Are you ready to conquer the Deathless Melum challenge? As one of the most daring modes in action-adventure gaming, it has its own unique challenges that can often frustrate players. In this guide, we’ll delve deeply into strategies, champion setups, and vital tips that will ensure you not only survive but thrive during your runs. Let’s get started!
Understanding Deathless Melum
Deathless Melum is a challenging content mode where players aim to complete levels without losing their characters. This section covers what makes this mode unique and why players should engage.
- Difficulty Levels: Unlike the standard campaign, this mode offers both normal and hard difficulties, each contributing to a different level of challenge.
- Rewards and Objectives: Players earn valuable resources, achievements, and bragging rights by completing this mode efficiently.
Preparing for the Challenge
Champion Selection
To succeed in Deathless Melum, knowing which champions to bring into battle is crucial. Here’s how to optimize your champion pool:
- Leveling Champions: Focus on ranking up your best champions. Seven-star champions can be excellent for hard modes, while rank four six-star champions shine in normal.
- Mastery Setup: Adopt a mastery configuration tailored to your playstyle. A popular choice involves the Liquid Courage and Double-Edged masteries, which enhance damage at the cost of some health.
- Useful Relics: Be sure to assign relics to enhance your champions. For instance, Guillotine is highly effective with an SP3 rotation as it causes significant damage.
Game Modes
Understanding the differences between the normal and hard difficulties can also assist in preparation:
- Normal Mode: Generally easier with a limited number of traps and less aggressive AI.
- Hard Mode: Features tougher bosses and more complex AI behaviors, making strategy even more critical.
Key Strategies for Boss Fights
Path Strategies
The game consists of various paths, each with specific bosses that demand different strategies:
Left Path Tactics
- Gore Boss: Many players find this path troublesome. Focus on using champions who excel against cosmic enemies.
- Hercules Tactics: When his health dips below 7%, unleash your SP3 to bypass his immortal phase and secure the win.
Tech Path Strategies
- King Groot Usage: For this path, stick to using SP1 for armor breaks and maintain distance from enemy attacks.
- Watch for Status Effects: Avoid being rooted; it’s vital for managing your health and sustaining progress.
Boss Fight Guidelines
In facing pivotal bosses, preparation is key:
- Destroyer Fight: Equip the greater special 3 defense boost to minimize damage.
- Thanos Battle Strategy: Use the Grit Passive effectively to mitigate damage from unblockable attacks. Being aware of your surroundings can allow you to dodge projectile attacks effectively.
Mistakes to Avoid
Learning from errors is part of growth in the game:
- Forget to Assign Relics: Not assigning relics can significantly impact your run. Always double-check before advancing!
- Mistiming Special Attacks: Ensure to calculate your special rotation carefully; many champions require precise timing to avoid retaliation.
Engaging in the Deathless Melum is a thrilling experience, filled with challenges that test your skills and strategies. This guide laid out comprehensive tips, champion setups, and strategies to navigate this tough terrain. Remember that practice makes perfect - the more you play, the better you'll become! Happy gaming, and may your next journey be victorious!
hello everybody hope you're doing well this is a deathless melum walk through I say walk through I've already done it
like you can see I've done it I've also done normal difficulty I'm just going to go over some of the fights some of the
things to remember some things that might save you uh for those that might find this a little bit uh of an issue in
places yes there'll be people people yelling at this video going I did it with no revives I was easy good good for
you calm your tits apart from some scuffy AI in places actually really enjoyable actually enjoyed myself that's
a rarity in MCC at the moment to say I enjoyed myself and I'm actually usually I'm I'm looking forward to using uh the
deathless champions in my I might even do that as my next necropolis run especially now that I've 100% did both
normal and hard do you need to do both no but what I wanted to do was like I'm like at an age where I need to do
something about 10 plus times to actually get down a rotation also I am finding like some issues with um like my
my screen I've cleaned it down a few times um it's about 4 years old now so it kind of needs replacing but I don't
really want to do that that's a lot of money to come out um at of time I'm not really kind of like you know up for that
so the PC version if you are thinking about doing this maybe wait for the PC version next couple of months or get
involved with it now um because it is relatively straightforward and uh and it is a bit fun the normal difficulty is a
little bit more straightforward in that you have like uh was it less traps on this one no actually I think it might be
the same traps you got like yeah no it is two traps it is two traps on this cuz I was looking at going uh is it more
than one trap it actually anyway to get yourself started which just some just general kind of like advice I would say
boo if you were wanting to reduce your spend on on kind of like revives if that is going to be like a lot of people
won't you'll get your rotations down but if mistakes happen then you might be using revives if not fine pop on Boost I
have plenty of these boost popped off shout out to Kabam as well because what they did was they allowed within the
super daily that you could pick up a lot more of the shards and that means that you would have popped these open and got
yourself some boost boosts as a result which you can see I've been running at the moment the Mastery setup that I went
for for this one is a um it's the double-edged liquid courage is recoil Mastery so you got to be very careful
about utilizing your health yes I use Seven Stars but if you rank four six stars and do normal difficulty it
probably will work of course if you do hard you would to use Seven Stars which is a different kettle of fish I decided
for all of my deathless b Champions that I would make them rank two and that is a personal choice
whether not you like to or not I just found they were a lot more effective as a Rank 2 seven star and of course if
you're doing a rank four six star there a different story for that and I will probably rank three my Thanos not the
other ones keep them at rank two for the time being and see how they function in something like the crop list because
resources are so important especially if you're doing endgame content you want to keep make sure your resources and
ranking ups are balanced uh well enough okay what else when it comes to setup for this cuz we will go in at the moment
one mistake that I did massive mistake and just don't make this mistake uh assign relics I didn't do that I forgot
to do that silly me slack me on the wrist okay but I did do one Relic and that was guillotine Guillotine deathless
she was clearing everything with the Mastery setup the liquid carage double double edged Mastery she's fantastic if
you sp three rotating great because um if you got a crit rating stat Focus Boom Big damage fantastic can't recommend
that enough uh also something I do recommend to have is the greater special 3 defense boost if you are doing a run
especially on the destroyer and and also it's helpful for Thanos boss potentially but I would
recommend having the greater special 3 defense just for that because it might keep you alive and that might save you a
revive to be brutally honest up to you if you want to go and train in the normal difficulty uh as well I think
that's all the buildup let's actually kind of like talk about some of the paths so on the left path I heard a lot
of people be frustrated with Gore for me personally I would focus more on getting my gear team cuz the thing is they are
built around taking the certain Champions against them like Guillotine is helpful Against The Path U King Gru
against the the tech path there Vision against the um against the mutant path like they're all designed to do the the
respective Paths of course when it comes to the boss different story by the way gu deathless chef's kiss fantastic
better with the Mastery setup that I have anyway back to this Lane right here we'll talk about the boss a little bit
later on in the video so the left hand side path is those cosmics I would say keep Venom to an sp1 if possible that is
like a go-to kind of like suggestion there Hercules if you get him down to about 7 to 3% throw your sp3 at that
particular Point you're going to bypass Immortal and therefore you'll be able to smash out the champion from the fight
and make it a lot more easier than him being in that kind of immortal uh stretch you have to keep the Champions
uh suppressed because of the extent of D not D gen uh unblockable that comes your way when it comes to the G Fight though
I would recommend with this pushing Guillotine deathless uh first of all have boost on because it's actually
going to be doable don't think about SP2 rotating because from what I gather and what remember you won't be able to uh
put on uh debu he has debuff immunity so that means he won't be able to SP2 so I would say more effectively be pushing
with that D gen and of course having the ghost ride Relic helps to kind of increase the D gen damage but more
crucially sp3 the sp3 of gutin death's kit will allow you to do an extra amount of damage you could sp1 if you want to
rotate but I personally would do sp3 rotation because it just makes it just so much more easier just absolutely
smash out that path on the subject of the tech path however this of course use King Groot how you set up is going to be
up to you I personally like to do sp ones to like put in some armor break ground work and especially when you go
up against warlock you got to watch out that you're not going to be suppressed on your healing so you got to watch out
for infected you've got to keep your distance one of the big things about the path is that uh St statist
static blast sorry I can't speak static blast you've got to keep some distance away cuz otherwise you're going to be
rooted um no it's not it's the other one isn't it it's compelled dual sorry I was looking at the wrong one I mean yes you
look out for static blast but I would say compell duel is probably the the main bug bear Champion throws an sp1 SP2
if you're close you're going to be rooted problem yes how do you solve that problem well try and keep your distance
not easy when the champ enemy Champions are going to be unblockable so you've got to work fast and quickly to get
there if you are feeling it you're losing health for whatever reason throw an sp3 with King Gro deathless and
you'll be able to regen a little bit that's top tip from somebody that plays King Groot quite a bit and and that will
mitigate any kind of damage loss it is frustrating with the AI I might throw footage in this section of me having an
issue with but you know reigning supreme but you got to watch out you're going to be against the wall enemy's going to
have an S2 and not throwing it the the AI isn't great it's not being fixed Kabam still has to fix it so you've got
to be careful I did find a bit of a difference between the AI being a little bit wonky between normal and hard being
a bit sus but you know that again that's Kabab and that's their Ai and that's how they put together content they want your
money they want your revives they want your units possibly Tim foil hat job yeah okay anyway uh it's a lot of fun I
would say with the path as well look out for Mega Sentinel you've got to keep the champion to an sp1 otherwise it becomes
difficult I would recommend as well armor breaking as soon as you can not great if you are recoiling and with Viv
Vision if you can push to an SP2 you will be having a better time go into a block stance and push out uh to the
Champions SP2 it makes it so much easier like if you have problems with it SP2 all the way and that's what um that's
all I have to say on that I think that's probably the uh the only thing that's of note with that path nothing too scary
you just got to make sure to armor break watch out for the routing and take it from there again another path with the
vision path this is the one we go against a little of mutants infect infectious wrath helpful uh hell or
hearty not so helpful the champion will get regeneration buff at this particular point in time I would recommend to play
about with the champion if you cuz you need phasing if you're not phasing you will have a problem with being able to
heal block and you'll need to heal block because they're going to heal a little bit you can only get your heill block
providing a special attack or effect generates a phase charge and that is important because you have to bring the
champion down through the power so it's like for every 4% of the opponent's Max Health prevented by heal block um you
also inflict the dent but I would say that you've got to try and make sure you're phasing at the time and build the
champion pass a certain power threshold so it's like um you in order to trigger phase vision SPS have got to reduce the
opponent's power below any full bar and you gain a phase charge that is how you start getting your heal block and that
is a difficult rotation to get I messed up a couple of times but I ended up getting and pushing through it it's just
a learning curve get phasing get a phase by doing the power control then you'll be able to get through uh and suppress
the power so that's always helpful oh and a quick note on saon if you are finding trouble with the sp1 try and
push the Champion to an SP2 and intercept through that unblockable stage that he has I did that and it was okay
although I a bit peed off with Kabam about that 1% bug if I've shown in footage oh my God 3,000 damage blinking
L Kabam naughty Kabam the final path is the shehawk path if you have problems with the Destroyer fight get the SP 3
boost on to kind of supress damage on that it's a tough one if the AI is not playing ball hood fight sp1 keep rotate
very easily watch out for indestructible unblockable very easily to to to avoid that ebony Mo however uh I would say
with that once you heavy attack to break the focus you've then well you got to focus on that to break the focus with
the heavy attack however uh that is just going to be either AI is going to play ball for you or it's going to be painful
to you on my run in normal difficulty it was fine in my running hard difficulty things don't there's some questionable
AI stuff I'm just throwing out there I was not happy about that and we finish off the video on deathless Thanos this
fight is actually really fun if things are going your way if they're not going your way then there's a problem even
though it's all about using certain champions for this one I ended up using my deathless Guillotine a lot more
because I found that she was more effective she was doing a lot more damage and as well with the Relic
probably the better choice overall for ramping if you can keep the champion to an sp1 that's fine if you can avoid or
evade the uh special attacks you'll get a grit passive if you get a grit passive you can deal with the unblockable which
is a problem if you for whatever reason find yourself that the enemy is on an SP2 then you need to be very careful cuz
corrosion will end up just like taking all your health but if he hasn't reach that full ramp of the champion because
obviously he full ramps up um then you can deal with it by avoiding the fiery balls heading towards you now I will be
slowing down parts of this footage to Showcase what I mean when the fiery balls are coming towards you avoid them
don't avoid the blue balls so to speak that sounds so weird saying that but you you know what I mean like the there's
going to be Aura balls coming towards you and there's one that looks a bit there's two that look a bit more fiery
if you evade them or Dex them you will be fine you will get a grit passive and you'll be able to smash off the enemy um
some of the words that I'm using is not great but you know what I mean and you can see what I mean on screen that's
been it when it comes to like some some advice other than that just smash out the champion it's really straightforward
on rotation and fun you know for the best part of it I had a lot of fun playing this mode and that will about do
it for the deathless mosum I think I forgot what it is deathless mosum uh guide walk through
whatever this is and yeah right up in the description if you want to go and read that uh lot of fun and uh yeah
looking forward to getting into necropolis that's been the video check out some other content located on screen
I'll see you on the next one and goodbye for now
Heads up!
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