Comprehensive Guide to Crop Care and Maintenance for Grade 7


In today's lesson, we will dive into the essential practices of crop care and maintenance, as well as harvesting and post-harvest strategies, specifically designed for grade seven students in the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) program. Understanding these practices is crucial for future farmers and agriculture enthusiasts. This guide covers everything from the types of crops to cultivation practices and modern harvesting methods.

Understanding Crops

What Are Crops?

Crops are defined as plants that are grown and harvested for use as food, fodder, or other uses. They can be cultivated for subsistence (for personal consumption) or for profit (cash crops). Here are various types of crops:

  • Food crops: Grown mainly for human consumption (e.g., wheat, rice, corn).
  • Cash crops: Cultivated for sale and profit (e.g., coffee, cocoa).
  • Forage crops: Raised for animal consumption (e.g., corn, grasses).
  • Fiber crops: Produce fibers for textiles (e.g., cotton).
  • Oil crops: Grown for oil production (e.g., coconut, palm oil).
  • Industrial crops: Processed for non-edible products (e.g., tobacco).

Classification of Crops

Crops can also be classified based on their growth habits:

  • Herbs: Non-woody plants that die back after a season.
  • Vines: Plants that climb or sprawl using other structures.
  • Shrubs: Woody plants smaller than trees with multiple stems.
  • Trees: Tall plants with a single trunk.
  • Evergreen: Retain leaves throughout the year.
  • Deciduous: Lose leaves seasonally.

Life Cycle of Crops

Crops are further categorized based on their life cycles:

  • Annual crops: Complete their life cycle in one growing season (e.g., corn, beans).
  • Biennial crops: Take two years to complete their cycle (e.g., carrots, onions).
  • Perennial crops: Live for multiple years and can produce annually (e.g., apples, asparagus).

Factors Influencing Crop Production

Understanding the key factors that affect crop production is essential:

  • Water: Essential for preventing plants from wilting during dry spells.
  • Soil: The nutrient content and structure play a pivotal role.
  • Sunlight: Plants require adequate light for photosynthesis.
  • Temperature: Affects plant growth rates.
  • Seed selection: Quality seeds lead to better yields.

Crop Care and Maintenance Practices

Successful crop production begins with effective care and maintenance practices:


Cultivation involves loosening the soil to improve aeration and drainage. Primary techniques include:

  1. Plowing: Turning over the soil to prepare it for planting.
  2. Harrowing: Breaking up soil to ensure an even surface.
  3. Tillage: Methods to minimize soil disturbance and control erosion.

Seed Selection and Planting

Choosing high-quality seeds is essential for successful planting:

  • Seed depth: Seeds should be planted 1.5 to 2 inches deep to maintain moisture.
  • Spacing: Proper spacing ensures maximum growth.

Irrigation Techniques

Crops require water for proper growth. Here are common irrigation methods:

  • Manual Irrigation: Direct application of water using containers, labor-intensive.
  • Drip Irrigation: Efficient method delivering water directly to plant roots.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation: Distributes water evenly across a field.


Applying fertilizers enriches the soil. Methods of application include:

  • Scattering before planting.
  • Mixing with soil to enhance nutrient uptake.

Weed Control

Weeds compete for nutrients and can hinder crop growth. Control methods include:

  • Manual Weeding: Hand removal of weeds.
  • Mechanical Weeding: Utilizing machinery to remove weeds.
  • Chemical Weeding: Use of herbicides (selective and non-selective).

Pest and Disease Control

To protect crops from pests and diseases, farmers can:

  • Apply pesticides (insecticides, fungicides).
  • Use eco-friendly alternatives like organic pesticides.

Supporting Climbing Plants

Plants such as beans and tomatoes require support structures:

  • Use trellises made of wood or metal to provide necessary support.

Harvesting Crops

Harvesting involves gathering crops once they reach maturity. Important factors include:

  • Timing: Determined by genetic factors, planting time, and environmental conditions.
  • Techniques: Can be done manually using tools (sickles) or mechanically.

Post-Harvesting Practices

Once harvested, proper handling ensures the quality and longevity of crops:

Storage Methods

  • Common Storage: Insufficient control of temperature and humidity.
  • Cold Storage: Regulates conditions to prolong freshness.

Pre-Marketing Operations

Before selling produce, various operations are performed:

  1. Washing: Clean the crops to remove soil and contaminants.
  2. Grading: Classify crops by size and quality.
  3. Packaging: Use appropriate containers for transport and sale.

Selling Techniques

Crops can be sold through:

  • Retail: Direct sales to consumers (e.g., farmers' markets).
  • Wholesale: Selling in bulk to retailers or institutions.


Understanding the practices of crop care and maintenance, harvesting, and post-harvest care is essential for students pursuing agriculture as a field of study. By grasping these concepts, future farmers can increase crop yield and maintain their land sustainably. Always remember that knowledge is power in agriculture, and with the right practices, quality produce results in better livelihoods.

Additional Practices to Enhance Agriculture

Farmers can utilize several strategies to improve crop productivity, including:

  • Increasing crop diversity for resilience.
  • Enhancing beneficial pollinator populations.
  • Managing labor and inputs efficiently.
  • Keeping precise records of production and sales.
  • Engaging in creative marketing strategies.

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