Consorting with Spirits: A Guide to Magical Engagement


Welcome back to Glitch Bottle! In today's episode, we dive into an intriguing topic: "How to Consort with Spirits" with expert Jason Miller. Magic is often viewed as a solitary art, yet building relationships with spirits can enrich your practice immensely. This article will explore the essential concepts from Jason Miller's latest book, "Consorting with Spirits," covering aspects such as the importance of locality and relationship in esoteric practices, different magical systems, and so much more.

What is Spirit Consorting?

Consorting with spirits is not just about evocation or summoning; it's about building ongoing relationships with the spiritual entities that you wish to engage with. Jason Miller emphasizes this through the mindful use of the term "consorting," which implies familiarity, respect, and an ongoing connection.

Why is the Term "Consorting" Important?

The choice of the word "consorting" reflects two meanings:

  1. Historical Context: In the 1600s, consorting with spirits could lead to imprisonment or death; it acknowledges the risks involved in magical practices.
  2. Cultivating Relationships: The term suggests a deeper relationship with spirits, akin to friendships rather than one-time encounters. This ongoing engagement is essential in effectively practicing magic.

Key Takeaway: True sorcery involves not just technique, but relationships. The more you invest in these relationships, the more empowered your magical practice will become.

The Importance of Locality in Sorcery

The Concept of Local Magic

According to Jason, the best sorcery is local, which means that it is enriched by your immediate environment and the spirits or energies present within it. Just like building relationships with people, getting to know the spirits proximal to you can create a more meaningful magical experience. This idea aligns with the principles discussed in Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of Transcendent Awareness and Self-Discovery.

Comparison to Coffee: If you want a great latte, is it better to build a relationship with the barista at your local coffee shop or the CEO of Starbucks? The connection you create locally is often richer and more fulfilling.

Navigating Magical Systems

Jason illustrates how local engagement can contrast with the desire for universal systems of magic. Often, practitioners obsess over the grand schemes and systems—like communicating with high-ranking spirits—while neglecting the local entities that could offer more personal benefits. This concept resonates with Exploring the Reality of Magic: Insights from Dr. Dean Radin.

The Role of Familiarity and Relationships

Building relationships with spirits can involve:

  • Regular offerings or rituals focused on local spirits
  • Engaging with spirits of your culture or ancestry
  • Being receptive to the nuances of living in your community

Understanding Different Magical Traditions

Jason structures his magical approach around three key traditions: Christianity, Paganism, and Luciferianism. Each tradition offers various frameworks for spirit communication and conjuration.

Christian Paradigms

In this tradition, evocation often invokes a Judeo-Christian context, tying spirits to divine authority. The engagement may sometimes highlight the dangers inherent in calling forth spirits who possess their own autonomy.

Pagan Approaches

Pagan traditions allow for a different interpretation of spirits—often focusing on nature, earth, and local deities, enriching the practitioner's ability to manifest desires through a more personal lens. This is similar to the insights shared in Unlocking the Power of the 11-11 Portal: A Spiritual Guide to Manifesting Dreams.


Luciferian perspectives often prioritize understanding the self and embracing complexity within magical practice. Understanding how these traditions interweave will help enrich personal experiences within magic. This notion aligns with the lessons from 5 Life Lessons from Derek Sivers: Embracing Authenticity Over Obligation.

Models of Engagement with Spirits

Jason critiques traditional models for understanding spirits—suggesting instead a "mega model" that incorporates various perspectives (psychological, information-based, energetic, and spiritual models).

What is a Mega Model?

The mega model eschews a singular understanding of spirits in favor of a framework that acknowledges:

  • Complex interactions between belief systems
  • The influence of personal perception in encounters
  • The nuances of different magical systems behind each interaction

Resonance in Magical Experience

Miller also emphasizes the significance of magical resonance. Instead of expecting full manifestations, practitioners should recognize that simple resonance is often the most common form of spirit interaction.

  • What is Magical Resonance?: It's the subtler forms of communication and influence that spirits exert in our lives, often manifesting as intuition or emotions related to the spirit's characteristics.

Transforming the Practice of Magic

Practical Engagement with Spirits

As practitioners delve deeper into magic, maintaining discernment is essential. People often report grand experiences, yet it can lead beginners off course if they measure their journeys against others' testimonials. Jason encourages:

  1. Listening and Engagement: Allow the spirit to communicate its messages rather than overwhelming the connection through fear or doubt.
  2. Experiments and Evaluations: Approach rituals as experiments—if they yield results, take notes and refine your methods, no matter how subtle the outcomes.

Integrating Spiritual Guidance

Connecting with spirits can feel abstract, yet Jason emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the messages from your own intuition alongside their communication. Individuals should learn to differentiate between what resonates personally versus what might stem from external influence.


In this exploration of "Consorting with Spirits," Jason Miller reveals the intricacies of engaging with the unseen world. Whether through local spirits, understanding different magical traditions, or recognizing the subtleties of interactions, the key takeaway is that deeper relationships can empower practitioners in their magical pursuits. Fostering a growing connection and being receptive to the influences around you can lead to profound experiences and successfully navigate your journey in the esoteric arts.

Heads up!

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