In the past two years, a wave of new influencers has risen to prominence, seemingly out of nowhere, leveraging a clear, effective strategy that allows them to grow their audiences from zero and generate substantial revenue. The secrets behind this success can be distilled into three specific pillars that, when effectively implemented, enable personal brands to achieve financial freedom. In this article, we will dissect these pillars and explain how they can help anyone looking to build a profitable personal brand.
Understanding the Landscape of Personal Branding
The Rise of Micro Personal Brands
In recent years, the landscape of personal branding has evolved dramatically. Many influencers with massive followings often rely heavily on sponsorships for income, which can be misleading. Contrary to popular belief, having millions of followers does not equate to financial success. Influencers who understand their audience's buying potential can drive revenue even with smaller followings.
The New Algorithm Advantage
YouTube's recent algorithm changes highlight the platform's new support for smaller channels, which favors content that might otherwise go unnoticed. This shift creates a prime opportunity for aspiring content creators. With a dedicated team focusing on helping small channels grow, it’s never been easier to start a personal brand today.
The Three-Pillar Strategy for Personal Branding
Pillar 1: Content Creation
Defining Your Niche
The first step in building a successful personal brand is defining a niche that genuinely resonates with potential viewers. A well-defined topic will generate organic interest, leading to higher engagement. Here are essential points to consider:
- Passion and Expertise: Choose a niche that aligns with your interests and areas where you have some expertise.
- Audience Needs: Consider what problems your audience faces and how your content can help them.
Creating Valuable Content
Focus on the quality of content rather than the volume. Content can take several forms:
- Documentation: Share your real-life journey and experiences.
- Education: Provide insights and lessons that your audience can apply.
- Inspiration: Open your audience's eyes to new ideas and opportunities.
The Power of Authenticity
Being authentic can set you apart. Your uniqueness is your competitive edge that will help you connect deeply with your audience. A genuine personal narrative can attract followers who will eventually become your most loyal customers.
Pillar 2: Content Planning
Map Your Community's Pain Points
To create content that resonates, it’s crucial to understand your audience's pain points. What challenges do they face? Use these insights to inform your content roadmap.
Traffic Channeling Techniques
Instead of solely relying on potentially fickle algorithms, focus on creating content that can be discovered through search. This is known as channeling traffic effectively:
- Map out key pain points.
- Create problem-oriented or solution-oriented topics.
- Identify a mix of content types that can address those pain points.
Growth Topics and Content Reflection
Monitor which videos or posts draw higher engagement, and focus on creating additional content around those topics. Use metrics like watch time as a guiding star for future content direction.
Pillar 3: Intelligent Packaging
Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Retention Rates
What you name your videos and how you design your thumbnails significantly impact your success. Understanding and applying proven methods for appealing packaging is essential:
- Title Templates: Utilize engaging titles that draw readers in.
- Thumbnail Strategies: Make eye-catching thumbnails that encourage clicks.
Proven Formats for Success
Referring to established formats can also help grow your brand exponentially. Consider the following:
- Ultimate Guides: Comprehensive resources that cover a topic in depth.
- Case Studies: Analyzing successful strategies from other creators.
Tailoring Platforms for Maximum Exposure
Select platforms that best suit your content. While YouTube may offer the most optimal environment for serious content creators, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn also have their unique advantages.
As you embark on the journey of building your personal brand, remember the crucial function that each pillar serves. You don't need an extensive number of followers to make a significant income—focus on quality interactions and valuable content. With the right approach, any aspiring influencer can create a profitable personal brand in today's digital landscape. In the upcoming segments, we will delve deeper into monetization strategies, exploring how to effectively generate income from your newly established personal brand.
all of your favorite influencers are printing millions of dolls doing this in fact there are three specific
things that all of these influencers that have been popping out of nowhere in the last 24 months are applying to build
an audience from zero and more importantly putting millions in their bank account I'm yet to come across a
personal brand doing these three things that isn't printing truckloads of cash now how do I know this because I use
this exact same strategy myself in fact I was kind of the one who created it I went from struggling to grow 10,000
subscribers in an entire year to Growing 1.3 million the year after and then 2.5 million in the next 12 months and
printing tens of millions of dollars while doing so now one thing is a fact there is simply no other personal brand
that has had faster growth than mine on this side of the internet and I'm actually about to reveal to you a
three-pillar Content system that I've used that honestly most of your favorite influencers have tried and failed to
copy ever since and I'm going to show you behind the curtains of how I became the fastest growing channel on this side
of the internet and even show you some of the metrics behind some of my most successful YouTube videos down to the
dollar of how much they generated but the best part of it all is this you see just a few months ago YouTube has had a
huge change in their algorithm now you've probably noticed to yourself when you look on your home feed YouTube is
now recommending you videos with 200 300 sometimes even less than 100 views so the algorithm now favors smaller
channels over bigger ones which is allowing brand new personal Brands to get tens of thousands of followers
faster than was ever possible before in their own words yeah so we have a team that is specifically focused on this
challenge of trying to identify audiences for creators that are just getting started for videos that don't we
don't have a lot of information about we going to help those creators be successful they have now dedicated a
team working to give small channels an unfair advantage to grow fast and it's not only YouTube so did Instagram Tik
Tok and Linkedin so this is kind of like Divine timing because there's never been a better time in history for you to
start a personal brand now just one warning to be honest I don't know how much longer it's going to be like this
algorithms change all the time all I know is that it's never been better and by the way if you watch this video Until
the End I'm going to personally send you a Content toolkit with every single template that I mentioned throughout
this video and with these tools I've removed all of the guesswork from the process of starting a personal brand
from zero and growing it to your first thousand followers in the next 12 weeks so with no further Ado let's let's get
into [Music] it your favorite influencers have
something that they don't tell you you see most of them are broke especially the ones with millions of followers you
know the react channels the streamers the pranks the Vlogs the challenge type videos now yes of course there's
outliers there's streamers and prank channels that make millions of dollars but I'm talking about the
99.99999% because most of them hide behind these big numbers of subscribers and viewers but behind the scenes they
simply bend over backwards to sponsors and take any brand deal that's thrown at them that's really the only way that
they can make money is through sponsors by the way most of the time which includes the shadiest type of stuff like
online casinos and gambling and all that stems from one big issue they do not know how to attract an audience that
wants to buy from them and to be honest it really pisses me off the fact that most people look at them and then think
that they too need to get millions of followers in order to make money online which simply couldn't be further from
the truth listen before I reveal this whole three-pillar system you first need to understand what not to do you do not
want to play the entertainment game you do not want to be the clown in front of the camera trying to entertain people
like a dancing monkey in exchange for views we're not here to make you famous we're here to make you rich and Views
and followers they don't put money in your bank account so right now just forget all of that there is a way to
build your personal brand that focuses on making a ton of money and not on attracting millions of random people who
just want to be entertain this way you only need a few thousand followers to make you kind of money that is what
these influencers who are printing Millions today are doing take Alex Becker for example he has a secondary
small Channel where all he talks about is ADS now his videos get like an average of 10,000 views per video and it
might not look like much but these views are what fuel his nine figure tracking software for media buying called hyros
which just got partially acquired for $110 million all he does to record these simple YouTube videos is sits down in
his ugly office making ugly drawings on a virtual whiteboard and just talks about Facebook and Google ads then he
runs retargeting ads to everyone who watches those videos and he takes them to the simple basic page with a calendar
on it to book a discovery call which he then sells people into his software now with this simple three-step operation
he's made more than $100 million in his career now to be honest you don't even need to get to 10,000 views to print
money with your personal brand in fact I know people with 1 to 2,000 subscribers who are making over $10,000 a month just
like these guys right here to talk about scooping dog poof and yes you heard that right they have 3,000 subscribers and
are making 18 Grand a month from their personal brand and all of these guys are taking the exact same approach which is
simply creating What I Call my personal Brand This is a personal brand with 1 two five maybe 10,000 followers who are
highly interested in what you talk about and watch everything that you put out a micr personal brand operates under a
simple premise one right follower is worth more than a thousand wrong ones and that's why the influencers making
the most Revenue per follower all have small micr personal brands with this strategy you can make more money than
all the big viral influencers out there a lot more and you will never have to worry about money ever ever again and by
the way that doesn't mean you can't get to millions of followers I mean just take a look at someone like Sam Sul he's
not particularly charismatic he has no crazy editing or anything along those lines all he does is he educates his
audience and this is the principle of everything that we're going to cover today which is providing value and
there's really three ways that you can do that documentation opening someone's eyes and education and if you look at
what Sam is doing that's exactly it he shows you what he's doing in the gym he documents his training he educates You
by showing you know what he's done for his workout of the day so on and so forth and by doing that he's grown to
millions of subscribers now obviously I've grown to millions of subscribers myself now the thing you need to
understand here is that you don't need millions of followers to be successful with this you need to understand that
views and Subs are not the metric we use to judge the success instead we judge it off of how much money our personal brand
is putting in our pocket so let me show you how all these guys I mentioned apply three specific pillars to their personal
brand that if you apply them as well you will never have to worry about money ever again in your life
now applying these three pillars generated me 7 million followers across all my channels and over $108 million in
career earnings now there's also one thing you don't see here which is in 2023 I went from 1.5 million to 4
million Subs the year before I went from 180k to 1.5 million now what do you think was the growth the year before
that maybe from 80k to 180k or maybe 40,000 to 180,000 maybe I went from 10,000 to 180,000 you see the year
before that I grew 10,000 subscribers that's it I went from 170 to 180k now if I had 1,000 subscribers that would be
the equivalent of going from 1,000 to 1,100 the next year from an account that size that is horrible growth that I had
and it's not as if we weren't trying our hardest I published 51 videos that here virtually one a week and it was so
frustrating to see that growth curve going up so slowly that to be honest it almost looked like a flat line and by
the way it took me 5 years to get to that 178,000 number in the first place that's years and years longer than what
it should take you to get to that number when you do things right so I actually spent way more time failing than I did
succeeding with this whole thing and you know the funniest part of it all the year I Grew From 180,000 to 1.3 million
Subs I published 52 videos literally the same as the year before so with the same amount of work I went from Gaining
10,000 subscribers to gaining 1.3 million subs and then 4 million the year after so what changed what was the big
shift did I get extremely good in front of camera all of a sudden no not at all in fact I actually suck at it and to be
honest I'm still not really that good in front of camera you might have even seen the video of me struggling in front of
camera in one of our YouTube videos like the Raw videos that leaked look there is nothing look there is nothing more I
simply do my best in front of camera and then I cut out the parts where maybe I struggle I fumble over my words and I
just repeat it until I get it right so in that case you might be thinking well it was your insane editing or the
production quality of your videos well that can't be it either because my most watched video is a slide presentation
with black text and some emojis literally in a 11-year-old could create so what changed how did I go from taking
5 years to get to 100,000 subscribers and then growing more than any other YouTube channel in the industry in less
than 2 years the truth is there is a method to this in the year I went from going 10,000 subscribers to 1.3 million
I simply started applying this method and when I did so I went from struggling to grow my audience Base by 10% in a
year to then growing it by almost 1,000% a year after it's what I call the three-pillar micr personal brand method
now most importantly with this method all it takes for you to succeed is one piece of content you are always one
video away from creating a multi-million dollar personal brand you see that's exactly what happened to me this single
video G me 10 million views 130,000 subscribers and $266,000 in AdSense revenue and by the way that's only 1% of
what this video actually put in my pocket because I was selling a product at the end of it it built a nine fig
brand off the back of it and by the way it's not just me Peter McKinnon who's one of the most famous photographers in
the world today he got his personal brand kicked off on the back of a single video as well or you can look at
veritasium at 16 million subscribers this dude has one of the biggest personal brands on YouTube even though
he talks about some of the most boring topics on Earth such as science math and physics his breakthrough came from a
single video that you've probably watched yourself where he throws a basketball off a Dan now on pillar three
of the method I'll reveal how he created this video and the specific elements that got it to 57 million views long
story short many creators have had their big breakthrough just because they had one video that one video changed the
trajectory of their career the good news is doing it is actually quite simple when you follow this three-pillar method
so if you want to start a successful personal brand the first thing you need to do is to commit to this method
because honestly it just works so watch this video as many times as it takes for you to understand each step then
ruthlessly apply it and ignore everything else so with that being said I'm about to arrive home I'm going to
present the rest of this inside of my office so let me step out the car head to the office and then let's get into
the real juicy technicals that all of your favorite Gus and influencers have been hiding from
you all right so back home home in my desk and we can get into some of the more technical stuff now the first
pillar you need is content and on episode one we already talked about why this is the biggest and most powerful
leverage to create wealth in 2025 and there are really three elements that you need to have in place in order to create
winning content now by the way this first pillar might sound a bit conceptual at first but this is actually
the deepest competitive advantage that you can have that to be honest you're not really going to hear from any other
video out there it's not going to be about thumbnails and titles and scripts like everyone else talks about when it
comes to creating content and we are going to cover that later but to be honest that's the easy part that part
only makes sense if you first understand the three elements of this pillar so let's get on to the first one now most
people get stuck when it comes to creating content because they don't know what to talk about so really that's the
first element you need to define the topic of your channel now the issue is people think they don't have anything
valuable enough to share or worthwhile listening to and to be honest that could be further from the truth because nine
out of 10 of you watching already have some sort of expertise you may not realize it but you do you know if you
have a job you're good at you already have expertise if you have a business you already have some form of expertise
if you're freelancer you already have some form of expertise if you run an agency you already have some form of
expertise now you know what for a second let's even replace the word expertise cuz maybe that might freak you out and
let's just replace it with experience okay now may not be 20 years of experience but all of you guys have
experience you have your own unique experience that resonates with other people now if you don't have any
previous work experience or previous knowledge and you're not yet sure what your personal brand is going to be about
don't worry I know this might sound counterintuitive but hear me out you don't need to be an expert at the topic
of your choice to create a successful personal brand and I'm living proof of that when I first got started on YouTube
I was 15 years old and I was just posting about things I was interested in working out marketing videography the
book that I was reading at the time I really was not an expert at any of those things I was just a kid sharing his
authentic experience now as a few months went on what did I do I defined my topic of choice as digital marketing even
though I wasn't an expert at it and then I shared my journey of learning that skill with my audience and after just a
few months of documenting my journey with digital marketing on YouTube This is how crazy this stuff is I was getting
paid thousands of dollars by clients and getting out to their countries to work on their marketing strategies and back
then I was a teenager I wasn't rich I wasn't incredibly well spoken or any sort of genius and yet I was still
getting paid four figure retainers and was in charge of multi 100,000 worth of budget all of that because one of the
most effective formats of content is just documenting and it works because it's genuine regardless of whether you
have experience in a field or not it shows the process not the result in the space of 9 months I went from having
zero knowledge about PID traffic funnels any sort of webinar 9 months later I'm getting paid double what someone gets
paid in a month for a day work and people love to be a part of the journey so not only is this the most powerful
way of creating content but also you can get started with it even if you have no skills whatsoever a great example of
this is there's a girl out there who talks about farmland and it's been popping off lately now crazy thing is
she doesn't have any experience with Farmland she's not a farmer or anything like that she actually used to talk
about making money through Fiverr as a freelancer and then completely shifted to talk about farmland and sustainable
farming and and all she started doing was documenting the process of buying and developing her first farmland and
now she's literally getting millions of views of a highly qualified audience just doing that even though she's not an
expert at it so you know what let's actually use this as our example topic of choice throughout this episode
Farmland I like it because it's very exotic and it shows that this works with anything it's not only for people
talking about finances business or the usual stuff that most people go to when creating a personal brand all you need
to do is Define your topic and on episode 3 I'm going to show you how to choose the most profitable topic ICS
under any industry of your choice but that's actually for Friday's episode now the second element you need to Define is
the reason people are going to watch you now listen this might be a little tricky to wrap your head around at first but
what you need to understand is that the best content is always created as a result of an internal conflict it's
actually what I call the five-stage content cycle and it all starts with the conflict that you experience and this
conflict will lead you to an internal Pursuit and internal Pursuit will lead you to take action and that action will
lead to a result and that result can be transformed into content so let me break this down again you have conflict
internal Pursuit action result and then content now the reason why I started to build my personal brand was as a
resolution for my internal pursuit to solve my personal conflict which was a very relatable situation my father was
unfortunately an alcoholic my stepdad cut off me and my mom when we were 11 she was working minimum wage jobs and
that motivation of seeing my Mom struggle to take care of me fueled me to go on this journey so this content that
you're watching right now actually comes from a conflict that I live through and the internal Pursuit it led to and
actions that I took after going through this internal Pursuit and the result that I got out of these actions and this
is the most powerful type of content because it attracts the exact type of person that I want to talk to so if
you're watching this right now I know for a fact that we have very similar traits and one of them is that you like
watching this longer form with more in-depth content YouTube videos which is what I like to do as well another thing
is that you have this deep desire to achieve incredible success so that way your future family is safe protected you
create an environment that you didn't get to live through growing up and by the way that doesn't mean you have to be
homeless and living on the street in fact you could even come from a very wealthy family but that still argued
about money and money still drove their life so whatever your life circumstance I know that if you watch my videos
there's a part of you that relates to either this feeling of loneliness I grew up not only as an only child but at
school I didn't really have too many friends I think I could have made friends but I just wasn't willing to be
fake and pretend to care about the things that everyone else cared about some people call me cocky or fool of
myself I wasn't that at all I was just very to myself in my own world with my own interest so maybe that's what you've
relate to about my journey maybe you've heard me talk about a dark period of my life where I was already a
multimillionaire I'd already achieved everything that everyone would want to achieve and yet I still went into this
dark and night of the Soul period where honestly I didn't have a will to live anymore so for whatever reason you may
identify with me the point is if you're watching this video thus far it's because you have identified with a lot
of things or maybe even just one of the things that I've said the experiences I've lived and because we share similar
values and traits and because I went through this journey I didn't need to put on a mask or try to be a character
that I'm not to try to appeal to my ideal customer I just need to come here and create content that is genuine to my
experience and that's the coolest part of this whole thing is that you can genuinely share your story your mission
the things are important to you your life your journey and make millions and millions and millions of dollars in the
process of it like how cool is that but remember it needs to be authentic and it needs to be genuine to you there's so
many things in my life that now people are like oh he does this and this and this but I was doing this before people
knew me or before it was cool even just the way I dress I dressed like a grandpa I've always dressed like a grandpa and
yeah maybe now it's cool but this [ __ ] wasn't cool 3 4 years ago and I was still doing it I was always being
authentic and genuine to myself and I was able to be authentic genuine and true to myself and in the process make
over $100 million in my career like like like sometimes I really have to stop and just pinch myself that we live in this
kind of world and by the way it's not just me another great example of this concept is a girl called wizard list
she's Absolut killed it with her personal brand and she creates videos with life advice for women her personal
brand went from zero to 80,000 Subs in the first year and then to 1.5 million in the year after and then now it's
sitting at 6.7 million subscribers a little over 12 months later and all of the content that she creates is a result
of the same content cycle that all starts with conflicts that she experience in her own life and then what
she does is she records videos explaining how she navigated these conflicts and how other women
experiencing these same conflicts can do the same and by the way she did so recording everything from her iPhone
from inside her car or sitting on the edge of her bed or in her kitchen or doing her makeup or her hair again it's
not about having a fancy setup or being extremely charismatic it's about creating content that is genuine to your
journey and by the way these conflicts don't need to be from your personal life necessarily if we go back to the
Farmland example that conflict could could be that you want to invest into Farmland but you don't have any money
down to do so and then you go into this internal pursuit to solve this conflict maybe you find a specific type of loan
that allows you to buy this Farmland with no money down and then pay back the loan using the earnings from the farm so
in this case researching for a solution was your action and then finding this specific loan type was the result and
with that you have completed the content cycle and you now have an extremely powerful piece of content to be created
and that's how it works now I actually have some pretty good news for you you're in conflict right now you have
this running conflict inside of your head as you're watching this basically saying but I don't know what to talk
about but I don't have anything to teach but you know I don't have a product or you know why would anyone listen to me
well I'll be honest with you that's all part of a conflict that you're currently experiencing and that means that right
now you have potential inside of you to create the best type of content there is even if you have nothing to teach even
if you don't know what to talk about as long as you manage to make it through the other side of the cycle all of those
problem s will sort themselves out so all you need to do is make sure you complete the journey now after watching
this video you'll go through an internal Pursuit you're going to be thinking and considering everything I've presented
you here today it's inevitable and then you're going to have a choice to make you either take action on this and go to
the result stage which is when you'll be able to create content that has the potential to build a multi-million doll
personal brand for yourself or you stay stuck in this endless cycle of experiencing conflict going through an
internal Pursuit and deciding not to take action just to experience the whole thing over and over over again without
ever getting to the result stage and by the way just so you know by the end of this event you're going to have to make
a decision you either take action or you go back to step one now after knowing all of that the final element you need
to decide upon is your platform so where you actually going to post your content now here you can really choose whatever
platform that you like because this three-pillar method works everywhere it's not just for YouTube you can use
the same format on YouTube Instagram Tik Tok Twitter LinkedIn whatever medium you want to use to start growing your
personal brand I have tested this method and made work on every single one so if you want to create quick short videos
you can focus on Instagram real Tik Tok or YouTube shorts take this guy who has an Instagram page that teaches people
how to grow their own food he's grown it to 1.7 million followers and is making hundreds of thousands of dollars from
short form content alone now if you want to build a more qualified audience I would always suggest YouTube just like I
do and many other do or if you don't want to show your own face and want to start with writing you can always use
things like Twitter and Linkedin take the example of Ryan dice who's been killing it on LinkedIn his $44,000
follower LinkedIn profile fuels his entire 8f figureure business coaching company called scalable where he sells
coaching programs that range anywhere from $5,000 all the way up to $40,000 or let's look at Jesper who grew from $0 to
$35,000 a month in 30 days from just 7,000 Twitter followers all of that to say that this works everywhere and the
reason it works everywhere is because it's based on principles and not just on growth hacks or engagement strategies
you know all this [ __ ] you see online with all these videos on the fastest way to grow to 10,000 followers
on Instagram in 2024 remember we don't care about followers or views here we are trying to grow a business using a
personal brand so I would much rather have a thousand people that are actually qualified interested in what I'm talking
about really with my message and what I'm putting out there than having a million people that don't have the money
aren't interested and they're just following you without even knowing anything about you your story what makes
you you now for the purpose of this video I'm going to use YouTube specific examples because this is the platform
that you're watching this right now it's where you spend most of your time on social media I assume and currently it's
still the best platform to attract a qualified audience fast but since they're principles rather than hacks you
can apply them anywhere so now let me give you the plan on how you're going to create content that shows that you can
help your Audience by actually helping them and thus position you as an attractive Authority now this is a plan
that you're going to follow to go from zero to your first th000 followers in 84 days and then to 10,000 followers after
that I call it the mindfield farming Plan and there's really two stages to it the first stage is channeling traffic
you see most people try to create traffic that is create a video that will get views from recommendations and
that's actually quite a hard game to play when you're first starting out and this is the reason 95% of channels never
get any traffic instead you should use a smarter approach channeling traffic that's already out there and what I mean
by that is that there's people out there who are already searching videos for specific topics and when you focus on
creating videos for these users they'll find your video themselves this way you don't have to rely on the algorithm to
recommend your video to them on their Newsfeed because on their news feed you're competing with big guys like
myself Mr Beast and all these other big YouTubers most importantly this audience is going to be 10 times more qualified
than an audience that simply gets your video randomly recommended because they are already searching for the topic that
you talk about so how do we create videos that focus on channeling traffic rather than creating traffic well that's
where our four-step Minefield farming process comes in and by the way this is actually one step of a much larger
method that I have called the personal branding blueprint but anyways more on that later so listen step number one is
map all of their problems and the first step here is very simple all we need to do is map out all of your Target
customers major pain points so let's go back to that Farmland example that I mentioned earlier what would be the main
pain points someone who's actually looking to invest in the Farmland would have well just from the top of my mind
here I can think of a few low on cash don't know how to acquire Farmland don't know how to find land don't know how to
approach Farmers maybe they don't know the economics of Farmland maybe they don't understand the process of buying
land maybe they don't know how the pricing for Farmland is defined maybe they don't know how loans work maybe
they don't know how the process of financing Works maybe they don't know the different types of loans now you
don't need to over complicate the step if you don't know what their main pain points are simply ask chat gbt you can
ask what would be the main pain point someone who's looking to invest into Farmland would have and it will come up
with the answer for you now what do you do with those pain points are those going to be the videos that you create
no you see we're going to be a little smarter when it comes to our framing here what we're going to do on step two
is to create two framing points for each paino one is going to be problem oriented and one is going to be solution
oriented for example how to acquire farmland for beginners that is solution oriented then watch this if you don't
know how to acquire Farmland that is problem oriented or how I'm buying Farmland with a no money down loan which
is solution oriented and you don't need need cash to buy your own Farmland here's how that's problem oriented so
with this simple technique you're easy going to attract 20 to 50 high potential video ideas remember the reason we're
doing this is to optimize for search traffic first the traffic is already there you just need to find it and this
is the process of Minefield forming your topic so let me give you a perfect example of this miles Beckler this dude
has been doing this strategy for 8 years now all of his best performing videos are search traffic optimized videos he
never went viral or had a big breakthrough his average videos get anywhere between 5 ,000 to 10,000 views
and yet he still makes millions from his YouTube channel because those are 5 to 10,000 views from a very qualified
audience and these videos keep getting views even years after being published and if you look at his best performing
videos they are all highly optimized for people searching for specific topics you have step-by-step affiliate marketing
beginners guide you have how to advertise on Facebook how to use Google Trends free keyword research tools how
to find your Niche you have best clickfunnels Alternatives he basically Minefield farmed all those topics and
each one of these videos is generating him dozen of thousands of dollars from affiliate commissions of the softwares
he mentions now step three is all about finding your growth topic so what is that listen once you start getting views
from your mindf filled farming efforts there's one metric you want to pay attention to and it's not the number of
views to be honest the number of views is actually irrelevant it has nothing to do with how much money you're actually
going to make the only thing that matters is a metric called watch time that is for how long someone watches
your content for it's really that simple it is 10 times more valuable to have a single person watching your content for
25 minutes than it is to have a 100 people watching your content for 2 minutes it's simply disproportional
because none of those 100 people who watches your content for 2 minutes are invested into your personal brand
whereas the one person watching for 25 minutes knows likes and trusts you which are the three elements you need to sell
them anything and this is why views doesn't really matter so when you see a video with higher watch time than usual
pay attention because it is a sign that you're on to something this is the type of topic you want to create more content
on and the first two steps here are going to get you your first th000 or your first 10,000 followers all of which
are going to be highly qualified and by the way that is huge because you have now showed the algorithm exactly who it
should recommend your videos to so once you have this initial base of 20 to 30 videos created scaling your personal
brain is going to be 10 times easier and that's when we start creating videos to focus on recommendations how do we do
that again look at watch time whatever people are watching the longest you want to talk about those topics 10 times more
often because that is what's going to get recommended these are going to be your growth topics and by the way don't
worry about sounding too repetitive here my most successful YouTube videos are all repetitions of my own past best
performing videos you see I figured out that my growth topics were millionaire habits and beginner friendly businesses
so I started to create videos around those two very specific topics seven habits that made me a millionaire by 18
the three habits that made me a millionaire by 21 five millionaire habits that made me successful the best
online business to start as a beginner the best beginner friendly business model the best way to make $10,000 a
month as a beginner to be honest these are all different variations of the same growth topics now how do you actually
create content that the algorithm recommends and this is exactly what we're going to cover on step four now in
order to do that we're going to use proven formats that the algorithm loves to promote now here's where most people
fck it up they approach it simply with publish and hope they basically try to guess what's going to work they publish
and hope it works and if you're doing that you're never going to succeed it's that's simple you're basically shooting
in the dark creating random content that you have no idea whether it will perform or not listen you should only publish a
video if you have clear indication that such video is going to perform well every single video that I have published
and went on to get millions of views I knew that it was going to get millions of views but how did I know that how do
I know if a video is going to perform before we even publish it because there's a few things that you can put in
place to guarantee that your video has the highest likelihood of Performing I call it proven formats so listen videos
that get massively recommended by the algorithm all follow one of seven different formats now I'm going to give
you one here that's the easiest to implement and most effective when you're first getting started and just remember
these formats are based on proven principles and although I'm using YouTube videos as my example they work
on reals LinkedIn posts tweets so once again don't get caught up on the platform here concept one is what I call
brand leveraging and this concept is very simple it's way easier to get views by leveraging a personal brand that
already has millions of views and there's two ways to do that the first one is an expose let's call it now by
the way I don't recommend this and I'll explain why in just a second but I just said it because I'm sure you've seen
many of them on YouTube now clearly it's a proven format that works but the reason I don't recommend it is because
the world's a very small place a lot of these people that you look up to or maybe you're making a uh expose videos
about when you succeed Big Time a lot of your Heroes will become your peers so if on the way up you SL slander people or
you made expose in a in a distasteful way you basically burnt that bridge and you've probably burnt the bridge of
their entire network so really I don't recommend an expose kind of video what I recommend instead is case studies so
let's take a fitness channel like more plates more dates as an example he is a dude sitting in his basement talking to
a lowquality camera with a wall behind him that looks more like a floor now what most people don't know is that he
is worth more than $100 million from the supplement brand that he created to his personal brand so let's take a look at
some of his successful videos the cause of Joe Rogan's bubble gut the real reason why Conor Murphy lost his gains
Christian Bale steroid cycle all he's doing is using someone else's already established personal brand and covering
it from a perspective that's interesting for his audience in this case he's breaking down their cycles and diet he
built a nine figure personal brand on the back of this strategy another great example is Patty Galloway this guy G's
entire personal brand as an expert YouTube consultant doing exactly that breaking down how famous YouTubers are
getting tons of views this guy is now one of the highest paid YouTube consultants in the world all due to the
same strategy now there's a lot of people making a killing breaking down other people's business strategies
there's actually this 13-year-old kid Alexi making $50,000 a month from just a few thousand followers by breaking down
how other people are monetizing their personal brands in fact if you look at what I'm doing right now in this video
it's actually exactly that I'm breaking down my own strategies from other creators that is also a case study
format and again you can do that for any Niche that you like now another format that works incredibly well is Ultimate
guides now the idea here is very simple you just create a 30 to 60 Minute video tutorial covering all the main points of
your specific specific topic now if you search on YouTube You're Going to find Ultimate guides on everything under the
sun carnivore diet 3D printing Stock Investing chess web design you name it there's an ultimate tutorial for it and
the people who create these tutorials are making hundreds of thousands of dollars if not even millions of dollars
a year off the back of just those videos alone just as long as they know how to monetize Their audience which once again
I'm going to show you exactly how to do on episode 3 and these videos don't necessarily need to be tailored for
beginners by the way for example this guy sells business automation on a 5,000 subscriber Channel meaning you don't
need to have an existing personal brand for this format to pop off for you in fact you'll notice that a majority of
those videos end up getting 2 5 10 even 20 times more views than the amount of total subscribers on the channel That
published it so it's a format that's very likely to get you a lot of views even if you don't have a subscriber base
yet now imagine you got 100,000 views on your video in a month just like the AI guy did I mean what would that do to
your personal brand just so you understand the scaling potential here think back to the example I used in
episode 1 with only 180,000 views on one video I put 2 ion in my pocket and this is one of the best formats there is to
get there fast and this is also the best type of content to create sales because it sells without selling remember
there's three ways of providing value I mentioned earlier documentation opening someone's eyes and education with this
format we're combining two of them opening someone's eyes to a new opportunity and education and that is
why this format works so well especially if you have a method on what you teach because in a video like this you can lay
out your unique method and walk people through it so by the end they will inevitably want to learn more about it
and there is only one source they can learn it from from you because this is your unique method and this is the
difference from individuals who make a few thousands of dollars with their personal brand to the ones that make
millions but we're getting ahead of ourselves here because I'm going to talk more about creating your own method in
episode 3 where I'm going to cover exactly how to monetize your micro personal brand for now let's get back to
the proven Concepts what I've just shown you now are two proven Concepts out of seven I have a complete list inside of
the free resource that you're going to get at the end of this episode with this you would have now built an exponential
growth machine you have cons search traffic coming to your videos then you're now optimizing for the type of
content that YouTube likes to recommend your search traffic will consistently fuel this growth which will make YouTube
recommend your videos to even more people and with more people watching your videos get recommended even further
and it really becomes a growth machine you see when you implement this method your personal brand will stop growing
linearly and start growing exponentially when you take this approach you'll almost Force the algorithm to recommend
your videos and that's exactly how I was able to go from growing 10,000 subscribers in a year to Growing
Millions within 12 months and for you to do the same there's only one piece of the equation missing you see you now
have content you have a plan to create a growth machine for your content so you're only missing one pillar and that
is packaging and for this one you need to understand how growth works on any social media platform you've probably
asked yourself how do you start a personal brand with zero followers will anyone actually see my content and most
people when they try to publish their first piece of content at zero followers they end up getting zero views you see
there's something huge that everyone misses they think their videos are getting zero views because it's not
getting recommended at all they think YouTube or Instagram or Twitter is simply not showing that video to anyone
but nine out of 10 times that is not actually the case the truth is the platforms naturally promote your content
even when you have no followers and you can actually check this by taking a look at the amount of Impressions instead of
the amount of views you see although you're getting Impressions you're not getting any views meaning the algorithm
is showing it to people it's just that no one's clicking on it but how does that happen you see the algorithm of all
social media platforms works exactly the same way which is through something called fractional exposure the algorithm
shows your content to a small cohort of people and then it evaluates two very specific metrics of your video on that
small cohort which is clickthrough rate and retention that is how many people click on your videos out of everyone who
got it recommended and for how long do they watch your videos and then it makes a decision based on those two metrics if
the content performs well it shows it to more people if it doesn't it shows it to less and less people and it keeps doing
that over and over and each step is exponential the more people click and the longer they watch it for the more
the video gets recommended and the less people click and the shorter they watch the less people that gets recommended to
until eventually no one even gets recommend it anymore and that's why a simple 20% increase in CTR or retention
won't simply just add 20% more views and by the way when I say 20% increase in CTR I mean like for example it goes from
5% to 6% now it goes from 5% to 25% so actual 20% increase in the Delta and just that small increase alone will lead
to two three five even 10 times more views to the video because it will make the video go through way more steps of
fra exposure and each step is exponential and that's why I say you only really need one great video because
one great video will perform for a lifetime that's what happened with me I made one vssl applying all the
principles literally every single thing I'm showing you here today and everything that I'm giving you for free
in the resources that I'm going to be sing after this video I built that vsl applying all of those strategies got
almost 10 million views and put $20 million in my pocket net directly from that video and still got paid like
$250,000 for it so I literally had a negative cost for acquisition I got paid A4 million to make $20 million when you
apply what I'm talking about here this is the sort of that is possible and by the way this is the S none of your
favorite online gurus influencers personal none of them are talking about it and you know why I can talk about it
expose it give you all these free resources tools all this stuff I'm not selling you a course that this so I can
just be 100% honest with you guys here and by the way it's not just me that have these sort of results you know this
happened with Peter McKinnon it happened with veritasium and that's why you're only one video away from having a
multi-million dollar personal brand now this also means that if you fail to get people to click on that first Cod cour
the likelihood of your video getting no views is huge which is why I keep telling you if you're trying to guess
the packaging of your video when you're first starting out you're going to fail and let me actually give you a real life
example of this let's go back to that basketball video that veritasium created so he originally published it with the
title strange applications of the Magnus effect and with this thumbnail and it barely got any views and then what
happened was someone else downloaded this video from his channel republished it on their Channel and instead named it
throwing basketball off of dam with this thumbnail and that one video got 9 million views the first week of
publishing imagine having a video that gets 9 million views in one week and this proves that it doesn't matter how
good your content is or how valuable the advice is that you're giving away if you don't have the right packaging your
video will not get views and if you're trying to come up with packaging on your own when you're first getting started
without using once again proven strategies then you are bound to fail as I mentioned earlier getting any video to
perform on any social media platform is all about CTR and retention people only care about these two metrics and there's
a very specific way that you're Fe influencers are packaging their videos to optimize for maximum CTR and I lay
down these structures in detail on the personal brand blueprint which is where I'm borrowing all of these pillars and
Concepts from now if I was to break down all the concepts here it would take me a lot more hours to explain it but for now
all you need to understand is that when you package videos following these proven structures they naturally have
higher ctrs so what I've done is I've actually added 30 of my favorite packaging structures to the resource the
free resource you're going to get at the end of this video what's included is 15 title templates that you can use
regardless of your Niche plus 15 thumbnail templates that you can very easily edit and use for your own videos
this way you will never have to post a video is not based on packaging that's been tested and proven to work by the
market now there's only one variable left here and that is actually retention and to be honest 80% of retention just
boils down to the first 30 seconds of your video this is what people call the hook of the video you see if people
click away if they churn on the hook everything else you talk about doesn't really matter and that's true for
YouTube videos for reals for tweets for LinkedIn posts now if your viewers are still watching after the first 30
seconds you have managed to hook them in and you done enough to get most of them to watch for the rest of the video until
the very end and that's actually why when you look at retention curves you're going to notice the biggest drop off
happens the first 30 seconds of a video and this usually what defines if the video is going to be a high performer or
one that gets no views now writing High performing and engaging hooks is an entire science in of itself so to be
honest you're better off just sticking to proven hooks that have been tested across different Industries and worked
in every single one of them instead of just trying to come up with them on your own and that's exactly why you see a lot
of videos with millions of views starting with the exact same hooks because this is the easiest way to
guarantee your content will perform and it will also make the scripting of it so much easier because you're basically
getting to fill in the blanks in a pre- and script instead of having to start fresh every time and that's actually why
I've added a bunch of hooks that you can use inside of the free resource accompanying this video by the way I'm
giving you guys so much free here I'm sure you thought this is going to be another one of those events where I just
give you high level topics and don't really give you anything tangible to work off of and honestly it gives me
great pleasure of doing so so if you're enjoying the event so far and also you appreciate all the free resources that I
created for you guys I'm liter watching this video Live on YouTube Premiere with you guys right now so if you're enjoying
it just drop a one in the live chat because you'll probably put a smile on my face and I put a lot of time and
effort into this so I genely hope that this is really useful to you guys so with this we really removed all the
guess work from the process of starting a personal brand and I know it might sound way too simple to be true but if
you follow the steps I laid out in this video you can Kickstart your personal brand and get your first thousand or
first few thousand followers within a few weeks from today all right so you have the method you have the content the
plan the packaging again this is the first phase of a bigger method that I've developed over the last 9 years creating
my personal brand from scratch and scaling it from six to 7 to 8 to even nine figures I call it the personal
branding blueprint and the first phase of this method is in kickstarting your personal brand and that's what you just
learned don't worry about all the technicalities you can get infinitely more complex with this but making it
work is actually extremely simple all you need is the three pillars we just discussed which is content plan and
packaging you don't need any other fancy tutorials as long as you follow this method and that is all you need to
create a million dooll personal brand watching a bunch of unorganized free content on YouTube is just going to get
you overwhelmed so that is why we follow a method in the first place now the second phase of this method is on
monetizing your personal brand and that is what I'm going to show you on episode 3 I'm going to share my unique method on
how to monetize your personal brand so that way you can make six figures with as little as 10,000 followers with this
you're going to shift from I have nothing to sell to give me a computer with internet access and I will make
millions this strategy can be used by anyone to sell anything online then I'm going to show you how to make your first
sale online even if you have no audience and then to go from first sale to consistent sale and by the way this is
the same method I use in my career to sell over $108 million through my own personal brand now I actually have a
very important flight to catch right now but before I get to my final destination of where I'm flying to I actually want
to take you on this journey with me so make sure you don't miss out on episode 3 on Friday at 400 p.m. EST because on
that episode I'm actually going to take you inside this $100 million Boeing Business Jet that I'm flying all the way
to my location because normally when I fly private I take some nice 8 to 14 seater Jets because normally it's just
three four of us so anyways I'm going to take you along with me and I'm going to reveal to you the best ways to monetize
your personal brand in 2025 so that way you can already start making money with what you learned today in just a few
weeks from now so with that being said let's head to the airport
Heads up!
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