In this deep dive into cellular biology, we explore one of the most important organelles in the cell: the Golgi apparatus. Known as the cell's packaging and shipping department, the Golgi apparatus plays a crucial role in modifying, sorting, and delivering proteins throughout the cell. By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of its structure and function—two concepts that are pivotal in cell biology.
Structure of the Golgi Apparatus
The Golgi apparatus, or Golgi body, is made up of a series of flattened, membrane-bound sacs called cisternae. Its unique structure is not only stunning but functional, allowing it to meet the demands of its role in the cell.
Key Features
- Cisternae: The individual membranes of the Golgi apparatus are called cisternae, which stack to form the overall structure.
- CIS and TRANS Faces: The Golgi apparatus has two distinct sides:
- CIS Golgi: This side faces the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and is responsible for receiving proteins in vesicles that bud off from the ER.
- TRANS Golgi: The opposite side faces the cell membrane and is where proteins are dispatched to their respective destinations.
- Lumen: The interior space of the Golgi apparatus where various modifications of proteins occur.
Relation to Other Organelles
To fully understand the Golgi apparatus, it’s essential to relate it to other organelles:
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Proteins synthesized and modified in the rough ER will be packaged into vesicles that travel to the CIS Golgi. For a deeper insight into the roles of the endoplasmic reticulum, check out Understanding the Endoplasmic Reticulum: Structure and Functions Explained.
- Lysosomes: Some proteins modified by the Golgi apparatus are sent to lysosomes for degradation of cellular waste. Learn more about this process in Understanding Lysosomes: Structure and Function Explained.
Function of the Golgi Apparatus
The Golgi apparatus is vital for protein processing and trafficking within cells. Its functions can be categorized into several processes.
1. Modification of Proteins
Once proteins reach the CIS Golgi, they undergo essential modifications:
- N-linked Glycosylation: This process involves adding a carbohydrate chain to the asparagine amino acid of a protein. It occurs in the rough ER before proteins reach the Golgi.
- O-linked Glycosylation: Occurs in the Golgi, this involves adding sugars to the hydroxyl groups of serine and threonine amino acids.
- Phosphorylation: Specifically, adding a phosphate group to mannose sugar residues which directs proteins to lysosomes.
2. Sorting and Packaging
Once proteins have undergone modifications, the Golgi apparatus sorts them and determines their final destination. This is vital for cellular function:
- Destination A: Membrane Proteins—Proteins destined for the cell membrane are often packaged in vesicles coated with clathrin which directs their transport.
- Destination B: Exocytosis—Some proteins are exported out of the cell (exocytosis) as part of cellular communication.
- Destination C: Lysosomal Enzymes—Proteins that have the phosphorylated mannose signal are tagged to become lysosomal enzymes.
3. Recycling of Proteins
The Golgi apparatus also helps recycle proteins that are no longer needed:
- Endocytosis: This process involves internalizing worn-out proteins in vesicles, forming endosomes which can be sent back to the Golgi for recycling and modification before they are sent out again.
Detailed Processes of Protein Modification
Functions and Mechanisms
- Trimming: Involves the removal of sugar residues from glycoproteins which can activate or deactivate the protein.
- Additions: Besides O-linked glycosylation, phosphorylation of mannose is crucial for lysosome-targeted proteins.
Summary of Protein Types and Modifications
After processing through the Golgi apparatus:
- Glycoproteins: Involved in signaling and cell recognition will either be excreted, integrated into the cell membrane, or become part of lysosomes.
- Final Destination Tags: Each processed protein carries a tag that indicates where it needs to go, similar to how packages are sent in a delivery system.
The Golgi apparatus is an indispensable organelle in cellular function that works tirelessly to ensure proteins are correctly modified, sorted, and sent to their designated locations. Understanding the Golgi apparatus’s structure and function provides critical insights into the complexity of cellular activities that sustain life. Whether it's processing proteins for secretion or sending enzymes to the lysosomes, the Golgi apparatus is central to the functioning of living cells. For those venturing deeper into cell biology, recognizing the Golgi's role can pave the way for further exploration into the intricate web of life at the cellular level. To enhance your understanding of cell organelles, consider reading Understanding Cell Organelles: A Quick Review and Ratings and Understanding Cell Structure: The Amazing World Inside a Cell.
foreign what's up Ninja nerds in this video today we're going to be talking about
the Golgi apparatus we'll go over its structure and function before we get started if you guys like this video it
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enjoyment also you want some notes illustrations to follow along with me go down in the description box below take
you to our website where you guys can check all that stuff out but Golgi apparatus what is the structure so it's
a really cool structure it's one of the organelles inside of the cell so at this point we've obviously talked
about the nucleus we talked about the endoplasmic reticulum those are all organelles the Golgi apparatus is a
really cool organelle now when we talk about this I like to think about its structure as though it's kind of like
this folded membrane right so it's this kind of like folded membrane if you will and there's a couple different anatomic
or structural points that you need to know so here we have the nucleus right so here is going to be the nucleus we
already talked about this in great detail here we have our rough endoplasmic reticulum we talked about
that in great detail and here you're going to have the Golgi apparatus so again it does have this kind of like
convoluted or kind of like coiled membrane if you will and again it's a phospholipid bilayer around that but one
of the big things is on one Edge so the edge facing the rough endoplasmic reticulum is a very specific size so
this is called the CIS Golgi so the CIS Golgi is the part of the Golgi which is near the rough endoplasmic reticulum the
basic concept behind this that we'll talk about a little bit later is that whenever the rough endoplasmic reticulum
is done modifying and synthesizing particular proteins what it'll do is it'll butt off a little vesicle that
contains its particular proteins that have been modified in a particular way to go to the golgiene that goes on the
CIS side of the Golgi and I told you that one of the ways to be able to remember
that it's destined to go to the Golgi is that we put specific types of proteins on its surface that really kind
of says hey buddy it's time for you to specifically go to the Golgi on the side you guys remember what that protein was
called here these are called your Cop 2 proteins and they're really helpful in being able to send this vesicle from the
rafiar to the Golgi so that's one side of the Golgi the CIS Golgi then you have obviously inside of the Golgi the Lumen
that's where some of the reactions are going to take place that we'll talk about in a little bit but on the other
side of the Golgi this side that is going to be facing towards the cell membrane so here's your cell
membrane here this is called the trans Golgi and the trans Golgi I just want you to
think about in two ways one is after all the modifications occur inside of the Golgi to that protein what it does is it
does something really cool where it'll Bud off the modified protein in a particular way where it's then sent to
either go to the cell membrane and from here it can be excreted or become a part of the membrane or it can also do
something else where it turns into we'll give it a different color so we understand it's a different thing it can
get turned into lysosomes so that's the other aspect of the Golgi and again inside it it'll have this
protein that'll undergo a bunch of different types of modifications so that's really kind of when you talk
about the Golgi the basic structure of it is there's this convex let's actually write that down as well the convex side
also known as the CIS Golgi also known as the side of the Golgi facing the rough endoplasmic reticulum or the trans
Golgi this is the concave side this is the con cave side also known as the trans Golgi also known as the Golgi that
faces the cell membrane or those lysosomes that it's nearby all right so before we move on and start talking
about the function of the Golgi apparatus I want you guys to watch a quick little animated video by our
friends nucleus medical media they got a really awesome video that will give you a quick little recap but in a cool
animated way check that out and then we'll talk about the function of the Golgi apparatus in more detail proteins
and other materials emerge from the endoplasmic reticulum in small vesicles [Music]
where the Golgi apparatus sometimes called the Golgi body receives them as proteins move through the Golgi body
they're customized into forms that the cell can use the Golgi body does this by folding the
proteins into usable shapes or adding other materials onto them such as lipids
or carbohydrates [Music] you will see an organelle called a
lysosome lysosomes are the garbage collectors that take in damaged or worn out cell
parts they are filled with enzymes that break down this cellular debris so we're back
now so one of the big things that I want you guys to understand is Golgi apparatus with the function of it it's a
really cool structure and we have a little bit of an idea here that it has three particular types of functions one
of the biggest functions is it modifies proteins right so it seems those vesicles we already kind of talked about
this a little bit to recap it again because it's always good for repetition inside of the nucleus is your DNA DNA
can get transcribed into something called mRNA mRNA can then leave these vesicles
and then bind onto all these ribosomes that are placed on the rough endoplasmic reticulum and then from here it'll then
do what what we know is it can get translated and when it gets translated it synthesizes some specific molecules
like proteins which are going to draw with these like Globs here these are my proteins now what happens is the
proteins go through a particular process in the rough ER that we already talked about called in-linked glycosylation so
they'll run through the rough ER and then after they run through the rough ER we'll just quickly recap here
what did they have what happened here in the rafiar again well when it's going through the rough ER we said that they
add on a sugar residue and oligosaccharide and they added on to if you guys remember they added on to
asparaging that's why we call it the in-linked glycosylation so if you guys remember just as a quick recap in the
rough endoplasmic reticulum the particular reaction that took place was what's called n linked
glycosylation now some of you might be wondering why do we call it in linked really really
quickly all it is is you take this this blue color here this blue color here this is
a sugar molecule here's your sugar molecule you're going to add it on to a protein but on this protein there's a
specific amino acid and this amino acid here which we're going to kind of show like this is
called asparagine and a spare Gene when it kind of connects or clicks with this sugar
molecule really asparagine has a amino group on it and there's the N that's linked to our sugar residue that's why
we call in-linked glycosylation but protein's been synthesized at the rough ER modified a little bit in the rough ER
via in-link glycosylation and then packaged into a vesicle and then once it's packaged into this vesicle it says
all right baby let's send you on to the next Point here and the next thing I'm going to do is
I'm going to send you over to the gold Gene do you guys remember which part of the Golgi face the rough endoplasmic
reticulum it was the CIS Golgi or the convex side of the Golgi and in it it's got this Protein
that's undergone some small modifications you guys also remember what was the protein on the surface of
the vesicle that determined its transport to the Golgi it was the cop 2.
Cop 2 protein and that will determine its direction of saying hey you need to go to the Golgi and then what it'll do
is it'll fuse with the actual membrane of the Golgi because they're both phospholipids and lipid will dissolve in
lipid we know that so when it fuses here it'll fuse with this Golgi membrane and then release its
contents which is this glycoprotein where right into the Golgi apparatus And Then There She Goes to get further
modified now really quickly before we go on and talk about the Golgi does
there's a reason I mentioned this Cop 2 protein so cop2 protein allows for One Direction this direction from rough ER
to the Golgi well there's probably a cop one protein in there yeah you know it's funny
sometimes if I want certain proteins from the Golgi to go back to the rough ER for whatever reason maybe more
modification processes need to occur whatever it may need to happen sometimes the Golgi will Bud off
particular molecules here it'll butt off little vesicles and these vesicles will then actually contain some specific
protein in them that they want to send back to the rough endoplasmic reticulum so if
I want to send back a protein to the rough endoplasmic reticulum maybe for some particular reason to get modified
further who knows I could actually bug these off and if they go in this particular
fashion where let's say that they move from Golgi to Golgi all the way from the trans side to the CIS side and then from
here it buds off and then tries to move its way backward towards the rough endoplasmic reticulum
where it can then actually do what maybe it fuses and releases its contents back in this is another
particular protein that has to regulate this do you guys know what this protein is that actually is on the outer surface
that determines it going backwards from the trans Golgi to the Cisco due to the rough ER because what that is this
protein on the surface is called cop1 this is called cop1 so what I want you to know is cop1 allows for the transport
of vesicles containing glycoproteins from the trans Golgi to the Cisco Golgi to the rough endoplasmic reticulum cop2
controls the movement of the glycoprotein from the rough ER to the CIS Golgi that's what I want you guys to
understand okay cool next thing is we got the vesicle via
moving anterior grade anterior grade will be cop two retrograde will be cop one
now once this is continuing to move anterior grade towards the the end direction which is cell membrane
lysosomes that's the whole point once it gets into this part here so we're going to release from this vesicle our
glycoprotein once it's released time for it to undergo some specific processes
so there's a couple different things that these enzymes that are present inside the Golgi will do you know what
they'll do they'll do a bunch of different modifications believe it or not so it's
going to run through this like a football player in practice and undergo a bunch of different modifications and
by the time it's completely modified what it's going to have at the end of it now is the fully packaged modified
protein that now has a very specific destination for it so okay now here's my protein and maybe
I've modified it a little bit more here's my protein and then on it let's just say I have here is a little bit of
different I got all these different things that are added onto it what are the reactions that occur here in the
Golgi that are a little bit different let's write these down the first thing is I take this protein
right and let's say here I've already had this process occur I've already had let's say
here I have my in-link glycosylation so this is already occurred in the rough ER
once it goes to the Golgi it can then do three particular things I can
trim a little bit of this I can trim the sugar residues off of this in link glycosylation so that's one thing I can
do so let's write that down first thing I could do is I could trim
the in linked glycosylation and that might just like make the
protein a little bit more specific to be activated so now if I were to have this protein maybe instead
of it actually having all of these things here it's just going to have
a shorter a shorter sugar residue and that might be enough
to activate this particular protein so now all I did was I just trimmed it a little bit and now in this state Maybe
it's active this is an active Protein that's ready to be released or incorporated into the membrane or become
a part of lysosomal enzymes the second thing I could do that's one thing I could do one thing I could do is
I could trim it the second thing I could do is I could add another sugar residue but not to an amine group I could add it
to a hydroxy group the oxygen group and so if I do that we actually call since in linked was I was adding a sugar to
the amine group of an amino acid well o linked glycosylation which only occurs in the Golgi
would be adding a sugar residue onto what onto the hydroxy group here of an amino
acid so you see notice how there's no kind of sugar residue now if I draw this one here look at this puppy here so now
I got this next one here this has gotten a mean group here's I got our nh2 group and maybe it
has again some type of residue here but now off of
this I want to add a sugar residue onto this one so now I have a sugar residue on the hydroxy group of two
particular amino acids you don't have to go crazy but the two amino acids here that it can add
on to and make this one active that you could add on here is one is called serine
is a type of amino acid with that hydroxy group and the other one is called
threonine for the amine group this one here is called we're going to abbreviate asparagine
okay so these are two of the mechanisms so far one is I could trim the sugar on the
Inland glycosylation add a sugar to the hydroxy carbon the O the oxygen carb the oxygen molecule of the protein the
glycoprotein and the third thing I can do which is really important is I could do what's called phosph
orylation so it's the last particular reaction here Foss
forelation and all that happens here is you phosphorylate a particular molecule on
that Sugar residue called mannose so you see how on this there's a sugar residue let's just say
on that one of the sugars I'm gonna put is mannose so maybe on this one there's a little
Mano sugar maybe on this one there's a little Mano sugar same kind of Concepts I'm going to add a
phosphate onto the mannose and when I do that the end result should be
very very important here carboxy group a mean group here you have your nh2 group
here you have hydroxy group let's say that there's a sugar molecule on either one of these it doesn't really
matter sugar molecule here sugar molecule here but the big difference here is that
there is a mano sugar here and a mannose sugar here on that Sugar residue okay if I were to put a phosphate on
these it activates them very very specifically so I put a phosphate group onto this and when I phosphorylate the
mannose of these sugar residues on the glycoprotein it activates it makes it only disestant for one particular point
this is active and it will only be active for lysosomes it'll only these proteins will only go
to become lysosomes super important so this is the protein modification one is I can trim it the sugar on the
in-linked component one is I can add a sugar on the oxygen of serine threatening the third thing is I could
phosphorylate mannose on the sugar residues and make it only particular where these proteins only become a part
of the proteins of lysosomes so now all this is occurring in here what types of things again trim
Ming is one mechanism second is O linked glycosylation
and then the most important one is phosphorylation phosphorylation and this phosphorylation
is specifically for mannose and this will allow for the stimulation of lysozomal
enzymes only that is key okay so now whenever all these modifications occur maybe I add a
little sugar residues on there on different points right or maybe I add a phosphate group somewhere on that man of
sugar all these different things have occurred after it's done it's then said today okay well I've done
what I need to do what I'm going to do is I'm destined for three particular things
one is if I don't have a mannose that's phosphorylated then I have glycoproteins
that have been you know completely activated in a very specific way and they're ready whether it be trimming
whether it be in-link glycosylation o-link glycosylation they're done from here we can do two things with these
one is I could fuse them with the cell membrane second thing is they could fuse with the cell membrane and be excreted
they could be excreted right we've already talked about this a couple times so now this could actually be
excreted out of the cell or it could become what else lysosomes and the only way that we know
that you'll make lysosomal enzymes is you have the glycoprotein undergo a very specific type of reaction it'll have the
inland glycosylation it'll have the oling glycosylation but on that Sugar residue there's one
specific sugar called mannose which I have to phosphorylate and this will become
lysosomes so the destination the Golgi says I know where you need to go I'm going to send you to become a part of
the membrane I'm going to send you to be excreted or I'm going to send you to become lysosomes that's another function
a really cool function of the Golgi apparatus and so from here it can actually determine the three
destinations one is they can say I'm going to package you to go to the lysosomes
so now these vesicles when they butt off this is now a lysosome
or I can send you to become a part of the become a membrane protein so maybe this glycoprotein is going to
be a channel protein maybe it's going to be an ion maybe it's going to be a carrier who knows what the heck it's
going to be or the third thing is it can be excreted via EXO
cytosis so these are the three particular things that can happen from the Golgi so the
Golgi receives proteins glycoproteins modifies them in these three particular ways
and then determines their destination because you know what's really cool is when it modifies it in a particular way
it modifies it to where it gives this thing a specific signal sequence so these have like a specific signal
sequence so it's kind of like a little like a like an Amazon thing like when you go to Amazon they have to package
particular things and determine where they're going to go they put a little tag on these proteins these
glycoproteins that says hey here's where you need to go and then it'll help to guide them towards these particular
locations so if I want this to go to the cell membrane I can actually use specific proteins let's represent this
one with let's do it here with pink why not I can put little proteins on this that coat these and make sure that
they're destined to go towards the cell membrane to either be excreted or to also be again a part of the cell
membrane and these proteins typically tend to be clathrons so clathrin proteins
okay and they'll coat these vesicles and say hey you need to go to the cell membrane to either be released or do
fuse with the cell membrane the last particular mechanism of the Golgi apparatus is it can recycle
proteins so let's say on the cell membrane here I have a particular protein
that it's done its job it's completely finished its life cycle and says hey you're done buddy what I want you to do
is so let's say it's this protein let's say this let's say that the Golgi manufactured this particular protein
right here and it did its job so it helped to be able to modify it determine its destination incorporates into the
cell membrane over time over time the protein becomes old it's time for it
to actually be and we got to kind of fix you up a little bit take you back in what it'll do is it'll invaginate this
puppy and it'll actually bring this in into a little thing called an endosome
and then what will happen is this endosome may get kind of broken down by lysosomes
and whenever it gets broken down what it may do is it may release these proteins back into the Golgi to be further
modified repackaged and sent back out to go back to the cell membrane so that's another
particular function of the Golgi apparatus so again recapping the functions of the Golgi
first thing is it's involved in protein modification receives proteins from who the rough ER going to which side the CIS
Golgi how does it know to go there cop two if there's proteins that are determining it to go back to the rough
ER for maybe further modifications how does it need to go back there from trans to CIS to rough ER cop one is a protein
on the vesicle that determines its destination if it goes to the Golgi protein gets
released into the Golgi the Golgi modifies it by which ways Cuts some of the sugar off of the end
linked point of the amino acid asparagine or add some sugar residues on the hydroxyl or the oxygen group of an
amino acid or what else does it do it maybe takes the sugar residues that you have here
and finds one specific sugar mannose and adds a phosphate group onto it phosphorylation reactions
once it does that that's the three ways that we will activate the proteins and then determine their destination once
we've done this we can then say okay I can send these to become lysosomes membrane proteins are being excreted if
I coat them with clathrons they're usually destined for the membrane or to be excreted if it has this mano6
phosphate on it it's destined to be a lysosome and the last thing is for proteins that
are maybe worn down and need to undergo recycling we need to fix them up a little bit we can bring them in and the
endocytosis this process here going from here to here is a endocytosis and we'll make this thing called a endosome
and endosomes technically they get broken down a little bit by something called a lysosome which you already knew
breaks down some of the proteins a little bit and some of the proteins may actually get
taken back up by the Golgi and get recycled and then if they get recycled we can kind of do some modifications to
them repackage them and send them back out so that's a cool concept all right my friends this video now
covers the Golgi apparatus all the structure and the functional components I hope it made sense I hope that you
guys liked it as always until next time foreign [Music]
Heads up!
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