Welcome back, friends! Today, I’m thrilled to share some life-changing insights drawn from one of my favorite thinkers, Derek Sivers. Many of us look for guidance in books or prominent figures, and Sivers has a knack for piercing straightforward wisdom that sticks with us. In this article, I’ll discuss five key excerpts from his work that I find myself returning to repeatedly. Each lesson encourages deeper reflection on how we live, react, and prioritize our time and energy.
Lesson 1: What If You Didn't Need Money or Attention?
One of the most profound questions Sivers poses is what our lives would look like if we were completely fulfilled, free from the need for money or attention. This concept urges us to explore:
- Desire: What drives us to pursue certain goals? Is it genuine passion, or are we driven by external validation?
- Self-Awareness: This poignant question leads us back to ourselves. By unwinding from societal expectations, we open doors to explore what truly matters to us.
Exploring Our Intentions
Imagine starting your day without the pressure of needing external validation. Defining success based on internal satisfaction can revolutionize how we choose to spend our time. Reflecting on our motivations is key:
- What would you engage in if monetary rewards or recognition weren’t part of the equation?
- Could identifying your passion lead to more fulfilling pursuits?
By revisiting this thought, we can reset our priorities and align them with our most genuine selves. This lesson aligns with insights from Choosing Between a Life of Ease or a Life of Service: Insights from Successful Leaders, where understanding our motivations can lead to more meaningful choices.
Lesson 2: If You’re Not Feeling "Hell Yes," Say No
Many people find themselves overwhelmed by commitments while missing out on opportunities that truly excite them. According to Sivers, this is often because we say yes to an abundance of mediocre choices instead of focusing on what ignites our passion.
The Power of No
The mantra here is simple yet effective: if you’re not inspired and enthusiastic about something, say no. This paradigm shift encourages:
- Prioritization: Freeing up your calendar allows you to devote your full energy to projects that matter.
- Weeding Out Stress: Reducing commitments leads to improved productivity because you can focus on fewer tasks that genuinely excite you.
The challenge is identifying that sweet spot where your excitement level peaks. Anything less than a resounding “heck yeah” is an opportunity to decline. This ties into lessons from 50 Life Lessons to Share With Your 20-Year-Old Self, emphasizing the importance of saying no to live a fulfilling life.
Lesson 3: Relax for the Same Result
Many of us operate under the notion that intensity equals productivity. Sivers challenges this belief through an anecdote about his bike rides, revealing a surprising discovery:
- Efficiency over Exhaustion: By relaxing and enjoying the moment instead of exhausting himself, he completed his rides almost as quickly with much less effort.
- Mindset Reset: Recognizing that one can achieve desired outcomes with less stress can lead to a more rejuvenating experience.
Applying the Lesson to Daily Life
- Embrace Ease: Regularly remind yourself that taking it easy can yield similar, if not better, results.
- Mindful Action: Approach daily tasks with a lighter mindset to reduce anxiety and reclaim enjoyment in what you do.
Finding ways to dial back effort can lead to greater satisfaction and improved outcomes with less strain. This concept of relaxation relates well to the ideas discussed in Embracing Unpredictability: Lessons from Chris Sacca and Tim Ferriss on Life, Business, and Humanity.
Lesson 4: Change Your Conditions for Satisfaction
Many individuals impose strict conditions that dictate their ability to feel successful or satisfied. Sivers’ suggestion of changing “and to” conditions significantly alters our mindset:
- Letting Go of Rigid Standards: Instead of needing everything to align perfectly, relaxing these criteria opens the door to greater contentment.
- Increased Flexibility: By expanding on what constitutes a good day, you enable yourself to celebrate smaller wins without stringent expectations.
Practical Steps to Implement This Lesson
- Redefine Success: Write down your conditions for a successful day and identify how you can broaden those definitions.
- Celebrate Small Victories: Focus on acknowledging progress, not perfection. It’s about adjusting our mindset to appreciate the journey rather than waiting for a destination. This lesson resonates with the insights from Honoring Peter Drucker: Leadership, Management, and the Path to Greatness, where redefining success is crucial for effective leadership.
Lesson 5: What’s Obvious to You is Amazing to Others
This valuable lesson emphasizes our tendency to underestimate the significance of our ideas and insights. Often, we find ourselves thinking that what comes naturally to us would hold no value to others, yet they can be profound in someone else’s perspective.
Shifting the Perspective
- Sharing Value: The act of sharing our “obvious” insights or experiences can inspire others in unexpected ways. If you believe others would find value, don’t hesitate to share!
- Embrace Your Unique Voice: The uniqueness of your perspective can have a significant ripple effect, potentially aiding someone’s journey in ways you might never expect.
Derek Sivers’ lessons resonate deeply with anyone striving for authenticity and purpose. By contemplating these insights, we can refine our choices in life, cultivate clearer priorities, and unlock true fulfillment that transcends conventional measures of success. So, as you move through your day, think about what excites you, what you might be clinging to unnecessarily, and remember, sharing your journey may just inspire someone else to embark on theirs. For me, revisiting these lessons continually reinforces my environmental satisfaction and helps me redefine what success means in my life. Thank you for taking the time to explore these principles with me, and I hope they serve you as profoundly as they have me!
hey friends welcome back to the channel so this is a very very short small book which I read a few years ago and Derek
cers is one of my favorite people favorite thinkers in the world and the advice that he shares has resonated with
me so much over the years and so in this video I want to share five excerpts Five Lessons From this book that I am
continuing to revisit again and again and I hope you enjoy it what if you didn't need money or attention you know
that feeling you have after a big meal when you're so full that you don't want anything more ever wonder what that
would feel like in other parts of your life we do so many things for the attention to feel important or praised
but what if you had so much attention and so much praise that you couldn't possibly want anymore what would you do
then what would you stop doing we do so many things for the money whether we need it or not but what if you had so
much money that you couldn't possibly want anymore what would you do then what would you stop doing and then if you
stopped doing all those things you're doing just for the money or the attention what would be left who would
you be if you didn't do these things if you were completely satisfied then what after an understandable period of
relaxing what would you pursue don't say sit around and do nothing because that's still just relaxing I mean after that
when you're ready to be useful to others again what would you do then if you didn't need the money and didn't need
the attention yeah this question of what we want to do with our time what we want to do with our lives is one of the
central questions that we're all trying to answer mostly when we're when we get into our 20s often when we graduate and
we're like H what I do now um it's a really tricky one and one of the best things I found for this is to just sort
of do a lot of exploration try out a bunch of different things and see what Vibes but also journaling prompts like
this questions like this that encourage us to get away from like the default things of status or success or desire
for money or desire for security all that kind of stuff a question like what would you actually do if you didn't care
about the money and you didn't care about the attention next up we have if you're not feeling saying Hell yeah then
say no most of us have lives filled with mediocrity we say yes to things that we felt half-hearted about so we're too
busy to react when opportunities come our way we miss out on the great because we're busy with the mediocre the
solution is to say yes to less if you're not feeling hell yeah that would be awesome about something say no it's an
easier decision say no to almost everything this starts to free your time and your mind then when you find
something you're actually excited about you'll have the space in your life to give it your full attention you'll be
able to take Massive Action in a way that most people can't because you cleared away your clutter in advance
saying no makes your yes more powerful though it's good to say yes when you're starting out wanting any opportunity or
needing variety it's bad to say yes when you're overwhelmed overcommitted or need to focus refuse almost everything do
almost nothing but the things you do do them all the way man this is good this is a lesson I keep on needing to relearn
and relearn and relearn and relearn and every entrepreneur that I look up to also worries also really really really
struggles with this lesson where when you when you're just starting out you kind of want to say yes to everything
because you're getting all these opportunities and you're like you want to you want to try different things you
want to take advantage of all the things but then at a certain point you kind of know what you need to do you know what
the things that you want to focus on actually are and any deviation or distraction from those things just
scatters you in a bunch of different directions and you end up not really making any meaningful progress but that
requires the ability to say no to stuff was it there was a famous writer I can't remember who it was who said that one of
the sad things about one of the unfortunate side effects of being a successful writer is that you start
getting all this fan mail and if you were to respond to the fan mail you would never have any time to do the
writing and one thing a lot of writers get into into the into trouble with is that they're in spending too much time
interacting interacting with the fans because they view that as a good thing and they really want to do it they then
lose the focus from their work there's a phrase in business which is that sevens kill businesses this is like seven out
of tens 7 out of 10 people 7 out of 10 projects things that you said yes to because it was like a 7 out of 10
exciting if it's only a 7 out of 10 exciting it's not worth doing and actually those seven out of 10 like it's
easy to say no to the things that are three out of 10 or 2 out of 10 or 1 out of 10 it's easy to say no to the stuff
that you just really don't want to do but it's a lot harder to to say no to the stuff where it's like H you know
that's that thing's pretty good but h i mean maybe it's a 7 out of 10 but I probably should do it anyway cuz I'm
really lucky to be in this position and I should take it on and it'll be good for my CV and it'll help me with this
and this this and that and then before you know it your calendar and your to-do list are absolutely rammed and you're
feeling overwhelmed cuz you just have too much stuff going on and then the stuff that actually moves the needle cuz
those seven out of 10 things never really move the needle the stuff that actually moves the needle Falls by the
wayside oh and by the way if you happen to be watching this before the 20th of September 2024 then you might like to
join my completely free quarterly alignment Workshop this is a totally free online Workshop I host on Zoom
about every 3 months and the idea is that we reflect on your last 3 months we align to your life vision and we set
your goals for the final quarter of the year I've been hosting these every few months or year and there's always
thousands of people on the call and they find them super helpful and it's completely free so if you want to sign
up and join me facilitating a zoom session then you can check out the link in the video description ah I love this
one relax for the same result a few years ago I lived in Santa Monica California right on the beach there's a
great bike path that goes along the ocean for 7 and 1/2 miles on weekday afternoons it's almost empty it's
perfect for going full speed so a few times a week I'd get on my bike and go as fast as I could for the 15m loop I
mean really fullon 100% head down red-faced sprinting I'd finished exhausted and look at the time 43
minutes every time after a few months I noticed I was getting less enthusiastic about this bike ride I think I'd
mentally linked it with being completely exhausted so one day I decided I would do the same ride but just chill take it
easy nice and slow and ah what a nice ride I was relaxed and smiling and looking around I was barely giving it
any effort I saw two dolphins in the water a pelican flew right over me in Marina del re when I looked up to say
wow he in my mouth I had to laugh at the novelty of it I'm usually so damn driven always doing everything as
intensely as I can it was so nice to take it easy for once I felt I could do this forever without any exhaustion when
I finished I looked at the time 45 minutes wait what how could that be yep I double checked 45 minutes as compared
to my usual 43 so apparently all of that exhausting red-faced full-on push push push I had been doing had given me only
a 4% boost I could just take it easy and get 96% of the results and what a difference in experience to go the same
distance in about the same time but one way leaves me exhausted and the other way rejuvenated when I noticed that I'm
all stressed out about something or driving myself to exhaustion I remember that bike ride and try dialing back my
effort by 50% it's been amazing how often everything gets done just as well and just as fast with what feels like
half the effort which then makes me realize that half of my effort wasn't effort at all but just unnecessary
stress that made me feel like I was doing my best man love that so good 43 versus 45
minutes I I first I remember I first came across Derk civer stuff in like 2016 when I listened to an episode of
the Tim Ferris show and then binged everything he'd written and this was one of the things that stuck out to me so
much what was that 8 years ago sometimes just putting in a little bit less effort just taking it a little bit easier
taking a little bit less seriously ascribing a little bit less importance to it it's just the thing to do I talk
about this in the first chapter of feel good productivity which is about play play is unlocked when we lower the
stakes when we when we take things a little bit less seriously when we approach it with a little bit more
lightness and ease cuz a lot of the resistance and the push and the discipline and the drive that we put
into stuff a lot of that doesn't actually help us move any faster or make our up more efficient it just makes us
feel bad and if we can find a way to achieve effectively the same thing with a little bit less effort trying a little
bit less trying trying a little bit less hard and kind of more like I don't know going with the flow of the water rather
than trying to push up against the waves got that kind of thing yeah 43 minutes versus 45 minutes good stuff
procrastination hack change and to or my Unwritten condition for when to exercise was this when it's a nice day and I
finished my work and I haven't just eaten and I'm feeling energetic but of course that rarely happens so I wasn't
exercising enough my coach suggested I change and to or when it's a nice day or I finished my work or I haven't just
eaten or I'm feeling energetic now I exercise quite often do you have a list of conditions you need to have met
before you do something try changing and to or I Vibe with this not because it's a hack for procrastination I Vibe with
this because it's a great hack for being more satisfied with life I came across this in a Tony Robbins event actually
there was a story that he told there's a little girl and she goes to her dad's office and the girl says to the dad
daddy why is everything always in a muddle and then the Daddy's like what do you mean honey what do you mean
everything's all in a muddle and she says like your desk Daddy have a look at your desk your desk is a model and so
the dad's like huh so help help me sort it out like what would it look like if it wasn't a model and so the girl says
okay well this should go here and this should go here and this should go here and the computer should go here and the
thing should go here and then after sort of meticulously organizing his desk she says Ah see it's not a muddle anymore
and then he takes the mug of pens or whatever and moves it there and she's like no no no it's in audle and she puts
it back then he takes the camera or whatever on his desk and he puts it there and she says no no
no it's in a muddle again and puts the camera back then he takes the coffee cup the used coffee cup and he puts it there
and she's like no no no it's in a muddle and she puts it back and so the dad says oh that's very interesting there are all
sorts of different ways for the desk to be in a mdle but only one way for the desk to be acceptable for the desk to be
good back in the day I used to have a set of rules for myself like Unwritten rules rules that I hadn't really
acknowledged for when I was allowed to feel satisfied when I've attended all my lectures and I had a good night's sleep
and I did some socializing and I finished one of my essays way ahead of time and because I had this list of
conditions this list of rules that had and in in between them I was almost never satisfied at the end of the day I
always felt like I could have been more productive I felt like I hadn't done enough one thing that Derek suggests in
this thing one thing Tony Robbins recommends is when it comes to the rules that you have for feeling good change
and to or so it's a good day when I've gone to all my lectures or I've had a good night's sleep or I've socialized
with someone or I've made some progress on my essay and changing and toor in one simple mindset shift completely
transforms our experience of life it's just about changing the set of rules that we have for ourselves if there are
100 different ways for things to be in a muddle and only one way for things to be perfect if there's only one way for you
to have a good day but 100 different ways for for the day to be bad you're probably going to have a lot of bad days
but if you changed the rules if you changed the set of rules so that it was easier for you to have a good day easier
for to be satisfied with what you've done then you still do the same stuff it's just that you choose to feel more
satisfied at the end of the day with what you've done all right final thing from the book is obvious to you amazing
to others any creator of anything knows this feeling you experience someone else's Innovative work it's beautiful
brilliant breathtaking you're stunned their ideas are unexpected and surprising but perfect you think I never
would have thought of that how do they even come up with that it's genius afterwards you think my ideas are so
obvious I'll never be as inventive as that I get this feeling often amazing books music movies or even amazing
conversations I'm in awe at how the Creator thinks like that I'm humbled but I continue to do my work I tell my
little Tales I share my point of view nothing spectacular just my ordinary thoughts one day someone emailed me and
said I never would have thought of that how did you even come up with it that's Genius of course I disagreed and
explained why it was nothing special but afterwards I realized something surprisingly profound everybody's ideas
seem obvious to them hit songwriters often admit that their most successful hit song was one they thought was just
stupid even not worth recording we're clearly bad judges of our own Creations we should just put them out there and
let the world decide are you holding back something that seems too obvious to share this was one of the things that
really helped me start my YouTube channel I think I discovered derk's Serv was before then or like around around
the time where at a certain point I felt like ah you know this this advice I'm giving about getting into med school
this like I don't know study tip I'm sh ing the stuff around like how I take notes on my iPad H it's all it's all
obvious then I read this thing what's obvious to you can be amazing to others I often like to revisit books that have
had a big impact on me because I like to revisit the same lessons that had an impact on me and I realize holy I
still need to I still need to take that lesson I have not yet like internalized the lesson that what's obvious to you
can be amazing to others I still hold myself back from creating stuff from publishing things posting stuff on my
newsletter Life notes you can subscribe down below if you want by the way it's a weekly email that I send weekly-ish with
like notes from books I'm reading podcast I'm listening to that kind of stuff I still hold myself back from
putting stuff in there cuz it feels too obvious I'm like oh everyone's read hello everyone's read finite and
infinite games everyone's read books by Daniel pink oh it's not worth putting the thing in sometimes I I'll send an
issue from the archives one that I wrote like 5 years ago where I'm like yeah I discovered this thing 5 years ago but
here it is now and I'll get emails being like whoa I've never heard of that thing and to me it's obvious cuz I discovered
it 5 years ago and I've been applying it to my life but we're getting dozens of emails from people being like holy
I've never heard this thing before well it's obvious to you can be amazing to others you should definitely check out
this book it is I think available for free on Derrik cers website I'll put a link down below and also if you like
drik cers and you and you Vibe with his stuff I'll put a link over here to an interview I did with Derek on my deep
dive podcast you can check that out loads of people have said that that interview really changed their
perspective of life and stuff so I'll put a link over there thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Heads up!
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