Understanding Entrepreneurship: The Key to Innovation and Job Creation in Nigeria


Welcome to ENT 211: Entrepreneurship and Innovation! This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become self-employed and contribute positively to the economy. Irrespective of your field of study—be it Arts, Humanities, Sciences, or Social Sciences—entrepreneurial education is vital for fostering independence. In this introductory session, we will explore the historical context of entrepreneurship, definitions, and the critical components involved.

Historical Context of Entrepreneurship

The term "entrepreneur" was first introduced by Richard Cantillon, originating from two French words: 'an' (between) and 'prender' (to take). Thus, an entrepreneur is essentially a "between-taker," someone who assumes business risks by purchasing goods at certain prices with the hope of selling them at profitable rates. Throughout history, the perception of entrepreneurship has evolved, as various authors have offered their unique definitions that emphasize the nuances of entrepreneurship, including:

  • Joseph Schumpeter’s view of entrepreneurship as systematic innovation.
  • The contrasting managerial perspective that highlights the planning and organizational aspects of entrepreneurship.

The Definition of Entrepreneurship

A comprehensive definition of entrepreneurship encompasses various perspectives, including innovation, risk management, and the creation of value. According to a consolidated interpretation, entrepreneurship can be described as:

"The process of creating something new that adds value, encompasses risk-taking, and rewards the entrepreneur with both monetary and personal satisfaction."
This definition stresses the importance of value in any entrepreneurial venture, as it directly influences market acceptance and profitability.

Key Components of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is composed of several key components. Let’s break these down for easier understanding:

1. The Entrepreneur

At the core of entrepreneurship is the entrepreneur—the individual who initiates action based on creativity and innovation. The entrepreneur’s role includes:

  • Identifying and addressing opportunities.
  • Taking calculated risks.
  • Assuming responsibility for the business outcome.

2. Action

Entrepreneurs must take decisive actions to transform ideas into reality. Passive thoughts about business do not lead to success; actions do.

3. Innovation and Opportunity

Identifying gaps in the market often leads to entrepreneurial opportunities. An entrepreneur recognizes problems needing solutions and devises innovative strategies to address them.

4. Organization

An entrepreneurial venture requires organizing resources, including labor and capital. This starts even with small-scale operations as the entrepreneur begins to scale up.

5. Risk Management

Every business undertaking comes with risks, be they financial or psychological. Entrepreneurs must learn to manage these risks, viewing them as elements that can potentially lead to substantial rewards.

The Entrepreneurial Process

The entrepreneurial journey can be summarized in four distinct stages:

  1. Identifying and Evaluating Opportunities

    • Recognizing the need in the market.
    • Conducting feasibility studies to determine viability.
  2. Developing the Business Plan

    • Creating a roadmap to guide your business.
    • This plan includes details on required resources and intended strategies.
  3. Determining Resources Required

    • Identifying the necessary capital, human resources, and materials.
  4. Managing the Business

    • Overseeing daily operations effectively to ensure growth and profitability.

Types of Entrepreneurs

In addition to the conventional understanding of the entrepreneur, there are various classifications, including:

  • Intrapreneurs: Employees who act like entrepreneurs within their organization.
  • Habitual Entrepreneurs: Individuals who continuously seek new opportunities and establish multiple businesses.
  • Entrepreneurial Corporations: Companies that cultivate an innovative environment, encouraging their employees to recognize and capture opportunities.

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Education on Economic Development

The government of Nigeria emphasizes entrepreneurial education as a pillar for economic advancement. The premise is simple: empowered individuals contribute to economic growth and help alleviate unemployment. As students engage with entrepreneurial concepts, they not only learn critical skills but also start small initiatives that foster community development, such as producing goods like sandals and clothing.

Importance of Small Scale Businesses

Small scale businesses play a significant role in the economy, despite their high failure rates. The common challenges they face include declining sales, increasing trade debts, and inadequate management practices. Some reasons small businesses struggle are:

  • Lack of managerial skills.
  • Poor record-keeping.
  • Overexpansion without proper assessment of market needs.

Solutions for Successful Entrepreneurship

To succeed, entrepreneurs must take precautions:

  • Develop a sound business plan based on thorough feasibility studies.
  • Invest time in acquiring management knowledge.
  • Maintain monitoring systems to ensure effective operations.
  • Avoid excessive borrowing and remain within manageable limits for growth.


As we conclude this introductory session, it is essential to understand that entrepreneurship is a vital driver of economic development and personal independence. Each student enrolled in this course has a unique opportunity to harness the skills and knowledge attained, not just for passing examinations but as a foundation for a fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. The path may be challenging, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can become a successful entrepreneur, advancing both your personal goals and contributing to the wider economy. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our subsequent discussions!

Heads up!

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