Pseudorandom Generators: Encrypting Long Messages with Short Keys


In the realm of cryptography, one of the significant challenges is securely encrypting long messages using shorter keys without compromising the strength of the encryption. This issue directly relates to the limitations of traditional methods, such as the one-time pad scheme. In this lecture, we delve into the concept of pseudorandom generators, a mathematical tool that facilitates this functionality while ensuring security in computational contexts. Through pseudorandom generators, the cryptographic community can address the critical need for effectively encrypting longer messages.

Understanding Perfect Secrecy

The one-time pad is the classical method for achieving perfect secrecy. In this conventional setup, both the sender and the receiver utilize a uniformly random key that matches the length of the message, ensuring that the ciphertext reveals no information about the plaintext. The process involves XORing the message with the key:

  • Message and Key: Both are of length L bits.
  • Ciphertext: Result of the XOR operation on the message and key.

However, the necessity of a key that is as long as the message makes this method impractical for longer texts. As such, exploring new methodologies that rely on shorter keys while still preserving strong security properties is of utmost importance.

Introduction to Pseudorandom Generators

To circumvent the limitations of the one-time pad, we introduce pseudorandom generators (PRGs). A PRG takes a short, uniformly random seed and expands it into a longer output that retains statistical properties of true randomness. Essentially, a PRG can generate long strings from shorter seeds, enabling the encryption of lengthy messages more feasibly. Here are the characteristics needed from a pseudorandom generator:

  1. Efficient Algorithm: The execution time must remain polynomial concerning the security parameter.
  2. Output Expansion: The output length should be significantly greater than the input length.
  3. Pseudorandomness: The output must appear indistinguishable from a truly random sequence to any efficient statistical test.

How PRGs Work

The key idea behind the functioning of pseudorandom generators is that they produce an output that seems random. The algorithm G functions as follows:

  • Input: A uniformly random string of length l bits.
  • Output: A longer string of length L bits.

The generated output can then be used in the same way as in the one-time pad, yet without requiring a key of the same length as the message.

The Security Landscape

In establishing the security of pseudorandom generators, we utilize an indistinguishability-based framework:

  • Experiment Setup: We need a distinguisher program to discern whether the output from our PRG comes from the generator or a truly random source.
  • Challenge: The distinguisher receives a sample generated by either the PRG or a random generator and must identify its source.

For a PRG to qualify as secure, it must be that for any polynomial-time distinguisher, the probability of correctly identifying the source is no better than random guessing (i.e., 1/2 plus a negligible function).

Alternate Definitions of Security

Beyond the indistinguishability definition, we also consider an alternate framework based on next-bit predictability. In this setting, the adversary must predict the next bit of the output from the PRG given a finite number of output bits already observed. The power of this definition lies in its guarantees that, similar to random generators, predicting additional bits should remain difficult, reinforcing the pseudorandom nature of the output.

Example of a Non-Pseudorandom Generator

To illustrate the principles of pseudorandom generators, consider an example where the algorithm G simply stretches its input by one additional bit (output length = input length + 1). The first part of this output matches the input, while the final bit is produced via XOR operations of the input bits.

  • Distinguishing Test: An efficient test can observe that the last output bit perfectly aligns with the XOR of the prior bits, giving a significant distinguishing advantage. This demonstrates that the defined algorithm fails to meet the pseudorandom standards.


In summary, pseudorandom generators serve a crucial role in modern cryptography by enabling efficient methods of securely encrypting long messages with short keys. Through careful implementation of PRGs, cryptographic protocols maintain security even amidst potential adversaries. By utilizing concepts such as indistinguishability and next-bit unpredictability, we can ensure that our encryption methods remain robust against computationally bounded attackers.

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