In today's fast-paced society, many individuals find themselves overwhelmed by stress and burnout. Yet, some have discovered a powerful tool: transcendent awareness. This article explores how shift ing from ego-driven actions to a state of transcendent awareness can unlock your potential, helping you avoid burnout while realizing your passions.
The Concept of Transcendence
What is Transcendence?
Transcendence refers to experiences or states that go beyond ordinary limits. In personal development, it signifies operating from a place beyond ego, logic, and emotion. This state allows for clarity in decision-making, free from the shadows of fear and anxiety. So how can we tap into this source of power?
The Role of Ego
Ego is often seen as a barrier to growth. It thrives on comparison and results, often leading to anxiety and a feeling of inadequacy. The grandiose vision of self can serve as a driving factor, but it also becomes a trap. Recognizing when we are driven by ego versus operating from our true self is crucial.
- Ego-Driven: A focus on personal outcome, perfection, and societal validation.
- Transcendent Awareness: Recognition of self beyond labels, fostering self-acceptance, and seeing obstacles as opportunities for growth.
The Process of Discovery
Finding Your North Star
The first step towards transcendent awareness is identifying your 'North Star'—a driving force or purpose that guides you. It could be your passion for ferret rescue, game development, or any endeavor that brings you fulfillment. Understanding what you truly value unlocks momentum in your life.
Cultivating Self-Expression and Self-Determination
When we engage in activities that allow for self-expression and flexibility, we inherently boost our happiness.
- Self-Expression: Engage in activities that genuinely resonate with you.
- Self-Determination: Ensure you have the power to choose how you grow, rather than being pushed into roles that stifle your creativity.
- For example, Christians were taught a strong life purpose, down to serving in their communities. This can be translated into many forms outside strict religious constructs, like using your passions to help others.
The Impact of Environment
Creating Healthy Boundaries
Physical space can significantly influence mental space. Defining zones for work, relaxation, and creativity can enhance focus and reduce the potential for burnout. When you delineate spaces, you create mental signals that tell your brain which function to engage.
The Importance of Community Support
Similar to Thor's experiences, surrounding yourself with a supportive community plays a crucial role in well-being. Sharing journeys and lessons can provide motivation, hold you accountable, and foster a sense of belonging. Community can transform your setbacks—allowing them to morph into success stories.
Managing Drive and Burnout
Understanding Your Energy Sources
One of the most critical factors in burnout is awareness. Regularly reflecting on your emotional state and the purpose behind your actions can help you recognize when to push through difficulty and when to take a break.
- Drive: Identifying what truly motivates you—beyond societal expectations—is essential for ongoing fulfillment.
- Burnout Prevention: Regular self-check-ins and accepting downtime as necessary for recovery prevent the spiral into burnout.
- A Powerful Reminder: Your worth is not defined by your productivity. Embrace life’s ebb and flows.
Transcendent awareness may be the key to unlocking potential, paving the way for personal growth and fulfillment. By recognizing contributions of self, distancing from ego's narrative, and cultivating an adaptable, community-oriented mindset, you can thrive in the chaos of modern life. Embrace the power of in-between spaces; the answers might just lie there.
I know that you are in the field of computer but if you're oh there we go if you're struggling I can use my racial
bonus to tech support oh is that is that what you get you get a racial bonus to that so I'm I'm you know I'm the kind of
person who like I've just gone through life and I've never like gotten proficiency skill in computers I've just
been writing that racial bonus it all Mak sense I I don't I don't know what my racial bonus is I'm just like generic
white guy so like what do I get I mean your your name is Thor that is true you have racial bonus to axes you have raal
racial bonus to hair that's true I do have that I have that bonus racial bonus to axes and hair possibly drinking maybe
I you I do have a high tolerance I just don't use it yeah so that's funny as how you been man so
you're doing good yeah doing really good in fact I've I've been able to execute on pretty much all the things that I
wanted to over the last like when was the last time we talked how many months has it been it's been a while but I I
absolutely loved our conversation I have no idea what I don't remember what we talked about but I remember just
thoroughly enjoying it yeah it was super awesome actually a lot of the community Pops in all the time and they're like I
just saw your Dr K video it's super awesome so like no it was super fun to talk about man I really enjoyed it as
well gave me a lot of stuff to think about and kind of doubled down on all the things that I was doing oh really
interesting can you tell me about that yeah yeah so like the stuff that I was doing with ferret rescue right so I've
kind of expanded the idea out for that now where we're going to be building the largest F rescue in in the United States
is the idea um I've gotten a piece of land so I moved or I'm in the process of moving we're waiting on the county has
finally approved the project to be able to build fiber there which is huge W so we're going to be able to build a
building that is going to be the largest fa rescue in the United States I'm going all in on that having a lot of fun with
it and hiring in people that are going to be full-time uh Veterinary work and and management for that so they can run
it and then we can have that as a side thing and uh yeah that's that's kind of like the big thing that I'm doing with
that the game Jam that I was running actually exploded so we did, 1400 games for that we ended up giving out $330,000
to the winners of that so we've helped fund those new new aspiring Studios for that so that was a huge winning for that
and then um I'm looking into either building a publishing house or working with a Publishing House to try and
direct that to help with new Indies wanting to get published in that direction so that's made me pretty happy
with that that's a that's a really long-term goal of mine that I had had and it's much more attainable now also I
hired on all of my moderators so everybody is now well six of them are salary right now we're starting with
half the team and then we're going to do the other half the team once we make sure that all this is financially stable
enough to do it and uh they all get benefits so medical benefits dental vision uh all the healthcare stuff that
I can throw at it basically and and retirement as well for all of that and I've set it up in a corporation so the
corporation's finally done did an ESC Corp so there's no way that I could ever IPO it it has to be you know I can never
go back on that promise we structured in that way to get rid of any perceptions that could happen and then made sure
that all of that was done in a way where basically the employees are going to be taken care of as much as possible cuz I
can't can't do this without them they can't do it without me that's awesome dude so basically just executed on
everything I wanted to yeah so so um can you tell me a little bit about what is game Jam so a game Jam is a whole lot of
people want to make video games right and they may not have sort of the the drive to do it they're like I don't know
if I want to do this I don't know how to start I don't know where to do this so you give them a two-e period and you say
you have a theme this is the theme for the game gam it'll be something ridiculous our last one was um it's
spreading right so like you're going to make a game around spreading mechanics in some way whatever it's going to be
and they build that game as a prototype and then they submit it and then we vote on it and then we give them feedback and
we try to basically build this environment where they feel safe failing you you should fail doing this it's
likely that you will not succeed so you get a a really good safe environment to fail at you learn a bunch of stuff and
then you move forward as a Game Dev and if you win it is likely that you will be able to take that to be a game that you
can go and sell on steam or show other people or whatever we want to do with it at that point you get buch accolades and
things like that so people build a game in two weeks yes oh yeah and it will usually be a prototype that's kind of
junky right but like they get the core of an idea of something that's really good really compelling and then they can
expand that out into the future we've already gotten dozens of games that have contacted us and said like hey I'm
planning on building a studio out of this now thank you for doing the game Jam I'm so inspired to do this or people
that say you know I didn't I didn't finish or like but but I I never felt like I was comfortable enough to make a
game I didn't think I could so they went did it the first one I ever did like this I actually tricked her community
into learning which was quite funny so many people were like I don't want to do that I can't make a game I can't program
and I was like okay then we won't do a game Jam about making a video game we'll do a game Jam about what you would do if
you did make a video game so they created what's called a game design document which is you make a piece of
paper that says everything you would do on the if you made a game all the tools you would work with all the things that
you would learn everything you needed to know how you would plan it out and then that was the first week of the game Jam
I was like it's just a week long Jam after the week was over I said okay second week bonus round go make the
Prototype and they went well I already know how I'm not afraid anymore I did all the research that it's easy and they
went and did it we had um I think it was 98% of the teams actually went forward and made a prototype on our first game
Jam as a result that's awesome dude yeah it's also interesting because that reminds me of something that we do in
Psychotherapy which is um so if someone doesn't want to talk about something we use this technique called going meta so
someone says like oh I don't want to talk about my relationships and you know totally fine to respect boundaries we
don't NE the goal isn't to push um but what we'll do is we'll ask people can you help me understand why you don't
want to talk about it totally fine we don't have to talk about it but what's your reason so what we do is like here
is the thing that is psychologically activating and what we want to do is move one layer like meta or one layer
like remove from it and talk about the obstacle to the thing that is that is scary and it almost sounds like y all
stumbled into that or thought of that right which is like okay we're not going to actually make a game we're going to
we're going to do something else that feels emotionally safer and moves us closer to the topic and then we often
times find that that's very effective at getting people to like open up yeah the basic idea I had about it was like
because I have a background in Social Engineering right it's part of my job part of my work and I was like the the
one thing that's stopping people is they're afraid and they're mostly afraid not because of anything other than they
just don't know what it takes and because they don't know what it takes they're worried about failing so I was
like well what if we structure that around exposing them to What It Takes and do it
in a way where it doesn't matter if they fail or not and it worked and it up working really really well so it was
kind of stumbling into that frankly yeah that's cool General understanding what is social engineering so social
engineering is when you were trying to either manipulate a situation to get a certain outcome with another person
right or um I use it more often to try and figure out what somebody needs in order to move forward or move past the
thing that's blocking them a lot of the times I used it when I was in you know offensive security to try get into areas
of access that I wasn't supposed to be in I roleplay as a character or I do anything like that to try and move
forward to do that you know to try and trick them into letting me have access where I shouldn't have access or get
information out of an employee that I shouldn't have a good example of this is let's say you're a customer service
representative and I call in and while I'm talking to you about my customer service problem that I have I say hey
I'm thinking about applying at your business and uh I'm wondering you know I can't really cook I'm not good at that
can you tell me what like the best places to eat in the area cuz I'll be there pretty soon for an interview and
then you tell me where you eat in the area and now I know where to go to be able to clone your badge if I need to
break into your office that is part of social engineering it's starting kind of a situation like that for an ulterior
motive is the idea and that's kind of what that first game Jam was the alterior motive was to get people to
learn so you can do it for good reasons but yeah that's so that's so interesting so what what so this is not coding what
you're what you're social engineering is it's people dissection right yeah Behavior
freaking no freaking is phone hacking so this is behavioral analysis social engineering is it's a very common thing
it usually comes down to acting and understanding body language and behavior but a lot of it is done by intuition not
through reading it is through learning that every time I learned it hilariously from playing Dungeons and Dragons
because I roleplay as a DM like I'm a DM and I have to role play a bunch of characters and I can see the immediate
emotional response from my players so I know how to act in certain ways streaming does the same thing for you as
well you immediately react to how chat is reacting you see the things that you say if they function or don't function
how you say things the inflection that you use all of that kind of stuff yeah super important that's so fascinating
because you said role playay as a DM and I was like oh that's interesting were you were you playing characters as DM
who's pretending to be a DM like that would be yeah pretending to be one yeah no
definitely um I pretend to be a DM yeah and uh I do sometimes it's good yeah that that's so fascinating so it sounds
like you've uh and the social engineering stuff is I think a really interesting topic of discussion because
that that too is something that so it sounds like a lot of what you do is very similar actually in a lot of ways to
what what we do or what I do which is also trying to help people understand what makes them tick and how to make
tasks easier for you to complete how to understand your mind and like how it works and your brain um yeah and so
that's super cool yours comes from a a very different background than mine though mine is very intuition based so
there are going to be gaps for me like 100% And I think that's really interesting I think it's interesting
that you have kind of two paths that lead to the same goal there in different ways oh give me a second this is my oh
hey what's up hey y'all I want to take a second to talk about star Forge PCS so I am in love with these gameing machines
because I love gaming the problem is that I started building PCS when I was 12 and I just don't have the time for it
anymore and if you really think about it like sure you can keep up with all the trends and stuff but chances are
especially if you're a healthy gamer you may have better things to do with your time so if you're like a college student
I love that they have the horizon line which is like more economical really solid gaming PC and instead of like
spending 15 hours following trends like you know study your your final and like get a better grade and then get a better
GPA then get a better job and then go live your life so if you're like me and you're like a professional and you want
to really solid gaming PC because you're a gamer but you also don't want to waste the time to figure out what's good and
what's not I highly recommend star Forge all of their PCS are built in Austin by Gamers who really know what they're
doing and if you're like me like you build a PC once every 3 years and you screw up the gel on the heat sink if you
know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about all this kind of crap you don't have to worry about
they're going to do everything for you it'll be a solid PC it'll run your games and this is the crazy thing every single
one of their PCS I've ever used also run Zoom at top specs so check out star Forge I absolutely love
them so you know it's interesting that you say that there's going to be Gap in yours um I mean I think that that is
undoubtedly objectively true but I think one of the things that I've learned about sort of like this dichotomy
between like science and spirituality so if you look at like Psychotherapy versus like let's say meditation
training the yogis and these like Buddhist monks and people like that they sort of had a sample size of one and
they were just interested in the subjective they were not interested in um objectively what is correct for all
of humanity they were interested in what works for an individual yeah so their their laboratory was a single
person the interesting thing about the Western perspective we think it's Superior because it's scientific and
scientific is about objective Truth The Challenge is that the application of science to an individual has a big gap
so even though we have a study that shows that cognitively reframing is healthy it it doesn't teach us how to
cognitively reframe so that is actually a subjective process so so I I think when when you say it's primarily
intuition I mean that I think is an interesting thought but I think that just because it is subjective or a
personal exploration does not mean that it is inferior to science I think it's experiential more I guess is better than
the intuition way of saying that it's more experiential so it's it's based on my experiences and it's based in uh not
in a clinical setting it's more in a in a you know out in the world setting so yeah that makes more sense definitely
yeah that it'd be interesting to kind of compare notes yeah definitely I think the biggest Gap that I get in that
regard is terminology there's going to be terminology like I said last time terminology is just going to be missing
because of that because it's it's like I learned this thing out in the street you know yeah no but I I think that that the
terminology is it's really interesting because you mentioned that is there's actually a an interesting study I forget
what it's called it's something report back in the early 1900s there was a so medical education was not
standardized so like you had all these Med schools that were just teaching whatever the hell they wanted so there
was some report I'm blanking on the name that um analyzed like the different medical schools and like tried to figure
out like okay is there any consensus here and in the process of that report they also point out that medical jargon
is specifically obtuse yeah to try to keep regular people from understanding and preserve
the status of like a medical doctor that's why they use Latin for everything instead of just saying like oh you have
like you you know osteoarthritis as opposed to my my knee hurts yeah um so it's it's really interesting because the
terminology is actually used to gatekeep yeah I I think it's actually funny is that reminds me of Idiocracy though
because if you go too far in the other direction you end up getting something that makes no sense where you're like oh
my bones suck you know like okay but what does that mean you know like yeah there's a lack of precision yeah a
little bit yeah we see that I think a lot with our emotional vocabulary where we're not precise about what we feel and
what we think um when I I think a lot of times people lack the kind of words to express that though not not to discredit
or say that that's that's like their fault or anything it's just many people don't talk about emotions they don't
talk about their feelings and like Society doesn't like you to do that a lot of the times frankly and I think
that sucks yeah yeah I I think it's it's absolutely something that is discouraged so one of the the best examples that I
can think of is that everyone says that communication is important for a relationship you know they'll ask you
like oh like you've been married for 40 years what's the secret they'll say like communication communication
communication what does that means yeah yeah what does that mean so one yeah go ahead super common it's it's just a
super common thing and it's true it's like communication matters but it's like what what does that communication entail
it means telling your partner you're upset it means telling him that you are upset that you don't like the thing
that's going on telling him why you don't like that thing it means and to be honest with you sometimes it means
Fighting Man sometimes it means having a verbal argument not a physical argument obviously but a verbal argument about
something is sometimes that's what what's needed if there's an emotional thing on the table and it's it's deeply
distressing having a verbal argument about it is normal there's nothing wrong with that just don't make it bad you
know like okay take it too far I think that's that's certainly an important part I I think one of the things that
worries me there are a couple times that you know I've talked to people about their relationship and one of the things
that actually worries me one of the things that I consider sort of a yellow flag or red flag is a lack of
conflict yeah so often I learned that in the past in relationships M it's like wow it's perfect until it wasn't and we
didn't have any practice fighting we had no practice having arguments the entire time and then we had an argument and it
was real bombastic and that sucked you know and it actually it self-destructed the relationship because it was like we
went from this Whiplash of just like perfect perfect perfect everything's fine to we fought you know argument real
bad couldn't recover from it cuz there's no there's no like getting rid of the stress over time it was just like a
powder kick it was like a pressure cooker right so it all goes off at once you have to you have to argue sometimes
you have to make that known it's interesting I I I did a lecture a couple months ago I think we uploaded it to
YouTube about how red flags early in relationships are good so like this really yeah it's super fascinating So
like um like I would say 50% of successful relationships that I've seen as a psychiatrist I don't do a whole lot
of couples counseling so I have a lot of patients who have very healthy relationships and when I ask them about
like the start of their relationship um they're like they're usually red flags like in in half of the
cases they're like solid red flags so in one case uh 22y old what kind yeah 22-year-old um with basically no career
prospects uh asking out a 16-year-old right so big big big big big no no oh um with with parental awareness
so there was nothing Shady so like the person like went over to the 16-year-old's house and was like hey I
would like to take your daughter on a date and parents were actually like okay with it um and how old is a person
22 oh man maybe 21 even then yeah so right that's what I'm saying they're they're like they're
happily married now and like they've been married for you know like 20 some years and they've got kids in a life and
and all this good like it's it's crazy started weird started weird started weird and and the interesting thing is
that you know the the parents were really like like cuz the the the the guy was quite I mean they were like quite
impressed and they're like this guy seems like respectful and decent and also like seems like to really care
about you know she's I feel like that hey look I'm telling y'all it's it's red flag is
early I'm not I'm not suggesting largest red flag yeah yeah that's seen it so another another really good one is
like uh so two people met at a professional event like a conference and then they like text back and forth and
they like make it a point to like go to conferences where like one person is and that's like the start of their
relationship where like hey are you going to this conference okay like if you're coming then I'm coming and it's
like they're not not dating they're just texting back and forth and then they like show up and for a period of like a
year they're just meeting randomly at conferences for like you know every two or 3
months and and so that that's the kind of thing where it's like you know flying halfway across the country to see
someone that you're not dating and you've got a professional reason to do it like you can go to the conference and
make it worthwhile but to do that repeatedly like you know another red flag it's a little weird it's a little
weird I I don't know if that one's as big of a red flag to me it's just a little strange it's like there's there's
various kinds you know yeah there's definitely yeah different kinds I think the interesting thing is that when you
have a red flag early it gives you an opportunity to like work through some negativity and so what tends to happen
when we look for green flags is exactly what you described which is like oh this person's great great great great great
great great and there aren't like challenges and then when a challenge comes along like your your ability to
deal with challenges is like underleveled whereas when you're with someone who
there's some kind of conflict early on like it lets you level up your conflict resolution skills I think that actually
happens over time with multiple relationships too like as you have relationships throughout your life you
will have ones that fail and you learn stuff from each one of those and you get better at conflict resolution you get
better at communicating you get better at finding out what's the Line in the Sand for you right of like what works
for you as a person and what you need in a relationship and I think many people don't really realize that like I had a
bad relationship now I'll never have one again it's like no you will you'll have more you should have more and you'll get
better at it it's a skill like everything else right yeah I I think this theme of being safe to fail I think
that's the challenge is I see that so much um in relationships which whereas people instead of thinking about it as
something that you will get better at better at over time you have a relationship and if one person considers
you Unworthy of love then a lot of people will make a conclusion in their mind once again not their fault that I
am unlovable um it's funny you see the same thing in work as OD as that is when
someone gets laid off from a job M it's very similar in terms of the reaction which is I got laid off from a job I am
worthless because I tied my emotional self to the status of that job or I tied my emotional self to the status of that
relationship that's never healthy I never think that is at all like you are still an individual person outside of
that and I I find that happens far often very very often yeah so there there's a lot of interesting uh Neuroscience
evolutionary psychology and kind of like yogic stuff around that so the the tying of the
self to a particular aspect is something that speaking of terminology in Sanskrit is called the aamar or the ego right so
like we have huh that's one I actually know oh okay so that's what I actually know yeah so the the ego is when our ego
gets tied up into something and I think this is something that's so confusing for people is that they don't realize
that they are not their ego so I have a conception of who I am which is not who I am it is just a conception I I found
some of that is is also very cultural um so like I've been to France before and something I found in France is if you
ask someone what do you do they don't tell you their job they tell you their Hobbies they tell you their interests
they tell you things that they like and you're like no but what do you what do you do but here in America you say what
do you do and they're like oh this is my job yeah so like it's a defining Factor here where it's not a defining Factor
there of what you do for a living right and I I think that ties the emotional status to that much more because like
your title Your Role is who you are here and that's not the same everywhere yeah it's it's a great point I think it's
absolutely cultural um anyway what I don't think either one is wrong they're just different you know
yeah so the yogis would say that all identification on some level is wrong whether you identify with being yeah so
interesting yeah how do you have a sense of I guess you don't have a sense of self at that point you wouldn't have one
no no you all you have is a sense of self you don't have an identity so sense of self without
identity I understand okay I think I understand what you mean so sense of self with completely that identity you
don't have the extraneous Factor defining who you are AB yeah just the internal Factor so so the best way I
would describe it as like if you're on a desert island for an hour and you close your eyes and you just exist on the
desert island and imagine that in that hour what you experience is the entirety of your
life okay right so then like you're not going to have a social like you'll exist you'll be there you'll perceive things
you'll enjoy things you'll be frustrated by things but this overarching sense of identity that carries over from day to
day you just exist for that one hour right you don't have that broader identity you don't have a social
identity and then the really interesting thing is that if you really look at your life
your life is a string of those hours right your your life is just existing this moment and then existing
and then all of all of our sense of identity is actually abstractions that are strung together they're not based on
our experiences there external there external factors that we apply to that to tie them together if that makesense
tying together is the right is the right operative word right so when we string together a set of experiences like a
good example of someone who thinks they're a loser there's no such thing as a loser they look at all the negative
pieces and they say I'm a loser because yes they they string together unique experiences whereas those things are
losses so you can lose but the identity of a loser is not something that is like a physical reality it's not real yeah
it's not it's a per it's a perception issue that's really all yeah and and when when things are fed through the ego
when our ego is the one that is doing the perceiving then we end up with all kinds
of perception issues yep no that makes a lot of sense I can understand that no yeah no it's it's always interesting to
see like perception drives reality more than anything else it's it is absolutely the case and you get people that are
stuck in these weird perceptive Loops where they're like I suck they're like well why do you suck and they're like
because I made a mistake when I was 12 you know like like what look at all the stuff you've done outside of that right
look at all the things that you've done since then what all the things you've accomplished you like you live your own
you have you have your own your own place to live you have your own job whatever it's going to be you've
accomplished all these goals you have a cool relationship yeah but I made a mistake when I was 12 like okay like you
have to that kind of a perception can tear someone down even though it's it's not based in reality it's based in just
that you know that little piece of a memory that doesn't really matter yeah I I I think uh like I'm on the shtick
recently where over the last year I've been focusing a lot like in my own life and with people that I work with on
perception so I think perception is the one aspect ECT of cognition that we tend to not
underdeveloping our perception we'll think about improving our logic even our emotional
awareness um we'll do certain cognitive skills to improve things like like become more productive overcome emotions
the one thing that I think is actually the worst thing in society right now is that everyone's perception has become
very very weak so like I agree no I fully agree with that we see it mostly on uh social media you see it mostly on
social media you have people that have extremely like extreme opinions rather than having nuanced approaches to things
they don't know how to perceive anything beyond the exact thing that they've hyperfocused on in that one area they
don't know how to see a greater picture beyond that e and it usually comes across as they don't want to that
they're they're being you know jerks or anything like that a lot of people who are in those positions don't believe
that they're being jerks they're just hyper fixated on one little tiny thing and their perception isn't wide enough
to see the rest of the picture on that and that's not like a that's like a malicious thing a lot of the times it's
just a failure to expand the perception and I it sucks right it's made the internet really toxic it really has so I
I think that that there I would agree that social media and especially like these short form pieces of stuff don't
add for so so the the smaller the bit of content is Yeah the more our mind has to fill in to add to
it people are trained to get a dopamine Rush from that short content when it's not even when it's not positive when
it's destructive yeah yeah so so I I wouldn't say they're trained I'd say it's it's taking advantage of a
biological certainty sure yeah right and it's not it's not so what we know is that or my running Theory I think
there's plenty of support for this is that um emotional oscillation is what keeps people engaged in
content okay so I could see that if it's too dop and energic you'll actually develop tolerance it's just like if you
play a video game for 10 hours like you're not having fun on hour eight the reason you continue to play is because
of other mechanisms it's not fun right it's like achievement finishing out a particular round grinding towards a
particular goal that's why they have all those things because the if you really think about it like especially like MMOs
right grinding is not fun it's never been fun but people will do it for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours
to get the thing at the end yeah yeah so so so no that makes sense it kind of reminds me of
kind of like hunter gatherer sort of behavior how so we so I'll give you an example I go mushroom hunting right I do
micology so we'll go and find um like different mushrooms here in Washington yeah I do I love it it's super fun right
I raise uh oyster mushrooms in Lion's man and chake and RI mushrooms super fun for me to do I really enjoy it and um
doing mushroom hunting here in Washington state we can actually go and get like um King bites King bites are
awesome but you're walking around in a swamp and it's just gross everywhere and then you see like a oh holy crap I got
the big king B they're like this big they're huge man and like I've got a bunch of pictures of them they're quite
cool I can send them over to you but uh there's this moment where it's like gross gross gross gross gross and then
you find it and you're like wow I got that and it makes me wonder like how far back does that kind of trait Behavior go
for humans because that's a survival trait AB that's a we survived because of this and now now it's being used to sell
you things on the internet but like yeah so Thor it's it it always amazes me how intuitive you are about understanding
some of these things so like um there's actually a lot of really interesting studies that were done in the mid 2000s
the early studies on video game addiction really discovered that it is the denial of the reward that correlates
with addiction right so so some people kind of think about this is like random reinforcement schedule where like you
don't always get but it's not just the randomness there's another part to it which is if you look at like from
software games like why are they so satisfying it's because it's hard to achieve right so like like you you wipe
on a boss you wipe on a boss you wipe on a boss and then you get so the the rush of dopamine that you get correlates with
the amount of denial and difficulty yeah and everyone who beats that boss when another person sees you do it they're
like I beat that boss and I understand how difficult that was end being a cultural like kind of group thing abely
so we we Society we value human beings based on the difficulty of their accomplishments
yeah right so absolutely and so the the real challenge is that this principle video games have figured out how to take
advantage of but the real challenge I'm just thinking about this concept of failure and making failure safe cuz like
the whole thing that's that's really interesting is the more you fail in life and if you feel like you're a
loser in the same principle of video games where the harder a boss is to beat when you beat the boss you feel really
good so the really interesting thing is that the more You' failed in life the more I will see like a rebound so when
people are super super behind and they get one break you will be amazed at how quickly they can catch up yeah that's me
I got my ass kicked for a long time yeah and and that's that's the real tragedy is that people who think that they're
losers in life they think that there is a linear like you know I the race is linear right but it's not you can ab you
absolutely have this weird potential energy which is like building up so I'm thinking about one particular patient of
mine who was like 32 years old when I started working with them and they had struggled with addiction their whole
life I think they finished undergrad and then in the span of like two or three so they were like basically not quite
homeless but they were financially dependent on on someone that they were close to like didn't have a career like
you know just really really bad uh worst possible scenario yeah yeah right and and then within two or three years they
wrote a novel they became a therapist themselves and like got healthy like got into a healthy relationship and in like
three years like they went from like Zero to Hero you know and like they've got a stable job they do work that pays
them well and like they find like invigorating and and gratifying and in addition to working 32 clinical hours a
week they spend 30 hours a week working on their like fiction novel and they like wrote a novel and in the span of
three years it's just amazing how much someone can accomplish and looking at what what they were how they were at the
age of like you would never know that this person was behind yeah it's the same
thing like um I've got a buddy on here primagen he's another streamer programming um he talks about it all the
time he used to be he was a meth addict right he was addicted to meth and he managed to dig himself out of that went
to work at Netflix awesome programmer now has quit Netflix and now does this stuff fulltime and is like kicking a
huge amount of ass dude is amazing yeah and it shows you and it's funny too because people contact me they're like I
Str struggle with addiction and I you can't really fix that for them a lot of times you just say hey look over here
you can see that people can get out of this and then you show them like it is possible and I think that that does a
lot of good A lot of the times is just showing them it is possible to succeed even in that very rough scenario that
you're in you know yeah so that's usually what I do is I'm like look at Prime he did it you you can it is
possible to do this but you'll have to find your route you know yeah I think that's the challenge right is that's
where the ego comes that's where the ego comes in and the ego says they did it but I can't do it because I'm different
yeah that's the that's the biggest thing is it ends up being you you end up being Your Own Worst Enemy there that's the
the best advice that I have for that one is then make a bet with yourself tell yourself okay I'll see if I can do it
I'm going to give myself three months I'm going to see if I can I'm going to put that to the side I'm put all the
fears to the side I'm just going to do this we're going to make a bet if that is right if I can't do it then at the
end of three months I'll have accomplished nothing but if the end of three months I made even a step forward
of progress then it means that I can do this and I can keep doing this and it's just a short BET right and what do you
got to lose nothing really you know so people try when they're given that kind of idea like oh I can just make a bet on
this I could try it and they'll usually find that in three months they've made some sort of progress and they can look
back and they be like now I've documented evidence I'm kicking ass I can keep moving forward and they just
keep making the BET and I found that works really really well especially for people that don't believe in themselves
and it's usually because of like impostor syndrome you have like an imposter syndrome scenario where someone
just has that little voice in the back of their head that's telling them you're not good enough you're not going to be
able to do this and I find that that is more of a defense mechanism than anything else they're trying to protect
themselves from failure so if you make that little bet and you say hey I don't believe you but we'll find out if you're
right or not and it it works you know yeah so it's really interesting because I I think there's a lot of cool
mechanisms that play there and I I I love the the Str the strategy so a couple of things that I'm kind of
hearing the first is that there's a really fascinating study about feeling overwhelmed
so a lot of times people think that feeling overwhelmed is a consequence of how many things you're dealing with
right so if I'm dealing with 10 things then I'm going to feel overwhelmed like this is objective so I think it's very
subjective it's very different for every person so so so it's it's really interesting but what what there's a lot
of research on anxiety which shows that the degree of overwhelmed you feel does not correlate with the number of things
that you have to deal with so you can deal with one thing or 10 things that's not what that's the feeling of
overwhelmed is what percentage of things that you were dealing with did you choose to deal
with I agree with it so there's this this concept called active challenges and passive challenges passive
challenges are like aggro like there are like challenges in your life that aggroed you when you were like walking
down the street so things like oh you know my parents have cancer or something like that like or
some Jesus yeah that's bad aggro like you know some negative downturn in the economy like things that you can't
control so the really interesting thing is that there's your your mind keeps a ratio like subconsciously of stuff that
I signed up for stuff that I didn't sign up for and when the majority of my life is doing things that I did not sign up
for this is what leads to burnout so the really crazy thing is and feeling overwhelmed and then like not actually
being able to deal with those things so the crazy thing is that if you're feeling overwhelmed in life the right
move is not to do less it's actually to take on more that is intentional things that you can control absolutely so if
there are like five things that I'm dealing with that are outside of my control to to take on two things will
actually improve my performance over time I actually really like that that's not something that I've ever thought
about in that direction I think that's that's really interesting because usually when it's when it's something
like that I I had never drawn the correlation between things that you did control or did not control and it's true
I've seen that for myself many times right where where I'm dealing with a whole bunch of things and I can handle a
whole bunch of projects spin a bunch of plates no problem and then you have something that's like throwing a wrench
into the machine and it's like oh you know it's like now I gotta handle this thing you know it's so irritating yeah
and I I think it's get I'm sorry go ahead I was saying I get that that actually makes complete sense and it's
not something I ever thought about yeah yeah so I I think when we you know when I first heard what you've been up to it
sounds like you had done this feret Reserve this game Jam you're working on their Publishing House it also sounds
like you're streaming I don't know if you have like a a job um this is the job okay yeah so so you're a full-time I I
didn't know oh yeah um so you know it's interesting because someone will look at that and they'll they'll think like oh
my God like this person is doing so much how is Thor super human well he is he does have that I sleep five hours a day
that's the Superhuman part that's the mutant um but but I I think that's what I tend to find is that when people take
on more they tend to do better and the other really interesting thing is that when you give someone this three-month
challenge it moves them out of the realm of cognition and into the realm of action and any shift from cognition to
action is almost always a good one and when people are just stuck in their own head like what's going to
happen is your mind will play through all these different scenarios that'll be hypothetical but you won't ever actually
get additional data to counter your perceptions that's the biggest problem with it is it's you you have to have you
have to have evidence otherwise the perception is just going to take over like if if you're sitting there telling
yourself you can't do it all day and you don't have any evidence to the contrary you're probably going to believe it you
know and if you give yourself even a moment to have any type of evidence you can defeat that immediately like well
what about that and it just disappears you know it floats away so I I think it's challenging because depending on
your mind your mind will shape the evidence so so what happens for a lot of people is that you know they will try
things and in their mind they acted but it's so challenging because our mind can shape our
experience yeah um and there there ways to kind of get around that but or there are ways to clean out what our
experience is so that it's more objective as opposed to not being shaped by the mind but that's a really tough
one to be honest with you changing it from like the subjective opinion to the objective opinion of what's going on
especially when you're the actor involved in that right when you're the one taking the action that's really
difficult for people yeah so it it it turns out it comes back to perception so if you look at like any action that you
take there is the objective reality and then there is what your mind adds to the reality so what is the significance of
someone not calling you back today what is the significance of an email from a company that says hey we really liked
you but we just don't have a position that fits at the moment yep and some people will interpret that as oh they
don't like me and some people interpret that as they do like me I have value but they don't
have a position that fits yeah so some people that's why I like analytics so much like that's something that I I
drive a lot of our businesses based on analytics right and I do that specifically because it's an immutable
fact it's it's one of those ones where it's like you have this thing that is evidence of what's going on Beyond
whatever your perception could be you could have perception that may back it up and move in different directions for
ideas you can try but you have solid evidence of what is going on how do you use analytics I use analytics for
anything that we want to do in terms of business Direction so anytime I'm doing anything I find out if people like that
thing we kind of do tests on it and be like hey I talk about this thing or we look at some game or anything like that
if I'm getting a sponsor in right and we play a sponsored game I go and show them analytics be like this is how many
people wanted to engage with this people may find that the game is really fun to watch they just don't want to play it or
people may find that they want to stop watching me to go play the game so like if you're streaming a video game that
you've been sponsored for and suddenly half of your audio audience disappears a lot of streamer would would probably
freak out they'd be like oh no people hate this but if you go and look at the analytics on steamdb for the game you
may find that the amount of players in the game has skyrocketed it as a result of this they just stopped watching you
to go play it because they thought it was compelling enough so you have to use analytics to kind of get rid of whatever
worried perception you can have because it's it ends up being a fact right and you can you can find that out as an
example of this is quite funny one of the best watched videos that I have on my YouTube is me playing through outer
Wilds but one of my worst stre days was outer Wilds because at the beginning of that stream I told people don't watch me
play this if you haven't played it before because it'll ruin the game for you and they left it was like two-thirds
of the audience just left so it's like the worst viewership I've ever had for that kind of a stream but the best
YouTube video because they after they played the game they wanted to go see how I experienced it after they could no
longer be spoiled yeah so you have to use analytics you have to otherwise you just you run into these weird walls
where I would have a negative perception I'd be like oh well I should never touch that game again you know but like no you
should you should learn about that you know yeah so it was interesting I I gave a a talk at I think GDC about two or
three years ago I forget yeah um but I was I I was talking to some advertisers about uh
sponsorships and and one of my beliefs is that I know a lot of sponsors want a 60-second thing within the first like
two minutes of the video yeah but I I was explaining to them that I think that if you really look at like user behav
Behavior a sponsorship at the end of a video that is tightly tied to the content of the video will do way better
than something at the beginning cuz everyone's like we want more eyes but those eyes are not engaged right so so
people are like oh this is like they'll just get past it whereas if you have a sponsorship that is at the end of the
video related to the topic of the video I suspect that the user Behavior will be a lot better like in terms of what
people like even the fewer people will watch the the ad um their ability to engage with what whatever the advertiser
or the sponsor ultimately wants may actually be way higher so I think there's a lot of challenges with the way
that we get data and we see this a lot like in in the content creator like burnout management stuff that we do
where like the the internet gives us in platforms give us a lot of data that I don't think is actually helpful they
just give it because that's what they can measure this is the big problem with dating apps is that they can't measure
the things that actually correlate with like success in a relationship they can just upload pictures and you can write
things about yourself but there are no studies that show that making a good bio like correlates with relationship I mean
I'm sure that that would be true in a sense that because it's got to get you more dates but if you look at the things
that correlate with success in relationships they're not things that dating apps can detect or select for you
also get a lot of really weird gotcha images and things online that I find where people will be like look at how
many times I had to send out a thing before I got one reply and it would be like look 5,000 you know dates and like
it's one relationship and I think those are pretty misleading as well because it doesn't show you the full story there of
each of those interactions like how many swipes you did or anything none of that matters frankly well I find that to be
very I think it's incredibly misleading for a whole host of other reasons oh yeah there's a lot of reasons there it's
misleading but I think that one is that one is demoralizing to people in a way that's weird like really bad you know
it's not it's not benefiting anyone to put that out have you heard of this concept of the missing missing Reon
no so this is so fascinating I I got to send youall this link this is one of the most brilliant psychological
Explorations that I've seen sent you the mushrooms by the way okay cool thank you so the there's like if you look at
posts online especially about relationships there's this great psychologist I think or maybe it's not
even a psychologist who wrote this this book about the missing missing reasons so it is um so basically like when
someone shares a story on online there will be things missing from the story and the things that are
missing from the story are really where the money is right so someone will say oh like
I've been married for 30 years and then my partner just woke up and just walked out of the house and took my kids they
refused to talk to me they they they blocked me on all my numbers you know like and then they'll they'll like frame
things in some kind of like victim mentality but there's like stuff missing from the story
yeah and and so I think it's so common yeah so common yeah and and even in our own lives if you really pay attention to
the ego the cool thing about the ego is that the ego believes it's logical but it's very selective so the nature of the
ego is to ignore information that does not align with what you you your ego wants in that moment and so one of the
and even Carl Yung I know I'm kind of bouncing all over the place but Carl Yung I think discovered this when he was
talking about this concept of The Shadow which is even within our own psychology and in our own psyche there are parts of
our psyche that we actively suppress or ignore and if you want to grow those are the things that you need to confront
because that's really where the problem is and if you kind of think about if there's a part of life that you're not
looking at if that part of life is not fixed you will never be able to fix it and so a lot of times people don't
realize that you know they're living this life that things are going bad things are going bad things are going
bad and feel like they're a victim because this person screwed me over this person screwed me over this person
screwed me over you know the funniest thing about that yeah oh sorry go for it I think the funniest thing about that is
you can equit it to League of Legends or any competitive game oh if you're in bronze it is more likely that you're
going to blame the rest of your entire team for your team failing when you're not focusing on you doing better at the
video game which is going to increase your ELO so this happens all the time in competitive games like if you're in
bronze you deserve to be in bronze I've got a I've got a cool paper to show you hell yeah give me a
second but that's really what that is is like you you need to focus on improving yourself and improving your own
performance there not tearing down your teammates so it's not gonna help you this is I got to find it but what do you
mean it's always my team note ain't it's
uh come on where's this paper I know I've got got it come on you still can't carry four people no that's
true you can't carry all of your team all the time but in times where you could make a difference your performance
is what matters and you'll win more than more often that way and then you'll climb so I gotta I gotta do some
shenanigans on on my stream setup because I I got a screen share with you on Discord Shenanigans I can watch
the stream I can do that if that's easier um well I want to show people too so let me see if I can do this browser
plus 2 does this work oh sweet oh my god dude mods for the win this is great so now I can still see you and
show this so this is great oh yeah so cognitive flexibility in decisionmaking predicts expertise in the MOBA esport
League of Legends so look at this so you're saying that like you know when you blame your teammates all the time so
there's there's one thing that correlates with rank okay so data was analyzed by a means of correlation and
multiple regression analysis results showed that cognitive flexibility was positively related to rank percentile P
less than 011 um so this is a pretty big confidence interval so I don't know
exactly how they measure this but it seems like it correlates a lot with rank because this number is big but it's very
wide right so and what we're talking about is like the ability to pay attent like the ability to not
think the way that you're thinking that's what cognitive flexibility is so when people constantly blame their
teammates there's no cognitive flexibility right my team sucks my team sucks my team sucks they're not
flexible um let me just make sure yeah we don't need this one if you turn around you go but maybe I suck and then
you work on it you go and look at the analytics and you find out where were you sucking you you find out like if
your build is even making sense were you building you know magic into Mr Right you know basic stuff like that like you
have to you have to think about your own performance because you can't control your teammate's performance but you
definitely can control yours and that's the best thing you can start at and then if you're doing that you can set an
example for your teammates and maybe they modify their behavior well and then you win yeah so I I want to make this
video one day I've been recording myself playing DOTA and recalibrating on rank I mentioned this on stream a couple times
but I basically had an experiment so a lot of people will say like if you want to climb in video games like don't like
mute everybody because you'll tilt doesn't work that doesn't work it's so I I did this cool experiment I had two
accounts one that I use for streaming so that it doesn't leak my steam information and then I have a second
account but DOTA recently cracked down so I stopped doing this but um so I basically calibrated to both at the same
time but in one be the most toxic teammate is that what you're saying and then are you are you saying that you
played both both sides or you like no no so so I I played I I did my calibration matches because you can recalibrate like
every year so I did my calibration matches on both accounts but in one I was muted and in one I was talking I
thought you were trying to say you were toxic in one and not toxic was like no I mean I I could be toxic I'm sure that
that would be a greater MMR variation but like it it's amazing I mean I I think it was it was like an 800 MMR
difference which is you know like a couple of ranks I want to say it's like 20 percentile points un healthy gamer BG
it's finally happening and and when you learn how to communicate in games like it's amazing you can I mean you will
gain like a th MMR and there are all kinds of things you know speaking of relationships it's like the same stuff
like you got to learn you know like one thing that I found is uh instead of telling like uh my carry player to like
stop going to some part of the map after they die three times in that part of the map I will ask them hey do you want me
to place Wards so you don't die there again or do you want to play around where I have Wards like tell me what you
want me to do and like 90% of the time when I ask them what do you want me to do and I point out like hey I can play
around this and place Awards where you keep dying do you want me to do that what they'll actually do is just
switch to the right part of the map yep but if you tell themed to them yeah dumbass stop going there you keep dying
they'll I'm G to do it twice as much now and that's what they do yeah and that that makes sense because like if if you
if you had somebody come and attack you for playing the way that you are when you were failing especially in the in
the most vulnerable moment where deep inside you know that you're screwing up and you want to lash out at everyone
around you and then you give them a Target to lash out of course they're going to lash out at you it's just going
to spiral the whole team out B you can't do that yeah it it's it's amazing sometimes I'll you know I'll have
teammates who are so good and I wonder how are they at the same rank as me and it's because they're just so toxic
yeah and they don't they can't prevent tilt and you know yeah tilting is is probably the worst it it it's funny
because there's a meme inside of league for a long time which is like oh it's 4 V6 right now you know that kind of
things it's like there's one of your oppon one of your players has moved to the enemy team when you're saying that
you're the one on the enemy team absolutely the the the really crazy thing that that I've started to realize
is I really do think we can learn just about everything that we need in real life from video games like I think all
the microcosm of gaming I think is sufficient like the stuff around cognitive flexibility how to not tilt I
mean here we are talking about making it safe to fail right and what's the purpose of that it's because we don't
realize that we're like tilted IRL like feeling overwhelmed you're tilted IRL you know like we blame our teammates
right so my situation in my life is not my own making it's a bad upbringing it's bad friends it's bad spouses and there's
no I mean there's a ton of data that shows that adverse child childhood experiences correlate with trauma and
depression and things like that so people do have sometimes have bad bad situations um but even the ability to
rise above those situations depends a lot on these like core video game skills yeah I think that's actually true I I I
think it's funny because video games taught me a lot growing up you know what all kinds of things like to to be real
with you being able to solve through problems being able to analyze problems and find different ways to do it because
the game doesn't care what you're emotional state is the game is always the same so if you're going to approach
a problem emotionally largely the game doesn't care about that you're going to lose you're not going to solve the
puzzle so it taught me to take the emotional feeling that I had put it on the side for a moment take a logical
approach to it and then kind of work my way through that that's where I learned that it was from games that's why I do
that today and I do that for everything now and I do it because I learned it from games when I was younger and that
allows me to go like all right I'm getting pissed off I'm going to take a minute we're going to look through this
logically and I'm just going to take that emotion put it off ins side and when you go through it logically like
logically process that you largely aren't going to be angry at the end of that conversation it just kind of goes
away you know we I think we talked about that last time we had a talk too was was the ability to just kind of take a step
back and wait and it's it's what I learned from games early on very early so I I'm kind of
curious Thor do you have any thoughts about so some people are able to like grind a game for hours and hours and
hours I can do that and then they have difficulty grinding IRL for hours and hours and hours do you have any sense
how to translate being able to grind in a game into grinding in real life immediate emotional feedback or
immediate feedback from the game the game tells you instantly when you get rewarding or when you accomplish a goal
or don't accomplish a goal that the best way I can look at this is homework if you give a student a online test or an
interactive test where they are immediately getting feedback from the answers I find that to be much more
compelling a lot of times for many people than giving them homework where they have to write it all down and they
find out the answers the next day they're less engaged with that because it doesn't give them immediate
interactive feedback and it's funny because I I see that more often with people that have ADHD I don't know if
there's a correlation there but that seems Seems correct to me see see what more often uh that people are less
engaged if they have ADHD I find them to be less engaged if they're not getting immediate feedback on the things that
are going on that the actions they're performing absolutely a correlation so we know that the the dopamine reward
circuitry in ADHD uh so their ability to delay gratification is impaired because the
the time window between action and reward is very very tight so the the that's what games give you frankly yeah
so that's really interesting because you know there's uh let me see if I can pull up some more research sure I want to
show you something it's more than just open it's just all all feedback whether it's good or bad it's all feedback
where's that Haggard paper oh that's why it always made me laugh is one of one of the memorable
things that I remember from Earthbound MH was Earthbound had a section of the game where to progress the story you had
to sit behind the waterfall for like three minutes okay and do nothing okay that's tough and it was so in today's
world I feel that many gamers can't do it that's a difficult one like I I really feel it's not a thing that's like
super common where waiting is the solution which is quite funny so like I always wondered like in games like
Earthbound how did they ever figure that out so you know so like I I I played did you
play the old Castlevania oh yeah so like you played Simon's Quest I don't know specifically which ones I played but I
play I played Castlevania when I was Castlevania 2 is just an amazing game so it was like go back and play these it
was it was I think the first game where I don't know if you played like Symphony of the Night um I did
Simon's Quest I think was like the first game I guess they had Metroid so they sort of like turned the level based
Castlevania into like a more Metroid Vania kind of game I don't know if I played Simon's Quest it's so good dude
and there was this one part of the the game where you have to find some item and then you have to walk up to a wall
and you have to duck in front of the wall and you just have to duck and hold it there and if you hold it for like 30
seconds or 60 seconds a whirlwind shows up out of nowhere picks you up and Carries you through the wall and like I
remember we we saw that cuz we had a subscription to Nintendo Power where they like explained this because that's
where there was no internet so you couldn't like Google things but I always wondered like how on Earth are people
supposed to and there was someone who like gave you a clue in town but this was like poorly translated from Japanese
so like the English speaking po there's like no way like it doesn't make any sense you gave yourself the answer there
though we had to use Nintendo power but beyond that you get Nintendo Power you have the solution you go to school and
now you got the solution you tell all your friends about it you're the cool kid yeah that that was there was a lot
of like discussion so I I wonder how do they figure these things out probably that way um the the interesting thing
that I wanted to mention is there's a really cool you mentioned this immediate feedback so there's a really cool
principle uh or like scientific thing called intentional binding which is what are the what are the things that you can
do to increase the repetition of a behavior okay so like if I work out today
what what increases the chance that I will work out tomorrow now a lot of people think that the reward that you
get from working out correlates with a repetition of the action right so if I get rewarded I will do it again and
there's absolutely a component of that really fascinating thing is that there's a there's a particular researcher named
Haggard who does a lot of research on intentional binding and what he discovered was super cool like there are
a bunch of studies that show that there are three things that you can do to increase I want to just find the
paper that increase the likelihood that you will um damn it okay that will increase the
likelihood of repeating the behavior and the interesting thing is that this effect is independent of the outcome of
the behavior so people have done scientific studies where no matter what you choose the
outcome is the same and yet there are certain things that you can do that will increase your likelihood of repetition
and this this feel felt to me like really pretty revolutionary so the first is to think through your options ahead
of time so just think consider all the choices so people who intentionally consider choices are more likely to
engage in the behavior so if I'm like you're intentionally choosing it and then it's yeah it's not just a thing you
do it's a you chose to do yeah so instead of like I need to go to the gym today oh my God you get into this
conflict of I need to go to the gym I need to go to the gym I don't want to go to the gym to go to the gym not just I
get what do I want to how do I want to exercise I want I want to do it not even I want to do it just just considering
your options this this is how crazy it is so not even selecting just having the selection available yeah well I think at
some point you make a selection but having multiple options increases the likelihood of any Behavior so thinking
through do I go to the gym do I exercise at home even going through that cognitive
process second thing is to predict the consequences of your actions so spend some time thinking through what you
expect to happen even just spending some time thinking about it increases the likelihood that you'll do it
irrespective of what happens process you're talking about I do this yeah so the third thing so this
is what I'm sure we'll Discover right because you're quite productive and we'll find that and anyway the third
thing is amount of reflection afterward so spending some time processing and you don't even have to think a par you don't
have to think in a particular way you don't have to do something specific you literally like after a task is complete
you spend 5 to 10 minutes just doing nothing and reflecting you don't have to reflect in a particular direction you
don't have to discover anything you don't have to learn anything and if you kind of think about it what I've noticed
in people I work with is that some people do this automatically they do all three of these things and they tend to
be super productive and there are a lot of people like me who don't do these things so you don't I used to not so so
what so you you trained into it sort of yeah so I I trained it into it in a kind of roundabout way but like basically
what I used to do is like it wasn't like do I want to study at the gym do I want to study with my friends it was like oh
my God I need to study I don't want to study so I was always stuck when I take an action not thinking through the
consequences I was always stuck trying to work with willpower like overcome myself instead of consider
my options predict the consequences and then the other thing that I would always do this is so devastating probably one
thing that's huge is as soon as something finished whether it was good or bad I would move on to the next thing
so if I studied for a test and I take the test and the test is like oh man like I didn't I didn't get to that
chapter I didn't get to that chapter I would immediately try to leave the test behind Okay the test is over I'm done
time to celebrate T wow studed Tate and didn't don't take in account
any of the things that worked or didn't work absolutely right so you carry nothing into the next envir you just you
just yeah empty-headed you just jump to the next thing so literally like predicting your uh considering your
options making a prediction doesn't matter if the prediction is correct or not yep and um testing the Assumption
yeah and then just reflecting yep and it's it's it's funny cuz I didn't used to do that either and then I went
homeless and I have done that ever since that exact process you're talking about the whole thing happened after I was
homeless because I lived in my car for a year and after that point it was like I never want that to happen again let's
slow this down a little bit let's be more intentional about the actions that I take right all the actions that I'm
going to take I'm going to be more intentional about this and I started doing that process I didn't know that
that was like a standardized thing but yeah that's how I approach anything that's the thing is it's not a
standardized thing so it's it's it's like biologically accurate but we don't teach people these kinds of skills we
don't teach people if you want to do something what are the actions that you can take that will increase the
likelihood of you doing that thing yeah we don't know what our brain actually responds to right so everyone focuses on
building habits everyone focuses on building willpower um everyone focuses on finding the right thing for them so
they're like oh the gym doesn't work for me whereas like what we're seeing in in this is something I I literally just
made a lecture about this about how like we as a society are becoming less adaptable so if you look at like
adaptability as a trait of human performance as Society Society is like engendering in
US less adaptability because Society will meet you where you are you don't have to learn how to like this game
because there are 20,000 games you can find the perfect game for you oh sign up for Tinder we have 20,000 we have
million people on the platform you can pick the perfect person for you you can find the perfect food for you you can
find the perfect job for you now with like globalization and so what we're we're
really starting to see I'm I'm noticing this like even in the 10 years that I've been practicing
clinically people are less adaptable and as you become less adaptable you succeed less because also more extreme in their
requirement too what do you mean like so the one of the things that I noticed quite a lot about is if if you have a
video game and that video game has all the things that you like except for this one little thing the game is trash down
vote bad awful developer and that's the thing that I think is really interesting is because that sort of infinite choice
where you can select the perfect game means that when you have one thing that's missing well then it's awful it
doesn't matter anymore right because I could find something else and I I think that that kind of goes hand inand with
what you're talking about you're you're right it is dramatically less adaptable it's dramatically less interested in
finding any type of situation that almost fits and making that work for you it's more what doesn't fit even a little
bit 1% is wrong so screw that thing oh whoops sorry um I'd love to hear more about your homeless time but can I show
you something real quick yeah sure do do you like when I show papers or Y and yeah yeah I love that so this is a
fantastic paper um called the neurocognitive basis of human volition so this is this dude's absolute
Chad um but there's uh let me look at this um so mechanisms of human volition in
the brain [Music]
uh there's some there's some really cool stuff independent uh
oh I think it's here um reading chat yeah wild Chad it's such a good this paper is just so long
and dense yeah um I read here's uh okay a lot so crucially this binding effect is
found only for outcomes that follow one's volitional actions and is absent when the voluntary key p blah blah okay
I think this is the section um uh give me a second it's worth the
wait I promise y'all okay so first several studies confirm that the ability to choose among
several possible actions increases intentional binding so just if you have lots of options it increases the
likelihood that you will do the thing um so uh so here okay so this is what's crazy
interestingly this effect of free choice was found both when all possible actions led to the same outcome and when they
led to different outcomes so this is what's crazy the outcome this is independent of the actual outcome of
Your Action so simply thinking through things like literally like for the same place
yeah yeah and and and so I I think that's what's so interesting when I kind of hear you like you know in some of the
stuff you've like really stumbled into like this idea of like let's make things less fearful and the cool thing is like
it doesn't matter whether they actually build something or they don't build something because everyone is thinking
like oh I have to build something to get positively reinforced where that's not it right and you're talking about that
there's an emotional component to it absolutely it's not just but it's not just about failure it's like literally
like the parts of your brain that urge you to act will get boosted if you think through options if you engage
in some kind of behavior it doesn't matter like it doesn't matter if it goes well doesn't go well whatever like it
it's kind of funny because people come to me all the time and they're like I don't I don't feel like I want to do
anything today but I have all these things to do and I was like have you tried writing them down put them on a
list and then one of the things I always tell them is like a list can be kind of overwhelming for someone at first right
so you got like five items in a list make the first item in the list you creating that list so then you have at
the end of you creating the list you mark that one off you're like I already accomplished one and now I have all
these other options of what I could do so I think that fits in exactly with what you're talking about because that's
the piece of advice I'm always giving people and it it works it works really well for a lot of people not everybody
nothing works for everybody but the grand majority of people are like hey that helped me a lot I got a ton of
done today it's like yeah so what one thing that I realized that liberated my list making and helped me so much with
lists is that lists don't have to be complete they also don't have to be completed in order yeah so like I
started doing this thing a couple years ago where I would make the these lists because I was so overwhelmed and I would
have like 15 things on there and then I would do a couple and I would check a couple things and I'd look at my list
and I'd be like oh my God there's so much left to do I have literally a pile of incomplete lists or like lists that
I've not finished off and I don't even need need to finish one I realized recently it doesn't matter because at
the end of it like just getting all the stuff on paper and then like doing a couple things and losing the list
tomorrow it doesn't matter I'll just make a new list the process of making a list helps me so much so like this whole
stack of just incomplete list I'm never going to finish it that's okay it's great I I feel the same way too is like
I'll I'll create my task list today whatever I need to do right e whether it's a mental checklist or just things
that I write down or or calendar stuff sometimes one of those things is just like there's not enough time today you
know the my body doesn't want to keep going I'm going to go to bed right this is kind of how it is and we move it to
tomorrow it's it's fine to do that as long as you are spinning the plates in a way where things are effectively getting
completed over time you're fine you know some things have are critical and they have to be handled right now but not
everything is you know yeah so Thor I know we've been kind of Meandering all over the place I love this but is there
something in particular that we should be talking about that you think we should spend more time on anything that
you're I don't know I mean you wanted to talk about the time that I was homeless you asked about that we could talk about
that yeah so what what changed for you a lot pretty much everything so I I went homeless God I don't even know how long
ago it's a long while ago I lived out of my car for year is and I was in Colorado at the time and that happened because I
didn't have proper constraints on our business right so like I had a business at the time I was working freelance I
was working on things with another person um the way it worked is I was creating programming they were creating
3D models and we were building these things together and then selling them online right and they wanted to
renegotiate after about probably about a year of us doing this together and at that point we're making a lot of money I
was making like 10 grand a month I was making a ton of money and for a young person that's a that's a ton even now
it's a ton of money right so I was making a bunch of money for this and I was not careful with my finances and I
was not properly constraining the business and what this meant is I was spending everything I was just like
whatever there's a ton of money I just do whatever I want right I was just being a dumbass and spending I was
buying you know ordering out getting all the food that I wanted doing anything I wanted to do going to any party that I
wanted to do anything I wanted to do and it was what felt right at the time but I didn't know how dangerous of a position
that put me into eventually that person came by and they're like hey I want to R neate I want 80% and I'm going to give
you 20% because I do the the art and uh you do you just do the programming they didn't respect that the programming was
half of the half the job right and I said no like we have a deal for 50/50 like no we're not doing that and
they said okay and they took all of our work and they open sourced it against my wishes our income went gone so they cut
off their nose to spite their face they lost everything as well but I was in a much more financially precarious
position because I was an idiot and spent all of my money that was on me right their action awful but also I
didn't plan for anything like that so I went homeless I lived out of my car almost immediately too I didn't have
money for next month's rent like it was just like Boop gone that's a problem right and uh I was on a month-to-month
situation like that which is already highly expensive so I was out and I learned throughout that process it's
like I could blame them but where's that going to get me I'm going to get back in this exact same scenario and I had a lot
of time sitting in my car being on a laptop you know taking internet from coffee shops as I was sitting in the
parking lot to think about those types of scenarios and be like what can I do better so that even if another person
acts improperly and tries to abuse that sort of connection or the what they have over me that I will not be back here and
that's where I formed all of these ways that I kind of handle problems and logically walk through problems and
handle everything in the way that I do is to prevent that from happening to me again so Thor let me ask you a question
what was your emotional state at the time oh at first I was devastated I was so pissed I I was absolutely enraged and
I was I was just like I was just super mad right I was like you've stolen everything from me and then after a time
I was like okay that doesn't get me anywhere you could be as mad as you want the rest of the world doesn't give a
not even a little bit that other person doesn't matter right you're not fixing the scenario that way so it came
to this point where it's like I could be mad but what does that get me wasted time not getting that back that's not
going to give me anything at all so I started to change that sort of idea of like what's the victory condition here
the victory condition is to make sure that this doesn't happen to me again let's change the way that I feel and
interact through these types of scenarios so that it can't happen and it for me that worked out really well was
just changing kind of the objective because I think a lot of the times people want to immediately get back
everything that was stolen from them right everything that they lost you got to get back to where you were and I
realized in the very beginning I was like I'm not getting that that's not possible that's unrealistic right I can
get something new something different but I can't go back to the way that it was that's already out of the bag right
so Thor what I'm kind of curious about is how are you able to
logically disarm your emotions like this is very rare I think it's effective anyone can
do it but I I I mean most people you know when they get enraged they can't just like I I love your framing of like
what's my victory condition I think that's such a powerful way to deal with emotions like I think you've really
stumbled onto something there I think you stumbled onto a lot of things but what I'm curious about is you know I
work with a lot of people who they require help to decompress their emotions so I'm curious like what your
internal experience of like this emotion is not useful let me discard it I honestly feel because it doesn't
lead to anything anything attained that is beneficial I could sit there and be enraged I could I could when I'm mad at
someone on the phone I could throw my phone right I could have an emotional reaction I could throw my phone it'
break my phone does that solve my problems or does it make more every time you have the the violent emotional
reaction in the beginning I don't think that solves anything I think it always just creates more problems and at that
point I didn't want more problems I still don't want more problems so the way that I felt about it and the way I
still feel about it is take the emotional thing and and kind of put it into a box off on the side and then look
at it and be like does that make sense like is that going to create more problems let's look at all the routes
that could come out of that emotional response are those routes beneficial does this matter right now does this
have meaning does this actually get me anywhere that makes sense is it okay to feel that because if I do feel it in the
in the way that it is in the exact way that it is where does it lead and that's kind of what I got out of that is being
able to dissect that sort of response before letting it go fully forward and before that I was just like whatever do
anything who cares right so were did that change for when you had this experience of homelessness or have you
always been like that I think it got more defined that way I was always kind of like that when I was younger like I
was more like you know more logically thinking more more sighting with the logic but I still have you know
emotional Outburst as a human being right and I had that for a long time until I became homeless and then after
that it was like never again not allowing that to be a thing that was a big defining moment for me was realizing
that I'm an adult now and there are real consequences to not planning there are real consequences to not thinking about
my actions and thinking about what can come out of that and thinking about you know routes and where things lead and
that was a that was like a no one's going to catch me now so I have to be my own safety net I need to take this
seriously and think about this you know that I mean so so that sounds like you know like traumatic but like in a
good way oh yeah yes no most definitely it was for me it was terrifying I was like what if the car breaks down what am
I going to do right you know like everything was terrifying I'm curious what is your kind of emotional veilance
now like do you like do I feel emotions or yeah like like what's your relationship with your
emotions now oh yeah no absolutely the only time that that kind of like kicks in for like hey wait a minute is when
I'm having an extreme emotion when it's like normal it's like oh I'm happy about this I'm sad about this like it's normal
to feel sad I think that's fine there's nothing wrong with that there's never an arms length for every emotion but it's
like a I am very angry right now wait a minute I am very sad right now wait a minute is this does this make sense
because I find that when I have a very extreme emotion if I just kind of let that go and don't think about what could
happen in that moment like what if I'm really really sad like in anguish or something and I want to break something
just break something off the wall right you have one of those types of violent outbursts because of a strong emotion is
that going to help you no proba going to hurt your hand it's going to break the thing on the wall everything's going to
suck you have more problems so when I have a very extreme emotion and I can feel that it's an extreme emot for
something then I then I hold back and I go wait a minute this is this is too much right and we got to wait now and
figure out what that is but for normal average emotion stuff I I guess there's like a filter in place if that makes
sense like there's a filter that says that's a bit much hold up you know too far I guess is the best way to put
it and how do you see what you're doing in the world like how do you see like your like
tell me about what what you think about your life I think that's an external
perspective a lot of the times of like the effect that I'm having on those around me or any of that type of stuff I
do a lot of that through I try to do that through objective means like I said analytics before things that people are
saying things that people are feeling things that are you know interactions that people are making because it is
hard to form in a subjective opinion especially in social media especially online right it is difficult to form an
opinion of how I am doing when there are as an example the stream has 3 point 5 million average viewers per month right
3.5 million unique viewers Grand majority of those people don't say anything I have no idea how they feel
about it right but they show up they watch the stream they engage with some of the content and we get a bunch of
people into the stream into the Discord and I can get at least a gauge on how effective I am being with the types of
things that I'm trying to do how much that resonates with other people that gives me a kind of basis of
understanding for that even though I don't have the full complete picture and I don't think there's any way to get the
full complete picture if that makes sense yeah so what I'm kind of curious about is like so you know when we were
talking about being homeless you said I I did those three things I thought about my choices I predicted my actions and I
kind of reflected on the consequences so what I'm really curious about is when you have these like things that you're
doing right so you're a streamer you have game Jam um Publishing House faret Reserve what I guess I I I'm not so
interested in the word the motivation isn't really the right word but I think it's a place to start so like what
motivates you like what is your driving force when you do this stuff like what goes on what I'm really curious about is
what is the mechanism like what is the experience of motivation for you not necessarily like what motivates like oh
like like I mean like when you wake up right there's some kind of driver that gets you out of bed in the morning and
I'm kind of curious about what is that that's kind of interesting actually cuz I think for me it's definitely not
one of those things like oh I have to do it right I feel like a lot of people get the uh I don't get that at all I don't
have that and I I think I used to for some things but I've kind of crafted my life around the things that I I just
like doing right um for instance the ferret rescue ferret rescue is something that I didn't plan on doing originally
never planned on doing that I just knew I lived in California and in California ferrets are illegal so when I moved up
to Washington I wanted to get ferrets I got two ferrets from University of Washington uh their names are snail
snails and Loki uh Loki is still alive today she's like 6 years old snails died 3 years later she had a heart condition
ferrets would largely have heart conditions here and one of the things that I I realized in that moment it was
like I'm very sad about this this sucks but also I was like but no that's okay and the reason it's okay is because in
medicine they will kill a feret after one year that's how it works right because these were laboratory animals
and I you know took in the laboratory animals she lived for three plus years extra on top of what would have been her
lifespan and I realized this is awesome actually it's awful that she died but she got three extra years her lifespan
was quadrupled right over what it could have been and in that moment I was like I feel good about this I want to do this
more and then I started looking into other rescues I was like what is the biggest thing that plagues rescues where
do people fail doing this where do other groups have problems doing this so I started to break that down and I found
most of the time they go the route of being a 501c3 so they're they're nonprofit and they have issues with
funding the entire time until eventually it closes because ferrets are exotic animals they're incredibly expensive
it's difficult to take care of them and they collapse over time there's very few feret rescues that are out there as a
result of this it ends up being really difficult I said how do we fix that the community started asking hey can I see
your ferrets hey can I see your ferrets I was like I'm going to put them on stream and just see what happens so I
ran a test it was like maybe this could make a little bit of money to help get rid of that kind of a problem well now
today we sit at around 1,200 viewers on there and it makes enough money so that I can run eventually the largest feret
rescue in the United States the ad revenue from that alone solved that entire problem so that was me going I
like this thing from an emotional standpoint I think it does objective good other people seem to like it as
well let's do a test to see if we can do business in a different way so that it can support itself let's try that it
worked let's keep going right and that's kind of how I walked my way through that entire process and and it started with
this is an fulfillment thing for me how do I have that emotional fulfillment thing in a sustainable way if that makes
sense in a way where I can make sure that I don't cause harm to these animals by putting a financially inviable
situation forward and then failing later on and just having a huge problem for a bunch of animals that I was supposed to
be taken care of right so that's kind of my whole process for walking through that if that makes sense that does so
I'm I'm kind of curious and even a little bit skeptical is not quite the right word but um I'm curious if there's
more so so you're saying you do this for emotional fulfillment that one definitely most definitely there's
something what about the others okay yeah tell say more there's I don't know how to describe this to you there is
nothing nicer than like laying on the floor with all these freaking fets right and they're just like they're just
awesome animals it's just really cool there's a there's a deep emotional thing for me for that and I cannot place where
that comes from but knowing that I have extended the life of all of these creatures and they are having better
conditions than they did before because I I do a lot of medical research for this I look into all the different ways
we can treat them part of what I do is nutrition and medical research to try and form new treatments for them and in
many cases I've been able to find ways that we can pass that off to the veterinarians that we work with they'
enacted a plan for them and we've Sav their lives that isn't a financial incentive for me that is 100% an
emotional incentive for me that feels very good because I know that I'm making a difference in a way that isn't like a
financial gain difference it's in a it's in a this animal gets to live that's really nice and especially in situations
where people treat them really badly so I know that I can correct the situation and fix it in a way that extends someone
some some's life right so I I'm curious Thor do you find that there are two layers of your and I'm kind of like
asking a leading question here so you strike me as someone who is not very emotionally driven right usually not and
and so what I'm kind of curious about so that that's why I'm kind of like a little bit
confused and I I kind of have a hypothesis but I'm kind of curious whether you find that there's two layers
would you say that there's two layers of your emotional experience there's like one where you're kind of it's not like
you know you have a lot of exercise over it and then there's another layer of emotions that feels just feels different
right cuz gratification of your positive emotions okay I don't I don't think there's
multi-layer system there I think that to me it's one of those things where it's like I understand that this is a
positive thing for me I think that I am getting positive kind of feedback from this in a way that's emotional for me
but also can I can I do that more in a way that adds for other people and ads for these animals it's a mutual benefit
thing at that point the animals win the viewers win I win does that make sense it makes a lot of sense I think anything
that you'll see that across everything that I try to do is like I don't like the idea of one person winning it's the
whole thing of you know Rising tide raises All Ships anytime that that's going on like that's why I brought the
moderators on fulltime that's why I do all the free knowledge that we can do on the Discord everything that I try to do
is with that because it this is funny because it's it feels greasy otherwise it feels wrong right if
you like the the way that I feel about it is if I become a millionaire I probably screwed up I did something
wrong right is like put it into other things that actually have meaning and do something of tangible benefit and the
fet rescued to is definitely an emotional fulfillment thing but when having something like that where the
stakes are so high where things can go wrong and then animals can be hurt because you didn't plan ahead there has
to be that logical component of making sure it's self- sustainable which is exactly what the stream is for so it's
the logic side ensuring that the situation is safe enough for me to get the emotional fulfillment and do
something that I think is good that helps other things like the animals you the ferrets and the community because we
also spread a bunch of knowledge in that too try to spread it around can I think for a second
sure so basically what I'm kind of thinking through internally is
um slightly more esoteric Concepts so I'm kind of hunting for an answer and like so when when I see your life I see
a lot of two things Dharma and Karma so Dharma is Dharma are you familiar with that term yes that's the things that you
are obligated to do that you're like you're intended to do versus the things it gets it gets translated as
Duty usually yeah Duty yeah okay but I think it's a different emotional veilance from should so I think it's and
so and then the other thing is is karma so like that that what is happening in your life feels to me like a chemical
reaction that is playing out that a couple of pieces were put in a few and there was a predisposition for something
and you're kind of leaning into that that's kind of why I ask about this double layer of emotion so I find that
for a lot of the work that I do there there is like sort of a different feeling so one is like a deeper sense of
of Dharma or a feeling of like rightness which is which can be emotionally gratifying but I think the
the the fluctuation of the emotional experience of those things is almost like independent of this other quality
and in fact I think that it's the second thing that allows me to sustain the emotional variance right so like if if I
loved streaming and I did it for positive emotions then that would not work because the
emotions are not always positive sometimes they're negative so so the key thing about Dharma from a almost like a
scientific perspective is it is that which allows you to act and persistently act outside of the variance of emotions
and outcomes so the reason that I'm kind of asking you this kind of stuff is because
like like I I get a lot of vibes from you that that track to this concept in in the meditative tradition from having
done a lot of meditation in a past life I think I've mentioned that to you before because you you have you int it a
lot of things that are like normally taught and so when people when they say like okay like so if you if you spawn
and you're level like 50 as opposed to level 10 how do we understand that oh like you just xped up prior to spawn and
then you you carry over when you respawn you carry over some experience you're saying I'm on New Game Plus okay you're
on New Game Plus yeah beautifully said beautifully said right so many of the things in your life feel very new game
plush-ish to me so your capacity for for like discrimination um and by that I mean
like being able to like and your your internal awareness Your Capacity to like think through okay like what is the is
this a good thing or is this not a good thing let me abandon it that's very rare so like most of us when we think through
things and it's a bad thing we keep we still keep doing it I can't do that right but that's what I learned at that
moment when I was telling you when I was homeless it's like I didn't do that before that not really not to the
capacity I do now fair enough so so I and and this is where I don't know if like you know this is I have a
particular way of viewing the world it doesn't make it correct and and we could ultimately say that everything comes
down to just there's just one layer of like emotional veence and that's what it is what it is what it is but but really
like everything you're describing like screams to me of these two concepts and I was just curious if you have
encountered those before if you think about it because I I don't I've never encountered that I I I guess that to me
that kind of splits between like emotion and logic because the emotional need is like hey this this feels great to do
this I feel fulfilled doing this but it's beyond that there's like something else there if that makes sense yeah I
just can't it's hard to describe that that's what I'm talking about so is there a third variable and the logic is
about the implementation so once the driver is there the logic is like you know like how do we do it exactly it's
the how it's not the it's not the what direction you're going in for me it's like like I have I have
the the thing is like why do I want to do this how do I want to do this and then at the end of it it's like okay if
I do this does that make me drop anything else that's a big one does it get in the way of any other things
objectives that I have can I make it so that it's sustainable in a way that I can step away from it and it works can I
make this so it expands like there's so many different things that go into that it's a lot of pieces if that makes sense
yeah but all that comes afterward yeah do you get what I'm saying all of it comes afterward so let
me ask you this do is the reason you do it because it needs to be done I think the world is an objectively
better place if I do it it becomes a compelling Factor how do you understand the specificity of how you make the
world a better place like why do you care to make the world a better place in particular
ways I can't make the world a better place and always I can do it within my purview there is a limit to what I can
do as an individual so because of that I want to do that specifically in this case because I can make a difference
here it is possible within what I know my knowledge of it my interests and my means if that makes sense so but there
are many ways in which you could make a difference how do you decide which ones to
do is that your emotional response to a particular thing like why farit as opposed to anything else so for instance
if I if I decided to get very deeply into an aspect of something I don't know anything about right now now it'd be
very hard to make a difference inside of like that area the reason why is because there would be a perception that I'm not
an expert in that area the perception from the general public means that it's much harder for you to CH make a change
there make a difference a real Difference by going down this route and showing all this stuff with ferit and
doing everything that I have and having this entire all this information all these things that I'm doing it makes it
much easier to make a difference because now we have something that is widely seen as being positive force inside of
that area now I can actually make a difference but if it's an that I'm starting from scratch on there's all
those pieces that have to fall into place first before people trust you enough that you can make a difference if
that makes sense it makes a lot of sense so so I'm I'm kind of curious because I I'm I was it
it my guer counter is going off the charts but when I talk to you about it it it doesn't seem accurate right okay
so so I'll just like share my own perspective and I think this is just something I just got asked waiting for
the like the golden question to uncrack because maybe there's a Mis Maybe like a piece that's missing there that I don't
understand yeah yeah no I I I I don't think there is a piece that you you misunderstand that's why what I'm going
to do is just share my perspective and I'm curious what you think about it sure so I have a logical mind I have an
emotional mind so if we look at emotions like we also know that there's like Two basic kinds of emotions there's are more
primitive emotions like anger fear and then we actually have the second layer of emotions called social
cognitive emotions completely different part of the brain Pride shame guilt that that second layer of higher human order
emotions requires other humans to be present so reptile I don't know if a reptile ever is capable of feeling
guilty but a reptile can feel anger or fear so these are the layers of the self so in my experience there is a third
layer of stuff so this is where I would say Dharma and Karma operate so sometimes when I'm meditating for
example like I have a particular like insight and then I will sometimes act on that insight and it's weird like
sometimes I will not have spoken to someone in many many years and I'll reach out to them and there's something
kind of going on in their life and it's kind of like spooky so like there's some something about my experience of life
makes me think that there's a third layer of stuff and when I think about the work that I do I think about what is
logically good and I think about what is emotionally fulfilling and clinical practice is
sufficient so in clinical practice I would did make would make way more
money than I make now because doctors get paid very well in the United States um and so and then I find the work very
fulfilling like it's like it's great like I love doing it I trained really hard at this every day is like
fun really yeah uh you know I tend to work with people for maybe a year or two so I I don't usually work with people
for like 10 years it's like people come in we help them and then like I get to meet new people very intellectually
stimulating um you know I I can work a lot in a short amount of time plenty of space for leisure activities emotionally
gratifying and yet something about that was not fulfilling right so I guess that's maybe the dimension that I'm kind
of talking about is like there's a third dimension of emotional veillance and what is logically a good idea or a bad
idea did you feel like like I guess at the point like beat the level sort of a thing too comfortable uh not necessarily
so actually it was fulfilling so so this is where like you know I experienced what I can best be described as a
calling right so we use we use some of these words like calling and and I think that that tracks
to things like Dharma or Karma and now it makes sense to me like so I have a karmic debt to pay to the internet and
there's the golden word what the calling so tell me it felt like this is correct yes yeah so see that's the thing so so
this is correct that doesn't come I'm making a statement here a hypothesis which I'm
asking you to agree or disagree with in my experience and what I would venture for you is that this doesn't come from
logic or emotion no it was a totally outside thing where does it come from I have absolutely no idea cuz when that
happened that this is correct that was the moment where I understood that snails died but she had lived three
extra years and that was the moment where I was like this is the correct thing I want to do this more it wasn't
even I want to do this more it's I'm going to do this more yes how do we make that work how do we have that how does
that function how do we how do we build this in a way that it isn't like the failures that other people have had how
do we build this in a way where it actually works do it and then kind of throw everything together make the
hypothesis all the logic stuff comes in after that yeah so I I smelled it that was I was wondering I was wondering when
you were going to come because I was like there's something missing here something's not being communicated what
I'm so what I'm so curious about is like I haven't understanding this stuff and I I can explain it if you want but like
I'm I'm so curious because you you know you you you get there on your own so I kind of like I can't explain it if you
want to but that that also like there's some amount of personal exploration there's some amount of like reading a
bunch of books but what I'm really curious about is how do you understand that
I I don't want to pollute you with the calling portion yeah I don't know I think that's one
that's kind of outside of my purview frankly and it's it's funny because it's not like a religious experience or
anything like that it was just like this is correct we're going to do this now like that's how that's going to go right
I'm going to I'm going to take the emotional side of this this is definitely fulfilling in that part it is
The Logical side of it we like this can be done right this is possible to be do and then also that third esoteric
component of whatever that is I want to do this this is getting done right and then on top of it it's also the other
stuff for me too which goes into the emotional side of it which is there is a real benefit to the animals there's a
real benefit to people that get to engage with this and it's it's something that I find to be good in the world so
that's all on the emotional side and the objective side is like cool like The Logical side is like cool it can pay for
itself I don't have to worry about that I never have to worry about it collapsing right if I position this
correctly which is always a thing you always have to figure it out are you aware of other things that come from
that third layer so we talked about the faret thing the fa thing is like that's G counters off the charts but I'm
curious like have you noticed that that layer in other parts of your life constantly so doing free and open open
information I gain that from the hacking Community when I joined in with the hacking Community I I go to Defcon and
compete and everything like that a big part of being a hacker is spreading as much information as possible teaching
other people to solve problems that are difficult with interesting Solutions right so my discord's completely
structured that way I don't need to do that I could definitely gate that behind a whole bunch of pay walls or other
but that component says Nope do this free do this free and release it to everyone and that's exactly why I do
that is it makes sense to do that it is the correct action to take you know anytime that I'm I'm taking a stance on
those types of things there is that extra component is not a not a purely logical not a purely emotional it's that
third piece and I've kind of traveled with those and use those for different reasons of choosing different things I
want to focus on right the ones that are truly important to me are the ones that that third component takes place and it
does happen quite a bit there's a lot of things there and I think it's for me that's what defines me as myself if if
that because we all have emotions we all have logic but the things that I decide not even decide the things that I am
compelled to do from that third piece is what I determined to be me if that makes sense that yes I think that is
consistent so I'm curious what what do you think that third piece is that's difficult to discern me right
like everybody's going to have their thing I guess that for me is my thing whatever it's going to be and I feel
compelled to engage in that thing right can I can I ask um about so I I know you've had a like can I ask about your
relationship your relationships sure yeah so I'm curious does the third element does
that have does that inform you about anything relating to your relationships yeah actually you sh with
us yeah when I um when I I got married actually that was a big thing it's like that felt correct that felt like it was
this was the thing that I want to do this is exactly what it is there's an emotional side to it there's a logical
side to it the emotional side is like hey this relationship is really working been together for a long time this all
makes sense logical side is like do you have enough money to buy a ring you gonna look like a dumbass you know like
that it's like a normal one it's quite funny but then like also the other things is like am I jumping
anything too soon does it make sense to actually go and try this is anything going to work right and then go along
with that right and yeah that relationship ended really devastating but at the time in that moment I could
take that as a definition for me of like this is the right time to do this I feel correct about this for all their aspects
of this and there's that third component that says go for it you know in terms of getting married yeah well in terms of
yeah proposing what does the third layer say about the end of your marriage that it's fine that it doesn't
always work out and like I for me I gained a lot of experience from that I learned a lot there it is even though it
ended that's okay and it's this is going to be such a bad like such a weird way to post it it's like an old multiplayer
game right multiplayer games are amazing at their Peak they're phenomenal and one day that multiplayer game ends nobody
playing anymore doesn't work and we kind of can sit around and pine for the old day of when it was perfect and it was at
its peak and it's amazing or we could be like I was there I experienced that and I can remember that fondly and I can
take that into account for the rest of my life you know and that's I see it as the second piece you know I I had that
experience and it was great and I learned a lot from it there was upsides and downsides and I'm happy about it you
know yeah so that that's weird man like I I'm I'm really like this guer counter is going off the charts cuz like this is
so consistent right so so like this is where yeah it's so interesting that you never like learned this stuff so this
like kind of gives me makes me feel spooky because like this is where all the things that you were saying are are
written about right so even your perspective like the conclusions that you're coming
to um the existence of the third layer of stuff and uh I don't know where it comes from so yeah no I mean even even
your your hesit to describe it I ask you like what is it and you say it's me and you don't give it quality so this this
was one where it's kind of difficult yeah yeah so this what's really cool is like the Sanskrit description of what
that third place is is n NTI and NTI is not this so it is not this not this so it cannot be described it's not the
emotion it's not the logic it's something else it it cannot be described it is that which cannot be described so
yeah me right so you can't you can't attach words to it and it's really interesting because you don't even try
to attach words you don't even get into that which tells me that you really understand it because you're like okay
it doesn't it doesn't have a form or a shape it is like that which is left over it's also something that I find I cannot
anticipate when it happens I'm like Yep this and it's like where' that come from I don't know yes so that's another
feature of it it is spontaneous yeah and there's there's no way to plan for it it's an EXT ra variable that shows up I
guess is the best way to put it yeah yeah so I'm curious though have you found things that get you closer to
it or things that move you further away I would say yes I think there's defining factors there which is why I
described it as me as self right like a good example of this being incredibly transparent with things right
trans arent with business transparent with the feret rescue transparent with that I found very early on one of the
first things that I wanted to fix was we were starting a game studio and I wanted to do a Kickstarter and I found that the
general standard was there's a whole bunch of these games that do kickstarters and they run away with the
money so I was like how do I fix that and that compelling Factor like stepped in and said why don't you stream all of
it why don't you just show everybody right and it kind of breaks the perception of oh I can't stream as a
programmer I can't stream as an artist I can't stream in these types of things I can't show people the world this and it
also breaks the perception of he's not working on anything I could see him working it removes any Whispers of that
immediately because people can see it there's a track record for that and I think it was the first thing that I was
like okay that worked here what if that works over here what if that works over here now it makes sense now it starts
stepping away from just being a compulsion there where it's like this is a standard for me now is make sure that
this is always part of things that I do as a carrying thread because it's not just that it works it's that it is
correct if that makes sense it is a correct thing in the way that I have Define things it is correct right and I
feel like that is a better option in fact I've even seen other people Implement that we actually have a um a a
veterinarian here where they have glass windows on everything for absolutely everything you can watch your pet in
surgery anytime you can see everything that all of the attendants are doing all the way in the back which is a wild
concept that's not something you ever see but they have this set up and the customers like the people who come in
with their animals and they're super nervous they're way less stressed out because they see what's going on they
know what's happening they may be upset because it's a crisis situation but they can see and they don't have to sit there
wondering is something going to go wrong are they going to come out and tell me my dog is dead they can see what's
happening they know in real time and it's it's actually really interesting it's like a really interesting thing so
I've seen other people implement the same thing and it it makes sense right so that's why it feels that way to me
yeah so so it's it's once again interesting so I I think like there's um what you describe as transparency I
would describe using the Sanskrit word Satya which means truthfulness okay there's also like a
weird there's like weird angles to this and I'm I'm just kind of curious but like uh you know so I I also notice that
you're accumulating a lot of Shakti or energy so there's like all these like texts that say that when you start
living in accordance with Satya you will accumulate like energy and things will begin to manifest around you and this is
very like spooky and gets turned into you know the secret and the stuff for like Oprah's Book Club I I don't put a
whole lot of stock into that that's okay but but I you know it's just it's so interesting to see so many principles
that I've learned about or studied about and it seems like you're kind of like living them so like when you live a life
of truthfulness um I certainly found that it has been very very like good for me
too so I started like intentionally becoming more and more truthful and there's a there's a really
interesting see a lot of people don't realize that being truthful in life actually makes your life better and
makes you more powerful so if we think about lying lying is all about the avoidance of consequences and if lying
is about the avoidance of consequences then you can continue engaging in behavior that you don't have to pay the
consequences for and you should be because it and it's usually more inefficient whatever it is going
absolutely yeah and and so the really interesting thing is that when I kind of like stopped lying I think maybe once in
a blue moon I'll lie like I want to say maybe two or three times a year but are you lying right
now I don't think so maybe this is one of the two or three um but but what I really found is that once you stop lying
it changes your behavior so if you take lying off of the table the way that you have to live your life changes yeah I
used to lie all the time as a kid constantly what when I was a kid I lied constantly I was constantly worried of
consequence I was like trying to avoid all that lie about everything right like and I realized over time I was like this
is this is a lot of energy to like upkeep all this like because you're constantly like trying to spin the
plates on like which lie did you tell to who and it just turns into this web of just like why it's just waste it's all
wasted energy it's ridiculously wasted energy I I think that was something I grew out of because it was just
stressful and stupid right you know it's just a huge waste of time massive waste yeah so that that's interesting because
that that's a very logical take and and and that's where in sort of these Eastern systems there's like a weird
esoteric take which is that when you say it's a waste of energy they also equate out that leakage of energy with like
less manifestation in the world yeah I mean that's absolutely I I could see that being absolutely true but not in a
manifestation way the the way that I see it true is like this if you were spending all of your time upkeeping the
Web of Lies that you've created how are you forwarding your life where do you have time for that where do you have
time to put it into things that could give you benefits going forward you're spending all this time maintaining this
that doesn't actually give you anything tangible when you could be learning a skill do but doesn't lying to
people Advance you in many ways like sometimes but not forever and that's the biggest problem with that is
if you get caught in a lie it can set you all the way back to ground zero or before that you could lose everything
when if you spend the time on actually learning something you can spend the same amount of energy doing that you
keep that forever and that's kind of where that went for me is like yeah I can understand that being a aspect of
manifestation but it's not really a manifestation it's a it's localized to you yeah it's localized to you there's
no connection to outside things that's how it feels to me yeah you are you are creating scenarios in which you have
more chance of succeeding because you are spending time on cultivating keys for all these doors that you might you
know arrive to if that makes sense and otherwise you're just spending time on nothing right you're spending time on
maintaining this big around here doesn't make sense I I think I think there's there's uh that I think
that's a fair take I I'm still somewhat conflicted about whether there is some kind of connection to Outer things or
there some kind of manifestation and that also gets to this um you know this third layer because where does the third
layer exist it could be right do you think that the third layer is is completely localized to you that I don't
know right that's something that is an impossible question to answer it could be a feeling thing it could be like wow
you know there's like I think a lot of people describe that as like kind of divine intervention right like I had God
told me this thing and I went and did the thing because I felt compelled to do it and that came from God right but I'm
not really all that religious so for me it's like well if that is a religious experience that's I could describe it as
a religious experience but in reality for me it's like does that make sense for me not really because I don't spend
a lot of time on that right so it's one of those things where it's like this came from somewhere I don't know where
and it's that's like you said it's the not this not this so what is this don't [Music]
know if we get canceled again then we'll we'll we'll have to I I guess then maybe that's the
universe's way of telling me that this conversation needs to be private but yeah or something I don't know I don't
know so once again like the third the third space sometimes sends me signals the signal is talking about like
the third space and like the whether things are manifesting in the universe and like yeah or like whether it's just
in here yeah and like this is what I mean man it's weird bro like I don't know if this is cognitive bias on
my part where I'm like looking at these random events and I'm making order of them right so we know that like our
brain will look at like clouds and we'll say like oh that's a feret but like that's not a fet we we make we make
signal out of noise all the time as the human brain yeah it's because we're pattern recognition yeah right like
humans are an amazing pattern recognition processing machine that is the superpower that we have hands down
and sometimes that leads us to making patterns out of things that don't have a pattern yeah pretty normal I think
that's pretty 50% win rate but also ghosts are creepy so like you know yeah so what what um and sorry I I
lost my kind of train of thought which I think is perfect because now tell me what what what would your turn I I asked
a bunch of questions I think we've gotten to where I wanted to go but so when you're talking about when
you're talking about not this not this what do you think this is what is the this to you uh so the
this is I'll give you like a personal answer and then I'll give you a um like a more like academic answer if you want
so the first is this is experience so if we look at like if we look at the nature of reality okay so we
know that there's like a physical and now we're going to like leave science behind Okay so now we're like we're and
there's some maybe scientific stuff where people like to talk about the quantum but I I find that most people
who talk about the quantum don't know what they're talking about and they're like just full of BS um but so so we're
leaving science behind for a moment if there's some science to be added we can talk about that like we can talk about
some scientific correlates of what I'm going to say but if we if we look at it basically like we think about the world
as primarily material right so like the world like is what I can see is what I can touch Etc but there is a layer of
existence that is experience so when I experience a thought when I experience emotion when I taste a strawberry sure
there are taste buds though there's like different nerves in my tongue that go to my gustatory cortex travel to my
Thalamus travel to some part of my brain where I experience taste we know that all of that electrical activity is
happening but if we if we look at like this is a little bit more philosophical not my area of expertise so I'm probably
going to butcher it so like there's this concept of like qualia or qualia which is like the fundamental like
differentness of different kinds of things so experience is fundamentally different from objects in the same way
that like matter and energy are like different so that's where this is so the and if
you look at it like experience just like matter so matter can be collected in different forms okay so like for example
like there's this concept of a molecule which is just matter and then I can put molecules together to make a cell and
then I can put cells together to make a person I could put molecules together to make a cup right so this is like Silicon
oxide and so like there's there's all kinds of stuff that objects can assemble but at the end of the day it all breaks
down into matter yep so experience is the same way where experience can be broken down into
its its individual basic components into its Atomic nature and the third thing the third layer is in that
direction now the interesting thing is is that generally speaking when we break down matter into its constituent
components we tend to think about a reduction in complexity but there's this concept and
now we get a little bit more so I I I think what that thing is is tapping closer into pure
experience so that's the thing right it's not logical but it's absolutely experiential like you feel it you get
better at it over time the more that you learn and and so I I would say that for me that's where like I call them
knowings so sometimes when I work with people like in a more spiritual way like we'll talk a little bit about a
particular kind of of spiritual practice that I do that increases your connection to this thing and there are all kinds of
other like weird manifestations to this but um so this thing you know this third layer of stuff it's actually like kind
of like this infinite potential is the way that I would describe it so even any manifestation or form is actually a
reduction so if you kind of think about like you know a blank piece of paper like or actually a better example is a
block of wood so one of my favorite books is this book called in search of Schrodinger's
Cat and at the end of the book it's a book about quantum mechanics and physics and I think it's like pretty accurate I
don't think it's one of these like you know spirituality quantum mechanics things I think it's written by a a
physicist and so you know at the end of the book they have this beautiful analogy that they're talking about
things like the particle wave Duality and they say that if I show you a block wood and I say Thor your face is inside
the block of wood and you're like that's crazy and then sure enough like I take a chisel and I take a hammer and I chisel
away and we find your face look it was there all along so there's kind of this idea in physics
that you know the world gets shaped by the way that we look at it but in its core form it is
undifferentiated so I don't really understand this stuff but there's some stuff about like you know the universe
existing is a probability waveform and then the act of and it collapses when you view yeah when you view it right so
like and some people will say oh that is proof of this like Eastern concept of undifferentiated Consciousness that then
collapses into form Sanskrit which is rup right so this thing doesn't have Ro people also use it as a basis for saying
the universe is a simulation and part of a computer yeah so I I can't comment on on the physics connection to that I
think there it seems to make sense to me but I'm not an expert in so that's what this third thing is this
third thing is and so in the academic sense we have a couple of different states of Consciousness we have sleep we
have dreams we have wakefulness and then we have or sleep can also be unconscious and then there's
this fourth state of consciousness called Dua Dua is a state of consciousness without object so the
sense of self so right now as we go through the world I am here and you are there so if I'm playing a video game
like I am playing the game and things are happening in the game but even when I worked with like Esports teams we we
kind of talk about becoming like a Divine incarnation of a player where you were one with the game and you'll see
like some of these players like make these just amazing moves and it's like they reach some Transcendent level of
skill where I'm sure there's a neurologic correlate but when we talk about how to do that consistent
consistently it is becoming one with the game yeah so even we see that in other ways too like pretty much any athlete or
even even ones like NASCAR you know like they they it's even funny because we kind of explain that in certain audities
around the world where like you get in a car accident it's not they hit my car they hit me you know and that's so
there's little pieces of that and other stuff which is interesting that actually is considered a misidentification so
we'll we'll talk about that but so the the main thing is that um so the closer you get to this
thing the better you will be so even in terms of like flow state is like one step closer to this thing because in the
Flow State you said it yeah uh let me do this let me um screen share with you hold on give me
a second give me a second I gotta I can see on the stream [Music]
too when people here that we offer coaching at HG their first question is like what on Earth even is that so
here's the basic problem when you struggle with something in your life you don't see the problem from the outside
you see it from the inside the value of a coach is that they can look at your life from the outside they can
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continually improve our program so if yall are interested in actually making a change in your life check out the link
in the description below so Thor I know we um got our our last conversation got truncated by the the universe and and we
tried twice and the really funny thing is that so that evening there's a book that I have um which is a comment on
this text called the Shiva Sutra okay and I I got this book back in 2003 and it's been sitting on my shelf
for about um yeah so 20 years like 21 years and so about 3 months ago I pulled it
off the shelf because I Was preparing a lecture on something and I was like oh maybe I'll like take a crack at this but
I had six books that I was going to go through and I the first three or four books were sufficient to prepare the
lecture so it was sitting on the shelf and then so you know our stream ended and that
evening I was like okay so like let me just read this book because I've never actually like read it or I tried to read
it and I it was too dense for me and it's really interesting because it actually talks a lot about what we were
talking about um and so I thought it was like quite coincidental and then the part of my brain that looks at a cloud
and sees a dog that that generates patterns out of Randomness made me really wonder in like kind of like a
spooky way I was like oh maybe like maybe I was supposed to read this thing before I talk to you and
so um maybe we can kind of I'll ask you kind of where we we left off and and what you remember but I hope that your
power doesn't explode this time I don't think it will so I think now that I have prepared by reading the Shiva Sutra and
I've I've also like looked at a couple of I've got a couple research articles P pulled
up um uh so hopefully the we can kind of pick up where we left off but also like if that doesn't you know if we kind of
lost the threat of it so be it um but can you just remind us and and help me remember kind of where we were in the
conversation and and what we were about to embark on um we were talking about something I'm trying to remember the
very specific thing because it's it's tough for me when like a thread gets severed like that to return to
that we were talking very about a very specific thing okay
oh I can't remember here's what I remember sure so we were talking about the the way that I recall the convers
ation is we had talked a lot about different things that you were doing yes so you're working on the feret rescue um
there was some gaming thing I forget what it was uh game Jam g game jam and then um you're you have a long-term goal
of building a publishing house and a clinic and a clinic clinic for what uh exotic animals I'm going to build a
Veterinary Clinic yeah so th those are the things that you're working on and we we had talked a lot about your kind of
Journey and being homeless for year uh and I think in the past we had talked some about um you were in a relationship
that that kind of uh you know y'all ended up splitting up um and you kind of grew a lot through this process we
talked a lot about your relationship with your emotions how you utilize logic um but then I had kind of tossed out
this sense that I had that you are not operating from a place of logic or emotion yes
that was the third the secret third thing the third thing not this not this yes and so as we try to understand what
that is like we we started to explore that and I offered some some answers from a tradition so that doesn't make it
right so this isn't science right this is just like some people sat down and looked at this thing and examined it for
a while and then they came up with conclusions they didn't all come up with the same conclusions but many of them
came up with the same conclusions and so uh I think I just pulled out my pad and was sort of
starting to explain like what that thing is yeah um or at least one theory of what that thing is and then it detonated
I think that's exactly what it was that was the specific thing you're it's funny I couldn't remember it because it was
the it's nothing anyway yeah right so so it's it's nothing so um and then the other thing that I know we dm'd a little
bit back and forth about uh you know rescheduling and stuff and then the other thing that you mentioned is that a
large part of your community um is actually progressing very nicely from like a professional standpoint right
like yeah I've got a ton of people that are messaging me tons and tons of people around the world that are like I I put
the things that you said to to action and I got an amazing job you know and it it just keeps happening over and over
there's like hundreds of people that are messaging me reaching out on Twitter reaching out on DMS on Discord which I
can't answer all of them there's just so so many uh people sending emails and people saying it in chat all the time
it's actually really awesome frankly seeing that like those types of actions going to work and it's it's a lot of
really easy stuffff most of the time but it's things that people don't know when they're first entering the workforce you
know like making a a resume and a cover letter they're one page long you know the way that you handle yourself inside
of an interview little tiny things like that people just don't realize is like super important and um they just kind of
end up sending out like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of applications and then they change the stuff and
they're like I got to job two two applications later it's yeah way faster so that's that's awesome and I I think
you had mentioned to me uh in DMS that like drive and burnout are major aspects that y'all are kind of um dealing with
can you can you say a little bit more about that like what are you what what are you seeing one some of the the
largest Trends in people asking me questions usually around drive and burnout they're like I don't have drive
you know I don't have the drive to go and do something or I have pushed myself too hard and burning out or I I love
doing this thing so much that I don't want to do it anymore you know they don't realize that they're hitting that
burnout threshold where they're pushing themselves in a weird way or like the environment is bad for doing that work
so then they don't want to do it or they're doing it too many hours a day so or they're trying to a really common one
is I want to quit my day job to go do my hobby full-time and a lot of times people don't realize when you do that
hobby full-time you now have added a ton of pressure to yourself of like I need to be financially viable doing this
thing now and now you hate it right so like there's all kinds of stuff like that where it's it's little things like
that all the time and those are generally the things that I give advice on and like how to fix this you know cuz
it's super common crazy common yeah so so here's what I was what I'd kind of imagined for today and like this is like
you know welcome to modify disagree completely you know go off the rails um so what I was sort of thinking is that
so I think these two things are related so the first is when we think a little bit about
um drive and burnout these both of these things are signals from within
us and if we understand alarm huh a lot of times it's an alarm it's like hey you're doing something that you
shouldn't be this feels bad and people don't realize that that's an alarm Bell going off yeah yeah absolutely right so
so so what I was kind of referring to is that not even the quality of the signal
that it's an alarm but that this is something that comes from within so drive and burnout are not necessarily
created by the outside world they created by something within us and so I think that the really
interesting thing is that I'd love to hear what your advice is um for for those kinds of cases and then I think
the other thing that we can do is try to better understand your experience of what drives you what protects you from
burnout and then what I've kind of done is prepare a little bit about like my understanding of kind of this like
Eastern concept of the self which I think is quite robust quite correct like even scientifically and then um I think
there's also a lot of like cool stuff in understanding drive and burnout from the Neuroscience research and specifically
I'm not famili I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept of hedonics versus
udics I am not okay so we'll talk a little bit about that I'll kind of give you kind of a quick tldr so if you look
at human happiness what we call happiness so happiness is actually a lot of discreet
things so one kind of happiness and this is something that Aristotle actually I think originally coined so he sort of
noticed that there's two kinds of like happiness there's like fun and pleasure and then there's a sense of like
well-being and satisfaction and what we tend to find is that if you look at the Neuroscience of
it this is an oversimplification but I tend to find that in a lot of my patients there's an inverse relationship
between the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin so what we think of as dopamine is like the pleasure
neurotransmitter so this is comes from this part of brain called the nucleus accumbens so when we use opiates or we
play a video game we get a rush of pleasure now what we sort of know this is to be disputed um and and probably
actually what I'm about to say I'm leaning towards this actually being incorrect but it's a useful
model is that when we look at people who are depressed there's this gets tied in some way to their serotonin levels or
the levels of Serotonin transmission so there's kind of this the prevailing Theory which is now being countered by
uh some people like anyway we can go into that that detail but that basically like your sense of well-being is
governed by like your serotonin so we know that that's why we use ssris yes that's one of the reasons we use ssris
yes um and and so what we sort of find like if I if you take someone who has an addiction for example like they actually
get a fair amount of dopaminergic transmission right so I'm playing video games all day I'm using marijuana on a
daily basis but my sense of well being and happiness in life actually declines and what we often times find is
that people who are working hard and even denying themselves pleasure right so like when I'm driven towards I don't
know like running a game Jam or something like that that is not like a pleasurable
activity it's not fun I mean there may be parts of it that are fun but there's a large like effort investment but it
increases your sense of well-being so there's this inverse relationship between dopamine and serotonin that once
again is really a neuroscientific oversimplification that we can pick apart very easily but I think it's
useful to think about we also know that just from observational studies and clinical experience and stuff like that
that these two principles can sometimes be that we have good data about that if I chase a life of pleasure I will
probably be unhappy and that finding a life of Happiness sometimes involves avoiding pleasure so that there's good
data about but we don't quite know that the Neuroscience lines up anyway so I I think this is also really important
because when we talk about drive and burnout I think that a huge part of what I found as a clinician we also
have like a Creator coaching program and a career coaching program where we sort of use some of these principles of like
self-fulfillment people have better outcomes and they have they reduce their unhealthy behaviors which are usually
dope and energic in nature and often times what we will discover is that drive and burnout
come from listening to a particular part of yourself that doesn't consider these
kinds of things so like I want to become something I feel like I've fallen behind in life I need to prove something and as
a result like I'm going to push myself push myself push myself and I'll end up burning out even though I'm like moving
towards my goals so I don't know exactly how we're going to do this I don't know if it's going to happen but like what I
was sort of thinking about is we could understand your experience of this third thing and teach people potentially how
to operate from that space more because I get the sense that you work very hard you are driven and you don't burn out
and then we can also lean into your personal advice and your personal experience of like how you've created
that and I am very confident that whatever answers you have I will be able to provide a framework or research
support for whatever you do makes sense yeah makes complete sense I think I think the biggest thing for me is yeah
you're right I don't burn out like uh people laugh about it all the time they're like oh he's going to burn out
he's going to do this because I I work 16 to 19 hours a day I sleep five hours a day I work all day do all that kind of
stuff but the thing that I found that started that chain to make that possible I can see the impact of my work one of
the things that I find a lot of the times is when someone's in a workplace and they feel really bad about going to
work sometimes it's the working environment sometimes the people they work with but very often I found they
don't see why their job matters they don't see what their job does and you'll see this quite a lot for a lot of weird
kind of areas or maybe they look down on the impact of the work let's say you work at fast food and you think your
fast food job is worthless because you work at fast food right you work in McDonald's or something like that some
people can see like hey working at McDonald's is actually a really positive thing because I'm feeding people and
that gets them through the day and then they feel better about the job some people just go I just work at fast food
this a dead and they feel like garbage about it right so like I think impact is a really big starting point if that
makes sense and that's usually the first thing I look for is like do you see the impact of your work okay most of the
time those the people who have burnt out completely are like no I don't see the impact of my work at all I'm like okay
now we can work on that piece what I'm going to do Thor is I'm going to take notes okay okay and we're going to start
so I'm going to just so so burnout correlates with lack of impact that's one yeah I think that's an aspect of it
and then and and and your case the way that Thor avoids
burnout mhm is by seeing the impact yes okay great seeing impact is huge that's actually one of the reasons I look into
analytics for stuff it's it is something that gets beyond the idea of having impostor syndrome right the the little
voice in the back of your head that tells you hey you know you shouldn't be doing that or you're not good enough or
any of I see that kind of as a defense mechanism that's over overachieving right it's sitting there telling you
like you shouldn't do this because if you do it you'll fail and if you fail then we'll feel bad so don't do that
right but in reality you should do that thing you should try that thing and see if it works so I I'll usually tell
people like hey if you're getting that overwhelming you and it's stopping you from doing things in the first place it
gives you that failure to start make a bet with it say I'm going to do this for three months I'm going to wait and see
and then we're going to go back and review everything and see if I did better than when I first started and if
I did then the imposter syndrome wrong because I look at my analytics all the time because I see every all the
feedback that people are giving all the things that people say how they see that you know how they say the advice is
actually helping them through things I don't have to deal with that because I can see the impact and that's immediate
evidence to say like imposter syndrome sit in the corner right because I have evidence that it's not correct so that
goes away that's the second layer of that you've got the impact for your work and then you've also got imposter
syndrome being you know pushed to the side for that okay um trying to think some other
things uh another one is environment for me I create zones so I have a zone for actually doing work I have a zone for
when I want to rest I have a zone for when I want to do entertainment I these are physical areas of my space right um
and I've talked to people in the past they're like well I don't have any areas I was like do you got a couch they're
like yeah I was like do you got a laptop they're like yeah I do stuff on a laptop it's like okay when you're playing game
sit on the left side of the couch when you're working on something sit on the right side of the couch the reason that
I learned that is because I was trying to do everything from a laptop in bed and what I found was when I was working
on things I wanted to go to sleep and when I wanted to go to sleep I couldn't stop thinking about work and it it
created this like weird mixed thing for me I don't know if that's the same for everyone but for me environmental mixing
was a problem and I had to separate environmental areas to make sure that I was focused on the task for that area if
that makes sense so Thor when you see analytics that are not going well what happens within
you I want to know why I'm not upset I just want to know why like and I I try to form a number of different
possibilities for that things that could be the solution to that and then I try to isolate those in a way where it is
possible for me to test it so okay I'm going to jump in for a second sure so um why don't you feel
bad because it's a chance to learn something and then and then I can use that for every other situation if I if I
can solve why that thing went wrong and then use it to my advantage use you know the information from that to my
advantage I can win not only that situation but many others that come Bey on it
okay all right cool is it okay if I interrupt you yeah go for it okay so we're going to map this out and we're
going to we're going to try to like we're going to do everything that you're already doing we're just going to
provide some support for it okay so um you mentioned environment okay uh what drives
you a lot of different things it really depends on the situation though I think different situations have different
driving factors if that makes sense yeah so it's not always the same I think there is probably the greatest drive for
me is as we were talking about puzzle games earlier the drive to solve is a pretty big one for me I love to solve
things and the reason why is because it's like oh I don't know that thing let me see if I can learn something from
this because I found that there's so much kind of like cross-pollination between things that you learn and you
can apply those skills anywhere else in your life and it it makes me more adaptive I
find okay uh all right so now we get a little bit um potentially into the weirder area
so we had talked about uh so here's Thor and Thor has logic Thor has emotion Thor
has maybe something called personality maybe right so no one's proven that yet puzzle
solver right so empty husk with a nice head of hair there we go and then there's this this like third
thing the secret third thing the secret third thing right and and I get the sense that a lot of your drive so here's
what I think the order of operation is here's you the third thing
starts and then what happens is it sends signals to your logical mind and it sends signals to your emotional mind and
then what these things do is they structure your activity so these will give this thing which is formless they
will give it some kind of shape and then this shape is very dependent on you like like someone El
like someone else may have this drive but based on your desire to solve puzzles based on The Logical conclusions
based on certain values that you hold it gives this thing a particular manifestation that suits you and since
this thing is suiting you this leads to success and the more things that I learn the more ways I can make that happen in
different scenarios sure so so then what happens is that they they're yeah so so the the more that
these things get enhanced I'm going to call learning I'm going to say that learning
is over here right so so then what happens is if you get this kind of impulse and your logic is insufficient
then you can't give this thing shape but as your logic improves as your emotions improve this thing starts to take shape
as we're leveling this up leveling this up getting rid of I think the big thing for me though is when I see that when I
find one of those scenarios where it's like I don't know enough to do this I want to it's like oh this is great
that's another thing to add to the Batman belt right that's kind of the the way that it feels to me each time I I am
presented with one of those and it's funny that all of you guys in chat you saw me do this all day you've seen me do
this for the last like three days in animal well every time it's like oh I don't know what this is I'm gonna do
this it's not even haes not knowing things it's that I know that at the other side of that when I finish knowing
the thing I'm going to have new ideas that I can apply to other situations so like solving all those puzzles in animal
well I'm going to go make some really cool ARG stuff I can make that for heartbound I can make that for the
hackmud stuff that I'm doing anything else I can apply that all over the place and I can solve other puzzles in the
future yeah so Thor was there a time where you weren't like that
H I don't think there was a time where I wasn't like that I think there was a time when I wasn't that good at it it's
like a it's like a snowball it's like an avalanche right okay so like there was a time where it was like God I don't know
anything I'm just pissed all the time and it was like once I started to get a couple of of footholds on that was like
wait I know how to do this wait I can apply it this way wait can I try this this way then it was like well I know
how to solve a lot of things but I don't know how to talk to people and I'm not good at that you know how what what do
you do when you feel a negative emotion so you said you used to be pissed what happens to that
emotion I think when I was younger it was a lot harder to manage because emotions kind of came out of nowhere and
it was like really really kind of rough you know CU I think growing up and I'm sure a lot of people can can understand
this growing up there was like don't be over emotional you know be you're a guy you know suppress that sort of a thing
so for me when I was younger it was a lot of that it was a lot of like be a manly man don't don't do that don't show
that off and then as I got older I was like no it just makes sense to do that it's fine
and I kind of evolved out of that if that makes sense so I think that made it more difficult to handle that side of
things in the early days but over time I realized that was okay and made how did you evolve out of it do you
know it's it's funny because it keeps going back to that that sort of inflection point of homeless for a year
right I think it was it was like the most devastating thing that could happen and it was a hard reset for me frankly
okay if that makes sense yeah yeah so uh who did you think you were before you were
homeless I had a very kind of Grand Vision of myself way grandiose way way Larger than Life
frankly in an absurdest sort of way I thought it was top of the world I thought it was I was Kick-Ass all the
time and um it humbled the out of me frankly it's the best way to put that okay yeah
okay great so do you have any questions for me so far no I think this is cool so far okay so now it's interesting to see
like my whole mental process yeah so I I I think what we're going to do is like we're gonna what we're going to do is
use you as a test case to generalize certain principles of the mental process and we're going to see if we can figure
out the code that results in some kind of like outcome right so like if I'm if I'm like typing hello world or whatever
there's something I can type and we can get a particular outcome so tell me I do yeah oh go ahead I I was going to say I
do think it was not just that moment though it's every time I failed ever as well every time I ever experienced
failure in the ideas that I had it showed me there's something more to learn and then eventually it's like you
don't know anything you just know the that you already know and you can use those to adapt yourself to different
situations and become better at Discerning things and better at at evolving through that okay my whole
thing was like train yourself to adapt no matter what okay and failure is great because it gives you another chance to
learn a new adaptation okay so I'm going to point something out to you sure um when some people fail they say I
am bad Absol you fail what do you say I say oo piece of candy you know it's like it's an opportunity for me
opportunity for what to learn there an opp opportunity to get better okay so we're gonna I'm going to just keep track
of this okay we'll see if we can sus out what the big difference is um so actually maybe we can do it now what
do you think is the object of this thought object meaning can you
define yeah so where is my in what D it's going to be hard to but I'll I'll keep trying and then you can puzzle
solve your way to the answer um what am what is my mind looking at when I have this thought
shortterm I I generally think that that is a a very short-term sort of feeling it is I failed here which means I am a
failure rather than I failed here but look at all the things that I've overcome my life I don't remember all
the really difficult things that I've gotten through to get to this point I survived to here so it's it's a
short-term like this happen so I suck it's like no all the other stuff that you learned you you you rock actually
the fact that you are here that you've made it this far means you've succeeded okay so I'm I'm going to translate that
into certain terminology so I'm going to say that you when you say like okay people only see this this one thing
right so they don't they kind of don't take the big picture like they don't think about all the
things that they've done I'm going to call that zoomed in okay so this thought is zoomed in this thought is short
term yep um I'm going to go ahead and say that the object of this thought is your identity so I thinking about
me that makes sense okay yeah yeah you're thinking about yourself rather than the situation yes I could see that
so when when you have this thought what is the object what am I looking
at the problem itself for me okay gu so the problem and the future rather than the present it is I'm focusing on the
goal which is when the problem is already solved okay it is a more of a long-term thing as well because it's
like ah this is an opportunity for growth it may be difficult to get through this but at the end of this I'm
going to be way I'm going to be way more suited to solving stuff like this you know whatever it's going to be and I I
think I learned a lot of from being a programmer as funny as that is because programming is 99% fixing your own bugs
frankly like you are constantly making assumptions trying something seeing that it fails trying to find out why it
failed getting better at that thing and then you can see the progress as your code stops failing as much or it starts
to fail in new and more fantastic ways frankly yeah no I I I think it it's so interesting because once again I'm like
reminded of this analogy when you kind of say like you know 99% of it is solving your own bugs like I think
that's what growth is too so personal growth whether it's through um you know kind of the yogic path or the
Psychotherapy path I think that there's like there's overlap there um yeah and and a lot of it is basically I I think a
lot of people really don't realize that that actually they control so much and do and and even if we look at the
way that you respond to failure right so like what I've sort of noticed is that there's
so there are two types of people in the world those who what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and those who what
doesn't kill you cripples you for life so this is the sad truth is that a lot of people say oh what doesn't kill you
only makes you stronger that's not true what doesn't kill you can just you for life as well that's one
of the reasons why I try to give people that feedback of like you need to find the impact in your work because I found
for me that was my first foothold that was the first like wait I'm not terrible I'm not I have evidence
now it's like a finding a sword right because you can finally fight back at that point you're like I have I have
evidence that I'm doing something that matters and that's when you have nothing that's a really empowering thing yeah so
I think that there there are things that make it difficult for people to do that oh definitely I I do think it's
incredibly hard especially when you don't have anything to start off with yeah well think a lot of people have
something I think they have difficulty seeing that they have something I agree with that yeah do makes it hard for them
to see that they have something I think a lot of times it's easy to kind of fall into that path of
of seeing all the negative patterns seeing that path of I failed here I failed there I failed this I failed that
and not being able to see the positive things I'm interested in what leads someone down that sort of path because I
don't it's it's quite interesting because it's exactly the same path but in Reverse it's the same so I can focus
on all of the successes that I have all the things that I can do all the things that I've learned from those failures or
I can focus on all the times that I failed and keep that as the focal point the interesting part to me is what leads
someone down one of those paths ver the other one let's talk about what does that yeah
so um what what do you understand about this third thing the NY NY thing like can you toss out anything so like I I
used the word calling and I think that was the term that kind of resonated with you it is yeah 100% like how do you
understand like what is that where does that come from just give me anything that you've got about it and if you've
got nothing that's totally fine too I don't even think it's nothing it's there's a moment that I have
where it's it's funny some people talk about it like Intuition or or you know gut instinct or anything like that
whatever it's going to be but it really comes down to I'm in a scenario and I go this is the right way to handle this and
then I go how do I logically handle this how do I emotionally handle this can I do that is it within my ability to do so
how is that going to affect everyone around me does everyone win when we do this and it starts cascading down all
the possibilities of the different routes of ways that this could be handled pieces that I could touch how
the puzzle gets solved where does all the puzzle where do all the puzzle pieces lay and does it hurt anyone along
on the way okay that's the biggest one so here's what I want to point out to you but that first piece is just yeah so
so the right answer precedes the logic yes that is correct how how does that work I don't know okay yeah I got
nothing on that one so this if if people want to understand why they are burnt out if you can understand this that the
right answer comes first then all kinds of problems will be solved so let's like talk about a couple
of different problems that arise from not knowing what the right answer is so the first simplest example is like want
versus should right so like let's say you've got someone who's like okay like I'm unhappy in my career and or I'm
unhappy I'm unhappy with something I don't doesn't matter what relationship career job whatever and then what
happens is that logic and emotion enter the picture there's no north star to begin with and then logic and emotion
fight okay so emotion says I want to do this I don't want to work I don't want to do this I want to play video games
and then logic says but I should play video games and then there's internal conflict and then we get to this really
interesting principle of ambivalence so human beings are conflicted in their nature or not actually in their nature
but in the psychology of understanding human behavioral change this is what we've sort of
figured out human beings are ambivalent so right now I have you know I have like a plus minus over here and I have a
different plus minus over here so this may sound kind of weird but I'll explain so like if I move you know so anytime I
have a conflict there are benefits of doing what I want and there are costs of doing what I want and there benefits of
doing what I should do and there are costs of doing what I should do so we start in the middle and the interesting
thing is as you move in One Direction this becomes small and the costs start increasing
it doesn't matter which direction you move in anytime you move towards an action this is what the science of
ambivalence tells us let's say like I think about going do I want to play a video game or do I want to go to the gym
and if I go to the gym like what happens is the thought of going to the gym and the experience of going to the gym are
different when I'm thinking about going to the gym or I'm thinking about eating a salad once I sit down to eat the salad
I have to eat the salad so the actual it's like I'd love to be healthy but now now I got to eat salad you got to go and
actually do the action yeah so so so this is what's really interesting is that if you look at it like as we move
towards something the costs start increasing our brain starts to experience there's a hypothetical cost
of going to the gym sure but once I'm actually there and like I'm feeling intimidated by people and I'm feeling
like all these people are in shape and they're judging me and all that kind of stuff the cost actually increases so
then what happens is as the cost increases the grass is greener on the other side right this also explains this
very simple principle of why the grass is greener on the other side then people end up moving over here and as they move
over here oh now I moved a little bit over here and it turns out that the grass is not greener on the other side
I'm I'm breaking up with a mistake let me see if they'll take me back and then people sort of end up stuck just kind of
yeah so this is what's what's super super crazy is that operating from emotion and logic which is what a lot of
people try to do doesn't work very well what actually works incredibly well well is figuring out what your North Star is
and logic and emotion are not determinants of your behavior they are tools to actualize whatever your compass
is this is what we see in you that ends up being a strong sense of self okay but why where does let's talk about that
what do you mean by strong sense of self great because the only way you can find that North Star at that point is that
means a strong sense of self that says regardless of the logical of the situation regardless of the emotion of
the situation this is the thing that I think is is correct so from there how do we logically handle this and how do we
emotionally handle this to make sure that that becomes the end goal like becomes the outcome right and that just
ends up being a really yeah it's a it's a strong sense of self which is funny because most people on the internet just
go based right but like that's that's what it sounds like to me is what we're describing here yes so here's the first
principle to understand and there's a big problem that we see in our society right now logic and emotions are tools
they're they're to be utilized by the self they should not run your life and what we tend to find is people who are
overly logical first of all there's all kinds of problems with that people think they don't realize that there's problems
but so the first thing is like logic uh the the more logical you are the more prone you are to things like
depression um and when your emotions run the show I think we can all agree that that's like
not a good plan and the basic problem with logic is that logic is not really logical like so in the human brain when
you take this abstract principle of logic and you apply it to the human brain you're going to have all kinds of
selection biases right so I don't have space so when people say that they do have space
but their brain isn't their logic is not able to see that because there is something within your mind that is
obscuring information from your logical apparatus makes sense actually that kind of reminds me have you played oh God
what is that game I'm gonna look this up while you're talking okay yeah I want to show you this anyway keep going okay
disco elicium there we go thank you I played a little bit of disco elisium absolutely loved it so I thought disco
elisium actually ties into this quite well because in Disco elisium you have traits to your character and those
traits turn into intrusive thoughts but the intrusive thoughts are based on those statistics
so if you have encyclopedic knowledge because your intelligence is very high you may be able to recollect things like
you remember things when you're talking to people about different stuff in the world but also it may cut in and be like
you shouldn't listen to that person they don't know anything they're an idiot and it's it's very interesting because
that's exactly what it is is you're seeing the logical side do something that isn't logical and kind of push them
away from that scenario it's quite odd I I I remember just one really interesting thing about the game so I was playing
the game and in the game there's someone who talks about a preon disease and familial fatal insomnia so they're like
they don't name the things but I was reading this and I was like you know this is really interesting because this
sounds like familial fatal insomnia which is a really re really like rare case it's like a very rare disease and
it is it is familial fatal insomnia which is exactly what it it sounds like it's an inherited condition where you
lose the capacity to sleep and you go crazy and then you die and um one of the nice things about training at at some of
these like some of these institutions so I I trained at a a very famous hospital and the cool thing about training at a
famous hospital is like you get people like there's like maybe five cases of this a year across the globe and so like
people will fly to like you know very specialized hospitals to get this kind of care for these diseases which is
which is really bad really scary thing very exceedingly rare so you don't need to worry about it for each one of them
maybe you get closer to fixing it you know maybe yeah maybe closer to a solve yeah okay so disco leum is absolutely
full of this kind of stuff yeah so let's let's go back to this so now I'm going to ask you a question Thor so you said
it comes from the self so basically what we're going to help people do is understand what you've managed to do so
that you can operate from that place the other really interesting thing is that I don't know if this kind of makes sense
but when you're operating from the self you can know that this is logically a bad idea you can know that this is
emotionally not a good thing and then you can still do it does that I can find a way to make it work exactly that's the
big one right so so so this is the cool thing is that normally what happens is we are bound by our logic and our
emotions our ability our capacity for self-determination can be restricted by Logic so my mind is telling me this is a
bad idea like I do this stuff all the time I I and it's kind of weird but someone asked me recently like what is
something that I wish I knew when I was 30 and my answer was was to walk away from good things that like some of the
best things some of the best decisions in my life are to walk away from quote unquote objectively good
opportunities and and so we have this idea when we're 30 that you know we have to like we're still following the script
of the world and we don't realize that the script of the world doesn't translate over into us and that like
some of the best decisions I made are to like walk away from like objectively great
opportunities interesting um and so logically it doesn't sound it's stupid but you do it anyway and then it turns
out it works great because maybe then you're in alignment with the universe or whatever the anyway so I think the
interesting part about that is if you're doing that you're choosing to have more hardship which means you're choosing to
have more scenarios in which you can adapt and learn to adapt better which is going to make longterm it to make it
easier frankly uh theoretically yes that that is one way to look at it but the the other way to look at it is if you
get an amazing job job job opportunity from a great institution generally speaking people will say sure
you may not I mean you can adapt there too but I think that like there's certain things that are viewed as right
answers in life which I I don't think is the case and that's the whole point but makes sense what I'm kind of going to
zero in on and tunnel down on is like if you're someone who is struggling in life with burnout or
drive you cannot come up with an answer from logic or emotion or if you come up with that answer from logic or emotion
if you start to implement it it is going to the experience is going to be like this which is not unsolvable you can get
through that but generally speaking logic and emotion are not great places to operate from that's my belief that's
a that's a statement of belief I'm making it's funny I was actually just thinking about it there's people that um
everyone all get a question like this where they're like I should I have this job or should I take this job and I'm
like which job do you want to take and the moment you ask somebody that they sit there and they go you know I never
asked that of myself yeah absolutely right so so they're they're operating from a place
of logic or emotion instead of operating from a place of self now I've got a question for you so you said this comes
from you yeah um now you mentioned that you had a grandiose version of yourself in your
mind what is the relationship between the grandiose version
and self in your o I think the answer you come up with okay don't
I'm just C I think the grandio version of myself when I was younger the the the Fatal flaw that I had with that was I
can do anything and it doesn't matter I can do anything at all and it it wouldn't matter I don't need to think
about it I can just do it who cares right and that was that doesn't make any damn sense because when I did that I
didn't know why I succeeded I didn't know why I failed and I didn't care and I learned nothing from it frankly and I
I found that to be it's it's kind of like gambling frankly you're just gambling the whole
time and you're not learning anything from it so you don't get any long-term benefits from that you just get kind of
the luck of the draw frankly because you're just throwing things at the wall and you're not even seeing what sticks
you're just throwing things constantly okay that's very useful we're going to tie that into something in a
second but when you say version of yourself I'm curious what is the so like you have
this voice inside you right that says this is right and then by the way can you see
what I'm screen sharing with you yes I can I can see um and what is the relationship right so like I I'm and I
can come up with I can keep on using language and framing this cuz what I'm asking is kind of confusing what is the
relationship between like what is that what is the iOS version of the self and and this is right like this is Right
comes from the self and then you have the grandio version of the self are these the same thing or these different
things like what how do you understand this and if you don't that's perfectly fine because I'll offer a hypothesis I
would say those are different things okay and I think that there's a a little bit of a little bit of that in there
there has to be you have to be strong enough to say this is right regardless of of any other pieces that may come
after that like logic and emotion telling you no this isn't right this isn't right right it's it's the driving
force it's the one that says this is what we're doing let's use everything else as a tool set to make sure that
that happens so there is a little bit of like kind of domineering aspect to that right okay but it's not I guess the best
thing to say there is it it got tempered so before I went homeless it was just like yeah we're just going to do it who
cares about the cons squats who cares about how it affects anybody else who cares how it affects me later it's going
to work right now so who cares right and that changed completely now it's like okay we're going to do this how do
we do it in the right way that was the big shift between those two things how do we do it the way that actually
benefits the most for everybody okay that was the difference so now I'm going to offer a couple things the first thing
is I want you to notice this statement
and this statement what do you notice about these two statements they're pretty polar
opposite that's what that's abs absolutely true and I would say that they are very similar because what is
the object of this statement it's I yeah right so this is where a lot of people get mixed up we look at this and we see
that this is at the end and this is at the end and these two things are
opposites and if this one is bad then this one must be good but it turns out that the yogis would say no no no no no
no no these both of these statements are equally bad yep so now we get to the true nature of
self so deep within you you have Tua the self the Atman the soul I don't know what this is right so this is ntin you
have a voice within you some people call it Divinity yep it's described as kind of a
Divine Force things like that yeah and and there is some transcendental quality now if we want to take a biological
reductionist perspective we say nothing like this exists and this is simply subconscious processing or unconscious
processing you could say that yeah okay I personally don't believe that but that that I think is a very
scientifically valid argument because not only does this thing have no words that can describe it it has no capacity
to be measured makes sense okay yeah science will never detect this in my op for me I
don't have an answer there and I think not having an answer is okay yeah that makes sense so and then you can you can
make an argument that it sort of doesn't matter but we'll we'll get we'll get to this a little bit I think it matters
greatly I just don't have an answer I think it does I think it does too so then what happens is we have this thing
called the aamar or the ego now this is where these statements
come in I can do anything I am bad and if I if we ask you Thor how did you become the person that you say today you
cite one inflection point which is a point of basically abandoning your ego right so you even use the word humbling
incredibly humbling so prior to this you had a very very powerful ego and then The Humbling same thing with me by the
way so I was like Premed and I was going to become you know I was going to go to Harvard and I was going to be one of the
best doctors on the planet and all this kind of and then like I had a very very humbling experience over the course
of years and years and years got rid of my ego and the big irony is I wound up training there anyway but like I didn't
you know it wasn't a goal for me then it was just it felt right um yeah so now here's the a lot of very important
things to understand right so now that we've entered into the ego now a couple of things happen if the ego controls
your logic and manages your emotions then these tools will result in like different kinds of problems this is also
where we see the seed of burnout and drive so if your drive comes from here so if your drive comes from here okay
let me think about how to draw this so let's say that so let's say here is the dimension
of drive if your drive comes from here logic and emotion
okay what that means is that your drive will be conflicted because as the logic changes
as your emotional state changes the drive will Whiffle waffle this is what ends up with people not truly being
stuck so very few people are stuck in life usually what happens with people is they're more like pendulums where they
move two steps forward two steps back two steps forward two there's a lot of activity which is why they're so
exhausted all the time because they're actually moving a lot there's a lot of energy being expended but the energy is
just getting getting dissipated in two opposite directions yeah they're just it looks like they're standing still but
they're actually working twice as hard as everybody else absolutely well said yep so if your drive comes from a hump
God or ego this can lead to a lot of accomplishment but it will often times lead to
unhappiness uh a sense of fragility a lack of contentment so this is what I see with a
lot of people who have things like impostor syndrome or people who are in banking and they have this idea I want
to be something one day so I want to be successful I want to be respected I want to be sexy I want to
do this I I I I I I I and that can that used to be me it used to be me too yeah so that can drive us very effectively so
we'll see a lot of very success I'm not going to name names but I think you can look at like the internet and Twitter
and you can see a a lot of people who have a lot of objective measures of success but if you just pay attention to
them they don't seem happy because they're getting upset about stuff they're getting into fights with like
people like you know they just don't seem content like someone who's content fighting on social media all the time
yeah right so the the there are people who can let negativity like kind of Slough off them like a roof with rain
like it just you know it falls on you and it kind of sloughs off and then there are people who like really despite
the fact that they're very successful they they don't appear to be content and that's because ego can absolutely drive
us and can lead to good outcomes and this is where a lot of people get confused because they want those things
the problem is that when we are operating from ego and when we're driven by
ego we this controls the ego controls the emotion and the logic so we end up doing things that are not good for us
and end up leading to burnout so for example let's say I'm at a let's say I'm a programmer so we had a great interview
a couple maybe about a year and a half ago with someone who was like dealing with a lot of burnout and and this
programmer was very successful and what would happen is like they would they would go home on the weekend like if
there was some problem that needed to be solved they literally this is what they would describe so they go home on Friday
and then they would work on the problem all weekend long there's a team of developers and then they come in on
Monday morning with the solution so instead of getting a weekend they do the whole team's work over the course of the
weekend and then they come in burnt out on the weekend but man everyone is like holy crap this is great like thank you
for solving this problem and they feel so good from that positive enforcement they have this desire to be and what we
sort of discovered with them is they have the desire to be the hero like I want to be the hero it feels good to be
the hero but the hero is an aspect of my ego so what happens when I when I operate
from ego I want to be something is it causes us to make generally speaking unhealthy trades so we value something
so much and we're willing to sacrifice I don't want to disappoint my boss I want my boss to love me I want my boss to
respect me so I'm never going to say set a boundary with them yeah that makes sense okay so this is I think I think a
lot of the times that that's kind of interesting because I think a lot of the times that's the same sort of traits
where it stops you from wanting to do things like take break when you really need to or be able to go on vacation
like one of the things I learned pretty early is I do work a lot I really enjoy working but when I need a break I listen
to myself and I'm like I'm not going to stream today today I'm going to take a chill I'm GNA walk away for a minute
because you need to do that everybody no no matter how driven you are you have to do that absolutely right so I think what
what happens with the ego is since it it almost shapes or even suppresses logic and emotion it leads to a very selective
logic right so then the the logical part of you that's like hey sometimes like you're human and you need a break that
gets suppressed so what happens is a lot of people will cultivate this and I see this a lot like on social media in terms
of um like you know this hustle culture and stuff like that that like sacrifice
sacrifice sacrifices to be laed all of these people are operating from ego and you can lead it can result in a lot of
positive outcomes like materialistic outcomes absolutely but it also leads to a lot of unhappiness and burnout and all
kinds of like other negativity I I had that actually so when I used to work for the doe right because I worked for the
Department of energy I made an insane amount of money right because I was working for the federal government
hacking power plants right crazy well well-paid job but I was flying around the country 10 weeks AG I wasn't home
and they wanted to change that to 30 weeks a year and I realized like there's I could sacrifice everything I could
just have no home life I could just never be at my house I could just not have any friends none of this and I
could make a ton of money doing it but at a certain point it was like that's not worth it it's absolutely not worth
it you I think there's there might be a time and a place for that to put yourself in an advantageous situation
down the line if it's short but you know but not a permanent solution like that not something that
lasts a super long period of time I can understand the idea of grinding for a little bit so that you can have yourself
in a better situation but that stuff like that can absolutely take over at least I felt Absol draw for that and I
was like no I'm not doing it and so the the challenge uh Thor is that if people are if ego is where they're coming from
they can't draw those limits okay because if I if I don't work 30 weeks then in my mind I become something else
and I don't want to be that thing and the avoidance of that kind of thing like I want to be the hardest one worker
because the hardest worker means I'm the best which means that if someone else and this is the all kinds of problems
come with ego one is that uh comparison really sets in so ego by by its nature exists to compare it's one of the
fundamental things so like if I if I have an identity of I'm the best what that means is that like if that's my
identity and someone shows up who's better than me then I can't let them do that so then either I need to work
harder or I need to be and try to sabotage them or all kinds of other crap happens so comparison and ego go hand in
hand and even if we kind of look at some of these this is kind of confusing for a lot of people but recently I've been
talking about how tall and short are not real things they are comparisons and they are abstractions so height is a
real thing absolutely but tall and short are comparisons you can't be if I'm the only human being on the planet like and
I live on a desert island or I live on an island there's no other human beings I won't be tall or short
I will be a certain height I can do certain things but other human beings are necessary for tall and short to
exist makes sense so so the other interesting way to see it I've actually never seen it that way it's quite funny
but yeah know it's really wild right so and then the people who say this is not correct Dr K will if you pay attention
they will be operating from ego I am tall here is my experience of tall is there a reality of being of not having a
particular height absolutely so I can't reach particular things on the Shelf people will judge me absolutely that
judgment is 100% real but there's this is what this is where things get really tricky the
judgment is real but the way that I see myself is moldable by me I think it's funny because they use that as a point
of humor a lot of the times like the the Ridiculousness of being like Oh short people tall people it's like a it's a
really common silly joke that I tell cuz I'm 6'2 so it's slightly above the average right and
it's like it's not that it's not that good to be a tall person CU you can see where you want to get to but there's all
these short people in the way and like calling out the Ridiculousness of that kind of comparison is like I find that
really funny right because it it it calls to point it's like doesn't even matter right none of that stuff even
matters but it's funny it's funny to do do that so so this is where there is a reality there is a real logic to tall
and short but there is still if we're operating from the ego it's never going to be enough and this is where like I've
worked with people and I guess argue I'm one of them so I'm like 5'7 Or 5'8 I I I'm confused about that because I think
I'm 5'7 and someone else says they're 5'8 and I'm taller than they are so then I'm like I I don't know anymore um com
prob 5 seven and a half yeah and then uh and so but like you know I'm okay with that like that's fine with like you know
and people will say like oh 57 cursed and it's like you know that be honest with you yeah I I think it is
frustrating being taller sometimes planes suck absolutely like legitimately there so I think there's always things
that go along with both and I that's why I always found it to be kind of silly like it doesn't really matter yeah
because like if you're shorter some things are Out Of Reach people will make fun of you and if you're taller you're
going to hit your head on stuff and you're also not going to fit in a lot of places like I have to think about the
shape of a car that I want to get into right and that sucks it's awful yeah I I I think that there is there is a logic
to that that I think a lot of people because they are operating from ego will reject the thought that being tall comes
with disadvantages is something that their logic will respond and say that is insane the there may be some
disadvantages but the advantages far far far outweigh the disadvantages I mean it's funny to me
because like there's not a lot of advantages to having a tall programmer you know like it doesn't really matter
for us it's kind of irrelevant and and they I'm pretty sure there are people out
there who would argue with you they would find some other point of of argument my point is that it when things
are operating from the ego this this grandiose sense of self as opposed to thria which is this Transcendent state
which we'll get to then it can lead to a lot of success but it will come at a very high price makes
sense then there is the I can agree with that I think that makes a lot of sense to me honestly yeah so then there
is operating from Thia so Tua is this fourth state of of Consciousness so if we look at um this is kind of how we can
view Consciousness which is awareness and then we can look at mental
activity and what we find is that we can make a 2 by two table so there's plus minus plus minus so when we are aware
and we are and we have mental activity this is what we call wakefulness right I'm I'm awake which
means I'm aware that I exist and my mind is functioning when I have no consciousness and mental activity this
is when I am daydreaming or dreaming so I lose my sense of awareness
but my mind is operating right and it's beautiful that we even call this daydreaming because we figure out that
these two states are very similar subjectively get that when I read a book as weird as that is yeah right so when
we get lost in something there is a lot of engrossing mental activity um and then over here is
sleep and over here is let's call it thya or this is where we have Consciousness but we have no
mental activity so this is the goal of meditation is to move into this place so this is where once again if we think
about ego uh logic and emotions these are things that are part of the Mind
that makes sense this is the mind right so I have a sense of who I am I have logical thoughts I have emotions
emotions can be physical too for sure um but the goal is to actually the goal of meditation is to move into this
place now somewhere along the way you tapped into this and this is what's super cool about operating from tya is
that when you operate from this place like all kinds of cool stuff happens the first thing that happens is that you
have very high Reserves of energy yeah okay so much like you I work
often times seven days a week and I won't work 16 to 19 hours a day I basically can't unless I'm doing
clinical work so I can work like 60 hour shifts at a hospital because I'm constantly seeing patients but I can't
do regular work like that but what I tend to find is that I I tend to run out of energy like I I have low endurance so
I'll work seven days a week because that kind of works for me but you have a lot of reserves of energy the other cool
thing is that you're resilient to setbacks oh yeah right set is an advantage
absolutely so this is where we go to this where failure becomes and even if you think about the term right so
failure implies the end of something setback implies a continuation yeah and if we huh it
becomes fuel absolutely really what it is right so this is what's really crazy is that like if you think about any
event in life it is neither a failure nor a setback it is the way in which you conceptualize it which determines
whether this is a failure or a setback so I applied to medical school for a year got rejected 40 times was that a
failure like absolutely like objectively you could call it that but is the attitude that you take this is an
opportunity to learn we got to keep doing it let's keep moving forward you know it I certainly had these feelings
of I am bad and in my case I had gone through some degree of formal training which we'll talk about at the very end
today um that helped me move from here to here but once again the key thing if you if people want to stop thinking this
way this is what they need to eliminate the eye the eye needs to be eliminated because if we pay attention to your
language Thor you do not operate from I right so it's like pretty rare huh it's pretty rare I mean I still use the
word I no no we all use the so the ego is so the ego eventually when we do it right the ego becomes a tool just like
logic and emotion ego isn't bad it is just that we should be aware of like ego and we should not operate from
ego so when you operate from thya you also get a sense of like direction right and then what happens is normally when
we get paralyzed by Logic and emotion right so this kind of business this kind of
business goes away so what happens is that right now so there's like two ways of operating so if I'm over
here and as I move this way I get more negative and then what happens is since I'm trying to do something good like the
reason I moved this way in the first place is because over here there was a beneficial ratio of like positive and
negative there's neuros signs to this as well now that the ratio is unfavorable I move this way but now I'm over here and
then I end up doing this so when you operate from a place OFA what happens is this negativity becomes an obstacle to
overcome we don't stop moving in this direction it just becomes a problem to solve we keep moving in that direction
so then the experience is like this this is our activation energy it's friction but we don't stop moving even though
there's friction so it's kind of funny it's like it's it's friction it's like there's a wall in front of you and you
just walk through it yeah you just keep walking till it's not there anymore this is this is also
what gives us follow through so this is a huge problem in our community right now like in the world where people like
don't follow through with stuff and the you're not going to follow through if you're operating from logic or drive you
will absolutely follow through if you are operating from what I would call a Transcendent space and by Transcendent I
mean a place that is outside of your mind right that that drive comes from in here it doesn't come from up here yeah
it's actually it's funny because we we were playing that puzzle game all day today and basically every time I hit one
of those puzzles it was like a ramp up and it was like another another another because you're you're hitting all these
obstacles and I see a lot of people fail out of games like that they put negative sort of emotions to those types of
things and they're like oh I hate this because the game didn't hand it to me and it's like for me it's like no like
more like keep keep giving more obstacles please because that that's what drives me for that it makes it more
interesting so this is where there challenges when when I teach that that makes so I'll I'll kind of reflect that
concept back to you so there's this concept in Eastern religions basically a spiritual Traditions called Dharma so
Dharma means Duty and the cool thing about duty is generally speaking in life we try to run away from negative things
so your life would be way easier if you could run towards things that were painful in some capacity and that's what
Dharma allows you to do so if we're operating from logic or emotion or gains or outcomes it's all about a risk
benefit our brain even does this action success calculation where it like decides whether something is worth it or
not this is why everyone procrastinates when they're studying for a test because our brain knows that if we wait until 48
hours and we cram we can still pass that's how the brain decides and it decides that I can study for two days or
I can study for two months and in one case I get a c and in one case I get an A and from an actual like hourly
calculation it is more beneficial for me to procrastinate because a c for two days is worth is is a way better deal
it's way better value than 60 days of studying for an a yeah so when we look at
dhma Dharma is also what allows us to do hard things so I I I I I don't think you have kids but you know I have kids and
the best example fets huh I have 38 ferrets in a rescue that's right so so actually the ferrets are are good
example so you know if you think about making sacrifices like staying up or spending your money if you do it out of
a duty to your ferrets or I do it for my kids CU I don't have ferrets then it makes it easier to stay up late right it
it makes it easier to do the dishes it makes it easier to do laundry Beyond yourself yeah Absol yeah yeah be Beyond
yourself right so once again this allows us Dharma allows us to mitigate the strength of the ego go okay sense um
there's another kind of Dimension which I want to kind of talk about real quick I think I'm screen sharing with you so
hopefully yall can see this so I'm going to just toss in a little bit of science because there's some support of these
principles this isn't really a Ono one there are other studies which we could talk about Transcendent States Of
Consciousness and psychedelics and ego death and stuff like that if you want to talk about that we can oh yeah but I
take this um this is where I want to introduce this concept to people of hedonic and and udics let me see if I
can find a never heard those terms actually yeah so let's let's take a look at some brain brain stuff so what we
know is that there are two kinds of things that make people happy and I think the biggest problem is that when
we're operating from ego so usually when we're operating from our base logic or
emotions this results in hedonics now people may get confused because they're saying like logically isn't it a good
idea to they understand with emotions like if I gratify emotions like yeah that's like short-term pleasure but
often times our logic is flawed right so we'll say we'll like logic ourselves oh yeah like I can get drunk today like
it's not that big of a deal like I can do this work tomorrow that's logical thinking but it's in a hedonic Pursuit
so what what I find in people who are highly addicted to stuff is that their like logical brain is actually run by
their addiction they will constantly in relation to Hedonism right absolutely so a lot of our logical thinking actually
results in a hedonistic lifestyle and I know that that runs contrary to what a lot of people would think they're like
oh no emotions are honic and like if I lived my life logic that's not actually how it works if you pay attention to
eating that cookie like your brain will give you logic as to why it's okay yeah it's it's always like it is a a way of
proving yourself like well it's okay to cheat on my diet this time absolutely because of these reasons that makes
sense that leads to hm for sure and people will call that flawed logic but it is my experience as a psychiatrist
that the abstraction of logic and code when put into a human brain is no longer objective like that's just not doable I
think it's always the first reaction too it's not the well I should have the cookie you know it's like no I I have to
convince myself I have to give myself a reasoning why it should absolutely right so so so your brain will do that work
hard to your your the addicted part of your brain will work hard to convince the other parts of your brain through
logic that what it wants is correct do you think we see the same thing in um kind of criminal Behavior it's like I
should do this bad thing because of these reasons so it makes it okay absolutely we not not just criminal all
Behavior interesting yeah so I mean see this with all the time so then there's this concept so this is
kind of hedonics and the more that we operate from here the more we're you dionic this is my understanding of the
Neuroscience of it and like one other like one other way to look at this is that none of this stuff is actually
existing this is all unconscious processing and the reason that we feel good when we operate this is because of
UD amonia um but anyway so let's so here's if if if you know hedonics is for
Hedonism what is emonia what's the you know base of that we're going to talk about that so hedonics is
pleasure gratification the Fulfillment of desires uh comes from the nucleus
accumbens and dopamine but I'm going to show you a paper that shows that that's not even
correct a lot of what um a lot of what I'm saying is like overs simplif because the truth is is that Neuroscience is
incredibly complicated yeah we're still figuring it out so okay so now here's the cool thing
so here's what we know leads to udonia First is self-determinism second is
self-expression third is effort and fourth is importance right so when I see your life
now we're talking science okay forget about soul and all this nonsense when I see your life I see all four of these
things so you are living a deterministic you're a life of self-determinism you decide you want to do something right
we'll talk about the Transcendence we're going to go to science then we'll end up in spirituality I'm fine with it so
there's self-determinism there's self-expression right very literally like you are expressing yourself
constantly when we look at burnout what we tend to find is that burnout is inversely
correlated with emonia so in cases of burnout like you were saying people don't get recognized
for their work they don't get to do what they want in their job and the advice that you give people is like if you make
your hobby your job there's a chance you may not love it and why is that that's because when it's a hobby it's all about
self-expression and self-determination but once you have invoices to send once you have customer service tickets
to handle once you have all this kind of stuff you lose that capacity for self-determination and self expression
yeah another another big one that I talk to people about is if you're if you're feeling bad in your job like you don't
you don't feel good you don't feel like what you doing matters is to talk to your boss and if your if your boss is
good in any capacity they'll tell you you're doing great here's how or you're doing badly here's how and either way
you have an answer which helps state that goal like if if it's bad then you have a you know Target if it's good then
you have backup right yeah so I don't think that works for most people so I think your advice is correct I've seen
it I've seen it work sometimes but I think you're right I think in some because it it hinges on another person
that is an outside unknown variable and I mean I would argue that the reason that works so well so I think it's the
right advice sure I think if we want to understand when people do that they're not able to hear that right so I think
that's what you that's what you that's what you give them I think it's very important that you do that Thor I don't
think it's the wrong answer I'm saying it doesn't work for some people and the reason is because of the ego that I
agree with no I super agree with that that's one of the biggest things is I I've never I don't think there is a
silver bullet if that makes sense there is oh so I think you found it right that that's what we're talking we're talking
about the Silver Bullet I I don't just because things are comple we'll get there but I just want to point
out that if you go to your boss and sure that's assuming that your boss is decent but even in the case that your boss is
decent if your boss says you doing a bad job and here are the reasons why for a lot of
people they'll say I suck yeah they'll go down this and they can't go down this so what is the difference between that's
the ego it's framing ego yeah so so I I think part of what you offer which is awesome Thor is that you teach people
this literal thinking and the more that people think this instead of this if this is what happens
in their mind their ego will get weaker and they will proceed you're 100% correct that was that's always why I try
to frame it that way which is when you get the answer if the answer is negative you need to see it as a Target that you
can reach to to fix to get better and you have to see it that way and if you don't see it that way then it's it's
worthless but in that in that track of thinking Thor I I invite you I mean this is what I see I see no ego
there right I see externalization of the issue about think it's do you think it's it's beneficial to portray that as even
an option though because I find a lot of the times people don't even realize that's possible yes they don't yeah no I
think what you're doing is VE let me be super clear I think what you're doing is correct very beneficial and you are
training people you are literally training people to think in this way you're training people to think outside
of the ego I think the main thing that I'm sort of pointing out is that the reason that you offer advice and it has
a differential impact on people and now what I'm trying to do is talk to the members of your audience if they want
your advice to apply better translate more into their life this is a missing component because it is the people who
are not able to absolve themselves of their ego not become objective not think longterm not zoom out they're not able
to do those things then it won't work if they're able to do this and we see in your life that you had an
inflection point of dissolution of the ego which is why you can think like this I do think that it it's funny
because I I don't ever call that to attention for that because I know that there are more components that went into
that and it's kind of like a journey of that over time sure because I find sometimes people use that as a sort of a
crutch for it to say well I can't do it because I didn't have that experience ah so interesting what look at the what
what what were those statements that you made well I can't do it because I didn't have that experience specifically and I
I do I do see that you know where people like well I he had it so he's he's got the special power now you know yes thing
it's a way to defeat any potential type of growth by saying that you're in a position where it is impossible for you
without trying absolutely so that comes from the ego that's why it doesn't work do you see that it's like the same
construction any construction that operates from here is going to be like flawed maybe not any but the majority of
them in the context that we're talking about okay so um so I I think that this is like and
this is what I'm sort of Lost in myself for a second cuz I I I love it because that's exactly what they say right and
now we see like the principle in play is that a lot of people go through their lives it's interesting because you
mentioned adaptability I I just uh put together a lecture which hopefully will be coming out soon and and one of the
key things that makes people less adaptable is they I I I'll I'll skip that for now I
think the big thing for me is you're not going to succeed in the same way as me you're not going to succeed in the same
way as somebody else that's why I really dislike when people draw comparisons between themselves and other people's
work they're like oh I'm not a good artist because look at that artist over there do make any sense they're in a
completely different Journey completely different things that they've learned they've gone a totally different path to
learning things you have to look at yourself 3 months ago 6 months ago and say Where am I compared to where I was
and that's that to me is more important than looking at someone else's thing you know looking at someone else's progress
and that's the same thing for me right I did all my things you know I went I went down that path and did all these things
but the idea is that you're you have your own path and you learn your own things in your own way and you'll have
your own adaptations that are vastly different from mine and that's kind of how that goes right
yeah so I would I would agree 100% that the healthiest comparison to make in life is a comparison to
yourself and even that can get that's a big one that can get that can get uh messed up though because like especially
when I work with people who are like sober like you're sober for a year and then you relapse and then you look at
your former self and you see Fallen yeah and and you see that You' fallen and and that can create problems so even I think
ego is like basically it should never be in control like it's a tool just like your logic and your emotion yeah I do
think that that is that is probably one of the most devastating situations I've seen is when someone is relapsing
especially from addiction you know that's just so it's so rough because that does break that entire thing of
like look at everything that I've accomplished I've made it this far you know but again it's the eye I've I've
made it AB it's the eye it's the eye it's the eye it's the eye okay yep so just one last I mean I I I'm not feeling
too much of a need for science right here but we'll just kind of talk about this very quickly so if you look at like
this is the honic brain circuitry right so I think nucleus accumbens is going to be somewhere over here um let's see yeah
so yeah right here it's whatever this one is um it's somewhere around here and
then what we know is that the oh where's the udonia anyway emonia comes from other
parts of your brain like your ventromedial prefrontal cortex I don't see it over
here um but it's like it's more it's it anyway so it comes so we know that
emonia comes from some areas pleasure comes from other areas and that basically like even when it comes
to um let me just look at yeah so in particular the ventromedial prefrontal cortex forms
these flourishing beliefs by generating positive evaluations of life circumstances like life satisfaction the
self self-esteem relationships and goal progress so emonia is about these kinds of Dimensions now I know I'm talking
about the ego but I'm using ego the reason I use aamar is because that's an a different concept it's actually a
different thing but the self is not ego the ego is the construction of my identity and what we sort of know is
that the regions that are associated with hedonics and pleasure are different from the regions that are associated
with like being satisfied with your life we also know that uh let me see if I can find
this uh it's not here okay um I was hoping to find a good paper I think it's in a different paper that talks about
what the components of emonia are I'm sure they'll have it here um give me a second
uh okay we'll skip that I don't think it's that important but anyway the point here is that when we're talking about
living a fulfilling life we don't want to operate from these things and interestingly enough accomplishment of
goals so this is really important goal accomplishment is over here this is one that really trips
people up so if you look at UD demonics it's not not accomplishment it's actually effort and importance it's
things like self-determinism and self-expression and if you look at studies on
burnout what we know we basically knows know what burns people out so what burns people out is not working hard it is
working hard and being ineffectual yep so for me like the top of the list is like I can see a patient
I can be on call I remember there's one particular case from residency where we had a patient who was on the I was doing
I was working on the neurology floor so not Psychiatry and we had a patient who
needed a very expensive so we had a 40-year-old person who basically had an autoimmune condition where his eyes were
being eaten by his immune system so the eyes are super scary because they're actually immunoprotected so our our our
body knows what we are and it knows what other people are this is why we get transplant rejection and things like
that because the body recognizes this is foreign tissue One really scary thing is that our eyes are never exposed to our
immune system so if our immune system ever gets into our eyes in a certain way um it'll actually activate an autoimmune
reaction and your your immune system will eat your eyes so this was happening to this patient in real time and we we
had worked really hard to figure out why this person who was in their 40s like suddenly was going blind we were like
what the hell is going on so we did all kinds of tests and stuff and then we finally figured out okay this is is an
autoimmune reaction so we talked to the insurance company the insurance company was like we're not going to pay for that
treatment we're like this is crazy like you guys need to pay for that's the height of burnout like
the whole like 24 hours of very very intensive tests and calling consultants and like talking to this person and
really trying to figure out insurance doesn't care that we're fine with like that doesn't burn you out working hard
doesn't burn you out it is the inability to work hard uh sorry it is working hard and not getting some kind of result and
that really leads to burnout yeah no I can agree with that I mean like since I work in you know rescue we we get all
kinds of cases that come in and some of them are pretty horrific like two of the ferrets that we had have uh an
autoimmune disorder called dim disseminated idiopathic myofasciitis and it's the neutrophils from which is
component of the immune system attacking all of the soft tissue of their body heart everything everything everything
and it's they basically just form holes everywhere and disintegrate that's kind of how that goes and it's
horrific to watch but I gained a lot of good feeling out of this from like helping them because what we did was we
reached out to the foremost Veterinary in in uh Oregon that is dealing with this we took that and then um like
worked with them and they gave us all their research and then we worked with the ferrets to try and figure this out
and basically what we did was we gave them a chemotherapy that suppresses the bone marrow that reduces the nutrifil in
the body and ferrets regenerate very quickly right so at a certain point if you keep doing this and you do it in
ways where it doesn't kill them because the bone marrow also produces red blood cells so you don't want them to you know
run out of that but thankfully ferrets don't have uh they don't have blood types so you can just do transfusions if
that does happen which is kind of cool they get to a point where they regenerate faster than the damage being
done so now mocha and Latte are the two that we have like this they're totally fine they're in remission because of it
and those types of situations are like really scary autoimmune situations are insane to deal with you just watch
I'm kind of curious about that can I ask a couple questions you may not know because But but so so when you say they
regenerate fair enough from like a red blood cell perspective but as soon as the bone marrow bounces back don't the
neutrophils start attacking the muscle tissue again yes they do so what we have to do is just keep doing testing again
to see what their neutri count is generally a feret that's in dim it is a uh detection of exclusion right so they
they test for exclusion they test everything else first and then they find at the end this is the only thing that
is left so it's usually pretty hard most people euthanize a fair that has dim most of the time U there's been an
uptick in it recently they don't quite know the cause there's not enough research that's being done on this but
situations like this allow us to learn more stuff and I spread it out to all the vets that we work with everything
like that but with this one it was um it's more interesting because when you're testing for this you can see the
neutr count is very high insanely High normally a fet's going to have usually between 500 2,000 per blood count and
they're at like 160,000 like crazy high numbers we like this is is ridiculous what do your ferrites eat uh raw food
diets so everything is fully raw food diets it's a freeze-dried raw food and it's easy to control that because it's
easy to figure out what their kidney and liver values are supposed to be out of that while making sure they get all the
proper nutrition what I'm curious though like when you say fine it's freeze-dried raw food but what is it meat 100% meat
they're obligate carnivores meat and Bone huh they are it is all meat and Bone they are obligate Carnivor so meat
bone and egg is all they can eat interesting so ferrets don't eat any vegetables no not at all it'll actually
kill them so if you give them even pea proteins so like protein derived from peas it gives them kidney stones can't
have anything other than meat meat bone and egg yep no such thing as a vegan ferret not
a thing what percentage of their diet is egg oh very low to be honest with you um it depends some ferrets can have
indigestion from that very low amounts of it can cause kind of like well the poops right the diarrhea from it if they
don't tolerate it very well but uh it's usually seen as as more of a treat a lot of it is mostly ground meat and Bone and
the the biggest thing you have to Target is tarine because you have to make sure they get about 500 milligrams of tarine
per day for a healthy kind of ferret and they do self-regulate so they won't overeat which is interesting not like a
dog we'll just keep eating and eating and eating but um so you can just kind of put food in there and they'll
self-regulate but if you don't do that you you don't hit that Mark they get hard to disease and and it will kill
them 100% of the time we've actually reversed some of the heart disease and for that what do wild ferrets eat black
footed ferrets the same yeah no but but like like what what is their actual prey oh geez all kinds of stuff so a
ferret can actually take down an animal between two to three times its size um they can take down a chicken they can
take down um other small mammals they can take down there's they're very vicious Hunters but their their primary
diet the primary thing they want to take down rabbits they are very skilled at going into Burrows and taking down
rabbits no problem interesting that's a big thing that they're yeah they're fantastic at it they're actually used
for hunting in Europe because of that do do they eat reptiles amphibians or insects no not insectivores um I think
in a pinch they might try to eat a reptile but that's not like a normal thing and amphibian also not like a
normal thing yeah that's really interesting yeah so I was just curious because a lot of what this autoimmune
stuff at least what we know for humans is that dietary changes have huge impacts on autoimmune status we're
seeing as as odd as this is the the last time that we had a huge uptick in specifically dim was when they changed
the formulation for what is called canine distemper vaccine so canine distemper is 100% chance of death in
ferrets it is vicious you they don't survive whatsoever um and it spreads throughout the population very quickly
because it's a feal oral rout and it just just goes through the whole thing kills them all so what they have to do
is every fairy gets K9 dis temper vaccine and something with Marshalls they changed the formulation on it and
they had a massive increase in dim and then they changed the formulation again and it dropped off again there are still
cases where they get dim but we don't know why quite yet there's not enough research and unfortunately because so
few veterinarians are actually trained on how to identify dim in the first place we don't get a lot of good data
points on how to detect this and we don't get a lot of good data points on how widespread it really is most of the
time it's fair to lethargic they're having these weird problems they're they're not eating they're not drinking
euth like euthanize and that's it it is very sad but that's generally the way that it goes so when we when we talk to
other you know vets or rescues or anything like that if we find out that they have a feret that fits the kind of
General conditions that a dim ferret could have we go go talk to your vet here's some paperwork and like take this
and we we've had a couple of times where they're like oh yeah no totally like this it turns out that they do have dim
but the chemotherapy for that is also incredibly expensive it's like $450 a treatment and you're talking like a
treatment every two weeks for the next 6 months right and like that's not cheap for people it's not cheap at all so like
there's got to be something that changes with that to save these animals really when they're in this kind of a situation
thankfully with us running the rescue here on on Twitch and like the ad revenue from that ad Revenue paid for it
all so we just do it and we don't have to think about it and save the animal's lives but for an average owner that's
not possible which is why euthanasia happens we we usually will reach out to people that we can find out for that and
if they are in an area where we can take them we we try to you be like hey do you want to surrender the animal because we
have a good chance of saving them we have a good track record with this we haven't lost one yet so far because we
know how to handle it but um that's a big part of building that new Rescue is like I you know the the the point of
this is going to be the largest rescue in the United States that's the whole idea is to make sure that we can have
kind of a coverage that's beyond just you know 50 m radius which is sort of where we're at right now you know it's
like the 50 Mi is about it is like 50 to 100 miles is like the maximum that we can really go because
outside of that it's just it's not possible you know it's just too far and what is the average lifespan of a ferret
in the United States about it's about five years due to poor genetics unfortunately um Marshall's Farms is the
primary breeder inside of the US they produce all the laboratory Animals United States federally funded so that's
not really going anywhere unfortunately the breeding practices have led to bad genetics that include heart disease and
cancer incredibly common in Europe most ferrets live to about 10 and they've also found that if you take a European
feret and you you crossbreed them with a pole cat they live to almost 20 years old or one-year-old because they either
die horrifically to cancer really early or they live forever which is really interesting and kind of strange po cat
is a kind of ferret pett is another musd it's a wild type different sort of animal kind of like a mink or things
like that right so mustelids the whole the whole classification of muscs can be like badgers you know I think otters all
kinds of different stuff it's MUSC ex those those animals that look very friendly but will tear you apart
rip you to bits yeah oh yeah they're they're so vicious they're so if the ferrets were larger I'd be dead right is
is an otter a musulin I think I'm pretty sure an otter is let me look this up I want to make sure before I move forward
yeah so I think it just falls under the category of like cute and I want to cuddle it but it can it can literally
eviscerate me yeah they they they have such strong bite strength like such strong bite strength as well and they're
you they're a little weasel shaped you know they're so cute yeah they're AB absolutely and some some fets will bite
you pretty hard too you got to train it out of them that's a pretty common thing behavioral training you know Thor I I I
know this is a little bit outside of the scope of my expertise in this conversation but I I think that like
especially with myofasciitis um I've seen a lot of really good outcomes like so this there
I don't know how much how many studies there are on this I imagine they're out there I'm just you know Rheumatology and
autoimmune disease is not my area of expertise but I see it a lot I used to see it a lot in my patients because
there's an overlap between autoimmune illness and a lot of these like fibromyalgia chronic fatigue syndrome
there's a lot of these things that end up in Psychiatry or like often times these weird occult autoimmune kind of um
what's another example chronic lime is like another good example of like some weird autoimmune
activation um and and diet really seems to be like quite helpful for a fair chunk of patients yeah so
that's the hardest part about this is there's no there's no way you can possibly modify the diet we can choose a
different protein Source but it has to be animal- based protein because if you go into vegetable based protein they get
kidney stones and they get them real fast too so you end up having this weird problem with that where like there's not
a huge amount of options unfortunately and I I'd love to explore that more I really would i' I just don't know where
to go for that yeah I I the next time I you know I'll this is kind of floating around in the back of my I I may just
the next time I get in touch with a few colleagues I may just ask them if they know anything about fits but oh yeah no
totally and it's funny because like my main goal with it is we create enough situations where there is a good a
positive outcome like we have like where they're basically in remission right and to be real with you the way that we see
remission on this is mocha and latte have not had a treatment for six months and they've had no problems they run
around they play like any other ferrets they have no issues right none wild and um my hope is to get rid of that
idiopathic part of that that diagnosis right which is the if you don't know what idiopathic means it it's we don't
know where it comes from and like that's it like we just don't know we have no idea like this happens
spontaneously from somewhere and that sucks you know it's a really awful thing we don't know the cause and eventually
my hope is that we do know the cause and there's just not enough information I think a lot of that information gets
lost because we euthanize the animals when we don't know what it is oh yeah you didn't hear about Henry did you or
ferret no so we had a ferret come in he he' been owned by these people since he was half a year old um if a feret mom
gets and you're going to love this this is wild if a ferret mom gets K uh feline parvo or canine demper whether she lives
or dies the the babies that she has have a very high chance of having weird brain
anomalies um physical changes in the brain and usually they end up de right so this this far comes into us and he's
2 years old and the owners are like he's only turning left or like oh that's neurologic like immediately you're like
that's going to be a neurologic issue he can only do circling behavior only moving left like something's definitely
wrong here he can't control his mouth he can't eat so we're feeding him syringe feeding him for like weeks and um we go
and get him a CT scan we found out he has middle ear infections and outer ear infections in both ears they like okay
here's something we can objectively fight find out what's going on here and see how he reacts afterwards after he
stopped what is called Head pressing where they they push their head on things because they're in so much pain
and he stopped uh the inability to eat it fell away so he could he could feed himself but he moved really weird he's
constantly doing these weird head movements and he's still not running quite correctly he there's clearly
something wrong so we set up an MRI and MRI are pretty expensive but like again rescue pays for it we can do the whole
thing and we put him through the the whole MRI we get him out 60% of his brain is Scar Tissue 60 and it's all
through the brain like it it's 60% of the white matter of the brain is scar tissue and even the portions that would
normally control autonomic functions so like things like heart and and lungs totally Scar Tissue which is
mindboggling so the time that he was born was when there was whistleblowers that talked about there being a k9 diser
outbreak at Marshalls where they suddenly stopped giving ferrets to any of the the vet or any of the pet Coast
inside of the United States so whistleblower said that about 250,000 and fet died that time period was when
he was born which means there's a very high chance his mom got K9 toer if that was true he somehow survived six months
with that kind of issue moving like that without being detected because they would call him if
that was the case if they found him made it into a pet store got bought it half a year made it to two years this way and
then came to us and then finally we find out what's wrong with him and it's it's wild because we've got we've been able
to see him adopt behaviors from the other ferrets so he can do things like digging Behavior now didn't do that when
he first came us um he can run and jump now he tried to groom one of the other ferrets the other day which is new new
behavior and like we can watch him being able to pick up Social traits but it it's mindboggling to see how much of his
brain is damaged it's completely I can actually send you the you said you said white white matter damage right that is
correct 60% and some of some other portions some of structures for that is it's completely
basically and it's it's also it is um fully symmetrical the damage so it had to have happened before he was born so
SOA is canine distemper a parvo virus any let me actually look that up to make sure because you mentioned parvo earlier
and I was yeah feline parvo so you know it's interesting because I mean that's that's consistent so there's it's it's
fascinating I love hearing that story so here's like a couple of initial thoughts first is you mentioned that um virus yes
both so so you you mentioned that the feret wasn't C right so like we have to think about it kind of
statistically so it actually makes sense like everything in your story makes sense and and things could get better so
let's understand a couple Basics one is um so when you have you know a perinatal or prenatal viral infection of the brain
generally speaking that is very very bad but there are there can it sort sort of makes sense it's almost like a selection
bias where the fet that how can I say this out of 250,000 ferrets if there is one fet that happens
to have the viral infection in a certain way that it is not detected early like it kind of Dodge the bullet does that
make sense cuz if if it if it had affected maybe the gray matter part of the brain which we'll talk about in a
second then you're kind of like so and then it would have been detected so the fact that it did not get detected means
that that's a good prognostic sign oh but he I think it was negligence that it
wasn't detected okay moves very strangely so so so that's that's absolutely a possibility but my point is
that like sure it could be negligence but the other thing is that the particular damage of this perinatal
infection was on the less severe side which is why the ferret did not get called oh yeah SE second I think yeah I
think that it it made me wonder if it was just the chaos of what was going on in there legitimately because it is when
he's around any other fa it's very obvious so so there's there's all kinds of other things that could go into that
but just from like just purely a medical perspective forget about the circumstances forget about things like
that so so because we see this sometimes where there's someone who has like you know a really messed up brain and then
but the the whole thing is that even though the brain is super messed up something about the pattern of damage
is you know there it's it's kind of like you know if I if I get shot by a gun a gunshot wound does not have the same
effect depending on where it hits my body so even though I sent you I sent you a video just so you can see so you
can have the context hold on because I can I totally understand where you're coming from but
this is profound so I don't know how to look at a ferret brain but I definitely see so I
can walk you through the feret brain but the the video if you see him oh yeah but I mean how do I show this hold
on I gotta like he he does not move normally whatsoever hold on a second and this is every action that he makes and
he's constantly you know shaking this is the first time he ever tried to groom another ferret by the way
that video that you just saw so the one that's white there that's Mouse yeah Mouse has what is called uh
wardenburg syndrome if you've heard of that Wallenberg or Warden wardenburg I've heard of
Wallenberg it's very different yeah so that you can see Henry's that head movement that's that's the biggest thing
is he does that all the time constantly it's very very obviously neurologic condition so that's is this is this the
sarabellum do you know what what part of the white matter this is so if you want to look at this um I've sent you a tweet
there as well yeah I'm going to I'm going to try to pull it but but do you know if that's the cerebellum because
this it cere damage we actually Dage we thought it was we thought it was going to be C cerebella hypoplasia first
that was what we believed going into it makes sense and it turned out to be this instead on top of some kind of lesions
on the cerebelum which we need to we need to fully review it with radiologist soon yeah but if you see do you see the
the white on the top of the brain there yeah yeah that's all leion let me let me just pull this up so that people can see
yeah the official diagnosis from the veterinary was swiss cheese brain they were like I've never seen anything like
this so This I mean so this is where the cerebellum I I don't know what a fa brain looks like but this is generally
the ballpark of the cerebellum not this stuff over here but this looks quite cerebella and the main thing is that
this kind of a taxia is look cerebella like the the way that the the way I describe it is that so the ferad is
trying to Target something but the part of our brain that manages that yeah like that the
part of our brain that's like if I want to like point over here like my B is what lets me do that so it's basically
like missing like when you have sah Balor damage it's like you have an accuracy debuff where you can't like hit
things where you want them to go and also has like he's also got like cognitive issues where like he can
choose a thing and he does the thing and most other fits will do like multitasking they'll try to do different
things they'll try to like they have like kind of a forethought for it he does not there's there's definitely
other factors in there so so the the the really interesting thing so you're saying that he's getting better right so
here's the cool thing so our brain has white matter and has gray matter uh gray matter is generally speaking neuronal
tissue so these are neurons and generally speaking we don't regenerate neurons but our white matter is things
like astrocytes um these are the supportive cells of the brain and the good news I
mean if it's scarring that's a that's a different issue but generally speaking white matter we can recover yeah it's
full lesions unfortunately so I don't know if it will recover but seeing him perform form new behaviors yeah is
incredibly compelling so so that that's why there's there's like I think it's it's consistent right so if this is like
a white matter leion like it's white matter doesn't and if there's scars that's a whole different ball game
because scars are like we can recover white matter if there isn't stuff in the way but scars
are like Rubble that prevent the white matter from regrowing I'm not a neurologist basic
there's going to be like a little bit of scarring in there and then a little bit that can be recovered I'm wondering if
we're basically seeing the recovery of those pieces that can be over time because he's clearly forming new bonds
new new behaviors like that's not what I expected I expected him to say the same I mean I I wouldn't expect the cerebella
damage to get completely back to normal but there's two two different mechanisms going on one is that white matter can
heal that's what we see in like multiple sclerosis for example so that's like a white matter you get these white matter
lesions and then when someone goes into remission from Ms like they're they recover hopefully um second thing is uh
the brain can still adapt right so even in the case of like gray matter problems when someone has a stroke the brain will
adapt and then you'll have like some part of the brain that takes over and does the lifting for something that a
different part of the brain used to do makes sense yeah that's exactly what I thought because especially with the
autonomic function area that had been damaged because we we talked to I forget the portion of the brain that was
handling that one that was confirmed damage but basically it looks like it shifted somewhere else and they just
like don't know where something else is handling it just like okay yeah I I it it that's what the brain does so the the
he's clearly still got a heartbeat you know like that's kind of how it came down to the coolest example of I mean I
don't know if this is cool but I I had a um I can't remember the exact I I think yeah so I had a patient who had a an
amputation Bel uh below the knee and something I think there's I don't remember the exact circumstances
of the problem but they had an ation below the knee and then the part of their brain that was devoted to that so
basically we have a map in our brain of our like physical body and so you have certain regions of the brain that will
correlate with your face and your feet and things like that so this patient when they had the below the knee
amputation so there's basically a part of their body missing sometimes this results in things like Phantom limb
where like you can feel the part of your your body even though it's not there anymore um
but this person they actually the this part of their knee mapped on to the part of their their brain that was devoted to
the clitoris mapped on to their knee um and so what started happening is they they started they could achieve orgasm
by someone rubbing their stum and and it's just it's amazing like it's crazy like what the brain is capable of um and
a lot of people are like Wild Thing a lot of people are like you know oh like that sounds epic but it's it's actually
can be quite deil itting because when you look at a prosthetic like you know it's like you're how do you walk yeah
it's it's very challenging so it was it was very very difficult case but it's it's super interesting you can get all
kinds of weird you know your brain gets confused but yeah it's it's kind of funny because I was I I didn't even mean
to derail it all but I just wanted to show you that because I thought You' be really interested Walkers and we just
found out this last week too it's only been like a week soon as we found out about it and it's like no one expected
that everyone expected like oh it's probably going to be you know C cerebel or hypoplasia that's what we thought
originally because it it it cats get that too when the mam cat gets feeling pervo very common and they call them
wobble Cats online that's usually what you see and ferrets get the exact same outcome so you're like maybe it's that
it's like no this is way more wild than that looks looks very Celler um anyway going back to I I I
love The Detour like this is cool like it's like I haven't I haven't looked at an MRI in like a
year I the last one I looked at was like a human MRI but it you know I don't I don't get a whole lot of opportunities
to look at MRIs so it's nice to be able to you know dust off the cobwebs a little bit I can send you some really
Wild Ones for this too like just massive like all the files I think you'll really dig them and it's it's funny because
it's you see the exact same types of behavior in in you know humans depending on the portion of the brain that's
damaged yeah that that's I mean I'm not a vet right but that looks like sbal problems and that's the region of the
brain and and so it's it makes sense I know more about animal medicine specifically with ferrets than I do with
humans yeah so you know I think there's there's a lot that carries over right like we tend to have you know you
mentioned inner ear stuff I was getting hopeful there that it was like an inner ear infection that's messing with your
vestibular system so that's why the is always turning left yeah I was like oh it's vestibular yeah and it's not
because then if you deal with the infection it can start turning right again yeah yeah they they usually
recover at least in ferrets they usually recover really fast when it's vestibular so yeah I mean but it but still turning
left is like that's not consistent with vestibular usually that's like that sounds more like hem neglect which does
sound more neurologic and um I don't know if you all have seen like uh you know pictures of Hemi neglect and clocks
but this is neuroscience I mean neurology is just fascinating yeah it's pretty wild to
watch so uh this is a great example of what Hemi neglect looks like so it's like your brain can't see um I
don't know if I'm screen sharing this with you but your brain can't you'll basically make a whole clock face on
like half of it so this is what Heming neglect looks like so sometimes if we're all left it you know like if we can't
turn right that's because our our brain can't see so this is what the this is what H have me
neglect if you ask someone about what they see like they won't be able to see half of the stuff and if you ask them to
draw a clock their brain only recognizes like one half of the thing I think there was a thing like this the um there was a
case where a guy had the two halves of his brain were severed remember that yeah and he he was able to like identify
objects differently based on which eye it was being seen in I have I have to look into that study again it's wild
yeah I we can we can talk about it if you want it's it's yeah absolutely it's so basically what happens is our our
eyes are like controlateral so my right eye actually see like the left part of the brain well it getss complicated
depending on what the tracks look like but um so like basically half of the visual field is anyway so I eyes can be
somewhat controlateral and the really interesting thing is that different parts of the brain have access to
different qualities of information so when you get a saing of the Corpus kosum there are certain um and that's
the bond between the two halves the brain it's the big highway there are certain things I mean my neur ol is
Rusty but there are certain things that the so the left eye which is connected to the right side of the brain will be
able to perceive the for example the emotional impact of an object that you perceive I could be wrong on the details
there this is like I'd have to sit down and draw the tracks and stuff but so like basically like if you ask someone
who has like this cerebella severing and you ask them to close their right eye and they look at something with their
left eye they'll be able to tell like oh this is like someone's uh this is someone's like favorite
stuffed animal they'll know that part but if you ask them how many ears does this bunny have they may not be able to
tell you and on the right side on the through the right eye which is connected to the left hemisphere of the
brain they'll have the opposite so they'll be like if I ask you like okay like what is what what is this they may
not be able to name it but they'll be able to tell you like oh it has like this many eyes and this many ears it's
that thatal but they like so it's all kind of weird goes on in the brain with and
I'm Rusty on that stuff but it's super cool you basically have two two types of brain fighting each other yeah figure
out what it is they're looking at we just uh I I think we're about to release our trauma guide and what's
really fascinating about this is dissociation is basically a signaling version of that so there's
an anatomical severing but what we know in people who dissociate is that they have like you know they're experiencing
something so it's something called hemispheric lateralization where they're exper they're going through a really
terrible experience but they feel no emotion and that's literally because what happens in their brain the the
emotion is so overwhelming that it's almost like you know the blast doors on like these like spaceships when like
when you get hit by a torpedo and then you're like venting vacuum in these sci-fi things and you like close the
blast door like that's what the brain does so brain is like there's way too much emotional fire over here we need to
protect our logical side of the brain so they shut the blast doors and they separate out like these two parts the
problem is that that part of the brain is still active we're just we become numb to it and so then it starts doing
things like resulting in impulsive behavior and leads to things like addictions and like all kinds of other
problems so it doesn't it doesn't shut off it's just we segregate the two halves of our brain is like a survival
mechanism and the subjective experience of that is dissociation so you would you say that the two halves are adversarial
but in a positive way in a normal General way like normal General function because it seems like it's like an
adversarial model where it learns from it's this no it's this no it's this but it's actually this together and then
they can agree I don't I I I wouldn't say it's adversarial like so I I don't think basically any so things are
balanced MH right but like I don't think any part of the body or brain is adversarial within all of them have the
same goal right so we all evolve to have like surv so there can be there can be conflict
right and and that can happen even between like for example like our heart and our kidneys and our lungs and our
kidneys and our heart and our lungs there's all kinds of homeostatic mechanisms to where if one part of the
body is not doing what it's supposed to the other part of the body will compensate so I'd say they're more
they're it's Co-op it it's not it's like PVE it's not like PVP um makes sense yeah no see a lot of
the times we build things like that in um kind of like programming adversarial model which is like you have one side
that works one way one side that works another way and it's competition between the two to make the whole thing more
efficient and find a better sort of description for what it see if that makes sense that's why I was wondering
if it worked the same if it was similar in any way in that way yeah I mean I I wouldn't use the word adversarial but
there are absolutely like balancing mechanisms and there are different parts of the brain that will in a sense
compete with each other so a really good example of this is the thalamus so the thalamus is sort of our sensory
processing center for the brain so what happens is like we constantly have input from our eyes ears
nose and then like what gets floated to your attention so the the phalus integrates but I don't think that the
eyes and the ear well I in some cases You could argue that they're competing but not really right so so there's but
things like a friendly yeah so it's like okay the thalamus it's this yes so all parts of the body and the all of our
sensory organs start inputting things into the thalamus and then the thalamus is basically deciding for us like what
floats to the top but I I don't think that our you know our eyes are like competing against
our ears like the the the signals need to be balanced but I I don't think it's like a competition where one wins and
one loses makes sense in fact when you have that that's when you end up with illness so there are cases where if we
look at things like um chronic pain so chronic pain pain is when there is a part of our brain that is amplifying its
signal and ignores everybody else so when it goes PVP we end up in chronic pain where it's demanding your attention
constantly yeah that makes sense would you say are there any similarities between that and restless leg syndrome
as interesting as that is um my first answer is not
really my second answer is that I am almost sure that my first answer is wrong so I was reading some interesting
studies about it actually so if you if you don't have anything then do you what what do you mean oh no I'm interested in
in uh here anyway continue so so here's what I would say so like we we have an understanding of the pathophysiology of
restless leg okay so it's like a restless leg is somewhat opic at the same time I'm sure that that
pathopysiology is incorrect so the the right answer so we know that restless leg has a lot to do with the dopam
energic transmission and um so we we we use medications like rinol and other kinds
of like dopam energic agents because that seems to fix the problem but there's no doubt in my mind
that that is an incomplete understanding and I have not kept up to date I mean the last time I got fresh on restless
leg was like literally probably 9 years ago so the last time I I really treated a patient who had bad restless leg was
like I can think of the patient it was like 9 years ago um why do you ask about the research
around restless leg we can try to figure it out there was something that was really interesting to me was the like
you said dopamine energic the the interesting thing was like levels of dopamine that were actually being
uptaken and being utilized and restless leg syndrome and one of the things that I thought was really interesting was sh
used to have uh wrestle slake syndrome all the time used to complain about it constantly who and Shay so Shay runs the
the ferret rescue with me okay U makes makes art with be does all this kind of stuff and something that they found that
was really interesting because they were looking into literature for this was they found that um melatonin at one
point had been correlated with reduced dopamine uptake they stopped taking melatonin they stopped having restless
leg syndrome which was really interesting and I was wondering if you knew anything about that kind of
subject um so I I I I mean I can look some stuff up right now I think that that is consistent so not that I know
this stuff but here's the mechanism of action that I would think so melatonin helps us sleep generally speaking
dopamine dopamine is an activating neurotransmitter so dopamine does all kinds of stuff right so it also
does like pyic movement and it's implicated in Parkinson's and movement disorders and stuff so but if if we like
look at it like on a very very high level like AB ract not entirely scientific but just clinical
understanding so if we have dopamine that's too high we will become psychotic so we'll like perceive things like we'll
hallucinate we'll become angry we'll feel attacked so what what so we use anti Psy anti psychotic medication is
dopamin energic blockade MH so if you kind of think about it like dopamine in that way is like an activ
neurotransmitter and it doesn't surp I did not know this but it does not surprise me at all that melatonin or
other things that are correlated with the induction of sleep will slow down the activity of our dopamine yeah I
actually I sent you a a pub Med there check it out um so what what I would venture is that melatonin it makes sense
that melatonin does oh whoops hold on melatonin sorry sorry sorry I left the call oh um by accident I clicked the
wrong thing hold on oh god I've been deleted GG hold on this should work
Discord let's go to this and then let's go to this and let's get your back where your back okay
um you sent me a pub Med let's take a look I can't believe Dr K works for big melatonin um tried to get rid of
me so so I before I I take a look at this I I think think this is the you know the
way that I would understand it is dopamine is generally speaking activating so it makes sense that
melatonin production would suppress dopamine signaling yeah um so that makes sense
and then you know we use dopam energic agents to help with
sleep not not we use dop energic agents to help with restless leg we don't use dop energic agents to put people to
sleep yeah no I mean um sorry weuse melatonin vers a sleep right I find it to be kind of interesting because I'm
wondering with things like that it's always really interesting because it's scen as like super safe right seen as
like the safest sleep a you could have and then we started finding these articles that's quite interesting dude
this is this is literally exactly what I was hypothesizing that's exactly why I sent it to you right this this would
this would make sense um so in Parkinson's patients melatonin May on the one hand exacerbate symptoms so this
makes sense so Parkinson's is a melat is a dopamine deficiency melatonin and dopamine are inversely correlated right
because when we want to go to sleep we want to lower our our uh dopamine levels so that this
makes sense um melatonin oh this is interesting so melatonin being an
effective treatment for of discinesia is is very interesting because of discinesia is caused by
prolonged dopamine energic blockade so um and and that's not that surprising so
that that's kind of why I say like if you really look at it like unfortunately the body is not it's not like one to one
there's all kinds of various compensatory mechanisms so I would predict the
Melatonin being problematic for for Parkinson's but there's something weird going on with of
discinesia um but then there's also reasons why that could make sense to because of disia is actually an
adaptation to prolonged dopaminergic stuff and I mean we can really get into that if you want to but drugs is what it
looks like yeah so of discinesia is caused by the lifetime exposure to dopaminergic
blockade makes sense and so then what happens is of discinesia May in and of itself be a adaptation to Chronic
dopamine blockade and so then actually here's the mechanism so if I if my brain is so this
is probably it I I mean we don't know but so of discinesia is my brain's adaptation to a lack of
dopamine so I don't need the adaptation if I no longer have a block of dopamine or if
some something else is blocking the dopamine for me I no longer need to adapt that's actually the
mechanism so of discinesia happens when we have dopamine blockade and if Mel melatonin comes in then our brain is
like we don't need the of discinesia anymore because the Melatonin is doing the job for us I don't know if
anyone on in chat is following this but like that would be my hypothesized mechanism who the knows if that's
actually what it is but it's almost like the Melatonin is doing the job of the of discinesia and anytime our our
body gets something that does the job for us it shuts down those mechanisms and if I'm right on that that
that would be I would think I'm a Chad that's that aad moment that's exactly why I brought this to you CU like there
there are things that I get to see in animal medicine that I get to research all the time things that I get to see in
anecdotal evidence and being able to pass it by somebody who knows this much better than me is is way helpful because
I'm like look at this does this make sense you know I do that all the time in for veterinary medicine when we're
trying to come up with a way to handle that you know like trying to handle anything that's going on with the
ferrets super super common this is this is super super super cool paper though yeah very interesting it it turns out
that I keep a list of these I I I could be wrong though because they say that there's something about the antioxidant
nature of melatonin so I didn't I didn't think about I missed that one that was anyway this is super interesting though
but yeah no thanks for talking about that yeah no I I mean I I love talking about I mean I like medicine medicine's
great a lot of fun um just circling back so I I feel like I there was one other thing that I wanted to share with with
you I I know we're kind of off track um fine but just to kind of tldr for people so earlier we were talking about like
drive and burnout and we were also talking about this kind of like this third space where your drives come from
so a couple of things tya self Atman whatever um so I think that like the part of the
reason that this stuff is easily accessible for you so one of the the explanation from the Eastern system I'm
not saying this is correct but the way that they would explain that is that you've done some amount of spiritual
practice in a past life that being said we don't know if that's real or not um there's also some
really interesting uh biological mechanisms of that which have to do with like epigenetic memory and things like
that that like we can basically inherit memories from our ancestors so the concept of memory or learnings that come
from Beyond your life that's scientifically fact instinct is a really great example of that like that's like
learning that comes from before you were born so there are sources of transmission of information and
competence that can happen before you were born yeah it's really interesting but I find that to be interesting too
because it's like you you can't just have an animal always act you know similar to the other animals like itself
even in isolation where they've never had any type of environmental factors where they've they've learned from
others of their kind and they're still acting you know in the same way you can't have an so are you saying that
some animals so like as funny as this say you take a ferret you never show it to another fet they're still going to do
War dances they're still going to do all their behaviors their digging behaviors all those types of things an instinctual
drive to do those and yeah outside of socialization where does that come from didn't come from socialization they
didn't learn it from humans there has to be something it carries over yeah yeah so so that that's that's a pretty
well-known scientific fact yep so the the couple of things that you know I want people kind of like take away is
first is that I think if we look at your thought process we see that there are very few egotistical oriented statements
we also see that the inflection point that you describe is actually very consistent
with this idea of Abandonment of the ego now I think inflection point is a really good word because the other really
important thing to understand is that the more that you think in an egotistical way literally the number
number of thoughts that you have that are ego related will strengthen your ego and the number the less you think in an
egotistical I am bad I am good I am a badass I am grandiose I am this I am that the fewer thoughts you have like
that the less egotistical you will become so we we know that like literally if you take like a thousand thoughts
that you have the percentage of them that are ego oriented with an eye involved will correlate with like a
stronger ego in in a bad way and and that's just because neurons that your neurons will habituate so like you you
will have patterns of thinking absolutely and if you you notice this if you like know people who
are like very habitual thinkers like you can trigger people um who will you know go on their tie raade like you know I
have family members that will go on their TI raade about like so I have a family member who thinks that the
younger generation is losing with whatever the hell and so that like all you have to do is like you it's like you
activate like Boomer rant. exe and then like the what you'll notice is that the what they say is like it's like it can
be scripted literally they can repeat it over and over and over again and it's not that it's right or wrong it's just
that once the script activates it'll continue to activate it's never going to stop yeah and and the script of the ego
is something you have to be very careful about and so literally I think the the really cool thing that you're doing
which I think correlates a lot with the success of your community Thor is that you are training people to think in a
non- egotistical way right setbacks are setbacks they opportunities to learn there's some stuff about growth mindset
and Carol DW's work in there the last thing that I want to talk to you about is so a lot of people may be wondering
okay how do I get rid of ego how do I get access to that third space so a couple of weird things about that third
space the first is that some people believe that all knowledge comes from there I happen to be one of those people
so it's kind of weird but like cuz we noticed that the conclusion happens first and then logic and emotion happens
afterward there's this kind of belief that all knowledge exists in that third space that you have access
to so this is not part of you this is why we use the word transcendental and now we've left science completely behind
okay or I mean there's some scientific arguments that can be made but they're not I don't think they're anywhere near
convincing enough it's like you can kind of you can mver it together and it may be correct but
we're far from any kind of scientific proof of what we're talking about now MH so all all knowledge exists in this kind
of divine Collective Consciousness weird thing and when we tap into that is when we get these right answers so the less
ego we have the easier it is to tap into that and the really interesting thing is that the text that I happened to read
the night that our stream got flubbed was talking about particular techniques to directly tap into that so this text
is specifically about there's many complicated ways to tap into it you can do yoga you can do pranam you can do
different kinds of meditation practices but there are direct ways to get on like tap into it just directly without all of
these steps and the essence of that is it's going to sound weird is in the in
between spaces so if you pay attention to your experience of Life what you will
probably discover what I've discovered what a lot of people I've worked with have discovered is that you know you
have a thought and then you have a thought and you have a thought and then you can also have an emotion you can
have an emotion you can have an emotion but if you pay attention to your mind there is a quiet space in between
thoughts there is a quiet space in between emotions and that third space I would
venture I would hypothesize for you Thor is accessed in those quiet spaces it is not the result of logic it is between
logic and it is between emotion yep I could see that no that makes complete sense to me actually so can you explain
that to us because I don't ever feel like I'm pushing down my logic and emotion I'm not reing it in or telling
it to step aside for a moment it's like there's a breathe in and a breathe out there's a moment where it's like okay
it's this now logic motion now it's this now it's logic and motion whatever it's it's taking turns but there's never any
type of a I need to force myself to do this it just happens right so so it's it's funny the language that you used
because that is actually the technique is to catch this the yeah it's cool this like it's weird so to to so if you're
trying to look for the in between space there are a couple things you can do first is when we meditate generally
speaking our goal is to stop uh uh create a sensation of thoughts yep um and so if you're if you have no thoughts
and no emotions and you're just present if you're in that thya state of consciousness without mental activity
you're just focused this is kind of like flow flow is on the on the track to this place um but flow still has mental
activity so at so what we try to do in meditation is we widen the in between space right so if we say thought nothing
thought nothing thought nothing and if we look at our suffering our suffering correlates with a very very tiny Gap so
if you look at something like a panic attack the subjective experience of a panic attack is one thought leads to
another leads to another leads to another there's no space in between them there's no relief a thought Loop is also
we're going to cycle through these 15 thoughts and we're going to cycle again we're going to cycle again there's no
Gap meditation is the exact opposite we are trying to increase the gap between our thoughts and our emotions
the really interesting thing about what you described is that the other formal way to practice this is to find the gap
between inhalation and exhalation so breathing in and breathing out is a very natural thing where
there's directionality in one place there's directionality in another place so you have to move through an
inflection point every time you breathe there is an inflection point between thought and thought number one and
thought number two there's an inflection point between happiness and sadness there's an inflection point between
breathing in and breathing out there's an inflection point between being awake and falling asleep so in all of these
inflection points it is in the inflection point that the magic happens and if anyone wants to free themselves
from thought emotion ego and they want to follow your path Thor they need to sit in the in between spaces
I think that's really hard for most people to conceptualize if that makes sense yes it is very hard for so so the
the the tradition that I'm drawing from is shamba Yoga which is a very very rigorous and difficult technique so it
is like straight onto the highway so it's hard to do but it is absolutely possible they also describe it as a
choiceless awareness so choice and this is where like I don't know I think this will
resonate to you as well like you don't really make a choice the choice sort of gets made and you follow it yeah does
that make sense and like this is where I don't think many people will understand that but the more that you do this the
more that it just becomes what it is there's no choice to be made there's no choice
about the ferret rescue it's just it is to be done it's happening it is happening it is right it is it is it is
period it's it's funny to because people be like how do you choose things how do you choose to do things so fast I always
have to like wait on I was like it's already chosen yes yes I can tell so sh shamba yoga is what you're doing so I I
don't even know you know I don't need to do anything for you you're doing it all right um you know if you
want more detail I we can go into more detail at some point about practices and stuff like that like we're actually
doing a uh something on the membership side this month about developing a meditation practice but um
yeah so I I think that like this choiceless awareness I'm not surpris I think it's it's very confusing for a lot
of people like what do you mean I don't choose no the choice yeah I me it's been confusing for anybody that I've talked
to pretty much my whole life over like people I mean in real life people I know online like it doesn't make any sense
and they're just like what like what do you mean you just do things and it's like I just do things you know yeah I I
get you so so the you know my experience of it is that I oscillate between choosing things and choiceless
awareness the more my ego activates the more emotional I get the more that State of Mind happens then I feel paralyzed I
don't know what the right choice is the whole point is like what's really cool about this is like once you operate from
Thia there is no choice it just it's not even I I guess it's even the thing it's like I'm not even it's not even that I
do things it's that things are happening yes that's weird way to describe it but that makes the most sense and and I know
it's hard for people to understand at the same time I think that every person who is listening to this has experienced
what we are talking about theyve had a moment in their life where things became clear and then it was uh how do we make
this happen as opposed to right choice wrong choice or it wasn't it wasn't about it being the right choice or the
wrong choice you abandon the concept of right or wrong and you just do the thing you kind of know like deep within you
that this is like this is to be done you kind of know it feels right it kind of reminds me of what sometimes crisis
situations when there's a crisis situation you just do without thinking you just do your brain goes it's not
even your brain it's this needs to happen I'm doing this that crisis situation feels it's not the same but it
feels similar in that way where it's this is happening we're doing this and the other parts of your brain go how do
we do it and then they figure out how to do it and then you do it it's it's it's a beautiful analogy the challenge is
that when some people enter crisis there's two kinds of modes in crisis that with ego and without ego so when
you are in a crisis and your ego is active then it's the very opposite it is absolute
torture because you're like what will happen this will mean this and then this will happen to me and then this will
happen to me and this will happen to me and then you spiral out of control you feel overwhelmed and the crisis crushes
you the flip side is you're in a situation like what what um Thor is describing where you remove the ego from
the equation right in the absence of ego then suddenly you go into like you know Chad mode where you're just like
you're crushing it and it needs to be done and you don't think you don't worry about the fact that it may not work out
like it may not work out you just accept that and you have to act and this so an interesting thing about that too
actually that one I've had that many many times in crisis situations especially when you know there's like an
emergency with the rescue or something like that and it doesn't mean you don't have emotions you just have them
afterwards a lot of the times i' I've found where it's like I need to put this one to the side because it's going to
cause a problem right now and it's like I've decided you know this this is what needs to happen we figured out how to do
this and if I break right now none of this is going to work so it's like in this instance I need to wait right this
needs to wait whatever that is and I've I've I've had that happen a number of times yeah so that's very common in
medicine too so when we're dealing with crisis situations you know we we have a specific process we tell everyone set
your emotions aside from now for now and then we'll do debriefs so we'll do uh postmortem debriefs and things like that
like like we have like we have time and space to let that emotion come back into your life which by the way is a very
useful technique to apply for normal people which I don't think we do enough we don't set aside space for our
emotions in a particular formalized way which means that they have to like you know it's like if I'm inviting my
neighbors over for a Christmas party once a year they don't have to show up randomly to see me like you can set
aside a time and space for something to happen and when you give that space for that thing to happen it's beautiful what
your brain does so another great example of this is sometimes like when I I I'm working with patients right as a
psychiatrist doing Psychotherapy and stuff like that I'll ask them like you know
sometimes they'll notice something really interesting which is that their life is getting better but every time
they come to therapy they feel worse and they're like I don't understand like I feel so bad like we're I hear
crying but like my life is fine and I'm like yeah that's exactly how it works what you've learned how to do is you
used to cry every single day and now you've learned how to push it all aside come here take out the trash and then
like your trash can is empty for the rest of the week and you pile up that you come here and then you feel bad and
they're like oh and I was like we can continue like if this and then the cool thing is even
that stops eventually like they they like once they figure that out I don't teach them that they they have to figure
get out human garbage collection yeah yeah that's that's what that's what we are we're we're trash compactors you
know yep um yeah I find that to be useful sometimes like it's it's definitely a
tool kind of in that belt where understanding when it is healthy to move that to the side to handle that crisis
situation but not to keep that permanently aside there's no that's not good for you at all Y and I've had a
number of situations like that we had one um uh Vinnie one of the ferrets that came in uh owner was like oh yeah he
hasn't eaten in two days get there he's half the weight that a fair at his age should be the owner is very clearly on
meth so house reeks of it horrible had to file a police report do all that kind of stuff and it was just Grim man like
it just really messed me up but it was like in this moment these are the things that need to happen animal has like I
have to put on the happy face be like oh everything's okay get the animal from the person make sure that everything
feels good call the police file the police report put all the evidence in front of that get the animal home like
figured out what we're going to do start finding a way to make him so that you if you have a person even any mammal
actually that is uh not eaten in a certain amount of time and you try to give them a full meal they actually go
into a shock and they die yeah it's a horrible thing anding syndrome yeah refeeding syndrome that's exactly what
it is so we had to figure out exactly what levels of food can he eat over that amount of time to prevent refeeding
syndome because he would just like his vitals would crash and he die so trying to figure all that stuff out and then
okay everything is handled let's go sit in the car and need a pie and cry you know yeah no I mean yeah I I I think
it's it's it's a huge problem that I I think people you know we we push the emotion to the side which I I agree with
you is healthy but then you've got to pay that price you have to you have to yeah like you can't you can't Dodge your
karma like that debt needs to be paid and you need to feel that negative emotion yeah yeah and I I've gotten very
good I think at knowing when it's okay to push that you know it's like this is It's Only in a very critical situation
like a really crit like something could die there's no coming back from the failure on this one you could fail sure
you might learn something from it but there's something that will break that cannot be unbroken in those situations
that's like okay now it's time to push this aside for a moment handle it you know and like you said with medicine
it's the same I I I would I would say I would add one thing to that so I think that
that's perfect um and I think that you can't discredit your ability to deal with it
later so the ability to set something aside is way easier when your brain knows that we can deal with this later
and it won't be catastrophic a lot of problems that I see with people are that they keep
setting it aside keep setting it aside keep setting it aside and then they don't know that they don't have
confidence that they can deal with it when they open that basement door that's full of negativity
right it can feel so incredibly overwhelming and and that can also become kind of a self-fulfilling
prophecy because the more that you let things pile up the more objectively overwhelming they are when you try to
tackle them so then you feel overwhelmed and so then you let things pile up more because you can't deal with it and the
reason you keep on letting it pile up is because you can't deal with it and then the more you let it pile up the more
impossible it becomes to deal with and so that's where like often times Professional Health like with a medical
professional can really go a long way like so we're really good at helping people deal with unsolvable things yeah
I remember when I was when I was younger that kind of felt like a pressure cooker you know it's like it just keeps
building up building up building up and you're like I don't even want to let steam off that it could explode you I'm
just going to leave it over there right and then you get another pressure cooker and another one then you're just and it
what what I didn't realize at the time is like it's not just like you're putting something in a in a cabinet
somewhere and walking away You're maintaining that thing there's energy that goes into keeping that pressure
cooker pressurized right every day you're like I'm just going to spend maybe I'm only spending 5% well maybe
it's only 10% maybe it's 15% until you're just buried with this spinning plate maintenance that you have going on
and then you don't know what to do with the damn thing right and that's I I felt that before in my life and I I basically
got to a point where it was like you have to let the pressure off and just sometimes that's awful sometimes it's
horrible going through that but if you don't then you're going to be maintaining that and paying taxes on it
all the time absolutely it's debilitating so one of the three biggest willpower drains
is emotional suppression so the more emotions that you're constantly constantly constantly suppressing like
it's amazing how people don't realize so people will like look for motivation they'll look for Drive they'll look for
passion they'll look for like discipline and and literally like all you need to do is is unburden yourself of all of
your emotional suppression because just just the maintenance it's like your inventory is full and then you can't
loot anything like you can't you're like how do I pick up this nice epic piece of loot you can't because everything's full
so so maybe that's not the best analogy but like there's a man there's a man main cost huh it's like endless dailies
so you don't get the raid sure yeah yeah yeah yeah same kind of thing you're just you're just grinding for the same old
crap and not really making progress and and you just have to unburden your mind yeah know it makes sense it's I
think that's the scariest thing too is that moment when you realize like oh it's coming out and there's nothing I
can do about it now and like that's that's a scary thing especially if you haven't practiced that you know you
haven't gotten used to feeling those types of emotions or even the fear of allowing yourself to feel that way or
looking vulnerable to others not realizing that that's okay and even then the the idea that maybe you do make
yourself vulnerable to somebody else and you do let those emotions out and they reject it you know there's so many
there's so many fears that go along with that and I could totally get that and yeah that's just like everybody else I
went through the same things throughout my life like I've gone through the exact same things and I've just kind of
learned that it's okay right it's it's okay to just be like I'm just gonna I'm gonna have a time for a minute you
know yeah that's fine no I I think that even the language of going through something so I I think so many people
get stuck because they avoid going through something they try to prevent it they try to avoid it they try to keep it
from hurting they try to practice in secret or solve all their problems so that they don't have to go through
it you know I'll see this a lot with um you know people who like just move from one relationship to another and
just can't tolerate like being on their own for some amount of time and like sometimes you just have to go through it
but the the whole point of going through it is you end up on the other side but you can't end up on the other side until
you go through it yeah I think the the one thing the one caveat to that is I found
you have to avoid circular thinking in that where it's like this is bad so everything's going to be bad because
this is bad so everything's be the moment you start feeling those emotions it's really easy to be like everything
is awful and it's like no you can feel these so that later you don't have to feel them in the same way or they don't
have to Define who you are you don't have to spend the maintenance on that anymore you can be different afterwards
and that's okay you know like that that was something I had to to work through as well was like realizing like that's
it doesn't Define who you are as a person you know yeah so I think there's there's a very
important thing there about see when we experience negative emotion what really screws us is the identity based
conclusions that come from a temporary elevated emotion yep so like when we feel a lot of negative emotion we can
form a conclusion and then the problem is that conclusion stays with us even when the
emotion goes away so that's where like you know and I I I think I think you're you're speaking
to you maybe used to do that more and now you do it less you recognize that even if you have negative thoughts in
this moment those negative thoughts are not necessarily true for all time they don't make a determination about
you yeah that doesn't hit me like that at all anymore uh I think when I was much younger it was like yeah I mean I
think everybody has those thoughts growing up though it's like oh no they don't like me my whole life is over you
know like I got an F my whole life is over it's like I I think as you get older you realize very quickly you're
like maybe that permanent record really wasn't that big of a deal yeah like maybe I'll still be a
person afterwards and it doesn't really Define me you know I I I so so yeah I I I love that phrase permanent record
because like we get terrified I remember being terrified too of stuff going on my permanent record but I I don't think
anyone reads the permanent record like no one reads the permanent record at at school like I don't know I don't know on
your permanent record it's like you know it's like it's like when you apply to University like I thought they were they
were going to send my permanent record but you literally just request transcripts yep
that's transmission the the school is too dysfunctional and the university doesn't have the administrative
bandwidth to look at everyone's permanent record or it's like it's weird I mean sometimes you can get stuff like
in med school and things like that you've got certain you know yes or no questions and jobs where they ask you
like if you ever broken a law or whatever but yeah I I I think it's like one of the biggest skills and I think
it's a skill that has to be learned so the other challenge is that people can look at you and they can say oh like I
wish I was like Thor but you're you're a finished product you're not or somewhat finished your version 2.0 let's say
release right and and that's a skill the ability to separate teas up part I am feeling this way now versus this is like
an ego based conclusion that I carry with me is like that's huge so just feel the negativity and don't and wait 24
hours to form conclusions about yourself that's what I would like strongly recommend yeah I mean to be real with
you I don't even I don't even see it as like full release or anything like that like I'm going to be learning stuff the
rest of my life and that's a pretty cool place to be MH like like quite frankly it's it's neat and uh the way that I
generally see it is me as a person gets to learn who me as a person is over the rest of my life and that means I get to
learn about the things that I'm good at learn about the things that I'm bad at learn about things that I can improve
learn about things that you know maybe I don't want to do and I get to be along for that ride that's a pretty cool story
man and I don't even know what it is yet so I get to read it the whole time that's that's how I've always felt about
this stuff for a long time and it's it's neat cuz it's like it's all discovery the whole thing is Discovery you
know yeah I really enjoy that yeah I I i' I'd strongly encourage you Thor to spend some time in the in between spaces
because I I think that's where some of the coolest Discovery happens oh yeah no I can I totally understand that it's
funny when you're the way that you're describing that is um something I like to do quite a lot is just kind
of take away any type of tasks that I have take away any type of um social obligation or technology or anything
that's in the way I just kind of let myself think about stuff and I find that that's kind of rare in today there's too
much Doom scrolling and like I have to stay on social media and I have to I have to do all these things like ah and
then you you do that until you pass out and you wake up with your phone stuck to your face you know like just giving
yourself even just 20 minutes a day to just stare into the middle distance and figure out who you are is crazy
beneficial I completely agree so I I I think we we see that it's interesting you bring up technology because
technology is destroying our in between spaces completely agree with that it is is taking away more than anything else
it is taking away our time with ourselves yeah so what I really love doing and like one of my best
productivity hacks is pacing like not listening to music not listening to a podcast just pacing when I don't feel
like working I get up in Pace and then often times when I'm done pacing I'm ready to
work and it's kind of it's kind of funny because I think there's a number of people that
do that in video games as odd as that is like run around in a circle in Delan they're not really doing anything
they're just kind of like running around in a circle in darar doing nothing right not thinking about anything not that's
that's a common thing yeah pacing in games is a very common thing how how many of you guys ran around in a circle
in dalaran or Ogar or Stormwind just there the city is huge though they just p r
Circle nope they're not even waiting for a raid they're not waiting for anything it's just like I'm just going to run
around in a circle there's a lot of people that do this it's very common Behavior I've done it too I've never
done that it's it's it you'd be really surprised look how many people have done it that's really all of chat is saying
that they do it yeah so what's going through your head are you like nothing sometimes nothing wow you're
just kind of gone and you're just like I'm just going to run in a circle for a little bit sometimes you'll be talking
to someone sometimes there's just nothing going on some people just like doing that sometimes and I think that is
sort of that in between space where technology is still involved but you really only see that a lot of the times
in multiplayer games that have downtime areas which are areas that are intended to be when you're not doing anything
like sitting in town it's kind of interesting that's that's so wild yeah wild therapy exactly GTA 5 yeah people
are talking about the same thing yeah GTA 5 I can kind of understand GTA 5 is is a game that I feel like you can just
absorb the ziance of the game yeah pregame OverWatch that's another good example it's just that jumping back and
forth left to right that walking in a circle in the in that area it's where there's yeah it's areas where there is
no objective and you are you are not currently tasked with doing anything and you just kind of turn off for a little
bit repetive action yeah cool well Thor any last uh thoughts or questions I mean I know we've covered a
lot of ground today and you know a couple days ago no I think this is awesome man and I I
always have a blast coming and talking to you honestly yeah it's super nice yeah I I I think it's I really enjoy
talking to you I think it's like really interesting to hear your it feels to me like you've attained
a very high rank without following a meta that I've been religiously following so I'm I'm so and like that's
what's cool about this is like I don't think you need to learn this you can Discover
it so I really like listening to your experience of stuff I think your impact on the community is hugely beneficial
and it's so interesting to look at what you do through the lens of what I've learned because I see a lot of these
mechanisms of even the way that you talk to your community I'm not surprised at all that people in your community do
incredibly well because I think you whether you realize it or not you're basically dissolving their ego for them
right I didn't realize that was what was going on yeah that's the biggest effect yeah that I mean I don't know if it's
the biggest but like that's what I see right so even the ability to fail is ego oriented reframing the way that you look
at things to remove ego and I think that's why people see this explosion of like progress because once the ego gets
the out of the way like I want you all to just think about this for a second when you're living your life you
often times know what the right thing to do is you know that you're smart enough you know that you need to do these
sequence of steps but something within you holds you back and we think it's willpower we
think it's a lack of discipline we think whatever but no if you really pay attention it is going to be your
perception of yourself what will people think it'll hurt if I fail it it'll be you telling yourself not to proceed
because of XYZ and if you Lally look at it okay what what is the negative consequence
that you're you're worried about your mind doesn't think about it logically because it doesn't think oh like this is
a game Jam it's not like this goes on my permanent record right like the thought is absurd but your logic does not
function properly there is some kind of fear or avoidance of emotion which by the way the ego and
negative emotion get are very tied hand in hand right so like like just the more you remove yourself from the equation
because what's holding you back it's you remove yourself from the equation and you'll start to fly you're really
what's weighing you down and it's it's like amazing how you've learned that for yourself
internalized it applied it and now you teach it to other people which I think is super
cool well thank you and I I think I think the thing that I really enjoy about it is like I said before I like
solving puzzles and sometimes person's biggest puzzle is them you know and I think it's always them it's always them
so then when someone brings me a puzzle like that the um the best thing that I try to do for that is to see how does
this person feel in this situation cuz you can't really tell someone like you should feel this way but you can be like
try to understand how they feel in the position that they're in with the understanding they have the more
information that I receive about the person the more that I can understand like how they feel why they feel that
way the things that they're working with the easier it is to sort of form that that mental image of who they are and
then it's like well how would I break out of that if I was in that position and then try to hand them that you know
and be like this might work you know yeah so I I I think that there there's a there's a subtle really important thing
in that answer which is that see when when someone loses confidence in themselves they have all these beliefs
right and then I think the key thing is that a lot of the default thinking is like oh this person is wrong so I see
that a lot when I'm working with people who are suicidal who are like you know I have no reason to live and the right
answer isn't hey here are all the reasons you should live that's invalidating
also doesn't help you understand their situation yep the the right answer is to add more to the
equation right it's not to try to remove the negative necessarily like that can be done definitely that's important over
time we want to do that but the first thing to do is like add more information and when when I see that a lot of people
are like Oh I'm a loser because of XYZ right and it you can't change your past but you can add additional experiences
to your life that will change what's on the right side of the equal sign yep and and the real tragedy is
that when we feel like we're losers we stop adding more experience oh I had this one terrible relationship and now
I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life because you won't have other relationships and that's what's so
paralyzing about it is the very thing that will solve the problem is like doing the the thing that you don't want
to do is exactly what you need to do to fix the problem yep it's funny because I drill that down as like a a single
phrase a lot of the times it doesn't always apply but when it does it's I think it's quite funny is someone would
be like Oh I'm I'm a not a good artist not a good artist I'm never going to be a good artist I was like no you're not a
good artist yet yeah and that's that single word reframes the whole thing absolutely it's like oh wait a minute
okay yeah yeah I'm I'm with you it's not about convincing someone no you actually like you are like you're such a great
artist my great artist and it's like they'll just be like no I'm not like you're now you're lying to me now I
don't trust anything you say absolutely so your artist your art sucks right now but you're not a great artist yet it's
fine it's it's wild but this reminds me of a sociopath that I once worked with who was like you know and they were like
you know I'm a sociopath and I was like yeah I was like what are you going to do about
it right I'm not going to convince you otherwise like yes that is correct but what does that mean about your future it
isn't deterministic and some of the the best people that I know are sociopaths they like they make a very conscious
non-emotional decision that like I'm going to live a good life and I'm going to be add value to the people around me
and I'm going to that is the way that I want to live so just just because you are something today doesn't mean that
you have to be that thing tomorrow it is the nature of Life forget about humans life to adapt to grow to survive to
improve that's what life does that's what separates it from non-life all right are you streaming
because I'll I'll raid you I am not okay if You' like you could you could raid the ferrets though okay let's raid the
ferrets um I am going to do this okay where are the ferrets it is ferret software I will link you the channel
here you go um they are currently in food mode but they're in the cage in sleep time so they sleep 18 hours a day
yeah for those who don't know um the fair rescue is run completely off of ad Revenue so everything that we do for
them all of the medical everything is all done from ad ads you don't have to sub or throw bits or anything just
watching the stream does it we are raing hell yeah okay well thank you um thank you thank you for coming on Thor
good luck on your journey spend some time and for those of y'all that are like paying attention like spend some
time in the in between spaces if you want to connect that whatever that Transcendent weird maybe it's just
subconscious and epogen memory fair enough but that seems to be what works and take
care y'all thank you all very much for coming today [Music]
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