Implementing Your Own Design System in Next.js


Welcome to the world of design systems! In this detailed guide, we will explore the steps to implement your very own design system using Next.js. We’ll cover key concepts, tools, and techniques that allow for seamless collaboration between designers and engineers while maintaining a high degree of customization and accessibility in your projects.

What is a Design System?

A design system is essentially a comprehensive library of reusable UI components and design tokens, including colors and typography. It acts as a bridge between designers, who use tools like Figma or Sketch, and engineers, who implement these designs using frameworks such as Next.js.

Why Build Your Own Design System?

  • Customization: Existing UI libraries like Material-UI or ChakraUI may not align with your design vision.
  • Consistency: A custom design system ensures that elements are coherent across your applications.
  • Flexibility: You're free to create components that match your project’s unique requirements.

The Benefits of Using Next.js for Your Design System

Next.js offers powerful features such as server-side rendering, static site generation, and a rich ecosystem. These capabilities boost performance, improve SEO, and provide excellent developer experience. For further insights on optimizing your Next.js project, check out Essential Nuxt Modules for Optimizing Your Next.js Project.

Implementing Your Design System

Choosing the Right Tools

To build your design system effectively, we will use:

Step 1: Setting Up Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is fully customizable and offers comprehensive documentation. To start:

  1. Install Tailwind CSS in your Next.js project.
  2. Configure your tailwind.config.js to define your brand colors, font sizes, and other styles.
  3. Example configuration:
    module.exports = {
      theme: {
        extend: {
          colors: {
            brand: '#ff5733',
      variants: {},
      plugins: [],

Step 2: Creating Reusable Components

Next, let’s define our UI components. Start with a button component:

import { cva } from 'class-variance-authority';
const buttonStyles = cva('px-4 py-2 font-semibold text-sm rounded', {
  variants: {
    intent: {
      primary: 'bg-blue-500 text-white',
      secondary: 'bg-gray-300 text-black',
      danger: 'bg-red-500 text-white',
    fullWidth: {
      true: 'w-full',
      false: 'w-auto',
  defaultVariants: {
    intent: 'primary',

function Button({ intent, fullWidth, children }) {
  return <button className={buttonStyles({ intent, fullWidth })}>{children}</button>;

Step 3: Managing Variants with CVA

Implement Class Variance Authority (CVA) to simplify your component styles:

  • Defines variants that apply conditional styles based on props (e.g., button size, color).
  • Automatically handles default variations for your components.

Step 4: Ensuring Accessibility

Utilize libraries like Headless UI to make your components accessible. For example, an accessible dropdown can be created:

import { Menu } from '@headlessui/react';
import { Button } from './Button';

function Dropdown() {
  return (
      <Menu.Button as={Button} intent="primary">Actions</Menu.Button>
          {({ active }) => (
            <a className={active ? 'bg-blue-500' : ''}>Create Note</a>

Step 5: Testing Components in Storybook

Integrate Storybook as a development environment:

  1. Install Storybook in your Next.js project.
  2. Create stories for each component:
    import Button from './Button';
    export default { title: 'UI/Button', component: Button };
    export const Primary = () => <Button intent="primary">Primary Button</Button>;

Now you can run pnpm run storybook, and see all your components rendered with different props without risking your main application flow.


In this guide, we learned how to implement a robust design system in Next.js using Tailwind CSS, Class Variance Authority, and Storybook. By building your own design system, you maintain strong control over the visual identity of your applications, ensure accessibility, and enhance the overall development experience. Remember, the key is to build only what you need and maintain your design system to avoid tech debt. Stay ahead in the game by embracing a custom approach that aligns perfectly with your design vision!
Thank you for joining me on this deep dive into design systems. I’m excited to see what you create! For more tips and tutorials, connect with me online!

Heads up!

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