Welcome to the Linux Foundation Decentralized Trust in Healthcare Special Interest Group! We are excited to share our vision of building a better tomorrow through innovative solutions and open-source collaborations. This article summarizes an insightful meeting held on the 16th of September, where we discussed our updated focus and introduced the Pharma Chain project—a revolutionary system designed to enhance drug traceability in the pharmaceutical industry through blockchain technology.
The Purpose of the Pharma Chain
Pharma Chain is an initiative aimed at tackling critical challenges that the pharmaceutical industry faces, particularly the issue of counterfeit drugs, which pose serious risks to public health. With the current supply chain often lacking in transparency and traceability, our goal is to create a trustworthy system that ensures the authenticity of pharmaceutical products throughout their lifecycle—from manufacturing to end user.
The Challenge with Counterfeit Drugs
Every year, millions of counterfeit drugs infiltrate the market, leading to dire consequences for patients and the healthcare system as a whole. To combat this, the Pharma Chain employs blockchain technology, which enhances transparency and traceability of drug products, thus maintaining trust within the healthcare ecosystem. \n- Key Problems Addressed:
- Counterfeit drugs risking public health
- Lack of supply chain transparency and traceability
- Issues related to compliance and trust in pharmaceutical systems
Understanding Pharma Chain Architecture
The Pharma Chain architecture relies on a collaborative model involving various stakeholders within the supply chain:
Participants in the Pharma Chain Network
- Manufacturer: Creates drugs and ensures their authenticity.
- Controller: Verifies the authenticity of drugs and certifies their quality.
- Distributor: Distributes drugs to pharmacies and healthcare providers.
- Pharmacist: Sells certified drugs to customers.
- Customer: The end user who purchases drugs.
The Supply Chain Flow
- Manufacturing: The manufacturer creates drugs and records essential details (e.g., drug name, ID, expiry date) onto the blockchain.
- Verification: The controller authenticates the drug, certifying it as genuine before proceeding to distribution.
- Distribution: The distributor receives the verified drug from the manufacturer.
- Pharmacy Sales: Pharmacies can confidently sell certified drugs to customers, reinforced by verifiable data from the blockchain.
- Customer Verification: Customers can trace the origin and authenticity of their drugs by scanning QR codes linked to the blockchain.
Advantages of Implementing Blockchain in Pharma Chain
- Enhanced Transparency: Blockchain allows all stakeholders to see the drug's journey and verify its authenticity at any point.
- Traceability: Enables tracking of drugs throughout the entire supply chain—from manufacturing to retail.
- Reduction of Counterfeit Drugs: Establishes a reliable system that reduces the chances of counterfeit products entering the market.
- Improved Supply Chain Efficiency: The digitization of transactions and record-keeping minimizes paperwork and improves operational efficiency.
Smart Contracts in Pharma Chain
The backbone of the Pharma Chain is composed of smart contracts that automate critical actions within the supply chain:
- Drug Contract: Includes functionalities for creating, viewing, and certifying drugs.
- Order Contract: A private contract detailing orders placed between the manufacturer and distributor, safeguarding sensitive information.
Challenges and Solutions
While implementing a blockchain system presents challenges, notably in terms of network setup and stakeholder engagement, the benefits far outweigh these hurdles. The use of permissioned blockchain (like Hyperledger Fabric) ensures confidential handling of sensitive information while facilitating information sharing among authorized participants.
The implementation of Pharma Chain represents a significant step towards enhancing drug traceability and authenticity in the pharmaceutical industry. Through collaborative efforts, open-source participation, and the innovative use of blockchain technology, we can create a transparent and trustworthy healthcare system.
Get Involved
If you're interested in joining this movement towards decentralization and transparency in healthcare, we encourage you to connect with us! Participate in our upcoming events, subscribe to our mailing list, and become part of a community dedicated to building a better tomorrow.
Next Meeting: October 16th, 8:30 PM IST / 3:00 PM GMT / 11:00 AM ET. Don't miss the chance to learn more about the developments in this field!
all right and we are live here hello everyone welcome to Linux Foundation decentralized trust hyper
Healthcare special interest group we are like uh on 16th of September we have changed our name and we have merch into
the bigger umbrella so welcome everyone and so here like all are welcome we follow the same principles
like it is a community by people for people to develop better uh future for everyone and why we are doing it we are
building a better tomorrow together and like we have a number of channels like communication channels please join with
us and uh uh contribute in your and start your open source Journey so like here like we have different types of
members um General members are there associate members are there so the member benefits if you see like you uh
get get to know the thought leadership like you showcase your technical uh skills as well as leadership skills and
like uh you get back a lot also and not only that you are marketing your brand you're marketing your products and you
have a better community to support yourself and these are different uh uh links I hope still now it is accessible
and we will be sharing the new links with you uh very soon and let me stop sharing the screen and uh I will
go ahead with today's meeting minutes one second yes today's meeting
agenda I hope my screen is visible yes yes thank you
yeah so like if any new people have joined please do uh in ruce yourself and like here like uh and today's so like
yeah we have the antitrust policy the Linux Foundation antitrust policy please uh use this link and go through
that and today the upcoming events today like uh uh soya Chandra from Kerala blockchain academy uh she is working as
a R&D engineer she will be presenting the part ma chain a blockchain based drug traceability system and then uh
like there is another announcement if you anyone is uh near the Cincinnati on 26th of uh September there is lfd Meetup
so please make yourself available for that and the previous presentations are uh available and along with the links
like all the YouTube links are there if you click that uh date it will be there and next month Dr sonali Patel will be
uh giving a presentation so that's all from my side and the stage is yours soya please go
ahead okay thank you and please introduce yourself also okay in detail okay e
one minute yeah you can click the slide show I think so yeah yeah it's correct something
happened yeah like the slides slideshow you are just crossing that uh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's okay but it's just yeah
okay take your time uh Jimmy you have joined earlier also
right yes I was on the other call too yeah thank you and uh Manish is that your first
time yes it's my first time yeah can you introduce yourself please yes I'm Manish masan from tandum and I'm
a blockchain student that's great so you are also a part of kba yes I'm a part of kba
student yeah welcome back Monica so today also you will be enjoying like whatever soya is going
to yeah yes with us thank you for reminding and sharing the link yeah welcome
welcome and please create your uh LF ID okay and uh subscribe to the mailing list so it
will be better like every time you'll be getting the notification hi
Elizabeth Hi how are you hanging in there thank you yeah
welcome har is this your first time uh har possible could you introduce yourself
yeah thank you soya go pleas okay sorry for the delay uh once again I'm welcome you all myself uh and
before that good evening to you all okay myself so Chandra I'm working as a r&t engineer in Kera blockchain
Academy so uh in this session uh I'm speaking about uh farma chain actually uh what is
former chain means it is a blockchain based Tru traceability system so in this session I'm speaking how a blockchain
can address critical challenges in the for pharmaceutical industry and the solution for eliminating the counterfeit
of drugs to enhancing the supply chain transparency okay so what are the problems we are facing now okay
currently we all are facing the counterfeit of drugs is it is it okay we all are facing the counterfeit of drugs
that may pose a significant risk to Public Health sometimes it may have cause f ality also so the current supply
chain system often a lack of transparency and traceability so uh this uh pharmaceutical uh supply chain
application we are implement we implemented in a blockchain based uh blockchain system we can improve the
traceability and transparency of that particular system so for that we uh introduced a solution that is Pharma
chain actually Pharma chain is a blockchain based direct traceability system that enhances the uh transparency
of the pharmaceutical products so the drug traceability is not just a compliance it's about saving life and
maintaining the trust in the Healthcare System every year millions of counterfeit drugs are entered into the
market that may cause a severe health issues sometimes it may cause the ferality also so these problems we can
uh reduce or avoid by using this type of solutions this type of Pharma Chain Solutions Pharma chain is a blockchain
based direct traceability system so in this system this uh the system enable the stakeholders to authenticate the
drugs at every stage of the supply chain every stage means from the manufacturer to the end user the the manufacturer to
customer so who is uh produced this uh drugs who is making the drugs is it a authorized manufacturer or it is a fake
manufacturer manufacturer that all things can be uh identified or verified by the
system so and after that that is this is verified by a controller and after that it is uh given to the end user okay with
the help of some stages all these all these stps all these things are recorded in the blockchains that is how
the stakeholders do who are the part of the supply chain or who are the part of this uh this application they can uh
understand or they can identify the identify the uh drugs authenticity uh through uh through how uh they can
eliminate the counterfeit of trugs from the market so and this is the application
architecture so uh application this is our PHA chain application architecture so in this architecture we have this uh
five participants manufacturer controller distributor customer and pharmacist okay so this manufacturer can
create the drugs who is creating drugs that is manufacturer and after that that drug is verified by this
controller then this verified drug is given to the distributor okay distributor or
pharmacist so this verified drug is uh given to the end user that is customer so this customer can get to the verified
drug that means uh so after this chips the after this uh this phase this drug got certified that certified drug is
available to this distributor or a pharmacist so from this pharmacist this pharmacist can issue the certified drug
to the customer so that is how uh can make a transparency or make a
trustful pharmaceutical system and uh to the Common People okay so this is the application
architecture so so this farach chain application is implemented in a blockchain uh Network
here we are using a permissioned blockchain that is hyperledger fabric because these all this uh drugs or this
medical um medicine uh details all all the things are sensitive informations confidential informations or
confidential things so we are choosing a permissioned blockchain networks that is why uh we are preferring hyp fabric it
is a permission Network so first we have to build a network okay so for that uh Network we
have these five participants manufacturer controller distributor pharmacist and
customer so by using these five participants make a network okay make a fabric Network make
a permissioned network okay after that first we have we make a network or
build a network after that based on the use case okay here our use case is uh tracing the drugs or
providing the transparency of the pharmaceutical system so based on that we are uh creating the uh smart contract
okay so that collection of smart contract we call it as chain code so in the chain code part we have two uh smart
contracts one is truck contract and another one is order contract drug contract means in this drug contract
contains all the basic functionalities of the drugs means how to create a drug then how to read the particular drug and
how to display all the drug details all the basic function functionalities are included in this Dr TR
contract and one more contract is there that is order contract so this order contract is make it as a private
contract between the between the this distributor and the manufacturer and similarly this
pharmacist and the manufacturer why we are making it as a uh private contract because So based on
the order based on the order this manufacturer can issue the batch of medicine to this
distributor okay so this order order details will be uh keep it as private to this Manu between this manufacturer and
distributor okay so the based on the order this manufacturer can uh give uh given to the particular uh medicine
details to the distributor okay so that is the order
contract so after making this network okay after uh creating this
network this is the network of the this phach chain Network okay so this phach chain Network we have these participants
one is manufacturer then uh pharmacist then uh customer then controller and distributor okay all these participants
are included in this network by using these uh participants details we build a network by using hyper
fabric okay then after building the network we based
on the use case based on the use case we uh develop the chain code in our chain code uh we have two contracts that there
are drug contract and Order cont right then we are deploy the particular chain code to the uh the network okay we
already uh described the network with the five participants so this uh chain code is deployed on the particular
Network then after the successfully deploy this chain code to This n uh fabric Network you can see this the
chain code invoke is successful that means the chain code is successfully deployed on the
n okay here some transactions are listed you can see the transactions uh here some uh drugs are created after that one
functionality uh I'm coring that is get all drugs by using this G all drugs you can see all the drugs are
listed okay in that uh drug details you can see one field that is quality that quality is uh quality field is initially
not finalized that means initially the manufacturer create all these drugs with these details what are the details we
want or including that details the manufacturer can uh create the drugs okay here we are using this drug name
drug ID then dat of manufacturer then batch number then the manufacturer name means the manufact company and the date
of expiry and one more field is there quality okay and also origin verified is there origin verified is used to
checking the authentication of the manufacturer if the manufacturer is a genuine licensed manufacturer then this
field will be set as initially it is false after checking the controller this controller can uh replace this field as
Pro okay then after that uh you can get this result this is the final result there in Dru contract
you can see the certified drug in certified drug F function uh the particular drug is the certified okay so
this drug is certified by the controller in controller there is a function set drug Quality Function so this Setra
Quality Function is initiated by the controller one of the par participant in our Network so that controller can set
the drug quality as suppose the drug quality by checking the drugs details it's authentication it's uh manufacturer
details and its a uh date of expiry know by checking all that details the drug controller can set the quality as good
or bad okay if the quality is good then the drug is certified with certified if the the quality is uh not
good bad then that particular drug is not certified okay so likewise this
certified drug is passed to the customer the end user so the end user can check this uh particular drug is certified or
not likewise suppose this is a sample application or sample demonstration
likewise we can ass set it as suppose imagine you are a pharmacist then uh suppose you the receiving a shipment of
a new batch of medication uh you simply scan we can set in the uh set a QR code setting in in the controller part also
okay that the controller can set a QR code also in this functionality so this pharmacist can uh simply scan this QR
code then then see the complete journey of the this particular drug that means who is manufactur manufacturing this
particular drug and when it is uh made and uh what is the expired date of this medicine and this particular
manufacturer is a licensed manufacturer or not all that things we can track with by scanning this QR code
scan okay so then this by confidently this particular pharmacist can sell this particular medicine to the customer or
patient okay so this is the pmer chain blockchain based tra traceability system and
also uh in this farmer chain uh these are benefits of the uh farma chain uh Fara
for in the case of Manufacturers can reduce the risk of the counterfeit of drugs okay so that is how they can this
manufacturers can enhance the transparency supply chain transparency and the case of
Distributors Distributors can simply tracking and uh reduces the paperwork so all these transaction all these
operations are recorded in the blockchain if it is immutable uh so so this uh this can simplifies okay
simplifies and tracking may be easy so for for that this improve the overall operations operation efficiency
also improves in the case of Distributors and similarly the pharmacy case I already uh told this pharmacist
can uh confidently uh confidently sell their medicine to the customers because uh by through that QR code
through that certified drug uh they can ensure that it is a certified it is a good medicine so they can confidently
sell uh sell the particular medicine to the customers and the customer end user that
is customers can easily track the origin and the what are the Journey of the particular medicine who is uh made by
this medicine and when it is created and uh what are the operation so what are the operations uh happens on that
particular medicine all that things can be tracked by the customer so through that this uh traceability of the drug uh
drugs is a traceability of drug is very helpful in this uh when it is implemented in
blockchain so uh in Pharma chain uh application drug tra traceability uh in direct
traceability is a powerful and secure uh secure operations because it is implemented in uh implemented as a
blockchain Solutions okay so any questions you can ask
uh thank you soya it was a very good uh presentation and Jim you can go ahead like uh you can unmute and you can speak
thanks um just one question so we have a um a drug contract um that and we have an order
contract the order says you know I want to order that drug I assume the drug contract and this is what I don't know
the drug contract does defines the drug itself as a product and whether or not that drug is has been certified so I
assume the drug contract deals with the drug as a product correct drug is yeah drug is actually in
drug contract contain the basic functionalities of the drugs if suppose how to create the
drugs and uh how to view the drug that type of basic functionalities are included in the drug contract right so
when I look at your whole ecosystem which makes sense to me um we first have to create the drug the controller has to
certify the drug as being a valid drug after that in theory the drug is now certified and available to be ordered by
somebody on the network um so at that uh by a distributor let's say so the distributor can place an order for that
drug because it's been certified as part of that somewhere I assume there's actually inventory uh there's an
inventory contract I'm guessing am I right about that sorry because when I place an order
for the drug that order quantity for a certain date and time and location that's what the order
is going to be for the drug so somewhere there would have to be a contract to fulfill the inventory that that order um
requires as a shipment correct correct actually uh nobody can inter inter interact with the order contract
because in order contract there is a uh file is there because that is a private contract why it is called a private
contract means uh there is some file that file we call it as collection file so that in that collection file we
mentioned to the participants list or me Members list so only that members can interact with the order contract if supp
the members of that collection file is manufacturer and distributor then that distributor and manufacturer can only uh
interact with the order contract yes it makes sense to me that the order contract is a private contract between
the parties in the order which would be the supplier and whoever the uh uh uh client is that's placing the order
that's a private contract that makes sense my question is what I don't see in the network model is somewhere they're
actually has to be inventory uh to fulfill the order you can't just say here's an order contract somewhere there
has to be inventory that you're consuming to fill that order correct
yes okay so all I'm saying is I didn't in the model I I understand it makes sense to me what you'd explain the drug
contract does that makes a lot of sense then separately once I have the manufacturer saying okay this drug has
now been certified I as a manufacturer can start producing the drug creating inventory to your point as you showed
there is an order contract the network so a customer can place an order uh for that drug from the manufacturer all I
was saying is it does look like somewhere in there there's conceptually an inventory contract that tracks the
inventory ins and outs as that drug is produced by the manufacturer so that it can be shipped to the uh client to
fulfill the order if that makes sense yes yes yes okay all right thanks thanks for answering the question
okay e any other questions and I could see there are uh
uh few new joiners do you want to introduce yourselves you can unmute and introduce
yourself thank you Jim and thanks for the questions also
so any more questions from the audience uh okay then once again thank you soya and uh like our next meeting
will be on [Music]
um October 16th at the same time that is uh 8:30 p.m. uh Indian Standard Time 300 p.m.
GMT 11: a.m. ET and I suppose for uh us it is 800 a.m. right I I suppose that that's the right
time uh yes for Pacific you're right it is 8 8 yeah yeah thank you thank you
so I hope this Jim has cleared that doubt yes you did yeah I was just looking for that one I didn't see it on
the diagram but conceptually you're right it does exist so yeah thanks for clearing that up I appreciate it okay
thank you and we have uh Carl join from South Africa thank you for joining Carl and
uh yeah sharani you have something to say you have joined for the first time right yes Jim thank
you we will have the introductions and then we will also drop yes yes shikar you can introduce yourself
aay tambi do you want introduce yourself there is one more person thees hello ma'am am I audible yeah now you
are audible hello everyone I'm shikar Rani I am a research scholar from Banaras in
University in computer science department I am also working on vaccine supply chain with blockchain and I have
a lot of doubt that's why I'm join this meeting and I have uh I have uh the knowledge about this meeting through a
friend he suggest me to join this meeting maybe I can get my answer of my queries
yes that's great and all the best for your research as well as like uh uh get your LF
IDs created uh Linux Foundation IDs so uh and like uh subscribe to the
groups like uh this is the uh Healthcare special interest group and you will be getting the mailing that when you are
into that mailing West you will be getting the notifications and you can uh go and
check the calendar invites so that also you can download and keep it so the meeting notification will also be
coming and okay ma'am yeah uh ma'am uh can I get some email ID like so Chandra ma' IND yours where I
can uh put my queries directly to you okay so like
uh with hyperia I have my this
ID let me put it over here it is B
bft at B world so I use it only for this open source purpose so you can especially for this
uh uh LX Foundation projects so we have aay tambi here he yeah like anyone
want yeah you can go ahead please thank you ma'am for this email ID thank you so much yeah uh soya if you
want to share your ID please do and you can connect with um Kera blockchain people also they too will be uh happy to
help you and we have aay t over here he is a student at Kerala blockchain Academy so thank you aay for joining
even though you are on travel we have Nira here thank you Nira so if anyone want to like yeah you
want to share [Music] something okay okay
hi Carl you want to speak yeah that's fine uh has some mic issues that's
fine um so anyone want to share anything to The Forum nothing like we can uh land of the
meeting today like yeah soya has also shared the email ID you can see that
shika thank you soya okay thank you yeah once again thank you everyone and thank you soya it
was a great presentation and like we could get the details of what Pharma chain does and it is a very useful
application also thank you very much okay thank you everyone have a
great day good night and car says thank you so much from South
Africa yes uh we know that we are a international Forum so
like have a good day good evening good night thank you
Heads up!
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