Welcome, Tarnished! In this comprehensive Elden Ring walkthrough, you’re going to journey through every aspect of the game with the goal of achieving 100% completion and securing that coveted platinum trophy. Whether you’re a veteran of the Soulsborne series or a newcomer to the genre, this guide is designed to provide you with tips, strategies, and insider information to master Elden Ring.
We will cover everything from selecting the best starting class, gathering items, to completing NPC side quests. Remember, Elden Ring is an expansive open-world game, so there may be elements that require ongoing exploration and discovery. Let’s dive in!
Selecting Your Class
When starting your adventure in Elden Ring, selecting a class is a pivotal decision that sets the stage for gameplay. For the purposes of this walkthrough, I highly recommend starting as a Vagabond. Here’s why:
Why Vagabond?
- Quality Scaling Weapons: The Vagabond class benefits from strength and dexterity, making it versatile for weapon selection.
- Balanced Stats: With 14 strength and 13 dexterity, you’ll have a solid foundation to use a variety of weapons.
- Flexibility in Builds: This choice allows for experimentation with different playstyles, whether you aim for melee attacks or casting spells.
Overview of Classes
Here’s a brief rundown of the available classes:
- Warrior: Default dexterity class.
- Hero: Default strength class for heavy hitters.
- Bandit: Stealth and critical hit playstyle, great for advanced players.
- Astrologer: Default mage class focused on intelligence.
- Prophet: Faith class that utilizes healing and buffs.
- Samurai: Similar to a dexterity class but includes bleed damage.
- Confessor: A versatile faith-forward character.
- Wretch: Starts at level one with balanced stats but limited equipment.
Ultimately, the class you choose may affect your early game experience but will become less relevant as you progress and develop your character.
Choosing Your Keepsake
For your keepsake, I strongly recommend taking Stone Sword Keys. Here’s why:
- Unlock Hidden Treasures: Stone Sword Keys allow you to access various fog doors scattered across the world, which often conceal valuable items and unique treasures.
- Merchants and Discoveries: While other options like the Crimson Amber Medallion or Golden Seed offer marginal benefits, you can easily find additional golden seeds later in the game.
Potential Keepsakes
Here are a few options you could consider:
- Crimson Amber Medallion: Increases vigor slightly but not the best value.
- Golden Seed: Provides a minor advantage at the beginning; you will collect many through gameplay.
- Lands Between Rune: Not particularly useful for your starting stage.
Selecting the Stone Sword Key gives you greater opportunities for exploration.
Getting Started in Elden Ring
Initial Gameplay
After your class selection and keepsake choice, you’ll begin your adventure in the Chapel of Anticipation.
- You will awaken with a Flask of Crimson Tears (for health) and a Flask of Cerulean Tears (for FP).
- As you journey through, you’ll encounter your first mini-boss. I advise running past him initially as he serves more as a tutorial encounter than a serious challenge.
Tutorial Cave
- The first thing to note is the tutorial cave, which you can choose to complete quickly. Here you’ll learn basic mechanics such as attacks and blocking.
- Make sure to analyze your status and equipment here. Familiarize yourself with key gameplay functions, such as attack strength based on your chosen weapon.
Combat Basics
Mastering combat is crucial for survival in Elden Ring. Each encounter can mean life or death, so let’s break down the core mechanics:
Basic Attacks
- Quick Attack (R1): A light attack.
- Heavy Attack (R2): A heavy blow that can stagger enemies.
- Charged Heavy Attack: Good for dealing significant stagger damage.
Defense Mechanisms
- Block (R1 held): Allows you to block attacks.
- Counter Attack: After successfully blocking an enemy’s strike, follow up with a heavy attack (R2) for significant damage.
Jumping Mechanics
- Jumping Heavy Attack: Effective for area damage and staggering.
- Jumping Light Attack: Generally a sweeping attack targeting lower enemies.
General Tips
- Changing Weapons: Experiment with two-handed weapons to access powerful attack options compatible with your skill level. You’re allowed to switch styles dynamically depending on enemy configurations.
- Stat Priorities: Focus on vigor for health, endurance for stamina, and strength/ dexterity depending on your chosen build.
Navigating the World
The Open World Exploration
- Soon after emerging into Limgrave, it’s beneficial to unlock various points of interest and graces throughout your adventure. Interacting with the grace sites grants you fast travel capabilities and serves as a safe zone to level your character.
- Map Navigation: Initially focus on grabbing the map fragments scattered throughout the region. For more tips on exploring specific areas, check out our guide on Exploring Mistwood and Weeping Peninsula.
Interacting with NPCs
It’s crucial to interact with every NPC you encounter. They often provide quests, lore, and essential items. For example:
- Varel: Offers guidance on your journey.
- Merchants: Purchase vital crafting kits, weapon upgrades, and consumables to boost your progress.
To summarize, this Elden Ring walkthrough is crafted with the intent of ensuring you have all the tools necessary for a powerful start in your journey through the Lands Between. Selecting a versatile class, wisely choosing your keepsake, mastering combat fundamentals, and navigating the expansive world with guidance from NPCs will set you on track for success.
As you proceed, remember that Elden Ring is filled with hidden treasures you’ll uncover through exploration. In our next installment, we’ll dive deeper into gathering resources and progressing through Limgrave. Stay tuned, Tarnished! If you're looking for essential upgrades in the early game, don’t miss our guide on Essential Upgrades and Early Game Tips. Additionally, check out our detailed guide on Round Table Guidance and Combat Basics for more foundational knowledge.
what is happening y'all cowboy here and welcome to my walkthrough for eldon ring now if you've seen one of my other souls
like walkthroughs you know that i typically try to go for a hundred percent covering all the npc side quests
every items all of those things uh because of the open world nature of this this is more going to be a platinum
walkthrough we're still going to aim to find every dungeon and get you every spell and all of those things but just
because it is a open world game i'm sure there are going to be things that people are discovering for years to come so if
i do miss something i hope you forgive me but rest assured you will get through
this game following this guide and you will get your platinum trophy and you will have
more stuff than you know what to do with so with all that being said let's jump in
at this point i'm over uh about 150 hours played this is my fifth playthrough so i'm pretty comfortable
with all of the content um not not all four of those playthroughs are done uh one of them is
done three of them are ongoing but so there's there's a lot of moving pieces to make sure we have everything covered
for y'all with this but anyway to get started the first thing we're going to talk about is selecting your class
and in general for the walkthrough we are going to suggest a vagabond now briefly just to go through them
vagabond is going to be quality quality scaling weapons it means weapons that scale off both your strength and
dexterity and the reason i'm going to recommend that for the walkthrough is because it's going to give you the stats
to use the majority of weapons you encounter in the game and especially on a first playthrough i think that's
really valuable because you'll be able to test out a bunch of different things you'll be able to find out what you like
the most and that's important the warrior this is kind of your default dexterity class to start hero is your
default strength class to start bandit is if you want to do kind of criticals and bow style of play this is really fun
but definitely more of an advanced class astrologer would be your default mage class to start
profit your default uh faith class to start samurai is another dexterity-based class but this one you're going to have
some bleed because it has the uchi the prisoner is more of a pvp oriented mage we have higher decks and intelligence we
have an stock and we have some pvp-oriented spills and then confessor is more of like a faith paladin type
start so it's it's a little bit more aggressive uh than than the the prophet but it still has
some faith type stuff wretch is your your most basic it starts at level one ten stats across the board and has a
club now in general your starting class in elder ring is ultimately just going to
come down to what do you want your starting stats to be and what do you want your starting
items and weapons to be once you get to end game almost nothing here is going to be relevant because your stats are going
to be all over the place so you know pick whatever class you're comfortable with if you want to start
with the axe but you think you might end up being a mage eventually then go hero if you know 100 i want to be a mage i
want to cast spells then go astrologer there is literally no wrong way to play this game and regardless of what class
you pick you'll be able to get through it so my recommendation is the vagabond just because this is going to give us
a 14 strength and 13 decks which means there's going to be a variety of weapons that we're going to be able to use
[Music] well we're not going to worry about about changing anything on visuals
because we can change that later now as for our keepsake 100 i would recommend stone sword keys
the crimson amber medallion isn't worth it you level up your vigor like once and you're getting that bonus lands between
rune isn't worth it we're going to be showing you already at runes golden seed also not worth it i've hold a lot of
people saying that they you know golden sea golden seed is the best by the end of the game you're going to
have like 10 extra golden seeds if you've done all the content so having one more at the
start is really irrelevant especially because i'm gonna be taking you around and snatching up like seven or eight of
these right at the start of the game so i would not suggest that we can buy these from a merchant we can find these
and buy these you know nothing here is really needed except for stone sword keys and the
reason for that is that these are consumables that are going to open uh various like fog rooms throughout the
world that usually have unique treasures and you can find them all throughout the world you can buy them for merchants but
if there's one thing you could never have enough of it's keys that open doors hiding loop so stone sword keys for sure
uh you know do whatever you want for your look like i said we can change that up a little bit later so i'm not all
that worried about and we're going to jump in those curious i am playing on ps5 so i'm
hoping this will be a lot smoother than my previous experience
because this is a guide to get you through the game as well i'm going to be skipping cutscenes and stuff uh the big
thing here is you know you can watch all the cutscenes on your own i'm not worried about that stuff i want to get
as much information as possible packed into these videos so pick up the finger right there
that is what you use to write messages leave messages in the game you can leave messages on the ground like you know
stuff like this right here you know praise the tarnished uh there's a door over here
there's a unique summon behind this but it's locked for now we actually come back to this area later this is known as
the chapel of anticipation but for now just head this way now there is going to be a starter boss
here you can try and whack him a bit if you want this guy doesn't even need to kill you
he just needs to do some damage to you and then after he's hit you a couple times you end up going down and it just
transports you so honestly i would recommend just save time run in let him beat you up whatever
oh god this class fat rolls to start we're gonna fix that in a second for sure
if you do manage to beat him there you uh you get his sword and shield but like i said we can come back here later
so you know don't worry about it we're going to get those weapons in this playthrough but
ultimately they're kind of irrelevant early on so it's not really anything to worry about
when you wake up you will now have your flask of crimson and cerulean tears these are used to heal your health and
your fp those are the red and blue bars respectively uh the first thing i'm going to point
out is this is the tutorial cave so i don't need to do the tutorial cave but i will still run through it
real fast just for y'all you do get a mode at the end of it this will give us a chance to knock out
all the well let me know i've got a bunch of the tutorial things real fast so
equipment get rid of that inventory get rid of that status this is where you can see your
stats one important thing while you're here if you hit help and you go to explanation you have a detailed
breakdown of what things do so vigor is you know hp fire resist and immunity and we can tab over here and see that
immunity involves uh you know your resistance to various poisons and rot so if you're ever
confused about what a particular stat means just go on over there to the message tutorial and the multiplayer
tutorial so this cave is really just to teach you basics you can see reset camera lock on
remove target the basics of this game are r1 is going to be your quick attack
r2 is going to be a heavy attack i'm gonna be providing uh details via playstation buttons but you know it's
easy to adapt those uh your r1 is going to block when you hold it
if you tap it like i do you get the iconic souls jiggle you can do this with lots of things
as for your heavy attack you can also charge that as well so you know regular heavy
or charged heavy uh charged heavies in general are really good they're gonna do a bunch of stagger
build up on enemies and one of the things that's really nice about eldon ring that they
they kind of pulled from sekiro's if you played sakura you know that you can do enough damage to enemies to wear you're
able to get rid of this guy stop it
you can do enough damage to enemies where you basically get the death glow we have something similar to that here
we're able to posture break enemies now so right there you saw me two handing a weapon two handing is great to get
through shields but there are a couple other things you can do to to get through it one of them is going
to be the counter attack to do that you want to block after a weapon bounces off then you're
going to hit your heavy attack r2 to do that counter attack now that's really strong
but keep in mind that you're really going to want an attack to bounce before you go for it but getting it
will do that stagger break like you saw right now now you're not gonna stagger break every
enemy you encounter but you will quite a few of them so that one ended up dying uh but yeah
stagger break is really fun but to be honest i would not worry about doing it unless you have a great shield
because the big thing is you can you can do that as soon as something hits your shoe even if it's like an arrow that
hits your shield you can go into that attack but if the enemy hasn't bounced off they
could be doing a one two so you'll try and go into that counter-attack animation and you'll just get smacked in
the face in the middle of it which is why i think it's better to play that and do that for style when you are doing
uh great shield style play but some other things when you jump you have a jumping heavy you have a jumping
light attack the jumping light attack in general is usually a sweep type attack whereas the jumping heavy is going to be
a straight down in terms of doing that stagger break that i talked about we have a couple
things that are really good to get that your jumping heavy attack your charged heavy attack and your counter guard
those are going to be the main things that you should use to get those attacks off
so you can see doing it too early you'll get booped we need him to bounce so you can see right there he didn't
have the bounce and i was still able to get that attack but what you'll notice is he went
into an animation there to try and hit me you know the whole the fact that i got that counter attack uh it worked out
there but very frequently it won't so in general i would suggest you have an
enemy bounce off if you're going to use the counter attacks
there is not one right here but these trees in general every time you see these out in the world they're going to
have a seed so just keep your eye out for those as you play and run around and that's how you get most of your seats
so this is a grace site these serve as the bonfires for the game and this is what the stone sword key is
for you can see we have these little imp statues i would not suggest opening this right now this is known as the fringe
folk heroes grave there is some good stuff in there but at this point in the game we don't want
to try and tackle that we could get through it but if i remember correctly i believe
there's a seed beast at the end uh the dragon communion seals in there which is great for arcane style casting
builds but that's all stuff much later down the line so don't worry about it for
now so we've got the multiplayer item and here we are out in lmgrave so first thing we're going to do is head
on over here hit the grace and we're going to talk to varel now this guy is related to a pretty
interesting questline in general anytime you meet npcs i would suggest talking to them until they've exhausted their
dialogue because you usually can't advance quests unless you've advanced dialogue
completely are you feminine you may also start like i said this is a walkthrough i'm
not going through all the dialogue um you know i want you all to enjoy the lore and whatnot in your own playthrough
but we got a lot to cover so go on over here this is going to be the summoning pool this is super useful
it basically sends your signs to a bunch of areas nearby so just a higher chance of finding people to fight uh or finding
people to co-op with now we have the tree center right there ignore him
for now i can try and fight him i wouldn't recommend it we're gonna run straight on over to the church which is
just up ahead some starter blacksmithing stuff here talk to this merchant
there's a couple things we're going to want from him we can't afford all of it right now but go ahead and just pick up
the crafting kit uh we're going to come back to him later crackpots are good telescope is good and the cookbooks are
also good um i could get a torch while we're here too never go wrong with the torch
that tutorial out of the way now since this is going to be a quality build one of the first things we're
going to do is we don't have any but uh we're going to have mainly all healing it might be
worthwhile to have one blue just for doing summons and whatnot but i wouldn't go past that if
you're doing a casting build you're gonna want more of the blue flasks but that's a different story so quick
breakdown on our stats and our priorities here for this character bigger is our health we want tons of it
mine increases our mana our fp casting bar we're not going to need a lot of that here endurance is our stamina and
equipment weight we need lots of that strength and decks are our two main stats intelligence faith and arcane
we're going to largely ignore intelligence is for sorceries faith for incantations arcane is for unique
effects like bleed as well as item discovery but the first thing we want to do is lower our equipment weight so
looking over on the right side of the scene the screen where it says equipment load you notice that when we have this
on we have a heavy load when we do heavy load we have this really fat slow roll and
yeah you could play like that but honestly the thing is when you roll in games like this you have something known
as iframes or invulnerability frames and so having a faster roll is going to give you more iframes you recover faster and
there's less of a chance that you get hit i would suggest always being at at least a medium roll now if you drop off
everything you can see we're now at a light load and now our character is very zippy
so don't necessarily feel like oh you know i need armor armor you know armor is
good like yeah armor can be good but to be honest armor is mainly going to be for fashion in this game another thing
is we can always see what damage we're gonna do with the weapon if we meet the stat requirements so looking here
long sword is right hand armament one this is right hand armament two if i hit triangle you can see the attack power
over there 125 and 145 now if i two hand the weapon by holding triangle and tapping r1 i can go again
and i can see now it's 135 and 152 and the reason for that is when you're two handing a weapon
you are getting 1.5 times your strength and this is important because let's say you find a weapon that requires 30
strength for you to use if you two hand it you can get away with only having 20 strength so when you find
these weapons that have really high requirements on strength that's something to keep in mind uh this does
not apply unfortunately because the stabbing hamburg i don't like that animation
uh this does not apply to dexterity or anything else strength is the only thing that gets that bonus but so from here
the first thing we're going to do is run on up north to another grace [Music]
you can kill these dudes if you want but i would suggest just ignoring them for now more than anything we want to get
access to our horse and access to our maiden well now right there that that uh kind
of obelisk in the center of this area that is where we're going to get the map and we are going to want to get that but
we'll grab our horse first and then we'll run on over there so go ahead and race at this grace site
and our maiden's going to show on up you're going to talk to her run through her dialogue and accept you i can play
turning to aid you you need a to the foot this is how you level up if you say refuse you're not going to love a lot so
don't uh now you'll notice it's night time i would suggest
turning off nighttime for now uh in night time there's additional enemies that'll come out in the world uh usually
you know vampire bats your giant kind of undead things like skeletons and ghouls and
whatnot but the the bigger thing is there's certain bosses what is going on here
because if you like the game pros [Music] awesome gotta gotta love it when things
freeze midwalkthrough uh but like i was saying nighttime uh aside from those changes there are also unique bosses
that will only appear at night and we're going to be covering those but right now we have just started we don't have any
levels i would suggest not fighting those things yet so
we're going to transition things back to either morning or daytime i guess whatever color palette you prefer on the
world and then we're going to do a quick loop running around grabbing a couple
different things now that we have our horse [Music]
so we're going gonna go ahead and pass time let's make a morning and now that we have uh the waifu and
the ability to level well first thing i like to do is this we're going to go to equipment here uh right over here let me
remove that i don't like having that on on the down slot i like to put my horse now that's weird
i didn't say that i'd talk to her well that's okay we can fix that real fast go talk to molina
have you then summoned me ah i bequeath it will summon torrent i'll treat him
with there we go so back to where i was these are the
pouch items and this basically gives you a secondary set of items so your normal items you hit down to
cycle through them and then you're gonna hit square to use them with this though when we hold triangle it pulls up an
alternate set that we can hit using left down up and right in general you can tap it so like if i
just triangle them down like you didn't even see the menu pop up but you'll see that i now have my stuff
so real fast we're just going to grab this thing we're going to grab two graces actually
we're going to warp some snag this since they didn't aggro me i'm going to go ahead and warp it down here
actually it would have made sense to just okay tonight again so go ahead over here
i was in stress she's gonna show up after you have access to
torrent and she's going to give you the spirit calling bell which will let you summon spirits you can't summon them
everywhere but there are a lot of places that you can summon spirits and it's going to really help with boss fights so
talk to her until she disappears go on and put your spirits on i like putting my spirits on my left and right
so put that on no more bashes uh let's see that map okay so now we're going to warp
back over here and you can see the map has been unveiled from us grabbing that thing in the center of the gate front
ruins now there is a bunch of things that we're going to want to do
we're going to do a quick loop here once again we're just going to pass time so it's not nighttime
and don't worry about this we're going to clear all this stuff but the first thing i like to do
is we want to unveil a bunch of different things on the map so we're just going to ride on through ignore
that little shiny for now this guy's going to jump down and try to smash you what we're doing right now is getting
you basically some starter type stuff so we're gonna get you set up with a easy farm we're gonna get a lantern we're
gonna get a couple races maps unlocked extra seats for more healing all of those goodies
so we have a golden seed right here after that we're going to turn to the right
and right here in this field we're going to grab this that's another smithing shard
to upgrade with after that we head north again this little shack right there
talk to that mpc but first grab the stone sword key you want to talk to her and burn through
her dialogue me and heading to stormville castle enticed five wow that means i don't have
you it's scary you know i want him on nothing let's keep talking to her
she's gonna give you spirit jellyfish she's quite nice okay so her dialogue is done
do not miss this you actually need that jellyfish summon for a puzzle later in the game so go on and grab the grace
uh and after she moves to the main hub she's actually going to drop a seed so we're going to be picking that up later
but keep in mind there's going to be a seat here so after that uh we're gonna go east for
the war master i'm gonna mark mark some stuff we want to go pretty much right here
and as we're running if you see anything in the field pick it up these little skulls when you run over
them with your horse they'll crack grab another grace if enemies are pursuing you you can always activate a
grace and then you can rest at it as long as you're not actively in combat like with them hitting him
don't have my faithful sperm this guy has a bunch of different ash awards you can pick up so if any of
these sound good pick them up now i will say that this guy has a legendary weapon it is one of the
armaments you need for your platinum now you can kill this guy right now and get it but there's a
rather long quest chain that he's involved in and towards the end of it he's going to invade you and you can
kill him then and get it so you know if you really want to just get the weapon now get it out of the way
go for it i will say that you will lock yourself out of getting the bloody wolf armor so
that armor from the the bloody wolf class or the bloody night or whatever it was in the network test the one you've
seen in all the promotional art if you kill this guy now you cannot get that armor so just you know food for thought
i would suggest waiting okay so do that then we're going to go this
way and then we're going to go this way so what we're going to want to do here
we're getting some quick upgrade mats we're just going to head south you can see there's some giants here we
just want to run past one them to look at us and then go hang out by the statue
then we're gonna run on over to that other marker drive by loot thief
you get hit just keep running don't worry about it it'll be fine there's an item in this camp right here
but these guys can overwhelm you so just be a little careful if you're gonna snag the exalted flesh
and then we want to run up this little cliff side hello
can you hear me help me i'm stuck hello
so talk to this guy please i just give it your all give him a couple whacks
ah well played good sir well played oh that
mighty wallop of yours almost well i once again
pleasure is my journey to the east and beyond these land and upon this i'd heard what doesn't
i'm heading to redmayne carter i've heard all right so we've run through his
dialogue uh there is fall damage in the game but it's deceptive so
the best piece of advice i can give is you're gonna have to get a feel for how far you can go with your horse
but at that point we're going to rest right here and this is where we are going to wrap
up so to give you an idea of where we're going to move forward from here in the
next episode we're going to swing through this region and we're going to swing through the region right below
here just to grab some more items after we get all those things then we're going to actually start hitting limb grave
properly and knocking out all the stuff here but this what we're going to do in the
next episode is really get what i would consider to be an ideal start to the game
so i know you want more don't worry it's coming stay tuned and i'll catch you in
a little bit
Heads up!
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