Understanding Modern Cryptography: Foundations of Computational Security


Welcome to Lecture 6 on the intriguing world of modern cryptography. In this session, we delve into the foundational concepts that define how cryptographic systems operate today. We will explore the evolution from perfect secrecy to a more practical understanding based on computational security. Furthermore, we will discuss essential topics such as the concept of efficient algorithms, negligible probability, and the implications of using a bounded adversary in cryptographic processes.

The Birth of Modern Cryptography

Perfect Secrecy vs. Practicality

To understand modern cryptography, we first revisit the notion of perfect secrecy discussed in previous lectures. Perfect secrecy is the ideal form of security that aims to ensure that an adversary, regardless of their computational power, learns nothing about the plaintext from the ciphertext.

However, achieving perfect secrecy imposes severe limitations:

  • Key Size: The key must be as large as the message itself, making it impractical for real-world applications.
  • Key Reuse: Each encryption process requires a fresh key, which poses logistical challenges.

These constraints suggest that perfect security, while desirable, is not achievable in practical scenarios. In light of this, modern cryptography embraces a different approach.

Modern Cryptography's Approach

Transition to Computational Security

Modern cryptography shifts focus from achieving perfect secrecy to a model referred to as computational security. The fundamental changes in this model include:

  1. Bounded Adversaries: Instead of assuming an all-powerful adversary, modern cryptography operates under the premise of computationally bounded adversaries whose attempts to break the scheme are limited by practical running time.
  2. Negligible Information Leakage: The goal shifts from preventing any knowledge leakage about the plaintext to ensuring that the adversary learns additional information with negligible probability.
    • This means we no longer require guarantees against absolute information leakage, recognizing that some information may be revealed, provided the risk is negligible in practice.

These two relaxations lay the groundwork for developing encryption processes that support the reuse of shorter keys when encrypting multiple messages. This tradeoff is essential for utility in real-world applications.

Key Concepts in Computational Security

Efficient Algorithms

Defining an algorithm as efficient is crucial in the context of computational security. In cryptographic applications, a polynomial time requirement is often established:

  • An algorithm is deemed efficient if its running time can be bounded by a polynomial function of the security parameter, typically linked to the key size.
  • For example, if an algorithm operates in time proportional to n^3, it runs efficiently concerning the input size.

Negligible Probability

Regarding negligible probability, we formalize the notion as follows:

  • A function is negligible if it approaches zero as the security parameter increases.
  • A negligible function f(n) is defined such that for every polynomial function p(n), there exists a value N where f(n) < 1/p(n) for all n > N.

This guarantees that the probability of an adversary succeeding in breaking the system is so small that it can be safely ignored for practical purposes.

Practical Implications of Key Reusability

Examples of Attack Vectors

To further explain these concepts, let’s discuss the necessary evils within our encryption schemes:

  1. Brute-Force Attacks: These attacks signify high success probability but come with exorbitant running time, often impractical for real-time breaches.
  2. Guessing Attacks: Conversely, these exploit a manageable runtime but yield minimal success probability.

By accepting the need for key reusability—and therefore the two relaxations—we can justify both approaches (brute-force and guessing) while maintaining an efficient system.


In our exploration today, we dissected the transition from perfect secrecy to the practical framework of modern cryptography. Recognizing the bounded nature of adversaries and tolerating negligible information leakage is vital for developing encryption schemes that meet contemporary needs.

As we navigate further into this course, understanding these foundational theories is essential for grasping the complexities of cryptographic systems in application. Thank you for your engagement, and I look forward to continuing this journey through our exploration of modern cryptography!

Heads up!

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