Life is a series of choices, and as we approach our twilight years, we often reflect back on the paths we've taken. Will you choose a life of ease and comfort, or will you opt for a life of service and adventure? This profound question can shape our overall sense of fulfillment and happiness. In this article, we'll explore the key components of leading a life that one can be proud of at the age of 90, inspired by insights from successful leaders who have balanced both aspects in their careers.
The Dichotomy of Life Choices
Comfort vs. Service
Choosing a life of comfort might seem appealing at first glance. However, many successful individuals echo a common sentiment—that selecting a life of service opens doors to deeper fulfillment. When faced with the question:
Which one will you be prouder of at 90 years old: a life of ease or a life of adventure?
Identifying the value of service lies at the core of this debate. Here’s why:
- Legacy: A life of service often leaves a lasting impact on others.
- Growth: It pushes you to develop and refine your skills.
- Fulfillment: Contributes to your sense of purpose and well-being.
The Gifts vs. Choices
Most of us are endowed with various gifts, but as the narrative goes, it is our choices that truly construct our lives. For example:
- Celebrating Gifts: Acknowledge and celebrate your gifts, be they talents in math, art, or communication.
- Emphasizing Choices: Recognize that every choice shapes your destiny more than your innate gifts ever could.
The Role of Customer Obsession in Business
Why Customer Obsession Matters
In the corporate world, successful businesses thrive on customer obsession, as reinforced by leaders within organizations like Amazon. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs and addressing their concerns proactively. Consider the following:
- Feedback Loop: Listening to customer complaints helps identify root causes rather than merely addressing symptoms.
- Long-Term Focus: Businesses driven by customer obsession are generally more successful in the long term.
Shifting Mindsets
The discussion here isn’t merely about being customer-focused; it’s about the mentality that drives such focus. While competitors often drive strategy, putting customers at the forefront continually provides motivation and energy. Here’s how:
- Staying Agile: Even larger companies can maintain the agility of startups if they prioritize customer needs.
- Nimbleness during Growth: Growth can often stymie innovation—balancing scale with a startup mentality is key.
Operational Excellence: The Heart of Leadership
Constant Improvements
Operational excellence is all about reducing defects and continually assessing systems for improvements. When you receive complaints, it’s essential to:
- Analyze Patterns: Identify recurring issues.
- Root Cause Analysis: Focus on the underlying cause of complaints, ensuring they are addressed for future benefit.
- Feedback Integration: Use feedback from clients to refine operational strategies.
Stress Management as a Leader
One common misconception is that CEOs and senior executives bear the greatest stress levels. In reality, stress can be mitigated through delegation and time management. Here are some practices:
- Delegation: Empower teams to handle successes and failures.
- Time Management: Balance schedules to include flexibility for creativity and relaxation.
Young Professionals: Finding Your Path
The Importance of Passion
To the young professionals starting out, the most crucial piece of advice is to pursue something you are passionate about. It’s not enough just to excel; being engaged and excited about your work leads to greater success.
The Power of Choices
Understanding your choices also means navigating the inevitable obstacles on your journey. Instead of focusing solely on your talents, concentrate on the deliberate steps you take to shape your future. The following points should guide your choices:
- Invest in Learning: Always seek opportunities to grow and expand your horizons.
- Embrace Challenges: Pursuing discomfort can yield significant rewards.
As we reflect upon our lives and choices, choosing between comfort and service becomes essential to our ultimate satisfaction. A life driven by passion, customer obsession, operational excellence, and continuous personal growth can lead to a fulfilling life filled with adventure. While the path of ease may often seem more comfortable, a life dedicated to the service of others and rooted in firm leadership principles packs true meaning. When it's all said and done, the connections we make and the impact we have perhaps outweigh all else—empowering us to look back with pride as we reflect at 90 years old.
you can choose a life of ease and comfort or you can choose a life of service and adventure which one of those
when you're 90 years old are you going to be more proud of good a guy like you no matter how good
we are we can still be better you can always be better customers have a divine discontent and they teach you if you
listen to customers so we watch for that and you see pattern so we can find places where it's not working
something's going wrong and that's really how I get the feedback is from customer input and often you know on all
caps angry you ruined my child's birthday because the gif didn't show up on time and we
take that and what you really want to do is you take that it's an anecdote it's a single example but you need to find the
root cause what went wrong deep inside the system how did this happen because then you can fix it for everyone so that
that particular problem will never happen again you don't just fix the symptom you have
to fix the root cause and that's been the secret to our operational success for 20 years a guy like you there are a
lot of things that are a waste of time you know and you think about your life I think I often tell people that I work
with if you can get because people people have very high standards for how they want their work life to be and and
I said look if you can get your work life to be where you enjoy half of it that is a home that is amazing because
very few people ever achieve that because the truth is everything comes with overhead that's reality everything
comes with pieces that you don't like you could be a Supreme Court justice and there's still gonna be pieces of your
job you don't like you can be a university professor and it's still going to be Peter if to go to committee
meetings and you have to do thing you know there every job comes with pieces you don't like and we need to say that's
just how that's part of it and and and not resent those pieces or try not to but also try to minimize them I tell
senior executives you should have the least stress you know there's this weird I think false
idea that CEOs I'm a CEO there's this false idea that CEOs are under the most stress well I look at like why you're in
charge why don't you delegate the stress it's your choice and so it's you have to
figure out how to set up your life in such a way that you can minimize the things and I find people don't dislike
hard work but people dislike and what is being out of control like they can't control their life they can't control
their environment this happens to me when I get over scheduled I hate being over scheduled I want some
time to be able to think and free myself we all have the same amount of time in the world nobody has more time than
anybody else and when you become a very successful person one of the things you start to get over scheduled you have
this event you had to agree to do this and maybe last night you were like why didn't I agree to do this I have to go
on stage tomorrow I wish I were really with my family and you know or I hope maybe not this case
let's say that you like this one but in general that kind of thing happens and so you have to guard your time and and
try to save a little bit flexible so that's for me it's not a waste of time but I like to have some freedom of
movement rather than having every minute of every day scheduled a guy like you so a young
person starting their career I think they're probably a lot of things that some of them are very well known and
people have heard that many times they're still true one of those that you should always focus on a young person
should find something that they're passionate about to do and that's not gonna surprise anyone it's a clear thing
to do it's very hard if you don't love your work you're never going to be great at it
I think the other thing I would suggest too any young person even before they start
their career is to really think about their choices because I find young people and I when I was young I had I
made this mistake too you can get very fixed on your gifts so everybody has gifts you know you you
have gifts and you have things that you didn't get gifted maybe you're extremely beautiful maybe you're extremely good at
mathematics maybe you there are a lot of things that you can be given but those things can confuse you because they're
not the things that construct your life it's your choices that construct your life not your guests you can celebrate
your gifts be proud of them be happy of them actually don't be proud of them be be celebratory of them but you can't be
proud because they're gifts they were given to you you didn't earn them you can only be proud of the things you earn
and so as I got older I started to realize I wasn't proud of my gifts I was always good at school school is always
easy for me and I was always proud that I was a great student I got aids in all my classes I was good
at math all of that and I thought I thought that's who I was but it's not true those are the things that are gifts
what was hard for me is deciding to work hard deciding to use my gifts in certain ways to challenge myself to do things
that I didn't think I could do to put myself in uncomfortable situations we all get I would say to a young person
you can choose a life of ease and comfort or you can choose a life of service and adventure which one of those
when you're 90 years old are you gonna be more proud of okay we only have a few principles of the Amazon kind of core
values that we go back to over and over again and if you looked at each of the things that we do you would see those
run straight through everything so the first one and by far the most important one is customer obsession and we talk
about it as customer obsession as opposed to competitor obsession and I have seen over and over again companies
talk about that their customer focused but really when I pay close attention to them I believe they are competitor
focused and that's just a completely different mentality by the way competitor focus can work but I don't
think it works in the long run as well as customer focus for one thing once you're the leader if your whole culture
is competitor obsessed it's kind of hard to stay energized and motivated if you're out in front whereas customers
are always unsatisfied they're always discontent they always want more and so no matter how far you get out there in
front of your competitors you're still behind your customers so they're always pulling you along so customer obsession
is a deep principle that underlies everything we do and how do you it so the real question for me is how do you
go about maintaining a day one culture you know it's great to have the scale of Amazon we have financial resources we
have lots of brilliant people we can accomplish great things we have global scope we have operations all over the
world but the downside of that is that you can lose your nimbleness you can lose your entrepreneurial spirit you can
lose your that kind of heart that the that small companies often have and so if you could have the best of both
worlds if you can have that entrepreneurial spirit and heart while at the same time having all the
advantages that come with scale and scope I think think of the things that you could do and and so the question is
how do you achieve that the scale is good because it makes you robust you know a big boxer can take a punch to the
head the question is you also want to dodge those punches so you'd like to be nimble you want to be big and nimble and
I find there are a lot of things that are protective of the day one mentality I already spent some time on one of them
which is customer obsession I think that's the most important thing if you can and it
it's harder as you get bigger when you're a little tiny company figure ten person startup company every single
person the company is focused on the customer when you get to be a bigger company you've got all the middle you've
got middle managers and you've got all these layers and the those people aren't on the front lines they're not
interacting with customers every day they're insulated from customers and they start to manage not the customer
happiness directly but they start to manage through proxies like metrics and processes and some of those things can
become bureaucratic so it's very challenging but one of the things that happens is the decision-making velocity
slows down and I think the reason one of the reasons that that happens is that people all say junior executives inside
the big company start to model all decisions as if they are heavyweight irreversible highly consequential
decisions and so even to a doors you could make you make a decision it's the wrong decision you can just back up back
through the door and try again even those reversible decisions start to be made with heavyweight processes and
so you can teach people that these pitfalls and and and traps and then teach them to avoid those traps and
that's what we're trying to do at Amazon so that we can maintain our inventiveness and our hearts and our
kind of small companies spirit even as we have the scale and scope of a larger company if the stock is up 10% this
month don't feel 10% smarter because when the stock is down 10% some month you're
gonna have to fill up 10% dumber and it's not going to feel as good and so it's you know ownership is we give most
of our compensation is is done in terms of stock compensation and in part and parcel with ownership is a mentality of
long term thinking you know you owners think longer term than renters do so I have a friend who rented his house to
some tenants and instead of getting a Christmas tree stand at Christmas they just nailed the Christmas
into the hardwood floors of the house no owner would ever do that and but sometimes there that's a bad tenant you
know they're a good good tenants but that's a bad tenant and it's because you know it's the same old thing about you
know nobody ever washed a rental car and you you take better care of the things that you own and and but but one of the
responsibilities of ownership and definitely deep inside the Amazon culture is to think about the
fundamentals of the business and not the daily fluctuations in the stock price it's not there's no information in it
what are you really focusing on so you know I'm focusing on those things that I think make Amazon unusual genuine
customer obsession so like every single thing you just mentioned when you know when our senior executives sit down and
review those programs they're looking for customer obsession where how is second one that we're focused on is
invention we don't like to do me two offerings we want to take will be inspired by something we've seen the
world we're not hermetically sealed but we want to put our own twist on it we want to try to do something better for
customers that's pioneering so where is the invention you know why is this going to be better for customers than the
already whatever is serving that need in the world today and and then a willingness to think long term so I'm
very focused on those things and also the operational excellence is reducing defects at their root those are the
things that's the culture of Amazon it's the habits that we have those are the things I'm focused on and those are the
things that all of our senior people are focused on [Music]
Heads up!
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