Understanding the essentials of crop care and maintenance is crucial for anyone interested in agriculture and fishery arts, especially for Grade 7 students. Mastering these principles can lead to successful farming practices that promote sustainability and optimize yield. This article delves into the key concepts of crop care and maintenance, harvesting techniques, and post-harvest practices, all tailored for young learners.
What are Crops?
Crops are defined as plants or plant produce cultivated for subsistence or profit. They can be categorized into various types:
- Food Crops: Grown primarily for human consumption, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.
- Cash Crops: Cultivated for sale and profit, e.g., coffee and sugar cane.
- Forage Crops: Raised for livestock feed, like corn and grasses.
- Fiber Crops: Harvested for fibers, e.g., cotton and banana plant fibers.
- Oil Crops: Grown for oil production, such as coconut and palm oil.
- Ornamental Crops: Raised for decorative purposes in gardens, e.g., orchids and roses.
- Industrial Crops: Processed for non-edible materials, like tobacco.
Understanding different crop types is the foundation for effective agricultural practices.
Key Crop Care Practices
1. Cultivation
Cultivation is vital for preparing the soil for planting and involves loosening hardened soil through methods such as plowing or harrowing. This process promotes air circulation around the roots and improves soil health, which is critical for optimal plant growth.
2. Seed Selection and Planting
- Seed Selection: It's crucial to choose high-quality seeds. The selection process includes evaluating seed health and viability.
- Planting: The drilling depth is typically 1.5 to 2 inches deep, with proper spacing to allow for optimal plant growth.
3. Irrigation
Water is essential for plants, especially during dry periods. Different irrigation methods include:
- Manual Irrigation: Labor-intensive and involves watering with cans.
- Drip Irrigation: The most efficient technique, delivering water directly to the plant roots.
- Sprinkler Irrigation: Involves a system of pipes spraying water over the field.
4. Fertilizer Application
Proper fertilization enriches the soil, providing necessary nutrients for plant growth. Different methods of application include scattering fertilizers before planting and mixing them into the soil.
5. Weed Control
Weeds can significantly undermine crop yield and productivity. Methods include:
- Manual Weeding: The traditional labor-intensive way to remove weeds.
- Mechanical Weeding: Using machinery for weed removal.
- Chemical Weeding: Applying herbicides appropriately, ensuring the choice between selective and non-selective herbicides based on the needs of the crops.
6. Pest and Disease Management
Pests can be controlled using various pesticides, including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and eco-safe alternatives. Encouraging beneficial organisms in the fields is also an effective pest management strategy.
7. Providing Support for Climbing Plants
Crops such as bitter gourd and string beans need support structures, often made of wood or metal, known as trellises.
Harvesting Practices
As crops mature, harvesting methods become increasingly important. Different techniques include:
- Manual Harvesting: Using traditional tools like sickles or scythes.
- Mechanical Harvesting: Utilizing machinery for efficiency, especially for larger fields.
The timing for harvesting is influenced by various factors such as the crop variety, planting date, and environmental conditions, ensuring the best quality produce.
Post-Harvest Practices
Post-harvest management is crucial for ensuring the quality and longevity of the produce. Key considerations include:
- Storage Conditions: Proper storage can prevent damage from insects, diseases, and environmental conditions.
- Storage Methods: Different methods such as unrefrigerated storage and cold storage systems help in maintaining quality.
- Pre-Marketing Operations: This includes washing, trimming, and packaging the produce for sale. Pre-cooling techniques, such as hydrocooling and vacuum cooling, are also essential to reduce spoilage.
- Grading and Packaging: Essential for classification based on size, shape, and ripeness, establishing a good trade for farmers.
- Selling: Farmers may engage in retail or wholesale selling, affecting their profit margins.
In conclusion, understanding crop care and maintenance, harvesting techniques, and post-harvest practices can greatly influence the success of agricultural endeavors among Grade 7 students. By mastering these principles, students can develop a foundational knowledge essential for future agricultural studies and practices. Growing awareness of eco-friendly methods also ensures sustainability in farming, benefiting both the environment and agricultural productivity.
technology and livelihood education Agriculture and fishery arts for grade seven our topic is crop care
and maintenance harvesting and post harvesting practices [Music]
[Music] crop care and maintenance harvesting in post harvesting practices
let's check what you already know about the various practices and crop maintenance can you share some insights
on the following videos and pictures [Music] [Music]
[Music] crops crops are plants or plant produce that can be raised cultivated and
harvested for subsistence or profit they may be classified as food crops cash crops forage crops oil crops industrial
crops fiber crops and ornamental crops pesticides these may be natural organic
or commercial products that control the wide spread of pests and diseases in the agricultural field while the herbicides
maybe natural organic or commercial products that control the widespread of weeds in the
field cultivation this is the process of loosening the hardened soil through
plowing or harrowing It is believed to control weeds and pests in the farm
irrigation it is the process of maintaining the moisture and water content of soil needed for the plant
growth trellis these may be made from wood or metal that serves as support for
climbing and crawling crops fertilizer these may be natural organic
or commercial products applied to increase the nutrients into the soil watch the video on proper care and
maintenance of farm you can also watch different videos in YouTube on the proper care and
maintenance of the farm check the link below after watching the video on proper care and maintenance of farm answer the
questions below first what various practices for crop care and maintenance are presented in the video please list
them from pre-production to harvesting if needed and why is it important for Farmers to understand the proper care
and maintenance of crops the following are the types of crops first is the food crops this is
primarily raised cultured and harvested for human consumption it may be classified as field crops or root crops
crops the field crops are grown on a large scale for commercial purposes this includes fruits and vegetables wheat
rice corn sugar cane the root crops are underground plant parts for human consumption like carrot sugar beet
turnip potato peanut radish Etc here are some examples of food crops the cash crops this type of crops is
sold for profit it can be exported to other countries as well like coffee cocoa sugar cane and other exportable
crops feed or forage crops this type of plant is usually raised cultured and harvested for livestock consumption like
corn pasture grasses the fiber crops this type of plant is usually raised cultured and
harvested for its fibers to be used as a raw material like cotton avaca banana and pineapple
fiber the oil crops this type of plant is usually raised cultured and harvested for production of oil like sugar cane
palm tree coconut Etc the ornamental crops this type of plant is usually raised cultured and
harvested Ed for decorations in the garden and Landscape projects example orchids rubber tree gvilia
Rose the industrial crops this type of plant is usually raised cultured harvested and processed by Industries
for the production of non-edible materials example tobacco the classification of crops
according to growth habits first is the herb a non Woody plants that typically die back at the end of the growing
season next is the vine these are plants that climb or sprawl often relying on other structures for support next is the
lyan it is a type of Woody Vine that typically grows in tropical rainforests the shrub are Woody plants
that are smaller than trees usually with multiple stems the tree are tall Woody plants with a single main stem trunk
next is the Evergreen these are trees or shrubs that retain their leaves throughout the year and finally the
Deciduous these trees or shrubs that lose their leaves seasonally the classification of plants
based on their life cycle annual crops these plants complete their life cycle in one growing season they germinate
grow flour and produce seeds all within a year examples include corn wheat and beans next is the banial crops these
crops require two years to complete their life cycle in the first year they grow leaves and Roots while in the
second year they flower and produce seeds examples include carrots and onions and lastly perennial crops these
plants live for multiple years regrowing each season from the same root system they can produce flowers and seeds every
year once established examples include a asparagus and fruit trees like apple or
cherry the following are the factors that influence the crop production the water soil wind temperature sunlight
seed selection knowledge crop care and maintenance it is deemed important to consider these factors as they affect
the growth of the plant and as well as the produce or harvest the crop production is the
process which involves several steps wherein Farmers should take precautionary measures at each step the
farmers should also consider the external conditions and factors to achieve Bountiful Harvest thus Farmers
should have sufficient knowledge in crop care and maintenance the first crop care and
maintenance process is the cultivation this is the first stage of crop production cultivation refers to
the stirring of the soil through plowing or harrowing cultivating the soil is one of the most effective ways to control
weeds and pests cultivating the soil loosens the soil around the plant which provides air
for the root of the plants this technique is called conventional tillage reduced or no tillage can lead to
accumulation of soil carbon consequently benefiting soil health and improving crop
yields next is the seed sewing and plant seedling good quality and healthy seeds and seedlings should be considered prior
to sewing and planting respectively in seed sewing the correct depth of soil of 1.5 to 2 Ines deep is
important for sewing seeds to ensure proper moisture in sewing the seeds or planting the seedlings Farmers should
consider the proper spacing to allow plants on its optimal growth next is the
irrigation crops require water because water prevents crops from drying out especially during
drought however the amount of water differs from each variety of crops there are various ways in which Farmers
irrigate the crops manual drip and sprinkler irrigation the following are the types
of irrigation first is the manual irrigation it is a labor intensive and
timeconsuming method which uses laborers to irrigate water using water cans next is the drip irrigation this is the most
effective way to supply water and nutrients to crops it provides water and nutrients directly to the zone of plants
in the proper amount and proper time the sprinkler irrigation uses pipes and spray to irrigate the whole field
pipelines may be used when water is scarce to eliminate water losses finally soil and plant factors determine the
irrigation requirements of the crops next is the fertilizer application if the soil is deprived of nutrients it
requires management of nutrients such as application of fertilizers manures and compost to enrich the soil content there
are methods of fertilizer application this can be scattering and mixing with the soil before planting
the weed control weeds lead to the reduction of crop yield increased production costs and increased incidence
of pests and diseases weeding control method manual weeding or hand weeding is a timeconsuming and labor intensive
method laborers use their hands and or sickle or Scythe to remove weeds crops and the weeds thus skill is needed to
apply this kind of herbicide the mechanical weeding this uses Machinery to remove weeds such as
Kona weeder power tiller basket hoe while the chemical weeding uses herbicides to remove seeds they may be
considered selective or non-selective herbicides selective herbicides aim the weeds only with effect on the crops
while non- selective herbicides harm both main crops and the weeds thus skill is needed to apply this kind of
herbicide the pests and diseases control to drive away pests Farmers app y pesticides there are different varieties
of pesticides and each of them has a particular function this includes herbicides insecticides fungicides
molluscicides and rodenticides however farmers are encouraged to employ eco-safe and
eco-friendly ways to control pests and diseases this may include production of Organic pesticides and encouragement on
the presence of organisms that kills pests the support for climbing plants or trellis there is a need to provide
support for climbing and crawling plants such as bitter gourd squash string beans trellis may be made of wood or
metal harvesting and preservation Farmers Harvest when crops reach maturity Farmers have various ways to
gather and harvest crops such as traditional techniques and modern ways this stage of the development of
vegetables when harvested influences the quality of produce there are factors that determine the the harvest date of
the crops such as genetic composition of the vegetable variety planting date and environmental
conditions the manual harvesting is employed through the use of mechanical tools such as sickle or Scythe for
broccoli cabbage cauliflower some vegetables are mechanically harvested the changes in
the post Harvest are influenced by various factors such as kind of crop temperature oxygen and carbon dioxide
content relative humidity and disease incitant organism storing the produce contributes to price
stabilization it also contributes to the preservation of the produce the vegetable storage should
consider the following parameters it should be free from mechanical insect and disease injury and matured crops
there are changes that occur on the produce such as water loss conversion of starch and sugar flavor changes color
changes toughening or softening vitamin gain or loss sprouting rooting and Decay this deteriorates the quality of produce
so proper storage is needed the methods of storing vegetable are the common or unrefrigerated storage
and the cold or the refrigerated storage there is a lack of precise control of temperature and humidity in common
storage this use produces insulated storage houses outdoor cellers or Mounds the cold storage allows precise
regulation of temperature and humidity and maintenance of constant conditions with the use of
refrigeration pre-marketing operations and selling this stage involves washing trimming waxing pre-cooling grading prep
packaging and packaging the precooling involves rapid removal of heat from freshly harvested
vegetables slows natural deterioration of the produce slows the growth of Decay and retards water loss this includes
hydrocooling contact icing vacuum cooling Cooling and Air cooling hydrocooling is done by cooling
the produce by direct contact with cold water flowing through the packed containers contact icing uses crushed
ice placed in the package or spread over a stack of packages to pre-cool the contents vacuum cooling produces rapid
evaporation of a small quantity of water that lowers the temperature of the crops air cooling is done through exposure of
vegetables to cold air the grading this process ensures that the crops are classified according
to their size shape color and ripeness this establishes a good trade the packaging the products are
placed in bags trays cartons crates and hampers of various kinds and sizes depending on the types of crops this
furnishes a convenient means for transport loading and stacking with security and economy
space the selling process in selling the farmers sell their produce through retail or wholesale retail sales are
done when consumers buy produce often the roadside stands wholesale marketing is made when produce is sold to
retailers commercial institutional or other large scale owners there are many other additional
practices to increase crop productivity and farm profitability include increase crop diversity enhance beneficial
pollinators population employ more eco-friendly weed control measures improve soil quality manage labor and
input costs keep track of all the records including expenses and profit involve in Creative
Marketing A Time To Remember [Music] this is teacher milen thank you for
watching and please subscribe to my YouTube channel e
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