In this article, we delve into the complexities and nuances surrounding the C engine, primarily designed for India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) program. Through a detailed examination of its development, technical comparisons, and the challenges faced by India in engine manufacturing, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the C engine's role in enhancing India’s aerospace capabilities.
Why Discuss the C Engine?
Context of the Discussion
The C engine is developed to serve as the primary engine for the LCA program, but its path has been fraught with challenges, including significant delays and technological bottlenecks. Understanding these issues is crucial for policymakers, engineers, and defense strategists who are vested in India’s defense capabilities.
Technical Comparison of the C Engine
4th and 4.5 Generation Aircraft Engines
In comparing the C engine with global standards, we need to consider engines like:
- GE404
- RD-33
- M88
- G414 These engines represent a spectrum of thrust capabilities and technological advancements employed in high-performance combat aircraft.
Thrust and Weight Metrics
The thrust comparison of the C engine reveals that it produces around 50 kN of dry thrust, comparable to other contemporary engines like the M88. However, it is essential to note that the C engine weighs approximately 1180 kg, making it heavier than competitors, which adversely affects its thrust-to-weight ratio.
Investment Comparison
Research and Development (R&D) Funding
India’s investment in the C engine's R&D has been significant compared to others. Where the US spends upwards of a billion dollars on a single engine development program, India has achieved substantial progress with relatively lower investment, indicating a high return on investment (ROI).
Technological Bottlenecks
Performance Issues
One of the major concerns with the C engine has been its performance, particularly in the areas of:
- Flutter and high cycle fatigue in the fan and high-pressure compressor.
- High-temperature and pressure issues in the combustion chamber. These challenges stem from the need for advanced metallurgical solutions and innovative materials, which are not yet fully developed in India.
Need for Advanced Testing Facilities
Current testing facilities in India, including a newly established facility in Bengaluru, offer significant capabilities for jet engine testing. However, environmental testing and component-level testing remain substantial gaps that require urgent attention.
Material Science Advancements
Importance of Titanium Alloys
The use of titanium alloys in developing the C engine has been recognized as crucial for reducing weight while maintaining strength. Recent developments in creating indigenous supply chains for titanium ingots could enhance this aspect of the C engine further.
Single Crystal Blades
The introduction of single crystal turbine blades represents a significant advancement in turbine technology, offering improved performance due to the absence of grain boundaries which are common in metals. This technological leap could lead to better heat resistance and durability in engine components.
Future Directions
Strategic Collaborations
India must explore collaborations with leading aerospace companies for technology transfer while ensuring it retains intellectual property rights. Such partnerships could accelerate the development of competitive jet engines capable of meeting modern combat requirements.
Diversifying Engine Applications
Further diversifying the application of gas turbine engines in various sectors, such as marine and power, might enhance the economic viability of the C engine and engage the private sector in its development.
The C engine's development is not merely a technical challenge but a significant strategic priority for India. With ongoing reforms and advancements in material science, testing infrastructure, and strategic partnerships, India can potentially enhance its aerospace capabilities and ensure a sustainable future for its indigenous defense programs. The path is challenging, but the progress made so far indicates a promising trajectory.
Call to Action
For stakeholders interested in aerospace development, continued engagement in discussions surrounding innovations and strategic funding is essential. Subscribe to our channel for more in-depth analyses on aeronautical technologies and developments.
Summary of Key Points:
- In-depth technical analysis of India's C engine and its competitors.
- Comparison of thrust and weight metrics, highlighting challenges with the C engine.
- Discussions on investment in R&D and implications for India's defense sector.
- Insights into technological bottlenecks and required advancements in material science.
the boring diary okay
uh a second I think there are some issues yes so we are good to go discuss engine
issue and uh ual G Namaste and we will wait 2 minutes before we start so that some more people can join in if uh if
anyone is going to join anyways so first thing first to everyone joining now uh thank you for coming I hope you will
like this video if if you are not subscribed Please Subscribe K it takes a lot of effort to create this slides and
uh to bring you uh this level of analysis and other than that if somebody is watching this live after uh this
video is or this live is over uh still uh please subscribe and share the video like the video that will be very
helpful so everybody I I hope you all are doing well 20 25 seconds start video
presentation being said that uh we will first go on to discuss why we we are uh doing this uh session so let me share my
screen [Music] yes I will I will start the presentation
now so yeah discuss what are the what are the knowledge you will be getting today from
this session uh first is that we we will discuss why the this session the context of this session then we will get into
the technical comp comparison of the C engine or
compare existing existing four four 4.5 generation G aircraft say
then we will get into the invest investment comparison now uh there is no the thing is there are some Kats here
but still the investment gone into the R&D of these engines need to be studied uh then we will get into the year-wise
Improvement in the C engine and with the that will uh uh that will create a question in your mind that
what exactly do we want next is the next is the technological bottlenecks that we will be discussing uh in in great detail
and we will also discuss the uh discuss the uh the testing facilities that have been uh created in India and what are
what are the gaps there and next is the uh what are the possible way out of this uh bottlenecks since we are desperately
in need of an engine and next is next point is that who is responsible for this lack of for for sightedness so the
context of the discussion LC Mar [Music]
the the C engine was fundamentally fundamentally conceived as an engine that will be used as as a uh
as a primary engine for the LCA program but it did not uh uh did not come out to be U as well as expected the fundamental
reason for this was uh the uh I don't know if you people are aware or not but when the LCA Mark 1A program was being
researched upon a lot of testing was being done in uh in the in the united stat States so I think it's the either
it's University of Buffalo yeah Fe there is a lab in Buffalo in USA where a lot of the research and
development part of the LCA thees mark one uh or the LC thees program as a whole has happened this was before the
uh 1998 uh nuclear test once the 1998 or 1999 uh nuclear test happened a lot of
uh restrictions were put or sanctions were put in on India and after that uh after that those sanctions our
scientists were asked to leave the leave the United States immediately and since then a lot of lot of project progress
that were being made on the LCA program went into V and that included the uh that included the engine part so after
that Eng resarch and eventually we did make some engines but it had many issues and
because of that uh did that delays had happened but we will come to see that what our country has achieved in the uh
in in the Cav Engine with the amount of funds that have been given uh the ROI has been
excellent uh people won't believe it but believe me if you complete if you compare the ROI that is return on
investment the amount of investment that India has done and the amount of investment the Western countries or even
China has done for that matter uh who say India has done a fabulous job getting directly onto a fourth four or
4.5 generation engine now enough of uh talking let's get get into the meat of the uh
discussion here so uh we will be comparing the Cav's uh thrust with the global uh Global competitors here so we
have the uh g404 that is the prime currently the primary engine for uh for the LCA tases both Mark 1 and Mark 1 a
the rd33 the Ws 13 and the m88 engine and the g414 is the uh engine for amca ws13 is for the Chinese one and ej200 is
for uh for the Euro Fighter typhoon so if you want to know which engine is using uh is on which aircraft I will uh
I will uh clear that to you so the ej200 is in the Euro Fighter typhoon g414 I I think the fa18 Super Hornet m88
is on the raal that's why I have uh there is a reason I have marked it in Green in the table and rd33 is on
the uh on the MiG 29 and the g44 as I said is on the LCS ws13 I think is on the j20 and the C as such is the subject
of our discussion so uh when we pl a scatter plot where on the x-axis we compared the dry thrust so dry thrust is
basically the uh the amount of force that the engine is producing without without the use of an After Burner so if
you compare it with compare the Cav with uh other engines one second I will U get my pointer
yeah so the amount of thrust the dry thrust the Cav is generating is is in the same almost in the same category of
the rd33 and g404 and the m88 so it it is currently producing uh around 50 k uh 50 Kon anything between 48.5 to 50 Kon
and when we see that the m88 of the raal is in its dry configuration is 50 kilon so so is the MC 29's engine that is the
rd33 and so and almost same for the g404 existing engine of the Tes and WS 13 now I will say that take the Chinese
numbers with a pinch of salt but anyways these are the uh these are the the Chinese numbers are from many Chinese
sources so they have a habit of lying to so I will say that take it with a pinch of salt but in any case uh uh the car in
drive format is a very good engine in my opinion and it is comparable to any uh any contemporary fight uh fighter jets
engine in in the medium category so if we uh if we compare if we extend the scope
of the graph to the weight so this is where the Cav's problem starts it's a heavy engine so because of the heavy
engine it it has a lot uh it it faces the major challenges as of now so so if the if you see this weight parameter so
each color represents uh a kind of the amount the total weight of the engine so I think the uh yeah the dve weight that
is without the after burners uh so if you compare uh the color wise so green or bluish is a lighter engine and the uh
in if the if this is system if the bubble is in red color then it's a relatively heavier engine so if you see
that the car isn't particularly very uh yes yes User x101 it's 1100 kg no it's not 1100 kg I will come to that it's
1180 uh so uh I will come to that user yeah uh by the way user thank you for joining in uh please
subscribe uh so yes the C engine uh is a heavier one and it this is where the problem one of the issues lies so if we
come to the weight comparison if we take uh take the 1100 kg as the Baseline so it is not as if the car engine is
extremely heavy there are many engines that are basically of the same similar category the Chinese are 1135 the g414
is 1,110 and the the C engine it's 1,18 so even if we take uh 1,100 as the
Baseline we are 80 kilos above from getting into the Contemporary uh uh or the peer uh jet engines so what is the
issue so being a heavier engine it cost the Cav a lot of lot on the thrust to uh weight ratio so it's thrust to weight
ratio is quite compromised because of the uh because of the uh High relatively higher weight again I won't
say this is a very the the margin is too high but uh there has been a lot of weight reduction exercises already on
the engine weight come weight reducing exercises the amount of technological
Prov that you need it becomes uh it becomes very challenging so that means
let's say 100 Kil weight reduce that will take almost the same amount of effort that has gone
into creating the entire engine all together that may be a but that is the issue with Material
Science as such and electronics as well system it becomes more and more challenging to reduce the weight and uh
size so as you can see the thrust to weight ratio here for the C engine suffers now specific fuel comparison so
I will say that specific fuel comparison wise the Cav is equivalent to the m88 engine so uh if you see all through
these all through these uh graphs and charts you will realize one thing that uh uh the biggest advantage of the Rafal
engine is or the the the European engines in general is that they are very light so one thing that they have sorted
out very well is their Metallurgy uh they they have they have figured out their Material Science part very well
and that has helped them to achieve this kind of uh very low weight and that helps them to uh to actually improve
their thrust to weight ratio of the engine but uh you again you can see here the the dry thrust and all that thing
buys the calary is very much close to the uh close to m88 but in the to Total thrust case that is when the Cav gets uh
gets to its After Burner part successfully it will create more thrust than the uh m88 so that is one thing uh
I will again that will uh that will raise a question that I will I will share with you guys uh in the coming
Decks that why if we say that the C engines if C engine becomes successful it it becomes almost equivalent or in
some cases better than the Rafal engine so what makes us think that the the French will uh do a transfer transfer of
technology to the to or to Dro or to us Ork so that's a question that needs to be uh to be given a thought by the uh by
the people who are in charge of this thing actually transfer of Technology despite
fact sorry market if I have to be a bit
bit light with the language now we will jump into the technical part so you have to bear with
me we will discuss what have been the challenges challenges with the c engine as such and and we will get into the
hardcore mechanical engineering and Material Science part of this uh of this engine and we will discuss in very uh
in-depth analysis so if you you see that uh we have I have this is basically the cutout of the C engine and uh these
These are if you if you understand the parts this is the fan the high pressure compressor combustion chamber the low
pressure turbine and then the then comes the After Burner so uh uh I went through a uh a slide deck shared in some uh in
some conference by uh some GT official so there they shared the part wise issues that they have been facing so the
flutter for the uh for the fan and the high compressure uh high pressure compressor that is the cold majorly the
cold section of the engine they are facing flutter and high cycle fatigue and when it comes to the hot
section these uh these issues are mostly related to uh or somewhere directly or directly uh related to uh to the high
temperatures and pressures that that comes up in the combustion chamber and the uh uh and the and the low pressure
turbine and subsequently in the After Burner part as well uh UD G does the current cover uses I think so I think
the newer one uses I will come into it ual G it's there is a section in this and we will get into the hardcore
details of uh of single Crystal blade don't worry I have covered it here uh so so this is the if you see this is the uh
list of issues that that are currently existing in the calary OR currently or I would say this this deck is from 2022 so
in the 2022 part uh in 2022 version of the calary these were the major uh issues so if you ask me uh according to
me my analysis is that the that uh when the uh engine is moving ahead in into fly uh uh flight test bed in Russia I
think they have figured figured out a lot of issues especially in the cold section they they may have figured out
the flutter and high cycle fatigue in the cold section which I will explain what are these issues and how do they
look uh and uh anyways let's move ahead so understanding High cycle fatigue so if you see this diagram uh this is
basically stress strain curve for a ductile material or let's say a metal so if you if I have to explain you this
please stick with me this is going to take some amount of efforts to understand but
for for example you take a uh let's say cycle spoke C
am after number of times cyle spoke so when you see that uh when you
see see this turbine blade here I have the turbine plate CA analysis so when you see deformation so what are the
forces on the primary forces if you see uh primary forces on a turbine blade so it is rotating at a very high speed and
for PR so you will see that there is a lot of scope for deformation uh here on the
upper part of the blade so that is the problem that uh that was causing uh the uh that is causing U failure in the uh
engine blades in the earlier Cav engine that there were deformations happening due to high cycle fatigue and
issues next is the flutter issue that is when see that is when the aerodynamic force uh aerodynamic force that is the
uh force of the air flowing and the elasticity of the I don't want to go into extreme
detail but I giving you an IDE
blades and light up pressure loss buckling after these are primarily because of the high heat so that's a
that's a kind of material science issue now uh coming to the single Crystal blades uh uh yeah so coming to the
single Crystal blades so we need to understand what is a single Crystal blade of so if you see here this is a
micro structure of titanium or any metal you take uh uh if if any metal you take there and look it look it in the
microscope uh then you will see that uh see that uh there are these little ter terrains or grains like structure with
the black color boundary to it this is these are called the uh crystals so these crystals are basically contain
atoms of the particular uh particular metal and what these actually mean is that the atoms in this case are aligned
in different ways I'm oversimplifying but but this is the fundamental part is that the atoms here in the poly Crystal
material are they are aligned in a in different directions and when these uh these grains actually interact with each
other the boundaries are formed so single Crystal blade boundaries now why are these
boundaries bad so your whenever you see that a failure happens a crack happens in a uh in a in a metal uh piece or
something the uh these these cracks actually initiate from these grain boundaries so these grain B
boundaries if these grain boundaries are removed uh this will improve the uh strength of the of the uh object by many
times uh both the strength in general or and the heat resisting capacity of the turbine blade so this brings us to the
uh diagram here so this is a poly Crystal that is multicrystal uh multi Crystal uh turbine
blade which have which is not a not a single Crystal this is columnar Crystal that is these are uh blades where the
crystal have don't uh the only they are in in the vertical Direction boundary grains and the single Crystal blade have
Have No Boundaries uh sorry no grain boundaries so this is how a single Crystal blade looks the right one here
is the single Crystal blade this is this is the uh columnar Crystal blade and this is the multi poly Crystal uh
turbine blade so we are looking to in get success in this single Crystal blade for fighter jets in this case so how is
this single Crystal turbine blades created so this single Crystal turbine blade is a is a magic of cooling uh we
have to cool the molten metal in a certain way to get this uh uh get this particular
uh structure poly crystalline structure so before that grain
boundaries so let let's move on to the metal solidification process so let's say outer
surface English thank you uh mold wall yeah
so liquid let's say m environment provide k then uh these D
these dendrites are formed uh these and these dendroides slowly move ahead towards the center of the uh center of
the whatever jar you have taken or The Crucible you have taken for solidification and these greins are
formed so this is the uh this is the uh uh the dendrite formation of in the in case of solidification of metal so in
case of in case of these single Crystal blade giving uh cold temperature from all sides but what I am telling is that
lower upper part solidification
uh uh yeah I will come to this the company's part no issues K so yeah coming to the issue that uh coming to
the part single Crystal blade so this is a Bridgman
F let's let's let's okay yeah so Bridge turbine blades
coing through water or whatever you have so and to to avoid to avoid multigrain structure filter
typ helal helal 3D sor this filters out filter out this
multiple grain formation and it allows only single Crystal to uh to propagate upwards towards the hot chamber
so single Crystal turbine blade is process cooling process uni unidirectional cooling so
Crystal and then it becomes then the entire mold is solidified into uh into a single Crystal blade
now this is a deck that I don't know where where did I actually get it I think uh I think strategic Frontier
maybe so this is from a 2022 uh 2022 uh deck that GT uh guys did so they
have they have pointed out what are the materials that they have to indigenize so if you see that the red mark they
have marked this in red dots the material that have to be indigenized you will figure out that most of these
things are related to Titanium so the good thing about the titanium we have a good news which which I will be
discussing in the next uh in the next slides so titanium issue titanium thing has been a challenge for us because uh
because in general titanium across uh Globe has been supplied primarily supplied by Russia and some handful of
certain countries I think even China is also in the is a major player in the supply chain so that is one thing so um
the good news is that PTC Industries has opened a furnance so uh how many furnance I don't know but the investment
says that it is uh the there are more than one uh furnances that has been opened for uh making these titanium
ingots uh so these titanium ingots are a very key issue in the engine and in the fighter jet development as well so you
need titanium Alloys in the engine and you need the titanium Alloys in the aircraft body as
well because it's it's strong it is light and the it is it is now has become the standard go to go to base material
for high Hightech uh military grade uh equipments now comes the uh funding part so the
these are some uh funding that I have understood that the Americans have actually pushed in more than a billion
dollar uh on their sing on single engine I'm single engine means on each of the engine development program so they have
they don't have just one engine program that's running and
development or I will come to the joke that that has been created out of cavari but if you see that uh this is a $1
billion Mark a$1 billion Mark so for say for engine development program so they have developed for jet engines Americans
have developed jet engines for uh okay okay so so somat da uh I I understood Japan is also yeah yeah yeah
uh thank you thank you thank you uh I I will come to the questions I will come to the questions once I am I am done
with the presentation uh yes so coming to the CI thing so the joke of the calary engine is that we have been able
to create of engine that's providing us with a with almost uh 7071
Kon Kon of thrust uh all with some struggles that that is very much close to uh maybe not close to what what was
needed for the LCA AES but it's it's close to many many fourth generation fet engines
uh we have compared with some of them in the 70 to 75 category the the one of them being the rd33 so the rd33 on the
mc29 uh is one engine that I think the calary spec wise comes close to but 38 years and only
2,100 and here people say Dr like are you guys serious are you guys
serious compare but they don't compare compare the funding that these platform or their
engines have got what we have achieved in a very limited constrainted budget uh is is unparalleled on and by V I mean
the drdu of course there are inefficiencies but this is unparallel the ROI is huge it can't be
compared so we should not be same again I'm coming to the same point 2100 cres in 30 years CAG writes an entire report
I will request the CAG to compare how much money has been spent on the development of each of the jet engines
in the US in the in in Europe and in France and in uh Germany and how much is being spent by the
Chinese now another issue is the uh testing infrastructure so this is the FTB the
Russian FTB platform so there was this audio that I think Alpha shared on his Twitter that when some n or some I don't
know who exactly but some n only asked why do we need flying test ped and then and the DG Aerospace then has to give a
lambach lecture by is which eventually summed up that there are there are geopolitical and strategic imp
publications of these uh testing uh facilities and test bits which is now openly visible now the this question was
asked many years ago and now we are seeing we are seeing the the price and
these and we should ask some simple question is Russia priority the French the Russians know if
the cavari is able to perform is able to come to life and become a commercialized project then
the C will if the C is succeeded we need to understand C engine successful development
Bal by the opportunities are immense once you have a functioning fighter jet engine so I I want to ask the people
ance why do they think tting they will be very glad to help us
of course they will take money but we need to understand they will deliberately want to delay the
process issue we should be having a flying test bid I
think I think we should focus on creating uh buying a bunch of uh buying bunch of passenger airliners
with four engines and convert them into ftvs I think that that is the most ssta option that we can take other than that
I don't I don't have any idea of how how are we going to uh do this uh and next is that question needs to be
asked of 70 to 75 K produce 70 K
produce or I think Aerospace 29 k After Burner eventually full full After Burner
I think it will be able to produce 80 kons easily uh because I'm now much more hopeful about the CI engine than anybody
else in anybody else because I I have some idea of the technological issues that the drdo is facing and how they are
coming up with this and I must say Dro is doing doing a brilliant job and nobody body will be able to uh able to
comprehend of aieve in the amount of money that they have been given it's a Herculean
task so coming to the existing testing facility we have this GT 130 K jet engine facility that has come up in near
to bangaluru it's a 60 acre electrical power 85 megawatt cooling water is 65 lakh L an hour and these are some major
uh a major uh this is a major facility I think some of the uh gaps the major testing gaps that I will discuss in next
slide have been addressed addressed in this facility and uh and the thing is thats live live full engine testing
flying test B ISS but I hopec some sort of environmental testing
facilities facility research and development lab existing capabilities of that testing capabilities that we
have but is that facili component
level scale mod fac component test so that is one major issue and then environmental Test
Facilities see environmental testing facility is uh is one area where uh where there is a lot of scope for any
businessman looking to invest and money because environment test environment Test Facilities
some be it in case of jet engines be it in case of Tanks apcs Radars Etc guns environmental testing facilities are a
must have for any plat military hardware platform development next is this there have been
some progress this is one uh one I got from Twitter somebody shared that dmrl designed and midani manufactured blades
used for refurbishing Jaguars engine so there so if we speak about two major players in the market who are who are
currently into uh manufacturing titanium uh or titanium uh products finished products not extracting on the or part
and refining but finished products that is midani and I think even bhat force does it to some extent I'm not clear uh
but in any case midani is one such major player so uh this is one news that I got that Dro did develop single Crystal
engine blade uh uh single Crystal engine blade that that were for helicop M for helicopters and uh and I think they will
be able to figure out something for the jet engines as well I hope so it's before 20 it's before 2030 uh the I all
these development gives me some sort of Hope but it also has a baggage of concerns for me and most of the concerns
comes from the come from the budgeting part the budgets are too low we we are not serious about this uh
B we don't look so serious now next point is the private sector jet
engine why is the private sector are not developing a jet engine so look uh I have shared I shared a lot of this
design process with you how much trial and error and time and time and money goes into it do give it a thought that
are the Indian companies uh companies willing to invest this much into uh uh developing uh developing a full grown
fighter jet engine I think not we will have smaller scale uh turbine turbine engines but I think a full scale jet
engine is uh from a private player it won't happen anytime soon because Normal games B market we don't
have a proper proper Indian uh Indian firm which is producing uh PC games on a on a global level and there are many
such things which have huge Market in India and still they still our companies don't develop things of their own and
eventually end up buying from China and sell selling here be it phones be it TVs etc etc so uh Indian Firs suffer from a
lack of R&D they think research and development are a waste of money but the thing is that their peers in uh peers in
the uh in the Western and the Chinese uh uh Chinese region are where they are today because of their huge investment
into research and development engine Chinese also a lot of [Music]
time they have been very performing very poorly till 2016
17 PA up 16 17 we are very late even the sixth generation fighter that they have
putting up now I don't think they have they the engines are as efficient as required for a sixth generation engine
and next is that we need uh uh we are uh from the from the uh presentation you might be aware that uh that the Cav
engine needs to be Diversified into other fields where gas turbine engines are are usually deployed be it in mostly
in the power sector we also can and uh spin spin off it in uh spin it off in the uh Marine engines and maybe uh other
applications wherever uh engines are gas turbine engines are can be deployed next point is that what about
JVS see JV with with Rolls-Royce G or saffran comment but we should be uh we should
make sure if we are getting into JV we should have the complete intellectual property control of whatever techn
transfer of Technology you are asking for and if it cost a hell of a money uh maybe the total amount may be equivalent
to the mrfa deal or even to the entire cost of the LCA program but make sure if you are taking transfer of Technology of
the uh of the core section it should be full and Fin no no strings attached uh
nothing no if and buts from the selling company and I think if the complete transfer of Technology happens uh it
should government should uh publish what are the what are the caveats but should not disclose what is the amount that is
if they are able to secure complete intellectual property next slide see this is my uh this is my
uh thought on the Cav's scalability U these are my thought cavar scalability is a huge competitor to Global players
uh somat this might answer to your this might be answer to your question calary scalability is a huge competitor to
Global players why will anybody give you transfer of technology to create their own competitor even if it does are there
any strings attached regarding India's sovereignty or Market access for Cav related products in future that needs to
be answered by whoever is concerned who am I but I am no one but people should know that when the
Strategic system deals regarding strategic systems happen it should not come at a cost of
our sovereignity and if it it is cost costing us our sovereignity it is better better but when it comes to investing
into our own indigen development the time we are like
nobody's now that is that is it from my uh for my presentation I hope you guys liked it and I will be up for questions
you guys can shoot your questions I will go I will start from the uh comment section
uh so I think we can make 100 K class engine but uh first we should be focusing more on the
90 80 or 80 or k class of engine because as I say as I said that once uh once you have the core sorted it's a scalable
product it's uh the once the hot section is sorted the product can be uh the product growth is exponential and
hundreds of uh spin-offs that can take place uh uh so yes one and also 130 K uh uh uh testing facility has been set up
by the drdo so it seems that they are confident uh yes if only we
have see the light sorted if only could have yeah yes K I think the high
altitude testing and the flying test bit are two most needed uh testing facilities I think if we uh even if the
flying test bed is uh prior prioritized later on uh I think we should primarily start with the uh high altitude testing
facilities first we should get that first is there a problem with C Sing core single Crystal blades uh see that
is I I don't have any information if the new engine that they are sending is with the cavi single Crystal blade uh I think
there shouldn't be any problem I hopefully uh because uh if you see if you understand that uh in the last test
in 2022 it was able to generate 48.5 to 50 Kon of thrust uh so that means the blades were doing pretty well and uh in
that case we can assume or we can in infer that uh if they have used uh used uh the single Crystal blades in the low
pressure turbine section for testing during that time it was it was working per perfectly well but again this is an
inference uh cmc's I'm not so sure if they have gone for it till now but uh a single Crystal blade maybe cmc's may
also be there I did see some uh some uh pictures of cmc's that were shared in some of the Aero indas and defense Expo
by Dr and GT on j20 can India MCA con I think USA will future said to I I will make S I will make a different
presentation for j20 and j36 and regarding amca again this takes a lot of lot of producing this deck or
presentation make a lot of effort uh I think but amca is isn't going to be a generation fighter it's going to be 5.5
generation fighter because the the core or the fundamental part of a sixth generation fighter is not just the shape
and the plantform it's all the also the avionics uh so if uh the avionics part I think if we are able to integrate well
into the amca it can be given given a uh uh capab 5.5 generation capability other than that the
thanks by welcome welcome uh please subscribe share my share thing about my channel uh okay uh I think yes so j20
j36 are a threat but even if we are able to go well with the uh with our existing su3 mki upgrade programs LCA Mark I I
think it's uh it's up for uh first flight this year and we are able to produce the uh the amca Mark 1 by 2032
or 35 then we we can be we don't need to have to worry that j36 or j20 are there we but we first need a
decent decent amount of fighter in the Indigenous fighter in the 4 to 4.5 4.5 and 5 fifth generation uh category again
the the again my thought thinking is that uh as we go ahead in time uh the technologies that will come up in in
this platform it will be better uh it will be far better in terms of uh preserving sovereignity that if these
Technologies are uh generated uh uh if these Technologies are generated inhouse majorly generated
inhouse with some foreign help uh but uh I think uh the uh the intellectual property must reside with India
that is bat s welcome s any more questions guys
[Music] okay I think uh uh that's at least C yes uh K I think this is a great thing that
the UK will get a dry car engine and I think it's a it's a good size UAV and if we are able to uh get uh get a decent
size UAV with some air to a capability uh what needs to be done to reduce
weight in our engine it's purely material sence sir it's purely Material Science we need to put more money in our
metery people don't have any idea the amount of Material Science engineer that leaves this country for pursuing uh for
pursuing their highest studies in Germany and us uh don't you think us is a threat to
India I don't think threat as per say I won't pass a sweeping statement but yes there is there are two parts in
USA that is one is very very Pro India one is very uh Not So Pro India because they The Not So Pro India part thinks
India as a binary or not in a binary but they see world as a binary that is if uh if somebody is friend with friend with
Russia then that particular country is against America they they think too much in Briner that is causing the general uh
General geopolitical issues that that are coming uh forward with uh with the within the relationship of uh USA and
America I will I will also create uh some geopolitical decks next week next week will be focused on geopolitics and
uh and we will let uh explore more about the geopolitical scenario overall Swift and gatak should be
produced even uh a good amount will be 100 150 decent uks will be will be at will be a decent number yeah
any more questions guys I think so this as I said I can't say with with the complete uh uh
complete Authority that if it's in there or not but considering that in the in the prior test the engine was able to
overd deliver on The Benchmark uh that uh that alone proves that there uh uh that the engine was able to uh able to
sustain uh increased temperatures in the low pressure turbine part and that gives me a hint that the new uh single Crystal
blades might have been there because a drd already has uh already has delivered single Crystal turbine blade for
helicopter uh hel to be used in helicopters as I to be used in helicopters to H this is the uh this is
the single Crystal blade that drdo has developed so I think that they have Incorporated single Crystal blade but
I'm I can't say with the perfect show or complete shity any more question guys uh I see Swift
and should be G should India not have g s g414 to backup we have one 30 K test facility
coming up so this this particular I will come I will show you that here I will come to that slide so this particular
engine that the gentleman here was discussing was was of a potential uh AMC J engine of the 110 category uh class so
yes uh we are looking for alternative to G g414 might might not be that government has not funded any such
product yet but I think drdo is uh is focusing on research of this based on its internal funds but again any all any
and all engine programs regarding fighter jet engines must be now taken into motion mode and these these
Laboratories that are handling these projects must be uh you know bring into the Ambit of the prime minister's office
for Rapid uh rapid results as the Baba Atomic research and the ISRO Israel like organizations are in under the purview
of prime minister organiz uh prime minister's office anything on our am
any any video or live I will do it uh thank you for the for for the idea I will make a a separate live for it I
will definitely make uh but as of now I I will keep you updated on my Twitter so please please follow me on Twitter at
least 6 to8 billion must be yes yes subaman G I think $6 to8 billion doar is enough even it's a why we we are funding
uh funding your MSP of 12 2 lakh billion uh 2 lakh CR is approximately
uh and $24 billion in MSP uh so6 to8 billion is onetime investment is enough for next 10 years for engine development
uh it will bear a tremendous results I am 100% sure about it it will bear tremendous
results fund the Z engine $ 6 to8 billion uh thank you uh uh 6 to8 billion is more
than enough for a decade of research and development part uh and we will see results pretty fast if if that kind of
funding is given but again I'm sure the the baboos won't let it happen but they will have 12 billion to buy and imported
uh something something so that's a that there is also a mindset issue a huge mindset
issue any more question guys uh anything I can address or help you with uh I
think the son G to your last question pre some of the previous question I missed yes Manor parar was indeed the
best uh uh defense minister for indigenous programs period he was the best
indeed UHC regarding again regarding the FCS and
the Gap Tempest six generation fighter J uh I am again of the I have two two points to make first is that how much
intellectual property we are owning second is the how much of the manufacturing or the supply chain uh we
uh we have a part in so and when we get into a war we have to run to the British or to
some other European country the LCA the LCA Mark 2 Mark 1 a the amca will give you complete control
over the source code you don't need anybody's permission uh to implement new weapons so in if if you think about the
LCA program I think the LCA program uh uh uh LCA program or the LCA jet is the only fighter jet possibly in the world
which can incorporate Indian weapons American weapons Russian weapons Israeli weapons French weapons and the UK
weapons so yes uh I think LCA has is a unique platform on its own sixth generation fighter will require
much more power bigger power plant that's why I said the amca won't be five entirely sixth generation fighter jet
but if the AV the avionics part can be uh addressed and it can become a 5.5 plus generation
fter and as I said the if the engine is sorted if the Cav is sorted and the hot section we are able to figure out now
it's a very scalable product it won't take much time to make spin-offs for even for uh passenger jets for gas
Marine Engines it's a huge the C engine it's a uh is a huge project of strategic interest and that
is why there are many interests that don't want the Cav to succeed that is also one thing so
you must understand there are many uh many vested interest that are against the cavar and they will keep on bad
mouthing the calary but we must ask one question do compare how much amount has been uh invested into the development of
cavari in last 10 years and how much has been has the Chinese spent on developing their engines in the last 10 years and
what has been the output fundamentally the ROI for Cav is huge nobody understands that
point so yes guys that I think that that will be it for today's live I I I really appreciate that you guys joined in
um important it takes a lot of effort to uh to make this uh deck for you guys and you might have noticed that this is
possibly one of the very few uh uh uh are there any titanium in engine increasing the the
current as rection is causing the most trouble suban G I think the the After Burner
part is the most troubling issue right now uh I think the titanium part is not the uh problem that
is that is causing the issue but there are there may be as I said in the in the problem part I will share it
again uh so you see so you see
this the hot section part is the most troubling part and out of that the After Burner part is the most troubling part
so the the the After Burner is also called the reheat system uh and the temperature here goes even Beyond to the
what is in the in the in the low pressure turbine part so there comes the issue that uh once the After Burner is
implemented to augment uh augment the lack of metallurgical skills we have to increase uh
increase the weight by adding more amount of material to to avoid any kind of failure uh in the After Burner that
is causing primary primarily causing the increase in weight also the the weight currently is also a
matter of Simply Metallurgy since titanium is not the fundamental uh issue the Alloys are so the Alloys are
basically tighten tianium plus something some other metal plus some other metal multiple Metals creating a creating an
ideal mix of weight and strength that that is a very trial and error and trial and error kind of a job and takes a lot
of research and development so you have to be particularly very much uh very much on the uh perfect composition of
alloy that will give you uh A reduced weight and uh uh and the strength that you
require uh does the C derivative also way I don't think so it will be lighter uh I think uh the new variants that that
are going into Russia may be a bit lighter but again I say that there is 30 to 35 uh Kil sorry 30 to 35 kg uh 1180
kgs and the ws13 is around 1135 so uh so if that's only difference of 45 kilos Visa V the Chinese engine and Visa
the the g44 100 kilos and g414 it is around uh around 70 OD kilos so we are close and the thing is with
this kind of development is that as we get closer to our uh closer to our uh Benchmark it becomes even more difficult
to achieve that's that's a general life Principle as well uh so uh uh yes subaman G uh we have to get
the correct composition of the alloy that is the issue titanium is not directly used the Alloys are important
part uh so that is uh and the research on Allo has to be done and the compositions had to be figured out that
is where AI can be used actually uh that is one place where AIS can be used to come out
with a with set of composition that uh that satisfied our satisfies our boundary conditions uh yes so
a I think yes even I am waiting G for the AO India lot of lot of information will come from there as well I hope uh
you you guys liked it that will be it from my end uh two more minutes any more questions and then we I will be done for
this life yes yes mahes g i I will humbly request you to see my yesterday's live I
I I did a comparison on uh with with the Archer and uh Archer tb2 and the shaer Drone and the ch3 Chinese drone I will
request Mah G you get go and have a look on my channel uh on on the live section part you will see yesterday's video uh
again uh again M I will request you to subscribe if not you if you have not subscribed uh guys any more questions
okay okay guys I think that will be it from my end I hope you guys liked it it takes a lot of effort to create
this uh this this live uh presentations for you uh Mah G thank you yeah please go
through my channel there you will find a lot of unique videos I make a lot of things U needless to say very detailed
analysis every in everything uh yes subaman G thank welcome you're welcome uh yes uh I think uh I I humbly uh
appreciate appreciate you guys for taking out your your time for today's presentation and giving a chance to a
new channel like me I hope I I have been able to deliver uh good value to your time so that's that will be it from my
end guys thank you very much and I will be out in 5
4 3 2 1 thank you guys thank you thank you
thanks a lot bye-bye J Hind
Heads up!
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