In our daily lives, we often overlook the complexity of the air around us. Did you know that understanding cyclometrics can reveal essential insights into the properties of moist air? In this article, we'll dive into the psychometric chart, a powerful tool for HVAC applications, while exploring its history and various parameters that define the moisture content in the air.
The Evolution of Cyclometrics and the Psychometric Chart
Historical Overview
The journey to understanding atmospheric phenomena began with the Greek philosopher Aristotle in 340 BC. His writings on meteorological concepts marked the inception of meteorology, paving the way for future scientists to expand on these ideas throughout the Medieval era and beyond.
Fast forward to 1765, when James Watt revolutionized steam engines, heightening the need for better knowledge of air-water-heat interactions. This demand led to the creation of steam tables, which eventually evolved into the psychometric chart, conceived by Willis Carrier in 1904 as he worked on early air conditioning systems.
What is Cyclometrics?
Cyclometrics studies the properties and processes of moist air—a mixture of water vapor and dry air. Whether in the arid deserts or humid tropical regions, all air contains some moisture. The psychometric chart is an essential tool that helps us interpret various properties of moist air to ensure effective HVAC system designs.
Understanding the Psychometric Chart
Key Parameters
Dry Bulb Temperature
- Definition: The temperature of air measured by a standard thermometer, representing the kinetic energy of the air.
- Importance: It is the primary reference point for temperature when we discuss comfort in a living space.
Wet Bulb Temperature
- Definition: The temperature of air when it is fully saturated with moisture, marked at an angle on the psychometric chart.
- Calculation: Obtained using instruments like the sling psychrometer, which measures the evaporation cooling effect to find the wet bulb temperature.
Relative Humidity
- Definition: The ratio of the current moisture content to the maximum moisture content at a specific temperature, illustrated by curved lines on the psychometric chart.
- Understanding: Higher temperatures enable air to hold more water vapor, making relative humidity sensitive to changes in air temperature.
Dew Point
- Definition: The temperature at which moisture condenses out of the air, serving as an absolute measurement of moisture content.
- Example: When the temperature of a water bottle is lower than the dew point, condensation occurs, showing how moisture interacts with cooling surfaces.
Additional Properties to Consider
- Moisture Content: The absolute value of water vapor in the air, represented in the chart and measured in grains or pounds of water per pound of dry air.
- Enthalpy: The total energy contained in moist air, crucial for calculating energy requirements when processing air through HVAC systems, represented by diagonal lines on the chart. For more insights into enthalpy, check out our article on Understanding PV Diagrams and Enthalpy in Thermodynamics.
- Specific Volume: Indicates the volume that one pound of dry air occupies, differing based on moisture content and temperature.
Practical Applications in HVAC
Navigating the Chart
With a firm grasp of the parameters, you can utilize the psychometric chart to effectively analyze air properties:
- Identify starting conditions using known variables such as dry bulb and relative humidity.
- Plot these points on the chart, allowing you to interpolate other values like wet bulb temperature and enthalpy.
- Define the desired conditions and understand the necessary processes to reach optimal comfort levels.
The HVAC Processes Explained
- Sensible Heating/Cooling: Movement left or right on the chart without a change in moisture content.
- Humidification/Dehumidification: Vertical movement impacting moisture content without affecting energy levels.
- Combined Processes: For instance, moving up and to the right during a heating and humidification process requires careful monitoring via the psychometric chart.
Calculating Cooling and Heating Tonnage
To size HVAC equipment accurately,
- Determine the enthalpy values for both outdoor conditions and desired indoor conditions.
- Use the formula:
$$ \text{Total BTUs} = \text{CFMs} \times 4.5 \times \text{Delta Enthalpy} $$ - Translate your cooling or heating requirements into tonnage, factoring in both latent and sensible load classifications to optimize performance.
Psychometric Chart Use Cases
Seasonal Adjustments
Understanding how to manipulate the psychometric chart can significantly influence energy savings strategies throughout different seasons:
- Cooling Season: Analyzing outdoor air temperature and relative humidity to manage indoor thermal comfort.
- Heating Season: Anticipating the necessary air temperature adjustments based on indoor humidity levels.
Economizer Strategies
Implementing economizers in HVAC systems provides an energy-saving opportunity:
- Dry Bulb Economizers: Activate under specific temperature conditions but may inadvertently introduce excessive humidity.
- Enthalpy Economizers: More complex yet efficient, these systems lock out mechanical cooling when outdoor enthalpy is lower, balancing energy efficiency with comfort.
Understanding the psychometric chart illuminates the relationship between temperature, humidity, and comfort in our environments. Utilizing this powerful tool can simplify complex air-related calculations, leading to more effective HVAC system designs.
By becoming familiar with cyclometrics and the physics of moist air, HVAC professionals can enhance indoor air quality while optimizing energy consumption. To navigate this realm with confidence, delve deeper into psychometrics and embrace the knowledge that can transform your understanding of air management. For a broader understanding of the underlying physics concepts, consider reading Mastering Vector Addition: A Comprehensive Guide to Physics and Understanding Motion: A Comprehensive Guide.
As technology evolves, the significance of the psychometric chart remains, underscoring its irreplaceable value in an engineer's toolkit. Additionally, for those pursuing professional engineering (PE) exams, mastery of this knowledge is essential. Embrace the challenge and empower yourself with the skills to excel in HVAC design and analysis!
psychometrics wait no that's not right cyclometrics is the study of the properties and processes of moist air or
interact with every day you may not realize it but all air has some water in it even if you go to the
my name is hermann tabor and today we're going to be learning all about this the psychometric chart and how it can be an
extremely useful tool for hvac applications but first let's take a look at the history of how this chart came to
philosopher aristotle published a series of books titled meteorologica which were the first writings to focus on
this was the start of meteorology and scientists and physicists continued to develop their ideas gather data and
build improved weather instruments throughout the medieval era and beyond then in 1765 james watt perfected the
steam engine taking the world by storm with the design up to 75 percent more efficient than existing machines it was
one of the main factors that kickstarted the industrial revolution if there was ever a time to further our knowledge on
the relationships and processes between air water and heat this was it steam tables quickly became a useful
tool for steam engine design as a quick reference system that allowed for the bypass of complex calculations
meteorologists were quick to catch on and began using tables for the same reasons but they were tedious and
lengthy to say the least then in 1904 when willis carrier was developing some of the first air
conditioning systems in the world he conceived of a chart that would save him time and effort by displaying
psychometric data in a specific format for his needs this is what he came up with the basis
traveled to lankster pennsylvania to visit bill griffin bill is the president of engineering and
manufacturing at captive air he is without question the head honcho at this r d facility has the dcv
software been updated keep working on stringing these up in the lab bill deals with psychrometrics every day making him
and and why we need to know things about it if you know two parameters of moist air you can figure out every other
going to form on this water bottle well using the psychometric chart we can figure that out so let's take a look at
the parameters all right so one of the first things to start to look at on the psychometric
chart is called the dry bulb temperature which is the the scale on the bottom of the chart for example a 90 degree dry
people refer to when they say it's 75 degrees outside that's called the dry bulb temperature dry bulb temperature is
the first modern thermometer invented by mr fahrenheit used this principle as the kinetic energy of the air around the
thermometer changes so does the kinetic energy of the mercury within the thermometer causing it to expand and
contract add a scale to it and you've got a bulb thermometer the term dry bulb comes from the fact that the measurement
is taken with a dry bulb so in contrast to dry bob there's something called wet bulb temperature of the air and the wet
bulb temperature is located along what we call the saturation line of the psychometric chart and it's the curved
line to the left side of the chart but the constant wet bulb temperatures are at a diagonal line on the
psychometric chart they start at saturation and fall down to the right the wet bob temperature is the air
temperature when it's fully saturated so for example if you were to take a typical thermometer
soak it in water and move air across it air velocity across it what the reading would be would be the wet bulb
temperature so how does this work when the thermometer bulb is wet and air is moved across it the water around the
bulb evaporates causing the bulb to cool when the air is dry the water will evaporate easily causing a large drop in
temperature when the air is moist the water will not evaporate as fast causing a smaller temperature drop this is a
sling cyclometer it's a pretty neat old-school device and it has a drywall thermometer and a webble thermometer
attached to an assembly in a sling so we go ahead and spin it around causing airflow to interact with both of these
thermometers the drywall thermometer doesn't really care about this airflow it doesn't
this airflow today is pretty humid out here so the temperature drop on the wet bulb won't be very high
and if it was raining right now both of these thermometers would essentially read the same thing as there'd be no
evaporation happening on the wet bulb so after we spin it around for a while we get these two readings and we can take
them and plot them on the psychometric chart and from there we can get other useful parameters for example relative
relative humidity is along curved lines that are approximated along the entire psychometric chart
from the bottom of the chart the lower axes that is zero percent relative humidity and as you progress up
to the left of the chart the relative humidity becomes higher so this is the 10 percent line 20 percent
line 30 percent all the way up to a hundred percent or saturation one way to easily understand relative
humidity is to think about a sponge if you wring a sponge out the moisture content in that sponge starts to drop so
that means that that sponge can absorb much more water at some point in time so you can think of relative humidity the
same way where a dry sponge would have zero percent and if a sponge has absorbed as much water as possible and
can't absorb anymore that would be a hundred percent so the relative humidity is a ratio of
the current moisture content in the air compared to the state of that same air at a hundred percent saturation it's
worth noting here that relative humidity is highly affected by air temperature the size of the sponge or how much
moisture can exist in the air varies with temperature the hotter the air the more water vapor the air can hold but we
have to be careful here because air doesn't actually hold water as it's somewhat commonly said let's look at
what actually happens in this mix at a molecular level we already know that the motion of these molecules changes with
temperature make it hotter and there will be more energy make it colder and there's less going on
but for water things are different as it's a polar molecule like a magnet it wants to stick to others of its kind
there are two basic factors that determine how likely a water molecule is to bind how fast it's moving
as we increase the temperature of the water vapor the molecules move fast so they don't bind easily
but even at this temperature if we keep adding water vapor we reach a point where the molecules are so close
together that eventually their magnetic attraction overcomes their motion and they still condense out of the air
this is what we call saturation where if you keep adding water vapor to the mix it will just keep binding and
condensing out of the mix when we lower the temperature this happens much more easily the molecules
move slower so it's easier for their polar attraction to take over and thus saturation happens even when the water
molecules have a little bit more space that's why relative humidity is so dependent on temperature because
temperature dictates factor one how fast the molecules move one important thing with moisture content in the air and
relative humidity is it impacts the way people feel so on a hot day that is also dry people may feel somewhat cool but if
you add moisture to the air on that same hot day it becomes hot and muggy your body is through the sweating
process as an evaporative cooler and when it's hot muggy outside you can't transmit that energy or that moisture
away from your body and that's why it feels more uncomfortable it also works on the flip side
for example if you're in florida and it all of a sudden becomes cold in those conditions
higher humidity can actually make the air feel colder so it impacts the extremes in both conditions
saturation line and the dew point is an absolute measure of moisture content in the air so for example a 60 degree dew
let's say we have a certain amount of water vapor in the air during the day and it begins to cool as the sun goes
begin to move slower eventually they move slow enough that they begin to bind and condensate out of
some of this water will naturally end up on the grass blades but if the blades are cooler than the
we've just taken this water bottle out of the refrigerator and let's say for example it's 38 degrees
we know that if the dew point of the air around it is higher than 38 degrees the bottle is going to condensate
to get condensation 100 of the time the same applies with supply ductwork if we know the air temperature and
relative humidity in the space we know and can predict when the supply duct is going to condensate
the moisture content of air is very similar to the dew point of air in that it is also a vertical axis
value of how much moisture is in the air unlike relative humidity where it's relative to the temperature and other
water per pounds of dry air and sometimes we use grains so for a reference point there's 7 000
weight of a substance it's hard to have a frame of reference as to how much water exists in the air
in buildings and saying there's 55 grains per pound of dry air isn't exactly easy to visualize so i used some
satellite imagery along with the psychometric chart to calculate how much water is in the air at my local big box
store at 55 grains i'll briefly show the calculations here the final answer is 4656 pounds of water
which equates to 558 gallons of water in the air inside the store this gives you an idea of just how much
water hvac systems interact with in buildings this size really the crux of what we're after in
the psychometric chart is how much energy is in the air and the way we express energy in air is called
something called enthalpy enthalpy is defined as the amount of energy in a pound of air in english
if you change the dry bulb temperature or the wet bulb temperature or the rh percentage all that goes into
defining what the enthalpy is or the amount of energy in the air so looking at the chart we can see that enthalpy or
energy increases as we move to the right or increase temperature but the biggest increase in enthalpy actually occurs
when we move up the chart which means increased water vapor but why does more water vapor in the air equate to more
energy let's look at the formula for enthalpy of moist air as you can see it consists of the enthalpy of the dry air
plus the total of the enthalpy of the water vapor multiplied by how much of it is actually in the mix
another term for these two halves of the equation are the sensible heat versus the latent heat the sensible heat
enthalpy is easy to calculate we just need to know the temperature and specific heat of air specific heat is
just how much energy it takes to heat or cool a substance one degree in the case of air it's 0.240
btus per pound degree fahrenheit the latent heat also takes into account the specific heat of water but it adds
this huge number which is the heat of evaporation of water because of the strength of water's
hydrogen bonds it takes precisely 1061 btus per pound to turn liquid water into a gas as it exists in the air and all
this energy is still present in water vapor in the form of kinetic energy if it weren't for this heat of evaporation
this side of the formula would be almost negligible but because of it the amount of water vapor in the air is a huge
factor when determining the energy of the mix as a whole even a little bit of water vapor can add
significant enthalpy enthalpy is very useful in calculating energy to process air so for example if
if you're going from one point to another point on the psychometric chart you know the difference in enthalpy
you can convert that to tonnage which is then used to size hvac equipment the last parameter we will
look at right now is specific volume specific volume is defined by these diagonal lines across the chart and the
inverse of density for example the air inside a hot air balloon is low density which means it has a high volume per
unit mass at least when compared to the air around it it's common to say that when humidity is high the air feels
heavy but using the chart you can see that at the same temperature humid air is actually lighter than dry air as it
since blowers are constant cfm or constant volume machines when the air is very cold entering the
versus when you try to heat warm air you can't put as much heat into that air very easily
because there's less mass of air now that we've gone through all the parameters it's clear that some of these
relationships are complex giving the chart all kinds of curves and angles with a little practice though it's a lot
easier to navigate the chart than it is to calculate these long formulas so let's give it a try
let's say we know two parameters a dry bulb of 70 degrees and a relative humidity of 50 percent what else can we
from that point we can gather all kinds of useful information from the chart starting with the wet bulb we see that
this point is below the 60 degree wet bolt line so here's 59 and 58 it's right about in the middle so we can
interpolate a wet bulb of about 58 and a half degrees fahrenheit then for dew point we can draw a line
straight to the left and see where it intersects the saturation line it looks like it's at about 50 degrees
looking at enthalpy now these diagonal lines our point is slightly above this line which is 25
so let's call it 25 and a half btus per pound of dry air we can also get the humidity ratio
aligned straight to the right and it looks like it's right around 55 grains per pound of dry air
and finally the specific volume this point is just to the right of this diagonal so maybe we can interpolate to
practical example of quickly getting all kinds of data from just knowing two points now let's say we have a second
point and just arbitrarily place it here the parameters for this point are all different so what happens when we try to
change air from one point to another for this we go to part two once you establish your starting point
on the chart different directions you move from that point describe different processes let's break it down to left
and right at first and we we'd find that as a sensible process so for example going from left to right on the chart is
called a sensible heating process so there is zero exchange of moisture in that in that process it's just sensible
gain or loss of heat moving vertically upward on the chart is a humidification process and moving vertically downward
is a dehumidification process so that then you can combine those different directions so for
example if you're moving up on the chart and to the right that is a heating and humidification
would be a sensible heating or cooling process where we're just moving to the left on the chart for cooling
like dedicated outdoor air systems they introduce a latent component and are heavily biased towards the latent
the primary example for latent moisture removal would be when you have a cooling coil and you actually see moisture
falling off of the cooling coil and out of a drain pan that's a good indication that you're latently cooling the air
because moisture is actually being rung out of the air when you're cooling and you don't see
any moisture on the cooling coil you know that's a sensible cooling process one thing to really put this in
perspective is when you're along a sensible process you're more parallel with constant
enthalpy and when you're operating in a latent process you're moving more perpendicular
to the enthalpy line so it removes a lot more energy that way that's why it takes more energy to
moving up on the chart and to the left and that's called evaporative cooling the interesting thing about moving
diagonally on the chart especially to the upper left is it's an adiabatic process so there's no energy exchange
because you're moving along a constant enthalpy line so you can move diagonally parallel with enthalpy on the chart and
the egyptians who build wind towers to catch and funnel hot and dry desert air and push it through tunnels lined with
wet blankets or reeds effectively providing cooling for buildings this energy neutral process
so the reason why you'd want to move a certain direction on the chart is to try to bring conditions into a more
comfortable zone and ashrae has many guidelines on how to define that comfort zone based on
the amount of moisture the amount of air movement how much clothes you're wearing so if you know where you're at
and you know where you need to go that will help define the process that you need to undertake to get there
if i delivered air directly to the space at 70 degrees it would not be able to maintain 70 degrees in the space so you
have to actually over cool and overshoot with your cooling process to bring the building back to a comfortable condition
so say our target is 70 degrees dry bulb and 50 rh we'll draw a dot there that's our target
and our outdoor conditions are 95 degrees and 78 wet bulb so those are our starting conditions
the theoretical cooling process would start at the 9578 point and sensibly cool to the left until we reach
the air being delivered to the building would be very cold and relatively saturated and the natural process would
be for the air to reheat itself back up to the space condition and that follows a sensible heat ratio line
to about 95 relative humidity and then the building naturally heats itself up so there's a difference in the
theoretical cooling curve and the actual cooling curve and that has a lot to do with coil design and velocities through
the coil the reason that the theoretical and practical cooling curves look so different is because it's almost
impossible to just completely sensibly cool the air as the air goes through the cooling coil not every molecule
interacts with the surface of the coil in the same way some particles may never touch the coil as they travel through
while others touch or get very close for a long period of time this means that while the average temperature of the air
hasn't reached saturation some water vapor molecules will still get cold enough to condense out of the air and as
a result we get this more gradual curve representing the loss of moisture when you know your target you have to know
your internal loads or your internal heat gains to know where to end the cooling process so if your internal heat
gains are going to naturally increase the air from the from the unit that's called your sensible heat ratio
there's heat gains through windows and walls and roof that must be accounted for so anything that adds heat to the
space it goes into what's called the sensible heat ratio and that's how the building naturally heats itself back up
in order to know where to end the cooling process we have to know what ratio of this heat is sensible versus
latent and it's a simple formula sensible heat divided by the total heat so for example a building that
a building with predominantly latent loads like a room full of people or a kitchen would have a low sensible heat
some charts at least have a pre-existing dot somewhere near the center and a scale to the right
if we draw a line from this dot to the shr value in this case i'll use 0.70 the slope of this line will correspond
with how the building will naturally heat back up this is very useful as we now know that the cooling process needs
to end somewhere along this line in order for the building to achieve our final target point
with modulating equipment and with advanced algorithms we can actually control the exact point
dynamically where we need to end the cooling process to allow the building to naturally reheat itself to the exact
point we need there's a lot of emphasis put on exactly where we need to end the cooling process
so now that we've reviewed the cooling process let's take a look at the heating process and how that differs on the
rh condition in the space and our air temperature coming into our hvac unit is 55 degrees and nearly
saturated the heating process just moves left to right on the chart so we're going to go
towards the space conditions just like cooling has loads heating has loads as well so for example
outside well heat will be moving out of the building in that case so you actually have to bring in warmer air to
maintain a space condition so for example if it's 70 degrees in the space that's what you're trying to shoot for
you may have to deliver 90 or 100 degrees out of the unit to maintain that 70 degree temperature in the space
before making this video i was under the impression that the heating process has a drying effect and this is actually a
common misconception using the chart we can visualize that while relative humidity does decrease as we move to the
right the humidity ratio stays constant meaning the actual quantity of moisture in the air does not change
to know how to size equipment so there's been a lot of industry study on the exact comfort range inside of a
psychometric chart and ashrae has established a comfort zone box on the chart and it's basically
light clothing but that's the general premise around the chart so it's good to know where where we want to
where we want to be we can calculate the energy required to get to that point and that leads to
how big of a hvac unit do we need to do this process all right so let's use a real world
example here to calculate the amount of cooling capacity or cooling tonnage we need in an hvac unit
so to do that let's start with where we want to end up and we'll use our example here of 70 degrees
dry bob and 50 rh and we keep using that condition because it's a relatively comfortable condition at about 52 degree
a 95 degree dry bulb and 79 wet bulb and we know our b2 there is approximately 42 and a half btus per
pound so subtracting those two enthalpies gives you a difference of 17 btus per pound of dry air and that's
from where you're starting to where you're going now that we have delta enthalpy where do we plug this in well
we have four different cooling formulas all useful for different scenarios let's use the second one to calculate total
btus equals cfm's which is the amount of air you're moving cubic feet per minute times a constant 4.5
and if you do a thousand cfms times 4.5 times your change in enthalpy you get a total of 76
500 btus per hour there's a there's a nice little conversion in the hvac industry of
12 000 btus per hour is one ton of energy so if you divide that 76 000 divided by 12 000 you get
to cool a thousand cfms from the starting point to the ending point that would be just a nominal way to size a
don't just guess at conditions we don't say it's really hot in phoenix so we need a lot of capacity
use these this data to accurately size equipment we'll take miami for example and it's
important when you're looking at cooling to look at both dry bulb conditions maximum dry bulb conditions and maximum
dehumidification conditions because it can make a difference on how you size units especially when we treat outdoor
air so we'll take the example of miami like we mentioned before and ashrae publishes something called point four
and one percent data and point four percent data basically says the conditions are going to be
at these extremes for 99.6 of the time you'll be at these extremes or less so it's pretty a pretty good reference to
just by looking at the psychometric chart that 70 degrees and 50 percent rh produces an enthalpy of of 25 and a
looking at the dry bob cooling conditions at miami at 0.4 percent we get a condition of 91.8 dry bob
at a 77.6 wet bob condition so if if you look that up on the psychometric chart you get an enthalpy
of 41.04 btus per pound of dry air that's good for dry bulb conditions but you also have to look at the
dehumidification conditions so for miami for example where it's very humid looking at the dehumidification
at 83.5 degrees dry bob and if you look that point up on the psychometric chart you'll notice that the enthalpy is 43.2
btus per pound of dry air so just doing the math here we know our starting conditions and we know where we
want to end up at 70 degrees and 50 rh just looking at the dry bulb conditions the difference in enthalpy is 15.5
so you can see there's a different amount of energy required when you're dehumidifying versus looking at dry bulb
4.5 times your delta enthalpy for dry bulb design you end up with 69 930 btus per hour assuming a thousand cfms
thousand cfms so what that means is if you're sizing a unit for dry bob conditions in miami you would need an
exact unit of 5.8 tons versus dehumidification at 6.6 tons so that's why we look at dehumidification loads
these examples were a bit simplified to focus on tonnage calculations and the differences between peak sensible and
latent cooling remember we don't actually cool air in a straight line from outdoor conditions to
space conditions we tend to over cool to account for building heat gains there are also other processes like reheat
which we'll talk about more later or limitations of the equipment that must all be taken into account to determine
real leaving air conditions for more accurate calculations the starting conditions are also not
always as straightforward as our examples for simplicity we assume that the air entering the unit was a hundred
percent outdoor air matching the peak outdoor conditions but when recirculation is used in a
building the entering air conditions or our starting point will be different a quick way to obtain this new starting
point using just the chart would be to draw a straight line from the space conditions to the outdoor air conditions
if for example the equipment is set to 50 outdoor air our starting point would be fifty percent of the way along this
of the distance these factors are just the tip of the iceberg and we will cover them in more
depth in a future video the examples bill just worked through used the second formula here for total
btus per hour we can also calculate the specific btus for sensible and latent heat we just need to know the change in
drive of temperature for sensible btus and the change in grains of moisture for latent btus
the chart can also be used as a quick way of isolating specific sensible and latent enthalpy changes if you draw a
line from the starting condition to the target condition and continue drawing a right triangle
the vertical and horizontal vectors represent the change in latent and sensible enthalpy respectively
they're rated a nominal capacity so most residential caps out at five tons and then above that you go five
equipment is you can select the seven and a half ton unit and it will modulate to that exact 5.8 ton capacity when
driving a car in a desolate straight road and as the law abiding citizen that you are you decide to follow the speed
limit of 70 miles an hour in scenario 1 you set your cruise control to 70 and the car maintains 70
a couple things are different your cruise control is broken and the throttle pedal will for some
the ride is uncomfortable and you notice you're using a lot more gas the average speed for both scenarios
might be the same but wouldn't you rather be in this car this illustrates the basic differences
between modulating and stage hvac equipment the former maintaining perfect target conditions for comfort and
the thing that we have to work with is software compared to traditional rtus in the past that were just on off or stage
so we have the luxury of working with some higher end equipment that is fully modulating and controlled with software
and what that allows us to do is to balance perfect conditions with energy savings that's why you see
high ieeer ratings with modulating equipment for example we know we have variable conditions coming into the unit
and once we know what we want to deliver and how we want to deliver it we can write algorithms around
the general differences between truly modulating equipment and staged equipment is with modulating
pinpoints a circle or an acceptable range that's the biggest difference so it enables us to narrow that target down
a lot of applications require a reheat process from a comfort standpoint so we'll give you two examples here one
with using reheat and one without using reheat so we'll start at our standard conditions here 70 degrees and
and 78 our typical starting point here and we'll say we have a relatively flat sensible heat ratio line there's not a
on the psychometric curve so we've got that established so there's two ways of doing this we
at that point we'd have to cool the air down to a 45 degree dew point so we'd have to deliver air at 45
and some condensation of ductwork so what's the alternative well the alternative is to reheat the air and a
and then that hot gas then goes back into the condensing coil to be condensed we'll start at the same point
to approximately 65 then ride the sensible heat ratio lineup so there's two different ways to get to the same
point one with reheat and one without reheat and there's pros and cons of either way a lot of people
think it's just free energy because we're already over cooling that air and we have refrigeration you know
to work with but one thing that they don't consider is that there's air energy required to push
comfort is king right now and if you're not comfortable you're wasting your time and money
so if you're going to go through the investment of buying high-end air conditioning equipment
in that outdoor air to cool the space so that's why some people call economizers free cooling
but it really isn't free for a variety of reasons let's take an example of a just a simple dry bulb economizer and
let's go back to our original example we're trying to maintain 70 degrees dry bob and 50 degrees into space
so anytime there's a call for cooling and the outdoor temperature is 60 degrees or less
looking at 60 degrees there could be a whole range of relative humidities associated with 60 degrees
let's use an example of 60 degrees and 85 percent relative humidity if that's the case if those are the
because your dew point at 60 degrees and 85 rh is higher than your space conditions at 70 degrees and 50 rh so
now looking at another option for economizer is called an enthalpy economizer and we'll use the
and that will be you know our 25 and a half b2s per pound of dry air so say our enthalpy setting there on our
enthalpy economizer is 23 btus per pound of dry air so anything less than 23 btus per pound
of dry air on the outside will lock out mechanical cooling and bring that outdoor air in well the same
into the space so you have to look at all types of conditions to make sure economizers make
sense and on a large percent of jobs we've seen them disabled by users because they actually end up making the
space more uncomfortable the intention of economizers are to save energy but they sacrifice
comfort and quality in those some of those situations looking into the future of equipment we
know that there's energy considerations to pay attention to so there's going to be a lot of resources placed into
how we deliver air into the space so we have to look at all those factors and how it relates to the psychometric chart
and balance energy at the same time today we've really gone through a lot of material and i hope you've enjoyed it
for me the biggest realization while learning and researching psychometrics is that the chart is truly a culmination
of efforts by many people from various times and places and that the way we use it today continues to evolve as
engineers develop new products and techniques to handle air and lastly i just want to say that while
learning to use a chart gives you a much more complete and comprehensive picture of what's actually going on with moist
everyone and i encourage everyone listening to this to become familiar with the psychometric chart and learn
everything about it because it can make your job as an engineer much easier and you can talk more intelligently
about how hvac equipment operates and the energy associated with it so yep plus you need to know it to pass
Heads up!
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