Lysosomes play a crucial role in cellular function, acting as the recycling center of the cell. In this article, we will delve into the structure of lysosomes, their formation, and the key functions they perform within our cells. Understanding these small organelles is essential for grasping how cells maintain homeostasis and how they respond to damage and stress.
What are Lysosomes?
Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles found in eukaryotic cells that contain hydrolytic enzymes necessary for various cellular processes. Their primary responsibility is to degrade macromolecules and recycle cellular components, aiding in the maintenance of cellular health. For a broader context on cellular components, check out Understanding the Structure and Function of the Cell: A Comprehensive Overview.
Key Characteristics of Lysosomes
- Membrane-bound organelles
- Contain hydrolytic enzymes (proteases, lipases, nucleases, glucosidases)
- Function optimally at an acidic pH (around 5)
Structure of Lysosomes
Lysosomes originate from the Golgi apparatus and feature a complex structure that facilitates their crucial functions. For insights on cellular structures, see Understanding Cell Organelles: A Quick Review and Ratings.
Formation of Lysosomes
- Synthesis of Proteins: The process begins in the nucleus where DNA is transcribed into mRNA, which then translates into proteins at the ribosomes, specifically those bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
- Modification in the Rough ER: Proteins undergo modifications such as N-linked glycosylation, attaching sugar residues, and are further processed within the rough ER.
- Transport to the Golgi Apparatus: Vesicles containing the modified proteins bud off from the rough ER and travel to the Golgi apparatus with the help of proteins like COPII.
- Golgi Processing: In the Golgi, the proteins may undergo additional modifications, including O-linked glycosylation and phosphorylation of mannose, a vital step that signals that these proteins are destined for lysosomes.
- Vesicular Transport to Lysosomes: The modified proteins are packaged into vesicles and transported to lysosomes, forming primary lysosomes that will later fuse with endosomes or autophagosomes to perform their functions. To learn about similar organelles, check out Understanding the Structure and Function of Peroxisomes: Key Organelles in Cellular Metabolism.
Membrane Structure
The lysosomal membrane is composed of phospholipids and integral proteins that function to maintain the acidic environment necessary for enzyme activity.
Function of Lysosomes
1. Degradation of Macromolecules
Lysosomes are essential for breaking down and recycling macromolecules, which are categorized as follows:
- Proteins: Broken down by proteases into amino acids.
- Nucleic Acids: Decomposed by nucleases into nucleotides.
- Lipids: Metabolized by lipases into fatty acids.
- Carbohydrates: Processed by glucosidases into monosaccharides.
How do macromolecules enter lysosomes?
Several pathways facilitate the entry of substrates into lysosomes:
- Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis: Cells use specific receptors to bring in substances, forming endosomes that subsequently fuse with lysosomes.
- Phagocytosis: Specialized cells such as macrophages engulf larger particles like bacteria or cellular debris, forming phagosomes that fuse with lysosomes for degradation.
- Autophagy: This process involves the degradation of damaged or obsolete organelles and proteins by enclosing them in double membranes, forming autophagosomes that fuse with lysosomes. To delve deeper into autophagy and its significance, refer to Understanding the Structure and Function of Mitochondria: Structure, Function, and Importance.
2. Maintaining Cellular Homeostasis
Lysosomes contribute to cellular homeostasis by continually degrading and recycling cellular components, thus supporting metabolic processes and removing waste products.
3. Autolysis: The Self-Eating Process
In cases of severe cellular damage or stress, lysosomes may rupture and release their hydrolytic enzymes into the cytoplasm, leading to a process called autolysis, where the cell begins to digest itself. This mechanism can prevent damaged cells from propagating issues within the tissue.
4. Immune Function
Lysosomes also play a vital role in the immune response:
- Antigen Presentation: B cells can present antigens obtained through endocytosis for immune responses, utilizing lysosomes to degrade and process the material.
- Release of Enzymes: Lysosomes can release hydrolytic enzymes extracellularly, contributing to the breakdown of pathogens.
Lysosomes are indispensable organelles that facilitate waste processing, nutrient recycling, and cellular maintenance. Their specific enzymes and processes ensure that cells function efficiently, promoting overall health and resilience. Understanding lysosomes offers invaluable insight into cellular biology and the importance of molecular recycling mechanisms. By keeping cellular dynamics in balance, lysosomes help sustain life at the cellular level, which is pivotal for the entire organism.
foreign ERS in this video today we're going to be talking about the lysosomes we're
going to talk about their structure and we'll also talk about their function before we get started if this video
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down the comment section most importantly subscribe also great notes illustrations that our team has come up
with you guys can check out on our engineer website I'll have a link down in the description box where you guys
can go check that out all right but without further Ado let's talk about the structure and function of lysosomes so
nothing crazy here we talk about lysosomes one of the things I want to do is recap a little bit of things that we
talked about with the rough ER things that we talked about with the Golgi things that we talked about with the
cell membrane so it's going to be somewhat of a recap but it's okay that's good that's what helps you guys
repetition understand these things so when we talk about lysosomes what I want to know is their structure but how are
they made all right these are really interesting so when we actually talk about lysosomes it all starts at the
nucleus believe it or not so in the nucleus you guys know that we have chromatin and one of the components of
Chromatin is DNA if we were to take DNA and read it and make a single stranded structure called an mRNA that would be
called transcription so from this DNA molecule we're going to make something called mRNA and this is via the process
of transcription of the DNA then the MRNA will then go and bind with a ribosome and what we
know is that ribosomes can exist in various forms they can exist in this cytosolic form in other words just a
free form which floats in the cytosol usually that one is to make proteins and enzymes that are functioning in the
cytosol that go to the mitochondria but the other ones are membrane bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum these are
making proteins that are designed to go to three particular locations the cell membrane to be excreted or to become
lysosomal proteins you're getting a point here right so once we take this mRNA we bind it with the rough ER
ribosomes the rough ER ribosomes once they fuse here they start to synthesize a particular protein so to be a protein
synthesis that'll occur here in the actual ribosomes now once that occurs here's my protein that got synthesized
in the ribosome then what it's going to do is it's going to start making its way through the rough ER where it'll have
some further modifications you guys remember what we said her curves here the in-linked glycosylation will add a
sugar residue to asparagine one of the amino acids on this protein then what we'll do is
once we've modified this protein so let's say here we modified a little bit here's the Core protein and then all we
did to this Core protein is we added a little you know sugar molecule there then what we do is we're going to
package it into a vesicle out of the rough ER and say Hey you now need to go to the Golgi because the golgi's got to
modify you a little bit more to make you very very specialized and determine where you're going to go
so then we make a little vesicle and then how do we get that vesicle to go to the Golgi you guys remember what was
that pink protein that we put on its surface that helps it to guide it towards going to the Golgi what was that
protein called this was the Cop 2 protein all right just looks you know checking your understanding
once this vesicle fuses with the Golgi membrane it then releases the protein contents here this modified protein at
this point into the Golgi apparatus and and then in the Golgi apparatus it'll be further modified
and when it's modified then what will happen is it'll then get packaged into vesicles in the Golgi that'll be sent to
three particular locations out of these let's say here is the three particular locations here's the protein
the proteins the proteins are all synthesized here some of the proteins can get packaged
into these vesicles here right and then from this this can go to three particular locations
one of them is they could be excreted from the cell so these could be an excretory protein we know this already
right so this is pretty obvious that this thing could be excreted so here's my excretory protein the other
aspect of this is that that Protein that's been modified in particular ways can also be
incorporated into the cell membrane so here's my protein that's now been incorporated into the cell membrane and
again all of these have these like particular sugar residues on them the last thing is they could become
lysosomes here's where we have to add another quick fact in we talked about in the Golgi that
there's three modification mechanisms right and the rough ER there was one it was in-link glycosylation
and the Golgi there was trimming of the inline glycosylation there's o-link glycosylation so we added sugar residue
onto the oxygen of serine and threonine or there was phosphorylation this is the key one that I really want you to
remember there's a sugar that's present on on the sugar residue there's a molecule called mannose when we
phosphorylate mannose so we call this phosphorylation I'm going to write this down because this is a crucial step here
so we actually do phosphorylation of what's called mannose which is basically one of the sugars
that are present on that long sugar residue that was attached we put a phosphate on it once you do that you
then say these proteins these glycoproteins are now destined to go and become a lysosome that is the thing that
I want you to remember okay so we talk about lysosomes lysosomes are really just these spherical vesicles that have
a membrane that was formed an actual phospholip bilayer that was formed by the Golgi and they contain glycoproteins
that were synthesized from DNA going to RNA going in to make proteins modified in the rough ER and then modified in the
Golgi in what particular way what was that big big modification thing that I told you this is super crucial here is
phosphorylation of mannose that's a big thing and then it determines it going to make a lysosomes
so now we have our lysosomes now the cool thing about these lysosomes is we have to talk a little bit about
these proteins these glycoproteins these glycoproteins that are all located in these vesicles are very very specific
let's come down and talk about them so here we have a lysosome I'm just cutting the
lysosome so we can take a look inside of it all of these are going to be your lysosomal
proteins we also like to call these special types of enzymes you know they're really nasty
little enzymes we call them hydro lytic enzymes they have the ability to cut big macromolecules and that's really
really important for their function so if we were to take some of these actual hydrolytic enzymes what could they break
down one of them is actually called a nucleases oh that's
pretty obvious what this sucker could do then right if this is a nuclease it has the ability to break down what so this
can break down RNA and DNA that's a really really important thing especially if there's some type of like pathogen
like a bacteria that has RNA and DNA and I want to break that down I can do that or other things another one
is proteases proteases our big one we have the ability to break down proteins so we can break down proteins we can use
nucleases to break down RNA and DNA what else we got in this sucker here we also have lipases
lipases they can break down lipids they can break down lipids and we know that multiple different things have
lipid membranes bacteria can have lipid membranes our own cells can have lipid membranes what else
another one is called glucosidases so glucosidases you obviously can tell that these are going to be breaking down
carbohydrates glucosidases these will break down carbohydrates
okay we'll break down carbohydrates and the last one here is an interesting one we call these acid phosphatases we
will mention them briefly a little bit later but I just wanted to write these ones down these are called acid
phosphatases these are really really special to only breaking down bone tissue so
these are actually released by special cells called osteoclasts that contain lysosomes and these will break down bone
tissue which has a lot of different things within it but these are the biggest particular enzymes that are
contained within lysosomes so as you can see they can break down almost every macromolecule possible and then even a
little extra but the question is is why would they break these things down
in what particular way would they break these things down we'll talk about that in a second but another cool thing is
that these enzymes they function at a very particular pH we know that most proteins and enzymes at certain
temperatures you can denature them as certain pH as you can denature them well these actually prefer to be at lower PHS
so because these enzymes depend upon a lower pH there's a special you know Channel or protein pump that's present
on the lysosomal membrane you know what this is let's actually zoom in on it right here so I'm going to zoom in on
this particular protein right here this is called a proton atpase which means that it depends upon protons so let's
say here's the inside of the lysosome and here's the outside of the lysosome I want protons to be pumped
into the actual lysosome because if it does that it lowers the pH I want the pH to be approximately around five you want
to know why because at this pH it stimulates or keeps these enzymes activated
and that is a really important Concept in order for these enzymes to work we need their optimal pH to be around this
point so I keep these channels Super Active and using ATP in order for me to pump these protons into the cell to
maintain the optimal pH for these puppies to function so in order for me to do that what do I need I need to
utilize a lot of ATP to be able to perform the action of these pumps that's a really important
concept so we have an idea now that lysosomes are made of glycoproteins particularly what types of proteins
hydrolytic enzymes that can break down every macromolecule possible they're actually made
from the transcription of DNA to mRNA to make proteins in the rough ER they're modified they're packaged sent to the
Golgi modified in a particular way this way to make lysosomes they have a phospholipid bilayer that's from the
Golgi and the proteins that were synthesized accordingly now the question is is
what would we use all of these enzymes to break down and what type of physiological functions let's talk about
that we now know that we have to break down some macromolecules but in order for us to understand like what kind of
macromolecules we're breaking down we obviously know that it's like proteins and carbohydrates and lipids and
nucleated nucleic acids Etc but I wanted you guys to understand of like what kind of things that we're actually utilizing
that for so there's three particular processes by which cells bring in material
macromolecular material that needs to be broken down by lysosomes because in order for us to be able to break these
things down they have to be brought into the cell because the lysosomes are found inside of our cell so the question then
comes okay how do we get these things into the cell and what are those things that we're bringing into the cell and
how is that pertinent physiologically so first example here of how we're going to bring things into
the cell is something called receptor mediated endocytosis you're like what the stink
is this this is a really interesting process so it's it's kind of said within the name we're going to bring a
particular thing into the cell via a receptor so here's a receptor that's actually located on the cell
what happens is let's say whatever this may be maybe it's a protein that it binds with this receptor Maybe
it's a bacterium who knows maybe this is a particular bacterial antigen right so maybe there's a particular bacterial
antigen that's located on this that binds with this receptor or who knows maybe it's some type of like lipid
molecule maybe it's like a lipid molecule of some particular type but either way these molecules are binding
to these receptors that are located on the cell surface what happens is proteins called clathrons you know
there's what's called clathrin proteins what they do is they come and they bind to the cell membrane and they kind of
pull they use actin and pull the actual cell components here these receptors and all the things that they're bound to
into the cell and so what happens is you form like this little vesicle so what happens is you do this like little
endocytosis process and you pull into the cell this vesicle and here we have on here these receptors and then on
these particular receptors what do we have bound to it like we said we could have a bunch of different things it
could be proteins it could be some type of like lipid cholesterol molecule who knows or it
could even be like a bacterial antigen of some type so this is really important and then
once they get into the cell they then can combine with lysosomes a primary lysosome and then they can get broken
down now why would that be important and what kind of cells would this be important
I'll explain to you this could be important for example here I find this very interesting with um sometimes when
you're trying to do something called l d l receptor uptake sometimes whenever you have LDL
receptors and you need to down regulate those receptors in other words you don't need as many of those receptors
expressed onto the cell membrane we can bring them into the cell break them down or recycle them and then use them for
later so that's one example here so let's say that for example here's this LDL receptor uptake this could be an
example of something called down regulation and that's where we would bring these receptors into the cell
which they're bound to whatever it may be and have them get broken down and then we can use them later when we need
them that's just one example one example an even cooler example here is what's called you can see these on what's
called B cells so B lymphocytes so B lymphocytes are referred to as what's called antigen presenting cells
in other words let's say that this is a bacterial antigen that binds to a B cell receptor
the B cell receptor will then signal that and bring the bacterial antigens into the cell so that the B cell knows
hey this is a particular bacteria then they need to alert the immune system of so that's another really cool example
but there's an important terminology that comes from this when we actually take this endocytosis
process when we bring this whatever it may be this material into the cell this macromolecule material into the cell
whether it be through all of these mechanisms this process that it makes and it pushes these molecules into the
cell this vesicle now is a very important vesicle that we have to discuss this is now called a endosome so
this is called a endo sum so I want you to remember that okay
all right that's one particular mechanism the second mechanism by which we bring
things into the particular cell here is with this next one so let's say that you have this cell and
it wants to eat a particular bacteria or well maybe it's a virus maybe it's
even a virus of some type maybe it's a virus of some particular etiology
and it wants to bring these things into the cell what it'll do is it'll actually use
actin and kind of make these like things called pseudopods these little arms and it'll kind of engulf the bacteria or the
virus the pathogen in general and bring it into the cell so then what you get here is as it forms these things called
pseudopods it sucks this bacterian virus into the cell and it makes this vesicle that can contain within it the things
that it tried to eat and look at this look at this isn't that cool what is this process called and what
kind of cells would this be critical and important to know this is something that you want to know is called phagocytosis
and I'd say that this is probably one of the biggest indications and reasons for having lysosomes honestly so this is a
really really big one and this is pertinent in what's called white blood cells so this is really really important
for particular types of white blood cells what kinds of white blood cells things that you should know is things
like macrophages so things like macrophages another one is called neutrophils
neutrophils are another one another one is called dendritic cells these are really really common types of cells that
love to eat certain types of pathogenic material and bring it into the cell and obviously you
can understand that in this example I bring in proteins and lipids and carbohydrates and this one I'm bringing
in maybe a bacteria or virus that has nucleic acids their membranes could have lipids in them they could have proteins
that are involved in all of these structures and guess what I got the enzymes in my lysosomes that can break
all of them down so you see why this is a really cool concept all right the last one here is a really
interesting one and this is called autophagy this last one is called autophagy it's another way that we don't
necessarily bring things into our cells we just actually membrane membranize we form a membrane around already present
organelles and proteins that are defective and old inside of our cell that's already there so in other words
let's say here you have an old mitochondria all of these things are old they're defective they're just not
working as well anymore okay and so what happens is you actually start to form this membrane around these old defective
organelles and proteins so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start forming kind of a membrane this
makeshift membrane here and then what happens is after you form the makeshift membrane it'll eventually completely
membranize I hope that's a word membranize and enclose all of these particular organelles
when you do that that's really really important because you're kind of internalizing and forming a membrane
around these defective organelles that you want only those ones to get destroyed broken down we don't need them
anymore guess what lysosomes can break down proteins lysosomes can break down lipids lysosomes can break down maybe
nucleic acid molecules so I can break all of these things down an important terminology for both of
these so this one here where we actually so this one we called an endosome this one where we bring these particles in by
eating it it's called a phagosome it's called a phago so and this last one here where we actually
internalize old defective organelles and proteins this is called a Auto
phagosome if I go so this is really really important
now once we've done all of these particular processes we've now taken away of either bringing things into the
cell and enclosing them in a particular vesicle that confuse with the lysosome or things that are already old defective
in the cell we formed a membrane around them and now we can take these to the lysosomes so now this is the next step
my friend so now what we're going to do is we're going to take this phagosome this endosome and this autophagosome and
we're going to now fuse it with lysosomes so let's come down for a second
here we have the first one here is our endosome what we're going to do is we're going to take this endosome and we're
going to fuse it with a lysosome so each one of these this is going to occur here so we're going to take these and we're
going to fuse them together so you see how this is what's called your primary I'm going to write all these down here
this is your primary lysosome primary lysosome primary lysosome okay each one of these the endosome
the phagosome and the autophagosome are going to fuse with this primary
lysosome once it fuses with the primary lysosome guess what all of the enzymes in here the nucleases
the proteases the lipases the glucosidases all of these are going to break down they're going to rip that
stuff apart and they're going to destroy all the proteins the lipids the nucleic acids that are associated with the
bacteria the viruses maybe some of the lipids and proteins that are present from that we brought into the cell maybe
all of those things that are associated with organelles all of these things are going to get broken down
and as a result at the end of this after you've broken down all of these things this is what it looks like
you've now broken down all of this macromolecular material to maybe a smaller monomers or kind of small
residual particles you can do two things with this but we have to know a term now this term here is that this lysosome is
called we're going to point to this one this is called your secondary lysosome so your secondary lysosome is the
lysosome that's already fused with each one of these the endosome the phagosome the autophagosome and it's broken down
all that material that's present in them now a couple different terminologies here
before we go to the next step here whenever you take an endosome a phagosome an autophagosome Infuse them
with a primary lysosome and right when the moment of them fusing so this point here these are called specific types of
things that you have to understand the secondary lysosome is all the broken down products after these things are
fused but this point right here that I'm going to highlight so this is going to be one
is going to be 2 this is going to be three these have specific names this one here where the
endosome and the lysosome fused is called believe it or not it's not too crazy endo
lyso Zone okay this one here where the lysosome and the phagosome fuse this is called a phago
lyso Zone and this last one here where the lysosome and the autophagosome fuse is called a auto phagom lysosome not too
crazy and out of this world to understand those particular processes okay so with all of these we fused each
one of these things formed these intermediates after we form these intermediates they
broke down all the material all the macromolecular material and formed a secondary lysosome
the question then comes what can we do with all this residual material well I could have taken proteins and broken
them down into amino acids I could take lipids and break them down into fatty acids I can take nucleic acids and break
them down into nucleotides I can take carbohydrates and break them down into monomers so what I could do is I could
push and Export all of these different molecules such as
small carbohydrates such as small amino acids such as small lipids and Etc you get the point all of these can be pushed
out into the cell and they can be used in metabolic reactions so two things can happen with these they can go and they
can be used in metabolic reactions or they can kind of just sometimes believe
it or not sit there and they can make these kind of like little old inclusions and
sometimes we actually give this a very specific name we call it lipo fusion and you see this this is usually
representative the more you have of this lipofusion bodies in the cells it's more indicative of age increasing age
obviously that would make sense as you break more things down you're gonna have more lipofusion and so you can see this
very commonly in three particular organs one as you can have a lot of this lipofusion
in the heart or in the cardiac tissue you can have a lot of this in the nerve tissue
and you can have a lot of this in the hepatic tissue okay in the apotic tissue but this is something that you could
potentially see so if we push it out into the cell we can use it for metabolic reactions or store it as this
like lipofusion kind of material which is usually associated with increasing age let's write that down associated
with increasing age that's very prominent in these particular tissues the other thing that we could do is we
could take this secondary lysosome and say ah I don't need any of these things I'm going to go ahead and fuse this with
the cell membrane and then I'm going to release some of these materials out of the cell
so then what I can do is I can literally release I'm just going to draw a couple of these dots here I'm going to release
some of these molecules into the actual external environment this is sometimes kind of important
when we get into Immunology we'll talk about this later neutrophils love to do this neutrophils will take a bacteria
eat them up and then spit out some of their antigens and spit it into the lymphatic system so that it can go to
other immune system cells and they can pick it up sometimes your lysosomes will release
special enzymes believe it or not right out into the extra cellular fluid remember I told you that an osteoclast
bone tissue guess what they could release right onto the extracellular space and break down bone tissue they
can release acid phosphatases so you get the point here that what I'm trying to get is that we can take all of these
ways of bringing in macromolecular material into the cell once it's brought into the cell they fuse with lysosomes
make these intermediates they get broken down accordingly to each particular enzyme in the macromolecule the residual
lysosome is called a secondary lysosome it can spit things out or it can well I can spit it onto the cell or spin it out
of the cell that's the big things to understand the last particular function that we have to talk about lysosomes is
called autolysis all right my friends last part is autolysis so basically this is where the cell eats
itself that's essentially what it is so autolizes where the cell is literally eating itself so what happens is is
usually you have such extensive cellular damage so let's say that this cell has gone under extensive
cellular damage like Beyond repair extensive cellular damage
Beyond repair when that happens your lysosomes were seated receive a
pretty intense signal so let's imagine that you have extensive damage to the DNA you have extensive
damage to particular organelles you have extensive damage to particular proteins and what happens is after this extensive
damage occurs it then stimulates and activates these lysosomes it sends them powerful signals and you know what the
lysosomes do they're like oh shoot this cell is beyond repair we're going to have to we're gonna have to finish this
up and then what it does is it literally releases its contents all these nasty hydrolytic enzymes directly
into the cytoplasm now imagine having these hydrolytic enzymes that can literally break down every single
macromolecule just uncontrollably released into the cellular environment I have proteases
they can break down every protein I have lipase they can break down the cell membrane and the membranes of organelles
I have nucleases it can break down DNA RNA I have glucosidases it could break down
all the different types of carbohydrates this cell will literally start to eat itself and that is the process here
where this will undergo an intense process where the cell will literally cause cell
to eat itself eats itself I mean this is literally in layman's terms what's literally
happening and it's a pretty interesting process so it is a little bit different from something like apoptosis but again
this is when there's such extensive cellular damage Beyond repair that the lysosomes receive signals to release
their interest component their hydrolytic enzymes into the actual cytoplasm and start breaking down all
the different types of organelles this is autolysis and that covers the structure and function of lysosomes I
hope it made sense I hope that you guys enjoyed it and as always until next time foreign
Heads up!
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