Welcome back to Episode 2 of our Elden Ring walkthrough. In this episode, we will be navigating through the eastern portion of Limgrave, specifically the Mistwood, and the southern region known as the Weeping Peninsula. Get ready as we bypass some challenges, collect valuable items, and engage with key NPCs to set ourselves up for success in this expansive world.
Discovering the Mistwood Area
The Initial Encounter
As we begin our adventure, we encounter a Pumpkin Head on the bridge, which we can safely ignore for now. Our focus is on grabbing two Smithing Stones located nearby. We’ll make our way to Summon Water Village, a location we’ll return to later for a crucial boss fight that provides a key item for a quest.
Key NPC Interactions
When we arrive at the village, take a moment to speak with an NPC named D. This interaction isn’t mandatory for progressing his quest, but he provides summons that can be especially beneficial in the early game. The skeleton summons he offers are particularly advantageous as they continuously respawn unless hit while down, making them a solid choice for daunting boss battles. For further guidance on early game tips, check out our Elden Ring Walkthrough Episode 3: Essential Upgrades and Early Game Tips.
Ashen Icon Location
To proceed, we’ll head towards a graven icon spotted on the left, indicating a summoning location. Avoid engaging with any enemies and proceed to collect necessary items, including Turtle Flesh from turtles nearby, which aids in crafting. Our main aim is to unlock our first Talisman, Green Turtle Talisman, enhancing our stamina recovery speed – a vital tool for any build!
Exploring the Weeping Peninsula
Early Exploration and Item Collection
After securing the Talisman, we’ll aim south to reach the cliff's edge, where we encounter a Cerulean Scabbard, which replenishes blue flasks. We collect additional runes but won’t use them for upgrades just yet. Instead, saving them until we're close to leveling up helps ensure we optimize our gameplay flow.
Finding Sacred Blade
Continuing southward, we’ll find a Spirit Spring Jump. Utilizing this will cushion our fall, leading us to Sacred Blade, an Ash of War that inflicts Holy damage, incredibly useful for taking out skeletons in the early game catacombs. After this pivotal find, we’ll make our way to the Church of the Plague to obtain the Flask of Wondrous Physick, allowing us to mix items found throughout our journey for strategic buffs. For a comprehensive guide on all dungeons and items, be sure to check our Elden Ring Platinum Walkthrough: Your Ultimate Guide to Every Dungeon and Item.
The Teleporter Mystery
Next, we’ll discover a teleporter hidden within some water, leading us to unexplored territory. Though we might find it daunting, we can find unique items such as Beast Claw, which can be acquired by bringing Death Roots to a specific NPC at Summon Water Village. Avoid engaging with tough enemies like gargoyles at this stage; patience is key.
Farming Strategy and Locations
Farming Newbies
After gathering necessary items, we’ll head north to a farming area recommended by Boomstick Gaming. This accessible spot allows beginner players a chance to level up efficiently by defeating easy enemies while avoiding difficulty from tougher foes. Remember, even if the temptation arises, excessive farming is unnecessary as you can progress comfortably through combat experience. For a deeper understanding of combat basics, consider our Elden Ring Walkthrough: Round Table Guidance and Combat Basics.
Map Markers and Key Item Guides
Essential Locations
While traversing Mistwood, we will encounter a variety of locations that require strategizing:
- Mausoleum – Duplicate boss remembrances.
- Church of Ella – Important NPC dialogues and item exchanges.
- Grace Locations – Rest and resilience collection.
- Item Essential Churches – Obtain Sacred Tears for flask upgrades.
Finding a Lantern
Aiming to acquire a Lantern will dramatically improve our visibility in dark areas across our journey. It's imperative we seek merchants in each area to ensure we gather necessary upgrades such as Stone Sword Keys, invaluable for unlocking various spaces in the game.
Conclusion: Preparing for Future Adventures
As we wrap up Episode 2, we have successfully mapped key areas in Mistwood and the Weeping Peninsula while gathering critical items for our arsenal. With ongoing quests and NPC interactions ahead, we can confidently progress into the deeper realms of Elden Ring. Stay tuned for the next episode where we'll delve into new regions and further enhance our character’s potential. Until next time, adventurers!
what is happening y'all welcome back to episode 2 of the walkthrough so this time around we're going to be knocking
out the eastern portion of limb grave which can be known as the mistwood and the southern portion which can be known
as the weeping peninsula so there's a pumpkin head on the bridge go ahead and ignore this guy for now we
just want to run past him there's going to be two more smithing stones we'll pick up
right there we're going to keep on heading this way over towards summon water village we're
going to be hitting this area a little bit later but there is a boss here that has a
key item we need for a quest in addition to this is going to talk to d real fast
this guy is going to go to the hub in a little bit you can just talk to him it doesn't
really matter if you talk to him you can still complete his quest but yeah he has a key item and in
addition to that this one in particular has a pretty nice summon for early game it's going to summon these two skeletons
that will keep respawning over and over unless something hits them after they're already down which most bosses and npcs
won't so they're definitely a really solid summon choice because they just they
last so while we're going to be ignoring him we're not going to be ignoring everything that's here and what we want
to do is stay to the right side of the ruins and you can see over there on the left that little that gravestone icon
that is the ashen icon that's the summon meaning that we can summon up our dudes we're not going to summon them up and
try to actually fight this guy you want to go over here and when you see the turtles you know you're in the
right area we're going to use our first stone sword key
now even if you didn't start with the stone sword keys we picked one up back at the hut where we met the lady in
the last episode so you should still be good but you can kill these turtles if you want for turtle flash it's used for
for crafting a couple different things but the real reason we came here is to pop this chest open and get ourselves a
juicy first talisman the green turtle towers this is going to boost your stamina
recovery speed for my uh souls veterans you may also know this as the corinthian ring
super useful item almost regardless of what builds you're on you know you can never go wrong with stamina regeneration
so from here we're going to head south and once we get to the cliff edge you can ignore this guy this is going to
be a cerulean scabbard you can always tell based on the color the red ones and not just the orb but the scare of itself
the red ones are going to replenish your flasks the blue ones will replenish your your other flasks so keep an eye on on
what color the scarab itself is to know if you're going to get an item out of it so i'm just going to come right here
i'm going to grab these things real fast now we're not going to be immediately popping all of these runes for levels
in general what i like to save runes for is when i'm short so what i mean by this is as we're playing through content
let's say that we're about to go into a boss battle and we're like a thousand rooms short of getting a level that's
where we're gonna use this stuff we're gonna use it we're gonna get enough so that we can grab our level and then
that'll just make things a lot more comfortable so we're gonna grab
that head south runes for twos we're gonna go down for a shiny that has sacred blade
he should be this way i believe there is mr sacred blade at
to the church there's the church and hear him there he is
so this is a spirit spring jump uh these will boost you on up but they'll also soften your fall when you jump towards
them you can see how i kind of have like a wind aura swirling around my horse you see that you're in the clear
go on and kill this guy that's going to give us sacred blade and this is a super super useful ash of war
for the early game catacombs because it's going to give you holy damage which will allow you to kill the skeletons in
one hit after that we're going to run into this church
just to show where we're at on the map here's the church there's summon water village
we're gonna get our flask of wondrous physic this thing is super super awesome one of my favorite additions to the game
it's a mix and max potion where you can pick exactly what you want what effects you want in the potion from things you
find out in the world and then it's single use but still just like a really cool item you know make your own potion
i love it okay from here we are gonna go northeast and
right here in this water it's going to be a teleporter i'll go on and take this and this is
going to eat us across the map into an area where we probably don't belong but we're going to go anyway
now those of you that play the network test i'm sure you remember how awesome beast ball was
super cool ability this is the npc you get that from but to get beast claw you need to feed him a
bunch of death roots death roots drop from the mariners and there's a couple other locations throughout the world
that have them but that that guy at summon water village that we could have fought killing him is going to get us
the the item we need to give to this guy but there's no reason to interact with him right now uh we can't you know you
could interact with him right now but don't worry about it do not try fighting this gargoyle he will absolutely
beat your ass at this point in the game he does drop a really nice sword for faith builds though uh has a really cool
webinar i used it a lot in my own playthrough grab a seed and i would not suggest
trying to fight these guys right now they can basically instant kill you we're just gonna keep falling this way
and we're trying to run to that grace you see right there in fact we're not gonna be fighting like
anything out here just gonna get this there is a ash of war you can get from a
shiny ball over there but at this point in the game it's going to take you a lot of hits to kill it so
i wouldn't recommend it so as we rest she is going to show up go ahead and run through her dialogue she's
going to take us to the roundtable very well so we're not actually going to do
anything in round table hold just yet uh we're going to we're going to come back here later but think of this as your
central hub so you can see an icon on the left that means you can't attack here so don't worry about accidentally
killing any npcs uh but yeah we have other stuff we're gonna do so we're not even worried about
that right now we're gonna jump back out over here to the for room great bridge after we have done our loop around and
grabbed all the starter stuff then we'll go to that area so next what we're going to do here is
we're going to go north and then loop around this rock and this is going to be an early farming
area that we're going to take you to now got to give credit to boomstick gaming he's the one who actually found
this little spot uh prior to knowing about this i was killing these little dudes out here that would jump on you
because you get a thousand rooms per kill with them but this is definitely a safer farm and
one that i think is a lot more beginner friendly so we're just gonna head on over this way
there's little poison things on the ground so be a little bit careful as you're running through and you'll avoid
those just fine now in general i'm not gonna recommend you do a ton of
farming we're gonna farm up enough souls to upgrade our weapon and that's about it the levels will come pretty easily uh
if you're really really struggling in the game that's when i would suggest farming but i mean you don't trust me
when i say you don't need to farm in this game by any means you can get through
just fine without you know you don't need to farm up 30 000 souls and level up a bunch of the start
so this is a puzzle tower there's a bunch of these throughout the world this one usually
that statue gives you instructions but it's broken but i'm going to show you all how to solve it anyway so it's
pretty easy we're just going to jump right here and aim for that balcony let's mount the horse
and we're good run on up here and this isn't really needed on our
build but those uh wallet or mage builds will benefit from this this is going to get you an early
memory stone and that is going to increase the amount of casting slots you get so just really nice to snag one of
these early so you can start getting your uh the amount of cash you have available up
and there's another one of these that will snag within a couple episodes to have you at four casting slots and then
one that we could buy from a merchant that'll have you at five casting slots and if you can
i mean if you can use more than five spells at this point in the game honestly that's
impressive because i don't think i know of five spells at this point in the game that's even useful but we're gonna get
it either way i'm real fast i'm just gonna run down here i don't believe there's anything
but we didn't check in the uh in the prep notes so i just want to confirm oh we have that guy yeah i don't know if
you can even kill him at this point actually no don't kill him at this point we need him alive
i need him alive i'm pretty sure that's the guy that summons the ball because i remember
trying to remember uh how to stop the balls but we want the balls
so i know you're like balls what is he talking about we're going to show you the ball farm and this is the one that
boomstick discovered that we're going to talk about so the balls are being summoned by that thing that's in there
and kill that the balls will stop but what we want to do is just run down here
and right about the time we get over to these rocks you can hear it and we're going to cut
and we're going to turn to the right and that ball is going to fall off just keep looking in the direction of the ball and
you can see that you're going to get a quick 2 000 souls so at that point you can warp back to lenny's rise and you
can do this on rinse and repeat you can do it as many times as you need um like i said i don't recommend just being
like you know you don't need to sit here and farm up a ton of souls to get super powerful in the early game but if you're
short and you need a couple souls to upgrade your weapons i think it's worth it doing that now it's important that
you watch the ball go off the cliff if you don't see it go off the cliff it's not going to give you the souls
uh so let's see from here we're gonna hop back over to our church yeah you're already seeing just how big this world
is the craziest thing is this is like this is
the distance we see is maybe like 15 of the total world there's so much to this place
so we're gonna go back to this church um back to church at eastland grave talk to dude then hit the map fragment
oh yeah what's his face talk to him uh so we are going like this way and
then we're going to go this way we'll just ride on out towards that broken structure you see
you can see this one is red so that's going to restore estes i'm not worried about killing that
well flasks estes same thing end up calling room souls and gracious bonfires it's like muscle memory at this
point is anybody there someone who might be interested in
rescuing the great so go on and just talk to this guy he's gonna give you a quest to clear out an
area down south we're going to do that but we just need to
you know blah blah blah i'll give you a reward that's good
take that off and now we're going to head down here and get a map markers when a map is unveiled you can usually
see these icons you can't see it in underground zones but any other zone those icons are what
are going to unveil the map now this area is known as the mistwood it is an early game area but there are these
things that i've decided to call rune bears because i fought one that was a boss and it was called rune bear
i would not mess with the room bears right now just to point this out this is like a
treasure ghost it's weird they'll summon i'm gonna show it i already know where it goes but
it's gonna summon this guy he's gonna walk a couple steps and disappear and walk a couple steps and disappear and if
you spill feel like spending five six minutes following him he's going to lead you to some treasure but we are not
worried about that instead we are just going to head on over here
we're going to pick this up you can try and grab that do not fight the bear
uh don't fight the bear i'm gonna get a little bit of distance
here before i pull up the map there's a couple things we're hitting out here while we're over here but
i don't want to be in combat while i'm doing it all right that howling is good we want
to go over there but howling is an npc we're going to come back later to interact with him but
for now there are some things we want in the midst with ruins now this place has one of those big old bears that i was
talking about so you're gonna want to be careful uh do not poke the bear we can go here i would suggest staying
crouched keep the bear asleep like that get the thing from the chest
they're still sleeping which is good this is going to get you another talisman
so enhanced charged attacks which is pretty nice like i said charged attacks are really good
um let me see ooh what do we got here archery kill the shiny along the path
the two flasks in the tree southeast feed west let's check in my notes
uh so next we're gonna head on over to the archery where i marked should be a shiny
i can hear you no stop running uh if for some reason one of these ever
gets away all you need to do is just system here quick game and then when you reload in
the game it will be right back there they're very similar to the the things that we're able to
spawn now there's a bunch of them near here but these are not ones that we need to worry about killing at all
if you want your flasks you want to beat it down but we came over here to get access to
these two things now while you're over here uh
you know let's just get it i guess it wouldn't hurt to get it now it'll save us some time later running back here
this is an area i would not recommend you do anything with for the time being
we can go down and get the very first grace and then we'll just come back up so on top of the massive expansion to
the map we've already seen there are also multiple underground regions in this game like
in the review i said that like the running theme of the game is there's more and it's because every time you
think you've seen it all a whole new area shows up it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and it
doesn't really stop this is why i didn't i wasn't gonna do this in the notes it's just a long ass
elevator man so how y'all doing today kind of looks like a tired orlando bloom
a little bit so i'm just gonna grab this we're not doing anything else here we're just
going to get this gray so that we can come back here later uh you can tap r3 to toggle between
those states next we're gonna go here and here so we're just gonna we're just
gonna warp back up it's probably faster for me to just run down the road than it is to take that massive elevator back up
[Music] um one thing that i didn't notice in my first playthrough but with the horse you
only need to tap circle once to basically put the horse into sprint mode you don't need to hold it to run like
you do with your character just tap it then your horse is already sprinting any
additional taps is like a brief dodge to get out of the way of stuff though i will say i'm not sure if it gives you
iframes i don't believe it does but anyway point being horse go fast
you can already kind of see why this area is called mist wood it's just can't can't really see too much hilarious
misty this clip looks a little sketch there we go
every time you find a merchant talk to them just see if they have anything you want
this guy has some pvp items uh he has cookbooks this gives you beesler pot and exalted flesh exalted
flesh that buffs stuff so that's good beastler pot i'm not really worried about he has a couple arrows and shields
if you want to invade people that's how you invade people is those things uh which by the way on the note of
invasions you should know that pvp by default is turned off in elder ring if you were
playing by yourself and you're not summoning no one besides npcs can ever invade the
game so you know if you're one of those people that you dread invasions don't worry about it you're gonna be just fine
there's gonna be some npc invasions that'll happen uh but players won't come into the game to try and attack you
unless you have some in hell now all of the strategies we're gonna go through on the bosses and whatnot are going to
involve either ash and summons or occasionally npc summons so you shouldn't need to
summon anybody for help but that's something to keep in mind if you decide hey i want to play with my buddy
you have suddenly opened the door to other people coming into your game and trying to kill you
if you don't like it that's too bad that's part of the game just like part of the game is you can summon and play
with your friends part of the game is somebody else gets to come in and try and kill you so keep that in mind
which to talk about that briefly uh so this is going to put down your sign for someone else to summon you this will
send it to a bunch of places there's also pvp versions but we need a certain item that we don't have yet that'll uh
basically enable it it's like a it's called a fur crawling finger and after you hit the furl curling it'll
then enable it so you can see signs at summoning pools and just throughout the
world uh that is like here i want to p i want to you know do co-op items so that that enables it
that that okay
grace point for rooms and then back to grace back to gate front so let me get out of
the way of these wolves should be good i just gotta go far enough that i'm i'm out of combat
that sound means i'm still in combat i guess we could hop up here and hit this real fast but
there we go he's off and we're going to go back to
well let me look at my notes head on south ah grab the grace sombra and continue
south yeah yeah we'll do this i'll do this i don't i don't want to deviate from my
notes because like in my head i'm like oh well this route could be good but i deviate from my notes i know i'm going
to end up missing something it's going to stay on the notes now there's a there's a couple things here
that are important in gatefront like i said we're not worried about about um we're not doing content yet
right now this is all still this is preparing we are trying to run through we're grabbing a couple races we're
going to a couple places we're getting a couple key items that will uh overall it'll make your play through a lot
smoother so don't worry about like trying to explore zones in depth and collecting everything i promise we're
gonna get to all of that so now people are probably like there's there's stuff in game front you missed
it like trust me i know i know when we're gonna get there but you know this is think of this like
practice before the big game we're we're doing a bunch of stuff right now that'll make your experience look
smoother when the time comes kill that there's a
one upgrade thing here we'll grab grab the somber smithing stone we're going to run this way
ignore the caravan for now we're not worried about that in fact i would stay to the right of it
just so all that stuff doesn't aggro onto you we're just gonna keep heading south for
now probably the biggest risk at this point are going to be these dudes on horseback
because they will try and chase you down so just be aware of them
hit this grace we're going to run this way continuing down towards the leaping peninsula we're
gonna grab the map down there and grab a couple of important items now there is a ballista on approach here
i have never been hit by it these guys are super inaccurate but you know just wanted to put it out there
just so people are aware of it as you can see flew right over my head we're gonna grab that it's tim
grab that stone sword key this way and
welcome to the weeping peninsula there's an npc here um i wouldn't talk to her just yet we're gonna get to her
later i'm not exactly sure if her quest has a trigger with the other regions we're going just yet so i would just
wait in my notes i waited to talk to her i would suggest you do the same right here
grab that morningstar is a fantastic early game weapon
in particular anything that can do bleed damage is going to be super super good in this
game bleed is hp percentage based so it is one of the best things in the game for fighting bosses and you don't need
to go like all in on it you know you don't need to be like well please good cowboy said bleeds good i'm going our
game bill baby like if you want to sure but you don't you don't need to go all in on the bleep just having a weapon
that has some bleed is going to be enough all right continue south for luke's
morning star mighty shot and we're running to grace that's ahead as always when you find a merchant talk
to them see if there's anything you want uh so crackpots are always good we don't need that note crimson amber medallion
if you want it i don't think it's worth it stone sword keys always worth it we're gonna pick up that and uh what
else did you have the bastard sword 1610 it's not bad not bad at this point in the game but we
get the claymore in a little bit which is the superior version now as always it's already the evening
so we are going to warp things back because the last thing you want to get do is spanked by a night boss which
there is one right where we're at so early morning we're going to continue our run south
it's castlemore another spot with a legendary armament we're not going all the way down there
we just want to hit this and we're going to head on back right so we're just running back onto
where we saw that grace and now what we want to do well let me just rest at the grace so i'm out of
combat from that archer so you can see looking at that i can see that the morningstar is going to have
more attack power and on top of that it has bleed so that's already an auto auto pickup for me
uh so we have the map now and what we're going to do is follow this path and we want to swing into this village for a
key item now we're going to get that and then we're going to head up north for a grace
which should be right around here and then we're gonna head out west for a church
and then let's see uh church and then we're gonna head southwest for the lantern
which is down here so we have our markings just to show those again
one two three and four
now even though i am suggesting you play with a quality build and i will be playing with the quality build for this
series i am going to go out of my way and show y'all where a starter item is for pretty much every build style so
regardless of what you want to do if you want to play faith or you want to play
uh dexterity or strength or you know like i said whatever you want to do rest assured between this episode and
the next episode you will have some really really brutal starter items so
grab the sacred tier be careful of these rats grab that let's flame a frenzy that's
what we wanted and then we're gonna head out to number two now flame a frenzy is a
absolutely devastating spell i cannot stress this enough uh even moving all the way
towards the very end of the game my level 150 faith build that i just put up on the channel i still use that spell as
one of my main damage dealers so if you're playing a faith build trust me when i say that will carry you
that is your nuke if you want to be a faith boy take one and two off just to make things
a little bit easier now we're gonna head on out to that church
need to work our way down a little bit oh that looks safe
like i said you're gonna have to just get a feel for what exactly is a safe drop with the horse uh there's some
times where i think it's gonna be a safe drop and it's not but you know if that that's one of the few things that i
can't really teach you there's you know it's something you just got to learn to gauge on your own whether or not a drop
is going to kill you or not i always loved doing this after like thinking about how long it took me to
find certain things on the let's play and you know the the blind experience is infinitely different
it's it's crazy to think you know the start we're getting right now is just
leads ahead i mean we're talking like jv ball versus professional baseball that's the level of difference in the
start we're giving ourselves now versus how things land in the let's play and that's why i also tell people man
people are like can i follow this as a guide when they're looking at the let's play and i'm like ah i mean i don't
think you should because it's you know it's not curated at all we're all over the place
uh anytime i see ruins i try to pick up ruin fragments you use those to make uh your your uh
little shiny rainbow stones and there are a lot of areas that rainbow stones are useful in this game not even just
like you know invisible walkway type stuff which obviously they're useful for that
but there are a lot of dungeons that are easy to get lost in and so having the rainbow stones as breadcrumbs to mark
where you've been makes things really easy now this is a mausoleum mausoleums can
be used to duplicate a boss remembrance which is basically the soul of the boss so if you get a boss remembrance and
let's say the boss has a weapon that you really want but he also has a spell that you really want you can go to these and
make a second boss remembrance so that you can get both of those items in a similar fashion if
you don't care about either the boss's items but you want free souls duplicate the boss's soul and then gobble them
both up okay this is one of the most important
merchants well let's see how much it's gonna cost us it will be 1800
uh five is worth 1600 and then i'll take a single one the reason we came all this way was to
get the lantern which oh my god such such a boon so i like putting that as a
pouch item as well lantern and horse are two things i'm always gonna need so you can see how much light the
torch gives us even without the torch you can see things are still pretty well lit and i
really got to give him credit there the lantern does not mess around in this game
uh so from here we're going to go back to the church of ella oh hang on actually there's one one i
missed while we were down there well we'll get it later there's there's another church out here uh that we can
get a sacred tier from but there's also a bunch of like there's like stuff and a boss and a thing and a thing so we'll
just save that for later uh we want to talk to this guy
wait well you're back he's going to have some dialogue about howling in the mist wood
next time you hear don't fret i just haven't he's going to give you finger snap which is what we want
we are going to warp let's go for high west and then we want to head back to the
missed wood rumens same as before we're going to avoid the bear but we're going to summon down an
npc and he's gonna help us kill our first mini boss and get the weapon that i would like to use for this
playthrough don't wake the bear there he is up top
i will switch this to finger snap where's that point who goes there carly sent you did he hmm
maybe to him the name's bly he fled somewhere nearby come tell me if you find him if i can offer you um
darawil i'm in need of a fit so now that we've talked to him we're going to warp on over to gill lake south
and use the agility south grace we grabbed earlier we are going to go into our first ever
jail now these are prisons that are around the map i really like these because to me this feels like
big potential dlc stipe energy like you know just put a tomb on the map that you can go on in and end up fighting stuff
um they can do so much with these it's just like boss arena on demand but so if you talked to
faith you'll get this summon him up and then we're gonna fight our first
boss so i know i didn't do uh the crimson crimson tiers we don't have a lot you're probably not going to need it
for the most part he is going to take care of this fight for you you might need to get like one or two
hits in no this is where it ends for you
we're just gonna wait until he aggroes on the boss this guy moves very fast so don't get
too aggressive what i would suggest doing is getting in and doing a couple of jump attacks
you can see blade is healing himself up so he'll he'll keep on this dude
he falls down get it charged heavy when you get that you can get a critical but don't don't get greedy here no
matter what this is largely up to belief to kill we're just trying to get an early weapon
there we go got the knock down that gives us a critical follow-up and then while he's recovering we can
charge up another heavy and he's down and the bloodhound spang is what we
wanted so from here uh we are going to well it's going to auto warp us out but that
is going to be a wrap on our second episode so at this point we have a couple
starter things we've unveiled the full map of this area you're going to want to go back to storm hill shack at this
point and you'll she's still here yeah she's still here okay
um but yeah so in the next episode we're gonna do let's see if i made the rex yet i don't so we need more strength and
more decks but this is the weapon that i'm going to use for most of this playthrough very strong curved
greatsword uh has bleed on it already so it's an excellent choice but just to give you all an idea on the
next episode we're going to go up into lyria which is the northern region and then we're going to go on out into caled
which is the eastern region and we're going to pick up some upgrades for those of you that are playing as a
mage and those of you that are playing as a strength build and dexterity build so stay tuned for that i'll have it to
you in you know maybe a day or so and i'll see you all then
Heads up!
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