Welcome to an exploration of the Hyperledger Healthcare Special Interest Group's monthly meeting and a fascinating project presented by Dr. Adash from Kerala Blockchain Academy on Immuno Chain. This project aims to tackle critical challenges in vaccine administration and traceability in India by leveraging innovative blockchain technology. In this article, we will dissect the main points discussed during the meeting, the role of Hyperledger in healthcare, and the transformative potential of the Immuno Chain initiative.
Overview of Hyperledger and its Community
Hyperledger is an open-source global ecosystem for enterprise-grade blockchain technologies. The Hyperledger community is inclusive and encourages participation and collaboration from individuals and organizations. The Healthcare Special Interest Group aims to improve healthcare processes and outcomes by fostering innovative uses of blockchain technology.
Importance of Blockchain in Healthcare
In a world where healthcare systems grapple with inefficiencies, transparency issues, and data management challenges, blockchain technology offers a promising solution. Implementing Hyperledger empowers various stakeholders in the healthcare sector to:
- Enhance data integrity: Ensure information is not tampered with and remains reliable.
- Facilitate interoperability: Allow different systems to communicate and share data seamlessly.
- Secure patient information: Maintain privacy and data security while enhancing access.
- Streamline processes: Reduce redundancies and improve operational efficiency.
Introduction to the Immuno Chain Project
Background and Objectives
The Immuno Chain project primarily focuses on improving vaccination coverage and traceability. Launched in 2018, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, this initiative aims to address the glaring gaps in vaccination records and its implications for public health.
Key Goals of Immuno Chain:
- Create a comprehensive, blockchain-based solution for vaccine traceability.
- Improve vaccination rates among children under three years of age, which currently sees significant undercoverage.
- Ensure all stakeholders, including mothers and health workers, have access to accurate vaccination records and alerts.
The Problem Statement
Despite a robust public health initiative in India, many challenges inhibit the full realization and efficiency of vaccination coverage. Some of these include:
- High rates of missing vaccination records, where only 57% of children under three receive all vaccinations.
- Inconsistent data management across various health departments.
- Lack of immediate traceability and accountability for vaccine administration.
The Technology Behind Immuno Chain
Key Features of Immuno Chain
- Blockchain Integration: By utilizing Hyperledger, the project enhances transparency and security in vaccine distribution and administration.
- QR Code Implementation: Health workers scan QR codes on vaccination vouchers to ensure accurate tracking and verification.
- Alerts and Notifications: The system provides timely notifications for when vaccinations are due, reducing the likelihood of missed doses.
- Data Management: Eliminates redundancy by ensuring all vaccine-related data is collected and stored in a unified, accessible ledger.
How It Works
The Immuno Chain operates on a dual-traceability mechanism:
- A unique QR code is associated with each vaccine batch to monitor its journey from manufacturer to administration.
- Each child is assigned an individual QR code that is embedded in their health records to ensure seamless tracking throughout the vaccination program.
- Vaccine Creation: Vaccines are barcoded with unique identifiers.
- Tracking: Healthcare workers scan these barcodes to record vaccinations administrated to specific children, sending data back to the blockchain ledger.
- Analytics: Data collected offers insights into vaccination coverage, allowing for better resource allocation and public health interventions.
Current Status and Future Prospects
Pilot Testing and Implementation
The initial pilot of the Immuno Chain was executed in Kerala at multiple health centers, focusing on effective vaccine management and administration. The results showed reduced waiting times and improved user satisfaction among parents and health workers. Following COVID-19 disruptions, discussions for wider adoption across India are ongoing with a focus on integrating with government health applications.
Looking Ahead
The future of the Immuno Chain is promising as it aims for:
- Nationwide implementation to secure vaccine traceability efforts.
- Integration with existing health management systems in India.
- Expansion into electronic health records to streamline patient data management.
- Exploring partnerships with international health organizations to replicate the model in similar demographic areas around the world.
In conclusion, the Hyperledger Healthcare Special Interest Group aims to harness the unprecedented potential of blockchain technology to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes through initiatives like the Immuno Chain project. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, adopting such innovative solutions will be crucial in enhancing health systems globally. The collaborative efforts of the Hyperledger community and dedicated organizations like the Kerala Blockchain Academy demonstrate the power of open-source solutions to tackle some of the most pressing issues in healthcare today.
Stay tuned for further developments as the Immuno Chain project progresses, and consider joining the Hyperledger community to actively participate in transforming healthcare through blockchain. Join us next month on September 18th for more discussions and advancements in this pivotal field.
hi everyone welcome to hyperledger healthcare special interest group monthly
meeting so here we welcome everyone all are welcome to our hyperledger community so there is no bias in any way and you
are open uh you are welcome to openly suggest give your suggestions and participate and what we do here is we
are building a better together like together we are building a better world so it's a
hyperia foundation is a open-source Global ecosystem for the Enterprise grade blockchain Technologies see like
when we have this Enterprise grade blockchain Technologies we can have uh blockchain wherever it can be applicable
for the day-to-day applications so that is what we are aiming to build over here and there are like uh we have the core
developer Community you can get participated uh like connected with them through Discord and as a member what
benefits you get you are involving yourself in the thought leadership and uh marketing for if you are a company
like you get marketing of your company over here and you get a very supportive Community here see for whatever you are
building new if you want to build it as a Open Source One the community is huge the network is huge that is what we get
so how you can get involved you can uh uh like go to anyone of the links like and you can check the hyperledger Wiki
page like and you you can find out the regional chapters near to you you can directly like uh get involved in the
meetups uh weekly calls monthly calls so over here like we are doing every month third Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. IST that is
uh I suppose it is 300 [Music] p.m. uh for in GMT I think give me a sec
I will check it out and uh update you okay yeah it is 3 p.m. GMT and 11:00 a.m. ET that is the one we are doing so
like um we'll directly get into today's uh agenda let me reshare my
screen um so like um um so so like if anyone has joined new please feel free to introduce your
yourselves and like we will have the um antitrust policy see like uh it is given here I whether this antitrust
policy is visible to you yes yes yeah please go through it actually just before uh starting the
meeting Elizabeth was reading it out and uh giving the uh detailed review of it also like uh please feel free to uh
click this link and read it out completely and what you have you can disclose because you are whatever you
speak it is available in the open Forum so like what to be disclosed or not to be disclosed that it it is completely
your choice so please uh and uh like have a proper um theorum for the Forum like uh
these are what we need and uh is there any new joiners today
okay uh so if if you if you are a new Joiner just please uh message in the uh chat
box your name like if you have uh Linux Foundation ID so I have given this membership uh directory over here you
can click that link and how to get your LF ID uh you can uh go to that and create your Linux Foundation ID and
start uh like give contributing to the open source and once you have the LF ID only you will be able to access this
pages so Arya uh and there is someone called administrator whether you people want to
introduce yourself okay yes so actually here there is one uh uh this uh book like call for
chapters was there and if anyone is writing like make sure that you have to submit to your full chapter by
30th of September and uh like today's event like we have with us Mr Dr adash he is a senior scientist and convenor
for Kerala blockchain Academy um which is a Coe for blockchain and a digital University Kerala it's one of the very
first digital universities in India and Kerala blockchain Academy is the associate training partner of along with
sorry with hyperledger foundation and they do a fantastic job like even I have uh taken a course from them and uh they
they do a lot of courses entrepreneurship like blockchain courses even my interns like uh they uh they got
they became certified blockchain developers from them so like it's a it's a big uh work what they are doing and
today he will be presenting immuno chain uh vaccine coverage analysis and supply chain solution built in
hyperledger so without much delay let me hand the session over to him so the previous presentations the like if you
click the link you can uh it will directly root you to the YouTube channel like the particular talk you can get
that and today's I will update so next month meeting will be on September 18th so I'm still waiting for uh uh like
presenter so if anyone else is interested if anyone uh knows some uh someone who can present you you can
suggest to us and in October Dr sonali Patel will be doing so please go through this uh agenda also and I will be
sharing it in the um uh meeting okay so let me stop sharing uh
Dr adash please give uh introduction of yourself once again and you the Forum is to
you yeah thank thank you Dr an I think you have given a very generous introduction so uh myself other I'm
currently working with uh K blockchain Academy for the past six years uh primarily into blockchain uh research as
well as into development to so as um um Dr H rightly pointed out we are um the very first associate member and official
training partner of lenux foundation hypera from India we do offer multiple training programs uh in hypera starting
from hyp s way back in 2018 then to hypa fabric we have also teams working with hypa uh indie as well as eum CL B and
all uh and we have a fairly good um um research division also in in hyp who are actually working on multiple uh cons
mechanisms pvfs and all so without U further delay I will start with one of our Solutions which you are specifically
focusing on the healthcare sector with hyperia which is called imuno shine um Can Can you kindly give me the
permission to U I think you can it's not aable no I'm I'm not the co-host so I think yeah sure yes
yes done now okay no I to view
the thing maybe I'll just rejoin in this link I don't know why it's not showing the screen sharing I I'll quickly rejoin
okay okay okay so uh By the time uh he rejoins like uh like the new join is over here
could you introduce yourself I think Andre you have joined the meeting for the first time right
yeah yeah ma'am welcome I know you you can introduce you to The Forum please hi myself hu working as senior
technical content writer at KLA blockchain Academy yeah I have been associated with
KB for the past uh three and a half years yeah yeah yes adash has joined back and I
have made him host also yeah I was uh so so can can you let me know is
it still in the um lower bar the the screen share option because I'm just seeing the participant chat reactions
and Security Options only lower part of the no actually there is no screen share
as of now and over here like uh everyone can share their
screen that is the one okay uh so can can just let me know in which
part of the screen usually it happens in the bottom part right the okay okay so like
uh still uh there is upward Arrow right I suppose you are uh you have joined I'm actually I'm Lo
log from my um browser okay yeah so it shows in the more there is this record breakout room
settings uh no no not in the more uh like in the like there are few icons right in that one green upward arrow is
there no no that that's not this issue is common in this issue is common when you uh access from the browser if you
access from the app I think it should be okay uh oh is it okay so sorry s i I'll I'll just join from the app okay sorry
okay okay just give me a minute thanks Raja because uh I have this uh downloaded and kept it
so I am not able to help him out in that okay
uh ulas Kumar you have joined for the first time yes s okay can you introduce
yourself please yeah I'm personally working with kba wow
well so where are you earlier working uh in some universities in Bangalore earlier no no I was in Chennai uh chenai
Mill I was working I was in publish field okay okay okay by
okay let him come before that let me take the attendance also so today there are new joiners Anu
do you have uh LF ID yeah do should I put in the chat no no which one are you able to see the
Anu Anu B okay couldn't get it uh feel free to go and update it yeah
sure uh ulas Kumar you you may not be having isn't it or you already have LF ID
okay I think these are the new joines there was a person called Vish attendance I am
here adash yes right yes is here Raja have you got your LF
ID uh I don't have it handy right now uh okay I can update it later um that is fine uh yeah yeah yeah you can
update it and go to that uh link and feel free to change
sure so in the agenda like at the starting I have given this uh membership directory right inside
that how to create create the LF ID will be there once you have created the LF ID feel free to add your name in the uh
membership directory also and there will be like um uh let me show okay now I cannot I will save it
and then show I will add Elizabeth's name Elizabeth you have LF ID right
affirmative okay but uh I'm I'm not able to get it automatically done over here and the YouTube channel link is also
here you can see all the previous meetings recordings over there and uh inside here the SI email
list will be there please uh get inside and subscribe the for the email list so once you do that like uh you will be
getting the automated mails everything um events calendar is here so if you
want to check for any other uh events you want to uh involved in also you are most
welcome okay that's from my side
okay so we are still waiting for Arash like uh I think he is he has got some difficulty he will be joining back
within few seconds and may know who is that administrator in that
name if you give your name I can uh add add you to the attendance list can you share the slides yeah yeah
yeah yeah you I suppose you would have shared it in my mail right yes yes I've shared in a mail uh I'm not sure what's
happening to this zo okay no issues no issues give me a sec give me a sec let me download it and uh share
it okay and okay actually you have to tell me how to show
it like a PP something will be there right right it's it's a normal PDF uh P I'll just skip the slide so I can I
can now it it shows like this so I suppose how to remove this yeah you can you can um put it in a full screen and
uh no that is what I am uh okay yeah I think it should be PDF so okay no no no no I think I will stop
share and uh open the go to the downloads and open it instead of opening from
here yes I got it okay sorry for the delay so no no issu it's actually from
my part no issues now is it visible uh yes yes we can see yeah okay
so uh once again sorry all for the delay um uh thank you for your patience so uh moving on to the topic immunos
chain imun was actually a project primarily designed for the vaccine traceability or or it's designed as a
trity solution for the vaccine program across India hope you all know like India is having the world's largest
vaccination program which is called U Mission indran uh with a population of over 140 CR and uh every year they have
to reach almost every uh child which is getting born and India have one of the very ensy vaccination programs across
the world they are providing free vaccination to Children right from the birth till the age of 18 that's what the
India's vaccination program and please note that this project was in the pre-co scenario it's not in the after the covid
vaccination all we started this back in 2018 so this was uh primarily targeted towards the um uh the child health
vaccine that is uh in India it's called as reproductive child health vaccination register where uh every expectant mother
is actually given a book the book will actually contain the details U of the mother right from the pregnancy till the
birth of child and after the birth of child the child data is also included and it keeps on adding till the age of
18 so that was a common process and the important um challenge over here can you just move to next slide I have rested
the challenge so the main challenge over here is like uh when comparing the different studies across the world you
can see like uh even though the government of India is actually providing almost 11 different
vaccinations completely free of cost almost 57% of the young children uh that is who are less than three are fully
vaccinated so there's a huge gap between children who are getting vaccinated and not and this also led to spread of many
epidemics in uh India and uh the donor from the donor side also say like the bill and mes foundations and many other
donors who are into providing such um vaccines for the children they are also much worried about this coverage
analysis and that is when uh they try to figure out okay how we can address this data gaps in this context and also is
there any technological solution being possible to completely trace and and figure out these things so till 2018
there were no complete traceability solution for vaccinations in India they were having around 18 to 20 different
physical Ledges primarily right from the primary health centers to a district level to state level to National level
and all it was all kept in multiple levels some of these ledgers were digitized but some of them were still in
the physical formats but even though with the digital Ledges the traceability was not properly addressed so if there
are some kind of um tracability challenges like whether this vaccine have to be recalled or whether this
vaccine have to be given or not there was no proper uh data available and there was not proper uh solution
available so that was a challenge actually listed and that is where uh keep figured out like okay it was uh
mentioned as a grand challenges India program which is for the immunization data inov innovating for action and uh
it was jointly conducted by the bill and M Gates Foundation with along with the Department of biotechnology for B uh and
we we found out like because hypera was in a emerging stage at that time and we were primarily focusing on hypa Sawtooth
as well as hypa fabric at that time and we had strong um connections with Intel on hyp just so because so was mostly
focusing on the supply chain Dimension at that time so uh we uh we presented um uh the possibilities of hyp leure on
offering a complete permission uh DLT mechanism which can be used by the government government for the health
health department and they were very keen on adopting such innovative solutions and out of the uh 260 plus
applicants only nine were actually being selected and we are actually one among that and we are only the only one who
were focusing on the blockchain based solution that is on on the hyperledger so um we were also covering um the same
along with icmr that is the Indian Council of medical research for a pan India roll out of 15 locations so the uh
initial piloting was done in the state of Kerala and we were awaiting uh the final confirmations uh for 20221 but uh
by that time the covid wave hit and icmr was mostly uh busy with the covid vaccines and controlling the things and
uh we were also not U given uh access to the health centers because of the lockdown and covid scenario so this
started in 2018 and our pilot was happening from 201920 period uh so yeah this is what imun is all about it's a
big data and blockchain powered a mobile and web app enabled for the complete solution analysis or the complete
coverage analysis for the uh immunization program so what will be the vaccines which are given to uh children
uh it's like uh you you don't need to uh completely um trust the the manufacturer you don't need to completely trust who
is going to give the vaccine because there is always an element of trust whether you can trust this particular
vaccines whether you can uh trust a particular Health Center or trust a particular um hospital so what we um
propose is like okay uh if if it is valid in India or if it is valid to be um administered across India uh we we
have have the this certified solution of immun which is actually being there from the health department and anyone can
actually come and verify whether the vaccine which is being listed on on this immuno chain is genuine or not because
they have the entire credentials they don't have to trust that particular person so you can if you face some
issues you can definitely uh figure out and do it it's it's like a a simple digital Ledger mechanism and we also
eliminated the return ledgers and other manual entry by introducing a simple QR um scanning mechanism so in the uh
reproductive child health register which was still in a printed format we actually introduce a QR code on top of
it and for the vaccinations based on the batch of vaccines we also put a QR code so what happened was like in the
previous scenario it was all like a return thing or a digital uh thing which was actually entered either in a laptop
or a name um tab so the the challenge was that most of these um health workers were paid uh in terms of they were
actually in in contract roles so they will be paid in terms of the number of vaccines being administered or the
number of child which they have actually met so there are a lot of malpractices happening when a child is actually
moving from one location to another location the data doesn't moves with them or the data is not being um entered
properly also the vaccine vs say even suppose say for a single day of administration uh you have to administer
almost 20 200 vs of vaccine so even if just 30 or 40 children are coming they will actually enter the remaining data
and Mark like we have at 200 vaccines and you will get the payment so that b will be wasted that vaccines will not be
re reaching the child but they'll be just simply entering some child details and all and they have to do it so India
uh there is a mandate like none of the uh child should um should face a situation like there is no vaccine in
that Center so in order to cope up with that uh based on the birth rate of India um the health department will be
producing three times that of the vaccin that is if thousand children are born per day 3,000 vaccines have to be
produce for each and every slot so that uh there is always a proper stoke in the cold storage and that again uh causes a
lot of wastage of money because most of these vaccines after the uh expiry date they they have to be discarded so that's
where we um we figured out this challenge because uh we cannot completely change the system it's
actually a very Legacy system and it follows lot of principles lot of um uh uh security criteria from the health
department so what we were given the privilege is like okay only you can add a simple QR code no other changes can be
made but from that the data data keeps on moving to the blockchain so that is where the implementation we we developed
a mobile application a web application so I think um after the covid scenario now the government of India also
launched their own application which is called the mai application which icmr plans to inte immunogen also with the
myi application uh myi is mostly for the Asha workers or anen workers which is from the government of India and for the
RCs book also um currently there is no mobile application but we have launched the mobile application back in 2019 now
certain states are also launching the uh mobile application then we have the uh blockchain system that is primarily we
started building it with the hyp S tooth at that time and we also had a big data platform in the back end uh to go for
the analytics and other other um data part which were needed for the vaccine Administration uh can you just move to
the next slide yeah these were the important challenges because the digital records
was not available at that time in most of these Health Centers and uh the integration with the RC regist because
when the children are migrating from one area to another area or the data will not travel with them and they have to
make new registration so there is always some kind of data redundancy and duplication happening at multiple uh
points and also there is complexity in modeling the data because uh the the the samples were not properly available for
us and also uh we need to completely define the system because uh the health centers do not have a proper mechanism
they will just store it in C Storage if some child comes for some kind of vaccination they will give s and record
in the register and they just have the monthly targets with them nothing beyond that so we need to have a like a uh
system have to be developed to cope up with these uh challenges and to see which Health Center which child is
coming and how That vaccine have to be um addressed all those things have to be sold out that is why we uh designed um
this big data platform for uh including the analytic spot uh can we move to the next
slide yeah this was the uh basic uh flow of the IM imun I hope uh the screen is visible to everyone so uh it have uh two
two chains one is a vaccine side so when the vaccine is produced from that part onwards the vaccine will be
traveling right from the course stage till that particular phc where for every batch of vaccine we have a QR code uh
what we initially suggested was like for every V of vaccine we will if we have a QR code so that we can have uh the very
minute level of traceability but for printing QR code in the vaccine well it it needs lot of other clearances also so
we are waiting for that for the time being for the uh piloting we we printed the QR code in the in the batch so that
at least a batch can be traced out and on the child side because uh we cannot uh change the current protocol so we
just added a simple QR code printed it on top of the book so while entering the data no physical data inputs no Digital
Data inputs only uh the Asha worker or the or the health worker will be actually scanning both the QR code so
they have to scan the QR code of vaccine and they have then they have to scan the QR code of child if that child is not
vaccinated with this corresponding vaccine they can administer the vaccine and this data will be added to the uh
blockchain or to the to the hyperledger system so this is how the uh the data was actually being collected and within
the mobile application we have also included some alerting mechanism based on the time and date okay if if you
painting if you have some painting vaccines you'll get some alert and also the uh Health Center workers they will
also get some alerts regarding okay this child is not getting vaccinated you have to reach that particular child or mother
and make sure that that child is getting vaccinated and um this alerting mechanism was
also useful for the district level and state level administrators where they can also focus on the coverage and also
for the vaccine manufacturers they can also figure out how much vaccine is actually available in the cold storage
and how much is needed for the upcoming months based on this system so uh uh the stock or the excess stocks or Surplus
stock in the cold storage can be reduced um to a greater extent and they can also ensure that um the fresh vaccines are
being uh received in this corus and they don't want to recall too much of vaccines after the expir date is
happening because recalling the vaccine is a very big challenge they have to go through every vaccin expir date and they
have to recall it which was quite difficult so uh in most of the health centers uh once the vaccine is getting
expa uh they are not using proper mechanisms they are just throwing it uh to thrash or something of that kind
happens proper recing was not happening in many health centers that was one important challenge which was also uh
getting address with immunos can we just move to the next slide so this was the final architecture
which was actually approved by the government of India for uh implementing the imuno chain uh you can see from the
uh district and um State Centers the vaccine moves uh to the corresponding uh Primary Health Centers with proper QR
code and at the session again this is properly being administered so uh no kind of physical entry happens right if
the QR codes which are being validated by the government of India is being printed on this vaccine VES they can
scan the qr4 once and they can administer the vaccine if they're going to scan it multiple times or if they're
going to take it for multiple times uh you can you can always have an alerting mechanism telling like okay this is a
duplicate entry or this a return entry and same is a case with the beneficiary side that is the child side they can
verify U this corresponding vaccine like uh they go with a mobile application or a book with a QR code uh by simply
scanning the uh digital version of the book they can actually uh make sure that okay this corresponding child needs a
vaccine and they have to uh get the vaccine at this corresponding uh instant so both this matching happens we we
maintain two separate um Ledges for it because uh the vaccination um chain it have to be monitored by the B B and M
Foundation Donas and many other uh people but the beneficiary chain which is mostly a very uh secure record which
have to be only with the directorate of health services and the concerned uh central government and state government
Department only it will not go outside to other uh Parts this is what we um C out with the imun and can you just go
down the next slide obviously as we have leverage almost every features of the hyperledger
which was provided it gives a complete transparency and traceability to all the vaccines which were there and we can
also have a very good data monitoring and decision making effort because we have credible data being stored in the
in the Hyer sort at that time and it also reduce the time and effort uh drastically uh because it was completely
automated I have the metrics of the um time consumed in in the coming slides you can you can see that also the mobile
application at the since it was completely on the physical Ledges we introduced a mobile application but I
think right now uh many states have introduced their own ealth application which also integrates this um mobile
mobile health records and also the government of India have given the Uno app as well as myi app for the uh uh
primary health workers after the covid vaccine scenario so they are also trying to use it uh can we move to the next
slide yeah uh so this was the uh thing uh typically it took around five to six minutes for a vaccine to be administered
and you can see long cues of mothers taking their child to to vaccination and it was uh reduced almost just 45 seconds
that is there the time for getting the vaccine and making it recording so we have tested it in almost 26 plus uh
Primary Health Centers in in the district of trandum and I think around 600 to 700 children were also getting
vaccinated so uh typically the vaccine Drive uh runs for an entire day but after implementing this immun they can
wind it up in just 1 hour or two hour based on the crowd and the waiting time was almost zero you don't have to carry
your child and wait in Long cues or waiting um sunlight outside you can simply come get the vaccine and uh move
move forward that was the system which we develop and the we have also interacted with the parents that is
basically mothers and uh the care because they were also willing to use a dig RCS book so that their data is also
securely being stored in this uh records and they also get a proper alert mechanism when they have to get the next
vaccine all those things were properly alerted and um that that was a important highlight of this solution so you don't
have to worry about uh keeping um track of that physical book because many parents lose their physical book many
times and they won't be remembering when to take the next vaccine because and very early what we have seen is like in
the very early days of a child right from the birth till the age of three or four parents will be remembering the
vaccine schedules but once the children are growing up um uh the the vaccine intervals are getting longer and parents
May somehow lose their books or they may they may um forget to take these vaccines say for example some additional
vaccines were also being included like the numo cocal vaccine the vitamin A um supplement for every six months like is
there there are many uh additional vaccines which were introduced by state based on uh certain geographic
conditions so all those things were um uh missed by some parents because they were busy with their own their own daily
Co and they were missing that so uh this kind of alert mechanism also helped to improve the coverage uh for the primary
health centers and they can also achieve their Target in a in a genuine fashion can you can move to the next
slide yeah this is uh this is about the pilot think we we piloted uh in 201920 time there was the the pre-co
scenario in around uh 26 uh Primary Health Centers and almost I would say 600 plus children were vaccinated during
the pilot with the permission of government of Kerala through the kisk as well as the health and family welfare
department uh they were they were given permission for the uh QR Q printing as well as on administrating the vaccines
and these were some of the uh prominent centers which we uh which we selected for piloting this phase along with the
junior Health Inspectors of uh government so all this process was completely under the control of um the
Department of Health and the directorate of Health Services because uh as technical people we are not uh directly
mandated to handle a vaccine the vaccine have to be definitely handled by a proper doctor or or a medical Medical
Professional only we cannot directly go and handle a vaccine so uh we we just keep track of what is happening in the
back end with the technology part and whether it's providing the correct results but the real real Administration
is still happens with the uh doctor's for yeah can we go to the next slide so as I mentioned uh we are in
discussion with icmr for integration with the myi application so uh the plans have to be changed after the covid
scenario because in the pre-o scenario the idea was that after the uh roll out in Kerala we were given almost 15
locations across India but due to the covid lockdown and other related things icmr was completely stopping all those
operations and icmr because of the covid vaccination they were also looking forward for uh similar Solutions but we
also presented the immuniz for covid vaccine to uh but then some some Central regulations came like okay they will be
having their own mobile applications on not uh moving to any any other external applications so they actually created
this uh myi myi application and we are also selected for the phase two of implementation as a as a pan India roll
out but we are yet to uh receive the the complete U regulations and guidelines regarding the roll out we have submitted
this entire code to uh government of India as well as to icmr so that will be a fully integrated mobile application
for health Healthcare officials as well as uh all the beneficiaries and they won't it to be in a multilingual format
So currently this supports uh Hindi English and Malayalam languages we want it to happen in all the 28 languages uh
which are alive in uh India and to generate the um blockchain uh based thing we we have to complete uh QR code
enabl vaccine certificate which we are currently uh issuing uh for the uh for for the government uh government uh
trained professionals as well as for those who are actually getting uh vaccin so that that part is also being
suggested by icmr to to be included uh in in in the future version of imuno chain can I can I go to the next
slide yeah this was a publication which we uh made made on this Dimension and we also have a completely open source code
uh in the giab can you go to the next slide um yeah this is some screenshots of our
uh professionals also U talking with the healthcare professionals while administering uh in in the pilot phase
it was mostly in trandum so you can see the physical Ledges as well as the mobile application we we did it both
parall and we trained them to uh use use those um Solutions and they were uh even even after the trials they were actually
using this solution for their own purpose until covid scenario because after covid they were having a complete
shift in this uh scenario so all these 26 Health Centers were uh utilizing this immun solution in a full- flesh uh
manner uh till till the co time can can we move to the next slide this is a demo uh I think this actually
available in the uh uh YouTube YouTube channel of Kella blockchain Academy it's the working of the entire um um solution
that is the entire mobile application once you're free you can just search it so that is all about the immun chain
application and currently as as I mentioned it was initially in the hyperia So So currently we are actually
uh having a team which is migrating the entire uh thing into hypa fabric because you know like is Curr not uh um
completely available its Arch so we we have teams who are working with hyp fabric on it and we also have couple of
uh queries from the private sector also private sector primarily for the electronic health records because we we
were working with some electronic health record management systems using hypa fabric so uh in in that Dimension also
the work is progressing but our primary target as I already mentioned our primary target was this have to be uh
used by the government of India mostly for the vaccin ad ministration vacine traceability along with the Department
of biotechnology so we are still in discussion with those uh Team so that we can uh integrate it full flesh to the
entire government and we can also scale it up to other uh geographies say like there were some interesting things as um
Dr Anu was mentioning we have students from across the world we have students from almost 65 plus countries and with
this open source code uh we have some students who are from some um African countries from the East African area who
were trying to do the same uh approach or who were trying to uh utilize the same approach for their own Geographic
areas with they have made some Pilots they have made some uh small pocs and showcase to their government but I'm I'm
yet to get in a further response from them so it's a fully opport SC we are also looking for collaborators who can
actually take it further because uh we we want this to be adapted uh to all levels and benefit every every human
being who are who are into this vaccine field yeah I think that's all from from my
side if you have any queries uh feel free to ask and we would be happy to collaborate with uh more on the
healthcare side in hypera once again thank you thank you so much Anu and the hypa team for giving me an opportunity
to interact with you guys thank you so much thank you AR that was actually a wonderful uh demonstration like um so if
uh your people have any questions please feel free to ask him yeah no I think um yeah most of most of
the participants are from um Alum and KBS so they actually know the solution very well they are yeah no not just the
solution anything related to that also you are free to ask and Raja like uh you were uh planning to work on something uh
on the health records right so if you have any queries please feel free to ask him yeah sure uh Dres um this is a great
um initiative and I can see U all the good work that um has been put up by K blockin Academy so
congratulations um for for coming up with a great solution a couple of queries on that architecture okay so you
mentioned uh there are two QR codes one QR code which comes from the vaccine maker and then there's another QR code
that is generated by your system right um yeah so the the vaccine maker does not put the QR code the QR code and
vaccines was actually issued by the director of Health Services say the vaccines would be procured by the
respective Health Service uh Department which is from the from the government itself uh so they will be uh they will
be putting putting the um uh QR code on vac so in our initial proposal it was like as you rightly rightly pointed out
every vaccine well should have the QR code like if the manufacturer is manufacturing that particular vaccine
each V should have the QR code but for that they need to have a lot of regulatory changes because the vaccine
vs are very Min uh bottles which which have very small area for printing so adding a QR code in that needs lot of um
reconfigurations and all so for the for the piloting what icmr suggested as was like per batch the the government will
be issuing the QR code so uh that that was how that that bat number QR code was issued and it was actually printed per
batch so again um there is always a a a minor chance of malpractice like batch means it may have around 10 10 vs or
five vs or 20 vs so if uh for the for the entire 10 vs there'll be only only a single QR code which means like if
someone uh may be able to swap between that uh that two vaccine V that is also possible unless you have into ual QR
codes so the the other one that is on on the beneficiary side we were actually issuing we were issuing in the sense
like we went to the uh Primary Health Centers and each and every Health Center they have a unique ID for each and every
rbook that is a reproductive child health book and that that ID we were actually printing it with the uh book so
that in in the mobile app also it was integrated so even if you are losing your book and many many parents will not
be remembering or recollecting the complete rch ID but they they will they will remember their own mobile number so
with that mobile number you can generate an OTP and you can get the rch ID as well as the uh QR code so um from the
from the administration side they'll be just scanning only the Q QR code of both the sites they will not be doing any
manual entry at the administration side okay so so in the physical rch the QR code uh you're going to past the QR
code that is being generated by the system uh yeah for the for the pilot yeah for the for the piloting uh we did
uh did in that fashion and we have also uh given the uh the QR integrated design for r book printing because r book was
is always printed state wise say every state have their own uh printing facility for RCS book with some unique
code and all so we we suggested with the um DHS like whenever they going to print the RC book uh you you can integrate it
in a QR based fashion uh provided uh they have the mother's detail because if if a mother if an expectant mother is
registering with the nearest um angen with Asha worker then only they will be issuing the book so once once a mother
is registering with the uh details like uh the mother's name address and other other details they will be giving some
bank account details and all so you can you can print out the book with those details with the uh QR code that's what
we suggested but for the pilot we just uh um printed the QR separately and pasted it on on the uh uh existing uh
books okay thanks thanks for the clarification one last question after you move to hypa fabric um who all will
be the participants of the network along with icmr uh yeah so for the for the initial
um pilot with the the the participants where the the dor of Health Services because first
there is a director of health services and with the district level notes so we were having notes within the trivandrum
I think for the 26 Primary Health Centers we have set up around four or five notes based on the uh localities of
talur Village we we have set up that and for the national level implementation obviously we we will have the state
level um um directorates as well as the the national directorates plus uh we also suggested the the vaccine um donors
who who are a part of this but that that needs more more clearances from the icmr side so obviously icmr will be will be a
part of it so ideally around around six to seven uh parties will be um running running the
notes at least six to seven will be thanks Dr rades okay um yeah
thank I questions from the participants so AES you were uh telling about that electronic health records
project right is it running or you are planning to start it no it's it's still in the in the piloting phase we we have
some uh queries it's not from the government side because the government is having their own ealth records but uh
there are some other Healthcare Providers and the medical insurance providers who yeah who are interested to
uh to create uh health records as once they were they seeing the imuno chain uh the the healthcare and insurance
providers they are very keen on having such systems where if uh if you have received all the proper vaccinations
maybe you can uh get some incentiv or rewards while taking your Healthcare premium or the insurance premium so
similarly uh they they want to have such electronic health record systems which can be uh used along along with the
partner hospitals and all so that's still in the very very early stages we are we are still working out on on such
things because we we got queries from multiple sites where they they are having multiple um opportunities so uh
we we need to have a a common um what you call a common concern should be there between these parties because most
of them have their own individual systems and integrating that will be quite
challenging so our primary focus was something from the government side if that happens because so for example in
vaccination also in India 95 to 96% of entire vaccination happens in the government side only less than 4%
happens in the private sector so uh that record is very very crucial and if we have a proper identity management
solution like hyp r or something on on top of it so that the the data sharing becomes more um what you call you can
have a credible data sharing so that the data is not misused by other parties and so we are also looking for the
government Channel primar we are we are even though it is more timeconsuming I completely understand that uh we need to
get all the sanctions and regulations but still we we are looking forward for more uh government related uh um
strategy because Healthcare is a very um crucial part so that's great if yeah if you're working with the private Partners
also we are also a fully government own Institute so we have our own limitations and Regulatory challenges when working
with the private players and also okay that things we are still in the very early stages we we have not yet launched
anything on top of that but we very keen on working on that okay so like um uh will you be doing that also in hyper
Leger only or like you are planning for some other yes we we are no we we are completely planning it on Hy fabric
that's what actually government is like if it is blockchain applications it wants only the hypy
fabric right yeah exactly exactly yes so we we are completely planning Hy fabric so this solution why we start with Hy s
is like we had support from Intel at that time intel was also very key on supporting it and we built couple of
solutions along with Intel on hyp S on supply chain and other things for the corporate and once this came uh okay
Intel Intel team was also supporting KB and that's why we actually into s but later on Intel completely int Bangalore
team was there so the Intel Bangalore team they completely moved on to fabric and other other hyp techniqus and I
think yeah the hyp fa s is now archived so we are also mainly focusing on fabric now fabric only right okay that's that's
good because even I am getting some inputs from the people who are involved in government like fabric will be the
like in next four five years from most of the applications they are going to use fabric because we are working on
consensus even in Bal like uh we started working on B bft and it's now posted as a open source
project so like uh it's a consensus fabric fa fabric will be having like we are an official training partner to uh
npca the National Train corporations of India we are offering training to Dro so all all these government agencies they
are looking into blockchain primarily as a permission l or permission and they on hyper fabric orimar flavors
Hy ising they their own internal Network similar to that of H Fabric or something is what they are also looking so uh all
these all these government agencies are very very key on understanding that's why they are actually connecting K to
learn more on hypa fabric how things are working with hypa fabric yes how they can set up their own their own hypure
notes within their institution their own private networks uh and also collaborate multi multi parties EOS hyp fabric
everyone is actually behind behind hyp Fabric in the Indian Indian context and no one is no one is moving towards the
token systems or anything so uh we we will'll be definitely seeing adoptions because we know NPC everyone is actually
behind the complete banking sect everything that comes into yeah so that's great that's great
talking with you and like uh I hope like you are open for collaborations also uh yeah definitely definitely we are
open for collaborations to okay that's great like part of that's always open be open for
that yeah thank you thank you everyone like and thank you Dr rades and kba team like uh
so please join for the next meeting also it is on September 18th so like uh we will I will post uh about the agenda in
between I will send a mail because like I have to finalize the presenter so we will come up with a
different uh person or like those who have already presented itself I have to pull them in so see you all have a good
night Elizabeth have a great day thank you thank you thank you you too yeah byebye
Heads up!
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