Preparing for the GRE, specifically the verbal section, can be overwhelming for many test-takers, particularly those from non-English speaking backgrounds. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to the GRE verbal section, outlining the format, question types, and strategies that can help you achieve a high score, just as I did with a GRE score of 329.
Overview of the GRE Verbal Section
The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) has a specific structure that is essential to understand for effective preparation. The verbal section is composed of two sub-sections:
- Section 1: 12 questions, 18 minutes
- Section 2: 15 questions, 23 minutes
In total, you will encounter 27 questions within 41 minutes. It is crucial to manage your time wisely, as each question varies in complexity and type.
Types of Questions on the GRE Verbal Section
The main question types you will encounter in the verbal section include:
- Text Completion
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Equivalence
- Logical Reasoning (a form of condensed Reading Comprehension)
Understanding each type of question is vital for success, as the verbal test often includes rare and challenging vocabulary that may not be familiar to many applicants.
Strategies for Answering GRE Verbal Questions
Text Completion
Text completion questions present a sentence with one or more blanks. Your goal is to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words from the provided options. Here are some strategies:
- Hide the Options: Cover the answer choices while reading the sentence and try to fill in the blank with your own word first. This helps you avoid being distracted by the answer choices.
- Identify Context Clues: Look for keywords in the sentence that indicate whether the blank requires a positive, negative, or neutral word.
- Create Your Own Fill-in: For example, if the sentence suggests negativity, think of synonyms related to that theme before reviewing the choices.
Example strategy:
- In a sentence mentioning malicious intent, words like "insidious" would be a perfect fit, while words of a more benign nature may mislead.
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension questions assess your understanding of passages. Effective strategies include:
- Identify Main Ideas: Determine the primary point of the passage and note any specific examples used to support it.
- Look for Tone and Purpose: Analyze the author's tone (e.g., critical, supportive, or neutral) and the purpose of the passage (e.g., inform, persuade).
- Take Notes: Jot down important details as you read to help answer questions more efficiently when they come up.
Sentence Equivalence
Sentence equivalence questions require you to select two words that produce similar meanings when inserted into a single sentence. Here’s how to tackle these:
- Identify the Context: Understand the sentence as a whole to determine what type of word is required.
- Match Synonyms: Look for answer choices that are synonyms or closely related in meaning to fill the blanks.
Mastering the GRE verbal section involves a combination of strategy, practice, and vocabulary enhancement. By familiarizing yourself with the question types and honing your skills in reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence, you can significantly improve your performance on the test. Keep a personal vocabulary diary where you jot down new words and their definitions to gradually expand your vocabulary base.
I hope this guide assists you in your GRE prep journey, and remember to check out our upcoming video focused on the GRE quantitative section for further support. Best of luck with your GRE preparation!
the G verbal test can be daunting for quite a lot of applicants especially if you're from Asia the verbal test will
have words that you would have never seen in this video I'm going to be giving you a brief crash course on the
GRE verbal section I'll explain what the section is and then we'll go on to solving questions I'll solve them live
in front of you and I'll show you the exact strategies I used to score a 329 on my GRE test I hope this video helps
let's get started first things first the GRE has changed its format of course as all of you guys might know and the
latest format is as follows there's two sections on the verbal section right now remember in this video we're only going
to be talking about the veral section for Quant there is going to be a separate video but for veral there's two
sections on the test all right and these sections look like this section one has 12 questions and gives you precisely 18
minutes to solve those questions section two has 15 questions and it gives you precisely 23 minutes to solve these
questions in total on the test you would see 27 questions with 41 minutes when it comes to the verbal part of the test now
the question types would be text completion reading comprehension sentence equivalence and logical
reasoning which is just a shorter version of reading comprehension with lesser number of questions but don't
worry about the format and if you don't know these questions you don't need to worry because in this video I'm going to
be solving them right in front of you you so you would know exactly how to go about them and what each and every
question means without further Ado let's move on to the actual test let's go ahead do these questions and I'll show
you the strategies all right guys now as you can see there's two parts to my screen on the right there's a GRE verbal
test that we have built inhouse for you guys and on the left there this is where I'll be basically noting down the
answers in front of you okay let's get started all right so we're going to be beginning with text completions first
all right so the first one is right here now remember on text completions there's a strategy that I want you to follow
don't worry about the timer over there I can stop that any time the the video that we've made over here which is
essentially a test it's basically to show you what's the average time you should spend but we will basically keep
on stopping it wherever required because I need to explain it to you as to how to solve these questions remember the goal
is not to basically for me to get a good score over here and you know answer everything and do it all in time the
goal is to make sure that you guys learn so that's how we're going to take this okay remember the strategy for these
kinds of questions and this is you know how the GRE has made it all these options will look like traps basically
everything will fit in there that's how the gr makes it so what you want to do is you want to go ahead and hide the
options with your hand literally put your hand on them right now put your hand on them and then read the question
with me okay so we're going to do this okay I'll start the timer put your hand on them then we start reading okay there
is something lyric ID and blank now I don't know what lurd is let's see blank about a system that subtly subtly temps
tempts people into criminal activities that they would never be interested in otherwise so LD and again you know
something I I think what I understand with this is something bad so what you want to do is you want to keep your hand
on there and use your own fill in right there's something uh you know clever or there's something very strange right and
now I want to find a synonym to this keyword that that there is clever or strange right so paliative paliative is
certainly not that lascivious maybe picun Insidious pervasive so most of these keywords if you don't know them
you should start writing them down from now on itself because these are gr keywords I believe over here the only
thing that makes sense to me is Insidious which basically means something that you're not able to
understand you know it's too clever for you to understand something like that and that was my Fillin so again you have
to keep your own Fillin over there and then on the basis of that decide right so if I were to say pallative paliative
is I believe something about you know that okay you can eat this it's eatable you know lascivious it's something I
think something bad but at the same time it's more of sexual I I'm not sure picun I'm not quite sure Insidious though it
makes sense persuasive it's basically something that is omnipresent present everywhere so I
think D should make sense over here let's go ahead and check the answer over here and oh sorry the answer
is D Insidious which describes something that is seemingly inocula but which is harmful so the answer was D we were
right that's good okay let's move on the immense quantity notwithstanding Carl did not remember keep your hand okay the
IMM men's quantity notwithstanding Carl did not feel blank by the meal he did not feel satisfied by the meal let's see
he persisted with blank and whining until the weight staff blank and brought him a second meal okay so see Carl was
certainly not satisfied so the first one is satisfied okay and I will try to see a synonym of satisfied here so the blank
one say stated famished and perplexed perplexed is confused famished is you know that you don't have enough food I
think or something else I'm not sure but uh certainly sat here makes more sense to me because what it means is Carl did
not feel satisfied sat that he's not you know like satisfied or he's not able to fill himself up with the meat so I'm
going to say sated over a a over here then we're going to move on with the the next one he persisted with blank and
whining so of course if he my filling over here is going to be basically again whining and whining itself when GI tests
you like this it's usually the same word so something similar to whining and something similar to whining over here
let's see indulging no he was not indulging abstaining no he was not abstaining he was whining carping
carping makes more sense over here because carping is I personally know this word as whining but even if you
didn't you could understand that okay the first two are not synonyms of whining so you're going to be picking F
okay remember these keywords are traps if you think abstaining might also make sense without actually having your own
word in there so that's why so I'm going to choose F over here let's look at the next one until the weight St blank and
brought him the second meal until the weight stuff you know gave up and you know basically brought him so my keyword
is going to be gave up essentially and culated basically means to yield to give up essentially that's what it should
fill in with seeed seeed is something I think they got angry no quit no it's not that culated I think it should be G so
afg let's look at the answers and we will know if this is right okay afg yeah perfect so it makes sense
right let's move on although many young professionals are blank to settle in suburbs remember to
put your hand they believe doing so will exclude them from opportunities on in urban centers although many young
professionals are blanked to settle in subbs so they're they don't reluctant to settle in subbs I think right so I'll
find something like Rel reluctant so let's see obligated disinclined liable so reluctant matches with be over here
disinclined this is not uh now because they believe that it will exclude exclude them from the opportunities
found in urban centers this is not necessarily true they say direct public transportation although at a blank stage
right now will soon allow Suburban residents to travel to the city center quickly and efficiently so they say that
okay uh even though they don't want to settle over there but direct public transportation although at a precocious
stage I would say you know initial stage let's see uh so hope ful my keyword is initial stage hopeful transient
insipient I think it should be insipient because that is the synonym of you know what I what my fill in was so I'm going
to choose F and let's see over here the answer is going to be here in 2 seconds all right so it's disinclined
and incipient BF we are right we are going good again if you don't know these words remember to write them down these
are g words you're going to have to start writing them down at some point and you're going to have to create your
own Di and then slowly and slowly you will start recognizing more and more of these words okay let's move on remember
I also don't get all of these words sometimes I don't know them but it's okay you don't need to know every single
one all right the Rowdy brood anticipated a loud and blank lecture from their usually vifer mother I think
vifer is you know very loud and uh you know upsetting mother but she responded to their inappropriate behavior I think
I don't need to read further I know for the first blank if I hide my options and I put a fill in it should be somewhere
around okay loud and I don't know like loud lecture again you know so let's see temperate temperate is the opposite of
loud sorious sorious makes more sense because you know she would sensor them she would basically try to you know stop
them from doing it again innocuous innocuous is basically innocent so it doesn't make sense sorus is the closest
to loud that I can get so I'm going to go with B all right let's move on and then this say that but she responded
with to their inappropriate behavior by wordlessly giving each of them a look of profound disappointment ultimately their
mother silence was more effective than an over reprimand and it left the children dump found it so I think
effective is my keyword or silence should have been more F oh I got to stop it the timer needs to be stopped because
I'm talking a lot with you guys and of course since I'm talking over here what happens is sometimes the timer Slips
Away like I said we don't care about the timer so much right now we care about understanding so so all right the mother
silence was more blank well effective right so guess disquieting insensible what is closest to dis uh closest to
effective I think it should be disquieting because guess is something else you know it means that someone
who's innocent I believe insensible doesn't make sense either so effective disquieting in this case I think would
be the closest synonym I'm going to pick e and let's see then the answer the answer is B and E which again
makes sense all right let's move on to the next one the fifth one here although long
considered a problem rooted in an individual psychology Phantom limp pain is now understood to be a phenomenon
blank in the nervous system so earlier they thought it's psychology I think it's ingrained in the nervous system
let's try to fill in from here if possible otherwise we'll read more so ingrained or impervious to no critical
for originating in it or originating and makes sense it's more again close to my synonym here let's move forward while it
is most commonly felt by people who have had an arm or leg amputated those who have lost other body parts may also
experience blank of tingling itching or aching I think it should be sensations of and there's actually the same keyword
as my synonym over here which I was thinking of so my own F in was Sensations so I think e should be the
answer over here c and e let's move on to the answer and let's check CN is the answer let's move forward with the next
one okay sixth question despite the gruesomeness of the crime the reporter did not permit his revulsion to blank
the objectivity of uh the objectivity his readers had come to expect from him okay so revulsion is a tough word but I
think it is that you know his you know because it's gruesome so his disgust of the crime I suppose it should mean that
so let's try to find something uh that that means okay despite the gruesomeness of the crime the report did not permit
his discuss to you know um change the objective or you know hinder the objectivity sort of right so to reduce
the objectivity let's see uh tap ify I'm not sure what that means validate that's the opposite of prejudice Prejudice
means again the exact same thing that we're looking for over here to basically you know alter the objectivity over here
right so if we say you're prejudiced we say that okay you're taking Sid right now so like that so I think it makes
sense it should be C convey evaluate it doesn't make sense no so it should be C let's look at it and it is C perfect
that's how we move forward see we don't need to know all the words Marcus's poems while ostensibly innocent
ostensible I know this is a g word it means somewhere around you know from the top from a bird's eye view it's innocent
also contain blank undertones which have led some critics to censure him over the centuries so they don't like his work
they censured him over the centuries but they so on the top they look innocent but they contain something not so
innocent so my keyword over here is literally going to be not so innocent okay erroneous I mean maybe erroneous
could make sense but uh I'm not looking for exactly that let's see if we find a better word
immature it also fits but it's not about not see if someone's immature they're certainly not clever which is not so
innocent right so we're looking for something like clever credulous is you know credible that's not good Mercurial
is something that ever changing lenus however I think that's the perfect one because it says it means basically
something bad like in a sexual manner or you know it can contain something negative essentially so lenus I think
would be the one that makes sense to me over here I will say e now this one required me to know most of these words
I suppose but again that's life in the G you have to learn these words and yeah it's correct perfect let's move on all
right I think now we're going to be moving on to reading comprehensions this is going to be a bit tougher because I
have to speak read and also answer but let's try it okay so the the first one over here the vote to demote Pluto from
the status of a planet was made by only 5% of astronomers a fact lending Force to its opposition stance okay the
author's primary purpose so we need to read the whole passage for this one the original intention of the summit meeting
to resolve the issue was to preserve Pluto as the ninth planet but the definition supporting that decision
would be also would also designate a number of other bodies in the space to be considered as planets okay since this
definition would have added more more planets to the solar system it was deemed erroneous the resolution came a
little bit over a week later stating that Pluto is in fact one of one member of a class of dwarf planets that
decision however raised issues of its own Brown contends that dwarf planets are outside the scope of what defines a
planet he also believes that hundreds of dwarfs dwarf planets exist that are yet unrecognized but Ginger Lynch believes
the term dwarf planet is confusing if the celestial body referred to as is not a planet okay okay so what is the
purpose you want to think right so the purpose is basically to explain essentially what you know uh what led to
Pluto being demoted as as a planet and I think that's what they're talking about let's see support the concept
surrounding the movement to make Pluto a planet no not really detail the issues involved in the decision to remove
Pluto's status as a plan I think B is getting close to it but let's see we might change it analyze the various
theories on Pluto's position no emphasize the size and shape no promote the ideas of one astronomers over the no
not at all I think it's this one detail the issues involved in the decision to remove Pluto as a planet I think that's
what we discussed as well let's move forward and see the answer right here for
ourselves and the answer is B all right that's good we're doing well okay let's keep
moving to the next one click on a sentence in the passage that provides evidence against a decision whose
recision was sought so I think recision basically means you know you have to like take back they want you to take
back that uh decision right so let's see so this sentence should provide evidence against that decision so the vote to
demote Pluto from the status of a planet was made by only 5% of the astronomers that's pretty good uh evidence I suppose
a fact lending Force to the opposition stance and however this is also you know again yeah it's also basically the thing
whose recision is s like people did not want to demote it they wanted to see the original intention was to resolve the
isue however so this is the basically the evidence and this is the thing that whose recision they're seeking so I
think it should be the first sentence itself um let's see once by moving a little bit forward yeah that is correct
all right perfect we're doing well so second one is the first sentence okay let's move on to the third
um this one is a whole new passage let's read but first I want to read the question consider each of the following
separately which of the following statements is supported by the passage that's what you want to do okay so let's
take a look at the passage in the realm of Behavioral change therapy assessing where clients stand in terms of
Readiness for a change is critical asking for a change too soon can easily derail the process confirming for many
clients their worries that they cannot change now or ever it is imperative that therapist internalize and apply this
assessment skills for evaluating a patient's progress through the stages of Readiness and change for change as the
duration of these stages can vary from Patient to Patient if clients are still in precontemplative stage which is
characterized by a lack of awareness of or interest in the Need For Change introducing an action plan is often a
waste of time only when clients have moved at their own pace through the contemplation stage only when they have
weighed the risk of not changing and faced insecurities that change brings they are ready to enter the preparation
stage establishing reasonable goals and organizing a plan to achieve those goals some therapists Rush clients to
preparation and into plans of action but unprepared clients are often not committed to these plans such patients
are likely to abandon their plans in the action stage and almost certainly would not reach the behavior maintainance
stage the larger the the life change for example losing 50 lbs to manage diabetes or quitting smoking the more carefully
uh the therapist must manage the pre-action stages and Readiness for change okay let's take a look at these
let's see which ones are correct the pace at which clients move from precontemplation to actions uh is
individualized so that that basically means that different clients move at different places which is exactly what
was mentioned in there I read it as well and that was a let's see if there's another one linear progression through
the stages of change is necessary for patients to succeed in making lasting lifestyle changes I mean yeah it's not
linear but yeah you need to go from one stage to the other so I guess you can classify it as linear so I should select
b as well I think clients who enter the maintenance St stage have completed the integration of change Chang behaviors
into their lives well the passage never says that that they've completed if they are in maintenance stage so I think I
will leave it at A and B itself and the answers are okay let's read this is supported by the so it's correct oh
sorry I'll just move back here with the uh to the other answers let me just try that okay 4 3 2 1 once again sorry about
that guys I had to pause it right so a is correct B is supported so B is also correct C is not supported
yeah so that's perfect so A and B are the answers let's move forward guys all right fourth let's look at that it can
be most and this is again consider each of the choices separately so there can be multiple
answers it can be most reasonably interred from the passage that people who make a lifestyle change with the
assistance of a therapist succeed more often than people who make a lifestyle change unassisted there's nothing that
mentions that in the passage I'm not going to say that a common trap people in preparation stage have already passed
through the precontemplative stages yes because they talked about it that only when clients move at their own pace
through the contemplation stage only when they have done this then they enter the preparation stage so yeah that's
correct I think B is correct let's look at the other options the pre-action states of change of Readiness are more
important than the action no nothing in the passage says that therapists often Rush their clients to pre
precontemplation and contemplation stage I mean they did say that but they said some therapists not all of them so I'm
not sure this is a universal truth I don't think I should select that Health changes are most likely motivation for
important Lifestyle Changes this is not even in the passage so I think it should be this D I'm not so sure about because
it does say something like that but I think I'll not select it I think B should be the only one all right and uh
yeah it's only B so that's perfect we're doing well over here let's move forward to the fifth one now and the fifth ones
is on a completely different uh ground so it says according to the passage which of the following are possible okay
let's let's read this one and then we'll know it so when a property owner discovers oil or natural gas beneath a
property for which a title has been legally obtained rights of these embedded minerals can be Leed to others
under standard contract terms once the commodity rights are leased the lesi must issue the owner an upfront payment
to explore for the property investigate possible ways to extract the commodity the payment is non-refundable even if
the source of the mineral is less prevalent or extractable than the Lei predicted once the Lei locates the oil
or gas source and is able to implement an extraction method that is agreeable to both the lesi and the property owner
the owner must demand a share of profits from the commodity okay the customer uh customer royalty on Commodities is 12.5%
but in cases of highly desirable Properties or exceptional disruption to one's home or property the rate can be
25% or higher okay so if you find oil or gas in your backyard this passage is helpful I think all right let's continue
according to the passage which of the following are possible reasons that a greater royalty than the customary 12.5%
can be justified okay The Upfront payment is non-refundable and a greater payment is required to cover that cost
this doesn't make any sense at all in fact no uh extraction methods disrupt the rights of the owner to use the land
for other purposes yeah if yeah it clearly said that if you disrupt the homeowner's land then you have to
basically give more oil and natural gas are lucrative Commodities and the greater percentage would cover potential
fluctuations in the market place I mean yeah they are lucrative but that's not why someone would get give 25% or higher
the only two reasons they said was if there's exceptional damage or uh you know uh let's see highly desirable
property but yeah this is is not a reason this is just a general thing let's see the answer and that is B only
okay perfect sounds good we can move forward to the sixth and the sixth one says select the sentence in the passage
that supports the idea that prospecting for natural gas and oil may be less profitable than expect yeah so there was
one which said non-refundable see the payment is non-refundable even if the source of mineral is less prevalent or
extractable than the less he predicted so this one clearly says that uh you know prospecting for oil or natural gas
may be less profitable than expected all right I don't think there should be any other yeah so I think we'll go with this
one the payment is nonrefundable right and uh oh sorry my laptop hand actually
refundable this one this should be the sentence let's take a look at the answer oh sorry I moved on too fast yeah
that is the correct answer let's move on to the next question now and that is the the seventh one so seventh one says the
primary purpose of the passage for this one I have to read the whole thing the design and architecture of monello
revealed many of Thomas Jefferson's personal philosophies for example Jefferson like many of the founding
fathers held strongly that presidency is not equivalent to kingship and in deliberate design the size and scope of
monello resemble more more those of a functional agrarian building more than than of a royal bu Palace essentially
okay the entrance way in Montello is significantly more modest and cozy than typical reception halls of European
monarchies okay the tight curving staircases in the entry had a strictly constrained width to reflect his
Republican ethos even though it often rendered the stairs impractical however Jefferson himself was prone to excess
and many elements within the design such as the large Dome served little to no practical purpose during Jefferson's
life Montello was was constantly under construction Jefferson spent himself into peny to improve it perhaps revising
his original ideas as his optimism grew and finances dwindled all right let's uh see what should be the primary purpose
of this passage it should be that you know okay uh this Thomas Jefferson who either made or lived in the Montello
considered presidency to be I mean yeah we could basically understand his ideas as to you know from the way he
constructed this house of either HS or someone else's who was the president but yeah I think that is the idea explain
how Montello reflects agrarian philosophy of founding fathers no provide evidence for claim that Monell's
design was deliberate and un organized unlike many buildings constructed now they didn't even compare them reveals
similarities between Jefferson's philosophies and modern architectural so modern architectural Trends they didn't
mention anything about that illustrate how a president president's personal property can reveal a great deal about
the quality of a again they did not talk about the quality of presidency draw parallels between Jefferson's ideas and
the elements of designs employed in his personal estate this makes sense this is that that's what they're doing
essentially they're drawing parallels between his ideas and the designs essentially that he employed so they
could learn a lot more from his designs that what kind of a person he was I think I'll go with E and let's take a
look at the answer over here e is correct perfect let's move on let's move on to the eighth one for which of the
following statements does the passage Provide support Thomas Jefferson believed strongly in the future of an
agrarian society didn't really mention anything like that without monello we would have a difficult time
understanding much of Jefferson's thinking again this is too extreme we didn't really go over there by studying
artifacts by a public figure we may be able to learn something about that individual's beliefs and values C makes
sense but maybe b as well that's also something that I want to look into against S without Montello we would have
have he would have a difficult time understanding much of Jefferson's thinking now it would be difficult to
say that I think I'll go with C let's see the answer oh sorry about that let me just
go back again and uh over here we have okay this is the answer C reflects the main idea of the passage yeah a is
incorrect and B is Extreme all right so that's perfect the answer is in fact C C all right I was not sure about the B
over there anyway let's move forward now now we are starting with sentence equivalence so these kinds of questions
if you don't know what they are I'll just brief you first so there's this question you still have to fill in the
blank just like text completion but the blank must be filled with two options instead of one these two options will be
synonyms of each other so they're basically the same exact same thing but synonms okay let's talk about uh this
question first let's uh let's oh the was ongoing let me just stop it a little bit I want to do this with you guys slowly
first question right so although he insisted upon his own fallibility the wise man attracted a cult-like following
with his admirers treating his words as absolutely and unquestionably well I guess correct or true right that's a
cult right that's what the definition of a cult is so his words must be true that's why so I'm finding something that
is correct or true errant is the opposite of what I'm looking for a barant I think that's also not uh I'm
not sure but I don't think it makes sense it's not true or correct inviable inviable is something that cannot be
violated so this certainly should be one of the answers it's true it's correct that means right his words cannot be
wrong apocryphal um not sure dubious is actually something that is doubtful
Sacro sank I think so I know that Sacro and all these root words sacrimony and all of these things this basically means
that it's you know again truism correct so I think I will go with C and F although D I'm not quite sure because I
don't really know the meaning of this I think so I will go with still C and F because they make more sense let's see
the answer let's wait for it yeah and then we'll move on to the second one all right we were lucky we made it
and again as you can see you don't really need to know all the words to be able to make it let's move forward some
experts argue that the diagnostic criteria used by psychiatrists and psychologist to identify border line
personality disorder do not sufficiently describe the pathological moods that accompany the condition which can range
from misery to ecstasy okay that's completely different ends of the spectrum these
critics claim that because the sufferers erratic emotions erratic means Ever Changing could be underestimated and
mistakenly uh and mistaken for a merely blank Spirit misdiagnosis is common so what kind of a spirit a crazy Spirit or
erratic spirit I could say you know ertic because it's always changing they say misery to ecstasy so let's try to
find something close to that pompus no that's not really what we're looking for here pompus means something completely
different they're you know super serious capricious yeah that's everchanging perplexing is confusing no evident no
depressive no Mercurial is also ever changing so I think it should be B and E let me just write them down B and E and
let's check the answer once b and e that's perfect we are good at this let's keep going let's keep going even the
wisest of leaders will come to need Council so it is important to ensure that one is surrounded by honest and
candid advisers rather than by m blank seeking to please and I don't know ladder for their own
advancement something maybe this is incorrect word who knows anyway so seeking to please for their own
advancement those are basically uh there's a g word for this it's called cofant and again remember to hide the
options with your hand right but I see copin in there I was pretty sure I would so basically you know someone who's
basically a cend is basically who stays around you and always gives you appreciation just to get something out
of you anyway so it certainly should be e what's the other one though to maybe compatriots the compatriots is a
positive word you know so I don't think that's it these are positive people next to you for positive reasons supporters
also hers also associates also so I think it should be Tois because that's the only word I don't know the meaning
of here I think not for sure at least but all these should not be the answers so E and A I think let's take a look at
it yeah Ena that's perfect we're good to go okay let's move on to the fourth one now
which is the executive claimed to surround himself with the most candid advisors yet his newest Consultants
proved themselves to be no more than copin oh guess what copin again they refused to disagree with the employer
and instead offered him constant yet feckless well you know they would Praise Him praising I guess so now let's find
something close to praising blandishments I think blandishments is a synonym kajer to someone is to basically
you know uh convince them of something flaty makes sense flattery makes sense praising yeah oqu oqu is actually a g
word I know the meaning it it's actually the opposite of what we're looking for guidance prolixity prolixity I'm not
sure about this is a weird word to me I'm not sure about this one but blandishments and flaty I'm sure about
so I think they should be the answers let's look at the answers once and that's good that's good we're
we're doing well okay let's move forward fifth one convinced that they were on the right track the scientists decided
to pursue their research despite the fact that the link between the music and plant growth plant growth seem to be
blank at best weak at best right I mean they're doing it despite the sentences changing right um despite the fact so
they were doing it despite the fact that this was weak so weak at best so what's the synonym of weak I think tenuous is a
synonym of weak contentious is something that is you know argued upon so I don't think that's correct notorious no that's
basically something that's negative right uh Discerning doesn't make sense nebulous nebulus is hazy you know
something that is not very sure so I think this one also makes sense in wet rate this doesn't make sense either over
here I don't I'm not sure that it's uh a synonym of weak so let's move forward and let's
see tenous and nebulous all right we are doing quite well over here let's move on on to the sixth question the sixth one
over here says though rumors suggested that his fans could expect a display of Contrition now this is important you
need to know the meaning of Contrition over here Contrition means someone who seeks Penance who is sorry the actor who
had recently been the subject of much criticism for his previous transgressions was unexpectedly blank in
his interviews so he was unexpectedly what well they expected him to be sorry so he was the opposite of sorry he must
have been rude let's look at rude okay debonaire deboner is something that is very Charming actually so it's not rude
insolent insolent is a synonym of rude I'm going to select that one what else is there disc
consulate maybe but disc consulate I think is something that you know you when you can't convince someone like to
not be sad uh smug smug is a synonym of rude I think so I'll go with smug Lac rimos I'm not sure about that one non
plus I know it means basically I think someone who doesn't care what's happening I think it's not bothered I
think it should be b or d let's look at it B and D perfect we are doing well we are doing well let's move forward to the
final part of the test logical based reading comprehensions these are shorter versions of reading comprehensions let's
move forward to the first one noname brand is a company that specializes in producing sunblock products of various
spfs okay and markets its products without any advertising despite its lack of advertising the company has garnered
an impressive Ive share of sunblock Market the company is now planning to expand its product line to include anti-
wrinkle creams anti-aging skin products yet these products unlike the sunblock formulas are based on proprietary
formula and are not assigned numbers like an SPF to wou Safe their effectiveness consumers have no way of
assessing the effectiveness of these products without relying on the manufacturers advertised claims okay so
the statements above if true most strongly support which of the following well let's see unless noname brand
departs from its present marketing strategy consumers will not have a way to assess the effectiveness of yeah I
think that is correct but let's see once Don name brand achieves large annual profits we didn't even talk about that
noname Brand's new anti- wrinkle products are not as effective no that's not mentioned noname brand will quickly
be able to achieve a strong market share of its new product line by using the money saved on advert no there not
mentioned that noname brand should develop a numerical system similar to SPF such as wrf that it can assign I
mean this one also seems correct but this is a bit too far off there's nothing like this mentioned in the
passage I'm not sure if that would be correct the a option is like the safe option over here since I have a option
which is the safety option over here I don't think I will move towards the E so I think I'll stick with a and let's just
check the answer let me just remove some of these uh spaces I don't want it to go out of frame let's see over here a okay
that makes sense that makes sense perfect let's move forward to the next one the next is B sorry the next is a
second which is traditional traditionally decision- making by government policy
makers that is based on solid statistical evidence has been considered preferable to more seat of the pants
intuitive decision making so what they're saying is that government uh policym based on statistical evidence is
better than just intuition however a recent study found that top governmental policy makers use intuition far more
often than low government policy makers okay this strongly suggest the opposite view that decision making using
intuition is more effective than decision- making based on statistical evidence the conclusion is based on
which of the following assumptions well this would only make sense if and the Assumption should be that uh you know
the top policy makers are always right and only then but let's see the use of Statistics is more often inappropriate
no they didn't say that that's not the Assumption at all in fact top government policy makers have the ability to make
decisions based on statistical evidence or intuition no low government policy makers make decisions based on intuition
some of the time no that's not the thing top governmental policy makers use intuitive reasoning in the majority of
the important decisions well maybe maybe but let's look uh top government policy makers are more effective at decision-
making than our low government yeah this makes sense so so if this is the assumption that top government policy
makers are better and they are using intuition then we can say that intuition is better than you know statistics so
this was what I was looking for exactly and we found it and uh that's perfect so we're going to go with E and let's look
at the answer here all right e is correct perfect let's move on to the third one now in state X the average
salary paid to teachers in the state's public system public school system has increased by 5%
in each of the last 3 years okay however over the same period of time the number of teachers in the public school system
has declined okay each of the following statements if true could help explain
the decline in the number of teachers in state ex public system except okay so we're looking for basically the
statement which cannot explain it right the state has toughened its hiring standards and only accepts applications
from prospective teachers with mrees okay yeah that would explain it that would explain why there's less teach
teachers in state X many non-teaching jobs that are suitable for teachers skills such as research positions have
had an annual increases of over 10% each of the years yeah so of course teachers would have moved there so that explains
it also the salary increases for teachers in state X have been roughly in line with the salary increases in two
states that border state X well this one doesn't seem to explain it if they have been in line then the
teachers should have still been been there right so I think C should be the answer but let's
see when the teachers union demanded 5% annual sary increases 3 years ago the state Institute hiring frees no but they
actually increase the salary so why would this be correct a new law in Stax has driven away many teachers because
the law makes it easier for parents to sue teachers If the parents feel that their child has been neglected in any
way this also would explain as to why teachers would be driven away okay but let's see once let's see so C I think
doesn't yeah C is the only one which cannot explain it all right let's move forward to the fourth
one cultural anthropologists who have been observing and interviewing customers in retail stores have
announced a definitive story of consumer purchasing Behavior okay which of the following if true would be least likely
to represent a benefit to to the retailers okay so retailers basically the sellers those have to benefit from
it uh of consumer behavior that they have studied retailers will be able to eliminate costly product displays that
fail to increase uh sales okay well that might actually help them retailers will gain insight into how consumers
determine whether or not to buy a product this will actually also help them the new Theory will make consumers
aware of how product displays influence their purchasing decisions well retailers don't really gain anything
from here so I think it should be C but we'll keep reading the new Theory will determine that what types of retail
display gimmicks produce a negative reaction consumers which will also help retailers that's correct the new Theory
will explain why consumers often purchase at different uh store stores Goods that could be bought at just one
store yeah so as a retailer I think it should help me as well so let's move forward I think the answer should be C
let's look at it it's going to be here in 5 seconds sorry about the
delay okay well till then prepare for the next one we'll write the fifth option over here okay C all right that's
correct let's move on to the next one plant y thrives in environments of great sunlight and very little moisture desert
X is an environment with constant powerful sunlight and almost no moisture although plant CES in the area
surrounding desert X it does not exist naturally in the desert nor does it survive long when introduced there okay
so it should survive there but why is it not which of the following if true would be most useful in explaining the the
apparent discrepancy above okay so we have to find the right option desert X's climate is far too harsh for the animals
that normally feed on plant why no because that would be a good thing for the plant right for one week in the fall
desert X gets constant rail fall well okay but they said that you know it does not exist and it does not survive long
even when introduced there I'm not sure that if one week of rain for would do that right uh the environment around
desert X is ideally Suited to the needs of plant y it's not even talking about X so it
doesn't make sense due to the lack of sufficient moisture the desert X can support very little plant
life again this plant actually needs very little moisture so it doesn't make sense plant y cannot survive in
temperatures as high as normally found in desert X yeah this makes sense so this plant needs hot temperatures it
needs less moisture but maybe it's too hot there must have been some level right which makes it too hot for this
plant to survive and I think that's why this can be explained let's move forward and take a look at the answer once okay
I think it was e i I got a glimpse of it but let me just see it again right okay perfect let's move
forward with the six and this is the last question by the way guys 41st question we've done it all bird song is
a phenomenon that can be used to examine the issues of innate ability versus learn learn skills are the songs of a
particular bir hardwired so to speak or does the ability to learn the songs from remain passive until an environmental
influencer such as an adult singing the song activates the skill one study of young male canri attempted to partly
answer this question researchers isolated canri chick so the birds never heard any adults of the species sing
then the researchers played computer generated bird songs that violated the universal grammar of the can song the
young males learned that the fall songs quickly despite the dis similarities to the actual canv songs okay great
however when the young males reached adulthood and were exposed to other boards in mating situations they did not
sing the computer generated songs they learn rather they quickly switched to the conventional Canary structure to
attract mates though the mates retain the ability to sing the Learned songs and sang those occasionally as well okay
all right the males okay these results suggest that canri song is innate but can be modified through learning in the
passage the two highlighted portions serve which are the following roles well the first one and the second one they
are well different results of different experiments and over here it says the first States the problem that the study
addresses the second States some results of the study no the first describes the conditions of the study no it's a result
actually the first States a result of the study obtained under one set of conditions the second States the finding
of the study obtained under a different set of yeah I think C should be the answer but so let's read more the first
answers the main questions of the study not really it does not do that uh the first notes difficulties posed by I
think this is subjects under the study it's not really posing any difficulties it's answering the question it should be
C let's just take a look at the answer which will be in front of our eyes in 5 seconds that is the final question guys
all right let's see 3 2 1 let's go and the answer C is correct perfect so we got them all right guys it was an
amazing amazing time doing this with you I hope that this video helps you share it with the people who need this crash
course and if you want more of these all you need to do is to comment down below and I'll do that for you guys make sure
that you subscribe to the channel for more content like this and follow me on Instagram because this took a lot to
prepare this all these quests and everything I hope this helps I wish you all the best for your verble section
remember there's a video upcoming on the Quant section as well make sure to watch that and I'll see you in the next one
goodbye and take care until that time [Music] he
Heads up!
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