Introduction to Magic and Consciousness
In the realm of esoteric studies and parapsychology, magic holds a unique position, particularly the exploration surrounding consciousness and reality. Dr. Dean Radin, an eminent figure with extensive experience, delves into this fascinating interconnection in his works and discussions. This article aims to give you a comprehensive overview of Dr. Radin's insights and research findings on magic, consciousness, and their implications for our understanding of the universe.
Understanding Magic: Esoteric Perspectives
The Essence of Magic
Magic in its esoteric sense often conjures images of ancient rituals, spells, and supernatural phenomena. However, as Dr. Radin suggests, it encompasses a much broader spectrum—one where intention, perception, and manifestation are core components. Magic is not merely about the theatrics of spellcasting; it's a profound aspect of human experience and consciousness.
Researching Esoteric Traditions
Dr. Radin's exploration of magical traditions spans over four decades, highlighting the historical confluence of magic and parapsychological phenomena. He notes that practitioners of various spiritual traditions—ranging from shamanism to contemporary spiritual practices—often employ techniques that engage both intention and consciousness.
The Relationship Between Magic and Parapsychology
Despite the carried skepticism surrounding esoteric practices, Dr. Radin emphasizes a significant relationship between magic and parapsychology. Parapsychology, which studies psychic phenomena, has a historical lineage that intertwines with the very traditions of magic. For example, practices such as manifestation and divination correlate closely with psychic research.
Synchronicity and Personal Experiences
The Four-Part Synchronicity Experience
Dr. Radin recounts a fascinating experience involving synchronicities that underline his exploration of magic. This incident comprised four interconnected occurrences that culminated in a seemingly magical manifestation. He juxtaposes this anecdote with the concept of consciousness influencing objective reality, an idea widely debated among scientists and esoteric practitioners alike.
Magic, Rituals, and Psychokinesis
The Role of Ritual in Magic
Magic is often steeped in ritualistic practices—ceremonies wherein specific actions are taken with intention. These rituals, Dr. Radin posits, can be correlated to psychokinesis, where mental intention appears to affect physical reality. He discusses examples from various cultures where ritual plays an essential role in invoking desired outcomes.
Psychokinesis: Bridging the Gap
In Dr. Radin's experiments on psychokinesis, he explores how concentrated intention can lead to observable changes in the physical realm, mirroring principles found in magic. He emphasizes the challenges of stabilizing intention during such experiments, suggesting that the individual’s focused efforts can indeed yield significant results.
Consciousness as a Fundamental Aspect of Reality
Alternative Views of Consciousness
In addressing consciousness, Dr. Radin introduces the contrast between little 'c' consciousness (the individual awareness) and Big 'C' consciousness, representing a collective or universal awareness. He argues that understanding consciousness as a fundamental aspect of reality offers a pathway to reconciling scientific paradigms with mystical experiences.
Idealism vs. Materialism
This philosophical inquiry leads to consider the implications of idealism versus materialism in understanding consciousness and magical phenomena. Dr. Radin suggests that by adopting an idealistic framework, the study of magic and psychic experiences can be viewed more seamlessly within scientific explorations.
Evaluating Historical and Contemporary Figures in Magic
Historical Perspectives
Throughout history, many figures are heralded for their miraculous feats—magicians, alchemists, and psychics are often seen as adept in manipulating the unseen forces around us. Dr. Radin mentions individuals like St. Joseph of Cupertino, known for levitation, as examples of extraordinary capabilities that blur the lines between magic and observable phenomena.
Modern Considerations
In contemporary contexts, the work of highly skilled psychics challenges the prevailing skepticism surrounding esoteric practices. Dr. Radin highlights individuals with profound abilities, suggesting that everyone possesses a degree of latent potential, but only a few have honed these abilities to exceptional levels.
Conclusion: The Interplay of Intention, Magic, and Reality
Dr. Dean Radin's insights on magic illustrate the intricate dance between consciousness and reality. Through the lens of both scientific inquiry and esoteric traditions, we uncover a deeper truth about our universe—one where magic, intention, and consciousness coalesce. As we continue to explore these phenomena, it’s clear that the boundaries of what we perceive as reality could be much more porous than we believe.
By bridging the gap between science and spirituality, we not only enrich our understanding but also open doors to possibilities that challenge conventional boundaries of knowledge.
This article is a reflection of Dr. Dean Radin's extensive research in the fields of parapsychology and esoteric traditions, emphasizing the reframing of our understanding of magic, intention, and the fundamental nature of consciousness.
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aloud conversations on the Leading Edge of knowledge and Discovery with psychologist Jeffrey mishlove
significance of magic and I mean magic in the esoteric sense of the word my guest is Dr Dean Raiden who is currently
the president of the parapsychological association he is the chief scientist at The Institute for noetic sciences and is
a distinguished professor at the California Institute of integral studies he is also the author of The conscious
Universe the scientific truth of psychic phenomena and entangled Minds extrasensory experiences in a Quantum
abilities and most recently real magic ancient wisdom modern science and a guide to the secret power of the
universe once again this interview is being conducted on Skype so now I'll switch over to the Skype
video Welcome Dean it's a pleasure to be with you in fact I've been looking forward to doing this interview for
quite a long time uh so I'm delighted that you're with me I know in your book real magic you start out with a very
striking statement that caught my attention which is that you've been researching magic the esoteric forms of
magic for 40 years but it was only in the last year that you realized it yeah that's strange isn't it yeah uh
I I I guess I was uh probably a bit overstated in that I always knew there's a relationship between Magic and psychic
phenomena but I really never thought of it in that sense we' we've been trained to ignore magic but then I thought well
I don't know the relationship is so close that it's almost silly to ignore it well in in fact in my experience
Paras psychologist at least certain Paras pychology have been overtly hostile to the esoteric Traditions they
often say we have nothing in common except this weak sigh that we're both interested in but we use the scientific
method and they obviously do not yeah and the they uh are the people who gave us science as we know it today
so the the best example I can think of is Francis Bacon who's probably the father of empiricism who was very
interested in these topics and even wrote about testing of what he called the uh the force of imagination which is
what we'd call a psychokinesis today yeah so this is deeply part of both science and psychic phenomena from the
very beginning MH will you report a very striking personal experience that I think really got your attention as as to
the nature of magic and uh perhaps you could recount that you mean the four part synchronicity yeah that yeah so
this uh I I don't know that this is Magic or not cuz I don't actually know what magic is for that matter I don't
know what psychic phenomena are either except that they're they're uh they seem to be related in some way so the
and I and a few others Ed May was there uh we were looking for a place to uh put our offices and it was the height of craze and So within Silicon Valley all the prices and the leasing rates were were enormous so we kept
looking further and further away we ended up in Los Altos which is the suburbs of Silicon Valley and found a
nice office in an office complex and then rented that so I forget how long it was but maybe a week or two later I was
looking at the list of other kinds of organizations that were in the same uh Office Park and one of them said uh
cquest Inc uh which I thought was uh we all thought was an interesting synchronicity because
after all we were involved in cyber search and this cquest Inc didn't say anything about what they did and I
passed to the office and it just said sidequest ink and no one was in there so I had assumed at that point that it
meant something like Personnel Services or something of that sort PSI uh so then another couple weeks go
by I walked to the office in a slightly different way and I noticed that the office adjacent to ours is called squ
labs and now it was more interesting because what is a Personnel Services Place doing with the laboratory so again
day after day i' go past see nobody was in there the blinds were closed about a month later finally I saw that there was
somebody in there could just see through the blinds and see that there was a man standing at the desk so I knock on the
door I'm all prepared to introduce myself the door opens there's a man standing there and he put up my hand to
shake his hand say hello I'm and he finishes the sentence by by kind of croaking in a strange way Dean
Raiden and yes I never saw this guy before didn't know who he was uh and he he looked like he was in the middle of a
stroke I mean he really looked quite shocked and so I was concerned about this and I I wasn't quite sure what to
do but after a few minutes he settled down and I asked him well what's what what are you doing here and he said well
I'm doing what you're doing what do you think we're doing well you're doing parisology said you're also doing
parisology yeah he was uh one of the lead designers on the Apple power book which is one of
their first laptop computers and they cashed out from Apple and did what he always wanted to do which by the way is
what a lot of people would rather do which is to study psychic phenomena except that he wanted to do it as a
business it's a for-profit business and he had ideas about how to do that so the reason he was so shocked when he opened
the door is because he had been engaged for a month in a Tibetan dream yoga practice where you can manifest what you
want and the practice involves uh 3 hours of being awake and then 3 hours of sleeping and continue this cycle for
days and days with the idea that during your waking hour hours you're consciously trying to manifest the thing
now he didn't expect that I was going to show up at his door but he did hope that he would find a way to contact me
because he wanted to me to be on his Board of advisers for his business and at that time nobody knew I
mean hardly anybody knew that I was in Silicon Valley especially not with a new organization out in the suburbs of
Silicon Valley so there wasn't any way somebody could have found where I was there was maybe five people who knew
where we were at the time so uh so I felt uh somewhat disoriented when he told me that because
I thought I had free will uh to both uh get that office it wasn't just my decision it was decision of a bunch of
us uh and I thought I had free will to go next door and knock on the door and you know that sort of disorientation was
the the notion that somehow he brought me into existence at that time in place cuz that's what he
wanted so the second part of the story is after he settled down and told me the story and we both recovered from our
shock he said uh would you like to see what I have here the laboratory said sure So it went in and it saw a
fabulously equipped Laboratory with a a large electromagnetically shielded room and inside the shielded room was all
kinds of need equipment including a special leather Rec reclining chair which is a kind of uh apparatus I like
shocked because what I had been doing for the prior month in my office which was adjacent on the adjacent wall to his
his uh laboratory wall was drawing on the board the things that I wanted to go into our laboratory which included most
of the stuff that was in his shielded room including that leather chair so I had brought into manifestation what I
had been thinking about the previous month and didn't know that it was on the other side of the wall from where I
happened to be so this is it's four parts of synchronicity that gets Wilder and Wilder along the way and in
retrospect I mean we we discussed it at the time uh it it was kind of shocking in retrospect it's almost it's
a little strange that it not even more shocking I mean we were kind of stunned at the time but then people have said
afterwards well did did you then create a collaboration I mean you're two people working the same and the answer was no
we didn't we were so disoriented by the whole thing that we basically went about our business and we're friendly with
each other and would say hello occasionally but we never collaborated so this may be what I mentioned in in
magical scale it's kind of frightening it it's if you could it could cause you to even forget that the
event took place uh and in worst places you deny that it ever happened in my case I'm not
denying it and I certainly didn't forget it but it it didn't as I said in retrospect it didn't have the effect
that you might think it would afterwards it was more like oh that's weird and then we go around our our everyday
business weird is an interesting word it comes I think from the Celtic tradition and I think it's another word that means
magical actually wyr D Yes actually the the origins of the word is fate it's it's almost a a synonym with
fate but it's it's a magical kind of Fate it's like you're you're you have a certain destiny that is going to play
out and if you notice it and if you can discern what that Destiny is you can make things happen that look magical but
it actually is just playing out your fate well it also seems as if the yian notion of synchronicity comes uh to to
the four here as well as the concept of psychokinesis right how does something happen how do you make something
happen I don't know but somehow that's that is what the magical Traditions are about intention can somehow shape
probabilities or something like that and uh cause events to nicely come to pass so you point out
in your book that uh Magic of this sort is real it's intermittent it doesn't work 100% of the time and you also point
out that there are many different spiritual Traditions that post warnings about magic and at the same time various
religions that warn people not to mess with magic also engage in magical practices right every religion that
involves prayer is doing a psychokinetic practice uh or they're doing a theurgic practice so if you're praying to give
honor to some dismod Ed invisible intelligence out there that's theor MH if you're doing an intercession prayer
or an intentional prayer for something to happen that's psychokinesis and so you're right that
this is part part of the bread and butter of virtually all religions and even not in a religious context the
whole affirmation shandre is exactly the same way MH so on the negative side uh as Jean Paul SRA once said hell is other
people in which case the the moment you you get the sense that you have power over other people it becomes extremely
seductive and that seduction makes you Darth Vader if you do something to override the Free Will of someone else
that's almost the definition of black magic and that's what Many religious practices and even just esoteric
practices remind us that if you try to or succeed in overwhelming somebody's free will you will pay for it well it's
interesting to compare the scientific study of Paras pychology which if if we include psychical research goes back to
1882 with the history of magic itself which is actually much older goes back at least to ancient Egypt maybe four
5,000 years probably back to Shamanism even even longer so although the traditions of magic have not to my
knowledge Incorporated the scientific method at least not very much uh they have a an ancient folk tradition and
there is a sense in in which folk ways are like science you know when things don't work they get discarded and when
that even the very Mo the most ancient magical practices within Shamanism were still a kind of
empiricism and if you you're working spells or doing ritual and they never seem to do anything well you don't keep
doing that so this is not to say that the grimo which have thousands of spells in them that they're all uniformly
correct a lot of them are Superstition uh but I would say that not all of them are Superstition and it
raises the the possibility and I haven't done this yet but it raises the possibility of taking a famous grimoire
and actually doing the rituals and seeing what actually happen so bring it up to date in terms of what we know
about scientific methods today and try it just try it again now in many cases they pretty most of the Spells are
benign but a huge number of spells are actually black magic because they're love potions and money potions and
things that would require the world to bow to your wishes in a way that would affect other people and so we may want
to go through a grimoire and take the ones that seem relatively benign and work with those and set the other ones
aside well you also refer in your book to something you call Gray magic and and specifically as I recall it it was what
is known as a binding spell uh can you elaborate on that yeah the binding spell is the idea that you place a constraint
on somebody else so that their actions cannot harm other people so there are uh which and warlocks who are putting
binding spells on Donald Trump for example to prevent he him or his administration from harming other people
and then so this is black magic in the sense that it's directly aimed at somebody else but for the the benefit of
of all so it it does go it's somewhere between white and black so it's gray magic and uh also I suppose uh for
people who are students of magic well there many different Traditions there's Egyptian magic and Tibetan magic and
magic in in the Hindu vadas and Western medieval magic they all seem to have very extensive lineages
and and literature and history and uh mostly similar but of course there are differences in each case right and by
the way contemporary practitioners of all of the ones you just mentioned yeah so so the uh it's true that a a
scholarly overview of magic would would the way Scholars dive into a topic is to look at the nuances of cultural and
history and language and so on between the different methods but because I'm writing a fairly short book here and and
I'm not a scholar of magic what I wanted to concentrate on were the similarities mhm so I I attemp to do a synthesis of
roughly 10,000 years worth of of material uh and that's why I I vastly oversimplified for for the purposes of
this book well I seem to recall an earlier conversation I must have had with you oh over a year ago probably in
in which you said you really started out to write a book about the scientific method and it ended up becoming a book
about the assumptions within the scientific worldview and this was this book is basically the uh Western
esoteric version of my previous book supern normal which is more about the eastern esoteric Traditions so this
partially just rounding out the Western and Eastern look at it but whereas he talked about the cities as far as
Eastern magic goes uh in the western tradition it's more about what we would call called Harry Potter type magic well
you uh have been doing paraschou I have to say you're probably up over a hundred published studies at
at this point and uh what can we say about how the findings of parapsychology inform our appreciation
studied in parapsychology against those that's a perfect match so divination is all about perception through space and
psychokinesis and Poltergeist and things of that sort and theor G is studies of medium ship and channeling and
near-death experience and that sort of thing so it's not as though there's something left out all of it is
contained within the studies that we do and it's I think it's more of a uh a sociopolitical reason why the handbook
of parisology in the 21st century which is a nice snapshot of the state-ofthe-art doesn't have the word
the context I think of shamanism but it's not a thing it's like not even a topic that that we would talk
about probably because we're wearing hats of scientists and Scholars and you don't talk about that stuff so I figured
it's it's ironic that within a field that's has a strong taboo which prevents people from talking about it that we
have a taboo within the taboo and I decided I don't like taboos so that's why I talked about magic and I know
you're getting even today some push back from other Paras psychologists who are very embarrassed uh that you're bringing
superstitions some of it is it's true but but it's also undeniable that the the relationship is there MH and so uh
would it matter for what we're doing in terms of our perceive credibility of the field and I would say it doesn't matter
at all MH because the perceived credibility of the field from a mainstream academic perspective is that
it doesn't have any credibility so how could you make it any worse what I'm trying to do is simply in a sense raise
the scholarship of of to look more carefully about what it is that we think we've been doing and more importantly to
look for Clues within the esoteric Traditions as to ways to think about the phenomena that we've been studying well
this brings us into the theoretical area and uh there you you raise some very interesting arguments you suggest that
reality as we know it is much more malleable than we tend to think well that is what anything in
parisology suggests right I mean the one of the summary statements that one can say about the entire database that we've
collected is that uh there's a relationship between subjective and objective that they blur into each other
that that like a one-sentence statement of implications of any kind of sici phenomena well the same is true of magic
that's basically what it says too that the world is malleable that the subjectivity can in some way interact
with objectivity so it's just cyber search by a different name uh it it doesn't have
the the same tools that we can bring in a scientific sense so the level of confidence about any particular magical
practice is not quite as high as what we can say about an experimental series but that the phenomena are basically the
same I think is is very clear mhm you um yourself have conducted some very interesting studies looking at this
effects well actually every experiment that we that we've done not just me but within the field that involves
psychokinesis is exactly that it's it's looking at how is it that some idea inside of your head is reflected in
the behavior of a physical system which could be human being at a distance that's what it's all about so yeah so
I've done that many many colleagues have done the same kinds of experiments well a actually in in my experience it seems
but that is primarily because uh most of the people doing these studies are psychologists so so they either don't
have interest in the physics side or uh maybe it wouldn't fit in with what they're doing uh if you go back into
1970s there are many more physicists involved in this study and not surprisingly they were interested in
psychokinesis mhm so I I have have training in both of those disciplines so I flip back and forth depending usually
on what the funding is well let's talk about the double slit experiments that you've
slit inter feters and double slit uh whereby um um now I'm forgetting his name Stan Jeffers
1998 they published two studies involving a double slid system uh Stan Jeffers is known as a major skeptic and
he reported no results and Mike Edon was at paay and they reported positive results paer being the Princeton
across that paper and I thought oh okay one of my strategies for doing this by the way is that I figured that in order
to try to push the envelope into the mainstream it's not to try to break into the mainstream but simply push it a
little bit you have to talk the language of of the of the discipline that you're interested in reaching so I thought okay
interferometer uh where we would simply see whether you could change the interference pattern by interfering with
the optical path with your mind now we we should talk about why the double slit is significant for that purpose right
well so but the Michaelson interferometer is essentially the same as a double slit it's just a different
Optical configuration they're both interferometers so the reason why n aerometer is interesting is because uh
if you if you gain information about the path that the photon takes as it goes through the interferometer whether it's
a double sit or Michaelson or MOX Ender or a whole bunch of other methods if you know where the photon is going then it
behaves differently than if you don't know and the knowing part is interesting because it's it's even not that you
literally know because you've seen it or you've taken a measurement or something it's said if you could know in principle
which is very strange if you could know in princip principle where the photon goes by the method by the apparatus
Arrangement it behaves differently than if you cannot know in principle so what I'm adding on to this then is to say if
you could know through Clairvoyance what the path of a photon is through an interferometer that should change its
Behavior it should No it should no longer be wav like it should be particle like that that's what you that's what
physics 101 tells us because we're dealing with this fundamental Paradox in quantum physics known as W particle
duality where something like an electron or a photon uh changes its very nature according to how the experiment is set
up right and so this is not a resolved issue I mean there are plenty of people have opinions about why this happens but
no one really understands it and the book that I usually recommend when people want to know about this in more
detail is uh is called um oh now oh Quantum Enigma Quantum Enigma is a a good book written by two physics
professors on this notion of how is it that somehow Consciousness or information or knowing seems to change
the behavior of photons or Elementary particles so so the double sit experiment I I first did the Michaelson
and then the double sit because it's considered the most beautiful experiment in physics is voted as such by members
Elementary and easy way to demonstrate that somehow knowledge of which path information changes the behavior so we
simply set up a double slit system I worked with a a opto electronics engineer who very kindly built us the
first version of this uh and it was a fairly small portable device and we started doing experiments we asked
people to imagine that they could see where the photons were going and pretty quickly we were getting results
suggesting that the interference pattern was changing in the direction as though the observation the mental observation
was so-called collapsing the wave function that was the first idea about what was happening here because you can
point back to people like John Von noyman and many other founders of quantum mechanics who said yeah
Consciousness is unavoidable related in some way to what is happening in the physical world and you may be able to
different interferometers different lasers different experimental ideas including one that one series of
that it wasn't as simple as observation collapsing the wave function because if that was the case you'd only get results
that would go in One Direction namely you you would only get more results that look like particles rather than waves
and in many experiments we did see that but not all of them sometimes we got a reversal a significant reversal as as we
see often times actually in parasal studies you you do a study you think you finally figured it out you do it again
and you get a significant result in the opposite direction so this either means that our intentions are not stable that
we we we think consciously that we're trying to get a certain result but unconsciously we were in some kind of
self-defeating mode and making it go backwards that's possible the other possibility is uh that especially in the
double sit experiments because we occasionally would get a reversal of the effect significant reversal that it was
not simply collapse of the wave function it was much more like we see in other psychokinetic effect effects where
there's something there's some influence going on but it is not stable according to your intention and even when we ask
people who are involved in these experiments did you keep the same strategy and intention throughout the
experiment and the answer is well they tried to but they couldn't because even experienced meditators start going into
mind wandering mode quickly and so one of the consequences of that is that often times a meditator would say
well you're trying you're giving an a concentration period of only 10 seconds that's way too quick I can't you know I
can't get into that quickly enough so I'd rather have like five minutes to kind of concentrate on it and I said no
I don't think so because we've done studies these same studies with the EGS and we can tell that their mind begins
to wander within a matter of seconds yeah so do like a like a major shot of your intention for 10 seconds
sometimes 20 or maybe 30 seconds and that's it and now stop and relax so it'll go back and forth between these
two conditions and very short bursts which is something that people generally don't do so we don't have people who are
experts at that but we do that to try to limit the degree to which people's minds will begin to
practicing various forms of meditation concentration visualization uh so that by by the time they're really proficient
at at these things they have many many years of uh practice and trial and error behind them and of course parapsychology
Laboratories don't usually work that way no the the only person usually in the laboratory studies that I do who have
thousands of hours of practice is me mhm when I bring in other subjects some of whom may be very experienced meditators
they've never done anything like this I still find that meditators do better because better than non-meditators
because at least they have some attention training they can do the task better than somebody who has no training
at all but you're right that for especially for focused intention work very few people actually do that and for
for long periods of time as a practice where I I've learned to do that because I've done so many experiments of this
type and I've used myself as subject repeatedly to test the system that I kind of have a a internal sense of what
it even means to do that so in some of more more recent experiments we're using what amounts to magical tricks to to try
to to help people do the task so what I mean by this is we're we're currently do an experiment using a plasma ball these
are the these little balls you can buy that ours is 8 in in diameter and has a nice plasma stream display and it's used
as a decoration they're using it as a PK Target so in in order to help people concentrate on the task which is to move
the plasma in One Direction or the other we have an effigy plasma ball it's the same size as the actual ball it's it's
not turned on but we ask somebody to try to move the plasma in certain direction which you can do if you touch the ball
if you touch the ball it'll draw the streamers to it so you touch the Effigy ball in the direction that you want to
move the plasma streams in the actual Target which is in the Next Room actually in our shielded room this now
embodies the task it's no longer a purely mental task it now you have to do something and it's essentially the same
idea as in Voodoo or as in any kind of magic involving an effigy and we find that even for people who are not
particularly practice in this kind of intention taking it outside of your head helps the process and we're getting
interesting results in that experiment well one of the main features of magic is the use of ritual and ritual can
the uh magical practices typically to my understanding pay a lot of attention to those sorts of details in in getting
results so that might be an area it sounds like you're beginning to explore that with the Effigy
ball yeah yeah I I've always thought it would be useful to create a kind of ritual uh that the subjects would go
through but without freaking them out right you're not going to start chanting in ancient Aramaic or something because
actually people I live in Northern California probably people do that anyway some people would be into it for
sure yeah some people would be into it but I still the I I view the the scientific experiment as a ritual MH it
already is a ritual I mean the the whole process is ritualized in many ways so so the Effigy is one step in that
direction MH uh other forms of what might be considered minor ritual is that we're we actually are fortunate and that
noetic Sciences earthrise Retreat Center which you can get to it's a Hilltop yeah it's on the hilltop off the
highway and basically in in the the transition between Marin and Sonoma counties MH so you have to do a
pilgrimage to get there once there it's not clear where the laboratory is it's not marked
intentionally so when we bring a subject into the lab uh we we go down a winding path and we
go into the basement of somewhere and we even staff members who have worked at Earthwise many of them have no idea
where the laboratory is so they of course they' like to do the experiments like anyone else does and even for them
it becomes a ritual like walking into the forest and finding a secret place almost like an ancient alchemical place
that's it's in the basement all of that I think helps for the the the theatrical part or the
ceremonial part of getting somebody into a different frame of mind in the process of getting ready to do the experiment
and I think maybe that's one of the reasons our experiments tend to work pretty well well one of the Intriguing
features of parapsychology is that some experimenters such as yourself have really good track records and there are
other experimenters who seem to have uh the opposite effect anytime they walk into the laboratory things stop
working yeah which of course raises the whole experiment or effect idea I I think there definitely is something to
that there's something about the interaction with the with the participants I try to take myself out of
the picture at least as far as the direct participant and that I at least for the past 15 years or so I've had
research assistants actually run the subjects I almost never do that anymore it's partially because I don't have time
to do that but it's also intentionally to keep me as separate as I can get from being accidentally a subject in the
experiment itself now I know in your book you also point to certain uh advances I'll call
them that are taking place theoretically such as the uh writing of Bernardo castrip where he's really challenging
the whole materialistic metaphysics that most scientists subscribe to and is suggest ing that uh from a philosophical
perspective Bishop Barkley was was correct in in saying we don't know anything outside of our own
Consciousness everything we know is mediated by our Consciousness right all of all of our scientific facts are
inferences even ones that we consider to be the hardest of hard facts they're all inferences that we have to know and the
reasons for looking at the esoteric Traditions is that you have 10,000 years of certain ideas that are practices
based on it like our our Technologies today are a practice based on the scientific worldview well magic is a
Technology based on an esoteric worldview it's it's exactly parallel so if we if we uh don't simply dismiss
the esoteric ideas is ancient Superstition of course A lot of it is superstition but maybe not all what you
come come up with and trying to develop a what what are the philosophical assumptions underlying those Traditions
it all comes down to Consciousness as fundamental that's idealism so I then take that idea uh and say well let's
assume that idealism is correct and apply it to what we know in parapsychology does it provide a better
way or at least a way of looking at the data and beginning to understand it and the answer is obviously yes because if
Consciousness is fundamental meaning more fundamental than physics then suddenly things like psychokinesis and
any kind of of Clairvoyance or whatever they all become obviously correct or at least they're they're they it's no
longer have to make a plausibility argument because it's built into the assumptions themselves MH the problem
with idealism that people often point out is that it can evolve into copsis and and then nothing is real
basically and that doesn't work either so that's why I came up with this idea of thinking about the scientific
worldview as a hierarchy of disciplines with physics on the bottom and things emerge from from on top of that and just
say let's continue to use exactly that same set of assumptions so we don't throw away any textbooks but we expand
our assumptions which is what science has always done and we're now adding a new layer below physics and we're going
to we're adding on the esoteric layer of Consciousness somehow there's some primordial awareness that's simply out
there and permeates everything and from that emerges space and time and everything else that we know from that
perspective scientific materialism is Alive and Kicking is not going to go away but it's now seen as a subset of a
lar a more comprehensive worldview which includes something like idealism as a container of this special case which
we'll call Ideal call materialism so when you're referring to Consciousness in this context you you certainly don't
mean individual Consciousness right or ego Consciousness I I use the terms of little C and Big C in in the book to
refer to little c as the thing inside your head that you call me but that is composed of exactly the same stuff as
Big C which is the container that holds everything mhm so I think this is what like the Hindu phrase of Atman equals
Brahman that's what it's pointing at you see that in many different religious texts that your awareness your
Consciousness is a piece of like a holographic piece of some kind of universal awareness MH uh so that that's
that's how I make the connection yeah now many magical Traditions uh tend to uh invoke various spirit spiritual
entities uh demons or uh deities or Spirits or of of various types sometimes ancestors uh how do you evaluate
those from a a materialistic perspective those ideas are very very difficult to understand like we're talking about
disembodied intelligences essentially well that almost doesn't make any sense to materialism what do you mean there's
a disembodied and intelligent you need a brain to be intelligent that sort of thing yeah whereas if you take an
idealistic perspective then suddenly because everything has the potential of being aware because it's all made up out
of awareness then you have a huge range of possible ways that awareness can manifest so human embodiment is one form
but a Giant Gas bag out in space could be another form so suddenly the idea of disembodied intelligence is localized
intelligences becomes much more plausible whether it's star people from Arcturus or whatever who knows but at
least it it creates a different way of understanding the entire range of theery which is all about this disembodied
Spirit thing in a way that materialism has a very difficult time withh uh another feature of your book is is that
you point to certain individuals who seem to have very very pronounced psychic abilities and you suggest that
these psychic Superstars uh that are rather rare but may also be the equivalent of the great
so-called magicians or Alchemists or Magi astrologers divers and so on in the past yeah so I use your example of the
PK Man Ted Owens as a more contemporary version of what looks like a real life Lin mhm able to do large scale things
more or less on demand whether they're PK or precognition who who knows but big stuff and they also used uh St Joseph of
copertino as an example of a levitator and DD Hume as another example of somebody who's able to do amazing stuff
with thousands of witnesses MH so if if you go through the the whole Litany of cases where there individuals who seem
to have really remarkable abilities it is extremely rare So it maybe we're talking about one in 100 million or even
one in a billion people but that leaves room over our history that occasionally you'll have
somebody who is not just psychic but super psychic in many ways and especially when it when it
comes to the the uh s perception that's probably not so rare M so I mean there we're talking about
maybe 1 in a thousand or 1 in 10,000 people who are really talented at it so it's relatively common from that
perspective and most people even untrained can get a little bit of evidence enough to convince themselves I
remember one time I gave a a workshop in Jamaica and there this was mostly composed of British people who are going
to Jamaica for um for vacation for this workshop and so I I did a remote viewing uh exercise where people had to guess
what the next picture would be and so they they all made a sketch and they drew things one of the people in the
group was a very proper British solicitor so an attorney but a high level attorney attorney in the
government and he did a a an okay drawing of of the thing that was the target he was just shocked he couldn't
get over it for days and he kept showing people look look look what I drew and this is the target it's like he had a a
mental breakdown or something from my perspective I was thinking well yeah that's sort of normal
people can do that from his perspective it was it was transformative so it's not that rare whereas these these major
figures in history are able to do things like literally levitate that's pretty rare that's
pretty rare yes indeed but I suppose one could say you know highly developed disciplines such as Athletics
uh you you have a whole sociological system that that funnels people in so you're going to get uh you know great
athletic Stars the Michael Jordans of the world and the Tiger Woods and so on are able to rise to the top and
everybody uh can see them and applaud what they do because there's enormous social support for that but in Paras
pychology and even in the esoteric Arts uh I don't think we find that so much I think this is because uh when somebody
does something that's strongly magical people initially have of a shock reaction but then they fear it yeah
because of the the moment that you have the the idea that somebody can read your mind you become transparent to them
that's frightening for most people the moment you have the idea that someone can affect you like your body or your
thoughts or your behavior that's even more freakish so most of of these kinds of abilities tend to frighten people and
anyone who has those abilities even to a relatively minor extent if they can avoid becoming Darth
Vader they learn very quickly to not demonstrate it this of course is part of the at least the magical traditions in
the East where you don't talk about the cities in the west it's also true that the sorcerers would would work in secret
so part of it was the secrecy protects the nature of the intention but part of it also is that it is
dangerous to be seen as somebody who has these abilities well it's it's just as true today I'm sure as it was in the
medieval times we it's only about a little over 200 years since witches were burned at the stake here in the United
States and they still are elsewhere in the world today yeah so it's dangerous so because of people's
fear people's fear right so of course the witch burning is part a a social uh issue as well I'm sure the vast majority
of people who were burned as witches were not in fact doing anything like that but the fear element is undeniable
yeah and and the case that you described at the beginning of our conversation of uh running into this fellow from cquest
I believe was the name of his business where he had deliberately endeavored to uh invoke your presence and there you
are knocking at the door uh it could have been a wonderful opportunity for collaboration but uh it became a missed
opportunity I suppose because of various subconscious factors some of it may have been that
yes the initially the I don't think I felt fear initially it was more like disorientation yeah I was thinking about
I thought I came here purely by myself but apparently not so there's a little of that uh I think it was more a
pragmatic issue of we were in the the process of raising funds and he was in the process of raising funds in a very
different way for a different purpose so our our directions as a nonprofit We couldn't collaborate too closely with a
with a for-profit because it would throw off our entire financial status so that was part of it as well I I see well Dean
Raiden it's been a real pleasure having this discussion with you you're doing very important work for the field of
Paras pychology and I'm sure uh you have more books to write and more research to do so I hope we can have future
discussions and uh keep up with all that you're doing as well I'd be happy to come back thank you Dean it's a pleasure
really alone now available on Amazon you can now download a free PDF copy of issue 7even of the new thinking
Heads up!
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