Understanding Game Theory: Key Concepts and Real-World Applications

Introduction to Game Theory

  • Overview of the game played in the previous class involving grade choices (Alpha and Beta).
  • Explanation of the outcome matrix and the necessity of payoffs to define a game.

Key Concepts

  • Normal-Form Game: A game represented in a matrix format showing outcomes based on players' choices.
  • Strictly Dominated Strategy: A strategy that always results in a lower payoff compared to another strategy, regardless of what the opponent does.
  • Lessons Learned:
    • Avoid strictly dominated strategies.
    • Consider others' payoffs and strategies to predict their actions.

Real-World Relevance

  • Prisoners' Dilemma: Examples include joint projects, price competition among firms, and common resource management (e.g., fishing stocks, carbon emissions).
  • Importance of communication and changing payoffs through contracts, treaties, and regulations to resolve dilemmas.

Game Structure

  • Ingredients of a Game: Players, strategies, and payoffs.
  • Notation for players (i, j), strategies (s_i, S_i), and payoffs (U_i).
  • Assumption that all players know the strategies and payoffs of others.

Example Games

  • Discussion of a simple two-player game with different strategies and payoffs.
  • Analysis of dominated strategies and the concept of weak domination.

Rationality in Games

  • The necessity of rationality and knowledge of others' rationality in predicting outcomes.
  • Common knowledge as a critical factor in decision-making.


  • The importance of understanding the layers of knowledge in strategic interactions and how they affect decision-making in competitive environments.

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