In this article, we'll explore the three different muscle types in the human body: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. By comparing and contrasting these muscle types, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of their structures, functions, and unique characteristics. Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone studying anatomy, biology, or health sciences.
What is Muscle Tissue?
Muscle tissue is one of the four primary tissue types in the body, alongside epithelial, nervous, and connective tissues. The primary function of muscle tissue is to perform mechanical work, which enables movement. This includes:
- Voluntary movements like walking or lifting objects.
- Involuntary movements such as controlling blood flow or moving food through the digestive tract.
Muscle tissue is classified as excitable tissue, meaning it can respond to stimuli; this ability is shared with nervous and endocrine tissues. When muscle tissue is excited, it contracts, allowing for various functions in the body.
Types of Muscle Tissue
There are three main types of muscle tissue, each with distinct functionalities and characteristics.
1. Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle attaches to bones and crosses joints, enabling voluntary movement. When we contract our skeletal muscles, we're able to perform actions consciously. Here are some key characteristics of skeletal muscle:
- Shape: Skeletal muscle fibers are cylindrical and long, allowing for significant force generation.
- Nuclei: They are multinucleated, meaning each fiber contains multiple nuclei, which supports muscle growth and repair.
- Striations: Skeletal muscle fibers show noticeable striations (striped appearance) due to the organized arrangement of myofilaments (actin and myosin) within the fibers.
- Contraction Type: Skeletal muscle contractions are under voluntary control, meaning they are consciously regulated.
2. Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. This type of muscle functions involuntarily, meaning you don't consciously tell your heart to beat. The characteristics of cardiac muscle include:
- Shape: Cardiac muscle cells are branched and connect at intercalated discs, facilitating communication across cells.
- Nuclei: Cardiac muscle cells typically have one or two centrally located nuclei.
- Striations: Similar to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle also has striations, but they are less pronounced due to the branched structure.
- Contraction Type: Cardiac muscle contractions are involuntary and are controlled by the heart's pacemaker cells, ensuring a coordinated heartbeat.
3. Smooth Muscle
Smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs such as the intestines, blood vessels, and bladder. It also operates involuntarily. Here are the defining features of smooth muscle:
- Shape: Smooth muscle fibers are spindle-shaped, allowing them to effectively contract and relax.
- Nuclei: Smooth muscle is generally uni-nucleated, with a single nucleus centrally located.
- Striations: Unlike skeletal and cardiac muscles, smooth muscle lacks striations, giving it a smooth appearance.
- Contraction Type: Smooth muscle contractions are involuntary and can occur in various directions, which is essential for their role in moving substances through various organ systems.
Comparative Summary of Muscle Types
| Characteristic | Skeletal Muscle | Cardiac Muscle | Smooth Muscle | |-----------------------|----------------------|---------------------|-----------------------| | Location | Attached to bones | Heart | Hollow organs | | Control | Voluntary | Involuntary | Involuntary | | Shape | Cylindrical | Branched | Spindle-shaped | | Nuclei | Multinucleated | Uni/binucleated | Uninucleated | | Striations | Yes | Yes | No | | Primary Function | Movement of skeleton | Pumping blood | Moving substances |
The Role of Nuclei in Muscle Growth
Skeletal muscle's multinucleated nature provides it with a significant capacity to grow and adapt through a process known as hypertrophy. This muscle growth occurs when skeletal muscles are exposed to resistance training or stress, prompting muscle fibers to increase their size by synthesizing more proteins. Conversely, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle do not have the same regenerative capacity, explaining the differences in their responses to stress and injury.
Understanding the differences among skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle types is fundamental for anyone interested in human physiology. Each type of muscle tissue has specific characteristics that dictate its function in the body—whether in enabling voluntary movement (skeletal), pumping blood (cardiac), or controlling various bodily functions (smooth).
Whether you’re a student, fitness enthusiast, or simply curious about how your body works, knowing about these muscle types will help you appreciate the complexity and efficiency of the human body.
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hi everybody Dr Mike here in this video we're taking a look at the three different muscle types of the body
skeletal cardiac and smooth and we're going to compare and contrast each of them
[Music] importantly we need to begin by talking about what muscle tissue is it's one of
the four tissues of the body we've got epithelial we've got nervous we've got connective and we've got muscle tissue
and the job of muscle tissue is to perform mechanical work it allows for us to move whether it's to move our body
consciously whether it's to move the blood into and out of the heart or whether it's to move various substances
through our digestive tract our renal system or our reproductive tract all of this occurs because of muscles and
muscles are excitable tissue this is really important for students to understand excitable tissue there's only
a couple of different excitable tissue types in the body you've got nervous tissue endocrine tissue and muscle
tissue now a tissue being excitable means it has the capacity to do something it can be excited like me it
can do nothing but when it's excited something happens so nervous tissue when nothing's happened it doesn't fire any
signals off but it can be excited to send what we call an action potential a signal for communication the endocrine
system when these cells aren't doing anything nothing's happening but they can be excited to do something which is
to release hormones into the bloodstream and muscle tissue when they're not doing anything they just sit there but they
can be excited to contract and when muscles contract and shorten they can help move things around so if it's
skeletal muscle when this muscle contracts it moves the skeleton and allows for locomotion when cardiac
muscle contracts it decreases the volume of these little cavities inside the heart known as atra and ventricles and
pushes blood around the body and the smooth muscle that lines the inside hollow organs of our digestive tract our
renal tract and our reproductive tract and also our blood vessels when they contract they help push substances
through the body so that's really important for you to understand let's first begin with skeletal muscle
skeletal muscle is muscle that's attached to our skeleton and generally speaking these muscles cross joints for
example I've drawn up the biceps brachii it crosses both the shoulder joint and the elbow joint and when you excite
skeletal muscle to contract it will shorten and if it shortens and it shortens across joints those joints move
so contract biceps brachii I get elbow flexion I can track biceps
brachii I get shoulder flexion and this is the result of skeletal muscle now all skeletal muscle contracts consciously we
must write that down so it is conscious let's say voluntary is a better one it's voluntary
movement voluntary movement now compare that to something like cardiac right do you
consciously tell your heart to contract no thank God we don't because imagine how much mental time and energy it would
take to constantly tell our heart to beat once every second it would be horrible so cardiac muscle is
involuntary and like I said you should be grateful for that smooth muscle this is going to be the muscle that lines the
inside of our hollow organs like I said a digestive tract so our esophagus our stomach our small large intestines all
the way through and our urinary tract so our ureters our bladder our urethra and our reproductive tract and our blood
vessels as well this is all smooth muscle again you don't tell this muscle to contract so it contracts in
voluntarily please I'll just write involuntary like I did
for the other one so only one is voluntary contraction that's skeletal muscle I want you to think about what
these cells look like under a microscope because it tells you a lot about their function so if I were to draw up
skeletal muscle and see what it looks like under a microscope what you'll find for skeletal muscle is number one it's
shaped like a cylinder compare that to cardiac muscle if I were to compare cardiac muscle under a microscope what
you'll find is that it's branched and then if I were to compare that to smooth muscle under a microscope it
has this shape to it like a spindle shape like an eye all right so that's the first thing that's how they look
under the microscope quite different than nuclei we must talk about the nuclear because it's very important
particularly for skeletal muscle now the nuclei we know houses DNA and if we look at skeletal muscle you're actually going
to find that it is multi nucleated multi-nuclear let's write this down let's write down the fact that it
is cylinder shaped let's write down the fact that cardiac
is Branched and write down that smooth muscle is spindle shaped
and then let's write down that skeletal muscle is multi nucleated
has many nuclei if we compare that to cardiac it's uni or by nucleated and it's usually found
right in the center so let's write uni or sometimes by nucleated and then let's compare this to smooth
muscle which is uni nucleated now again and it's sitting right in the center
what's so important about look the nuclei well it's really important for skeletal muscle think why which of
these three muscles or muscle types do you think has the capacity to grow most hypertrophy is the term that we use for
muscle growth or tissue growth really it's skeletal muscle you go to the gym you lift weights the whole reason why
muscle grows or skeletal muscle grows is because you expose it to stress and that stress is a heavy load and that muscle
goes this is difficult I don't want it to be this difficult next time so I'm going to release growth factors and I'm
going to stimulate the synthesis of more proteins to allow for muscle contraction to occur we know that proteins are made
from the DNA in our nuclei DNA gets transcribed into RNA RNA gets translated into amino acids which fold into
proteins and proteins can be used for contraction and growth and that's what happens with skeletal muscle so the more
nuclei the more capacity you have for hypertrophy and growth and that's why skeletal muscle has so many nuclei our
heart has less of a capacity hence why it's uni or binucleated and as smooth Muscle really doesn't have the capacity
for hypertrophy hence why it's only uni-nucleated let's talk a little bit about their appearance as well because
what you're going to find is down the microscope skeletal muscle has these Stripes like these tiger
looking Stripes to it so does cardiac cardiac has these Stripes as well we call these Stripes striations so
let's write this down so this is striated skeletal muscle this is also striated
this is cardiac muscle but smooth muscle now this is where the name comes from right skeletal muscle makes sense it's
attached to the skeleton cardiac muscles easy It lines the ventricles and atria of our heart smooth muscle tells you
nothing about where it is but about what it looks like under the microscope smooth muscle looks smooth it does not
have those striations so let's write this down let's write striations and then let's put a
cross through it no striations what are these striations these striations are the protein
microfilaments that allow for contraction to occur so if I were to take either cardiac sorry cardiac or
skeletal and have a look at it in a bit more detail it's going to look a little bit like this
you're going to have two major types of proteins you're going to have what's called myosin
and this myosin has these little Golf Club looking heads to them like this these little arms and golf club looking
heads and they need to bind to the second protein and that second protein is
called actin so let's draw up some actin so here's some actin now we're going to have these things
called Z discs over here and what was actually what we've actually just drawn up here is what we
call a sarcomere so this actual thing here called a sarcomere is actually the smallest contractile
unit of muscle what happens is the mice and heads bind to the actin they walk along it and they shorten the whole
thing that's contraction if you shorten a contraction shorten and contract this you're going to shorten and contract the
muscle tissue so you've got the myosin which is the blue I'll write that down for you we've got the myosin
and you've got the actin now I was saying to you about the striations what are the striations well
can you see here that you've got Parts where both proteins overlap so you've got an area here no overlap
here overlap no overlap overlap no overlap when you look at that under a microscope you get stripes the areas of
overlap look darker and they're the striations which tells you that in both skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle actin
and myosin are arranged in this fashion for contraction to occur but when we look at
smooth muscle it's not arranged in this fashion in and the reason why is this because they're arranged in series and
parallel right so basically take this sarcomere and go boom boom boom boom and then go boom boom boom boom and add them
in series and parallel so they're all in the same direction so that when they contract the whole thing shortens which
means when skeletal muscle contracts the whole thing shortens when cardiac muscle contracts
the whole thing shortens but the difference here was smooth muscle is that they're not
arranged in series and parallel they're arranged in what seems to be this mishmash different shape and if it's
arranged in this mishmash shape you don't get these pattern striations and why would we want our smooth muscle to
be arranged in a weird way because we don't just want contraction of our smooth muscle to go like that we want
contraction of our smooth muscle to go in many directions why well because smooth muscle is not
just straight like skeletal muscle where we want it to shorten like this and bend the joint or cardiac muscle where we
wanted to shorten and contract over ventricle we have smooth muscle lining a tube and so if we've got a tube like
this what you want is you want to narrow the diameter of that tube similar to what
happens here but you also want to shorten the length of the tube and this is how things move through if you were
to get a tennis ball put it into a stocking and you were to squeeze that tennis ball through the stockings what
you're doing is you're narrowing the diameter but you're also shortening the tube and that's peristalsis that's how
things move through tubes and it can only happen if the uni uh sorry if the smooth muscle cells have their
contractile proteins arranged in what looks like a mishmash sort of random way so hopefully that makes sense to you so
we've got voluntary fiskeletal involuntary for cardiac involuntary for smooth we've got multi-nucleated for
skeletal we've got uni or binucleated for cardiac and we've got uni nucleated for smooth we've got uh cylinder shaped
for skeletal branched for cardiac and we've got spindle shaped for our smooth muscle all right what's the next thing
we need to look at we need to have a look at how are they connected to one another so
what you'll find here for the skeletal is that they're simply just sitting on top of each other like parallel right so
you're going to have there's one there there's one there
there's one there right when we look at cardiac it's going to be attached like this
because it's branched it wants to be attached to other ones like this so you've got all these branches
attached to each other now why is this the case this is important because
little for a second because because it's rained arranged in parallel it's like that on purpose take them you're going
to have the it arranged for the biceps for example these big long cylindrical cells like this right
like that I know my lines aren't very straight but it's like that so that when it contracts
it shortens like that that's easy but the branching because it moves around these ventricles and Atria they're
actually connected through little gaps called Gap Junctions you've got these
intercalated discs that hold each cell together intercalated discs they hold each one together and then you've got
these Gap Junctions let's write this down you've got intercalated discs enter
collated discs right which hold things together and then you've got Gap Junctions
which allow for communication talk to each other now why do we want them to talk to each
other here's the thing you probably are aware that when a heart contracts you don't just contract one part of the
heart muscle you contract all of the heart muscle but the stimulus for contraction begins in one spot the
sinoatrial node it begins at around about up here
an electrical signal gets sent in this fashion around the tissue now the electrical
signal needs to spread through the muscle now it spreads through these Gap Junctions so if you start an action
potential or you know sodium jumping into this cell it gets the spread to this one and spreads to this one so when
that contracts that contracts and then that contracts and it contracts in what we call a sensation it means that if you
stimulate one muscle cell to contract all the rest will contract that's not the same here you need a different motor
neuron innervating each of these muscle cells if I have a motor neuron coming down it needs to innovate that one it
needs to innervate that one it needs to innovate that one to tell it to contract not the case here you only need to
innovate this first one and it spreads the signal to the rest and they all act as one when all muscle
cells act as one we call that a sin session spelled that wrong see I shouldn't
shouldn't talk at the same time sin I've probably spelled it wrong again but anyway the term is sensation I promise
you that it's just that my spelling is pretty poor and then when we've got smooth muscle
they're going to be connected as well like this so I've got a spindle I'm going to have
another spindle I'm gonna have another spindle we're gonna have another spindle
I'm gonna have another spindle like that and again it's so they contract in multiple directions to help move things
through all right so these are the similarities and differences between skeletal cardiac
and smooth muscle and I hope that it helps hi everyone Dr Mike here if you enjoyed this video please hit like And
subscribe we've got hundreds of others just like this if you want to contact us please do so on social media we are on
Instagram Twitter and Tick Tock at Dr Mike tadarovich at d-r-m-i-k-e-t-o-d-o-r-o-v-i-c speak to
you soon foreign
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