The belief that farming can be a lucrative business is more than just a myth; it is a reality for many farmers in India today. This article explores the dynamics of how certain farmers are turning their agricultural practices into profitable enterprises, effectively becoming millionaires by leveraging agriculture science, technology, and strategic crop management. In a conversation with Sidhar Deani, co-founder of Bhat Agri, we delve into the insights of turning agriculture into a gold mine, discussing various elements such as technology integration, crop selection, market savvy, and sustainable practices.
The Reality of Wealth in Farming
Rich Farmers in India
Across every state in India, there are clusters of wealthy farmers enjoying luxuries that many could only dream of—BMWs, Mercedes, and sprawling farmlands. But what distinguishes these affluent farmers from the rest?
- Smart Crop Selection: These farmers meticulously choose high-value crops based on thorough market research. They prioritize growing fruits and spices, including strawberries, grapes, and pomegranates, which are both high in domestic demand and have export potential.
- Professional Farm Management: Successful farmers often treat their farms as professional businesses. They invest in advanced technologies, employ agronomists, and use data-driven decisions to maximize their yield and profits.
- Understanding Agricultural Science: The connection between farming and science is vital. Recognizing the complexities of crop growth, seasonal changes, and climate variations allows farmers to adapt and optimize their practices.
Achieving Higher Yields
How Do Some Farmers Succeed?
Farmers in Australia grow five times more rice per acre than Indian farmers, thanks to the scientific approach to agriculture. Here are several steps Indian farmers can take to improve their yields:
- Choose the Right Crop: By selecting crops with a proven market, like black pepper and turmeric, farmers can ensure a steady income.
- Perfect the Growing Techniques: Investing time in understanding soil health, nutrient management, and pest control can lead to better growth and higher yields.
- Utilize Technology: Mobile apps and advanced agricultural technologies like those offered by Bhat Agri provide farmers with crucial data on weather patterns, pest predictions, and nutrient management.
Key Steps to Choosing the Right Crop
Water Availability
Water availability is crucial. Farmers should check for a perennial water supply before selecting land. Areas in Western Maharashtra are known for their reliable water sources and should be prioritized. Literally, having just one reliable water source can dictate whether a farming venture will thrive or flop.
Soil Quality
Soil tests (both physical and chemical) are essential for determining fertility. Farmers need to know if their land can support high-value crops:
- Types of Soil: Black and fertile soil are preferable. Sandy soils are less desirable due to their low water retention.
- Testing: Bhat Agri offers soil testing services, allowing farmers to make informed choices about crop selection based on soil health.
Climate Conditions
Understanding the local climate and rainfall patterns can guide decisions:
- Temperature Ranges: Ideal temperature conditions (15-30°C) can be crucial for different crops. High variability can lead to crop failure.
Market Accessibility
Proximity to markets is a vital consideration:
- Selling Perishables: For perishable crops like strawberries and tomatoes, the nearest market should be easily accessible to ensure the quality of produce is maintained.
Growing the Crop Perfectly: Practical Management Techniques
Nutrient Management
Effective nutrient management parallels the dietary needs of humans. Each crop needs specific nutrients at different growth stages. Bhat Agri provides calendars and guides tailored for each crop to optimize nutrient intake.
Pest and Disease Control
Preventing pests from damaging crops is essential:
- Integrated Pest Management: Seasonal planning, monitoring, and intervention strategies ensure that crops are protected from pests.
Water and Irrigation
Regular monitoring of soil moisture and effective irrigation management ensures crops are adequately watered, tailored to the specific needs of each crop.
Weed Management
Controlling weed growth is vital to ensure crops can fully utilize the nutrients available in the soil. Farmers can utilize mechanical and chemical means to manage weeds regularly.
Farming is indeed a potential goldmine for those who take a structured approach to it. By integrating technology, understanding market dynamics, and adopting best practices in crop management, farmers in India have the opportunity to thrive. The success stories are real; with organizations like Bhat Agri providing essential insights and resources, it's a transformative time for agriculture in the country. With the right mindset, knowledge, and tools, Indian farmers can achieve wealth and sustainability in their practices, leading to a prosperous agricultural future.
farming a gold m is this a myth or reality we have clusters in every state in India where you can find amazingly
Rich Farmers uh they will have cars that we can't even imagine sidhar deani co-founder at bat agre as he talks about
the company's mission of Bridging the Gap between technology and agriculture in India harat agre offers Farmers app
based platform for AI based Agronomy services with a vision to reach out to 140 million Indian
farmers what are these BMW and Mercedes owning farmers do right which is turning them into Millennials what would be my
approach to choosing the right crop a country like Australia which is not even an agrarian economy grows five times
more rice per unit acre of land as compared to India five times per unit acre yes because we tend to hear so many
news about the farmer suicide and farming not being viable and the farmer struggling Diwali time marold will be
like 200 rupes a kilo otherwise you'll get it for 5 rup it has to be the agriculture science plus a business
aspect of it when to go this farmer became a millionaire by growing tomato I have a lot of friends who have got 100
Acre farms and they still not rich this the reason [Music]
because hi guys good morning hi thank you so much for being here and like I just told you off record I very excited
to have you because my uncle has given me a lot of questions to ask you because he's extremely passionate about farming
he works in an IT company and my other Uncle works in the US and they both are so passionate that even in the US
backyard he tells me with a lot of Pride that you know what backyard and um so today I kind of
going to do a podcast on their behalf to try and understand the Market in India and if you tell my uncle in the US that
he could make decent money in India by doing farming I'm sure he will directly move okay to that extent they're
passionate and uh the other thing that I'm deeply curious to understand is this Market of farming in general because we
tend to hear so many news about the farmer suicide and farming not being viable and the farmer struggling um but
we also miss out on the bright side which is where farming is an extremely viable business and just like any other
business there are too many constraints but those constraints can be overcome to an extent where you can gain enough
control over the business and there's also a possibility of you doing insanely well in this business and because you
guys have been in this field for about half a decade we want to get a deeper understanding of how to treat farming as
a business and then grow sustainability to an extent where farmers can become millionaires in India if that's clear
shall we get started yes great guys let's start with the first question faring walk me through this is this a
myth or reality uh firstly it's true farming is a gold mine so farming is the oldest
profession that human beings have been involved in more than thousands of years and it wouldn't have survived this long
if it was not profitable to today as proof point we have clusters in every state in India where you can find
amazingly Rich Farmers uh they will have cars that we can't even imagine uh they will have land sizes they will have a
lifestyle that we would have never thought about uh that's because they have actually understood how to make
profits out of the farm these people use latest of the Technologies they import material to be used on Farm like
anything which you can imagine in a very professional Ally run business where there are consultants and then there is
a proper production like that level of management is there in such just to make this
more but generally we have seen it is very common for Farmers to have cars like Fortuner uh once they start seeing
regular good cash flow coming from the the farming profession so they want a powerful
car and the powerful car is actually useful also which can drive in rural areas to Fortuner is like very common um
it's very common for Farmers to use uh bulky SUVs in Mercedes and BMW range yeah in Mercedes and BMW mostly we see
SUVs over there not Sly using SUV BMW and Mercedes very fascinating now tell me what are these
BMW and Mercedes owning farmers do right which is turning them into millionaires got it so a couple of things and let's
go into detail uh which other Farmers or other entrepreneurs who want to get into farming themselves can replicate the
first and foremost is selecting the right crop like in manufacturing you figure out some Commodities value
Market CH you will turn out to be rich whereas if you are still manufacturing radio then the chances that you will
make money is less now identify and fortunately we are in Ana
where information is not a problem to spending a few hours or a few days doing deep research you can find out value for
example India is known for its spices so kind of right kind
ofic and domes value don't depend only on export
find domes value market got it Farmers Farm [Music]
spices the termeric black pepper cardum which you can grow sell in India as well as you can export okay then tea coffee
and tobacco farmers are good in terms of their economic condition Commodities then if you look at fruits
think of yourself as a consumer what fruits you eat regularly and are ready to pay a premium for that not
necessarily for banana right but you ready to do that for strawberry um a lot of it also for grapes mangoes and
pomegranate so there's a domestic Market which is proven people like these fruits and people are ready to pay a premium
for it at the same time there's an export value if you can figure out an export
market then your incomes will increase even further so what these rich Farmers have done they were not born rich but
they selected the right crop that was Point number one crops like strawberry grapes pomogranate or here some spices
now once you have selected the crop the next thing to do is grow it perfectly higher the
value difficult it is to grow that's the natural universal law for everything in life right if things were
easy everyone is doing it and then value goes down like for banana like banana banana is available so cheaply in the
market because it's relatively easy to grow so every farmer grows it Supply is high so even though demand is high the U
value is not that high but strawberry grapes extremely difficult to grow so very handful of farmers have figured out
how to grow it demand continues to remain high so value increases why is the export value High rest of the world
has not yet figured out how to grow grapes really yeah India is one of the top exporter of grapes okay because
grapes is very difficult and even in that if you the export value is for you know residue free grapes what do you
mean by residue free grapes so basically if if the grapes are there and if you test it if there is any uh top residue
of chemicals uh it's very difficult to grow which Indian Farmers have figured out so one
thing um and it would be good for the audience to understand that if you want to export any crop let's say even rice
wheat and grapes pomog it should be residue free what we mean by residue free is that when you're growing a crop
you spray some chemical fertilizers and pesticides and while testing a batch of export container the testing is done and
if any residue of any chemical is found and there are defined parameters everything is highly scientific and
highly objective so if a chemical is found Beyond a particular range then your export gets rejected right then and
there specifically EU came up with lot of regulations on this and eu's regulations are considered a standard
High uh value regulations which then every other country also adopted started adopting got it so the first step is
choose the right crop second step is grow perfectly can we go a little deeper into this okay first let's define all
the steps and then we'll go deeper into each of these steps maybe we can go go into detail now itself okay so growing
perfectly is important let's figure that out what does that mean firstly given the weather conditions and let's take
grapes and strawberries as example they are very difficult crops to grow um a particular crop like grape will have
more than 20 Pest and disease attack during a season one season is generally 6 months
now we know how Seasons work in India um sometimes rainfall can be extreme sometimes it can be extreme in opposite
direction where there's no rainfall so this weather condition will affect a crop like grape significantly then
temperatures can be extreme um even though let's say November is supposed to be winter but sometimes the heat can be
Beyond a particular range or sometimes we expect July to be warm but sometimes it's very cold because of rain so the
weather is something that is not in your control but is extremely important wind speed can be extreme humidity can be
extreme so these parameters that is rainfall temperature humidity and wind speed they affect the growth of any crop
and even more for difficult crops like strawberry grapes and pomogranate and each change in weather condition can
impact what Pest and disease attack will happen which is same as human beings right more change in weather will lead
to some fever cuff or maybe some complicated diseases that's the same thing happens in crop but human Medical
Science has evolved today we are capable to either prevent that disease by maybe let's say staying indoor immunity Etc or
we can control quickly even when we catch the disease but agriculture science at the farmer level has not
evolved so much that they learn how to prevent it based on changing weather conditions or control it once the
disease happens as in there are methods but they not aware of it correct yeah correct got it but grapes farmers are
aware of it and that's why they are rich that's why they have a BMW yeah so they have figured out that if I want to grow
a good crop how do I increase the immunity so much that I'll prevent the pest and disease and in some cases The
Pest and disease attack will happen how do I control it and that's where bhat Agri comes into the picture got it
grapes is just an example but you grow any crop in India we have a portfolio of more than 40 crops
we will guide you how to prevent any pestor disease attack how to increase immunity how to control it and that to
based on changing climatic conditions perfect so let's go deeper into this first step which is how to choose the
right crop so can you help me understand let's take Maharashtra as an example if I choose
Maharashtra because I'm living in Maharashtra what should be my approach to choosing the right crop yeah so the
first and foremost is check how much is water water is available in your farm so once you have selected a farm you can
also select a farm based on how much water there is I think that's better yeah choosing a farm based on how much
water there is correct okay so if you are an entrepreneur who is starting with buying or renting a land then you have
the Liberty to do that but if you are a farmer who has a land from ancestors then you have water how much you have
you going change that now based on my choice of water levels what do you think is a sweet spot for or the water level
for a particular land so two factors first is ideally if your land is near a river or a canal canals which are built
by the government to bring in irrigation to every farm that is ideal uh river water is considered
better and try to have a perennial water supply peral water supply yeah if you are doing this for return on investment
you don't want that 2 to 3 months you are not doing farming at all because of extreme heat where there's no water at
all most of the farmers do that which is what makes farming for them less lucrative just imagine running a
business with 3 months there's no Revenue but your expenses will continue right you need to feed yourselves and
family but that happens with Farmers where in India Feb March and April is an proven fact that it's extreme heat no
rainfall and all your water storage dries up because August Monsoon ends then your water continues till Jan but
from Feb onwards that starts depleting right so now you have no water and you can't do farming so in Maharashtra can
you point out areas where I can get perennial water supply many many Western Maharashtra is famous for that and all
rich Farmers you will see majorly in Western Mahar Western Maharashtra yeah from nask till down solapur Kapur my
fiance's family actually grows grapes wow so now I'll ask her so you know now their money status I do not know that
she's rich now I'll go and talk to her yeah grape farmers are generally rich and I'm assuming they would be in
Western Maharashtra uh grapes are generally grown in Western Maharashtra mostly because of water and climate got
it can you name a few places in Western Maharashtra Sula is in nask Sula nasik and Sula is from a very like our
generation entrepreneur yeah maybe plus 10 years maybe but you know he actually went to us he studied there then he got
into wine production and then he came back and started Sula yeah and yeah so like nasik got famous because of Sula
but they are growing grapes for like last 20 30 years okay so nask is one yeah then uh grapes are also grown in
satara satara Pune District Pune sangi is another place solapur also you know uh Mercedes opened their first
showroom in Kapur really yeah like some many years back but it was started from Kapur because the Quantum of
people rich people was most in Maharashtra very interesting
gra are these locations ideal only for grapes or because they're ideal for grapes they can be ideal for anything
they can be ideal for many more crops so basically now there are secondary tertiary crops which all these grape
Farmers also grow because in agriculture crop rotation is also important you cannot just grow grapes for like 15
years there will be a threee patch you will go grow grapes then probably you will shift to pomogranate which is again
a high value crop will give you equivalent yields but the crop rotation scientifically is required got it so
you're supposed to choose a patch of land which has perennial water supply and if it has a river close by that is
ideal if not if there's a canal that the government has built that is ideal great so the first step water supply is done
any any measure measurement of the water levels that we supposed to make for ground level or ground water or
something like that so ground water is also important uh there are no numbers as such but through your primary
research you have to be confident that water is available here for 12 months 12 months there are a lot of places where
there's no groundw for 2 months but then after rainfall groundw get replenishes but that won't work for your business
you need to have it for 12 months any kilometer range that you can suggest for a place to be considered close to the
river generally we have seen that anything that is more than 1 kilm it doesn't work because you'll need a
pipeline that directly connects either the canal or the river to your farm and that pipeline you will have to build
yourself so you'll have to invest that money okay and Beyond 1 kilomet then the pressure goes down so you'll have to
keep investing in more Motors to continue to build up the pressure then the ROI goes down so closer to the river
the better it is 1 km is a general rule of thumb okay a lot of it changes based on the Civil structure of the area but
that's the rule of thumb got it the water is done what is the next parameter that I'm supposed to consider second is
soil soil your soil should be fertile now what do you mean by fertile um for a Layman you would have seen that when you
touch a soil either it has to be thick and muddy or it is Sandy now anything that is Sandy is less fertile
it's uh it has low water holding capacity and low nutrient holding capacity so a lot of high value crops
cannot be grown there but when anything that is black heavy muddy it has its pren cons but generally it is considered
more fertile you can do some physical soil testing as well as chemical soil testing to understand the fertility of
the soil what what are these tests called so simple soil test but divided into two physical soil test and chemical
soil test got it and that's where again bhat agre comes into the picture as you can see that all of this is complicated
science right as complicated as that you have to do a blood test or you have to have a entire body test to figure out
can you be an athlete or not so that's the same thing that bhat agre is trying to do is trying to bring science into
agriculture you have a farm you want to figure out what crop can I grow just get soil testing done with bhat agre and
we'll guide you what crop is suitable beautiful and then once you have even selected the crop you know want to know
how to grow the crop and there again soil testing is important to understand so you can also have a look at the soil
test and tell me which crop to grow yeah perfect great so soil is the second parameter yeah I think third is climate
climate is again important yeah climate okay how am I supposed to gauge the climate one is rainfall mm second is
temperature any mm of rainfall that I would consider ideal it depends from crop to crop um right now I may not be
able to tell you the numbers but it can be figured out through some research got it there is specific range for
temperature as well as for rainfall which is suitable for growing high value crops high value crops so for example uh
grapes can be grown in this uh I we told you couple of districts in Maharashtra right other than that in Maharashtra it
can't be grown even if there is water Avail yeah which is what gives Su extraordinary advantage and then uh
similar weather is there uh in Western Karnataka also because it's the same stretch which gets carried over uh down
so there it can be grown but if you say you know if you want same if you want to grow uh let's say grape in carite can't
be grown because it goes more tropical we go more towards equator and the weather conditions are different so the
agroclimatic Zone decision is also important got it and generally where grap can be grown anything can be grown
like even if you want to grow something very low value like rice you can grow but vice versa is not possible got it
can you imagine some of the hottest regions in Maharashtra if you can name them
um is one yeah nagpur is one nagpur or a cola side there you can't unfortunately grow grapes but that becomes very hot in
some months most of the months yeah so a crop like grave will die there even if you have sufficient water so my family
farm it's next to River more than 100 acres uh so we have you know pipeline we have 12 month water supply soil quality
is really good but we can't grow grapes impossible because of the climate condition oh my God which is why I have
a lot of friends who have got 100 Acre farms and they're still not rich is this the reason yeah yeah because uh now this
100 Acre Farm there can be only certain set of crops which can be grown so the value of land is also not that high like
100 acres in Western Maharashtra will be like hundreds of crores but not that equivalent in eastern Maharashtra what
about solapur solapur is goodur is good is above average in percentile got it perfect there are few more factors we
add after climate Okay now one thing is to become ex just a second climate May rainfall C do we have any other major
temperature any temperature range that you would consider to be ideal temperature range 15 to 30 is considered
ideal this is all throughout the corre now um one thing is you want to
become extremely rich by growing grapes pomogranate strawberry and we know that large chunk of farmers cannot grow it
it's very difficult but still you want to be rich like you took an example you have some friends who have 100 acres of
farm you cannot recommend them to grow strawberry and grapes because one is climate and second is again it's
difficult M so what would you suggest to them which is where again batri comes into the picture there are some medium
segment crops which are below grapes and pomegranate for example all vegetables so vegetables like onion tomato even
potato chili merold bringel these are some vegetables that
can fetch good money to the farmer got it but it here it's not only about growing it's right time of growth also
like you must have seen tomato prices grow as high as 100 rupee a kilo and as low as 1 rupe a kilo right it's a demand
Supply equation same with Mar gold Diwali time Mari gold will be like 200 rupees a kilo otherwise we'll get it for
5 rupees so it has to be the agriculture science plus a business aspect of it when to grow this is primarily driven by
domestic Demand right yeah yeah vegetables generally would be domestic now export has also started picking up
for which particular veget vable like onion is generally exported yeah chili green chili and even red ch ch there is
a good export demand which is majorly India supplies to Middle East Middle East got it now um these vegetabl so if
an average farmer like we have seen the climate Soil and Water is very good in Punjab harana and even utar Pradesh but
because of the limited knowledge they generally depend on rice and wheat crops correct which fetches them less money
per acre okay uh they turn out to be rich because of the large pieces of land that they may have but per acre income
is very low so rather than recommending them as bhat agree rather than recommending them to jump to grapes and
pomogranate which we know is difficult we recommend them that on small pieces of land start growing vegetables got it
guys if can we put numbers to the per acre Revenue that these crops can generate so let's start with uh let's
start with grapes what would be the revenue that an acre of grape pump can generate and let's go to other crops so
that we understand what do we mean by value okay let's start with grapes a grape Farm can generate up to 5 to 7
lakh rupees of Revenue per acre got it second level is medium level is vegetables which can generate anywhere
between 2 to three lakh of Revenue per breaker what about strawberry strawberry will come in grapes range yeah grapes
will include strawberry grapes pomogranate vegetables will generate 2 to three lakhs per acre per what about
rice and wheat now the third and the lowest most is rice and wheat and now you'll be
surprised that they generate not more than 40,000 per acre what are you saying guys what about millets guys millets
will be same as rice SED any grains and pulses which is all pulses you grow soyab beans you grow T in in Rajasthan a
lot of sorso mustard is grown then rice wheat corn all millets they come in the same category they'll generate not more
than 40,000 per acre and that is why if you will visit a soyab bean Farm in an average soyab bean Farm in Maharashtra
in madhia Pradesh it will be like 10 20 ACR but they can't survive with one or two acres soyab Bean takes like 6 months
to grow h so in 6 months you are earning 40,000 okay so this 5 to 7 lakhs is per season yeah so grape takes one full year
okay vegetables will the good thing about vegetables is that they take only 3 to 4 months so you can grow vegetables
two times an year sometimes even three times an Year got it so if I grow vegetables two times a year then I can
kind of generate as much revenue as a grave farm right yes if things are ideal for you but you know that um if you
continue growing tomato because it worked well for you now you growing twice a year at least in one season the
prices will crash and then you will regret so what you do is you diversify that I'll grow tomato some bit chili
some bit onion some bit bringel and four out of one one out of four crops will crash every year so you have to yeah
vegetable is very very sensitive and it's non- perishable sorry it's perishable right so there is nothing
which a farmer can do after growing it got it so diversification is very important uh good thing about these
grapes and the first category which we told is there is very high export demand so the prices will be stable it's
difficult but stable perfect so high value medium value low value shall we come back to how to choose the right
piece of FL yeah so we uh considered weather water and soil correct now the fourth thing and one reason we wanted to
bring the topic of vegetable here was uh that market is important now if you are growing veg
vegetables or if you're growing highly perishable crops like strawberries highly perishable within 4 to 5 days
your produce will be spoiled so you have to sell it within four five days of harvest so the market that buys the
produce from you should be nearby um farmers who grow vegetables like onion not onion because onion is
semi- perishable it can survive for even 2 3 months if stored properly but tomato chili bringel cauliflower and strawberry
I'll consider here because it is perishable you need to sell within 24 hours of harvest because after selling
also it goes to the consumer and it takes 3 4 days can Cold Storage help over here it does uh we have seen lot of
Cold Storage capacities in uh Western Maharashtra unused unused yeah because it's cost the the appreciation from your
production to sales price is not enough to cover that cold storage and give a profit over there can you give me like a
number let's say selling something for 20 rupees a kilo now if I cold store it for about let's say 3 months and then I
sell it in the next season what would be the cost difference so your cold storage will increase your price by 5 to 6
rupees per kg okay but the bigger problem is that there's no predictability uncertainty makes it very
difficult for a farm unty of the price price yeah market price now you don't know after 6 months will you get 30
rupees or will it be 1 rupee again it can come down as well vegetables are highly unpredicted
the good thing is some vegetables have become predictable like potato highly grown in madhia Pradesh has become
predictable because it is purchased by these chip Chips companies like La PepsiCo and there are many local chips
companies like Balaji and all they have a fixed season when they purchase and they Define the price also a range now
let's say Farmer harvest the potato in February uh but chips companies based on their cycle they buy in June and the
price range is kind of defined so the farmer is confident that in the cold storage I'll store it from Feb to July
and I know some price that I will get so the math is then very simple that okay this is my investment this is my price
right now and that's when they will buy at this price so will it be profitable or not so with potato it is figured out
got it but with tomato chili no one knows and after 6 months what the price would be perfect so now I just want to
dwell deep into the tools to be able to understand all this data is there a method for me to be able to find an
appropriate price in my market appropriate price what do you mean by appr like let's say I'm growing
tomatoes and I know for a fact that I have to sell this at 20 rupees the nearest market is giving me only 15
rupees now I don't know if this Market is exploiting me or is it the fair price of the market so what are the tools that
I'm supposed to use to gauge if that's the appropriate price or not you see here you know it's a very difficult
demand Supply logic what happens every year every year you will see 2 months in a year tomato prices go beyond 100 right
that is a Time lot of farmers take decision let me grow it okay then lot of people grow it then after 6 months the
market is just flooded with tomatoes and that's when it comes to one room got it so appropriate is definitely you know
your cost of production then your cost of Transport margin that is an appropriate price but because of this
difficult demand Supply logic uh it can go like you know when it goes to one rupee we know why it is one
rupe because the market is just flooded there is no capacity there is not that much demand got it this is a very
important question um and these these are questions that farmers also ask so first thing like she mentioned is cost
of production which will guide you how much would be your investment and you can calculate it let's say per kg like
in onion it is very common and good thing is Farmers have been searching these things online on Google and
YouTube yeah um how much should be my cost of production on onion will be their question and you'll be surprised
that they search it on YouTube Google as well as on play store which on Play Store as yes okay um we recently did a
study for ourselves um if there is a pizza app let's say Domino's Pizza the bigger
search volume that they get on Google Play Store is find pizza near me or pizza now rather than searching Domino's
Pizza on play store which is very surprising right we use that on Google but people are using that on Play Store
because they trust Play Store that based on my keywords it will show me the best app so farmers will also search this on
all the three platforms Play Store Google and YouTube um what should be my cost of production
for onion that is question number one question number two uh what is the right now selling price of onion in my nearest
market they will also try to search can I find a far away Market where the price may be different yeah that's what I was
wondering is there like an app or a website which can tell me that so bhat agre plays a very important role in
understanding cost of production where firstly we'll help you understand for any crop that you are growing based on
your geography or profile Etc what would be your investment in growing that crop okay now bhat agre does not have that
but there are other apps available in the market that will tell you the price of what is the current price in nearby
market and government also has a portal so government has a structure where every Market has to report what is the
today's price and the historical price are these apmc Market yes apmc okay so there is a apmc uh one website
okay where you will get all today's prices across all markets in India and as well as historically I think they
have fire dump over there perfect now the caveat here is that sometimes they are not accurate yeah it's like weather
right uh ideally it should have been solved by now but finally it's human dependent information flow where there's
someone there in the market who is feeding information to the server which is then being transmitted through these
apps and any error at at any place and prices are always fluctuating yeah um even though that person were truthfully
told that today onion price is 20 rupees but within half a day a lot of Supply came and the prices fell down so uh
those information may not be very accurate so generally Farmers try to have uh some contacts with Traders all
the time where they'll call that my onion is going to be harvested in 3 days what is the price range so the trader
will also be careful in just telling the range because the trader knows that the price can change but answering
your question cost of production bhat agre um has a very beautiful system on the bhat agre app where you can find
cost of production for the crop that you want to grow there are other sources like apmc websites where you can find
the prices of produce that you can sell at in different markets so you can even choose the market that okay some other
Market is offering Better Price this is a need of the hour which is the thir third thing uh and this is
not something that exists in the market can you predict the price that let's say I have a crop and I have the capability
to store it for a few weeks or a few months can someone help me predict what would be the price at after 1 month or
after 2 month is not yet a solved problem worldwide because we know that it's extremely variable and difficult
but if that is there then like you asked about coold storage then farmer can choose that okay I will store it in cold
storage because then I will sell it in future but that does not exist right now but again the beauty of prediction is
that if the prediction says that you will get 30 rupees in an expired season then everybody will keep storing it and
when the actual season comes there will be too much Supply very less demand and eventually the prediction is bound to go
wrong correct simply because so lot of companies and lot of you know good companies have tried to build this
prediction algorithm but it is not yet out so that might be the reason of it that you know when they triy to do the
fact Che with their uh algorithm data it must be not accurate beautiful so we've got water soil climate Market in market
we've got which Market to sell what should be your cost of production eventually helping you determine the
selling price and when it comes to the apmc website it will tell you what is the cost what is the price that is being
given out in the nearest apmc market and the market close by by which you can decide when to sell or which Market to
sell in do we have any other parameters guys within this just try to find the land near to the market that near to the
market any kilometer is that you would recommend wherever you can reach within a um within let's say few hours few
hours because once I'm giving an example let's say you have harvested strawberry or tomatoes chilies now you harvest you
don't have a cold storage truck yourself we are talking about a general farmer So within few hours if you don't sell it
then the quality of the produce will start going going down so your Market should be nearby so that you call them
ask them what is the rate today you are comfortable with the rate harvested and within few hours just reach there and
sell them the produce can we take the range to be 4 to six hours yeah yeah so uh I'll give you one example uh Pune has
India's biggest tomato Market any tomato you eat in Delhi also is supplied from Pune okay it comes from Whole of Western
Maharashtra to Pune and in Pune like every day there will be trucks uh loading and going to all AC all across
India so that's why whenever tomato crisis happens it happens in Western Maharashtra and whenever tomato prices
go really high the Western Maharashtra farmers are the most happy Farmers interesting great so the next parameter
is sorted which is Market do we have another parameter to gauge one last uh is labor availability labor ability how
do you gauge that um there is no parameter to do that labor or mechan ization availability in vegetables
mechanization is difficult even in grapes mechanization is possible but not for every activity so labor is needed
now we have some farmers in Central and Eastern Maharashtra they have large pieces of land they have money they have
the energy and thought to uh mindset to grow high value crops but because they don't get labor at the right time they
are hesistant to invest money into their land which is a big problem again a white space that can be solved for yeah
yeah got it so if I were to summarize this the first parameter is water and see if you can get water supply 12
months a year then we've got soil if it is thick and muddy the possibility of it being fertile is very high if it is
black and heavy again possibility of being fertile is very high if it is Sandy and dry the possibility of it
being fertile is very less then in order to be able to gauge that we can get done physical and chemical test for the soil
through bhat Agri by which we can gauge which crop must be grown what is the soil quality and what are the by the way
one more question that I forgot to ask is can we treat the soil to make it more fertile yeah yeah it takes time and
efforts okay and money but yes you can do that so that is where chemical test comes into picture when you are doing a
chemical test it comes with the report of what activities do you need to do to make it fertile got it so you guys help
out with the treat treatment procedure also treatment recommendation also perfect then we come to climate again
rainfall is very important temperature range is 15 to 30 which is all throughout the year and then we've got
market and um if your Market is 4 to 6 hours away from your land that is ideal you can check your prices through apmc
website the cost is being given by bhat AG website itself and you need to look for labor availability as of now there
is a white space where labor availability is not being aggregated so white space and there is no way to
figure out it's just that you'll have to go to that particular land and see if you're getting enough labors to work for
you I think in labor you can add mechanization as well mechanization yeah so some bit of mechanization is possible
in every crop okay how do you gauge this mechanization so uh you need to prepare the land before you um start sewing the
crop even for sprays so let's go back 10 years almost all of these activities were done through Labor and naturally
the human cost of doing anything keeps on growing with inflation and supply and demand so nowadays a lot of Machinery is
available in the market that can eliminate the need of Labor and can uh make the entire activity efficient and
economic for you uh something like you know there are multiple implements to tractor so earlier tractor was only to
plow the land right now there are multiple implements where you can even s seeds through it so you don't need like
you know hundreds of labors who are sewing seeds it's an Implement which is available definitely a capex but that
makes the whole process much more efficient you don't need labors for you know 10 days anymore do you guys also
help out in the understanding of mechanization yeah we even help them select the right machine that they can
buy we don't sell those machines but we connect them to suppliers lab mechanization has been a
big success stories for large farm where grapes is an example even mango banana papaya so these are generally large
Farms large trees mango is a large tree earlier all the activities of even harvesting the mango or spraying
something on the mango was manual so you need labor like um mango will become ripen during March April and you know
that that is when you get good price also so everyone needs labor to harvest mango in that region and then you pay
more because if you harvest now you get better price ring so nowadays there is mechanization available where you can
attach something to the Tractor and spray with just one human being to the entire Farm or you can Harvest with some
Pluckers you know I have visited Some Farms in California uh 2,000 acre ranch okay managed by five
people nobody was there on Farm wow there were like some five remote tractors going and we were sitting in a
office like this okay it was a very nice glass office we were able to see all those tractors moving and some two
people were controlling those tractors two people were just sitting and chilling with me so you're seeing that
machines are available yeah a the farmers are not educated about it B very expensive also it's very expensive are
they expensive because they're expensive or are they expensive because of the import Duty no no they are expensive so
the government has waved off import Duty on most of these equipments a lot of them are even manufactured in we one of
the biggest manufacturer of tractors India exports tractors fancy remote tractors those are also
like we know like lot of brands in India they export automated tractors and everything it's just that India doesn't
have that big land land holding to justify the cost of tractor do you think that can be solved through shared
resources yes yeah uh something you were talking about uh this uh infrastructure thing right uh where you have know one
CR investment then you go to Embassy group and do something like that re so yeah re so some if India had I don't
think India has anywhere a 2,000 Acre Farm at a stretch available at such but if bigger land sizes are possible the
mechanization can because it's already existing like all other countries are using it it can be implemented that's
not a issue but it's a very social economic problem yeah if you go to Western Maharashtra every individual
will own like half acre half acre versus 2,000 acre it's a huge gap to fill beautiful
so the first part is done which is how to choose the right crop this is the study that you need to do and if you do
the study you can go to any firm in fact you can come to bhat Agri and understand which is the best crop to grow now let's
go into the next step which is growing it perfectly like it's so easy to say and I know that it's so difficult to
execute so let's dwell deeper into it residue free is something that I understood properly which is if you were
to define a well-grown crop which needs to be export quality it has to be residue free and then we also defined
what is residue free now let's get into the other parameters what do we mean by growing a crop
perfectly so there are four factors to it okay first is nutrient management nutrient management yeah this is very
similar to human nutrient management we have been studying balanced diet since our childhood that we should have
protein we should have vitamins minerals carbohydrates that's the same thing for a
crop imagine if you never did formal education yourself would you have been able to define a good diet for yourself
no no you would be just doing guess work ke my grandparents used to eat three chapati I'll also eat three chapatis and
they generally eat chapati with some green vegetables and in India commonly potato and onion with green vegetables
so I'll also do that in many families at night they eat Dal rice so I'll also eat Dal rice which is guess work which even
today happens in most places my mom is afraid of protein shake also yeah because my grandmother did not have
protein shake no true true protein bar is considered a taboo true literally when I discuss protein bar in my family
they say why are you eating chocolate why are you eating processed food but they are fine eating Samosa kachori
because that's what they have been doing now imagine the same thing happening in agriculture where none of the farmers
did formal education that's the truth it's a harsh truth about our country that none of the farmers most of the
farmers did not do formal education about agriculture which is BC agree MSC agree Etc so what do they do my crop
needs nutrients like human being needs nutrients so whatever my parents have been doing I'll add the same fertilizers
whatever my nearby farmer is doing I'll do the same thing the third the third source of information is that there's a
local retailer the retailer says this is a new fertilizer in the market use that I use that now you know that as a human
being would you survive without good protein or without good uh nutrient heavy diet you will not you will you
know that your energy will get impacted if you want to do good in career related to Athletics or gymnastics you will fail
for brain uh you will not be able to focus so but the same thing farmers are doing they are for nutrient management
they are using information that their grandparents were doing now in agriculture the nutrients are even more
important because you are using it for commercial purposes can kohi afford to be lenient in diet no because his diet
is commercial yeah his energy defines whether country will win or not correct so each percentage of his diet is used
for commercial purposes so it's super important you me can still be lenient I have a cheat Sunday I have a cheat
Saturday I'll do whatever but he cannot now every farmer is growing a crop to sell for commercial purposes if he
doesn't sell his family will not earn money that season so every decision that he takes related to nutrient management
is super important he cannot be lenient but he has done no education average crop needs 15
different nutrients to grow okay right now a crop grows for let's say 4 months zerth month zeroth day to 120th day 4
months now every 20 days a different nutrient is needed you used to consume a lot of
calcium during first 3 4 years through milk through CD Etc do you consume as much today no now you are shifted from
calcium to protein now a crop also during initial phases needs let's say more nitrogen but during Harvest it
needs more potassium and in midphase it needs more phosphorus and there are 15 such nutrients I have just named three
right now it's a complicated science and every crop has a different such cycle because you'll see like some crops are
fruits some are vegetables some are cereals so every stage so it's a very complicated science where not just the
time but a particular crop then it's very different varieties so it's a very uh difficult metrics you can assume
until this point as per my imagination it's just that you sew the seeds you water them you put in some fertilizer
and then eventually after 3 months you harvest it and then you sell it so this is the education that I a multi uh this
is the education that farmers also have that is terrible that is terrible and that's why you'll be
surprised the most common crop that is grown in India is rice wheat these are the common crops a country like
Australia which is not even an agrarian economy grows five times more rice per unit acre of land as compared to India
five times per unit acre yes five times which means in the same piece of land an Australian farmer is able to grow five
times more rise as compared to an Indian farmer yes why and that is why it's cheaper also it's not just the
mechanization the productivity is also higher that's because we are not following scientific techniques oh my
God let me in Olympics an average US athlete is two times more powerful than an Indian average that's why they have
more gold medal because they followed the right diet from their school days protein is a concept in India that came
2 three years back they have been doing it since last 30 years the right diet right gym routine whatever lifestyle so
they become more fitter and they use it in sports which is what is in agriculture
as well and I want to emphasize on the fact that India has one of the India is blessed with the best land and best
agroclimatic Zone Australia if you consider it has know some part has very harsh climate soil is not good know
geographically it is at a very different place most of the countries take Russia or Ukraine because we were talking they
can grow wheat only in one season other season it's like super cold over there ice but that one season they use best of
whatever they can India is blessed with a 12month agriculture best of Water Resources best of climate but we are not
utilizing it to the potential which it has incredible yeah now um the good thing is farmers are learning this now
smartphones are available everywhere so farmers know that um there's some information that exists and I growing
let's say tomato how will I get good price for my tomato one is if I have more Tomatoes if generally I'm growing
let's say one crate of tomato if I'm able to grow two crates three crates naturally I'll earn more money then my
tomato should be the reddest tomato in the market and there are some more features that it should be shiny and it
should not be soft and Squishy it should be hard during the sales time so farmers are nowadays searching
online how to increase my tomato production um video is something that becomes viral
if it is catchy uh you will get success stories in India as well where let's say the average production is one crate in
Australia it is five crate but in India one farmer has achieved four crate right so farmer that video will become viral
that this farmer became a millionaire by growing tomato so now an average farmer would be like what is he doing how can I
grow more tomatoes from the same piece of land and they'll search and that's where then bhat agre comes
into the picture we have to be available on YouTube Google and Play Store kind of platforms where if a farmer searches
anything about the crop we should be available and then our app which is available on Play Store will guide them
how to improve your tomato production how to improve tomato quality because you want the redest Tomato hard and
shiny and quantity is another thing which is simple math so through your app everything can be found out yes through
your app can you also help me out with nutrient management yes yes okay so you help me grow the crop perfectly is that
nutrient management is one aspect where we guide you what nutrient to add at what point of time now nutrient in
example is let's say protein but if I just tell you that eat 20 G protein your question would be
how like do I eat paneer do I eat soy bean or do I eat rice your question will be there so first we tell nutrient then
we tell which fertilizer will supply that nutrient so now we have come to fertilizer so we tell them how much
fertilizer to add when to add and how to add which one to add also and all these fertilizers are available in your
website yes so we are a multi-brand website uh Marketplace so all the biggest brand multinational National
Regional brands are listed so you can choose from which particular brand you have more trust or we can suggest which
is a good bread they can purchase so nutrient management is the first step to Growing the crop perfectly yeah so this
is the first parameter the second parameter is second is pest and disease management okay now in human beings once
you have crack nutrient management you would want to ensure that if you are Virat kohle you should not fall sick all
12 months because you have a busy schedule you are representing the country you have tournaments you have
World Cups you have IPL so like you and me can afford to fall sick once here you can take a break but a person who is
using his talent commercially cannot afford to fall sick so what will be the first goal of vat Koh that I prevent the
Pent the diseases that I may face I should be immune enough so that I don't suffer a disease at the same time I know
that during extreme Monsoon High chances of me falling sick so during monsoon I take extra steps to build up my immunity
that's Point number two point number three that even then there are chances I will fall sick because I'm traveling so
much consuming random food water that if I fall sick I should recover quickly that is the goal of a person who
is using their talent commercially now every crop is grown commercially so the first thing is build up immunity of the
crop that the disease or pest attack does not happen which we guide the farmer with how to build immunity we
have an exit calendar calendar is like a step by step activity that the farmer should do and
if they do that the immunity will be good enough like how a Gym trainer gives a calendar that you follow this calendar
follow this diet follow this schedule you will turn out to be a better athlete that's what we do with the farmer bhat
agre gives them a calendar which will build immunity the second thing is when we predict that weather changes are
going to happen we ask the farmer to take additional steps to prevent a pest or disease attack
and the third if a pesto disease attack happens there's a two-way communication where farmer alerts us shares photos
shares text and we guide them how to control that peston disease immediately perfect the second step is pest and
disease management yeah what is the third parameter the third parameter is irrigation management water is a food
for plant now farmer needs to now every crop has a different water requirement and it changes based on weather
conditions so we guide farmer with water intake as well when to give water when not to give and how much to give then
the fourth aspect is weed management so every crop sees some unwanted grass that grows along with the crop in the same
soil and that grass ends up taking the nutrients from the soil so less nutrient is available to the crop so farmers need
to First is prevent the growth of these grasses which in agriculture language is called weed and if it is grown it needs
to be removed through either manual activities or through some sprays now this also we have uh basically
parameterized this where we know for which crop which weed has high probability to grow and how can we
prevent it with through some sprays or how can we control it once it has grown so even that is a part of our calendar
got it which we include so that in a single calendar farmer sees nutrient management pest disease management
irrigation management and weed management so that they don't have to search each of these things individually
got it and a lot of this has been built because we have seen Farmers search this on Google and YouTube got it they will
search uh in Hindi and that grass has the power to destroy sugar cane yeah because it will
take up all the nutrients and sugar cane will be left with no no nutrients and it also attracts more Pest and diseases got
it so it clicked to us that this problem should be a part of our calendar and the solution should be a part of our
calendar so even if there is no grass in the calendar we will recommend a farmer some spray on the soil and farmers will
be surprised spr but if they do that following bhat calendar then the grass will not come at all and they'll be
surprised why is my production higher than other Farmers because you took all these small steps that we suggested you
amazing so nutrient management Pest and disease management irrigation management and weed management all of this again I
can find in your website um one question that I had is do you have case studies on your website where people have used
bat AG's calendar the nutrient management profile and everything else to be able to increase their yield yeah
yeah we have multiple case studies multiple success stories uh one thing that is important in this industry is
trust now um I'll give you a counter example there are companies who are manufacturing some pesticides and
fertilizers uh they have huge team on the ground they'll keep meeting the farmer spray this fertilizer and all
your problems will be solved and it's just what a 500 rupees a pack so farmer will be like not a big investment I'll
do it so farmer is always bombarded with such marketing content by people on the ground to spray something magical which
will solve the problem now we tell them and tell go and tell them something similar right that use bhat agre
calendar and solve your problems and they'll be like why why should we trust you so to build that trust even when
today you open bhat agre application you will see multiple success stories on our homepage itself most of them in video
format where an individual farmer is telling that yes I used your services which is both e-commerce and consultancy
and I saw good results on my farm and your services are free yes now let's come to the next part which is sales how
should a farmer approach and this is also problem that I encountered when we were about to make an investment into an
organic farm where the biggest question was okay we know how to grow the crop let's trust the expertise of the farmer
but how do we sell it what are the parameters or what is the approach that I'm supposed to have to be able to sell
my product at the right time at the right price so if you are a new farmer who is deciding to now buy a land and
grow a crop divide your crops into two categories first is perishable and second is non-perishable now non-
perishable is everything that you can store for around 6 months or more so all your grains and pulses um some
vegetables like onion all your spices like turmeric ginger cardamum some um strong or sturdy fruits will also come
in non- perishable or semi- perishable category now since you are doing this as a business figure out some
infrastructure where you can store these crops there are high chances that whenever you harvest that crop the
prices will be low because everyone around you has harvested around the same time because that is more weather
dependent so when um let's take potato is an example we took so everyone harvest the potato at the same time
which is seasonal but if you are a smart farmer you have figured out that the prices of potato are higher in this
month now build or rent the INF infrastructure to store that crop this is possible for all rice wheat soyab
Bean maze sweet corn all pulses all spices um sugar cane cotton except for perishable vegetables and fruits this is
possible for all the crops even in perishable fruits it is Affordable to do a crop uh Cold Storage so somebody like
since we were talking about grapes grapes farmers do use cold storage because it is Affordable just in a
specific vegetable segment it I think uh anybody who is trying to do should do a cost analysis and then only go for it
got it so it becomes unviable after a certain point right what is the good margin guys let's say my cost of
production is 20 rupees what's a healthy price to sell it at 50% is considered average in agriculture so 30 Rupees is
what you should so 50% would be your margin net net okay so 30 rupes you should sell it anywhere above 30 rupees
if your cost of production is 20 now but here one mistake which we see Farmers doing is they don't consider their own
labor generally the whole family will be involved in agriculture in some of other means so that labor generally goes
unnoticed so whenever we suggest anything we consider you know as per labor laborers you know consider it as a
manufacturing everything has to be counted and on top of that the profit margin should be kept the swaminathan
commission report equation yeah is that correct yes yes so would you suggest Farmers to use the swan commission
report to evaluate the price at which they're supposed to sell no use the parameters okay so like a report will
consider even cost of water that you have used cost of electricity cost of Labor and you use your own family
members and yourself to do some activities on the farm so include that cost so don't take the number from the
report because number would be changing from state to state but use that parameter and use your own number got it
yeah so something like skill labor is different so for uh all activities on a grave Farm the labor will be expensive
because the activities will need some skills versus if you take a labor on a rice Farm you if you consider the same
pricing for everything then it will not be good it will not be right got it anything else guys for if it is non
perishable figure out a way to store it and build a network around you to find out when to sell which is more again
information knowledge and building some relationship with the buyers one success story that I'll share here is again from
Maharashtra like Maharashtra is a good state for onion now onion is semi- perishable if you don't store it well
within 15 20 days it's bad but if you store it well you can store for 3 4 months now you can build infrastructure
at your own farm at a cost of as less as just 1 lakh Rupees to store your entire onion produce for 6 months and
government is further subsidizing it by 50% that you invest 50% government will give you 50% and build that
infrastructure so a good chunk of farmers have figured that out in Maharashtra they know that when I
harvest onion I may not get good price but I am uh lucky enough to not have cash flow issues right now so I'm fine
if I get money 6 months later so I'll store it and then 6 months later I may get double or triple price
and New farmers who are listening to this and are trying to enter into agriculture should have such a thought
process that I should be good enough with cash flow so that I store and get more profit in future got it U I want to
add to this uh there are companies uh who do commodity financing so these are generally warehousing companies so let's
say if you have wheat produce and today we prices because everybody is harvesting it's low so you can store at
their warehouses and then they will give you loan against that commodity so after 6 months because cash flow is a issue
with every farmer so after 6 months when the prices are high and you want to sell so you can sell it and then it will get
adjusted with your loan which is taken and then additional whatever amount you want to take when it comes to
infrastructure because when I as my uncle he said IND he made a list of all the equipments
that he thought is necessary through YouTube videos and then he said you know let's just order these equipments from
India mark another who come and inst it for you and I think that's risky because the investment amount is pretty high so
what do you think should be the right way to approach this infrastructure building um by infrastructure you mean
some Warehouse in the farm anything for that matter even if there is a warehouse that needs to be built um in my case if
I'm not wrong it was about building that Greenhouse okay so there was a vendor that he searched for on on um indiia M
and then he got hold of the vendors number again a lot of people started calling him and it was pretty chaotic
there isn't a fixed pattern on how to approach it so do we have a method to approach infrastructure building so
there are some good companies now again everything is at a cost so something like gen irrigation it's a listed
company uh they are very good in all everything related to drip irrigation and irrigation everything related to
green houses so likewise you know every state or you know couple of states will have a very good company and then it's
better to go directly to them they will direct you to their distributor who will be local or you know maybe in your
District who will come and do the work for you and all these things most of the infrastructure things have subsidy so
it's better to go through authorized distributor so that you can Avail that subsidiary sub subsid otherwise you will
not be got it camers storage
irrigation ceg yes so one thing that will someone will have to understand let's say it's your
uncle or if some entrepreneur wants to enter into this field and wants to do farming themselves the topic that we are
on right now which is heavy infrastructure this cannot be done online this cannot be done online okay
so indiia M would be the wrong place to go because like you rightly mentioned 10 people will call you you will trust one
out of 10 people and that person may not turn out to be correct which is same with home construction building Etc
right or Interiors because all of these are heavy investment things so you will trust them by visiting them checking
testimonials Word of Mouth Etc so gen irrigation is a very good company for irrigation reputed so contact them they
will connect you with their dealer and then meet them bring them to your farm and they'll do a survey and we'll
suggest you a solution for mechanization John de Mahindra sonalika these are some good
companies they don't only have tractors but also have tractor supplements so meet them go to their
store they will come to your farm and suggest what Implement you will need got it unfortunately for storage at your
farm there are no uh big companies or Brands so you will have to go through some um unbranded stuff but again meet
them find some farmers nearby who have done similar work um the good thing is that because a lot of these things have
subsidy involved so you will find some vendors who will tell you that yes I will uh do the subsidy work for you that
means now it is official fertilizer and pesticides do we have a brand that we can trust for any kind of crop or yeah
yeah of course okay can you give me some names let's talk about fertilizers deepok fertilizer is a big
company listed company on our um in India very high quality products IFCO is another company IFCO IFCO government
Cooperative yeah Cooperative then uh Koro mandal uh DCM Shri so these are some reputed companies where the quality
of fertilizer is something that you can trust got it and how to use this fertilizer I can contact you yes and to
buy these fertilizers also to buy these fertilizers so we have these companies who sell on bhat agre Direct
okay and this is again a result of a lot of primary research that we did um we use Google analytics we use YouTube
analytics we see that farmers are searching for these Brands because these brands have become popular among Farmers
uh these companies do radio ads tv ads newspaper ads so farmer knows that okay there's a company called deug fertilizer
but I'm going to the shop and deep fertilizer is not available for whatever reasons so the farmer will search on
YouTube or Google and and we get data that okay this brand is gaining traction so we bring that brand on bhat Agri app
and list them on bhat Agri app okay so all the fertilizers that you have in your app are these like verified high
quality fertilizers yes yeah okay so no random vendor can just list his or her fertilizer in your website they can but
they have to go through a quality check process okay and then um if we find that their products are not very high quality
they should still be allowed to sell because we are building a democratized platform that some farmers are fine with
uh low quality but affordable products so we Mark and we uh the high quality products are what we'll recommend so
just like there is Amazon Choice do we have like a bat agree choice not yet but we are building one okay so uh basically
what happens is all the multinational National and Regional Brands get a preference just because uh reputation
yeah and quality qualty great now guys now I want to touch that in fertilizers then there is a second category which is
more sustainable fertilizers so these are you know branded high quality uh second is more organic sustainable
products so that is also very important because for farmers who want to only stick to organic or who want to stick to
residue free so there are different type of Brands and unfortunately in India there are no strong Brands like I cannot
name a brand you know which will be available across India and very strong but there are Regional Brands who are
still trying and get into the create this category I would say got it great organic farming is another podcast
episode guys I think we should do it pretty good so sustainable fertilizers may do you have any brands that you can
name as in they may not be big Brands but any brand that you could name which is reliable enough so Indian farmer
company IFC is one brand that sells on bhat agre platform it has all organic products and one thing that I want to
quickly add in organic is that organic products are not used by just organic farmers a normal farmer who's doing
farming the ideal thing is that you continue with your chemical um way of farming that you have been doing reduce
chemical composition and add some organic it's like adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet that
doesn't mean you stop eating what you are eating just that when you add more fruits automatically your junk food goes
down so but you don't rely only on fruits and vegetables you still eat cooked food um otherwise so any farmer
every farmer should use some bit of organic inputs to improve the soil health and companies like one Indian
farmer company is there second is a Maharashtra based company named Anand Agro uh they also manufacture good
organic products then ju AG signs j u j for Japan U for USA juu AG signs they have also started manufacturing some
good Aggy inputs in organic category that farmers can use guys now I want to dwell deeper into how did you grow your
company and this is going to be a short segment because I want to quickly because you've largely covered
everything that you guys do but I want to look at the growth aspect which is you being a modern company for an
industry which has generally being very Orthodox right um now we are seeing the evolution of farmers where people use
mobile apps people use websites and stuff like that to be able to understand um get advice and execute things but
then this is still a very very fast growing market and a very underpenetrated
Market in this market when you're building a new age company my first question is how do you design for
farmers and my second question is how do you grow in this market let's start with the first question how do you design for
Farmers because you recently mentioned that play store but this is very counterintuitive but
then how do you what was your Discovery process like how did you discover these insights and how did you build for this
underpenetrated market so one thing which was clear when we started the company is we wanted to bridge this
information Gap what farmers are doing versus what is available what where science has gone in last 20 30 40 years
and we wanted to algorithmization something you know which farmer want we are able to assess
all parameters and give it to them and obviously when we went to Farmer this was not a solution which
they wanted they just wanted to get rich in one day okay so from there to here it was a very difficult Journey for us
because we had to figure out how to reach there and so first something which we did is like we did farming ourselves
we were like let's live in Village understand the psyche of the farmer it should not be like you know we are
suggesting something to them where which is like very remote because we are finally living in cities for some time
our education is more Tech oriented it should not happen that our solution is something very alien to them that they
will just not adopt it so that was first aspect so we lived in Village we did farming ourselves we understood every
aspect of it whatever we have told you is something which we have gone through so whatever solution then we
started building was very relatable to the farmers initial one year again we went very slow uh we launched our
information and advisory solution and we ourselves went and talked with Farmers that we are telling giving you this
calendar give us feedback of every activity tell us whether you are able to do not able to do and we received lot of
understanding we understood that whatever we are telling them it's not available in their local market because
we are trying to give them a input which is cost efficient which is you know more for the farming side now when it is not
available they were not able to uh you know adopt it so that was one feedback uh which we received and that led to a
parallel business of uh Marketplace e-commerce earlier we were like let's give the best of the advisory charge for
the advisory but we realize that if they are not able to use that advisory what's the use of it correct so if a far if a
doctor is giving you a medicine which is not available anywhere medicine right so that that's
how our business has evolved uh one critical point for us was 2020 when pandemic happened so that was a time
when we were planning to launch the application and pandemic happened and all our this process of you know working
with farmer taking feedback was very uh one-on-one we were actually living in farm we were working with some 500
farmers and then pandemic happened and it was we had to again regroup and restructure now what to do okay uh
that's when you know we also reached out to multiple resources that okay how should we go about launching the app how
should we go about uh you know keeping our advisory giving plan of know same as we had earlier planned so some resources
came handy uh something like uh we got accepted in Google's U India accelerator so Google has a stream where they help
companies and startups uh to go through you know going uh launching app or you know lot of uh aspects of starting a
startup in a very structured manner Google for startups Google for startups Google for startups yes so you know that
particular program helped us in actually launching the app and getting a word of uh mouth you know uh sorted initially so
you did not have an app before it's only through it was you know still in beta got it got it after that so once we laun
launched the app and we got a lot of support from Google about how to grow it uh then one of the biggest thing was
trust uh when a farmer comes across bhat agre um whether to spend money on bhat agre or not or whether even to listen to
their advice or not comes when they see success stories in their language and in their geography so one important thing
for us is personalization so if you are a farmer in madhia Pradesh and if you see testimonial videos of madhia Pradesh
farmers speaking in your own language and the best thing would be speaking about your own crop uh then the trust
level will increase a lot so we incorporated those aspects in our app um which led to better word of mouth then
our team came up with a even better idea that since we are doing this video based sharing and testimonials why don't we
make all these Live on YouTube and that's what gave birth to our YouTube channel where we started two YouTube
channels bhat agre marati and bhat agre Hindi okay again language is very important because all the consumption
will happen in their own language even though in Maharashtra all of us speak Hindi comfortably but a rural user needs
to have the consumption in marati itself so we have these two channels we started publishing lots of testimonial videos in
these two channels um and then we started publishing advisory related videos on
YouTube what is an advisory related video we took an example of tomato um if a farmer wants high prices for tomato
the Tomato should be red but in the market you must be seeing some yellow tomatoes corre or some red tomatoes with
black spots yeah so we started publishing videos how to earn more money by growing tomato generic video how to
convert tomato from yellow to Red really yeah okay at the farm not at your house oh
how to grow spotless Red Tomato okay and we started guiding them as a doctor that if you follow XYZ activities on your
farm your tomato will be much redder no yellow no spots so slowly Farmers started believing that bhat agre is a
company that is here to guide me is not here to sell me anything so they started engaging with our videos comments shares
Etc and then we share our link of bhat agre app to know more about tomato download bhat Agri app once they come to
app then we uh lot of personalization happens their location location helps us to fetch the weather data and then
weather data is very important the aspect which we earlier discussed about pest prediction disease prediction so
then our algorithms run on that we are we can tell them you know uh we are able to predict the pest and diseases which
can happen on their tomato Farm what are I you saying guys so in your app if I'm a farmer from let's say solapur and I
tell you that here's where my farm is and I tell you this is what I grow will your app give me a prompt yes that
during this time this pest could occur and hence you need to take action yes correct wow so that is the major USB
which we have that is brilliant guys because the next question that I was about to ask you is okay you've given me
the calendar because my nutritionist has also given me a calendar but I'm not able to follow it even though I want to
because I'm engaged in so many activities that building a system to be able to fall in that calendar becomes
extremely difficult and more importantly The Prompt is very important right because the farmer is so busy doing so
many tasks that the prompt to be able to understand that okay this pest is going to come up and the preparation needed
before the pest comes is more important than just knowing that the pest is going to come correct got it so you notify the
farmers in advance correct that this is the pest that could occur and you need to solve for it correct with the
products that you already have in your website correct oh my God so basically what happens it's the preventive
advisory is something which helps the farmers the best and it's better to solve it before so we have the highest
level of dynamic personalization so as the weather changes this Pest and disease prediction also changes so do
you guys have the data set of the entire country's weather based on which you make these predictions and give them
prompts yes wow this infrastructure must have been extremely costly right yeah it has taken us a lot of time also to build
are these build on um certain existing services or is it something that you've built by yourself so uh we use uh
something like uh Google Cloud we use as a basic uh part uh we use Google search uh which are then inbuilt and then on
top of that our algorithms run to personalize it to the best of farmers uh per Farmers Farm personalization got it
do you guys use Google Earth uh we use Google satellite so there are API from which we fetch the uh location of the
farm got it got it interesting then what happens guys what's your user Journey like after this so um Farmers come to
the platform we provide them the highest level of personalization and then direct them to our Marketplace which has all
the possible Brands listed so they can choose from whichever for the for the composition or the product which we are
asking them to use on Farm they can use any brand purchase from us and just have the best
of the possible um activity for their Farm perfect so you take care of both accessibility as well as knowledge
correct yeah okay and some of the Milestones which are for us is currently we have 5 million downloads on our Play
Store wow yeah 5 million yes in and when did you develop this app and take it live
2020 guys four years May 5 million yeah the subscribers that we have which is incredible last week what just last week
we crossed the 50 lakh number oh my God and how many of these subscribers have actually transacted on your app uh so
monthly we are currently doing around 60 70,000 transactions wow that is that is amazing guys now how did you grow your
app so quickly because I know that building an app on the Play Store is one thing but then I haven't seen your ads
do you guys do performance or what are your yeah you download through YouTube or how is it uh we do performance ads um
majorly Google is somewhere because you know search is something which is very strong like Sadat was telling Farmers
come and search for anything and they search in the Indian languages they they'll search in English they'll search
on you know all possible combinations which we cannot imagine uh that is one of the major place where uh you know we
get the users directed uh second is YouTube we have two YouTube channels Bharat Agri marati bhat Agri Hindi
together around 2. f l subscribers and we uh create lot of content right now you know so that you know any farmer any
farmer uh in different language can come and you know you has something to consume so these are the two major
channels uh we also work with lot of rural influencers uh you know who come and who test our advisory so we ask them
just to test the advisory see if it is useful and then make a video so that way also we are trying to reach to majority
of the user got it yeah uh the second thing is majority of our users are repeat users
so today out of all the transactions which are happening or the users who are coming 70% of them are from the repeat
users because they see the advisory they first consume the products which we are uh showing on Marketplace they find it
very useful that it come and do a repurchase perfect guys one question that I would like to add to this is
about trust because uh like I just told you Z is a company that always looks for high trust companies in a trust deficit
market and that's where they invest and this is what I find deeply fascinating that is how do you solve for trust in
your case because you're not a physically present company in all the areas where your customers interact with
you from how do you solve for trust yeah so we discussed about two steps in last 5 to 10 minutes where video testimonials
or success stories is something that worked out well for us so first thing that we did was we put these videos on
bhat agre app homepage itself so that once the user is on the homepage uh they are going to do some transaction they
should see that a lot of farmers have already used the service and are happy but we want to capture them before
acquisition as well so we started putting these videos on YouTube uh which got shared by farmers and which again
built the trust but there was one step in the middle which was missing from YouTube they go to Google Play Store and
we were observing that before downloading the app they go through the reviews they want to check that am I not
downloading something that is um a scam or something false or will I add some virus on my phone so they kind of read
the reviews which you and me also do we also check reviews so we were seeing that farmers see and read the reviews
before downloading the app so we integrated some very basic tools in the app where uh we want to get genuine
reviews from our existing users so whenever we were observing that they are doing some activity on the app which
leads to a happy moment a happy thought which generally happens in make my trip when you download when you book a ticket
right after booking the ticket you are happy for 10 20 seconds because the transaction got successfully completed
true for Flipkart swiggy zato Amazon and right then and there they ask you to give a review so high chances you will
give a positive review so we tried to find such moments on the bhat Agri app or such actions on bhat Agri app and
prompted them to give review and earlier we were only using that as our own feedback but we started redirecting them
them to Google Play Store so our reviews quantity started increasing significantly earlier we had like 5
6,000 reviews now we have more than 15,000 reviews and those reviews are also getting compounded more and more
reviews are coming and most of them are positive because we prompt them to give review right after a positive thought so
more number of reviews and more positive reviews also in increased downloads so it became a loop which led to a growth
how did you discover this happy moment W thing um we were observing that uh the app usage is very high transactions are
growing but reviews are not growing and we have to convince the user send them WhatsApp to give a review which you
would have seen a lot of hotels also do even we do yeah yeah you have to like you want users to give feedback which
you can share so then we started using other apps like some e Commerce apps like flip cart Mish show they have
millions of reviews they have lacks of reviews and we wanted to see how are they getting such large number of
reviews given the transactions are high but still so we started using those app and we saw that they prompt you to give
reviews um right after a happy thought so we try to replicate those Behavior amazing what else uh what we do is since
we are giving a calendar we are suggesting user to do a activity so we also take feedback whether he has done
it or not then you know we give them some appreciation after every activity which they have done it so so it's a
loop which you know we are doing multiple times and user is also giving a feedback of initially a small feedback
and when we see a user has given three four small feedbacks then redirect them to a play store got it got it one of the
thing that led to um using the feedback that we were getting from the users was that when we started building out the
app um our first instinct is to consider ourself as a user so we try to learn from
zato learn from flip cart Flipkart Amazon maybe Ola Uber and a lot of our design was Urban Centric but it took us
quite some time to realize that all our users are rural users and for us understanding some common icons is very
common right every app in urban India has a homepage now what is home right like you and me we take it
for granted that home meural why should he not consider that as his address
true for them it is for them it is their address so lot of these minor minor
things when we show customer support there are some icons right call there will be a call center person's icon but
for a rural user the only way to communicate is WhatsApp so if you don't show a WhatsApp
icon and if you show a call icon they'll not click oh my God so the design for Rural user has to be completely
different this has come out after a lot of failures we build something we think this is something that will work and
people will start sharing our application and it just doesn't work then we call customers and they ask us
feature then we took this problems back to our drawing board our designers we also sat and we like this is something
which is again counterintuitive if this is something which a user is finding useful why is he
not sharing because the share icon was this share you we use right h it was not intuitive for them that was not a share
in their perspective uh then we also reached out to some industry experts we connected with Google for startups this
was 2020 when you know we had just launched our application and we were not able to get the traction required uh we
sat with people who have actually designed Androids iconography to understand what was their thought
process and we realize it is very Urban and it is coming majorly from Silicon Valley so we should not use it directly
again we sat with them went to drawing board and made it more intuitive for our users most of the things we initially
just started by naming it instead of using iconography let's put a word to it so that they need know to interpret
something and then slowly inculcate a very small iconography along with the name so that's how then it started
taking off such a small thing but makes such a huge incredible guys thank you so much
this was extremely delightful uh like I said this is going to be one of the best things that my uncle would have seen on
YouTube this is a step-by-step guide and the reason why I appreciate this so much is because there is a structure to it
and that makes it so easy to memorize so easy to take notes from and I will leave the links to all the do you have
contents on batag which are written blogs and stuff like that I'll post all the links in the description and uh and
hopefully if anybody finds it useful they should Venture into farming because that is something that can get you a BMW
so thank you so much guys it really a l it was a pleasure yeah thank you thank you
[Music] [Music]
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