In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, understanding the characteristics of an entrepreneur has never been more crucial. Entrepreneurs are the backbone of innovation, driving economic growth and inspiring new ways of thinking. This article delves deep into the defining traits of entrepreneurs, laying out the fundamentals that set them apart from others in the business realm.
Who is an Entrepreneur?
Entrepreneurship is more than merely organizing resources; it is a dynamic process that encompasses ideation, innovation, and execution. An entrepreneur is an individual who not only organizes land, labor, and capital but also blends these inputs effectively to yield valuable outputs. They are creators who consistently seek to add value to existing products or services, thereby contributing to economic development.
The Evolution of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship has evolved over the years, transitioning from the straightforward assembly of resources to a nuanced process that incorporates various stages and activities. This evolution underscores the fact that entrepreneurship is not static; instead, it is a fluid process that adapts to the changing environment.
Key Concepts in Entrepreneurship
Before diving into the characteristics of entrepreneurs, it is essential to understand the five foundational concepts of entrepreneurship:
- Ideation: The generation of new ideas that lead to innovative solutions.
- Innovation: The implementation of these ideas into practical applications that meet market needs.
- Creativity: Thinking outside the box to find new methods and processes.
- Invention: Creating entirely new products or services that have not existed before.
- Discovery: Uncovering new insights and opportunities that lead to value creation.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Now that we have a foundation, let’s discuss the key characteristics that define successful entrepreneurs. These characteristics can be categorized into two major approaches: the Trait Approach and the Innovative/Organizer Approach.
The Trait Approach
The Trait Approach focuses on inherent qualities that entrepreneurs possess, which set them apart from non-entrepreneurs. Here are the six primary traits:
- Entrepreneurs exude self-confidence in their abilities and decisions. This trait empowers them to take bold actions and inspire others.
Task and Result Orientation
- Successful entrepreneurs are goal-setters. They prioritize tasks, outline strategies, and define the desired results before initiating any activity.
Risk Taker
- Entrepreneurs are synonymous with risk-taking. They assess and embrace both calculable and incalculable risks to achieve their objectives.
- With their natural leadership qualities, entrepreneurs guide teams, drive innovations, and manage resources effectively.
- Entrepreneurs thrive on originality. They seldom imitate; instead, they innovate and create unique value propositions in their offerings.
Future Orientation
- They have a visionary mindset, always planning for future challenges and opportunities, making them proactive rather than reactive.
The Innovative/Organizer Approach
This approach highlights the role of entrepreneurs as organizers and managers of resources, where they demonstrate the following attributes:
Resource Management
- Entrepreneurs blend and organize land, labor, and capital to produce efficient outputs, illustrating their managerial capabilities.
Adaptability and Flexibility
- The ability to adjust strategies based on market feedback is crucial for entrepreneurs to remain relevant and competitive.
Networking Skills
- Building networks and forging relationships is essential, allowing entrepreneurs to harness resources and support from others.
Strategic Planning
- Entrepreneurs exhibit strong planning skills, determining the steps necessary to achieve defined goals and objectives.
Distinctions within Entrepreneurial Roles
The distinction between entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs is significant. An intrapreneur operates within a larger organization, using the company’s resources to innovate without taking on the risks associated with starting a new venture. Examples can be seen in many corporate settings where individuals drive innovation through corporate support.
Understanding the characteristics of an entrepreneur provides valuable insights into what drives innovation, value creation, and economic growth. Entrepreneurs are not only resource managers but also risk-takers, leaders, and visionaries. By embodying these traits, they contribute significantly to the business world and inspire future generations of innovators. Entrepreneurship is indeed a dynamic process manifested through ideation, innovation, and continuous value creation, solidifying its vital role in today's economy.
Thank you for exploring these insights on entrepreneurship.
[Music] we are on for our gns
entrepreneurial lecture series and this is third in the series of such lectures and our topic for today is
characteristics of an enterpreneur or characteristics of the enterpreneur before going to
explain these basic characteristics that an enterpreneur
processes I will first want us to know who is an entrepreneur or what really is entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship as we are told in our ordinary level days is the person
who organizes an enterpreneur is somebody who organizes other resources for
productive use land labor and capital are put into effective use by somebody who is called
an enterpreneur so such a person is saded with the responsibility of mixing and blending
all these resources in various proportions to give rise to a given output so the way it is saying at
that level is that entrepreneurship is all about organizing and assembling resources or inputs to bring forth a
given output and these resources in real terms can be mixed or Blended in varying proportions to give
rise to varying outputs as well and that is to say that an entrepreneur can mix say about 10% of
land blended with about 8% of Labor and some Quantum say about 7% of capital in form of equipment and
machineries to give rise to a given output the same enterpreneur can still
reblend these same inputs to now use about 20% of land some 15% of Labor and some 12 or 11% of capital
items to still give rise to another level of out and that is why the enterpreneur is seen as an organizer he
seen as a manager of resources to give rise to a given output having said all that nowadays entrepreneurship goes
beyond just assembling resources putting together inputs to give rise to a given output in
real terms or in the actual sense entrepreneurship now is a process and when we say a process we are talking of
something that goes through several stages it is not a One-Stop thing entrepreneurship is a process of several
activities involving several stages one stage then thereafter other
then having said that there are several definitions or several meanings that have been
ascribed to the concept of Entrepreneurship in fact one can say that there are
meanings and definition of Entrepreneurship as their are authors or as their are
textbooks in the ordinary sense the way it is seen by an economist is that an entrepreneur just as I've explained is
an assembler or an organizer of various inputs to give rise to an output but another person has defined it as a
process or a dynamic process created and managed by individuals meaning that entrepreneurship is something that is
ongoing it's not a static thing it's a dynamic process it keeps evolving it keeps changing even as we speak the
enterpreneurial process keeps evolving another Authority explains it as a
process of creating value a process of creating value or a process of creating something new with
value by deploying several resources in terms of money in terms of time in terms of
psychic and other other resources and thereafter
getting Independence and Financial Freedom and that definition was given by a person called Robert estrich in the
year 2002 and his own explanation of Entrepreneurship is that
entrepreneurship is really a process of creating something new not just creating a product or a service or a commodity
but really a process of adding value to an existing thing and that is why it defines it as a process of creating
something new with value so there must be a value addition but that value addition is not
just obtained without the enterpreneur putting several resources into that process and this resources of course
includes time his own energy money and several other resources to to equally include psychic resources his thinking
ability all embedded in that process of trying to create something new and that of course means that in the
entrepreneurial process the entrepreneur adds value to an existing thing and it is thereafter he now gains financial
freedom and Independence and that means that haven been able to come up with a creativity haven't been able to innovate
haven't been able to make a discovery the entrepreneur now sits back and he now gets a financial reward he equally
gets Independence he now becomes an employer of Labor he's now a job Creator then he's able to gain independence he
doesn't have to look for any job he becomes an employer of Labor the employe other people to help him in his
enterpreneurial process so with that one can now summarize what really is entrepreneurship all about
entrepreneurship is about five major things and the first is ideation
entrepreneurship involves ideation coming up with new ideas anything that one does that you can come up with new
ideas new ways of doing things then you are an entrepreneur entrepreneur you know entrepreneurship also is about
Innovation an enterpreneur is somebody who innovates coming up with something new something new something that had not
been in existence before so if anybody is engage in any activity and you are innovating in that process then you are
call an entrepreneur the third one is that entrepreneurship deals with creativity
creativity involves trying to come up with a new way of doing things if you
are doing that also you are an entrepreneur if you are creative the creative process is the entrepreneurial
process so creativity is another way of explaining what entrepreneurship itself also means then
also is the fourth one and that is Discovery the discovery process is also the enterpreneurial
process if anybody has been able to make a discovery something that is entirely new something just evolving something
that had not been in existence before then you can be described to be an enterpreneur in all his entirety and in
all his ramification so a Discoverer is an enterpreneur a Creator is an enterpreneur an innovator is an
entrepreneur somebody that comes up with a new idea is an enterpreneur then also the
fifth one is if one is able to invent an inventor is an enterpreneur the inventive process
as well involves a lot of steps and stages so an inventor is also an enterpreneur so having said that and
having explained the five major pillars upon which entrepreneurship as a concept entrepreneurship as a vocation
entrepreneurship as a way of life Rel stands on which of course again is ideation Innovation invention creativity
and Discovery anybody who's explaining entrepreneurship must of course explain it to revolve around these five basic
concepts of ideation of innovation of creativity of invention and Discovery so having known that we now
move into discussing the characteristics of the enterpr and when we say the
characteristics we are actually talking about the attributes of an ENT and by attribute also is meant the traits of
the ENT we can as well call it the qualities of the ENT so whichever of those synonyms that one PS we are still
talking about the characteristics of the enterpreneur so these
characteristics I'm going to approach it via two different perspective or two different approaches and the first one
is called the tra approach to explaining the characteristics of the enterpreneur and the second one is the
Innovative stroke organizer approach Innovative slash organizer approach to explaining or to discussing the
characteristics of the ENT so starting with the first one the first one of course as I said is
the trait the trait approach and this trait approach sees the enter premum as somebody who possesses certain
qualities as somebody body who possesses certain innate attributes which non enterpreneur do not
process what do we mean by processing certain attributes or certain traits or certain features or certain
characteristics which non enterpreneurs do not possess that means that the enterpreneurs are special people they
are special beings entrepreneurs are special Creations that are born with certain innate traits and
characteristics that the ordinary person may not possess so that of course also goes with a theory in leadership called
the genetic theory of leadership and that also explains the fact that that theory
prends that leaders are born are not made the genetic theory of leadership says that
leaders are born leaders are God created leaders are god-given that leaders are not made but
their leaders are born but that CH again is contented or is negated by several other theor of
leadership like the followership theory that says that people are the ones that will elect or appoint their own leaders
that is what the followership theory says but I'm just trying to provide a Synergy between the genetic theory of
leadership and the trait approach to explaining the characteristics of an
enterpreneur and that genetic theory just as explained says that leaders are born and not made that
leaders right from the time they are in their mother's womb God has deposited certain innate
characteristics certain innate entrepreneural qualities in them the thing just man
as they continue to grow into adulthood in the same way the trade approach to
explaining the characteristics of the enterpreneur pertains that entrepreneurs are born are not made that the end that
the entrepreneurship qualities are not something that can be learned but rather
they are God given that God has deposited it in the being or in every human being who are
enterpreneurs and that is why that theory explains that
enterpreneurs are born and not made that enterpreneurs possess
certain innate qualities and characteristics that non enter opinions do not process so having said that what
are these uh qualities under the tra
approach I will go step by step and one after the other there are basically six of these qualities that the trade
approach outlines and the first one is self-confidence self selfconfidence and this of course says that the
enterpreneur anywhere you find them there are people who are self-confidence there are people who are
self-confident entrepreneurs have self-confidence there are people who on their own are not afraid to take
positions entrepreneurs are not people who are not confident anything they set out to do
they move all machinaries towards achieving such things entrepreneurs are not people who are not
ready to take the B by the own anywhere you find them they lead others will follow they are always
self-confident individuals so this is one of the politics or traits that the trade approach brings out that anybody
wants to be an enterer is always selfconfidence there are not people who are timid they are not afraid but in
life there are some people who are timid but entrepreneurs are not ID and that is why the tra approach believes
that such a quality of being self-confident is not some you know it's not something that can be leared it's
not something that can be acquired but but rather it is something that is god-given that it is God himself who
deposits it in every human being right from the time they are like fos in their mother's home number two is that
entrepreneurs are task and result oriented and when we say entrepreneurs are task and results
oriented what we mean there is that an entrepreneur will not just move
out without setting goals to be achieved either on daily basis or either on weekly basis or perhaps on forly or
monthly basis so entrepreneurs are task oriented entrepreneurs are people who are task
and result oriented before them back on any activity they will have defined the task
step by step to be achieved such task are not just set they equally map out strategies and Alternatives with a view
to achieving such task that they have set for themsel the enterpreneur is somebody who
is result oriented before putting up a task they have defined
the results to be achieved some of us we just set goals or task without defining in clear terms how
to achieve the set goals or how to achieve a result in the task that we have defined so enterpreneurs are not
people like that enterpreneurs are people who on their own will set task either daily or weekly or
fortnightly or culturally and the task are set with the purpose of coming up with the finded results or outputs
number three in that straight approach also is that the entrepreneur is a risk taker The
entrepreneurs are Risk Takers entrepreneurs are people who take risk entrepr URS are not risk adversed people
entrepreneurs are not risk advisors entrepreneurs are ready to take several risk several risk I mean both measurable
as well as immeasurable risk equally risk that are calculable as well as
incalculable ones ENT are ready to delve into as many as possible of this risk entrepreneurs are equally
ready to take risk that are somehow
very uh incalculable you know as I've said risk that you cannot accurately measure why equally assuming several
measur ons so enterpreneurs are not rkers in fact
another name for the enterpreneur is to call them a RIS taker will be aely right if we say
enterpreneur are Risk Takers we can take that phrase as a synonym to standing for an ENT RIS taking is the Cornerstone is
the role that every enterpreneur must be ready to assume the case of dangote is a very
good casing Point around us he doubled he took a risk into investing well over 22
billion into a refinery in Ley and today ding has been completed and it has reached a state of frion is
now reaping his own reward so entrepreneurs are not people who are not ready to take risk dang before
completing that refy in Ley he has assumed several measurable as well as immeasurable risk he has doubled into
calculable and risk that cannot be calculated as well so an enterpreneur must be somebody who is ready to assume
several dimension of risk and that is why under this straight
approach to explaining the characteristics of the enterpreneur the trait approach sees that function of
taking as god-given that it cannot be possessed by anybody or by non Happ us but people whom God
has given the ability to be able to assume risk of innumerable dimensions number four is
leadership under this straight approach another basic quality is that an entrepreneur anywhere they are they are
leaders entrepreneurs are not followers entrepreneurs are people who will lead While others will always follow by the
time one becomes an innovator by the time one is able to come up with an invention by the time a
person is able to make a discovery and you become an enterpreneur whether your Innovation or your invention is prented
or not or whether you decide to now go into exemplify trying or practical iing your Innovative process by putting up a
FM or an industry trying to showcase the product of the outcome of your Innovation or or your invention in all
this you are a leader you have to explain even the process of your Innovation or the process of your coming
up with a discovery to others through that alone you are a leader you have to be a leader you know
a good communicator and in that process the entrepreneur is believed to be leading
While others are the ones that of course follow so if an entrepreneur again now doubles as a manager of an Enterprise
after coming up with an innovation and he now decided to now exemplify the outcome of his Innovation
or his invention by setting up either a small scale industry or a small scale film then again he has to organize
several resources he put together input in form of land label and capital he Blends them to come up with an output in
that process is performing the leadership quality and that is why under this straight
approach entrepreneurs are again seen as Leaders number five is
originality another quality of the enterpreneur is that enterpreneurs are original in whatever they do in whatever
the enterpreneur does the enterpreneur is believed to be an original
person entrepreneurs are not copycats although at times or seldomly they may have to emulate and add value
to whatever they have emulated but you can never see a true entrepreneur copying something
ver entrepreneurs are original in whatever they lay their hands upon AB Bates at times they may have to
emulate what has been in existence somewhere and the now extend this by adding value and once there is a value
addition the enterpreneurial process is believed to have been completed so enterpreneurs are original and that is
one of the basic qualities that the trade approach believes that an enterpreneur must of course process and
the last one which is the cist quality under the tra approach is that entrepreneurs are future oriented
entrepreneurs are future oriented and by this we mean that entrepreneurs are not just goal
Setters they are not just go and result oriented or they are not just task and result oriented but they are equally
future oriented in their perspectives enterpreneur are future oriented in their thinking entrepreneurs
are future oriented in their mindset the entrepreneurial mindset is such that entrepreneurs are good dreamers they are
able to forell what may likely happen in the next one minute enterpreneurs are good
forecasters they can forecast what will happen by 7 p.m. today based on what is happening now and what had happened in
the past say yesterday with their experience and knowledge of what has transpired in the
Yer period and what is currently Happening Now enterpreneurs can forel what you
expect 8:00 p.m. today or even early morning tomorrow so entrepreneurs are future
oriented and many of them are able to Exel because of their fure oriented quality which of course is
one of the basic traits under the trait approach to explaining or discussing the characteristics of the enterpr so having
said that under the trade approach the second approach is the one called the
Innovative or organizer approach and this approach explains that the
enterpreneur is an organizer the enterpreneur is a manager of resources the
entrepreneur as seen by Sha Peter as seen by Joseph allo sha Peter one of the greatest
Economist of this Century SE and entrepreneurship as a process of
organizing several resources or putting inputs together blending them in varing proportion to bring forth varying
outputs so this second approach to explaining the characteristics of an enterpreneur the enterpreneur is
seen as an assembler of several inputs that is used in the production process
which in economics is called the factors of production and these resources are land labor and capital and
the fourth factor is the enterpreneur himself and that enterpreneur is called the organizer so
it is the organizer that will organize the several other factors of production for Effective and
efficient productive use and it is in that process that the enterpreneur can blend these
resources in several proportions he can decide to combine 20% Quantum of Labor and mix it with
about 10% Quantum of land and and just add about 5% Quantum of capital items and that
definitely will result in a given output no doubt the enterpreneur again can decide to re
blend by remixing these three different inputs in another proportion they can now decide to use 20% Quantum of land
15% quantum of Labor and some 8% or some 9% Quantum of capital items in form of either
financial resources or equipment or even in form of machineries and that definitely again will yield a
given output and that is why this second approach sees the entrepreneur as an organizer and
a manager of several resources that creates Capital formation which of course leads to economic
growth in the economy and by doing this the enterpreneur is believed to perform
several manari functions which the orinary manager performs
but for the f that the enterpreneur can double one as an innovator and also as an inventor or a Discoverer and as well
as a manager of men and materials in an organization it's not enough to now conclude or to now say that every
manager is an enterpreneur or is not enough to conclude that every entrepreneur will be a good manager what
an entrepreneur can be a manager a manager may not be an entrepreneur at this jure I even like to distinguish
between what is called entrepreneurship and what is called entrepreneurship because at times people
take this to mean the same thing but in naturual facts they are different in the same form
entrepreneurship cannot be taken to mean business formation the two concepts are clearly different as well
entrepreneurship is not same or is not the same thing as business formation and I want to go one
after the other what is entrepreneurship that of course I've explained in detail in the process of this lecture and I've
said that enter preneurship is best explained via five different concepts and they are
ideation Innovation creativity invention and the fifth one
is Discovery what then is intrapreneurship i n t r a preneurship intrapreneurship
intrapreneurship is similar to entrepreneurship but it's not the same thing with
entrepreneurship an entrepreneur is someone who is engaged by an
enterpreneur The enterpreneur Works in an organization for an
entrepreneur and he performs all the entrepreneurial functions of ideation of innovation
invention even Discovery the entrepreneur is also a leader just like the entrepreneur but the
entrepreneur is distinguished from the entrepreneur because of One Singular factor or Reason and that is that the
entrepreneur is not the one that provides the Venture Capital The Venture Capital that is used up in the
Innovative process which also we can call the seed capital is Pro provided by the
enterpreneur so that is the only distinguishing trait or factor between an enterpreneur and an intrapreneur and
let me give an example a local example A Familiar example to draw home my
analysis let's take the example around us dangote the richest man in AF a great
entrepreneur of our time he's an entrepreneur who has chains of Industries he
has dangote Refinery he has dangote salt he has dangote
cement dangote transport and several other dangote
ancillaries in each of these establishments say dangote cement or dangote salt there is a managing
director that managing director himself is an enterpreneur you know is an entrapreneur he takes all the
entrepreneurial thoughts and thinking and functions on behalf of his principal who is the main
enterpreneur but he not the one that provided the SE Capital to establish Amish dangote cement or the dangote
sauce dangote himself still takes reports from all these various
entrepreneurs who manages his several entities the dangote salt the dangote refinery and he gives advices he gives
his own entrepreneurial advices it gives them controls it tells them what to do on
critical situations on daily or on routine basis so what distinguishes the entrepreneur
from the entrepreneur is the SE Capital which is provided by the entrepreneur because if there is a need
to establish another plant of dang cement the entrepreneur the MD of D cement cannot take that decision alone
because it involves the seat capital or the venture capital and that of course the owner of the business the
enterpreneurial main person who is dang himself of course must be put at the round table
for discussion having a explain that now what is the difference between entrepreneurship and business
formation because people still use or still mistake these two concepts and they use them interchangeably but in
actual fact they are different entrepreneurship is about ideation Innovation creativity it's about
Discovery but forming a business is not equal to the ability to innovate
is not same with the ability to invent is not the same with the ability to make a disc
Discovery so a manager can manage his business but it may not be the
enterpreneur but the enterpreneur can decide to double as an innovator or an inventor and at the same
time a businessman or a manager of a business if he decides to
exemplify is innovation by putting up a small scale Enterprise to practical lie the process
of his Innovation then he becomes an enterpreneur and also a manager of an Enterprise and that now takes us to what
are these roles that the enterpreneur again will perform if he doubles as an entrepreneur and a manager
of an Enterprise he now performs the various managerial functions that the manager performs in every
organization and these functions or roles are one they
now performs the function of planning planning is a major managerial function so anybody who has doubled as a
manager of an Enterprise and as an innovator he has to perform the function of planning so he plans all his
activities he plans his production he plans who to employ he plans who to train he he plans who to send the wh who
to fire he plans all the managerial activities he's now a manager of men and materials he's now a manager of men and
machines so the first function he performs in the organization is that of Planning number two is
organizing as an organizer have explained in the course of this Le that enterpreneur ordinarily Blends and
organizes several inputs or factors of production in the productive process in the same way the manager
as a manager in an organization must be ready to organize his
resources organization of an Enterprise deals with
organizing resources in their right proportions and perspective he deals with organizing
human resources in a way that they will bring forth fruitful outputs so the manager in
an organization is somebody who must be to perform the organizing function in
such Enterprise number three is communicating any enterpreneur who has doubled as a manager in an Enterprise
must also be ready to be a good communicator he must be able to communicate in
clear and understandable terms he must be able to communicate with people around him
his superiors his subordinates and is superordinate as well in a language that
they must understand in an organization if a manager will best
communicate with his driver in his local language say in yua or in IO language or in his
AA for language or in a particular dialect that will make that driver to understand what the manager is
communicating it is better that such a manager uses such a local language or a local dialect rather than speaking
English or speaking French or German to make him appear or look International that may not achieve his
desired goal and result for that purpose also number four is that a good manager must
be a good coordinator so coordinating function is another important characteristics or another attribute
that the enterpreneur who doubles as a manager must be ready to perform and coordinating deals with ability of a
manager to be able to coordinate or bring together ability to bring together several resources in the
organization ability to bring together men and materials personnel and
machines to be able to achieve the desired goals and objectives of the organization then number five is
leading leading is another major characteristics or another major function that the manager performs in an
organization so leadership is a particular characteristics that the enterpreneur who has
doubled as one an enterpreneur and two as a manager of his own business must of course be ready to perform he must lead
While others must follow by having the ability to come up with an innovation to come up with an invention
or even making a discovery then definitely the enterpreneur is already a leader in his own right so putting up an
entity an Enterprise now again if fact doubles him as a leader and a manager of that
organization another important characteristics or another important function that the entrepreneur performs
as a manager is delegation a good manager must have the ability to delegate and the reason is
not farf as a manager in an Enterprise it is not expected that you do all even at a
point a so proprietor canot do everything in his so proprietorship
business we as to perhaps at times delegates and rely
on the Judgment of people around him so ability to delegate will make the managerial
function seamless and extremely simpler then that equal will allow the manager to achieve
his desired goals and objectives timely so delegation delegation is one of the
principal functions or characteristics that the enterpreneur must of course process as a
manager in an organization and another important function which the ENT also must perform
is that of directing ability to direct human and nonhuman resources in
an organization as an entrepreneur is very very Prime is very very important and it is
gerain because human beings being what we have are very difficult to direct they are very difficult to
direct human beings because of whom we are are very difficult to direct as well
difficult to lead as well difficult to manage so good enterpreneurs who are managers and camps of Industries must
involve a means of directing
people as well as materials in the organization in a way to achieve his desired goals as well as his desired
objectives and last last L is controlling controlling is another important function or another important
attribute that an enterpreneur must equally process if he now doubles as an enterpreneur and as the manager of an
Enterprise he must be ready to assume the responsibility of controlling men and machines in that
organization as are pointed out people are difficult to Le they are equally difficult to control there are times
when subordinates will even refuse instructions and orders except in the military where
nobody looks at the eye of his superior but in several organizations we have seen cases where subordinates will even
not go by the others or instructions or controls of his superiors and managers so a good manager must evolve his own
way of making his subordinates to be amenable to be amenable to his control so on that note we come to the end of
our discussions on the characteristics of the enter premum and I've discussed this
topic today via two different approaches I discussed
it via the trait approach as well as the organizer approach but before doing that I
explained in clear times who an enterpreneur is and as well as en able to distinct it or distinguish
it from an entrapreneur so on that note we have come to the end of our
discussions on the topic the characteristics of the enterpreneur so thank you for
listening and God bless [Music]
Heads up!
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