In the realm of cryptography, the one time pad encryption, also known as the Vernam cipher, is often cited as a candidate for perfectly secure encryption. This method is simple yet profound, providing insights into the underlying principles of encryption and security. In this article, we will explore the one time pad, its encryption process, perfect security properties, and inherent limitations related to key size and key reuse.
The One Time Pad Method
The one time pad encryption scheme operates on the principle of using a key that is as long as the plaintext. The following components are crucial in understanding how this encryption works:
Plaintext, Key, and Ciphertext
- Plaintext: A message that needs to be encrypted, represented as an l-bit string.
- Key: A uniformly random l-bit string generated for the encryption process.
- Ciphertext: The encrypted message, also represented as an l-bit string.
Encryption Process
The encryption of the one time pad, or Vernam cipher, is done through the following process:
- Take an l-bit length plaintext (m).
- Generate a uniformly random l-bit key (k).
- Compute ciphertext (c) as:
c = m ⊕ k
where ⊕ denotes the XOR operation.
This deterministic algorithm means that if the same plaintext is encrypted with the same key, it will always produce the same ciphertext.
Decryption Process
The decryption process is the reverse of encryption:
- Take the ciphertext (c) and the same key (k).
- Recover the message as:
m = c ⊕ k
The XOR operation allows for easy unmasking of the message using the same key.
Proving Perfect Security
The one time pad is theorized to provide perfect security, defined such that the distribution of ciphertext is independent of the plaintext. This claim can be proven by analyzing the probabilities as follows:
- For any messages m₀ and m₁, the probability of obtaining a specific ciphertext
from either message remains equal due to the uniformly random nature of the key generation. - If an adversary observes the ciphertext
, they cannot determine its corresponding plaintext, establishing perfect secrecy.
Limitations of One Time Pad Encryption
Though the one time pad provides the theoretical framework for perfect security, it has significant limitations that hinder its practical application:
1. Key Size Requirement
A primary restriction of the one time pad is that the key must be as large as the plaintext. For example:
- To encrypt a 1 GB file, you also need a 1 GB key.
- This impracticality makes it challenging to use in real-world applications where smaller keys are preferred for larger messages.
2. Key Reuse
- The one time pad firmly mandates that a key can only be used once. Each encryption must derive from a new instance of the key generation algorithm.
- Reusing keys can lead to vulnerabilities. An attacker can exploit the relationship between messages encrypted with the same key. For example, by XORing two ciphertexts from reused keys, an adversary could decrypt portions of the messages.
Michael Rabin warns against reusing one time pads, likening it to toilet paper—things become messy if you reuse it.
3. Inherent Limitations in Perfectly Secure Ciphers
The restrictions of the one time pad are not unique; they highlight broader implications applicable to any perfectly secure cipher:
- The key size must be equal to or greater than the plaintext size.
- Each encryption instance requires a fresh key, inhibiting scalability and usability.
The one time pad, while an exemplary model for understanding perfect security in cryptography, reveals crucial limitations through its requirements for key size and key reuse. These restrictions emphasize the challenge of achieving perfect security in practical applications, pushing the field of cryptography to explore more feasible encryption methods to protect sensitive information. As we advance, the journey of encryption continues, seeking balance between security, effectiveness, and practicality.
In this lecture, we learned about the one time pad and discussed its theoretical foundations and practical limitations. Thanks for engaging with this exploration of encryption!
So, the plan for this lecture is as follows We will see a candidate for perfectly secure encryption, which we call as one time pad and we will see the limitations that are imposed by any perfectly secure encryption scheme.
So, the one time pad encryption process, which is also called as Vernam cipher is very simple. Here the plain text space, the key space and a cipher text space are all l bit strings, where l is some system parameter which is publicly known to the sender, to the receiver
and to anyone who is using this system. The key generation algorithm is going to output a uniformly random key. So since the key space is set as l bit strings, the key generation algorithm is going to output a uniformly random l bit key.
The encryption algorithm is as follows. So it takes a plain text which is going to be an a l bit string and the key k generated by the key generation algorithm, which is also an l bit string. And the ciphertext is an l bit string, where the ciphertext is nothing
but the XOR of the plain text characters and the key characters bit by bit. And as you can see that this is a deterministic algorithm there is no internal randomness as part of this encryption algorithm.
That means if you encrypt the same message m using the same key k you are going to get the same ciphertext. The decryption algorithm is just a reverse operation of the encryption algorithm in the sense it takes a ciphertext which is going to be an l bit string and the
key k which is also going to be an l bit string. And to recover the message the decryption algorithm just performs the XOR of the cipher text with the key k bit by bit. So just to recall, what exactly is an XOR operation, so the XOR operation operates with
2 bits at a time and the output is defined as follows: if both the bits are same, then the output is going to be 0. Whereas if the bits are different, and output is going to be 1, that is what is the XOR operation, right.
So, in some sense, you can imagine that this encryption algorithm does the masking of the message with the key, right. So the XOR operation has the effect of masking the message bit by bit with the bits of the key. Whereas the decryption operation as you can imagine, it
has the reverse operation of masking namely unmasking the effect of key from the ciphertext bit by bit. So, the important thing here is that since the XOR operation is kind of reversible here, you can mask the message using the key by performing the XOR operation. And to get
the effect of unmasking, you just have to XOR the key from the ciphertext to get back your message. So now let us prove that this Vernam cipher or one time pad is indeed perfectly secure. And we can prove its perfect security, as per any of the 3 definitions that we saw
in the last lecture. So I am going to prove that Vernam cipher is indeed perfectly secure over the message space of l bit strings. And for this I am going to use the first alternate definition
of perfect secrecy that we discussed in the last lecture. Namely, I am going to prove that the distribution of the ciphertext is independent of the underlying plaintext in any instance of Vernam cipher. For this we consider an arbitrary probability distribution
over the plaintext space, and an arbitrary pair of messages m 0, m 1 belonging to the plain text space as per that probability distribution which has a non zero probability of occurrence. And we also pick an arbitrary ciphertext, which has a non zero probability of occurrence.
What I am going to prove is that for any m 0 and m 1 that we have picked here arbitrarily and for any cipher text c which we have picked arbitrarily here, the probability that m 0 is encrypted is c, and the probability that m 1 is encrypted is c, are same, which will
prove that Vernam cipher is perfectly secure. So now let us first try to compute the conditional probability that if your plaintext is m 0, what is the probability that the Vernam cipher is going to produce the ciphertext to be little c, right. So the probability that plaintext
m 0 is going to produce the cipher text, little c is the same as the probability that the key which is used for encryption is this string. Namely the key is XOR of m 0 and little c. And what is the probability that the key which is obtained by running the key generation
algorithm is indeed the XOR of m 0 and little c. Well, it is 1 over 2 power l. Because, as per the syntax of our key generation algorithm, the key generation algorithm is out going to output a uniformly random key. So the probability that uniformly random key which is obtained
by key generation algorithm indeed satisfies the value XOR of m 0 and little c is 1 over 2 power l. In the same way, the probability that the message m 1 is encrypted in the cipher text,
little c is the same as the value of key which is used for encryption is the XOR of m 1 and little c. And again, since my key generation algorithm is going to output uniform random keys, the probability that my key is XOR of m 1 and little c is 1 over 2 power l. So since
both these 2 probabilities are equal after seeing a ciphertext, which is going to be a bit string, adversary cannot pinpoint whether it is an encryption of m 0, or whether it is an encryption of m 1. And hence adversary will be completely clueless. And that is why
this encryption satisfies the definition of perfect secrecy. So we now have a candidate encryption scheme, which is perfectly secure. So now you might be wondering that if we have a candidate encryption scheme, which is perfectly
secure, why cannot we afford to use it in practice. So now let us see some of the limitations which are imposed by the one time pad scheme. The first limitation which is imposed here is that key should be as large as the plaintext because the size of the key is l as well as
the size of the plaintext is also l, right. This means that if you want to say encrypt 1 GB file, that means if the sender wants to encrypt a 1 GB file, then it has to agree upon a key which is also of size 1 GB, which
seems very impractical because in practice we aim to go for encryption process, where we can use a little size key to encrypt long messages. So that is the first restriction which is imposed by Vernam cipher.
The second limitation which is imposed here is that you cannot reuse the same key for encrypting more than 1 message. That means each instance of the encryption needs a fresh key. I stress here that when I say here that you cannot reuse the key, I do not mean that
you cannot reuse the key in the next instance, what I mean here is that in each instance, you have to again run into an independent instance or a fresh instance of key generation algorithm. It is fine if the key that you are going to obtain in the next invocation
of key generation algorithm is same which you have obtained in the previous invocation. What is important here is that both this invocations of the key generation are going to output independent outputs. So from the viewpoint of the adversary or an attacker who is intercepting
ciphertext, he would not be knowing that the keys which have been used whether they are same or whether they are different. From the viewpoint of the attacker, they are independent keys. So the second restriction,
which is important here is you cannot retain the same key and keep on encrypting multiple messages using the same key. For instance, imagine a scenario where the sender is going to use or retaining the same key k for encrypting 2 different messages m 0 and m 1 in sequence.
That means it has used a key k for encrypting first a message m 0 communicated the cipher text. And suppose it is again retaining the same value of key instead of again running the key generation algorithm. And it reuses the same key k for encrypting a next message
m 1, and again, the ciphertext is communicated over the channel. And suppose adversary is aware of this fact that the same key has been retained and used by the sender to encrypt two messages m 0 and m 1. So now what an attacker can do is the following.
Since it has intercepted the cipher text c 0, as well as it has intercepted the cipher text c 1 and it knows the relationship between the messages m 0, k, m 1, k, and c 0, c 1. Namely, it knows that c 0 is the XOR of m 0 and k and it knows that c 1 is the XOR of
m 1 and k. If it performs the XOR of c 0 and C 1, the effect of k is going to vanish, right because that is what is the property of the XOR operation. Because k will be XORed with k itself, which will give you 0. And as a result by performing
the XOR of c 0 and c 1, the adversary is going to obtain the XOR of m 0 and m 1. So now you might be wondering how much information is actually revealed by learning the XOR of m 0 and m 1. And it turns out it is a significant amount of information. And that means we cannot
claim the perfect secrecy for this kind of encryption process where the same k is now retained for encrypting multiple messages. So here is what Turing award winner, legendary computer scientist Michael Rabin has to say
about one time pad, he says that you should never reuse a one time pad, it is like a toilet paper, because if you reuse it, things can get messy, right, so you should never reuse the key. For each instance of the one time pad Vernam cipher you need to run a key generation
algorithm and obtain a fresh key for encrypting your next messages. So these are the 2 restrictions imposed by Vernam cipher. Now, a natural question is whether these 2 restrictions are only with respect to one time pad or Vernam cipher,
or are these 2 restrictions inherent to any perfectly secure cipher. What we are now going to prove is that these two restrictions are inherent for any perfectly secure cipher, for any perfectly secure cipher key should be as large as the plain text. And we will
also prove that any perfectly secure cipher, each instance of the encryption needs a fresh key. So let us first prove the first limitation here. So the theorem here, is imagine you
are given a perfectly secure cipher. It need not be one time pad, it could be any perfectly secure cipher. The theorem says that if the scheme is perfectly secure, then the key space has to be as large as message space, right. So, here is the proof, the proof is going
to be by contradiction. So on contrary, imagine that even though my scheme is perfectly secure my key space is less than my message space. That means the number of candidate keys is less than the number of candidate plaintext.
And for demonstration here is an example, I am assuming that my candidate plant text space consist of 3 plain text and my candidate key space consist of 2 possible keys. So now you consider the uniform probability distribution over the message space, that means you consider
a scenario where sender could have encrypted any of these 3 possible messages with equal probability. And you consider a ciphertext with whose probability of occurrence is non zero. So now, let me
define the set M(c) which is the set of all valid decryptions of the cipher text c, namely M(c) consist of all plain text m from the plain text space, which I can obtain by decrypting the cipher text c under different candidate keys from the key space, right. So, again
in this particular example, if I try to decrypt the cipher text c, I have 2 possible keys. On decrypting ciphertext by k 1, I will obtain one message and on decrypting cipher c by the second key k 2 I will obtain second message that means what I can say is that the cardinality
of the set M(c) is upper bounded by the cardinality of the key space because that is the maximum number of distinct decryptions you can obtain by decrypting the ciphertext c here, and since as part of my assumption, the key space cardinality is less than the message space cardinality,
what I obtained here is that the cardinality of M(c) is strictly less than the cardinality of key space which is less than the cardinality of message space. What it means here is that there exists at least one message from the message space,
plain text space, which can never lead to the ciphertext c that means on decrypting the cipher text, I will never obtain back that plain text. Again in this specific example, you can see that the decryption of c can never give you back m 3. And that is a violation
of the perfect secrecy condition because the perfect secrecy condition says that if you have a uniform probability distribution over the plain text space, then for every cipher text c which occurs with non zero probability, it should be a potential encryption of all
candidate messages with equal probabilities or in other sense if I see the original definitions of perfect secrecy, what we have arrived here is the fact that we have at least one message is little m, where the probability of occurrence of the little m is non zero, but the conditional
probability that little m is encrypted in the ciphertext little c is 0. That means these 2 probabilities are not same. And hence that is a violation of perfect secrecy right. So, that means we have proved that in any perfectly secure encryption scheme,
the key space has to be as large as the message space. Now, what is the implication of this theorem. Imagine your key space is the set of all possible strings of length x. That means, my encryption process supports encryption of x bit strings.
That means the key space cardinality is nothing but 2 power x. And in the same way, imagine my encryption process supports plain text space of y bit strings that means the plaintext have to be y bit strings and as a result, the cardinality of my message space is 2 power
y. Now as per this theorem is my scheme is perfectly secure I need the cardinality of the key space to be at as large as the cardinality of the message space, that means 2 to the power x
should be greater than equal to 2 to the power y. And as an implication of this, I get the fact that x should be greater than equal to y, that means the length of the key should be as large as the plaintext. That is the first limitation of any perfectly secure cipher,
namely, the key should be as large the plaintext. Now, let us prove the second limitation of any perfectly secure cipher. And I would not be proving it rigorously and formally, I will just give you a very high level detail of
the proof here. So the theorem states that imagine you are given a perfectly secure cipher over the plain text space m and key space k, then each instance of the encryption process of this cipher should require an independent key to be generated by the key generation
algorithm. That means you cannot retain the same key for encrypting more than one message. So now let us again try to prove this you using a contradiction. So imagine a scenario where sender retains the same key k for encrypting 2 messages m
1 and m 2 in sequence, right. So it has encrypted message m 1 producing ciphertext c 1 communicated over the channel, and then it has to use the same key k for encrypting a second message in the sequence. And again the ciphertext is communicated over the channel. And adversary
has intercepted both the ciphertext and adversary is aware of the fact that the same unknown key k has been retained and used to encrypt both the messages m 1 as well as m 2. What we are going to prove is that if something of this has happened, then you can never achieve
perfect secrecy, right. So imagine 2 different sequences of plain text. The first sequence is when the the first message is m 1 and the second message is also m 1 and in the second sequence m1, the sequences of messages are m 1 and m 2, where m 1 and m 2 are different.
And imagine that adversary has intercepted a cipher text consisting of 2 sequences of cipher text where the first cipher text is c 1 and the second cipher text c 2, right. So, as per the requirement of perfect secrecy, if the adversary has obtained a sequence of
ciphertext being c 1 and c 2, and if adversary has a prior information that these 2 sequences of messages, which could have been encrypted in c 1 c 2 could be either m 1, m 1 or m 1, m 2, then the requirement of perfect secrecy is that with equal probability the ciphertext
sequence c 1 , c 2 should be any encryption of m 1, m1 as well as it should be a potential encryption of m 1, m 2 right. That means, if I consider the left hand side probability here then I have introduced here
2 random variables c 1 and c 2 in boldface, which denotes the value of the first cipher text sequence and the second cipher text sequence. And in the same way, I have introduced 2 random variables, boldface m 1 and boldface m 2, to note the candidate first plaintext and
the candidate second plaintext. So my claim here is that the probability that your left hand side probability and your right hand side probability can never be same, which is a violation of perfect secrecy.
Pictorially the requirement of perfect secrecy should be that it does not matter whether the first message sequence m 1, m 1 is encrypted or whether the second sequence of message m 1, m 2 is encrypted using the key as per your encryption process with equal probability
it should lead you to the cipher text sequence c 1, c 2, if at all your encryption processes perfectly secure. But if that is the case, that means imagine a scenario where indeed the message sequence
m 1, m 1 and a message sequence m 1, m 2, both leads to an encryption cipher text sequence c 1, c 2 with equal probability under the same and key k, then it means a decryption error. Because that means that if you decrypt the cipher text c 2 to using the key k, then
it should be leading you back to the plain text m 1 as well as it should lead you back to the plain text m 2, which means that there is a correctness error in your encryption process.
That means there is a decryption error in your encryption process, which is a violation of the fact that your encryption process is secure, because one of the requirements of any secure cipher is the correctness requirement, which demands that your description should
be unambiguous, but if we are in a scenario like this, where both the message sequence m 1 m 1 and message sequence m 1 m 2 leads to the same cipher text sequence c 1, c 2. Then that means if I just decrypt the ciphertext sequency c 2 it could lead me back to m 1
as well as it could lead me back to m 2. That means there is an ambiguity in the decryption of my original encryption process itself, which is a contradiction, this proves informally the theorem that each instance of the encryption process should run of fresh instance of the
key generation algorithm right. So that brings me to end of this lecture. Just to summarize. In this lecture we have discussed a candidate, perfectly secure encryption process, namely one time pad or Vernam cipher
and we proved its perfect secrecy. We also saw the 2 restrictions imposed by one time pad. And we argued that these 2 restrictions namely the key size being as large as message and fresh key for each instance of the encryption are inherent to any perfectly secure encryption
process. I hope you enjoyed this lecture. Thank you.
Heads up!
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