Understanding the Underlying Causes of World War One: A Comprehensive Lesson Plan for Social Studies Teachers
In a world of complex historical events, understanding the underlying causes of World War One can provide significant insights for Social Studies teachers. This lesson focuses on the main causes of the war, particularly using the acronym MAIN — Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. Teaching this effectively involves not only outlining these causes but also engaging students through discussions, political cartoons, and other interactive activities.
Overview of the Lesson
The aim of this lesson is to ensure that students grasp the foundational elements that led to World War One. By using various educational tools, students will be able to recall important facts, engage in critical thinking, and develop their analysis skills. The lesson intends to provide comprehensive coverage of topics including:
- The acronym MAIN for recalling primary causes of the war.
- The United States’ involvement in the war.
- The consequences following the war including the Treaty of Versailles.
Key Components of the Lesson
1. Understanding the Acronym MAIN
To start, the lesson introduces the acronym MAIN, highlighting each component:
M: Militarism
- Definition: The belief in building up strong armed forces to prepare for war.
- Discussion Point: How did militarism cause fear and tension among nations?
A: Alliances
- Definition: Agreements between nations to provide mutual support in case of conflict.
- Discussion Point: Discuss the role of alliances in escalating conflicts.
I: Imperialism
- Definition: A policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization or military force.
- Discussion Point: How did competition for colonies lead to international tensions?
N: Nationalism
- Definition: A strong patriotic feeling, often leading to the belief that one’s nation is superior to others.
- Discussion Point: Explore the impact of nationalism on countries’ willingness to engage in war.
2. Interactive Political Cartoons
Using political cartoons as a tool can enhance students’ understanding of historical events.
- Activity: Present students with two political cartoons that relate to World War One.
- Task: They must analyze the symbols and messages in the cartoons to determine the cartoonist’s perspective on the war. This will help them grasp public sentiments during the time.
3. The United States’ Entry into World War One
Discuss the critical factors leading to America’s involvement in WWI. Some points to consider include:
- Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: Germany's attacks on American ships.
- The Zimmermann Telegram: A secret communication proposing a military alliance between Germany and Mexico against the US.
- Sinking of the Lusitania: The tragedy that involved American lives and escalated sentiments against Germany.
4. The Treaty of Versailles
Conclude the lesson by reviewing the aftermath of the war:
- Main Features of the Treaty: Pay attention to the League of Nations, reparations, and the war guilt clause.
- Discussion: Analyze how the Treaty of Versailles set the stage for future conflicts, especially World War Two.
Key Questions for Engagement
During discussions, teachers should engage students with key questions:
- How did each cause contribute uniquely to the outbreak of the war?
- What were the consequences of these militaristic and nationalistic tendencies in the years that followed?
- How could the outcomes of the Treaty of Versailles have been different?
This lesson on the underlying causes of World War One is crucial not only in understanding history but also in helping students develop critical thinking skills. By utilizing various educational tools and frameworks, Social Studies teachers can foster an engaging and informative atmosphere conducive to learning.
Overall, the lesson encapsulates an in-depth analysis of the factors contributing to World War One, ensuring that students leave with a clearer understanding of their complexities. The utilization of interactive materials and discussions makes learning this pivotal period in history both enjoyable and educational.
morning my name is tinel's hills i used to teach here at University High School us has three owners and they paint right
now I work for the districts in the social studies office and we are taping me today with you for other social
studies teachers in January to view ok a lesson with you guys so I very much appreciate you guys letting me come in
and teach you today thank you to mr. Frank for allowing me to meet his classroom and take over a little bit but
he said I'm due for superior theory is awesome ok are you coming in for theories yes yes
good what I have prepared for you is what mr. Frakes said you have already pretty much is probably your place right
now in World War one so what I have started off with you grabbed a bunch of stuff from the front
table when you walked in and I knew it was probably a lot of papers but we want to make sure you can write on them so
what you should have in front of you is a note sheet that says one-for-one fighting ends and a political watch oh
there's two political cartoons one we will go over together and the other one I will you know ask you to do yourself a
blank piece of printer paper and a political cartoon checklist that's like the half sheet of paper that I will get
to everything I hope in today's lesson if not mr. Frank knows what this lesson is on and about obsession and and he
will be able to continue one day all right so first questions for discussion what were the main and it put
me in all caps because that actually is hoping that will help us remember the underlying causes of World War one so
what is the MU stand for in Maine yes ma'am I love it you remember militarism okay and what does that mean
how about doing the farc learners like strong military yes I have the strong military very good come on the a about
the egg sir no but you're going with I think what you're thinking of going in my alliances
yes excellent alliances which is something that's going to come back and our lesson today let's focus on that one
i I throw you in the red sweatshirt you know the is kind of like the spanish-american war was about as well
the foreign policy we use that's okay that's okay it's man imperialism do you remember
that one imperialism the the foreign policy we used is finished therefore we're just still in effect for us in
other countries imperialism in the end the end yes ma'am nationalism which I believe you start
we're thinking of when you said American Americanism is because nationalism means what not American
what does yes you're proud are true my country is the greatest yes
rock on alright so these were the main underlying causes and I always like to remember it that way just we're trying
to remember the main you remember that one and Spanish nerd war talk I remember the main hull Spain and the USS Maine
broke up so I always try to remember the main causes of World War one so your kids in this first and then we joined
what is one of the reasons why we joined in we wanted to stay away from the present yes yes that was really the true
reason why we got involved is because Germany was sinking our chefs and we didn't like that now there were other
reasons that started building us up before that and that would be the Zimmermann letter which was it was
telling right they were gonna hire backs and they're like eight months ago let's let's some friends and you deal with the
US over there and I'll give you back your land wait a minute that's all right okay so what's
another reason how are you in the white sweater we're going to summon letter you
remember up both it's out there it does there so on pretty technical weird name
you're absolutely right dismantle the Lusitania the sinking of the Lusitania would be another one why would we be mad
about a British liner that got some new Harris right who cares it's a British liner
why would we be upset with that please okay and you're right in and Americans on it you kill Americans we get back
okay so we got mad about that and the last real true peace that started building up our our anxiety here against
the whole war was the Delon letter you guys heard of that no you're shaking your head no mister frankly never heard
that that's getting no they said no the Delon letter is the Spanish ambassador to Spain wrote a letter not to Spain
what am i speaking Spanish I'm back at spanish-american war so sorry the German ambassador wrote that McKinley in
America is weak so don't worry about it don't worry about them they're not going to get in here because they're doing
there should we so like dr okay so we've got militarism alliances imperialism nationalism all the isms pretty much as
the underlying foundation and then we have the catalyst that the sparks at all in europe which is the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand it goes on we want to stay out of it but we can't stay out of it Germany keep
sneaking our ships all right so the war is going on for a few years before we get in what does our entrance into the
war due to the horse up I mean how does it how does our entrance does it help the Allies does it do
anything at all with the Central Powers how does our getting involved do anything sir it does the central bars
have been fighting longer they know then we have so you got fresh back to troops high morale and they're like sit there
going or I'm in the trenches and it sucks right so finally germinating surrender in fact
its Navy goes on a mutiny it says no more I know we don't want to have any part of this work public support goes
away people say we're done and so I so we're going to talk about what happens when the war ends what's going to happen
afterwards yes please where you saw us we tell me what did you see it's a lone letter okay good question
the lone letter that's how you spell his name that was the minister that the ambassador of the sudden letter - just
just saying that we want we don't need to worry about us we're not going to be a problem
you're welcome are you moving on mr. Frank we're going to go to the Daily Times Enterprise picture of the new good
newspaper the day of whole country celebrating terms of armistice denounced today what is armistice me it's wet so
lay down your arms though you too oh well that's what I heard like peace like we're not right we're done whereas I
think that lay down in our arms and you know what date that occurred would be November 11th 1918 does that date sound
familiar to you November 11 it's Veterans Day good job it's also known as Armistice Day it's
artists that say because of this of this event so if you look down here it says terms of armed assist strips Germany of
all conquered territory and restoration of devastated lands naval units surrender and our needs of mobilizes so
what's happening in Germany they're giving really giving up how about you in the class
another freedom but what is it the country of Germany get have to give up there darling
so you see they have to give up their territory that they had conquered back they also have to get rid of a lot of
their weapons and armaments and ships and there's more so it's going to come after Gary we can see a foreshadow a new
twist all right mister first this is where the peace talkers will be held it's a mighty fine building don't you
think this is Versailles heads nice called the Treaty of Versailles nextly thank you we will have the big four
attack and I believe on your notes this is where the blanks begin don't go over it once you're finished it's very hard
to listen and read it in great at the same time where does one will hear of it
oh this nature Oh so what countries represent the big four
according to this what countries represent the big four yes Italy France Britain and the US yeah
who's not in this picture Germany Germany was not allowed inside during the treaty negotiations why I mean the
war was with Germany right why wouldn't they be involved they know exactly right they don't want them to have a say in
any of it because who do we blame for the entire thing there you go in fact in this Treaty of Versailles is
going to be what's known the war guilt clause saying that Germany has to take full responsibility for the whole thing
now President Wilson comes in with his 14 points plan but the other nations are sitting there drunk on I want money and
I want revenge why do you think they want money in revenge why don't they want to work out details
of peace I mean white is Britannian while money and France want revenge basically thought that want the same
thing what happened to them what happened okay thank you they both were anymore
longer so therefore a lot more damage and a lot more loss of life so yeah they're going to go after money and
revenge Italy just wants the land that was taken back from them all right now the next section
there's no blanks there I just wanted you to take a look at some of the things that were included in which were
Wilson's fourteen points like this is these are some things that he said okay this is what kind of cost before so why
don't we look at maybe working on waste and not let this happen again freedom upon the Seas you know because
of all that unrestricted submarine warfare and this is my area I'm gonna block Casino Britain is still blocking
Germany's parts at this point so let's have freedom along seas over to equal trade between all countries and goodness
gracious let's reduce the amount of weapons that we have did you know this militarism thing certainly got that
number but one of his major points would be the fourteenth and that would be a League of Nations he comes in he says
let's make a body an international body here made up of all the countries that can if this stuff ever starts to happen
again we can work together diplomatically before this thing goes out of whack again they actually put
that in there they put the League of Nations in all right this isn't right the Treaty of
Versailles 1919 I believe you have some lakes here in this part of your your notes
[Music] within the Treaty of Versailles new boundaries were made the League of
Nations was formed and Germany was blamed Germany has to pay 33 proximately thirty three billion dollars in
reparations what's in preparation to be paid an amendment like not knowing to making a mess okay war war payments for
yes for doing for doing wrong good so they're forced to give up territory they have to reduce their military and they
have to pay thirty three billion dollars do you think they have thirty three billion dollars after just fighting that
war and losing no this is going to lead Germany into one of the worst depressions they have ever seen this is
where a loaf of bread will cost four million marks I started a beer will cost twelve million this is where they are
literally burning money and using it as well it is worthless after World War one so can you see how this is starting to
pour shadow the rise of a different voices that will give them somewhat of a hope but it turns thanks
all right yes sir correctly so Wilson comes back he's happy with this treaty he's like yes quite League of Nations is
in there he brings it back and the Senate whose job it is to ratify this treaty rejects it oh how embarrassing
how embarrassed why will wipe listen and not run fight it
what's in it that they don't like what's his that Wilson really wanted in God what is it they wanted to stay out of
Europe's for future problems and what would the lead do if we joined what were this what was this limit scared of we're
getting involved again yes excellent thank you get me involved again that was one of
the main causes wasn't it that we went over alliances that's one of the reasons why people have getting involved in this
war we're swimming in their eyes I change Alliance so are we gonna be pulled into another future complex so
just as Wilson is about to go off and get public support for his League of Nations the treaty Versailles he starts
going on at Reims were to race color sports if you get public support in your Congress to pay attention then he has a
heart attack for sure what and he's done he can't do it anymore so the Senate has the power to reject it and they do in
other countries other than the US are now in eliminations all right a weird since were the ones that were coming up
with it so that's the reason that's what you got to think what was the reason why the
United States did not join the League of Nations or why did the Congress in the Senate not ratify the Treaty of your
side it's because we didn't want to get pulled in into another war boom again are you pleased all right one of your
cartoons when your sheet is this political cartoon that you picked up the title says interrupting ceremony and I
put up there with the text in the bubble status but before we even look at all of that
the first question just says what symbols or objects do you see nah don't tell me what's going on yet
just what do you see I see me and jumping into your window now yes buddy buddy okay we see your way
sir the ladies dress the ladies dress okay [Music]
and they're there any other peoples or symbols being used here ma'am you see one yeah the book okay the book and this
is supposed to represent him a minister pretty sure all right okay there's an audience who else is
standing in the wedding party Uncle Sam that's Uncle Sam okay so when every time you look at a political
cartoon sometimes you just got a look and what objects are symbols do you think before you start putting it all
together so the title interrupting the ceremony is talking about home who is interrupting the ceremony the hold on
what the Senate does it send that thankfully we can see it this is the US Senate the US Senate is interrupting the
ceremony holding one the constitutional rights which what is the US didn't have what rights do they have to stop the
ceremony I said it earlier but what do they have the party sighing all right
they have the power to not allow the treaty to be ratified so he's interrupting the ceremony the ceremony
is a way between boom foreign entanglements and Uncle Sam who represents USA or government or people
okay and this wouldn't see us a the minister is holding the boat this is League of Nations so they're coming
together under the League of Nations and here comes the Senate say stop stop so with knowing everything now do you
think this artist is for or against the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles and what elements in this political
cartoon which you've come to that conclusion [Music]
okay so you're thinking that action itself is a big action to put in the cartoon so you're saying he's against
the stratification okay okay so what's the difference that between using those two words okay so you're abruptly saying
now right okay I like it you guys are using evidence from this
cartoon to make your illusions to draw your conclusions that's what we need you to do so on the back of that flow of the
parts here and mr. Brickley well it's now your turn so on the bottom there space on the political cartoon for you
to go ahead and answer just like we did what symbols and objects do you see first off just make a bullet less that's
fine what is the merchants ww mean when he says you'll have to take these with it
and what is the sugar supposed to represent and how does this cartoon illustrating towards the League of
Nations in 1919 which is where it stopped so just take them well I put the
definition of covenants up there because it says the covenants and I wasn't sure if you were leading the definition
the West symbols are objects that you see user the public okay so the top hat oh okay
and yes no it's a it's a it's a man but w w that's initials form which was them [Music]
okay what else do we see so we see Goods okay we see Goods and we see a counter Farrell's boxes packages those are all
things that we see so putting that all together plus the text which says the covenants or contractor agreement so
lead turns has to all be bought at the same time you just want to buy this one little thing right is that what you
concluded which was the peace treaty so when it says what does the merchants Woodrow Nelson mean when he says you'll
have to take these with it you'll have to take these with it with it okay so you have to take all of it every single
piece of this treaty even though you just want to purchase this one section this one bit sorry it's all or nothing
so the sugar was supposed to be the peace treaty everything else goes with it so how does his part to illustrate
feelings towards the League of Nations in 1919 man like when the view of the Americans and
I decided that it was more of a problem than it's a good good answer okay so because this shows public is
supposed to be representing the public right and as you just said it's more of a problem to get all of this than just
this what I what we need and even if you notice there's some like smelly cheese over here that goes with this so it kind
of gives off that negative connotation that that context but you noticed all the symbols that were in here you
noticed what those symbols were trying to tell you and even the little things from this cartoon in the last one you
can see we're all used to make a point or to try to sell the rear if you will on a belief alright next so now it's
your turn Wow I know the blade a piece of paper that's what
this is for and the checklist to help you the checklist is there for you as your guide to pretty much say do you
have this stuff in the political cartoon and mr. Franks check problem the comment section is also listed Whitney raises so
cartoon clearly conveys an understanding of the issue meaning you're supposed to make one either for or against the
ratification of the treaty or the League of Nations putting what we've learned about why we did not join the League of
Nations you know trying to make us see that you understand why we were dark today but you put you for it it's
completely up to you so do you completely show us that you understand the issue which is today's lesson
excellent use of appropriate appropriate symbolism you've seen a lot of it here the way the Senate holding
constitutional rights peace treaty as sugar but then you have to yell this other stuff the part of that was stinky
cheese just try to convey your opinion on the topic title just how the title says it's clear clever and relevant key
issue and your position are clearly identifiable and then it's just it's just neat and clean I don't think we
care if it's colored or not as long as if you want it to be that's completely up to you and if you have any captions
or titles or anything like that to help us figure out what's going on at least we can read those so any questions on
the checklist and what's being asked of you no all right well I'll be around
and then keep this because you're going to staple it to the back of your of your cartoon oops I didn't raise this that's
over by the next two weeks to do anything about the United States test from yesterday
all right please make sure you get that done we've got a LearnSmart due Monday last one will do Friday fourth and eight
and the true quiz next week for this evening so you know are the crates go bigger you're for more well a couple
more videos about me at five more days and then you got okay get in there question you know palm so I know
everybody's partner right after the course is we can't go back so you can't go back colors for credit do it doesn't
go good you know alright great dance [Music] all right deep breath all right so hey
I'm gonna spend the next three dated really pushing hard for you guys to get to this unit fast so you're gonna do the
same right I feel I'm exhausted I am I'll be here every day I expect to see many of you now that we can get through
this that you sad - last unit I'm gonna cry all right you two seven Booya we're talking about taxes we're going to talk
about this weird thing called fiscal policy where Venice and in monetary policy there's some things in this unit
that should be like a review from everFi like in taxes talk about some stuff about taxes in there right so that
should be part of it should be kind of review I had someone earlier go well I hear another pie it's like teacher with
right fiscal policy whatever that is that will be new and then monetary policy how much do the beginning part of
it it should be a review we're going to start out talking about the Federal Reserve which was the module to about
apply but I let's get right to it let's start out with her chowder all right
taxation now I even though I know kind of plow through this unit please don't let that be a reason to do guys are
really good at that don't let it be a reason for you guys like I have a question or not one have
some conversation about what's going on so does that as important and also stuff so keep doing that but other than that
all right so taxation other than that saying that people get mad about paying right what is that patient all about
right so we want to look into that government revenue and spending it's not just about us having to give a
government as money but the garment meat from their perspective right they need an income
and the biggest form of income and they need an income because like well why do we need an income we're spending right
so they need to spend - right like I remember RC plus I plus G was a night raid that Jeep are both guards been
delayed spent in order to get that money from for the most part we're gonna get them taxable right that's that's what
we're going to take this thing all right so let's just get going by definition was a tax mandatory payment to some
level of government right we're gonna pay taxes at different levels of government from up on top your federal
government taxes and so QB just got a job right make more than I did so both of the dog
we get to like like illegal job it just hurt I know one raised their hands this she's not here man well that's it I
can't seem to lessen now do you have an example used to have a job when it's working no not I mean I work I didn't
tenth construction worked with summer wood or less um again did you go to legit a check yeah okay that's gonna go
hot that's legit paycheck alright um so in that paycheck right there's taxes taken out yeah a lot of that going to
well it's come to the federal government right so those are federal on your vets of appear national taxes that you're
paying in some states like when I started working back to New York another nice cool we have state tax as
well so you get that paycheck not only is that stuff taken out then you got the other stuff taken out and to you know to
New York State I guess maybe less it's been into anyway but when tax time comes early in
the year when that happens you do get if you get a tax refund everyone does right you get tax refund
from the federal government and they get from the state though so that could be as far as taxes go if you do have to pay
it you there's a possibility to read from there to that so but we have these different levels right so we're paying
on local taxes like for example the county or the city like sales tax that's dictated by the county all right so that
local taxes which could be city or county and where you're living and what's going on we own property property
taxes thanks to that nature so all these different taxes are gonna go to some
different level of kind of and again as we were a said what is this really being used for its revenue it's the
government's part of the government income all right the government's gonna pull it money from taxes of course and
then they're also going to put income from non tax sources as we call so let's say the government has is
planning on spending a certain high month and then they go oh snap we didn't pull in and off the taxes right to
basically cover that gap yeah fill the gap something all right so how they gonna do that
in sizes that would be that would be a huge like right now in the future they could use that to maybe have a smaller
gap in the future or not having gap in the future like right now microsnap we need some
more what can we do that's what we gonna be a process what's an easier yeah okay right
borrow your barber and where's the number one place I already know something to say what's number one place
government borrows money from I knew it I knew it was coming yeah the the number one place government borrows money from
is the American people right you did leave an indication of people it's China was bigger than our people so about
roughly and giving you a rough estimate here right about roughly with two thirds of the government owes us back some form
fun facts we're gonna talk more about Heartgard borrowing and for specific feel like gettin stuff later on about me
next week but but yeah that's another way that's another way they can pull it money right and then there's other
programs like the lottery for example obviously daughter lottery is its gambling legal gambling so it runs
through that so there's other ways other than taxes that all right brings us to the tax equity debate right
now when it comes to taxes though there's a lot of discussion right there's always a lot to be there's
always going to be a lot of debate since it's one of those things where you got different points view and people are
always gonna see it differently and you paid about it and will never like it elections coming up it's always gonna be
one of those things that you know just nothing not going to be a consensus on so there's bait and bait could consist
of what kind of taxes you know kind of some simple fight here well context should we have who should pay taxes
shouldn't pay taxes how much taxes to those people pay right can every Avenue every angle of that conversation is
debated so we are going to look at briefly the tax equity debate focuses on kind of food should pay and wire
so in order to understand the debate though we should probably know what we're talking about when we talk about
the word equity actually tax equity is the idea that the tax system should be fair right so if I made that statement
the tax system should be fair whose Gries with that statement this Dave okay look lock-in
okay taxes who should be fair well that mean okay there I paid the exact same percentage blue quitting was that mean
to me it means a larger percentage right the teachers shouldn't pay any time both have their hand up the one that anyone
so we've got everybody's pay the same same you say same amount same perks I pay for a different right and then Luke
is saying that teachers shouldn't pay taxes that's when I got out of that Luke saying that a baby come based right yeah
more of a more proportional basically or anything else anybody say that the people with less you pay more a bigger
percentage and that that will get we'll see that but we'll see that pug Monday but that's a thing yeah all right is it
totally is it has worked as well but that's the thing all right so we kind of have two main present two main
arguments like right there right between you guys Cody so what my point asking that question is is there if I have the
same idea of a fair is so and that intense the debate right because hey the taxes it should be fair everyone's like
yeah boyee and there was a Kobe affair it's like does that mean that's the SPO I know wise the other thing I want to
pick your brains about it what's the difference between equality and equity right because again the help understand
that term equity means who knows anyone know what the difference between equality and equity is they're two
different things they driving yeah okay was that quality is when everyone's treated very windy and when
it's fair people quality is to use people who use fair in both of them so I'm not really sure where you're going
with it so like one is more towards people as people and the others towards charity
still not sure I guess because I can't give up they both have anything most are believed okay
think about it Jimmy is we will come back to you again all right all right Troy you equality is like when first
sent to him did you say price or percentage and you nature that he said message price that equality would be a
percent price and bias the exact same thing then equity is more like whether this mucky-mucks aware that
okay okay guys you're sitting there I'll be a Tony John throw in an office [Music]
okay zero taking it here you're saying that you get right to the hit two different aspects of the spectrum okay
I'm going to lean I'm gonna go back to Troy and Troy be free truth kind of use their right so the quality would be like
Jacob saying the devil cheap price and percentage right fair gonna pay the same price that would be a quality would mean
everybody gets the exact same thing right like no matter what everybody's getting the exact same thing equity
would rather be though you're receiving what is needed to achieve an equal playing field that makes them there
there's an image as obscene as contact online maybe some games in it like these three people would call the kids
walkers yes and they're like got a fence and then so the image is footing too and on one side of it says equality and
there's a tall kid a medium kid and then Troy it we are given in this your kid right and they can't see over the
fence so you all get one box right they all get equal assistance the tall kid can now see over the fence the other
kids are just like and then another the other image is equality and what we see is they each get a different number of
boxes in order for them to all finally get their heads right so that good I think that's a good visual a good
example of which I should add to my stuff actually right I think that's no understand what
the term equity means is helpful and kind of look at two sides of the debate so are two basic approaches in this
debate are as follows the first one is which you're a cover oh this one covered
you're just now wearing okay what do we call them the ability to pay principal which is what it sounds like
alright so Luke was saying like hey you've got no money so maybe we should pay both taxes right that's that's that
people higher incomes higher taxes why because the philosophy behind it is if you have higher income if you have more
money you have again the ability to pay more or if we could correct me if I'm wrong that some was that philosophy
almost feel like yes almost feel like they're like hey there's a social responsibility or hey those or plenty
have a social responsibility as you don't get back okay Cree disagreed different debate right but just behind
the thought behind this is like hey you go you got more so you have the ability to get more in taxes right
pretty straightforward the other one is the benefits received as well which is again what it sounds like
so benefits you see principal which it says like hey if I'm not if I don't use this then I'm getting anything out of it
basically right no benefit receive then like why should I have to pay taxes okay so I don't drive why should I have to
sorry why should I have to pay could you be tax money towards you know fixing roads
and hey we're going to run a public school right there is an argument out there that you may have heard already
and I've heard it a bunch of times is I don't I don't have kids or my kids are grown up or I don't send my kid to a
public school why should I pay taxes or other tools I say I'm personally not using or nor my family using those
facilities right so that would be based off the benefits received principal I'm not guinness and out of it I'm not using
it so I shouldn't have to right [Music] thoughts yeah ice cream what good do we
use benefits can you think of any thing I'll say oh wait no she's like I should've showed up no do you think of
anything we do the answer is yes but what maybe like property tax will be only property yeah the pain so you're
benefiting from having more land so you should take more based on how much you land you back is that I've heard that
like they belong it that would be I see you're saying that would be think I would go more towards ability hey cuz
bigger land greater you know greater value higher so it's not it's not income based but if we kind of took that and if
you late a little bit and call it a Grinch based right but that's also has to do with where you live values where
you live so I mean that's really you can move somewhere and have a smaller piece of land and pay more in taxes than
someone that's cuz it's a nicer area so it depends there's a lot of variables now good thinking of
[Music] there's one for anybody heart attacks mine
well it's more okay you're thinking we're getting their sales [Music]
you're not paying a tax that others would then benefit from you see ever saying see we're going to thought did
you buy a car so yeah you're paying tax on the car it's not like you're buying it's not like you're paying a tax right
ooh that could be a good one what we do pay for public transportation and but public education is also publicly funded
right so there's tax dollars going in there right see now or there's one it's like a money
one that I'm just like wait in that's closest as well we had some at some point at some point you know I'll pay
will work in pain in surgery but eventually you'll get back soon that may eventually you'll get you're thinking
the right thing I don't me to straw okay last job we got pull roads right are you paying oh that's that's a it's
essentially a a tax right in your pant hole are thy poor folks paying that just the visit of 47.tv
right but yeah that's that's the new lanes on i-4 I did expanding new mid lanes did you know they're gonna have
tolls on them so it's an interstate which is a free highway but these new legs super lanes but they're gonna have
told so it's like new what do I want to do in the morning do I want to get stuck in regular eye for traffic or could I
take super middle lane say whatever pay the toll and he's taking that sit there a little bit right now everyone's gonna
go forget it up hit at all but for 17 but for 17 is generally still much better right I think I like that
you guys are anything we kind of built up to it like that and then John was like Kim's will bring us all an ice
cream when you start to work I did I thought I'd tell you now so you saw her photo she's in our society she'll never
say like all right to tax incident so they have this deal with tax incidence right which is who is actually paying
who's carrying the burden of the actual burden of paying the tax because for example in an entity that's getting
taxed isn't necessarily trying to put paying for that out of their pocket again using the example on the screen
hotels have to pay with all their occupancy tax it sounds like I think the things are what these people occupy this
room right my rights so they anybody that has to be attacked there's a tax that goes along
with that right thank you what do you think the hotels are doing you think they got oh darn right here
thing to do we think they're who's really paying yeah the customers right here's the stairs yeah yeah so your room
right would you pay for a room there's experts starting there okay you're paying for that in the rental thank you
that now that sounds like they lived there hey what day is that April 15 um does anyone know why that's tax day like
why doesn't like July just 20 40 where you lie it's my brother cake yeah do all you buddy
what is it is that this for April's the fourth month but four plus one equals the day taxes the Boston Massacre us
Oh snacks for everyone I can't fall I'm done refraining to class early all right no
one else because by that time of the year that marks the one-third point generally by them generally by them by
then taxes didn't collect the taxes and a lot of us get money back right now by the way don't wait till then to do your
taxes do only early yeah yeah don't don't do your taxes like you do your school don't don't send the remaining
text to your browser go so my Internet's not working I I can't do this yeah
right I don't know what we said last but don't do that tell your cat hey yo detectives okay all
right so all taxes of two main parts two basic elements every every tax you pay upon crops are gonna happen there the
first thing is everything is gonna happen we call tax base which I love this sector because it's what it sounds
like it's what the tax is based off of it's like they do it on purpose right so in Texas so if you're paying o income
tax what are they taxing income you're paying sales tax don't say they're
taxing sale story about that way you're taxing with the guter service that was there was a sale up right so if I don't
buy the place agent then yeah a tax on the sale tax right well it's a tax base with property tax when you pay property
tax what's being taxed from pre-k the property right that's a tax base by the way you don't pay tax on your house the
house and the value of the property but if you don't like a lot with trees they're still paying property tax the
house adds value to that property paying its property tax and then every pack has a tax rate right
that is the percentage that is that we are paying so either personally contact rate how much of your income is it that
you're paying taxes it off the sales tax rate right what is the percentage all right of tax in here malucia six and a
half right well it's a bit good good all right all right so this stuff this is the tax structures these three things
are going to talk about here oh they're basically there's three ways that the tax system can be right so when the tax
debate happens or you know it when elections come around and thinking like that and taxes come up as they always do
and the type of tax system we have where maybe the argument is what type should we have wherever that's going right here
it's like here here's the main subject right you're here are the ways we can build a tax structure all right so we're
gonna go through these but no matter what the tax structure is there's three of them no matter what as Uncle Sam says
you gotta pay yo taxes right no matter what oh god there's no there's no taxes so
that's called yo tax right there's none that goes and this one says no one should pay it all right so these all do
involve paying tax all right we start at the top first one is called a proportional
abortion ad everyone is paying this is a Jacob this is where he was asked earlier everyone
paying the same percent now as we talked about with Jacob it's about the percentage okay it's not about the
dollar that's important to distinguish right we're talking about taxes it's a percentage not a dollar okay so for some
that everyone pays the same percent okay different dollar amount still but same percent you could hear this referred to
actually hear a virtual lock as a flat tax like their famous a flat percent right so hypothetically speaking if
there was a quiz question about this and to the possible answers said portion attacks and flat tax
what stands okay proportional right who's done who hypothetically who's gonna spill from
flat happy there's only someone Kazami I'm Mindy that's right hypothetically service may take now this is a tend to
be a popular idea portion attack comes off the essence is like an election though right president likes it comes up
someone brings it up and a debater and their policy proposals are and people start thinking yeah yeah but we've never
seen the kind of get past like hey that's a cool idea right so whose days who thinks this is a
good hands okay so even if you don't like the idea who thinks that least worth involving in the conversation okay
I usually got that I thought that second part in there because I usually get it just a couple point
come where hands very good yeah all right soon as you know you're not a fan of it it's at least right we could agree
that at least was a good part to have a conversation but why is it never getting beyond the conversation because although
the percentage is equal the impact is not right someone was a lower income lower income
giving up 10% of their a lower income is still impacted think of like on a needs basis like still impacted more so than
I'm gonna be extreme here say it's over like you know half-a-million-dollar to pay 10% right so yes I wanna make
$30,000 paying members and so I may have another daughter to pay 10% yes the other person is paid more in taxes than
the other person even makes but someone who's living tight and their losses 10% is struggling a little bit more right so
what happens is when the conversation comes up that roadblock always rises and we kind of get stuck there right so that
that's how that's the percentage right but it's definitely good to have another part of that conversation right you have
this as a part of the conversation and I see some of you guys here and already thinking about these things that were
already there maybe just weren't quite sure that what it was called or how official it was so what do we actually
have no right so people like this right it comes up in the conversation you know because I've been in opposition I'll say
to what we currently which is a progressive taxes right progressive tax system yes takes more
based off the ability to pay takes a greater percentage from those with higher income yes sir
isn't proportional more like a conservative viewpoint politically proportional tax it will usually comes
up more from that side of the spectrum the proportional tax like in you know their debate like this like for example
last year we had no we're turning from no incumbent president rights in both sides by four
see how did you know much different people you know chatting at the debate right now so yeah you'll see normally on
that on one stage is you'll hear the idea of a flat tax come up which one other Republicans say is usually and
then on the other the other side they'll they'll stick to the yeah and they'll offer you know in their view you know
tweaks or you know changes things like that well as far as yeah so and I think that's good I'm glad that you guys are
recognizing that because it's there yeah it's over there and and and they yeah if you're going to have
so the progressive tax again it takes a larger based on the W pay most of our federal taxes are based off of this so
again we've got a paycheck that does tax account of your check that's based of that progressive system right for
example something like sales tax however the end is not a progressive tax it's actually going to be the third one we
talked about okay this is is a complicated system right it was for good or for bad it was created in the
complicated system we can debate whether it's become more complicated or not overtime but either way it's up like
proportional 10% everybody boom got it right this is a bit more complex okay when we say that larger share income as
income increases it's not a blanket statement so for example someone that's like has a million dollars isn't paying
an overall greater percentage in tax right the best way I can show you this is to literally try to show you this to
try to take a complex situation and make your really bad drawing right to try to simplify the complex there yourself
all right I have to make sure you can see that you have a hot dog all right so I feel better that's pretty good
so the way it just worked is our income right all right all right all right back in pretend that you got
all your money for the whole year they got your whole income at one time right it's like waiting water that's your key
now all my money boom what happens is our money our income gets split up into sections right
so I'm going to take some of it make that pile in this pile in that pile that you've seen me kind of visioning this so
I'm gonna take our boxes this starting to come by the way right Jacob makes $40,000 let's try two million what
happens here and our income is by the way this is not drawn to scale they're totally making up numbers just
to get the point across our income is split up into sections so I'm just gonna take this split as they come up into
different sections okay Jerri categories so the way this works is each of those categories are each of those piles are
going to be taxed at a different percentage okay which means all of my money is not taxed at making some up 25%
just one pile of my money which means my other piles are going to be taxed either more or less right so take a dollar bill
and cut up into pieces right so at the bottom the first the first part of your income is not taxed okay I'm just gonna
pick very nice clean numbers just to move along through the process so don't go with my numbers
on them so let's just up to $10,000 right so that guideline is 10,000 proposed over from $0 to 10,000 okay I
mean - that's taxed at zero that's a zero amount of hair that's taxed at zero percent no tax okay then we're going to
go up to $20,000 okay so now this is $10,000 at one penny all the way up to $20,000 just this pile of money
that's absurd just just that pile of money so here's my zero bottom now my my other pile yes that pile is taxed at
what I say 5% make sense okay boom go put that to the side then we go to the next pile up to $30,000 just this
section alone is taxed at 10% see how each chunk is handled on its own so what happens now though sorry you just lost
$5,000 good hard I want to do this right so what happens now Jacob's only got $5,000 left right right
here Troy clearly keeps double cuz this is going to go up to now making this crazy jump hundred thousand dollar wait
a second he doesn't have that much is $95,000 he's sorry that's extra 70 he's 65 thousand dollar short that's okay
because Jacob's 5000 will be taxed at 15% only five thousand because then you've done he's broke
Troy's Oh is gonna pay fifteen on the whole section so now you see how now Troy started to pay more taxes
Heads up!
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