In an era where online communication and streaming have taken precedence, the quality of your webcam can significantly affect your overall viewing experience. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive review of the Anker C200 PowerConf Webcam and compare it to the well-established Logitech C920 and the iPhone 13 using Reincubate's Camo software. I’ll walk you through my first impressions, usability, software features, and how each camera performs under different lighting conditions.
Unboxing the Anker C200 Webcam
The Anker C200 comes in a well-packaged box, ensuring that it arrives in perfect condition. Contents include:
- An Anker C200 camera
- A USB-A cable (not overly long, but suitable for most setups)
- A manual (which I admittedly skipped)
Once I finally managed to open the package, I was pleasantly surprised by the build quality; the camera does not feel flimsy and has a solid designing presence with a privacy shield that operates smoothly, ensuring your privacy when you're not using it.
Setting Up the Webcam
Setting up the Anker C200 was straightforward. The mounting mechanism felt a bit less tight than the Logitech C920 but was secure enough for my purposes. I appreciate the compact design that allows it to fit comfortably on top of my monitor without taking up too much space.
Comparing Camera Performance
Camera Characteristics
It's essential to consider the unique traits of each camera:
- Anker C200 - Offers higher resolution options and built-in privacy shield.
- Logitech C920 - A long-established webcam known for its reliability but lacks many modern features.
- iPhone 13 - Benefits from superior smartphone camera technology but requires additional setup.
Software Compatibility
Using the Anker C200 requires the installation of specific software to adjust camera settings. However, I found that using the built-in macOS drivers worked just fine for basic needs. For more advanced functions, Anker recommends using their software where you can tweak settings like resolution, saturation, and focus angles.
Lighting Conditions Testing
To properly assess how each camera performs, I conducted various tests under different lighting conditions:
- Low Light: In a dimmer setting with limited overhead lighting.
- High Light: With the window blinds fully drawn back to let in maximum sunlight.
- Normal Light: My typical office setup with a mix of natural and overhead lighting.
Results from the Tests
- Anker C200: Performed impressively in both low and high light scenarios, maintaining clarity with good color representation.
- Logitech C920: Showed signs of graininess in low light but fared decently in bright light, though some color fidelity was compromised.
- iPhone 13: Consistently delivered excellent quality across all conditions, but setup complexity was a drawback.
Observations on Audio Capabilities
One considerable factor in choosing a webcam is its microphone quality. The Anker C200 features both omnidirectional and directional microphone settings:
- Directional: Suitable for close-range use, delivering focused audio from the front.
- Omnidirectional: Ideal for group settings, capturing sound from all around.
While I don't recommend using a webcam's microphone for serious recordings, it's a convenient feature for casual video calls.
Summary and Recommendations
The Anker C200 PowerConf Webcam is a strong contender in the entry-level webcam market, especially for those looking to upgrade from an older model like the Logitech C920. Its compact design, good audio options, and flexibility make it an excellent choice for streaming, gaming, or work-related video calls.
- Recommendation: If you’re serious about improving your streaming or conference call experience without requiring high-end setups, the Anker C200 is worth considering.
- Considerations: If you're already using a high-end smartphone like the iPhone 13 and willing to configure it, you might prefer the superior camera quality without investing in an additional device.
For further questions, or if you would like me to do more extensive testing or reviews on specific features or products, leave your comments below! Thanks for tuning in, and happy streaming!
hey there youtube folks as you can see i've got one two and three cameras running to record this uh video and what
i'm doing actually is uh testing out an anchor c200 powerconf webcam so the folks at anchor were kind enough to send
this to me they didn't they're not paying me for it they're not i don't know if i even get to keep this thing
but they send it to me to review for channel my channel and so i thought it'd be an interesting comparison of the c920
logitech camera that i do have the iphone 13 that i'm using with re-incubate software's camo software
and just see how all three compare in what i use uh here in my office with some natural lighting or a light
overhead a bit of a natural light window in front of me and yeah see how they compare
so before you can use it even though i am actually already using it i'm just going to show you how it looked coming
out of the box so you can see it came in a nice little box and nothing too fancy with that very
well packaged a little difficulty getting the box open and apart possibly due to my weak feeble hands
[Music] eventually i did get it though i think there we go
[Music] there's the anchorwork software disclaimer that you need to go download
if you want to be able to adjust settings on the camera there's the manual
i didn't open this part because i skipped the manual [Music]
nice little usb a cable [Music]
not too long but long enough that it worked for my situation anyways but nice that there's a separate cable
so you can use a longer cable if you prefer and then the plastic wrapping to keep
everything looking nice that i fumbled around with a bit let's speed this up there we go
you can see the nice little foot or whatever they call that for the cameras some nice padding on there to keep it
firm and stuck to whatever you put it to and me trying to show off the usb connector in the camera the privacy
shield and the switch works really well very easy to tell that it's off
obviously it's a little bit i guess i'm colorblind so i think that's a red dot which usually signifies that something's
recording so don't get thrown off by that by the way it's very firm it feels
strong it's it's not like a flimsy little clip and then just show it how compares the
mounting of my c920 logitech c920 camera that i've had for a number of years don't mind the dust and then how that
compares with mounting the anchor c200 camera on didn't feel as tight as the c920 but it
definitely didn't feel like it was going to fall off by any means because it doesn't have as much to support so
easier to set up and position i would say than the c920 so as you can see i've got my iphone 13
pro is a little off to the side so it's not actually ideal sort of comparison of apples to apples if that works but logic
c920 is like almost a 10 year old camera i think at this point it's very old anyways i've actually been thinking
about getting a new camera just because i was wanting to do up my streaming capabilities a bit i like using the
iphone 13 with camo um to be able to stream and things like that but it does add complexity in terms of having to
configure and set up my phone it's my only phone i don't have a bunch of iphone devices to use as cameras
or ipads or whatever so uh the c200 from anker definitely seems like a nice option for upping my streaming quality
without having to break the bank so far i've been using it just with the built-in like mac os stock drivers and
things like that they do have some software that they recommend using and so i'm just going to
try downloading that now and see how that works [Music]
we will accept and of course it wants camera access let's upgrade the firmware this might
mess with the recording i better stop the recording just to make sure
so we'll all judge this together i guess you're judging it as you're watching this um just as an explainer i guess
there's just one overhead light here there's a window in front of me that has some lines on it that i've got closed
i'll open those in a bit just to see how that compares i'll try turning off the lights maybe even just to see a little
bit lower light on how that compares and uh so let's just quickly run through what we've got here i'm not going to log
in for now but um just your basic software settings there probably some dials for okay so we can
go up to 2k this is where i was wondering so we can go out to 65 down to 65 degree focused
78 degree and 95. the bit of shake that you see is my desk it's a sit stand desk and then the
monitor shaking and then your basic device information
serial number let's see i always hate messing with these things
because then i think i don't know what i'm actually looking at and whether it's any good or not so
just to see you can dial down the saturation get rid of all colors dialing up the contrast you can see it
doing a little bit of movement for focusing oh and there's a mic built in omnidirectional and a directional pickup
which if you're using this for a podcast or webcam or uh like a zoom call anything like that definitely would
recommend putting it in directional pickup assuming you're oh
okay so you can see that killed the camera for some reason i don't know if that's normal it might
be a bug because i'm using screenflow to record all of this and that's possibly what's going on as well ideally the
camera would still stay alive even though you're switching uh mic modes but what i was saying is i would recommend
keeping it in directional mode if it's just you in a room talking to a camera omnidirectional which you can see like
180 degree like sort of spin out from the front of the camera you would want to use if maybe it was a group call that
you were on or maybe you were standing back from the computer or back from the camera and uh wanting to you know maybe
you're doing a demo a cooking show or something you're sort of moving around but just as the names imply directional
is going to be like straight on with the camera and omnidirectional is around the front of the camera if you're behind the
camera it's not going to pick up as much and so that's where again keeping it in the directional pickup mode for most
people's use cases is probably going to be your best bet i'm not really going to test that much because here on my
channel anyways and for podcasters i just don't trust any sort of webcam microphone to be able to do a good job
or as good a job as some sort of usb microphone that's going to be in your face i they're great for uh like
zoom calls things like that i think that's fine saves you a lot of complexity in terms of setting up a
microphone but if you're going to do any sort of live streaming podcast recording um video reproduction work or whatever
do not rely on a webcam's audio sorry okay so yeah like i said we can change
the resolution we can change the angle in the frame uh and so it's
good good to have those options in in the software obviously and uh and especially that compared to
logitech's camera which again is quite old at this point but the software for that is very difficult to come by not as
easily supported uh as apple updates the operating systems and things like that one little issue i just realized is that
because i had the software running and again this might be just because i'm doing screen recordings and all sorts of
complicated audio capturing but because i had the software for anchor running and then when i quit that it actually
quit the camera's ability or or screenflow's ability to record the camera so that camera i lost as soon as
i started doing other tests so something to be aware of i guess if you're configuring it maybe for a zoom call you
quit the software then zoom might not be able to find the camera and you might have to just restart zoom or restart a
recording if you're using it for a recording so um i probably wouldn't use the software ongoing i'd set it and
forget it mostly but your mileage may vary so for now let's do some quick light tests just as best as i can do it
here in my office and see how the various cameras perform so first of all let's do uh darkness
so not very dark obviously as best as i can do here it's 11 30 or so in the afternoon or morning
and uh you won't get too much darker than this as far as what i can do but just show
you how the c920 the c200 and the iphone 13 all perform in slightly lower light situations
um yeah now let's go for super bright so this is with window fully open uh
like i said it's about 11 30 and sun isn't like directly pouring into the video into the window that's not a video
um but pretty close and so i would definitely not uh work with it this wide open and white and bright um but this
gives you an idea of a guess of how the cameras would perform in higher brighter light scenarios as well
and uh yeah again i can't see them right now so i'll watch it back and edit not a professional
hardware reviewer person as you can tell all right let's go back to normal okay so this is about where i normally
have my office set up in terms of lighting and windows and whatever my initial impressions of the c200 are
just from a hardware standpoint it's nice that it's small compact just a barrel like basically the camera view
um our camera itself is all that takes up in terms of hardware space especially as compared to the c920 which had sort
of like a speakery microphone look that's wider and took up a lot more space
over the top of the monitor and i like the privacy shield option that you can turn that on and off if you want to uh
for those who are privacy inclined and uh yeah and the compactness the the the fact that the cable comes off the back
as i showed in the unboxing video um you know that you can replace that cable get a longer cable if you want to
that's a very nice option to have that again the c920 didn't have and and just even being that little bit
higher resolution options um i think makes it a worthwhile upgrade from the c920 if you're looking for a newer
camera like i am and uh we'll see how it compares i guess if i ever get other cameras to compare
it to but these are the ones i have for now i didn't bother testing my macbook pro built-in facetime camera because
they're better than they used to be but they're still not going to be as good as a dedicated lens unfortunately sorry any
apple fan boys out there um but i just don't think that they can work that well having the option for it
with a built-on built-in microphone uh in a webcam is great again in a pinch if you're traveling maybe and you just need
to throw it on and use that uh in the wide spectrum microphone mode to be able to record an
interview with somebody that you just literally happen to have an opportunity for in that moment that's a great option
to have and uh appreciate them investing in the you know development and production of that kind of audio
quality all right as you can tell not a professional reviewer by any means so if there's
anything i've left out that you'd love to hear about feel free to throw in the comments below i'd love to try and do
another video if i can and if i have the camera for longer and uh follow along for more uh
tips and tricks on audio production work for podcasts and video and live streaming hobbyist
person here like maybe yourself or if there's questions you have about things like audio hijack and there's a new
version of audio hijack that just launched that i want to get a video out for as well
and a bunch of other fun stuff so feel free to follow along if that interests you thanks for watching have a great day
bye [Music] you
Heads up!
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