January Modding Community Wrap-Up: Exciting New Minecraft Mods
In this video, we explore the latest and most exciting mods in the Minecraft community for January. Highlights include the long-awaited update to the Fossils and Archaeology Revival mod, new combat animations, and innovative nature mods that enhance gameplay and aesthetics.
Featured Mods
Fossils and Archaeology Revival
- Updated after 3 years with a fabric version and leap to 1.8.2.
- Improved animations, redesigned models, and textures.
- New dinosaurs, aquatic variants, and nature-based structures.
More Blocks
- Adds hundreds of new blocks for building.
- Enhances vanilla builds with smoother shapes and more options.
Ancient Series
- Enlarges ancient structures and improves loot chests.
- New structures built with vanilla materials.
SP of Fight
- Animation mod overhauling movement and attack animations.
- Introduces new weapons like hammers and boxing gloves.
Ancient Beast
- Update adds two winged creatures, including a rideable one.
- Features realistic animations and immersive sound effects.
Magic Evolves
- A spell-casting mod with incredible animations.
- Allows players to choose elements and level up as sorcerers.
- Modern combat mod with accurate weapon structures.
- Requires a build-in process for functionality.
Asen X's Familiars
- Add-on for iron spells, introducing magical minions.
- Minions can be tamed and transported.
Nature Mod
- Allows players to pick flowers while preserving roots for regrowth.
Mous Mobs Mod
- New update introduces a Great Wall of China structure and a parkour challenge.
Enchanted Warfare
- Adds new combat animations and mechanics.
Raccoons Mod
- Introduces raccoons that can be tamed and carried.
Rain Sound Mod
- Changes rain sounds based on surface type.
Beginning and Heaven
- RPG mod adding two new dimensions with unique mobs and bosses.
Abel Decor
- Adds decorative blocks with a medieval aesthetic.
Decoration Brainium
- Introduces floating brain mobs that can create a new boss.
Bone Knife
- A simple weapon crafted from bone and flint.
Bins Sharks
- Animal mod adding realistic aquatic creatures.
This month's wrap-up showcases a diverse range of mods that enhance gameplay, aesthetics, and combat in Minecraft. Be sure to check out last month's collection and subscribe for more updates! For more insights into the modding community, you can also read our guide on How to Update, Downgrade, and Switch Versions of Forge UI: A Comprehensive Guide. Additionally, if you're interested in exploring new games, check out the New World Game Announcement: Community Reactions and Upcoming Features for the latest updates. Don't miss the Top Video Game Releases for September 2024: What to Play to stay ahead in gaming!
hey there it's inverse today we are back with another monthly wrap up January patch was my greatest thus far but I
believe this one will be even more exciting seeing how things are going 2025 may very well be the best year the
modding Community has ever seen now let's dive into the video starting the list with a big mod
called fossils and archaeology Revival this mod was finally updated after 3 years featuring a fabric version and the
leap to 1.8.2 the mob's animations have improved immensely over the old version and the
models and texures were also redesigned to fit modern standards new dinosaurs have been added aquatic variants Sky
creping creatures winged mobs and many more species that I can't fit them all in this minute or to section new
structures have been added too mostly nature based ones speaking of which the mod has also added new plants and trees
further magn find the diversity of this prehistoric environment I've always been found at this kind of mods and lucky for
me and anyone who's also interested in prehistoric mods there is another mod of the same type coming up on this very
list so stay tuned next up we have some more blocks a mod living up its title adding hundreds
of new blocks to build with these new blocks are quite similar to those of the vanilla game helping you make your
already decent vanilla builds look even better with smoother shapes in and a higher amount of options that relates to
all biomes dimensions and raw materials too this has in turn widen your texturing pouch resulting in structures
that are Pleasant to look at the mat also added foliage base blocks things like pies of leaves and smaller types of
cactus so chances are you will see the difference right after s in the mod L's ancient series is a Wen mod
enlarging these structures widening the radius and increasing the amount of buildings within them glue chests have
too been approved featuring lots of golden apples the reasons for that are quite obvious M has also added new
structures that are built with the same materials of vanilla scar structures in addition to looking distinctive and not
falling to the ancient city we know this mod sometimes causes the water to leak in and drown many parts of the ancient
city but apart from that tiny and soon to be fixed bug it's excellent SP of fight is a new animation
mod overhauling a set of movements having to do with running walking jumping and
eating the the mod CM point was definitely its attacking animations with realistic limb movement immersive sound
effects Trail particles for slashing and smashing along with being visible on a first person view there are even new
weapons within the mod first there is the hammer it's quite similar to the mace but has a different stance
animation and in addition to different attacking parents and the second weapon is the glove they require two gloves one
in each hand for them to work properly the attacking style here was naturally of boxing techniques kickboxing I might
add as there are techniques that engages your legs too within this mod Shields are going to be obsolete the days of
garding with the sword are back however the quality here is superior with a special sound effect and visual effects
for the impact too the mod is sadly incompatible with major mods like player animator mod and would not been
available for any version apart from 1.21.1 though it's a first project so many hot fixes content updates and ports
are quite possible amongst other great mods one's ancient Beast was a mod of the year for
2024 it was welld deserving of this spot and I'm including it once again on the channel because of an so recent update
adding two winged creatures one of the two creatures is the ridable one called the solder once tamed you can ride it
with a saddle as you do with the horses and it will have a realistic stamina system though sadly this has prevented
it from being a full-blown Transportation method the s's animations are fabulous reacting to the wind and
being quite fluid and Lively the sound effects are also immersive and hard to ignore the mob the glider can't be
ridden though I'm pretty sure you already knew that due to its shiny size the glider can only be made into a pitch
it will dance when hearing music and will occasionally drop feathers made dance those it can use to craft a new
glider item there's also a new type of fish the s's favorite food and it looks like the
uler is pushing for long-term growth by releasing a frequent but effective updates the sixth mod on this monthly
wrap up is Magic evolves a promising mod that has to do with casting spells from natural elements the execution of the
Spells was incredible some spells in particular look phenomenal with great animations and Ja other spells however
can have catastrophic consequences and based on their potency the cool down period will differ as mentioned earlier
the mod revolves around natural elements allowing you to choose between a handful of elements along with elevating your
level as a sorcerer through casting the various spells under that element you choose initially as much as I am a fan
of the animation in this mod some elements the lightning one particular did not receive as much attention as the
other elements I would like it if the author could remaster the lightning spells giving them better particles and
animations too aside from that I really love it warum is a modern combat mod it too
got very popular recently the mod's aim was Warheads with the auor being extremely accurate in the
structure and functionality of these weapons of mass distraction there being said the WarHeads require a build-in
process to function as intended with the chip being the explosive part the explosion particles are amazing you can
see Tiny details like extra smoke particles a shock wave sound breaking particles indicating the sprain rubble
and more this mod is new but it's already filled with good content that can Inspire great Modern Combat m box or
for the very least an easy and effective way to kill time this is a very useful vanilla plus
mod for the newcomers it will add an icon indication either that the enchantment has been maximized yet for
people who just started their Minecraft joury enchantments can be puzzling a big factor in this puzzlement are the levels
so this mod can save you lots of time and effort down the road ah almost forgotten you can also configure the
icon basically through pasting emojis so be creative Asen X's familiars is an adone
for the iron spells and spell boook mod and its purpose was to add a bunch of Minions that are distinguished through
magical abilities using various types of casting spills like the blood fire and lightning
spells these minions will destroy the poor Maps you up against however provided it's noton
forat as big as iron spells and spell books you are going to have some worthy opponents may even lose a minion or two
along the way these minions Can Be Tamed through the Arcane Essence item and can be transported with another item item
called The Familiar tub there I saved you the burden of reading the mod page I usually avoid including add-ons on my
videos but this one was quite good and very well develop that it could very well be considered an independent
mod this next mod is about nature you can now pick up flowers and The Roots will remain intact blossoming into a new
flower a couple of days later this mod will preserve your local flower FAA keeping the beautiful flowery forest
from being chop down to the ground so you could see that this mod will add the element of free growth to Minecraft
making it an excellent and a true vanilla plus mod a year later we finally have gotten
a new update to the mous mobs mod arguably one of the greatest bus mods of all time the new update revolves around
a new structure looking like the Great Wall of China within it a new bus meet Chong B the sculpture before getting to
the arena where you will make acquaintance with Chong B you will have to fend off a couple of his Guardians
the Bluffs these Guardians use attacks that have to do with the element of Earth they also feature this animation
too to the sculpture now Tung isn't actually a bad guy his mission is to test your parkour abilities so shortly
after we give him the Bluff Road naturally the bluff drop the bus will rise above and with him many Rock
Boulders too your mission is to complete this parkour a torturous parkour I may add as there will be many traps and hard
jumps as you progress upwards upon reaching the final Boulder Chung B will congratulate you and descend after which
he will give you a gauntlet that mimics his Earth abilities this was a quick and
delightful update I did want it to be a bus fight to be honest but that was good too and requires intelligence not just
Bridge Force this mod is self-explanatory adding a giant oak tree to the forest
this tree can be seen from hundreds of flocks away and has branches so big you can work on them I love this kind of
mods and have showcased similar mods in the past but abug is consistent amongst all of them which is the surface below
the tree it creates an ugly squared surface this mod is great regardless and I hope that the auor works on making the
trees Roots merge with the train instead of being separated from it Enchanted Warfare is a about adding
new combat animation those are quite similar to the better combat mod but it's not a copy you will
see why in a second each time you hit a up a yellow VFX will appear and a shaky screen will appear if it's a dash attack
in addition the mod features new combat movements like a jumping attack a leaping attack and A N
Strike in between the VFX and the new attacking parents M also features improved realism to the combat with the
Slash and collision being improved along with a niche per mechanic that will let you deflect arrows if you are quick
enough up next we have a mod that adds raccoons into Minecraft apart from their beautiful models and cute designs the
raccoons Can Be Tamed to make them sit still and even pickable as you can hold them with your arms or equip them on
your helmet slot if you want to once you've had enough cutlan you can put the animal back on the ground as you would
do with the blocks this mud is a fun little addition to anyone's mud B and I've always been a fan of animal mud
myself I even have a series of videos dedicated to these kind of mods if you want to check it
out this next mod will make the Rain Sound differently based on the surface a copper surface will make the loudest
sounds meanwhile the wool will create s and rain sounds that will help you sleep this mod can be paired with audio
mods like the ambient sounds mod or the dynamic surroundings mod extending immersion around the audio part of
Minecraft the beginning and Heaven is an RPG mod adding two New Dimensions into the game
one contradiction the end and the other contradicting the nether these New Dimensions feature new Mobs including
animals minions foreign villagers and Sovereign creatures too there's also a neat set of armors to
wear I love how the difference was beyond just different textures and colors the whole equipment looked highly
customized and unique naturally with New Dimensions comeing new bosses as in the case with the armors the inner Angel is
a unique looking boss featuring amazing sound effects that fit and a special attack comparon
to however I do think that the boss could use a higher amount of attacks currently it spams one or two attacks
along with having an awfully High hch bar the mod's execution was skillful and highly explorable so check the mod out
it's underrated and can use your feedback much like some more blocks mod the Abel Decor is a project adding more
blocks to decorate with the difference here is that Abel decor's blocks are less vanilla friendly than the former
the M's Outlook is a little bit gsic a little bit medieval somewhere in the middle the furniture and the blocks
included lamps vegetations fences of All Sorts with all kinds of materials statues that represent ancient beasts
beautiful carpets and more I personally am a fan of the detailed premodern style of building and decorating I find it
more beautiful and stable if we share the same passion you may want to grab the Abel decor for your next town build
or personal house [Music] decoration brainium introduced a unique
spin on infectious world disasters adding a bunch of floting brains that crw on mobs and multiply themselves in
the process which reminds me of the seids from Invincible at one point when the brain mobs infection of mobs they
will form a new boss plainly named the brain Master this boss was quite the surprise for me its attacks were super
high quality there's a laser attack that sounds fun targets entities and burns foolish a Shockwave attack that sun the
mobs and players and my favorite an attack that manipulates gravity allowing the brain Master to accumulate blocks
eventually hurling them in your direction in addition to amazing animations and models that shift based
on the attack it's always a pleasure to see mods like these where the author did not default to the mainstream Concepts
and inste founded something new and aici next up we have a bone knife a weapon you can CFT from a bone and a
piece of flint this mod can be quite helpful in trying to create a weapon in a deserted area devoid of trees or any
or Source particularly on Hardcore M pars and the final mod on the list is bins sharks an animal mod add in a bunch
of aquatic creatures the quality of these mobs is REM able with the shark's entire body moving as it swims making it
quite believable and feels premium and not a cheap mod the Sharks also have a realistic Behavior ignoring players and
haunting seals the mod's content is minimal as of now th not complete idiot as a matter of fact this version that
I'm playing right now is a Creator build given to me by the author but don't worry I'll leave the A's Discord on the
description let's see want to look out for the release thanks for watching make sure
you go and check last month's collection I'm sure you'll love it subscribe and turn on the Bell if you want more of
these videos and I'll see you in the next one my friend
Heads up!
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