Entrepreneurial thinking is a critical topic in today's fast-paced economy. Understanding what sets entrepreneurs apart from others can significantly impact one's approach to business. In this article, we will explore the distinct mindset of successful entrepreneurs, examining key traits such as goal orientation, positive thinking, and the ability to see possibilities instead of obstacles.
What is Entrepreneurial Thinking?
Entrepreneurial thinking refers to a unique mindset that enables individuals to identify opportunities, generate creative solutions, and remain committed to their goals despite challenges. This mindset is characterized by the following components:
- Goal Orientation: Entrepreneurs are driven by a desire to achieve specific objectives. They not only set goals but also devise multiple strategies to achieve them.
- Possibility Focused: Unlike many non-entrepreneurs who dwell on limitations, entrepreneurs concentrate on what can be achieved.
- Positive Thinking: Entrepreneurs cultivate a positive outlook, which encourages them to seek improvements and innovations.
- Risk Tolerance: Entrepreneurs are willing to take calculated risks and view failures as opportunities for learning and growth.
The Components of Entrepreneurial Thinking
1. The Entrepreneurial Mindset
The entrepreneurial mindset is often considered innate, stemming from the belief that great leaders are born, not made. However, the contrast between different schools of thought reflects a blend of natural inclinations and learned behaviors. Entrepreneurs typically display:
- A strong drive to achieve their goals.
- Capability to develop alternatives and options.
- Persistent pursuit of their objectives.
2. focus on Possibilities
Entrepreneurs embody a spirit of possibility. While non-entrepreneurs may question whether a goal can be achieved, entrepreneurs constantly explore means to make their visions a reality. Key attributes include:
- Optimism: Entrepreneurs reject the notion of impossibilities, instead asserting, "How can I accomplish this?"
- Proactive Identification: They recognize that every challenge presents a hidden opportunity.
3. Positive Thinking vs. Negative Thinking
The mindset of an entrepreneur is significantly affected by their thought patterns:
- Positive Thinking: This reflects a mindset geared toward constructive actions. Entrepreneurs ask:
- How can I enhance my service?
- What innovative ideas can I introduce?
- Negative Thinking: Opposite to this trait, many struggle with negativity, often hindering their progress. Entrepreneurs do not dwell on what can go wrong but rather focus on solutions and improvements.
4. Fear of Failure and the Unknown
Fear is a common obstacle that many face, but entrepreneurs tend to view failure differently:
- Resilience: They harness failures as stepping stones to success; they do not view setbacks as the end but as lessons learned.
- Risk-Taking: Entrepreneurs embrace uncertainty rather than shy away from it, understanding that high reward often comes with high risk.
5. Viewing Problems as Opportunities
One of the most significant distinctions between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs is how they perceive challenges:
- Opportunity Seekers: Entrepreneurs see problems not only as challenges to tackle but as opportunities to innovate.
- Transformative Thinking: For instance, when confronted with escalating fuel prices, while many complain, entrepreneurs investigate sustainable alternatives such as electric vehicles or new energy solutions.
How to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset
Adopting an entrepreneurial mindset requires intentional practice and a commitment to personal growth:
- Set Clear Goals: Begin with specific, measurable objectives.
- Embrace Positive Thinking: Train your mind to consider solutions rather than obstacles.
- Teach Yourself to Take Calculated Risks: Consider the potential rewards of taking action versus remaining stagnant.
- Develop Resilience: Learn to view failures as temporary setbacks and seek to learn from them.
- Look for Opportunities: Regularly question how you can turn challenges into prospects for change.
Entrepreneurial thinking is essential for navigating today's dynamic business landscape. By focusing on goals, embracing positivity, mitigating the fear of failure, and seeking opportunities amidst challenges, anyone can cultivate a mindset resembling that of successful entrepreneurs. As you reflect on your entrepreneurial journey, remember that adopting these principles can lead to remarkable achievements in both business and life.
[Music] good morning
students and listeners out there I'm Dr I'm n Professor from the
Department of Business Administration here in University I go with I'll be taking you
through a new lecture or a new topic in our enterpreneurship lecture series and the topic for
today is enterpreneurial thinking enterpreneurial thinking that's the
topic we are going to be are discussing this
morning what do we mean by enterpreneurial thinking or what really can we say are the
thoughts of the enterpreneur are the thoughts of the enterpreneur different from the thought
of the ordinary human being on the street is the way the enterpreneur thinks different from the
way a non- entor thinks so the thinking of an enterpreneur May be somewhat different
from the way the non enterpreneurs think or the thoughts or the mindset of an
enterpreneur or the will be enterpreneur their thoughts may actually not be the same the way the ordinary man
on the street thinks and the reason is that ENT opinions are
seen as special human beings they are seen as special Creations that God created and that he has embedded in each
of them as entrepreneurs right from their mother's womb several innate characteristics or several innate
qualities that non enterpreneurs do not possess so in real
terms the thinking of an enterpren may be somewhat different from the way non-entrepreneurs
will think or the way an entrepreneur perceives a situation may in actual facts different
from the way a non enterpreneur will perceive the same scenario or the same thing
and there are several factors or reasons that can be adduced to this thinking of the enterpreneur or this so-call phrase
the entrepreneural thinking and the four is that I will start from the
entrepreneural mindset the entrepreneurial mindset as I said
G opinions going by the genetic theory of leadership which says
that leaders are born and not made that leadership qualities cannot be acquired it cannot be
length it is something that God has deposited in leaders right from the about in the same process or in the same
fold entrepreneurs going by a certain school of thought
entrepreneurs are said to be born that the entrepreneurship quality is not something that can be acquired or that
you can learn why another school of thought of course negated that to say that no
entrepreneurship as a process can be acquired is something that you can learn but whether
we go by the school of thought that [Music] opens that
entrepreneurship cannot be L that entrepreneurs are born or if we preach attend alongside another school
of thought that says that the enterpreneur process can be acquired even in the war you know in the power a
classroom that it can be length whichever of those two schools
that will belong to what is important is that the way the enterpreneur things the mindset of the
entrepreneur is such that entrepreneurs are always out to achieve goals they are goal
sets they are task sets they are goal and result oriented they are future oriented enterpreneurs are not just goal
Setters their mindset is such that when they set goals they draw Alternatives they put up options with a
view to attaining or achieving such goals some of us are so are so
so all result oriented life I may put it that way in such a way that we only set goals but we don't follow such goals
with useful Alternatives or attainable options that can help us to achieve those
goals or task that we have set for ourselves but the entrepreneural mindset is such
that God has created them in such a way that they are people who run after the goals they have
set they keep on pursuing the goals days and nights all with a view to accomplishing the goals and the task
they have so highlighted so the mindset of the enterpreneur is such that their thoughts the way they think is after are
achieving goals they are go Achievers so the entrepreneurial mindset is built in such a way
that they always think and they always ready to accomplish task and to accomplish goals
number two is possibilities the the enterpreneurial
thinking is always about possibilities enterpreneur don't
think about nonoss things entrepreneurs don't think about
things that are not achievable you cannot make a true enterpreneur and you'll be talking about
impossibilities so in terms of discussing the entrepreneurial thinking
via possibilities and impossibilities entrepreneurial thinking is always towards
possibilities it's only non entrepreneurs that will be thinking about imp possibilities something not
possible can I achieve that goal can I set up that industry can I attain that task these are the questions
that will be proing the minds of non enterpreneurs but
what props the minds of enterpreneurs are always possibilities possibilities how can I
achieve this task I need one two or three things to accomplish that
task that goal must be achieved tomorrow these are the things that enterpreneurs think about these are the
things that will be crossing their minds not talking of impossible things can I pass my
y can I attain a score of 300 out of 400 in my jam
examination this impossibilities will never cross the mind of an achiever an achiever will be thinking
oh in my fourth coming SSC exam I'm going to come out in flying colors at least I will have about seven
days out of my eight subjects I've registered for these are the things that will be proing the minds of achievers of
enterpreneurs in my jam exam I'm not going to have a score of less than 310 out of 400 these are the
things that we open the minds of the will be enterpreneurs possibilities and not
impossibilities number three is positive thinking and negative thinking positivities and negativities
this also is another important thing which of course is analogous to possibilities and
impossibilities but they are a little bit different posi postivity and negativity positive thinking and
negative thinking negative thinking draws an individuals 1,000 miles away from his goals why positive thinking
draws an individual near to his goals faster than you can imagine so
entrepreneurs are positive thinkers they think think positivities not
negativities so entrepreneurial thinking is always positive how can I add value to an
existing thing how can I bring forth new ideas new ways of producing a particular product how can we improve our service
to our cents positivities that is what makes up an
enterpreneur not thinking bad that how can we
improve on our service to our customers these are the things that
entrepreneurs will be talking about how can we achieve better results how can we improve improve on our
turnover our total sales our gross profit our net profit how can we improve on
them so positivity positive thinking is one of the Cornerstone is one of the critical things that always revolve
around the entrepreneurial thoughts so the thinking of an entrepreneur is something that is always positive all of
the time then the fourth one to actually
explaining entrepreneurial thinking is fear of failure or fear of the unknown some of us we have fear of failure fear
of the unnown and we fear in taking risk we fear in doubling into issues or things that can transform our
life we are not ready because of the fact that we are not enterpreneurs to take risk and not just
taking risk to venture into several activities that can as I said transform
our entire life or transform us into a special and perfect being fear of the unknown fear of
failure has led some people not to take the Right Step at the right time many entrepreneural pu always has
not reached a level of completion or a level of fion because of the fact that the fail at one time or the other to
take some critical step or some critical decision that they need to
leverage upon to take them to the next level so fear of the unknown or fear or failure is not something that
enterpreneurs entertain good enterpreneurs don't fear they don't
fear the unknown they're not afraid of failing even failure is one of
the traits that the entrepreneurs have put as being part of them several attempts will have been
made by several enterpreneurs and they would have failed in several trials in several l divor before coming out to
actually achieve their set goals and objectives so no to the enterpreneur is not
something that can discourage them their belief is that no means next opportunity so if you tell an enterpreneur a true
enterpreneur a no they will just laugh at you no means next opportunity and they will keep on trying and keep on
trying until they are able to achieve a desired result so fear of failure is not in the register or it's not in the
boosts of entrepreneur it's not part of their thinking number five is that where others where
others see a problem enterpreneurs always are people who will see an opportunity so they
thinking is that there is opportunity everywhere there is opportunity in every
problem what the ordinary individual does or what the ordinary people do is that we like to pinpoint problems we are
fault finders this thing is not correct this one is not done right that one should
not be done like that but we cannot put up P options with a view to solving such problems many of us
are complainants even in our various entities and organizations Even in our household in our families We
complain to our children will not to our wives we not to our children and siblings
this is not done right this floor is not well swept these tables and shars are not
well dusted but are we putting up options to allow the people around us to be able to
do their jobs in the right way and in the right direction so where others see a problem
enterpreneurs will see an opportunity many of us we keep on complaining the federal government has
increased the price per liter of PMS or ago Aviation for or some other Allied petroleum products but what are
we doing to solve that problem of increase in price of PMS what alternatives are we
thinking about the entrepreneurial thinking will always be what are the alternatives to PMs and several
enterpreneurs even as I speak are coming up with several Alternatives the CNG option people are now
trying to see what they can do in terms of doing electric cars El Mo and you know and other entrepreneurs are busy
thinking of how to roll more of electric cars into the market even our own inocent cars in Nigeria has
come up with a brand of an electric car these are the entrepreneurial talks so an entrepreneur will think of how to
solve problems while non entrepreneurs will always be a complainant they will be seeing problems but ask them to come
up with an alternative they cannot those are non entrepreneurs so the entrepreneurial thinking the preneural
idea is always about positivities it's always about possibilities it's always a mindset that is ready to set goals and
put up Alternatives with a view to achieving such goals the entrepreneural thinking and mindset is not that of
people who are afraid of failures people who are afraid to take
actions entrepreneurs are not afraid of failur they fail and they rise up they
have failed several times and they have risen up several times several entrepreneurs who have succeeded in
their various Endeavors and trials have had cause to fail at one time or the other so enterpreneurial thinking is
always a mindset that is ready to take responsibilities that is not afraid of failures that no would not discourage
them if given at any point in the course of their enterpreneur person they will take a no as next opportunity and any
enterpreneur always have a thought and a mindset their thinking is always that they are not only ready to put up a
problem but they will tell you several options with a view to solving such a problem so enterpreneurs are not fault
finders they are fa Menders entrepreneurs are not just fult finders they are people who at times may
bring out a for they may find a fault but immediately they will tell you how to solve such faults so there are faults
finders are fault Menders but non- entrepreneurs are only fault finders but not fault Menders on that note I want to
draw The Cutting of our discussions today on the topic entrepreneural thinking in the course of our
entrepreneurial lecture Series so thank you for listening enjoy the rest of the day and
God bless [Music]
Heads up!
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