Welcome to our comprehensive walkthrough of Elden Ring, focusing on the Round Table Hold and key combat strategies. In this article, you’ll discover essential tips for interacting with NPCs, acquiring valuable items, and mastering combat mechanics. Whether you're a new player or looking to refine your skills, this guide covers everything you need to know to progress efficiently in Elden Ring.
Navigating the Round Table Hold
Overview of the Round Table Hold
The Round Table Hold serves as a central hub in Elden Ring, where players can meet various NPCs, purchase items, and upgrade weapons. Here are the key NPCs you'll encounter:
- Incantation Merchant: Start your journey by speaking to the merchant who offers incantations. Make sure to purchase interesting spells as he will leave later in the game.
- D: A significant NPC with a lengthy questline that rewards you with his armor. Engage him for some early interactions.
- Twin Maiden Husks: This merchant sells items associated with bell bearings. Collect bell bearings by defeating NPCs to gain access to upgrade materials.
Key Items to Acquire
Make sure to stock up on the following items during your time in the Round Table Hold:
- Stone Sword Key: Useful for unlocking certain doors.
- Memory Stones: Essential for casters as they increase spell slots.
- Ashes of War: Provides unique abilities for your weapons. For more on weapon customization, check our Elden Ring Platinum Walkthrough: Your Ultimate Guide to Every Dungeon and Item.
Combat Basics
Understanding Combat Mechanics
Combat in Elden Ring is intricate and nuanced. Understanding how to effectively engage in battles can greatly enhance your experience:
Types of Attacks:
- Light Attacks: Quick strikes that allow for rapid engagement.
- Heavy Attacks: More powerful but slower swings.
- Running Attacks: Unique moves performed while sprinting.
- Jumping Attacks: Effective for breaking enemy defenses.
Using Summons
One of the game-changing features of Elden Ring is the ability to summon spirits during combat. The wolves summon is particularly useful:
- They act as a distraction while you deal damage to enemy targets.
- Utilize the wolves to open up opportunities for larger attacks.
Dodging and Parrying
Mastering dodging and parrying is crucial for survival:
- Dodge: Timing your dodges can help you avoid significant damage.
- Parry: If you successfully parry an attack, you can execute a critical hit. It requires practice but provides high rewards.
Weapon Upgrades
Importance of Upgrading Weapons
Upgrading your weapons is vital for maintaining your combat effectiveness. Here’s how to go about it:
- Collect Upgrade Materials: This includes somber mats that can be purchased at the Twin Maiden Husks.
- Visit the Blacksmith: Regularly upgrade your weapons at the blacksmith, especially after acquiring new materials. For tips on essential upgrades, see our Elden Ring Walkthrough Episode 3: Essential Upgrades and Early Game Tips.
Using Whetstones and Ashes of War
The whetstone allows you to apply Ashes of War to your weapons:
- Change Weapon Skills: You can customize your weapon with unique skills like Sacred Blade or Poisonous Mist, enhancing combat strategy.
Concluding Summary
In this part of the Elden Ring walkthrough, we explored the essential features of the Round Table Hold, introduced critical combat mechanics, and emphasized the importance of weapon upgrades. As you venture forth, remember to utilize summons, upgrade your gear, and practice your combat skills to navigate the challenging world of Elden Ring effectively. Stay tuned for upcoming segments where we’ll dive deeper into Limb Grave and beyond, exploring caves, quests, and secrets that await you in this vast landscape! For detailed exploration of the Weeping Peninsula, don’t miss our Complete Walkthrough of the Weeping Peninsula in Elden Ring: Episode 8.
what is happening y'all welcome i'm back to the elder ring walk through and to start things off in this episode the
first thing we're going to do is some ketchup here at the round table hole uh so this guy right here is your basic
incantation merchant you decide that you want to dabble in faith a little bit tell him you see the grace and then he
will open up a dialogue and you can pick up incantations now this guy will leave part way through the story so
anything that looks interesting go ahead and buy it as soon as you can make the golden order this is d d has a pretty
long quest line you can get his armor at the end of it but there's nothing else you really have to do with him now this
guy we remember we met him out in the ernia can you believe the consequences
there's really nothing to worry about with him he's going to join the manor we're also going to join the manor
but nothing else to worry about with him for the time being over here
if you interact with this guy you should get i guess he won't give it to us yet this guy has an emote we can get there
we go this is where gideon will end up eventually he will not be there for now
um and there's nothing right here for now but an mpc will show up there at a later time
this is our basic hub merchant and what the twin maiden husks do is throughout the game we're gonna find
these things called bell bearings if you kill an npc you'll get their their bell bearing so you can you know still get
access to items they might have sold but more importantly we're gonna find bell bearings that will allow us to pick up
upgrade mats so our basic upgrade mats are sombre mats uh i've not found a bell bearing anywhere in the game for the
final upgrade tier but everything else you can purchase an infinite amount of with rooms
beyond that these are two multiplayer items this one allows you to jump in and help somebody being invaded this one is
great if you're playing through and you want to do co-op if you have this on and you have it active and someone invades
you this will try to summon a blue to come in and protect you beyond that as you get more souls i'd suggest picking
up the stone sword key i'd also suggest picking up the memory stone if your caster and then she has run arcs which
we don't really need for now but there's five here if you want them uh beyond that basically all the starter weapons
and some other things are here as well so just stuff to keep in mind um these are funny if you're a host and you
bring a summon in the summon can pretend to be the host and the host can pretend to be the summon but beyond that we're
not worried about that so heading on over this way don't talk to the maiden just yet first
we're gonna go over here to the blacksmith you're a new fan no matter loud
so ask him about erica just run through his dialogue he's going to say that
she has a talent for spirit tuning which is what we want
i'm going to go back we're going to talk to her isn't this a round i never knew although
i'm still looking what the blacksmith said i suppose i'll ask my certainly i know i can tell
and then go back to the blacksmith go back over to her then go back to him one last time
and okay never mind looks like we didn't have to do that last run but so he's all set now the next time we come here uh
she will be right there right against this wall and we'll be
able to go to her to upgrade our little spirit summons things like the wolves and whatnot
uh that door doesn't open down here there are some uh that door doesn't open there's the stoneware key doors
uh one of them has a talisman that's related i don't know well to get back to it in the prep but
basically there's there's a crossbow in here that's decent i wouldn't suggest using this right now unless you're
desperate for a crossbow and then after you open that there's a second door that has a talisman that has uh some like
ranged advantage type potential that we'll discuss at a later time but for now just ignore those we don't need that
stuff just yet over in here we have a mirror if you want to change your appearance at all
you can go right here we can go to the the base template you can just as far as i know i think you can change
uh everything here with the exception of gender i don't think you can go change the gender
um but you can switch the age around you can switch the voice
fully alter your face structure and all that your body and all that make different looks
this is fia go ahead and talk to her and get a free hug i am circumcised
perhaps you're doing so and you do you think it's where i come from now when she hugs you
you're going to get a health debuff but that's okay we're not you know that health debuff will go away the first
time you die and in exchange you'll get something called the buldakian's blessing which will increase your poise
so basically anytime you want to get that buff you can come to her get a hug you'll lose some health and you'll get a
buff all right and the last thing is but she doesn't really have much
dialogue for now but go ahead and talk to him just to burn through his dialogue uh this room will open later that is
where we get boss weapons and spells and all that stuff but for now that's going to cover everything at roundtable hold
now if you've already gone and done some farming uh this blacksmith can upgrade your
weapons all the way this is an excellent time to get going on that so similar to the last episode figure out what weapon
you're gonna want i know that i'm gonna want this but i'm gonna need a couple levels i need to hit 17 decks and 18
strength so for the time being i'm just gonna work with the morningstar for now and then when i hit those levels i'm
going to switch on over and upgrade that thing and we are going to first
head on out over to here i'm going to go to fort hi west and we're going to clear some stuff
that's over here now you shouldn't have an issue uh clearing through this stuff at this this
point of the game um even though this is out west or excuse me out east this is still considered limb grave so this is
still an early area just you know be a little bit careful don't get overwhelmed
pumpkin head is probably the one thing to look out for over here [Music]
pumpkin head starts getting closer it might be time to go away trying to lure everything away
you can farm these guys for their armor if you want uh while they're fighting we're just
gonna let that happen for now we're not gonna i'm not gonna worry about them just yet
just let them do their thing there's some other stuff we want to get first so this guy is going to throw a bomb so
just run right past and the other bomb got me before i could get the backstab
so when you do a backstab or what's called a critical animation whether that's via backstab or via parry while
you are in that animation you have permanent iframes so if you're in the middle of backstabbing somebody and
someone tries to drop out a giant world ending spell it doesn't matter you can't take damage from it so that's what i was
trying to go for right there was get off that backstab which is just walking behind an enemy
and then hitting r1 when you're positioned right behind them now it might be a little bit tricky to
get it first like figuring out exactly how far you want to circle behind something
finish killing these things remember jumping heavy attacks are good and since we vanquished the enemy group
we have our stuff now this is gonna be the hardest guy here we're just gonna circle around and
backstab this guy until he's dead next we're gonna bring him back up so that thing doesn't hit me with a fire bomb in
the middle of the fight and there's some loot we can get up here as well
so summing up our wolves up here oh no all the wolves went down that's very unfortunate that's okay we can
still just circle backstab this guy don't let the bloody slash hit you you can see all i'm really doing here is
i'm holding l1 to keep my shield up and i'm just circling around it now we got actually bloody slash an
excellent ash of war to have early on got the half of the medallion that is needed to
get us into a late game area we need two halves so just grabbing that now getting it out
the way the main reason we came over here was to get bloody slash though and then there's also a cookbook here as
well i wrote down cookbook bloody slash and then the dectus smithing stone where oh where is my
cookbook at it might be downstairs in the room check out here just to make sure
nothing right there ballistic guy right there go ahead and kill him no more ballista
and there's my cookbook so that's gonna be it for this area uh we're gonna want to turn in that quest so head to the
third church that church in the mistwood where we got our physic
and now remember it is right over here we're gonna head on over and just tell
that dude like hey things are cleared i'm gonna put on the dawkians blessing i would prefer to to have my health back
um but we want to talk to her and do that at least once because she has a quest that's actually tied to
a secret ending not an ending you get an additional trophy for anything but still a secret
ending nonetheless so it's worth getting that first hug you can see that buff in the top left
whenever the hud is active i have two buffs right now one which is the stamina increase buff and the other which is the
health diva you want to talk to this guy i'd be waiting for you did you
well done i knew it out go ahead he gives you a nice stagger right much what's that look well under
even the valve which is why just you would you like i see bright entered who knows what to say
i knew i should have official holders i see life much
all right so we have burned through his dialogue now his quest is pretty simple he's gonna head back to the fort uh
things aren't gonna work out how he wants he's gonna say to go find another lord at that point you can kill him and
you can get yourself a free seat i haven't discovered if there is any more to his quest yet but if there is we
will figure that out um before we tell you to kill him so as i do all the prep and we run through
and we test all of these lines um i'm usually recording like in cadence with that because i like to i like to
record these episodes while everything is still fresh right there in like the recent memory so from here let's go
i guess we can get the the cave done first so we'll start at the church of ella
uh now these areas have tons and tons and tons of caves and this is this is where the video is gonna
gonna start taking a while we're gonna burn our way through a lot of these caves the first one is just straight
north from the church between night time for evening we'll warp it out soon there's tons of things to do on the map
so biggest thing right now is just to these early episodes are really just to give you an idea on the scope of the map
and just how much there is to uncover and discover all right let's mix our physic real fast
since we're about to start actually doing content so with physic like i said this is a
make your own potion and earlier we picked up these two which are both really nice so this will boost
our max stamina and this is going to enhance charge attacks which as i mentioned charge attacks can get knocked
down blows which will then open the enemy up for a critical so both of those are really nice early pickups we have
some we're going to get a little bit later that are much much better even relatively soon we're going
to get some but for now i'm going to keep leveling up my dexterity and the
reason for that is you might remember i said there's a two-handed bonus so to hit that that 18 strength we've
already we're already at that at 15. when we two hand it we'll be over that so the priority right now is getting my
decks up to 17 so that i can use my bloodhound spine uh we're also going to change one flask
over now if you're a caster build uh honestly you're just going to have to kind of feel out how many of the blue
flasks you want i i think like a four to three ratio is usually pretty good if you're a melee build i'd suggest having
at least one and the main reason for that being that we can pop our uh you know we want enough enough fp to do a
summon and then after we do our summon which make sure you put on your lantern going down here
after you do your summon you're going to want some fp back to use your weapon art now there's some wolves down here
the white one is the most dangerous the other ones are pretty basic get a little bit of distance here go up
here and kind of choke chokepoint them [Music]
so now that we're actually getting into combat let's talk a little bit about
different types of attacks and uh you know just a variety of ways that you can take out enemies in this game
so with weapons do this right before the boss this is a
nice little campfire we can see lots of stuff uh so we have our light attacks we have our heavy attacks heavy attacks can
always be charged that's r1 and r2 we have running attacks so that's running light
that's running heavy we also have backstep attacks so backstep go into a light
backstep go into a heavy we have rolling attacks so roll into a light
roll into a heavy and we have jumping attacks so we can jump light
jump heavy now these attacks may also vary depending on whether you were
one-handing or two-handing your weapon but those are your basics so anytime you're going to use a new weapon really
get a feel for what works well so i can see this if i dodge back i'm going to have a nice thrust going forward whereas
if i dodge and i go for a heavy that's going to do a backstep and then it's going to step into a slam and i can see
testing that that i can actually charge that as well so i could backstep and attack and then get out a charged heavy
and that's probably one of the most important things in these games is really just kind of getting a feel for
your weapon learning you know exactly what your weapon is capable of what it is able to do and that'll make things a
lot easier for you as you as you just progressed through so anytime you cross a boss fog usually
you're going to be able to get up a summon and i'm just going to dodge this guy for
a little bit until he starts looking at the wolves now early on your wolves aren't going to do a ton of damage
they are largely here just to distract the target and you can see what i'm doing here is i
let the wolves distract him and then i was going into charge testing attacks and two charged heavies opened him up
for a critical and that guy you know stood no chance uh and that's what's great about the
bulls is you just get them to briefly just briefly distract a target and then you're going to be able to get in those
really beefy heavy attacks if you're a caster obviously you're going to be able to sit back and cast a bunch
um and that's that's you know when people say this is the you know this is the most approachable
souls game yet you know it's it's great great approachable souls game for new players um i've seen a lot of people
kind of upset with dr like it's just as hard and like don't get me wrong there are very hard bosses um this this can
easily compare to previous souls games in terms of the difficulty but we do have a lot of things that make it
more approachable this time around we're able to use ashes of war which we'll get into
that in a little bit to change things up we're able to use the spirit summons which the spirit summons are a huge game
changer you know i never before in a souls game have you been able to just summon wolves on demand that are going
to distract the enemy and help you fight so there is a lot here that can can really help if you take the time to
explore and get into it so now we're going to clear out this whole area i'm just going to walk up
that guy this up to get a nice sword now that guy is the one we need to take
out that guy has a horn uh this is actually a good area just to test stuff but so
while you're crouched you can hold circle and you can see we're kind of like fast walking out
we want to kill this guy that's the main dude for the area now if that guy ends up hitting that bugle it's
going to aggro everything in the camp instead we have three dudes that saw us so we still gotta fight our way past
three but we don't have to fight the entire camp which is a big difference so you
can see we have that summon icon on the left so same as before we're able to pull our wolves out let's pop our flask
this is gonna enhance our charged attacks that's already looking at the wolves so
we can just walk up and start our backstab party and at this point we're just going to go
through and basically kill everything here just really really clear this out as long as you kill that one guy first
the one that has the horn just because that'll summon everything that's in this zone to try and fight you and that can
make things a bit tricky you know it's very easy to get overwhelmed when you have like 12 nights rushing at you
but especially in the late game if you just want to test spells out i think this is one of the
the better early areas for that because you can walk get guy to call all the troops out and
then once they all show up you suddenly have just a little army of soldiers that you can test your spells
against so i really like this area for that another early dexterity weapon
flail i'm actually really excited to try that out on my own play through when i start playing decks
[Music] you can break this with a horse but it's a pain to get it with a
there we go they usually just have basic gold runes so nothing really of value there
uh and if you weren't following the previous videos definitely make sure that you grab the map marker right here
top off our health we want to go down in here this is going to get you
our very first whetstone very very important item
talk about that in just a second it's got some more some more nights to beat them we don't have to kill everything
i'm just going to because like they're already here you can see right there that guy blocked
was getting ready to counter attack enough didn't matter wolf's got him that thing and there should be
last couple guards right on over here so in general when it comes to combat in games like this and any dark souls game
um watching the enemy is going to be your best best drag you know just paying
attention to the enemy's movement and then countering after you know what they're gonna do now another thing i
haven't talked about until now is parrying uh when an enemy is gonna attack
but if you have a parry equipped like a shield you can do that and knock this weapon away and it's
gonna instantly open the enemy up for a critical attack now parries are very strong don't get me wrong they're
parries are absolutely devastating especially in pvp but it's definitely something you're
going to want to practice so if you're going to get comfortable with parries i'd suggest starting on early nights
like these who aren't going to do too much damage in general your small shields are going
to have larger parry windows uh your medium shields so like your medium shield you have we'll say like
half a second to parry and then your small shields you have like a second to parry so just to show exactly what i'm
talking about because these are definitely an intricate part of the soul's experience
too early there get a delayed swing [Music]
i'm not very good at hearing myself but with the late swings they're throwing me off
that was a partial that felt like it was going to go through them but it didn't and these delayed swings on these dudes
they're messing me up i'm doing this wrong let me let me kill one of these guys
getting a shield break on an enemy will open them up for a critical in the same way barry would by
the way so it's like if you want to use a great shield there we go
took forever to get it off but like i said i'm not i i've never considered myself very good at parrying um but
small shields do make it a lot easier small shields you're going to get a lot more frames to to get your parry off so
at this point we are are just getting ready to really explore uh you know we've done a little bit with the
kind of early combat explanations um grabbed a couple of key items let's run on over to this grace and from
that grace uh we're gonna really get started here so i want to cover um
i want to cover using the wet blade and scaling and all that stuff and before we really set out into this world that farm
that we talked about back in like the starter episode now would be a good time to do that to get some level upgrades
into your weapon uh before that let's talk about ashes of war because we now have access to the first whetstone so
what ashes of war allow you to do is change the unique ability on your weapon so right now the morningstar has kik but
we've picked up ground slam we jump and slam your butt down we have storm stop we have determination we have sacred
blade and then we have poisonous mist now this basically gives your weapon a special technique so
if i have well since i have a shield and i hit l2 it's going to parry but if i have a shield with no skill
or i'm two handing my weapon or i have nothing in that hand i'm gonna do that special ability
so right now i'm doing kick i go here instead and i switch it up and i go to
i mean a really good early one it's gonna be sacred blade i'll put that on you'll see now
i'm gonna toss out a thing of light and now this is enchanted with holy so you'll also
notice here that it says 263 on attack power if i equip it and put it back you can see it's gone down to 177. so what
that's doing is it's giving me a buff that will deal holy damage on this in addition to that ray that it shoots out
and besides that when we select that you can see that we can change the scaling so if i want to keep it standard we can
see my damage is going to be 118 plus 18. what that means is the 118 that is the base damage that the weapon is
getting with the with standard scaling and then the plus 18 is the scale damage that's what i'm getting from uh the
attribute scaling d and d and strength and dexterity so think of it like anybody can do 118 damage with this
weapon while standard but the more strength and more decks you have the more that secondary number goes up now
if we make it sacred instead the new baseline damage is going to be 84 physical and then 84 holy but for
attribute scaling you can see strength goes down to e dex goes down to e and faith goes up to d
so here i have more damage overall because as opposed to the 118 i'm getting 84 and 84 because it's splitting
the damage but my scaling goes down so instead of getting a plus 18 i'm only getting two
and then five now and this is the great thing about this though is you can kind of customize weapons to really match
your play style for example if i go here you can see that i can get some arcane scaling and i can get poisonous mist so
doing that i'm going to have access to both poison buildup and blood buildup because this already has blood loss
buildup at 50 that's going to drop to 45 and i'm going to get some poison build up to 66.
other things that's still going to keep the blood loss build up but you could effectively have like blood loss and
frostbite or blood loss and poison so really cool that you can kind of mix and match and do this
and later on as we get more and more wet blades we'll have more options available so i could do this but i'd be able to
make it standard poison uh you know heavy keen quality a bunch of different things for stat scaling in
particular we have a couple tiers the highest is s rated and then after there it goes a b c d e if it's at e you're
getting basically nothing out of it and a lot of weapons you find are gonna have very low attribute scaling early on
you're not going to really see those big values until you level it up and i think a really good example of this
uh is is right here the meteorite staff this thing you can't level up but it starts with in scaling at s so a lot of
people see this and they go oh man s scaling you know this outclasses every other staff the other staffs i'm seeing
are only at like d or c and that's because those staffs can level up so when you level up other staffs you'll
probably also see uh you know you'll see much higher damage out of it
now while we're talking about stats let's briefly look at something and what i want to point out here this is for my
caster folks out there and that is the scaling here now there's going to be sorcery scaling or incant
scaling that value is going to determine how strong your spells are when it comes to your spells in
particular the damage formula actually it takes a look at what your basically all the damage you're going to
do is calculated off of the catalyst you're using whether that's a staff or an encampment seal
and that catalyst is going to have its things determined based on what the
scaling of it is so if this is s-scaling it's going to look at your intelligence and use that to determine the sorcery
scaling and then that number is what's going to determine how hard your spells hit but because of that right now in my
strength build i don't have 18 faith so because i don't have 18 faith the source rescaling is 60 which is really low so
keep that in mind anytime you're looking at a new weapon and considering mixing things up if you don't meet the stat
requirements for the weapon you're not going to be able to see the true damage now the one
alternative to this is when it comes to two-handing so let me see if i have anything
but i do meet the strength if i two hand so this i don't have the 16 strength to hand that right now and i can't you know
if i go to c you can see right handed arm and power 81. if i'm two handing my mace
and then i go and i look because my character is actively into handing i can actually see a true damage
so i'd be able to do 163 with this if i was two handing it or 178 with my sacred morning star if that thing was also
sacred it'd be more of a an apples to apples comparison but that is is how it all runs down so
at this point we have a lot to do we're going to be taking a loop and basically just hitting everything that we can in
all of limb grave but that's going to be the next episode so before we really get
started on limb grave at this point we've kind of gone through the basics of of combat and your move animations we've
tackled a basic camp we've gotten your wetblade and what i want you to do now is pick a starter weapon and you know
try out try out the move sets try out a moveset see what you like with figure out what's going to feel good and once
you know what weapon you want to get we're gonna head on back to the round table and we're gonna upgrade it with as
much as we have available so if you're following the quality build you should be able to get it up to plus three if
you're doing a regular weapon uh just doing these will be able to get it up to plus four for now so pick your weapon
use the little ball method to get enough souls to make sure you can upgrade it and then from the next episode we're
gonna start right here and we're gonna take a big old loop around limb grave and hit a ton of stuff
Heads up!
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