Welcome back to our comprehensive walkthrough of Elden Ring! In this episode, we dive into the lower region known as the Weeping Peninsula, a part of the southern limb grave. We’ll start our journey from the Church of Pilgrimage, exploring this stunning yet treacherous area, collecting treasures, encountering formidable enemies, and gathering essential items for our adventures. Prepare your spells and weapons as we navigate through catacombs, tackle bosses, and uncover legendary summons that will aid our quest!
Overview of the Weeping Peninsula
The Weeping Peninsula is rich in lore and plentiful with adventures for new and seasoned players alike. Here’s what we’re going to cover:
- Acquiring a legendary summon for spellcasters
- Exploring the Tombsword Catacombs
- Discovering the Rancor Pot recipe
- Tips for defeating skeletons and bosses
- Managing your flasks and health items
- Essential items and talismans to collect
Legendary Summon for Spellcasters
For all my spellcasters out there, our first stop in this episode is to pick up a legendary summon. Legendary summons are crucial for gameplay since they consume over 100 FP, which is particularly beneficial for casters who can regenerate FP effectively.
Finding the Summon
To find the legendary summon:
- Enter the Tombsword Catacombs
- Note: The skeleton enemies here can be tricky unless you have a weapon with a holy enchantment.
- Use the holy weapon to defeat the skeletons quickly; avoid taking unnecessary damage.
- Collect the Rancor Pot recipe, which allows you to create spirits that will attack enemies.
Tip: Always look for items like trunks and hidden doors within catacombs as many treasures are tucked away from plain sight.
Exploring the Tombsword Catacombs
The catacombs house various enemies and items. Here’s how to effectively navigate this area:
- Use Sacred Blade: Equip it to prevent skeletons from respawning; this spell is invaluable here.
- Watch the Elevators: Catacombs are notorious for their elevators and hidden floors. Don't hesitate to jump onto every one you see.
Best Practices in Catacombs
- Always restore your flasks before a boss fight.
- Look out for the Stake of America to easily respawn if you fall in battle.
- Utilize jumping heavy attacks against groups of enemies for maximum damage.
Managing Health and Flasks
As you venture deeper, health management becomes crucial:
- Flask Management: Ensure to restock your healing flasks frequently at sites of grace.
- Wondrous Physick: Customize your Physick with items that enhance stamina and HP restoration. This will prepare you for tougher enemies that can inflict heavy damage.
Suggested Combinations for Physick
- Opaline Bubble Tear: Gives a bubble that absorbs damage from a single attack.
- Crimson Burst Crystal Tear: Offers steady health restoration over time.
Essential Items and Talismans
While traversing the Weeping Peninsula, keep an eye out for important items that can enhance your build:
- Radigan's Scar Seal: Provides boosts to various stats at the cost of damage negation. This is particularly effective for melee and hybrid builds.
- Great Turtle Shell Shield: Excellent guard boost for players preferring a defensive playstyle.
How to Acquire Key Items
- The Bladed Talisman can be obtained from the giant nearby that boosts attack power over time. Be cautious, as it requires taking down a tough enemy.
Note: Prioritize collecting talismans that synergize with your build to maximize effectiveness in battles.
We’ve covered a lot in this episode - from navigating through the Weeping Peninsula to discovering crucial items and taking on the notorious skeletons in the catacombs. Don’t forget to collect the legendary summon, manage your health through flasks, and equip valuable talismans for your journey. Make sure to tune in for the next episode as we delve deeper, exploring the remaining areas and continuing our quest in Elden Ring! Until next time, happy gaming!
what is happening y'all welcome on back to the walkthrough so episode 8 is going to be focused on this lower region now
this is technically considered southern limb grave but in particular when you enter this region uh the map you find
calls it the weeping peninsula so that's what we're going to be referring to next but we're starting things off from the
church of pilgrimage we're basically just going to work our way around hitting everything that we need to here
and the first thing we're going to hit which will be especially nice for my uh for my spellboys out there we are going
to go pick you up a legendary summon now the reason i'm saying for my spellboys is because all the legendary summons
cost over 100 fp uh which is pretty steep you know it's it's more than you're probably going to
invest in mind or a strength build or dex or quality i mean
towards the late game it might be worth getting fp for those but early game you're just not going to
have it whereas a caster who needs they need that fp to cast uh they most likely will have it but either way into tombs
word catacombs we go i want to say
i think i think this is a skelly one put that on yeah it's a scaly one okay uh so right here another stoneware door
behind this is gonna be a recipe for something called the rancor pot and what the raincore pot does is it it
creates little spirits that will go and attack stuff so if you want to throw out it's like a
fire pot but it creates little darkness spirits um you know if you want that that's on y'all i'm not gonna
you know i'm not gonna get it i'm never gonna use that item there are other things i would rather use my keys for
but i'm gonna let you know what's there that's what we got to get to is that thing
for those that are confused about how we are killing all the skeletons instantly we're using a weapon
that has a holy enchantment on it now we pick this holy enchant up i want to say it was back in episode 2 that we
got it but it's super useful for these early game catacombs because
you know no more respawning skeletons but if you don't have that make sure you whack them under on the ground like that
i'm gonna wait till we're in a room with more skellies to use because i'm running out uh which on the note of using weapon
arts so if you look on the left just above where my flasks and everything are you'll notice it says sacred blade
right now that means that one safety blade is the ash of war that i have equipped and two
the fact that you can see it like that means that i have enough fp to still use it now right here i'm going to do a
sacrifice and you can see how now it's kind of faded out and there is a line through it when you see that you no
longer have enough to cast it again so if i want to do any more oh no no there we go we got it okay that
was close that just making sure there's nobody that's
going to [Music] going to really kill as many of these
guys as i can while i got my buff active it's gonna open the gate we could go
back but there's some more stuff down here in general that's a good tip almost any
time you're stuck in one of these tombs if you've been exploring on your own or you're not sure
uh the game is a big fan of elevator trickery and what i mean by
this is there's gonna be areas like this thing where you're going to need to
knock them down and then ride them up or the alternative which you'll also see a lot is
elevators where you jump on them and they start going up and below the elevator there's actually
something you can get we got our prattling paint we've got our great glovestone
oh my goodness i did not come all the way down here to dive to some skeletons you all need to go away
oh i find jumping heavy attacks are one of the best ways to get those operated
now that the boss is down i'm not the boss excuse me now that we got a all the skelly's down
and head this way and finish this place up it was right up at the top
oh how close is it never hurts to fully replenish flasks before a boss fight um
you know i'll be fine if i die uh usually in these these catacombs um there's a stake stake america so when
we go into the boss fight if we do end up dying because we didn't have our summon you spawn right here you don't
like you know spawn outside or anything and y'all have already seen the damage we
can do unless your name is crucible knight you're not gonna stand a chance oh
bleed is scary this is exactly why i picked this up a weapon that has bleed well you can just
do absolutely staggering damage like it's honestly it's terrifying
um and it's good it's really good to be honest i would not be surprised if bleed ends up getting a nerf
um i mean it's really strong it is really really strong but i don't know we'll see
what happens hopefully they don't nerf it too bad i feel like they're going to just because it's too strong
but just to show off the guy we just got uh where'd he go here we go little headless as you can see 104 fp cost
which we only have 68. uh he's decent he has he has a beefy great [ __ ] along with the spear he can throw the spirit enemy
so a little bit of range combat a little bit of melee combat uh if you are playing a caster this is
probably going to be uh the best summon you'll have access to for a while so i would suggest just just
roll with him you know there's there's a lot of summons and there's a lot of variety out
there but it's going to be really hard to beat the legendary summons and especially if you're playing as a caster
and you need something up front you're not going to find anything to compare that for a while
so we have a stake which is the only reason we're going after this guy even though we're we're already you know
really low and no healing i'm going to see if i can look down before it he nicks me
these are the archery avatars anytime you go to an archery
with the exception of the one that was over in the mist wood you're going to end up
fighting one of these things oh something else that attack right there that's the only
thing you really need to look out for well actually there's two there's there's the jump butt slam that can hurt
and then they also have an attack where they will summon up uh like a bunch of holy lasers in the sky and those will
shoot down at you so just be aware of those two um also the stuff that they shoot will go right through the pots so
definitely uh be aware of what they're doing but otherwise these guys aren't bad and
they they're definitely they're worth doing you're gonna get a bunch of souls from them
um and on top of that probably the more important thing is killing these guys are how we get
new upgrades for our blast not like our healing flask but our uh our
class leave mr jellyfish loud opaline bubble tear and crimson burst
crystal tear both of those are fantastic uh so we are going to head back on over to the church there's a couple things
around here i guess we can point them out we're over here let's just grab them um
nothing really of value i think there's like a shield you can grab but it's crap a couple different enemies that are just
kind of hanging around i think it's right up here sanctuary stone where's the shield i
thought it was a shield i grabbed when i was out here that's not a very good shield either way
uh so let's work back over to the church we're gonna replenish some stuff and we're gonna change up our
flask a little bit and we're looking on other key items one c that's it
so when it comes to your flask uh excuse me not your flask your wondrous physic this is this is purely
going to be preference um i really like these two for a melee build because extra stamina is going to be great and
the extra boost to the charge attack i like a lot but the two we just picked up are fantastic for general use this is
going to be a good steady hp restore which is going to help a lot if you're in areas that have poison and the
opaline bubble tier is one of the most broken things in the game i like this a lot i'll put this on just to showcase it
but this gives you a bubble and that bubble lasts a while we're talking like
just just a long time let me mark up some stuff we gotta hit that that that and then that
um but it'll give you a bubble around your character that serves as a shield and it will
almost completely negate the damage out from any single attack now this is important because it's going
to be the first attack that hits you and it doesn't matter if that is like alpha gore
the dreaded massive world ending you know death flare or if it's a thief that threw a knife at
you it's gonna tank one attack and then it's gonna break now this can either be really op
or it can be kind of dooky and it's really gonna come down to how you use it so just wanted to put that out there you
know being able to negate damage from a single attack is super powerful in the
right hands these guys are dicks uh there's that one and there's another one that's just turned around trying to
lure him in but be very careful around these holes uh these ones aren't too bad but later
on you're gonna fight one that is gonna go all avalon with you
so he's gonna fire off those explosive bolts but it's gonna be like you're gonna see a volley of them come
your way and you're probably gonna die so uh yeah do not like those you can get them as a summon too
there's like almost everything you find in the game with the exception of like a dragon as a summon
so what we just picked up excellent excellent excellent early faith weapon for my faith boys out there
16 16 and 24 faith has blood loss build up the unique ability stops enemies from using the flask of tears which obviously
is good mainly in pvp but pve as well if you're fighting against a pve invader it'll stop their
ability to back up and heal so all around that's a solid weapon i used that weapon uh from when i got it pretty much
all the way to the end of the game can't go wrong with that now up until now we have been saving the
majority of our keys but this is one we're definitely going to want to get absolutely fantastic item in here
i can't wait to get my hands on let me pop this you can see that bubble i have and like
i said it's all about how you use it because i had uh
you know you can see right there that should have been a double hit instead only one of the hits got me
but i had uh you know in a lot of the tubes like that area that's at the start of the game
where i said we're not going to do this for now there's a couple of those quite a few of them where you go inside
and you end up having to deal with like uh giant chariots like dark souls 2 style chariots
except when they run you over you just die and using that i was actually able to
tune the gate out a bit from one of those cherries i was hoping for the ranged frosty not
the aoe frosty this guy gets us the bratigan scar seal an absolutely
fantastic early talisman well there are two versions of this
there's radigan scar seal and maricopa scar seal uh the america is more of a caster bearing so what this thing is is
particular we're gonna put it on instead of ax talisman uh this is going to boost up a
bunch of attributes so we're getting three to figure three to endurance three to strength and three to dexterity but
it's going to decrease our damage negation so you can see where we're like you know 24 19 23 23 17 27 you can see
all of those are going to get decreased so we're going to be into the negatives with lightning
but i mean we're getting 12 free stat points for it so to me that's that's a huge value yet um
you know i will gladly take more damage in exchange for having that many stats and later there's even a
there's an upgraded version of it where you get five to each of those stats so take more damage but get 20 free stats
which is outrageous especially for a build like this you know the quality build like those are four stats that i
want i want more stamina i want more help and obviously i want more decks and
strength so really really really solid now moving towards like the late game
eventually we'll get to a point where i end up
i'm gonna end up taking that off just because you know i don't want to take more damage and my stats will be at a
spot where they're healthy but right now early on that is a absolute huge value pick and even though you're going to
take more damage i think it's worth it because it'll give you practice rolling which is
what we want to do we're going to go over here it's going to be a
big old thingy that sums up try and bop this before it starts doing a lot of stuff
these guys can be deceptively dangerous uh be very careful around them
because they don't look like much but they can start doing like like that
right there as you can see how he's like multi-hit combo and the dude will fire off both arrows uh they can also do that
in melee so if you're not careful these dudes and they just go off on you and they play the cowboy bebop opening theme
but on your face it spears so just be aware all right so we cleared everything here
um down in here this is our sorceress friend that we met earlier uh this is like her real body the one
over there is basically an astral projection we get ambush shard you can't do anything with her right now she's
just gonna talk about you know you frothing degenerates you're not gonna be able to stop me
um she has a very long quest line i think i have anything to fix the poison we'll
just heal through it uh she has a long quest line but it's it's much much later in the
game that we're gonna end up doing it so i wouldn't worry about that for the time being
uh let's go here real fast just get rid of the poison
uh let's see every jail we got the church in the tier south for ruins and ambushard selin
um so we got a mausoleum here i talked about these briefly but i would suggest
just marking their locations on the map uh you know there's there's really no reason to come to those for the time
being so these are gonna allow you to duplicate boss things so just pick an icon that you think
means like treasure or something or we'll do this because it's like a very unique thing
and just leave a marker for them and that way you know oh hey that's right i gotta you know i got a spare boss thing
down there i can duplicate next we're gonna run on up this hill uh we're going right on over to here and
then that'll basically cover all of the western stuff out here and then we go to the east
uh ortiz's rise and those catacombs crater parked glove and a tower with a hamballista earthport cave demi humans
it's a lot to do i'm gonna try try and get all of it done this episode
um because ideally what i'd like to do is is burn through all of weeping peninsula
now and then that way on the next episode we can focus entirely on more castle and
then we can get started on uh stormville so we'll see
wanna kill this guy and then you're gonna hit this chest and you're about to receive one of the
biggest oh my god moments of this game but you teleport landale the royal capital and you're like huh where am i
at and you open the map oh whole more region stuff uncovered
and it just gets bigger every like i said every time you find a new spot on their map and you're like there's more
it gets bigger now this giant has a lot of health uh just to put things into perspective limb
grave is the first zone after that i would recommend that you do most of the ernia basically like everything below
where i'm drawing a line then we go over here and we do a bunch of stuff in caleb basically the lower
caleb stuff we're going to do all the lower caleb stuff then we go back and we do the upper of the ernia and then the
upper calid and then we go into the capital so we're not actually going to come to this area
for quite some time but we can get a talisman that'll heal hp over time which i personally don't use because the the
heal on it's kind of low but i'm sure a lot of people are going to want it if you really want to kill this guy and
you can do the same strap that i've showed you until now just two charged heavies on the legs getting critical but
he just has a lot of health it's going to take a while to take him down and honestly it's not really worth it so
just go on get your blessed talisman uh and then why didn't talk about the needle how could i forget uh so earlier
we picked this up uh with this you can alter garments so with the vagabond night armor i can decide to take the
cape off if i want uh that's that's the whole thing with it basically any armor that has capes you can choose to take
the cape off if you would like uh castlemore rampart though so where we want to go
okay and we're gonna go right up here and up up and away
this is our first real puzzle tower i know i took y'all to one of these earlier and uh i mean i was just like
yeah hop in this window and solve it bing bang boom it's done um but these this is like what they're
usually like that one you know you go over there and see seek three wise beasts and now we need to go around and
find wise beasts and this one it gives you a freebie this one right here uh after that the next one is hiding in
the bush where is he at where's my bush boy at right around here somewhere i think i
passed him already well yeah i did i know one of them is right here in the lake
you pay very close attention you'll see bubbles they came out
the bush one's easier to see from this angle where are you bushy boy
about to start swinging through these bushes until i find the bush that has them
there he is [Music] and similar to the last tower you're
going to go in here and it's going to give you a memory slot so for my casters out there
happy day i've never tried climbing on this rampart thing i just want to take a look
i don't know if i can even get onto it it looks like a spot that might have some loot let me just take just just a
quick gander oh no there is loot up there [Music]
it's a cookbook oh the great turtle shell yeah i found that in the let's play that would have
been terrible if i'd forgotten to grab that for y'all great turtle shell is super super good
uh it's a medium class shield but as you can see it has a ton of guard boost at 48
so very very strong it also has barricade shield on it which is a really useful ability
it's an ash it's honestly one of the best ashes for guard counter style of play
because it braces up the shield and allows you to tank basically any hit in the game
and come back with a follow-up attack so really really solid choice so now we're going to head up here to do
the palest catacombs always run up the ruins looking for ruined fragments
um there's a little fight that goes down here not much comes of it but it's kind of like a unique dude so we'll just kill
him real fast okay after that follow this path around we need to go pick up a longbow from the
town actually you know what there's a really decent bow we get does partial magic damage a little bit i
might maybe we'll we'll probably go grab that before we do sunvale maybe after the
uh the castle mourn episodes that's not very long okay
um looking at our current stats want to pump more into bigger head up to about 30
and i'll probably do a little bit more on uh decks and strength just to start meeting requirements for other
weapons because i do have in mind another weapon so see how much stamina that cost us to
block that now watch this all right i need you to do a real attack
[Music] hang on you can see it he just bounced clean off
of it what makes a barricade so nice for that counter-attack style of play
almost every attack is gonna bounce off so you know you put it on a great shield and stuff really bounces off
uh initiating barricade also blocks and if you look in the top left you can
see the icon for it as long as we have that that little icon it means barricade is
active there are already disappeared but i'll point it out next time our hud shows up which is
seemingly only in combat run straight over here on this trap otherwise it'll throw you up into the
spikes and then through here and then drop down to get our lantern on
these guys are really slow and they don't seem dangerous but if you wait uh they will group up and they'll grab
onto you and uh be like that so don't don't underestimate them just because they're
still moving number one rule of the souls game is never underestimated
find something that looks like a cute fluffy bunny rabbit and then it explodes and bites your face off and then all of
a sudden you're like what happened i'm not getting a ton of souls off of them though so i'm not gonna sit here
and kill every single one of them as you can see they're just gonna keep coming so it's one of those things we
killed a few i'm just gonna move on past uh earthquake cave
man that is a lot to fit into this episode i'm gonna do it all oh and pet cat i think i've seen that
one before uh feline intelligence 2. there's a couple of those there's impedcat there's
one that increases stamina uh there's i've so i've seen that one now i've seen stamina i have seen
faith and then i think i saw one more i'm gonna kill these guys first
nope stop it oh my god if you could stretch that would be
fantastic the jellyfish is distracting it's just distracting the stuff i don't need it to distract
this is what i get for nah i should have healed up and i should have pulled out my real size
[Music] oh no no no oh god okay guys
watchdog that bunch of root resin and the demi-human ashes are actually
really good really really good um let's see so we still have crater
parked laid earth born cave demi-human ruins
village mourned tunnel and mourned rampart yeah yeah we're gonna we're gonna have
to wrap this there's too much to fit unless i want to start doing hour-long episodes which i would prefer not to
so good chunk of this area left real fast just to take a look at the summon that we just picked up
this one's pretty nice costs 69 but uh five different spirits and you know there's a big one there's some
medium ones there's some little ones where as the wandering nobles summons up a lot
they kind of just sit there they don't really do much uh this summons up a whole gang of people and they are ready
to throw down so i can personally vouch for this one i haven't tried this one but in general i
find uh soldier spirits are very hit or miss so i'm gonna go put a level into this one we'll see how they stack up
against our skellies because that is within my range of something i can cast so we're gonna wrap things up here
we will close out weeping peninsula on the next episode and i will see you all then
Heads up!
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