In the early hours of November 11, 1918, the winter chill in the air was pierced by the palpable tension of history in the making as German command signed a surrender in a train car, marking the end of the First World War. The optimism of peace enveloped the world, giving rise to the phrase "the war to end all wars." This heralded hope for a future devoid of conflict as nations flickered with the desire for collective security. However, the aftermath proved to be a tapestry of hardship, rising tensions, and the eventual resurgence of conflict, notably World War II.
The Paris Peace Conference: Birth of a New World Order
The Treaty of Versailles
The Paris Peace Conference began in January 1919, bringing together the victors of World War I. Central to these discussions was U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s proposition for a League of Nations aimed at ensuring collective security. This idea was met with both enthusiasm and skepticism, particularly concerning how to manage the defeated countries and the existing territorial disputes.
- Challenges Faced: The nations present were grappling with the specter of communism in war-torn Russia, uprisings in the Ottoman Empire, and the geopolitical shifts brought about by the collapse of imperial powers.
- The League of Nations: Despite its noble intentions, the League faced inherent challenges. The absence of key players such as the U.S. weakened its authority, while disagreements among allies clouded its objectives.
The Harsh Terms for Germany
As the Allies delineated the framework of peace, the punitive measures placed on Germany became a point of contention. France, bearing the most extensive scars from the conflict, pushed for severe restrictions:
- Military Limitations: Germany was allowed a standing army of just 100,000 soldiers, stripped of its colonial possessions, and forced to disarm entirely.
- Reparations: The imposition of enormous reparations weakened the German economy, leading to severe inflation. By the early 1920s, the consequences of debt were catastrophic.
Hyperinflation and the Rise of Extremism
The post-war reparations led to rampant hyperinflation in Germany. The value of the German Mark plummeted:
- Economic Collapse: At its extreme, the price of a loaf of bread soared to 680 million marks. The fallout fueled social discontent and created fertile ground for extremist ideologies.
- Hitler’s Ascendancy: This economic struggle facilitated the rise of Adolf Hitler, who blamed Germany's tradition of social instability on the victors, the communists, and Jews, channeling discontent into a movement.
The League of Nations: A Toothless Giant
Despite its lofty aspirations, the League of Nations failed to prevent aggression from totalitarian regimes. Notably:
- Japan’s Withdrawal: Japan sought to expand its empire in Manchuria, provoking tensions and showcasing the League's impotence in dealing with aggressors.
- Italy’s Actions in Ethiopia: The League's ineffective response to Mussolini's Ethiopia campaign demonstrated its lack of enforcement capability, compelling attention towards national ambitions.
The Spanish Civil War and the Prelude to World War II
Amid tensions mounting across Europe, the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) erupted, a battleground exemplifying the ideological conflict between fascism and communism:
- Conflict and Outcomes: The war caused around 500,000 deaths, with implications stretching beyond Spain as it showcased Europe's struggle between political extremes.
- Alliances Formed: The failure to weaken fascism in Spain spoke volumes about the impending threat in Europe as alliances began forming between authoritarian regimes.
Hitler and the Road to War
As Hitler began consolidating power, his ambitions escalated:
- Anschluss with Austria: In 1938, Germany annexed Austria, violating the Treaty of Versailles with little international resistance, signaling the start of a series of aggressive expansions.
- The Munich Agreement and Sudetenland: The approach of appeasement by Britain and France led to further territorial gains for Hitler, culminating in the invasion of Poland in 1939, which ignited World War II.
The years following World War I were marked by a dance of diplomacy and conflict, wherein the failures of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations paved the way for the resurgence of totalitarian regimes. The scars left by World War I not only influenced the political landscape of Europe but ultimately set the stage for the most destructive conflict the world has ever known. The slogan "never again" became a haunting reminder of the lessons unlearned and the paths taken that led humanity back into the depths of war. While the world hoped for peace, the complexities of national politics, economic strife, and the rise of aggressive ideologies proved otherwise.
in the early morning hours of November 11th 1918 the German command was forced to sign a surrender in the train car
thus the first world war ended the world was confident that peace would now come the phrase the war to end all wars was
the hope of every human who wanted to make this formula a reality however while the US rejoiced the end of the war
Germany met this closing in Ruins the Paris peace conference began in January 1919 the British delegation at
Versailles described the idea of US President woodro Wilson to create a League of Nations aimed at ensuring
collective security promoting disarmament and international cooperation nevertheless the leaders
faced many challenges along the way and War torn Russia was increasingly subjected to the Bolshevik power of the
Communist Party meanwhile a conflict between the ottoman EMP Empire and Greece had erupted Greece had been given
part of the Ottoman Empire by peace treaty which was not entirely to the satisfaction of the Ottomans Allied
Forces however stood along the rine until the summer of 1919 their Bridge heads have taken route
deep into the defeated disarmed and starved Germany this country was considered the main culprit of the
disaster because it was Germany that led the reprehensible forces finally having received peace and security the French
people chanted never again however a mysterious anxiety still hung over the Skies of France the population of France
was considerably smaller than that of Germany by 2/3 moreover the number of Germans was constantly growing and this
could lead to a difference of two times in 10 years France expressed outrage at the death of 1.5 million Frenchmen who
had died defending the country from the enemy the leadership recalled bismar threats of a new war of 1875 and the
Tangier crisis which forced the French foreign minister to resign and the last straw for him was the death of his son
on the front during the first world war as a result of which he left politics definitively Supreme Allied Commander
Marshall Ferdinand fos insisted that France's border should be extended along the precipitous rine the river should
become a barrier and shield under which the French could live in peace however British and American politicians
believed that the inclusion of German territories in France would be contrary to the 14 points and principles on which
the peace treaty was to be based the Allies opposed the demands of fos and France they obtained the support of the
French President of the Council of ministers George closo in exchange for the anglo-american guarantees of
France's defense the demilitarized zone and the complete and continued disarmament of Germany Germany lost all
its colonies which brought it wheat potatoes coal ores and other minerals in addition it was disarmed and had the
right to have the army of no more than 100,000 people with a long service life which did not allow accumulating
reserves and recruit Germany had to give 5,000 pieces of artillery 1,700 aircraft all its submarines despite F's protests
clono agreed us Vice President woodro Wilson British prime minister Lloyd George and George clono signed a treaty
of guarantee after all these trials Marshall fos commented on the signature of the Treaty of Versailles with
Incredible Precision this is not a piece but a 20-year truce despite everything the French leadership led by prime
minister Ron pocare wanted to create an independent German State under the control and protection of France however
it also had no chance of success over time it even reached the point where Franco Belgian troops invaded the rural
region in 1923 and captured important resource fields this caused outrage not only among the Germans but also among
the Allies the French occupation of parts of the German lands created a dispute between Lloyd George and poin
carare however under pressure from the United States and Britain the troops had to withdraw the following year although
World War II officially began in 1939 it was the consequence of a series of local conflicts that were unfolding in Europe
the complete collapse of the austr Hungarian Empire after the Treaty of San gerain and the Treaty of triol was a
real European tragedy for centuries this heir to the Holy Roman Empire has enabled many peoples to live side by
side and enjoy the benefits of Cooperative trade and security without it no people would have been able to
resist the pressure of a reborn Germany Austria lost the status of an Empire Hungary 75% of the territory and 3
million inhabitants in addition the Allied Bulgaria also lost the territory and 1 million population the League of
Nations suffered a severe Blow from the United States when the Republicans took power in the elections of 1920 the new
leadership abandoned the course set by President Wilson and took a more isolated position America's New View was
that the countries beyond the Atlantic needed to resolve their own conflicts as well as pay their debts the situation on
the mainland was aggravated by the complete victory of the Communist Regime in the former Russian Empire a month
after the beginning of the Paris conference war broke out between Poland and communist Russia active hostility
started a year later when polls were supported by the Ukrainian People's Republic against communist Russia the
Red Army wanted to get through Poland to Germany and spread the Socialist revolution around the world Germany and
Italy almost fell victim to communist designs and propaganda in this war there was the last Global Cavalry battle in
history about 20,000 Cavalry died then total losses were about 120,000 killed and even more injured after a Time the
initiative on the front went to the side of Poland so the first leader of the USSR Lenin decided to go to peace and in
March 1921 the party signed the Treaty of Ria Latvia gained independence Ukraine and bellarus became parts of the
USSR the following year the final victory of the Bolsheviks ended the Civil War in the USSR which cost about 7
Million Lives four times more than the losses during the first world war on the part of the Russian Empire communism was
still part ly spread around the world China began to form its own Communist party and Hungary was temporarily placed
under communist dictator bellacon at the 1921 Washington conference the Allies made a proposal
for maritime disarmament as a result England and the United States began to sink their battleships and Destroy
military bases such a strange decision was made in view of the thesis that not only the losers but also the winners
must give up weapons because of this France was condemned because it maintained its Army on the basis of
universal conscription the US UK relationship was not simple their cooperation was hampered by the British
Japanese Alliance eventually it was analled Japan got an unpleasant impression the British and western
states actually gave it a political slap in the face this was the first Missing Link for keeping the peace geiter Adolf
Hitler stirred up the soldiers hatred for the Communists and Jews in whom he saw guilt for the defeat of Germany
meanwhile his future Ally Benito musolini proposed to Italy a new form of government that would save the Italian
people from communism and also would ensure melini's dictatorship at the same time the Greco Turkish war ended with a
complete victory for the Ottomans led by Mustafa Ataturk who proclaimed the Republic of Turkey the following year
and became its first president the United States provided funding throughout Europe including Germany in
response however reparations were demanded and Germany remained under constant monitoring the only consequence
of such actions was a sense of enmity Germany could make reparations only from new loans from the United States which
received about 2 billion 1.5b from the United States and about 500 million from British depositors gave Germany the
opportunity to quickly eliminate the destruction as a result of loans in the late 1920s the US received only a fifth
part of what it allocated and then began a series of unfortunate coincidences the
consequences of greed and Imperial Ambitions it was started by hyperinflation in Germany while before
the war the US dollar was worth four 4.2 deut Mark in mid June 1923 it was 100,000 and in November it was 4.2
trillion a kilogram loaf of bread cost 680 million deuts marks 100 trillion deutschmark notes were issued Adolf
Hitler took advantage of the situation who began the so-called beer hall P together with his allies in Munich
Hitler fired at the ceiling of the bar and began shouting that he would form a new government under his command the
rebels managed to take Munich city council members hostage capture the Telegraph and telephone lines but the
bavarians had already reported a rebellion in Berlin the push ended with the arrest of the leaders and 14 pists
were killed by the police however the future dictator declared himself and was loved by the public Hitler was sentenced
to 5 years which his supporters considered too harsh a sentence as a result he spent less than a year Behind
Bars continuing his activities all the time there the future dictator began writing mine com in 1925 president
Friedrich Ebert died and the second and last German Reich president Paul Von Hindenberg came to power hyperinflation
has not only affected the Deutsch Mark the American dollar also survived its fall during the Great Depression because
of its position after World War I the United States was able to set a course for significant economic growth and the
1920s were a period of social flourishing the development of clubs Jazz Mafia and
Manufacturing however investment in production was much greater than was really necessary the so-called stock
market bubble burst leading to the bankruptcy of many businesses and the unpaid loans after all the countries
that received credit including Germany could not repay their debts the Soviet Union created an artificial Mass famine
in occupied Ukraine and began genocide to suppress the Revolutionary sentiments and national identity of ukrainians the
criminal authorities confiscated all crops of grain and other food from the villagers the League of Nations because
of Hitler's regime in Germany did not want to clash with Moscow so did not intervene only in November 2023 the
World Congress of homore genocide researchers of ukrainians was able to establish a correct figure of 10.5
million ukrainians on the other side of the world in the Pacific Ocean the political
unrest was happening as well Japan had a claim to Chinese Manchuria since the early 20th century when it won the Russo
Japanese war the Russian Empire could have won if it had more time and troops but Emperor Nicholas II decided to sign
the pece although the exact reasons for the decision are disputed in 1933 Japan refused to return Manchuria to China
stating that it was absolutely impossible the Land of the Rising Sun planned to expand its territory and
subsequently launched the Sino Japanese war which would continue until the end of World War II moreover the Japanese
empire withdrew from the League of Nations thus refusing to enhance collective security Japan's occupation
of territories in Manchuria showed that the consequences of violating the rules of the League of Nations were minimal
soon after ignoring the Manchurian conflict the League of Nations almost completely ignored the abisinia crisis
relations between Ethiopia and Italy have escalated and as a result there have been held several provocations
against each country the League of Nations voted for economic sanctions for Italy but they were not fully
implemented so they became virtually meaningless Britain and France even offered to give Italy 2/3 of Ethiopia
but even this did not suit the dictatorship Italy withdrew from the league and eventually annexed and
occupied abisinia 2 years later after winning the second Italy Ethiopian war during the war civilians became targets
of Italian artillery and Aviation Italy used poison gas although musolini denied using gas against civilians the
destruction of civilians became the norm form for Italians the ruler of Ethiopia H salassi the left the country and came
to Europe he gave a rebuke to the League of Nations it is us today he told the league it will be you tomorrow H salassi
would eventually return solemnly to the country's capital during World War II but officially the conflict with Italy
would end only 2 years after the conclusion of World War II so far Europe has only watched while Italy was
expanding its lands in Ethiopia riots broke out in neighboring Spain in 1936 Spain was shocked by the civil war
between Republicans and nationalists which will last until the outbreak of World War I the reasons are the same the
desire of the leading politicians to impose fascism and communism the rise in prices for food the export of capital by
the authorities unemployment after the death of the first leader of the rebels they were led
by the future dictator Francisco Franco the Communist Party of Spain Grew From 20,000 to 300,000 people the
nationalists were helped by Italy and the Third Reich the Republicans by the USSR within 3 years the rebels managed
to capture the entire country the Soviet Union eventually stopped supporting the Republicans but Franco on a religious
note worsened relations with Germany and Italy as a result of which he invited the German Legion Condor to return home
the Civil War resulted in at least half a million dead on both sides and 450,000 refugees Franco told the Spanish
that the war was over but those were only his own words even before the attack on Ethiopia the Third Reich tried
to organize anlos with Austria the United Kingdom and France Shrugged their shoulders although Bonito molini reacted
sharply and mobilized four divisions to come to Austria's Aid Hitler did not yet have his feet on the ground to wage war
against Italy so he did not send troops to Austria and without the reich's support the coup failed only Italy's
conflict with Ethiopia has United the dictators in the spring of 1938 during the Spanish War the Third Reich
initiated the anlos annexation of Austria despite the Geneva protocol which prohibited even economic
unification with Austria this time after negotiations and ultimatums Hitler ordered the troops to launch operation
Auto and occupy Austria moreover he had personally left for Vienna after seeing tank failure in traffic as a result the
dictator ordered his war machine to be reinforced which will also play a role in the future the world's reaction to
the occupation of Austria did not take place countries have begun to prepare their population industry and economy
for a new war the world has begun to understand what modern warfare is power was seized by Hitler musolini Stalin and
the imperialist Tendencies of the Japanese emperor hito became clear already in October 1938 the Reich
occupies the sudon land and the next year after the molotov ribbon trop pact the Third Reich and the USSR will attack
Poland officially starting with World War II a war that will change everything the dictators Adolf Hitler and Bonito
musolini did not live to see it through President Franklin Roosevelt and British prime minister Neville Chamberlain died
during the war and Chamberlain's successor Winston Churchill resigned the world learned what nuclear bombing is
the League of Nations self-destructed and the United Nations appeared instead the second world war profoundly changed
the world and left scars on it that still reminded of itself it was only after that the slogan never again really
stayed in people's [Music] hearts
Heads up!
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