Feeding management plays a critical role in the productivity and health of poultry and livestock. Proper nutrition is not only vital for growth and production but also crucial for animal welfare. In this detailed guide, we will explore various aspects of feeding management for poultry and livestock, focusing particularly on goats and sheep, as well as cattle and pigs. Understanding these principles can empower farmers to optimize their strategies, reduce costs, and enhance the overall health of their animals.
Content Standards and Performance Standards
Before diving into the specifics of feeding management, it is essential to recognize the importance of adhering to set content and performance standards that guide effective agricultural practices. These standards ensure that both animal welfare and productivity are prioritized in livestock management.
Learning Competency and Objectives
This lesson aims to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills related to:
- Understanding the nutritional needs of different livestock species.
- Implementing feeding management systems effectively.
- Designing appropriate feeding facilities for various animals.
Feeding Management of Poultry and Livestock
Feeding management is an intricate process that includes planning, formulating rations, and providing feeding facilities. Here, we will break down the essential components for goats, sheep, cattle, and pigs.
Feeding Facilities for Goats and Sheep
Feeding Troughs
- Should be trapezoidal or semicylindrical in shape.
- Dimensions: 180 mm to 250 mm by 300 mm.
- Height: At least 150 mm off the ground to prevent contamination.
- Hay Racks: Diagonal or vertical slats with a minimum spacing of 130 mm.
- Must be positioned to reduce risk of injury.
Drinking Facilities
- For open tank systems: 300 mm space for each 15 to 25 head.
- For automatic watering systems: One bowl/nipple for every 50 heads.
- Ensure easy drainage and proper maintenance.
Milking Areas
- Should be separate from the general housing of goats.
- Include a designated milking stall.
Suggested Flushing Rations
- Pregnant Goats:
- Utilize a good mix of pasture, legumes, and grains.
- Early and mid-pregnancy rations include:
- Good pasture grazing
- 1-2 kg of sorghum silage
- 50 g of oil cakes per head per day.
Types of Feeding Management Structures
Extensive Grazing
- Allows sheep and goats to graze freely throughout the season.
Rotational Grazing
- Divides pasture into sections, rotating animals to help maintain grass quality.
- Controls parasitic infestations.
Semi-Intensive Grazing
- Combines extensive and intensive methods.
- Includes stall feeding and controlled grazing hours.
Feeding Facilities for Cattle
Feeding Troughs
- Dimensions vary according to age (0.25-0.9 m top width).
- Should be made of concrete or wood with smooth surfaces for easy cleaning.
Storage Sheds
- Keep all feed dry and secure from pests.
Nutrient Requirements
- Ensure balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and essential minerals.
Swine Feeding Management
Understanding the nutritional needs of pigs is crucial due to their monogastric digestive system.
- General Guidelines:
- Feed swine regular amounts of high-quality feed, replacing old feed daily.
- Ensure adequate ventilation for feed storage.
Feeding Breeding Sows
- Monitor the nutritional needs throughout pregnancy and lactation.
- Offer specific diets to maintain proper weight and health.
Feeding Piglets
- Introduce creep feeding around two weeks old.
- Nutrient requirements balance protein, vitamins, and minerals for growth.
Chickens Feeding Management
Quality Feed
- Quality should meet nutritional needs; feed must be clean and safe.
- Purchase from reliable suppliers who practice good manufacturing principles.
Record Keeping and Monitoring
- Maintain thorough records concerning feed purchases, ingredients, and delivery dates.
Effective feeding management in poultry and livestock is vital for the success of any farming operation. Understanding the specific needs of each species, implementing well-designed feeding facilities, and maintaining high-quality nutrition will enhance productivity and animal health. Monitoring the growth and adapting feeding strategies regularly are key practices to achieving a sustainable farming approach. By following these guidelines, farmers can optimize performance and ensure the welfare of their livestock. Thank you for your attention, and remember to subscribe for more agricultural insights!
technology and livelihood education Agriculture and fishery arts for grade seven our topic is feeding management of
poultry and [Music] livestock week seven part two
the following are the content standard and performance standard for this lesson here are the learning competency
and objectives of this lesson our topic is feeding management of poultry and
livestock feeding facilities for goat and sheep the feeding troughs feeding
troughs should be trapezoidal or semicylindrical it should have a department of 180 mm to 250 mm by 300 mm
it shall be raised off off the ground at least 150 mm to keep the animals hay racks shall be diagonal or vertical
slats with a minimum spacing of 130 mm hay racks shall be properly positioned and designed to avoid risk of injury the
following figures present the side view and front view of the feeding racks the recommended linear feed space
is shown on the following table here are some examples of goat feeding trough
the drinking trough water facility for an open tank drinking system 300 mm space is required for each 15 to 25
heads for automatic watering systems one bowl or nipple shall be provided for every 50 heads the watering devices
shall be situated where water is easily drained for free range the apron around the waterers shall be paved or packed
with gravel at least 750 mm width here are some examples of goat drinking
trough the goat milking area milking area shall be separated from where the goats are kept and shall be provided
with a milking stall here are some examples of goat milting area the suggested flushing rations for
you suggested flushing rations for you include good mixed of pasture of legumes and grasses a grass pasture and 150 gram
of wheat brand per head per day grass 25 Pasture and 250 gam of grains and 450 G of oil cakes legum hay full fed and 100
G of wheat bran and 150 to 200 g of grain and green fod at 10% of body weight and 150 to 200 g of concentrate
per head per day suggested flushing rations for pregnant you suggested flushing ration
for early and mid- pregnancy you include graze on a good pasture 1-2 kg sorghum silage and legum hay of 1/2 to 1 kg head
per day add libidum supply of Maze and 50 g of oil cakes per head per day grazing on stubbles and harvested Fields
supplemented with 100 gram of oil cakes per head per day feeding Rams for breeding Rams in
normal condition require some additional nutrients during the breeding season an overfat Ram needs thinning before the
breeding season through combination of feed reduction and vigorous exercise allow Rams to graze with the Ed
to allow them to get the same rations as the use if separate feeding it may be given 300-500 G of concentrate mixture
consisting of three parts of oats or barley one part Maze and one part wheat per
day feeding of breeding goat if the availability of pasture is good there is no need to supplement concentrate
mixture in poor grazing conditions animals may be supplemented with concentrate mixture at 150 to 350 gam of
concentrate per animal per day the digestible crude protein level of the concentrate mixture used in the adult is
12% types of feeding management first is the extensive grazing extensive grazing
involves letting sheep or goats in the entire pasture and leaving them there for the whole
season next is the rotational grazing method it is done when pasture land is divided by temporary fences into several
sections the animals are moved from one section to another section once the entire pasture is grazed the first
section will have sufficient grass cover to provide second grazing this method controls parasitic infestations to a
great extent it also provides good quality fodder further this system lets Lambs graze first and brings in use to
finish up the feed left by the Lambs and the semi-intensive semi-intensive is a
combination of extensive and intensive systems due to limited grazing it involves extensive management but
controlled grazing it can consists of stall feeding shelter at night 26 under shed and 3 to 5 hours daily grazing and
browsing on pasture and range however this method implicates more feed
cost here is the daily nutrient requirement for meat producing goats the feeding facilities for cattle
the following are the feeding facilities for cattle first is the feeding troughs it shall be placed along the sides of
the pen and should either be made of wood or concrete it shall have horizontal rail to prevent animals from
stepping the trough the height of the horizontal rail shall be 0.7 M for up to 6 months calves
while for S months calves is 0.9 M for yearling heer dry and milking cows is 1 to 2 m the inside surfaces of the
feeding trough should be smooth and it should have rounded Corners to facilitate
cleaning the bed of the trough should be 0.15 m above the level of the apron to facilitate natural feeding stance for
calves up to one year the dimension of the feed trough shall be 0.25 M depth 0.4 to 0.65 M bottom width and 0.65 to
0.85 m top width for older animals the dimension of the feed trough shall be 0.4 M depth 0.45 to 0.7 M bottom width
and 0.7 to 0.9 top width the linear feeding space for dairy cattle is shown on the table below if
the feeding trough is separated from the shed or pen concrete or gravel packed aprons along the feeder shall be
constructed and shall be at least 1.5 M wide and slope of 2 to 4% towards the drainage the following are the linear
feeding spaces per animal next is the storage sheds it is used for all feed stuffs such as hay
grain mineral salt shall be provided to keep it dry to protect from rodents and other
animals here is the commonly feed ingredients for dairy animals feeding dairy cows feeding
management plays a crucial role in farm economy because feed alone constitutes 60% of the production cost of milk the
nutrient requirement should be determined for maintenance as well as for milk production to meet the fat
percentage in milk and gestation thus it needs computation dry matter from ruffage should not exceed 2%
of cow's live weight nor should it be less than 1% the recommended nutrient inclusions
for cattles it should have major minerals which include phosphorus magnesium sodium potassium and chlorine
microminerals include iron copper zinc manganese Cobalt selenium thyroid Florine and vitamins include vitamin A d
e k and C the table below shows the feeding allowances for
cattle the pig feed management the swine feeding swine are monogastric animals that can utilize
fibrous food only to a limited extent part of the protein diet of pigs comes from animal sources they should be fed
on a regular basis Fresh Feed should be put only after removal of the previous feed from the feed trough
swill feeding is recommended for commercial pigs they require 4 to 8 kilog per day all categories of pigs can
be given small quantities of fodder or they may be pastured to graze grasses ad libitum feeding may be practiced for
weaned pigs to avoid post-weaning weight depression below are the nutrient requirement of breeding Stu
the nutrient requirement of growing [Music] stock below are the list of other feeds
used for feeding feeding boes a feeding board requires 2- 2.5 kg concentrate per 100
kg weight feed allowances should be either fat or run down greens should be provided if they are raised indoors
year- round pasture is excellent if it can provide physical exercise and valuable
nutrients feeding female there is a demand for nutrients resulting from pregnancy to ensure lactation The
increased needs are intended for proteins vitamins and minerals they gain 30 to 35 kg and guilts 40 to
45 kg during pregnancy there should be regulation of feed so that they will never get fat or thin individual feeding
is required flushing is a practice of giving extra feed to se and guilts from 1 to two weeks prior to mating and
returns to normal feeding after mating feeding of farrowing s and litter feed them lightly with bulky laxative
feed bring the sa to full feeding in in 10 days greens should be provided feed allowance is 2.5 to 3 Kg per 100 kg body
weight at a rate of 0.2 kg per piglet with the S thus a 100 kg s should receive 4.6 kg feed per day the piglets
may be provided with a special nourishing diet called creep feed creep feeding creep feeding is a
self-feeding concentrate to piglets this should be given when they are 2 weeks old each can consume about 10 kilogram
feed before reaching the age of eight weeks feeding of growing and finishing pigs the pigs may be given complete feed
they can consume to attain maximum growth they must be fed on a regular basis twice to Thrice a day on average
the post-weaning feed conversion efficiency is four as fattening progresses protein per in ration may be
decreased this period may be considered from weaning 9 to 10 kg to the slaughterhouse weight of 90 to 100
kg feeding orphan pigs piglets should be immediately shifted to a foster mother when a SE dies or fails to produce milk
or does not claim her pigs swill feeding refers to the practice of feeding pigs with leftover
food scraps or waste food often from human meals or food processing these scraps may include various types of food
waste such as vegetables grains meat da dairy products and other edible food remnants the following are the feed
Veterinary inputs and water for [Music] chickens first the chicken should be
provided with adequate safe and clean feed that would allow them to meet their Optimum Nutrition level they should be
provided with a daily feeding schedule or routine second Farm owner ERS should acquire feed from suppliers who follow
good manufacturing practices and or good hygiene practices that conforms with the quality and standards set by regulatory
bodies third procedures on on Farm manufacturer feeds should minimize contamination fourth Farm owners should
use ingredients from authorized suppliers records of purchases should be kept seek assistance from experts if
necessary fif the feed mixing equipment should be always kept clean and have a regular preventive maintenance
schedule sixth the feed chain should be well managed to prevent feed from contamination then feeds and Veterinary
inputs should be kept in a designated area under good ventilation and finally there should be a good recordkeeping
procedure that includes the following supplier type of feed or supplements quantity Declaration of ingredients
document of feed analysis date of delivery and date of manufacturing and batch
number on the right is the table of ration of layer Mash in conclusion effective feeding
Management in poultry and livestock is a vile aspect of successful farming by tailoring feed to the specific needs of
different species and production stages farmers can improve productivity reduce costs and enhance Animal Health regular
monitoring adapting to changing conditions and using high quality well-balanced feed are keys to
optimizing the performance and Welfare of the animals A Time To Remember
this is teacher milen thank you for watching and please subscribe to my YouTube channel
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