single biggest problem in communication is the is the is the illusion that it has taken place and on
that note we'll begin with the session today that we'll understand what the CES for focusing on uh the essential
communication skills uh the combination of some theoretical Concepts that will help you become a better uh
conversationalist and uh we'll also be covering topics such as verbal communication written communication
nonverbal communication interpersonal skills presentation skills and professional eates all right now before
we begin um can I ask some of you all of you uh how much how can you rate yourself from uh from about your
professional communication how will you rate yourself okay so out of 10 yes I see a
lot of five I see seven I see three also great um all right 5 six s so I have a
full batch of students here uh they come with different from different backgrounds from different cultural
backgrounds emotional backgrounds ological backgrounds so I believe that you all will have you know different
ways uh to communicate uh there might be you know a two or three of you or many of you who would feel that you know I
know the language but I'm not good at uh speaking so here you know we come with different trips uh different trips I'm
saying ticks and tricks uh which basically you know will help you uh become a better one all right uh PR pram
man says why are we not receiving classes mails uh Al the pr I have sent the mail to everyone maybe you've missed
out so I have already sent it to you all right so moving on what is professional communication so by the
definition it basically means let's let's first focus on communication okay it comes from this Greek word called
called communicare okay listen to me very carefully it is called called commun
care so I just you know I make understand my all students that basically communicare means that when
you communicate with proper care and understanding of yourself and other person it's it becomes communication are
you all there you all agree with me yeah when you communicate with with someone with proper care and understanding of
yourself and the person in front of you is uh you know basically communication all right I hope this is clear now
um okay now students I have one you know a request from you you have so many questions and doubts regarding live
classes you have questions with respect to uh your portal Amigo can you can you resist All Those Questions uh for the
time being um yeah is it possible yeah is it possible for you yeah can you
resist your questions let's study first and then you can have all those question I'll keep five minutes for you know
these questions okay now yeah all right so I don't want any more questions regarding the portal or
live classes right now okay now we come to communicare so that is communication now let's come to what is professional
communication so professional communication is again all that with respect to a professional domain okay
you you go to a professional space you cannot be uh who you are at your home I mean sadly unfortunately you cannot be
so so there are different ways to handle situations there are different ways to reach out a problem there are different
ways to reach out a solution so in that ways professional communication is very important be it uh I mean let's say if
you are a manager if you are an IT engineer or you could be a reporter you can be anyone any field but professional
communication sh shall be very important for you to inherent okay so exchange of information in a workplace or
professional setting with the goal of conveying messages clearly effectively and appropriately is um you
know somewhat close to what professional communication is I hope that is clear yes now it en encompasses various forms
of communication there are different ways verbal communication nonverbal communication all kinds of communication
can be taken care of when we take care of when when when we study professional communication or when we are are looking
at professional communication as an important tool as an important um uh certificate or an important you know uh
channel that is required to uh success that is required to maintain relations at your workplace or to uh you know have
a good bonding or Rao with you know the people around in your workplace I hope that is clear to all of you what you
know in a nutshell what professional communication is right right now shria you are asking me ma'am telepathy also
comes under non-verbal communication so see we have not touched upon non-verbal but but telepathy could telepathy is
different telepathy is uh you know when you have a connection with someone directly uh from their minds okay your
minds are interacting perhaps so it is uh you know a very rare phenomena it doesn't happen with any everyone around
so we'll talk about it but not right now okay okay I hope that is clear right okay so I see around 1,000
students here and uh yeah so adya is asking how can I ask a question to The Faculty should I type here yes adya you
should do that and if I do not notice it don't worry type it again okay because you have
1,000 uh you know batchmates right now so it can be missed so just do it again all
right all right so yes so I believe that uh you all are much interested in uh the chat box so like now I'll ask a question
so that you know you can all interact in the chat box who all are working in this uh very class like who all are working
as professional yeah I see so many answers so
many I believe uh most of you are working great great great great so um do you do you think that
professional communication is uh is an instrumental uh you know channel that is required do you think
so right great it is very good all right so today I have you know um you know a a tip to share with all of you since uh
you know you all are there and participating so uh do you love walking students do you love walking in the
morning in the evening or whatever the time is like do you have like count of steps do you do that like I love
counting the steps I want to complete and finish 10,000 steps in a day yeah you do great now um if you think that um
you are not very good at communication and you want to improve so I have a tip and trick for you so walk and think it
is called walk and think so uh for example you have a meeting uh in the next day or you have an important event
wherein you are supposed to uh speak and give a speech or you you're supposed to interact with people and you're not very
um confident about the top uh the talk that will happen or that will take place so what you can do is you can take a
walk for like 15 minutes okay and reimagine the whole situation in your mind and start thinking about it and you
can do that while speaking it out also so you're walking and you're also thinking about the same scenario once in
your mind with the proper enunciation articulation of whatever you are going to speak that will give you a confidence
and boost uh that as to you know how you're going to say and you are not going to be surprised okay you're not
going to be surprised as how the words will come out of your mouth okay so walk and think yes so I I see pra pravalika
says that she always do uh this very thing so very good and umang says I already do it but fumble with words
sometimes yeah so that is the beginning of uh the very solution if you're fumbling that means you're right now
fumbling and the Very day next day when the final day comes you might not fumble right so walk in think and at the same
time never walk and talk as in do not use your cell phones while you're walking it's like double exhaustion so
what you can right uh rather do is walk and have the same scenario in my in your mind okay great students so what a great
start let's move towards the next uh topic which is called effective professional communication so for
Effective uh professional communication you need to master and you need to understand the uh other important uh
aspects which is for example is this a place to interact during the classes with Dr Aura Chan yes
Grier yes you can interact with me here and if I miss your uh comment you can write it again okay all right okay so
yeah I just shift it here now communication it can be uh categorized into various types okay so you have
verbal communication you have nonverbal communication and uh you have visual communication written communication uh
all of these types of Comm communication we are going to talk about okay I can see your message rajit so you
you just have to type normally uh oral communication is verbal or non-verbal we'll talk about it is basically verbal
so verbal communication is the kind of communication wherein you use spoken or written words so spoken words
comes in oral communication so oral communication also comes into verbal communication I I just saw that you know
one of the students asked here where do we see oral communication so oral communication is a part of verbal
communication all right so this type of communication it it involves use of spoken or written words to convey
messages okay anywhere you use words so um a number of times a lot of students they ask me this question all the times
uh in all my batches they would ask that Sign Language sign language comes in which kind of communication does it
comes come in verbal communication or does it come in non-verbal communication so sign language students for a for a
person who uh let's say cannot speak or let's say cannot uh cannot uh uh cannot see or can is cannot be is not able to
hear so there is you know a language that has been developed uh for those kinds of people uh who are not a who are
not uh I would say uh abled in certain certain way so in that manners a a new language has been developed which is
called sign language which people study also to uh understand just like Chinese Japanese German Indian Hindi uh Sanskrit
or um you know Punjabi all of these are languages that you learn right sign language is also a language that you
learn for interacting with a person who knows sign language so sign language very much comes under the category of
verbal communication yes brail script also comes into verbal communication because it's a script there are
alphabets there are words right so they all comes in they all come under the category of verbal communication I hope
this is clear to everyone give me a yes in the chat box no sign is different sign should be some I I just read that
some student was saying sign should be into non-verbal communication but I'm talking about not signs I'm talking
about sign language so when you're are interacting when you see you know uh two mute people talking they are using a
sign language that's a system systematized language and so it comes under verbal communication
yeah we'll talk about non-verbal communication non-verbal communication is not systematized okay now I hope
verbal communication is clear to you it includes face-to-face conversation phone calls meetings presentations speeches
written documents emails letters reports memos everything all right I hope this is clear to everyone now let's come to
nonverbal communication nonverbal communication is your body language non-verbal communication for non-verbal
communication you will not have a directory you will not have a book I mean you can you have books now but you
are not taught those books there is no specified you know a nonverbal uh you know dictionary or a book but now you
have okay for example uh have you seen investigating officer have you have you words Sherlocks
have you ever watched Sherlock yeah so what does Sherlock do he looks at you he reads your body
language and he asserts yeah he asserts what is going on yeah and what is what is this person hiding from you or for
from anyone so non-verbal communication involves conveying messages directly indirectly knowingly unknowingly with
without the use of words please listen to me once again everyone I want you all to be very uh uh careful in listening
right now okay listen to me very carefully nonverbal communication involves conveying messages without the
use of words knowingly unknowingly directly indirectly remember these four words
directly indirectly knowingly unknowingly okay and here here those things can be visible I mean for example
you can see me right now my eyes are broadening my uh let's say I'm using my hands so these are you know visible
things now what are the invisible things for example if I use my tone up andin down up and down and that is you know my
intonation in the language if I'm angry I will use my tone and I will you know go a tone higher if I'm okay and if I
feel that I'm relaxed and I will use a relaxed tone but that also suggests what I am feeling or what I am thinking right
everyone um so Ma'am why sign language not come under nonverbal communication praga so praga as I said as I told you
it involves words and when words are involved you use verbal communication okay you in sign languages you have
alphabets you have words okay we are not just talking about symbols like tell me what does this mean uh can you see me
what does this mean now I see so many different answers someone says okay some someone says
thumbs up someone says all the best okay so as you can see this is a symbol this is a sign which has which does not have
you know one perfect meaning correct and when I say okay what does it mean okay means okay because it's a word and you
know the meaning yeah someone also says done someone says excellent well wishes so there are so many multiple meanings
of this one sign okay and when we are talking about a sign language it has you know it does not have different
different meanings it has one meaning sign language is for a person who cannot speak correct or is in a situation where
words are not involved by speaking so there are different words that this language has evolved or developed and
and thus sign language comes into verbal communication okay all right yeah it's worldwide it's
globally what is the one language of sign which is oh there are so many signs and uh things H do you know students in
Germany uh when you do like this it's it's something different and when you do like this it's something different so
all across the world you know you all come from different places now can you write down the place that you are from
in the chat box see just see at the diversity just look at the diversity right now students
you all come from different parts of the world you come from different part of India and of course of course across
also I just saw somebody who wrote um Mars so whoever is from Mars so welcome to the session I'm very happy all right
so what I was saying is that we all come from different backgrounds different cultures different uh traditions and
thus when uh we uh when we are talking and interacting our culture maybe or might not be clear to someone else and
that we'll discuss in the second and third module also when we'll talk about um when we will talk about crosscultural
communication okay but today let's focus on non-verbal communication right non-verbal communication it involves U
conveying messages without the use of words you do not have words here words are absent neither written nor spoken is
my voice clear to everyone I just I think Anuradha here is saying that it's breaking all right so Anuradha please
check your um Network all right so non-verbal communication it involves conveying messages without the use of
words for for example right now I start doing like this what does it mean
students I might be fed up I might be uninterested I might be upset I might be angry thank you all right so yes
nonverbal communication is when you are conveying something without speaking right without
speaking there are no words involved it's your expression it's your body language it's a tone it's your gestures
your contact posture the way you are handling the space around you it's called proxim now have you ever seen
that your mother if you are uh you know like for example ignoring her and uh she comes towards you and she comes very
close to you it means that you know she's trying to you know break the barrier between the too right
so okay so Vishal Vishal here asks that he's unable to see other chats why want why does he wants to see those chats in
the first place okay [Music]
so just one second all right okay d is saying I'm unable to see other part participants
why do you want to see other participants I mean listen to the lecture right now okay okay so yeah so I
was talking about okay now if you want to communicate Abus with other students
what you can do is uh there is a new you know launch in Amit University online please go to be social and you can
interact with all of your friends your col your your batchmates and everyone right now it is 9:30 we have gone past
half of our time and I want you to please listen to me very carefully because we are um going through your
first module so everyone I want your I want your attention here in the class right now
okay great so what do we have at in non-verbal communication we have facial expressions body language gestures icon
contact posture tone of voice and physical distance okay nonverbal cues often complement verbal communication
and can convey emotions attitudes and intentions you have to understand students uh that non-verbal
communication comes as a you know complement to verbal communication you cannot have or you should not have
verbal communication without the intervention of non-verbal communication because because it adds up to your
message okay uh now coming to the next uh part let's come to visual communication okay visual communication
it involves the use of visual elements okay uh to convey the information it includes images Graphics charts diagrams
maps symbols colors typography uh visual communication is commonly used in presentations
advertisements signage websites and multimedia content and for your benefit I have this uh slide for you now you all
just take one minute and write down all the visual AES that you see here what are the names of these visual AES come
on yeah I see picture pyramid bar pie chart Network graphs images great very
good location video multimedia very good perfect perfect so you all recognize all of these symbols right now
these are the symbols these are the symbols for the different types of visual AES that you can use to um to
add to your presentation and when you add these These are also called you know a type of communication you want to
communicate something okay so visual communication is when you use uh pictures or multim Medias to uh to
enhance your message okay now I just want to okay proxic proxim proxic is is a kind of you know um it's it's
basically when you are talking about the space around you okay so um I'll just ask one question from all of you now do
you like it when someone you know whom you do not know someone who's kind of like a Stranger Comes very near to you
comes very close to you yeah you you feel uncomfortable you feel awkward right so that that comes in
the etiquettes of proxic proxic is when you use the proximity and the intimacy according to the people like if I know
someone for example if it's my family my parents so I will allow them to please come near to me but if I if I am with
someone else and I'm not sure how how comfortable I am in my personal space with that person so I will feel
uncomfortable so that is basically what proxim miix is all about okay now um I was asking a
question and I forgot completely what was I asking okay uh I totally forgot no
problem okay now let's come to written communication now written communication is also uh very important okay written
communication involves the use of written words to convey messages basically it's um uh verbal
communication it includes emails letters Medias all right all right I just remembered what I wanted to ask okay uh
do you like memes students do you like memes memes are also a kind of visual communication right uh you see a
different sort of sorts of what you call uh you know uh fun funny funny humorous videos all of those are also visual
communication nothing is written right and there's only one thing just look closely or something like that and
that's the joke okay so that's also some kind of a visual communication where uh you know something is communicated which
is funny which is humorous which has you know different types of um thank you VI I will keep having
having almonds now because see I have almonds that's why I remembered what I wanted to wanted to say right thank you
all right now come to written communication I think uh that we've already done right so we have anything
that we write for and uh do you know students when you are fighting with your U you know friend over
WhatsApp uh now of course you have a lot of benefits you can delete your message you can edit your message you can uh
just uh you know have your message not being seen or something like that but do you know that anything that you write
down in in an in an in a mail uh in a WhatsApp message or uh something that has been recorded will always stay will
never be deleted right so um when you're using uh you know your office mailer or when you're using Outlook or you know
Microsoft or these websites basically what I'm what I'm trying to say here is when we are using written
documentation it is very important for us to be very careful so read at least twice whatever you know course that
you're dealing with whatever um whatever uh you're writing down be it a request mail be it a order mail you have to read
twice because if you have written it once it will go forever it will never be deleted so be very careful with WR
communication it comes with perks and benefits but it also has some disadvantages so make sure that you
always proof read and Diva says rechecking very good right all right so I think this is clear to everyone we'll
move to the next part of the session we'll come to interpersonal skills okay now what are what are interpersonal
communication can anyone tell me what are interpersonal communication face to face oneon-one live sessions
great one onone um students uh what do you like more do you like tea more or coffee more what is your favorite tea or
coffee all right so I see tea coffee tea coffee tea coffee
great so it's 9:30 who who has U you know who had coffee before before the session or tea before the
session all right I just read someone saying satu great I also like satu all right so interpersonal skills where you
in where it is involved you know the way you communicate to build Rao with
people is my point clear to you when you are communicating with the people around you let's say your colleagues your
friends your neighbors uh your Juniors your seniors uh people in Authority people who are not in Authority so these
you know come under interpersonal communication okay interpersonal communication occurs between individuals
in face tace or one-on-one interactions it involves the exchange of thoughts feelings and information
between people and plays a crucial role in building relationships they resolve conflicts Foster understanding and so
much more okay so it is very important uh that you know you take interpersonal communication very seriously because it
is through interpersonal skills that you can achieve success that you can have very good relations with your bosses
with your colleagues with people around you who can be uh you know beneficial for your success who can be beneficial
for your promotions right so no interpersonal skills are not just non-verbal they are a cumulative of
verbal nonverbal uh visual or everything interp personal skills are you know when you
are very uh you are you're sure of yourself and you know what you're talking about for example I asked you
that um uh do you like tea or do you like coffee so it's my way of bonding with you like my students they are
telling me what they are liking or what they like and I see that uh who they are you know how
who they are as a person when it comes to tea or coffee now someone is asking me a question on uh interview I guess
please don't ask it right now this is the first module try to listen students you have to listen to me okay all right
so it's no it's not just between two uh people only it is you know it depends on you for example Priyanka for example
your name is Priyanka right so uh Priyanka your relations with everyone around okay and with them you know your
one-on-one interactions and other things yeah okay is a form of uh you know it's a form of building communication
building connections with people yeah I hope this is clear now we come to group communication group communication is you
know uh for ex which is happening right now I'm speaking and you all are listening to me we have around uh where
is that yeah 1,000 students right so group communication involves interaction among members of a group or team it
includes discussions meetings brainstorming sessions and collaborative work effective group communication
facilitates cooperation coordination and decision making with teams right so now I'll just go back so we began with
verbal communication then we talked about non-verbal communication visual communication written communication all
right then we came to interpersonal communication and group communication yes thank you sura for listening uh
actively all right now we come to interpersonal communication okay Deepa is asking the meaning of
brainstorming but why are you asking this meaning right now we have not talked about
brainstorming and but yes brainstorming can be part part of a group communication where you know you are
coming together to resolve a conflict to talk about a particular issue and all of your minds are working on that one
particular topic so that can be called as a brainstorming session okay now uh when we are talking about interpersonal
communication there is an important tool which says Noise Okay so there are different
barriers different noise that you have to uh uh what you call um diminish that you have to negate that
you have to work upon so that the communication is easier the communication is active clear concise
convenient for everyone okay now before I go forward you have to go through the seven C's of communication students what
are the seven C's of communication can anyone tell me
anyone okay I I see a lot of answers now I'm going to read out the seven C's of communication please listen to me very
carefully there are seven CES that are important that are uh instrumental in communication the first is Clarity you
need to have Clarity of what you're saying you need to have conciseness you cannot be speaking on and on and on and
on and on without you know putting a pause so it's very important to be concise in your points then you come to
concreteness the points should be concrete they should not be like like flowing from one direction to another so
three I've already told you Clarity conciseness and concreteness then you come to
correctness whatever you're speaking it should be very uh it should be correct it should not be false it should have
some you know uh some some factual data then you come to coherence okay uh it should have coherence of what you were
saying before and after so there should be a proper coherence then you come to completeness you cannot leave your
conversation or communication empty or incorrect or incomplete so there should be a completeness then you come to
curtesy very important for example all of you in my class here how will I know that you are all a c courteous or
not how will I know that you're all CT courteous or not so when you are yes I can read your
messages so when you are you know looking uh at a person and when you're talking to a person you have to be very
use courtesy markers for example if you're talking to me You' be using like let's say Dr aura or you would be saying
ma'am or you'd be listening to me very carefully and not ask irrelevant questions right so that's how you are
courteous your to your uh teachers all right now you talk about consideration so you consider other people's emotion
you consider yourselves emotional intelligence as we say today and then you have convincingness of course the
convincingness does not come in the Seven Seas of communication but if you forget one you can use okay yes moini
your message messages are visible I'll just read out all of these uh for you once again you have Clarity you have
conciseness you have correctness coherence completeness courtesy and consideration
yes exactly madhumati ctus is being respectful and not throwing rude attitude on others very well all right
so let's look at the picture in front of us I hope you can see the picture yes what what do you understand from
this picture from this image and by the way nobody asked me what type of a person I am like do I
like tea or coffee no one asked me let me tell you myself that I love tea and I'm having tea one right
now all right so okay what do you see here you see that you know uh there are two people A and B okay A and B now a
person wants to send and receive messages and B person also s want to send and receive messages now both of
them have different environments like different problems in their lives different emotions right now different
psychology different culture Etc so what are those things those are noises okay it's not about the external physical
noise for example the voice of a tractor going around you know it's not the noise that you know the literal noise we're
talking about the noise which are barriers to communication okay for example psychological barrier we have
different types of barriers can can anyone name barriers to me right now anyone okay so we have language barriers
okay we have physical barriers we have psychological barriers cultural barriers semantic barriers as in meaning barriers
technological barriers for example right now if my voice is breaking it becomes a technological barrier you have
information overload for example if I just keep on you know speaking for another two hours that would be like
overhead transmission yes uh then you have selective perception for example um you know some
students while they are talking to me and they're listening they just listen to uh you know two or three things and
then they zone out so that is uh you know selective barrier selective a selective uh perception or selective
barrier then you have lack of feedback now for example I do not you know see your messages right now what will happen
that I will not get the feedback that if you're listening to me or not are you all listening to me give me a yes in the
chat box now that is what you call a feedback now if I do not have a feedback that
will be a barrier and I'll feel that uh are my students able to hear me can they hear me well or not so that becomes a
barrier then now I can now very well continue because I know that you're all listening to me then you have uh
organizational barriers there can be different um organizational ways of uh uh you know
treating communication Etc okay so I I hope that this is clear to everyone okay so your barriers or the noise are also
very important yes I think anurag has scripted for everyone I'll just copy and share in the uh chat box of course this
is not what I was talking about but uh okay one second one second one second so cultural barriers emotional barriers
informational language perception gender there are so many more but yeah so I hope this is clear to everyone we'll
move to the other segment which is called mass communication now mass communication all the MMC students
please raise your hands or you can just write down me or I in the chat box so journalism students can you tell
me what is mass communication mass communication involves the transmission of messages to a larger
audience for example right now which is happening we have an audience of 1,000 students and right now I'm teaching you
all so that is where you use math communication it involves public opinion shapes cultural norms disseminate
information to the general public so you have radio you have television you have news reports and other
sessions Okay so grither is asking ma'am do you feel gender is a barrier and if yes can you
please explain how now see grither uh gender is actually it's not given in your book okay but it is something or uh
it is something that I am telling you uh you may or may not agree to it but yes sometimes gender is a is a barrier for
example if you're talking uh if there are two people and uh there are certain stereotypes for men and women both okay
and today we live in a world where we have lgbtq so there are some gender based uh you know disorientations we
have gender based uh discrimination also so that also sometimes become barrier so we need to remove that barrier of course
uh in order to not have such barriers yeah okay moving ahead great now let's do let's come to
digital communication again you have email it's not very important so and you all understand what is digital
communication you use Instagram you use emails instant messages video conferencing social media interaction
blogs you use x uh Twitter which is now called X podcast and all those things comes in digital communication okay now
threads also these days yeah memes also comes in digital communication I believe okay
now what do you have here effective communication often involves choosing the most appropriate type of
communication for the situation and audience so when you are coherence okay Tisha is asking coherence coherence is
for example Tia I was talking about digital um communication and then I started talking about effective
communication so they are both conjoined to each other first I was talking about the kinds of commun Comm unication then
I came to different topic which is also you know uh in relation to this topic so yes kajal thank you so coherence means
when you know what is in relation to other so uh it's not like I'm talking about a b c d and then suddenly I talk
about 1 2 3 4 so you need to have a you know related uh you know topics yes uh Isha thank you the the relational so it
is it is said that you need to have a proper coherence in your answer proper coherence in what you're talking about
so whenever you're talking to a person you're meeting for the first time you need to make sure that the person
understand that you are uh you know using your uh brain while talking and it also suggests that you know you are uh
sure of what you're saying so when you are distracted or when you are unsure when you are not prepared or when you
are zoned out then your messages won't be coherent so in order to be coherent you need to not zone out you need to be
uh completely in terms with yourself you need not to be distracted and you need to be focused and thus you won't be uh
you will be coherent in your answers okay I hope this is clear to everyone uh yes you can please ask balak
Krishna all right okay you will get the recording of the session just after the class maybe
maybe by evening or maybe tomorrow you'll get the recording you just have to check your Amigo portal
okay we says why is that verbal and non-verbal don't syn with each other sometimes body gestures yes exactly that
is what you have to learn we that is something that uh you need to understand you need to learn um it is said that you
know it is not how you talk it is not what you said it is how you said you remember this dialogue from Friends
Joy's dialogue you you watch Friends yeah it is not what you said it is how it is what how you said so every time
all the things around the world the problems going around the world they all Center upon this very phenomenon that
the way you said it was the problem it's not what you said so that's why yes uh hand in hand simultaneously it's very
difficult to have your um verbal communication be hand inand with with your non-verbal communication for
example someone wants you to come to a party which you don't want to go and when they say that will you come to the
party and you say um yeah I I will come so it it suggests that you're not willing to go right but you have to Fain
the rejection or you can be very clear that no I can't come so sorry so you have to maintain the relation yeah all
right yeah I I follow meme culture I follow friends I follow How I Met Your Mother Modern Family Games of Thrones
everything okay and I want all of your um uh uh your all of you I mean if you want to uh I mean do something if you
want to understand people you need to watch uh certain shows to understand the cultural different cultures uh there's
this uh very famous uh series called sign field I think you should all watch it it again uh show you the culture of U
office and it it helps you in uh encouraging you to watch certain uh uh you know session series which are
English in language which are in language called English and then it helps you become a better uh you know
conversationalist and now I think um I think I talked about uh a word called jaw Smith you remember in the very um in
the very beginning of the session I said JW Smith remember now what is a JW Smith or who
is a JW Smith student JW Smith who's a gold smith gold smith or who's a uh you know
blacksmith yeah one who shapes gold one who prepares um yeah now jaw Smith is a person who would use you know better
have who would have a very better use of this mouth would use proper words enunciate properly articulate properly
who's a good orator so that person is called a Jos Smith okay a very uh good talker a good
speaker orator one who knows his or her way around words so I want all of you to be great jwms because it is very
important to to use language and to uh you know use language in a way that it it improves your life okay all right SE
sign is a jaw Smith thank you um no talkative person is not a jaw Smith Angeli JW Smith is a person who knows
his way or her way around words okay no uh Arian I was not an air hostess before but uh good
thanks all right so students how are you all doing I hope you're all understanding you all understood what we
talked about yes you're all enjoying the session or not you're you're taking something from
this session today okay and it should be good things okay uh if someone wants to create a
WhatsApp group it's not up to me you can all do that on your own but it is not very much appreciated by the university
but it's up to you I don't have anything to say on that all right so what is oral communication just we have some we have
just few minutes left today so I will not go through or communication right now I think we had so much to talk today
we had like thousand students today and I think there was a lot happening in the chat box so we'll continue this in the
very next session that we'll meet and we'll talk about more tips and tricks okay I want all of you to be there in
the next session and uh next time I want less uh you know disturbance in the chat box and more with respect to the lecture
that's happening yes thank you somra for listening to me very carefully and I'm really thankful to all of you and we'll
talk more we have so many sessions ahead of us and uh this is just the first session and uh we'll meet again with a
lot of new things with respect to communication yes with respect to ntic Kates with respect to so many things um
Small Talk Rao buildings uh cross cultural communication everything now I think that's that's enough for the
session today and we'll meet again we'll increase the number of sessions don't worry if if we we do we are not able to
complete this module again okay thank you students and I would also like to thank Dr archna uh thank you
ma'am thank you for handling the queries and without you it would have been very difficult so thank you so much ma'am
thank you ma'am all right and here are some memes for all of you yeah can you can you have a look at the memes
what's wrong why you look so mean I'm just sitting there so you see your have next side yeah just give me a second and
I'm going to finish this off right right here all right students so I hope you can see the you know uh memes here and
with that I would like to end the session thank you so much and um take care of yourself happy learning to all
of you bye-bye have a great weekend
Heads up!
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