Elden Ring Walkthrough Episode 2: Exploring Mistwood and Weeping Peninsula


Welcome back to Episode 2 of our Elden Ring walkthrough. In this episode, we will be navigating through the eastern portion of Limgrave, specifically the Mistwood, and the southern region known as the Weeping Peninsula. Get ready as we bypass some challenges, collect valuable items, and engage with key NPCs to set ourselves up for success in this expansive world.

Discovering the Mistwood Area

The Initial Encounter

As we begin our adventure, we encounter a Pumpkin Head on the bridge, which we can safely ignore for now. Our focus is on grabbing two Smithing Stones located nearby. We’ll make our way to Summon Water Village, a location we’ll return to later for a crucial boss fight that provides a key item for a quest.

Key NPC Interactions

When we arrive at the village, take a moment to speak with an NPC named D. This interaction isn’t mandatory for progressing his quest, but he provides summons that can be especially beneficial in the early game. The skeleton summons he offers are particularly advantageous as they continuously respawn unless hit while down, making them a solid choice for daunting boss battles. For further guidance on early game tips, check out our Elden Ring Walkthrough Episode 3: Essential Upgrades and Early Game Tips.

Ashen Icon Location

To proceed, we’ll head towards a graven icon spotted on the left, indicating a summoning location. Avoid engaging with any enemies and proceed to collect necessary items, including Turtle Flesh from turtles nearby, which aids in crafting. Our main aim is to unlock our first Talisman, Green Turtle Talisman, enhancing our stamina recovery speed – a vital tool for any build!

Exploring the Weeping Peninsula

Early Exploration and Item Collection

After securing the Talisman, we’ll aim south to reach the cliff's edge, where we encounter a Cerulean Scabbard, which replenishes blue flasks. We collect additional runes but won’t use them for upgrades just yet. Instead, saving them until we're close to leveling up helps ensure we optimize our gameplay flow.

Finding Sacred Blade

Continuing southward, we’ll find a Spirit Spring Jump. Utilizing this will cushion our fall, leading us to Sacred Blade, an Ash of War that inflicts Holy damage, incredibly useful for taking out skeletons in the early game catacombs. After this pivotal find, we’ll make our way to the Church of the Plague to obtain the Flask of Wondrous Physick, allowing us to mix items found throughout our journey for strategic buffs. For a comprehensive guide on all dungeons and items, be sure to check our Elden Ring Platinum Walkthrough: Your Ultimate Guide to Every Dungeon and Item.

The Teleporter Mystery

Next, we’ll discover a teleporter hidden within some water, leading us to unexplored territory. Though we might find it daunting, we can find unique items such as Beast Claw, which can be acquired by bringing Death Roots to a specific NPC at Summon Water Village. Avoid engaging with tough enemies like gargoyles at this stage; patience is key.

Farming Strategy and Locations

Farming Newbies

After gathering necessary items, we’ll head north to a farming area recommended by Boomstick Gaming. This accessible spot allows beginner players a chance to level up efficiently by defeating easy enemies while avoiding difficulty from tougher foes. Remember, even if the temptation arises, excessive farming is unnecessary as you can progress comfortably through combat experience. For a deeper understanding of combat basics, consider our Elden Ring Walkthrough: Round Table Guidance and Combat Basics.

Map Markers and Key Item Guides

Essential Locations

While traversing Mistwood, we will encounter a variety of locations that require strategizing:

  1. Mausoleum – Duplicate boss remembrances.
  2. Church of Ella – Important NPC dialogues and item exchanges.
  3. Grace Locations – Rest and resilience collection.
  4. Item Essential Churches – Obtain Sacred Tears for flask upgrades.

Finding a Lantern

Aiming to acquire a Lantern will dramatically improve our visibility in dark areas across our journey. It's imperative we seek merchants in each area to ensure we gather necessary upgrades such as Stone Sword Keys, invaluable for unlocking various spaces in the game.

Conclusion: Preparing for Future Adventures

As we wrap up Episode 2, we have successfully mapped key areas in Mistwood and the Weeping Peninsula while gathering critical items for our arsenal. With ongoing quests and NPC interactions ahead, we can confidently progress into the deeper realms of Elden Ring. Stay tuned for the next episode where we'll delve into new regions and further enhance our character’s potential. Until next time, adventurers!

Heads up!

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