Understanding Effective Team Compositions
In the world of competitive gaming, particularly in team-based formats, the importance of team compositions cannot be overstated. A well-structured team composition can be the difference between victory and defeat. In this discussion, we delve into the nuances of constructing effective team comps, emphasizing the significance of modularity and adaptability.
The Importance of Modularity in Compositions
Key Takeaway: When building your team, aim for around three core compositions that you excel at, ensuring they don’t overlap too much in their character choices.
Having diverse options allows your team to remain flexible in the face of bans. For example, if you dominate with a composition featuring Luna but it gets banned, you don’t want to be left without an alternative that relies heavily on Luna. Instead, consider having a backup comp that utilizes a different core character like Neyar. This approach ensures that your tactical options remain open, allowing for strategic depth in your gameplay. For more insights on maximizing your performance, check out Celestial Secrets: 8 Essential Tips for Dominating Battlegrounds.
Testing Your Compositions
If you’re part of a relatively new team, like the players discussed, it’s crucial to focus on a limited number of compositions initially. This helps in building synergy and understanding how each character fits into the overall strategy.
Real-World Application: Focus on a handful of compositions, practice them rigorously, and identify areas for improvement. This could mean adjusting character picks based on playstyle and synergy. For example, if you're utilizing Venom and Spidey in a dive comp, consider the balance of characters like Mantis and Punisher in your setup to ensure they align with your team's overall strategy. For a deeper dive into character dynamics, check out Understanding Game Theory: Analyzing Strategic Situations.
Evaluating Character Synergies
Expert Insight: Each character brings unique strengths and weaknesses to a composition. For instance, while Spidey is highly specialized, Mantis may not be as effective in high-level play due to recent meta shifts. Instead of sticking with characters that aren’t performing well, consider alternatives that maintain the same strategic intent but offer better synergy.
Example: Replacing Punisher with Magic could provide the necessary flexibility for your dive comp, allowing for better defensive capabilities and offensive potential. If you're looking for tips on optimizing your character choices, refer to Mastering Deathless Mode in Marvel Contest of Champions: Tips and Tricks.
Strategic Bans and Counterplays
When competing, bans play a pivotal role. Understanding which characters synergize well together can inform your ban strategy. If your team relies on a dive comp, be mindful of characters that can counter your style, such as those with crowd control or burst damage capabilities. For strategies on how to effectively navigate competitive environments, consider the Ultimate Guide to Deathless Melum: Tips and Strategies for Success.
The Flow of Combat: Stacking and Stabilizing
The Three S’s of Team Play:
- Stack: Stay close as a team to provide safety and support.
- Stabilize: Ensure all team members are healthy before engaging.
- Slow Push: Gradually advance as a unit to secure objectives and eliminate threats.
This strategy is crucial in chaotic fights where positioning can lead to disastrous outcomes if not managed properly. A well-executed plan can mean the difference between a successful engagement and a chaotic defeat.
Conclusion: The Path to Mastery
In competitive gaming, mastering team compositions requires practice, adaptability, and a thorough understanding of your team’s strengths and weaknesses. By focusing on modular compositions, evaluating character synergies, and employing strategic bans, your team can enhance its performance in competitive scenarios. Remember, the goal is not just to find the best characters but to develop a cohesive strategy that allows your team to thrive under pressure.
Call to Action: As you refine your strategies, keep a journal of your games. Review what worked, what didn’t, and how your compositions can evolve. With this approach, you’ll find success in not just gameplay, but in teamwork and strategy development.
good at a composition and you're so good at it that they have to ban it or else they're just going to lose does that
make sense yeah yeah 100% yeah so the logic should be that you want to have probably around three comps that you
really really really really really good at and hopefully comps that don't have a lot of overlap so let's say for example
that you're really good at this one comp that has Luna then you're really good at this other comp that has neyar as like a
carrye if they just ban a Luna then both of those characters are kind of off the table you know so you don't want to have
comps with too much overlap but just you want your comps to be a little bit modular like you want to be able to swap
characters in and out um as best as you can okay um so are these the comps do you guys have practiced like I'm not
sure how long you guys have been playing together you guys are a fairly new team right yeah like basically last Wednesday
hob said you want to make a team and like okay or maybe it two month ago so like we're pretty now so are these the
comps that you guys are currently testing yeah these are kind of like the main three I've been telling them that
we should limit to just a couple and just really focus on working together rather than like have a thousand
different comps that we're just jump into but so there's already some stuff that we're going to adjust probably okay
for like long-term success so let's look at uh the first comp with the dive so when you're playing uh venom Spidey I
think Spidey is the epitome of like a specialized character okay he's not necessarily [ __ ] but he's kind of [ __ ]
you know it's like if you're really really really really good with him you can sort of make him work but I think
that it's very important for you to probably not have Luna in that comp or if you're going to have Luna in that
comp comp you need to be banning Ney more um because you want you want to like have bans that justify the comp
that you're playing what are you saying in the notes what' you say I'm just I'm telling Thumper to put what you're
saying in the notes yeah up a go do for that I'm going to record this for us yeah so the the the thought process is
right is that um if you're playing a composition like this that wants to trade back lines and wants to go very
very aggressively that's good but then there's some like not so great synergies here at the same time right so right now
we have pitched on mantis and mantis is probably okay but mantis in my opinion has not actually seen that much play
time in Super High ELO um mantis has fallen off a little bit I think mantis really shines in a theoretical uh
perspective from taking like really aggressive off angles and stuff but I feel like um mantis just hasn't been as
dominant as she used to feel so a lot of people have not really been playing for the damage boost and people have been
more so playing for like just longer lasting ultimates like ASU or um like a clo and Dagger possibly okay um so in
this comp I think uh mantis is probably okay but there's another thing here that's a little bit weird which is uh
Punisher Punisher here is kind of strange because you don't have rocket team up you're not playing a comp that
wants to stand still and play slow so why play a character like Punisher who is the epitome of like a slow character
he doesn't really play very fast right um now maybe you could come up with a new meta where you actually trade back
Lines by grappling in every time that sounds kind of sounds kind of scary but honestly you might be able to make it
work almost like a so slide right if we really think about it um but I don't really think he synergizes well with his
composition I would much rather have like maybe a magic or something of that nature uh or like maybe a black panther
or something okay um but yeah I think the Venom mag those two characters are actually really good does anybody know
why those characters are good together it's so you can bubble the Venom when they go yeah you can bubble the Venom or
you can bubble other DPS as well like especially magic I think with bubble gets us like a [ __ ] ton of value Spidey
a lot of times doesn't necessarily need bubble cuz he's not really like that slow he's very hard to hit just in
general right Magic on the other hand is kind of slow when she's engaging on people can be a little bit hard to stay
alive especially against Cc or against like a Bucky hook or something like that so for example if I was playing against
your guys's composition I would probably play Bucky or I would play Loki or I would play um maybe like a Punisher comp
that's really really stable with like an adom or something or I would play something like a neyar okay and so these
characters that I'm rattling off these are characters that do well against Dive Right like Bucky has CC
neyar obviously has CC as well as just a lot of guaranteed damage on Fast targets where his turrets are not going to miss
CU they have Aimbot um characters like Adam are good at absorbing with uh their um Soul link and then you could have
Punisher with like rocket Z or something that just like shoots your Venom once he uses his cycle so when you're playing
dive it's a very skill expressive composition does that make sense like it's going to take a lot of practice if
you guys want to put time into it you can but I would probably recommend at this stage to get comfortable with sort
of more default more standard comps think of like your think of it almost like playing
um like a Sig soge or something just something that's like very classic very default very basic you know and get like
very comfortable at playing a comp like that and then you can maybe expand into more specialized stuff later okay um
let's look at your Rush comp which is basically your brawl comp I guess so off the bat um the Groot and the Thor not
making a lot of sense to me does anybody know why yeah I'm not sure why we put the
Thor in here I feel like it was supposed to be Magneto at one point yeah I think Mag would make a lot more sense for sure
I think strange could also probably work too I don't think strange would be bad either I think strange and mager are
like typically very um you know inter flexible picks I wouldn't say interchangeable I think they're actually
very different but they're both very flexible you can kind of slot them into a lot of different compositions but I
think like Magneto is really really really good with tanks where like they he gets high bubble value so if you play
like a Magneto Thor comp that makes like a decent amount of sense because I feel like they have good Synergy doesn't mean
Thor is that great of a character um I guess it really depends on the bands but um something you could try
here if you really want to play a Loki comp is you could play something like mag Thor Hela and then you have triple
team up with Loki and Hela and Thor and that could be something that you angle towards but is that going to be that
strong as a default maybe not right but it's an option if the bands lead you into something like that so let's say
for example that you go into a match and you end up Banning strange right or the enemy team ends up Banning strange um
then that means that Magneto's still open but you're going to have to fill that strange slot with some sort of kind
of more off meta specialist tank so you could choose to fill it with a Groot or a Thor or a Hulk or a Venom like you can
you can angle more towards dive you can angle more towards like really hard brawl with uh Groot or you can angle
towards something like Thor and then just slot in hella Loki and you have like a comp that you've created you know
so um here obviously I can tell what you guys are doing with the moonight Groot you're going for the the Synergy with
the comp and stuff which is pretty great I think Magneto's really good there as well starlord to me is a little bit
strange in this composition um I'm not entirely sure what the star-lords meant to do here that other characters can't
do better um so I feel like this is a composition where you can maybe even benefit from just playing uh triple
support as well would probably be fine um but I also think that here instead of it being a
um uh instead of it being a Star-Lord you can maybe play a character that plays a bit slower in my opinion this
comp doesn't actually play very fast you guys are yeah it's like I feel like this comp
kind of just plays sort of slow and just tries to either win with Frontline trades or it goes for like a really
really big old cycle so you could lean more into the ultimates and playing Slowly by swapping to a support or you
could swap that support to a slower value DPS so that it could be like a Hela let's say or it could be a storm or
it could be you know any number of things okay does that make sense there's a lot of flexibility in this game and
people are still trying to figure out what the hell they're doing um so yeah I think the reason why we had the stal was
so that the Loki could either if we have the gudo up they could go to the starlord and copy the starlord and get
value off that I think it was a hero pool uh restriction but does does Star-Lord well first of all Star-Lord
into grud old is not guaranteed to get kills MH and secondly right um Star-Lord old like Loki copying stord is probably
objectively less value considering there's stuff in the game that can counteract the starlord and also if your
Groot ults people they're all clumped in one group so if a strange just holds his shield or a MAG holds his shield above
you like he can't Target anyone else but the shield you know because you can't see the people in the grudle does that
make sense because they're all sted on the shield so I feel like that's kind of contradictory to like what starlord
would want to do you know um and typically loky dupe is not really used on DPS SS you can if it's a specific one
like something we did with one of my EU teams is we would play like Loki storm and we would copy our own um storm and
double storm to kill through like certain ultimates and something like that or like double COC ult right but
unless you're going for some sort of macro play like that I think usually you would just lowkey uh lowkey dup onto
like a a support you know it would be like a Luna preferably or like a sue those are probably two of the better
ultimates you can also lowy um your cloak and dagger but Magneto is clearly open in this comp which means that they
can be playing Magneto and you need to have Bubble saved for your cloak old so that you don't get one-shotted by mag
okay um triple support right here uh uh okay not bad I would give you a piece of advice I would get the Jeff out of
there cuz I'm not sure what he's doing there um Jeff's just not going to get you more value than a different
character now Jeff is actually playable Jeff is flanking not actually good that's that's that's actually good if if
you're going to play Jeff you should be flanking with him in my personal opinion I think he's just better as a flanker um
so I don't think that's too bad the only thing I would be cautious of is facing a dive comp is maybe a little bit scary so
Soldier and Punisher are not NE neily bad in the dive I think they're actually quite good but if your Jeff is actually
flanking in theory the best comp that they could have is a comp that plays really really really fast and Dives you
or crashes on you with six people so you're kind of down the Jeff during their engage and he's like probably full
behind the enemy team and obviously while your Jeff your Jeff has to get set up on his flank right and that's going
to take time to rotate so a smart team is going to crash on you during your Jeff's flank so your Jeff is kind of out
of the fight every time and the timing is a little bit awkward for your Jeff to actually shoot them does that make sense
mhm so it's something to be a little bit cautious of that's exactly what happened
actually oh really okay yeah that's that that's that's the way that I would coach a team to play against that you know so
I would just say hey let's just play like a really crazy aggressive dive comp let's go [ __ ] BP magic and Venom and
let's go like you know Luna with something else and just get the [ __ ] in you know just down okay well there you
go right um so I'm assuming that didn't work into them no okay cool had as well um and then for the for the dive comp
Let's see we have uh I think this like a basically same basically the same thing yeah no problem yeah so I'm noticing
some glaring uh absences of characters here that are very very very common in Hilo and are very abusable I'm not
seeing a wolverine comp and I'm not seeing storm at all and those are two of the probably the most popular bands in
higho right now in ranked and uh in scrims it's also very popular um to ban those characters so I would probably say
that you guys need to get like Wolverine developed a little bit for with at least one of your players and hopefully storm
developed as well or you need to start Banning those characters cuz you're going to get [ __ ] by them it's pretty
hard to play I play a bit of storm and Magic I need to learn them better I also have a friend who's a magic and storm
mean oh nice okay that's good so it you know give it some time and then I'm sure you'll have that down Wolverine though I
mean you guys can figure that out later but think Wolverine is very very good we pretty much always ban him yeah okay I
think that's fair I also think that you could there's ways to play around it it's just it's it's awkward for some
people to figure out because sometimes ma doesn't really click for them but you can play around Wolverine depending on
the map um a good way of thinking about Wolverine is he's almost like you you almost have to treat him like a Reaper
in OverWatch okay so Wolverine's not the kind of character who is Ever allowed to be out of cover the only time he's out
of cover is when he's like dashing and then grabbing somebody right so most good Wolverines are literally just going
to Camp a corner wait for you to come near them and then grab you if you don't go near him though can he he grab you
not really right so what he's going to have to do is he's either going to have to wait for you to walk there and you
can just not walk there or he's going to actually have to deepen his angle and start going towards you and like getting
closer and closer and closer he's able to grab you and then pull you back right um so I think that Wolverine is a little
bit of a skill check in this game where it's like how good are you at scouting Wolverine how good is your team at
scouting Wolverine how good are you at communicating where the Wolverine is Wolverine's left side okay let's walk
right side Wolverine right side okay let's walk left side stord I'm good at keeping track of Wolverine that's good
yeah but it should be a team effort like all six players should be looking for Wolverine because if we don't Scout him
you are dead before you can react it doesn't matter if you even have a MAG bubble you're probably still dead Okay
so he kind of just one- shots and especially if a team is good it's going to feel very very very punishing to play
into a good Wolverine player and it's not going to be fun at all you're going to get spawn camped okay so typically
what I like to do is first step is Scout where the Wolverine is once you know where he's positioned take the area of
the map where he's not and angle around him wide so think about like idril path first point attack right like if
Wolverine's chilling on that main pillar next to the objective just ignore the [ __ ] point walk all the way left side
with your team and send your h on like an off angle that's like super super far away and say well now what are you going
to do you can't stand behind the pillar cuz I can see you where where you're hiding so you can't stay main because my
whole team is there so let's just give him a wide birth you need to treat him like a dangerous animal you just need to
give him distance and give him space don't ever go near him El he's going to bite you and then you just need to shoot
him from afar and keep poking him out and keep making him rotate his kill box in his positioning okay um just have to
poke his staging basically he's he's like a solo he's like a character he's he's like a dive comp in one character
it's kind of weird Okay um okay does anybody have any questions does this all make sense yes okay you guys want to get
into some boding now it's like in these three lines where would you slot the like storm and Wolverine I think they're
actually quite flexible I'm going to be honest um I think you can kind of put them into any comp and they're dangerous
I will say though that they're better based on matchup I think storm is very flexible you can play storm in basically
any comp in the game and she's really [ __ ] good um it's quite rare that I'll say that storm is not a good pick
um when it comes to Wolverine I think Wolverine struggles depending on map sometimes kind of similar to Groot so
think about like how Groot wants to play Groot wants to play for close chokes close Corners making you walk into him
trapping him and like tra trapping you and stuff like that they actually play with sort of similar positioning if you
think about group Wolverine they both want like tight spaces with close corners and you walking into their space
and playing patiently for you right um they're not often pushing you they're letting you push them and so the maps
where Groot are good or where Groot is good usually Wolverine's going to be pretty good too and the maps where
groot's really bad Wolverine's probably not not as great either so I think those two characters are a little bit more map
dependent but storm is like basically playable on every map in the game you could say really um I think storm storm
might struggle a little bit on a map that has like uh too much open space so maybe a map like um by Frost Gardens on
uh Royal Palace maybe that could be a little bit rough for storm just because it's just complete open air and you
might get off angled by a Hela or a hit scan or something but if you ban Hela on that map then you can probably run storm
on that map and you're fine right um which map is that uh Royal Palace the domination map from uh
Asgard yeah and I have a hot take question yo what's up um is triple tank good
against Triple support oh uh I would probably say no um I haven't tested it too much
myself so I can't necessarily tell you like 1,000% that it's bad um are you saying like triple support triple tank
so just full goats into triple support no no no just triple tank and a DPS and uh two support I would I would probably
wager guess no because you have to think about like what what is a tank actually doing for your for your comp what is
Chang one of your characters a tank doing well it's making you more tanky duh right so your your your front line
is going to be harder to kill but the triple support comp isn't playing to kill you so they don't really care and
at the end of the day would you rather have a tank ult or would you rather have a support ult right most of the time
you'd rather have a supportal so so my question then would be like what do we do into triple support into triple
support the theoretical answer I could give you this is based off OverWatch Theory would be playing a composition
that is very very lethal does a high amount of burst damage so something like dive and the reason why is because if
you play Slowly in the triple support you're feeding their ult charge and you're shooting their tanks with high HP
and as far as I know in this game there's no penalty to your ult charge if you heal a tank or damage a tank for
that matter in an OverWatch there is a penalty right so if you heal a tank and OverWatch you get less ult charge than
if you heal a DPS because tanks have a high HP in this game I don't think they've implemented that as far as I
know or at least no one's told me that so that means that like comps that are support charge far based right those are
really really strong in Rivals because there's no penalty for healing tanks and just basically heal Bing the entire time
and just farming the [ __ ] out of your ultimate okay so with that in mind you would want to play the opposite of slow
which is very very fast but you wouldn't want to necessarily play fast on the tanks unless you have a comp that
literally runs them over like a ram May Reaper Moira comp okay what you would want to do is play a composition that
runs the supports over because in theory their ability to pocket each other should be a lot harder and puts a lot
more responsibility on them to be incredibly good players who mechanically individually and like their micro
decisions are crazy crazy good and they play perfectly in order to survive versus them just being able to sit back
and like shoot their tank in the ass I could do that and be top 500 doing that you know if I queed with a full stack
you know what I mean so it doesn't really put any pressure on them if you're pressuring their tank does that
make sense so into triple support if you just shoot their tank that's what they want like they're just going to sit in
the back Perma healbot they're they're basically AFK they can turn on Netflix and still win right but if you dive them
they now have a crazy amount of responsibility to hit every single sleep hit every single heal coordinate where
they're kiing make sure they don't split too hard it's like all of a sudden you're introducing an element of chaos
and I don't think the comp would like it very much and the faster you play the less ult charge both teams are getting
and you obviously want to keep the ult charge low for both teams versus having ult charge high for both teams because
if you're playing a dive comp you don't want to necessarily have black panther ult versus a Luna ult being charged for
both teams you'd rather not have your black panther all and they also don't have their Luna do you see the logic yes
okay so hopefully that answers your question fast comp pressure backline pray for the best yeah just maybe like a
little uh note to that would would uh walking through them or going over around them be better if you're playing
a comp that's diving like hard [ __ ] dive uh your best bet is almost always especially in OverWatch as well to Stage
angles first and then crash and collapse if you only walk towards them what they're going to do is simply walk away
in the opposite direction so if you walk forward they walk backwards if you walk to their right
they're going to walk to the left if you walk to the left they're going to walk to the right imagine there's a circular
table between you and someone else and you're trying to play game a tag if you rotate around the table
they're just going to run to the other side right they're just always going to run opposite where you go but if you
have two people on your team playing tag versus that one person are you going to send two people around the same angle or
you going to split the angle you're going to send one guy to the other side of the table you take the left side they
take the right side and then they have nowhere to go does that make sense yes so it's better to surround most of the
time because you cut their kite path as the specific thing right okay all right any other questions yeah
no problem are you seeing players stick to one role or are they mastering a character and like in each rooll I it's
it's a player-by-player basis it's really really really not um something I can answer great because in a game this
early there aren't really set hero pools that everyone is like fully on board with uh cuz the the game is very very
very new right um as far as the teams that I coach go uh I encourage High flexibility and I prefer players that
have high flexibility all right so um I have like most of the players that I'm coaching are extremely high rank so they
have to fill sometimes when they're playing ranked um especially if they get teammates that are like one tricks and
people that don't play other roles so basically all of my tank players support players and DPS players are used to
having to fill in ranked that's why ranked is such a broken buff in this game right now especially in the early
stages if you're a ranked demon that's that bodess really really really well for scrims um so like both of my DPS
players can play a couple supports if they need to my tank player can play support if they need to in one of the
comps that I had that that I made for them uh my tank player actually played rocket for us so like it it's it's
really good to be flexible but I can't give you an answer on like what should be the flex where the flexibility should
be I got you I was just wondering there's already something being set up but not quite yeah not really uh I just
adjust it based on my players like my previous iteration on my team I had the best psylock in EU so I had a lot of our
Theory based around psylock he's not on the team anymore so we're not going to have a lot of theory forso we're going
to adjust our Theory based on the players we have right um so that kind of stuff is important okay all right any
other questions no okay did you guys want to look at any of the stuff from scrim do
you guys actually want to like B yeah I threw a code in the team chat and I guess we can Team chat where is that
voice Channel chat put it everywhere we'll find it someplace found it all good all right
all right let me share my screen and then we'll get into it I think the first fight they do exactly what you were
saying about like the uh different angles we were looking at that briefly but we didn't get too far in the review
so um I try to take like a complicated game like OverWatch Rivals you know basically OverWatch clone uh they're
they're essentially the same game and what you should always try to do is figure out ways to help yourself out and
make it easier for yourself to play the game and one of the best ways to do that is to take this very complicated game
and try to reduce it to a simplified form as best as you can so I'll draw that up for you guys and kind of show
you what that looks like but let me get this replay up first bur into Chala the domination map yeah
okay so let me get this set up okay let me share my screen
okay so I'll give you a little bit of an example in terms of uh what I'm what I'm kind of talking about also Rivals is
still really poorly optimized so my epic pen lags only for Rivals and nothing else when I first try to write something
it's like super delayed kind of annoying um but let's say that the enemy team is playing a fast
comp okay and it's like super like first tempo okay supposed to be n um let's say that
they're playing something that is like really really DIY hate Rivals okay um then we have a
couple options that we can go for right so we can either play some sort of comp let's say that this is like this I'll
just write down us okay we can either play a composition that is some sort of Jesus Christ man
it'll work guys it'll work don't worry it's a little bit steady okay we can either play a comp that is some sort
of counter or we can play a comp that is some sort of I'll just write down uh mirror okay so if I say mirror in
OverWatch usually that's going to mean we're literally playing the exact same comp as enemy team right when I'm using
mirror here I mean that less as it being an exact physical mirror and more so that the wind condition that you're
playing for for is the same as theirs so let's say for example that you were playing a comp that was um we'll say it
was let me actually do this this might be easier let's say that you're playing a comp that's
Winston okay Genji Tracer uh Kiri Lucio and you're facing a team that is playing Hazard I'm assuming
you guys know OverWatch characters right relative is there anyone that has not played OverWatch yeah I do I don't think
C did but okay I haven't played like a bunch but like I know the Gen you kind of know the
characters a bit right yeah yeah okay um and then let's say that we were playing like Hazard we were playing uh Sombra we
were playing Tracer we were playing um let's say Juno and Lucio okay line so if you if you look at these compositions
right there's a couple characters that are the same but there's Al there's also a lot of characters that are not the
same right so the Tracer and the Lucio are the same but we have Juno instead of C we have Sommer instead of Genji we
have Hazard instead of Winston but these characters are somewhat similar in the style that they play for does this make
sense so even though it's not an exact mirror the wind condition is play really really fast and dive
backline both teams want to do this does this make sense MH so this is something that applies to Rivals as well is let's
say for example that the enemy team is playing uh like a storm comp and they have a moonight okay then what we can do
is we can say okay if you're going to play actually make it a little bit easier let's say that they're playing uh
Hela and moonight okay so something that we can do is we can say okay do we want to counter this in some sort of way
right what do you think counters hel moonight and I guess the best question I can ask at first actually is how does
Hela and moonnight play are they slow or they fast slow okay very very very slow anything else what what what are they
good at what are what what defin okay angles play from range yeah we could say ranged poke right so what
would be something that's kind of like opposite that you know if we just think about these words and we think what are
the antonyms to these words like what's what's something separate from this a MAG yeah let's go like magic and
DP or some [ __ ] okay this is fast right this is angles but it's staging not staying right Hela hel might go to an
angle and stay there because it's a powerful position and she stays there and pokes you over time gets value right
magic BP set up on angles to Simply use them as springboards to like jump you okay so it's a little bit different they
stage she stays okay and they don't have ranged poke they have like close range melee type damage okay so these are very
opposing comps and I would personally rather be the magic BP team probably into this depending on the rest of the
characters than to be the hell Moon Knight team because if you're going to play really slow on Pokey in theory you
should be weak to dive in some sort of way okay um so if you were the Hella moonight team then you'd have to say
something like okay [ __ ] well maybe if the magic PP keep killing us then maybe what I'm going to do is I can either
stay with the comp that I have right and try to counter them in some sort of way or we can mirror so maybe the hell Moon
Knight team says okay we're going to swap to um psylock magic and swap to Venom maybe maybe the magic BP team has
two dive DPS but they actually are running like group Magneto and then red team says okay well we're going to run
Magneto Venom now we have an extra dive tank over you we're going to do what you're doing but just do it better than
you right that would be something of like a mirror where you're you're taking the mirror you're taking the dive mirror
but something else they could do is say okay well my Hela keeps dying right I'm going to save my mag bubble for Hela
every single time for the magic engage we're going to scout the magic and BP every single neutral and my moon
Knight's going to swap to neyar and we're going to play Luna Neymar so now I have turrets that are set up to help
mark this magic help mark this BP and kill these guys easier or I'm going to swap my Hela to a Bucky and now when you
try to engage on me as magic I'm going to pull you with my hook and you're going to die does this make sense yes so
this is the way that we need to be thinking about matchups okay guys um let's check out the ban phas for this
let's see how we're doing we ban Luna immediately why do we do this is it because you guys want to play Dive so
you want to get rid of neyar uh no idea I think we messed up okay well I think the team wouldn't shut
up when I was asking what we were Banning and then I panicked and banned something
okay are wanting to play Dive this is probably the best ban that you can start with we tend to ban her quite a bit if
we're not using her ourselves what's the point because we did go dive yeah so if you ban Luna it
basically pseudo bans neyar as well right um if you want to play Luna with your dive comp which sometimes Luna's
actually really good with dive then you can actually leave Luna open and start with a neyar ban instead which might
seem a little bit weird but it makes logical sense you want to leave Luna open but you don't want to face Neymar
so just ban the [ __ ] out of Neymar make sure they can't save it now what might end up happening and this is something
that maybe you guys could think about for your for your future scrims is they might end up saving a character like
Loki because Loki's very good against I because of his Emos and stuff it's very very hard to kill so keep that kind of
stuff in mind okay um they end up Banning storm which is you know I guess that's fair you guys save Cloak and
Dagger why what's the point I have no idea I don't know either be honest I don't think you
need to save clo and Dagger and I think if they use a ban on clo and Dagger that's just really bad on their
part they save Adam okay so theoretically you would think maybe they're playing Adam maybe they're
playing some sort of like old school Star-Lord mantis comp that's possible um maybe they're playing Adam because
they're worried about dive in some sort of way you have no idea okay but okay then they end up Banning Neymar for you
so so these guys are hard [ __ ] trolling we agree this is the most free dive thing ever just kill them
okay so I think we can maybe consider even off of the band phases being able to like have flexible macro and being
able to adjust and adapt to different situations so if I'm sitting here and I'm coaching you guys I'd be like okay
they end up saving Adam if they're saving Adam it could honestly just be a a bait it could be a bait to make us ban
Manchester band starlord or something that's what people did in the past in like early High ELO um that's not really
a thing anymore cuz Adam's not really played too much anymore but if they're going to save Adam I would say that we
don't really care about that let them play [ __ ] Adam and let's just assume that if they're going to be on Adam
we're going to soft dive him to force out link then we're going to AFK and then we're going to go back in once the
link is gone because it's like a 30 second cool down does that make sense so just off of the band phase we can
already start brainstorming like how we actually want to play the match up because we're going to use the
information from the band phase to for example did you guys hear what I just said like they're probably saving Adam
to maybe try to bait a mantis span this mantis ban doesn't really do anything for us we would rather ban Loki because
we're trying to play Dives I like that so make sure that your Bans are influenced by the comp that you actually
want to play does that make sense okay thank you mantis is not the the worry for us and what do they end up playing
they end up playing Loki atam would you look at that now we'll see if they actually stay that because maybe they
don't but it'd be nice if they could prove my point they do stay it
nice okay so so let's take a look at this that is not the right button it's janky ass game dude okay how
do we play this all right so what the hell are we playing guys anybody know cuz I don't [ __ ]
know uh we have Groot who's one of the slowest characters in the game with Venom which does not have that much
Synergy but it's playable just not that much Synergy we have venom and Spidey who probably want to play really really
fast but then we have group moonnight which is like a completely different archetype of comp you guys get what I'm
saying yeah it would be like if we had like Hanzo Widow and then we were playing like Winston Ki yeah I think we
got silly there and tried to do two different things so Venom and hybridization of two completely
different comps you know now let's try to let's try to make something out of nothing okay let's try to say okay
obviously we know that maybe next time we're going to play a different but let's try to learn from the material
that we have at our disposal okay so how do you guys think you should leverage the strengths of your comp to try and
create win conditions if I asked you in theory how would you play this optimally what would you say to me just anything
no no wrong answers just try to just try to brainstorm the slower characters play together and the divers play with
themselves or it's like two cool right yeah we can have separate units okay I'm fine with that but what should those
units be doing let's get more specific I think the dive unit should be doing a bunch of like S soft Dives so
then the slow unit can poke a lot more easier okay why not hard Dives though I feel like if we overc commit
and then like we lose one then they can just collapse on our slow unit pretty easily a good way that we can say that
is we shouldn't necessarily be hard diving because only half of our composition even wants to be diving
anyways if we were playing Venom Hulk God forbid and we played Spidey magic like like you know Luna mantis with you
know some something crazy fast and aggressive all six characters are designed to go in aggressively and dive
do we agree yes but if we're playing something that is like Groot and moonnight those characters aren't
necessarily going to be as good of helping you when you're diving so what we can do instead is instead of diving
aggressively on a hard dive we can justify that we're trying to soft dive mainly to clear space mainly what what
if instead of using our dive characters to actually dive and kill people we're just using them to control like specific
spaces and specific High grounds that are valuable and marking their threats cuz maybe they're playing a hella maybe
they're playing a storm maybe they're playing a Hawkeye or something and we just need them to be marked you know
what I mean so it could be something like that what about the other characters in the team what should they
be doing oh they fight on point ideally fighting on point okay why because
groots brawl they don't want to be in my face Groot is a strong sturdy character
basically like a Reinhardt you could think of it right so Force the damn objective okay or send your Gro which is
a character that obviously cannot fly send him to walk to a high ground to take ownership of it clear that high
ground and then you can drop to point on top of the enemy team who's dropped to point first right because if you go to
point right now Thumper what's going to happen to you what they should do is say why is th standing there I'm just going
byass me yeah yeah I'm just going to stay on High Ground like you want to be underneath me that's fine okay I'll just
shoot everybody else behind you and you're sitting here like guys I want to fight I want to play the game too right
so they end up rolling out to High Ground pretty quickly we already using our moonight uh like team up I feel like
we should probably be saving this until we actually need it okay this Spidey angle is quite good I think this is fine
um and then let's see how we how we end up playing this so we get some decent poke here I think that's
okay uh so now if we're looking at this we have a couple options right notice how
their team is also kind of split into two groups do we agree mhm they got some people that are pushing up here but then
they they have some people that are still stuck back here okay both of their supports specifically so what we can do
right now is we can say hey they dropped off The High Ground so let's hit here on this timing which I think could be a
decent idea the other option is is hey they dropped and their supports are split can we just crash on these guys
and try to go for a trade what do you guys think is the right answer top why top uh he creat space for us to be able
to gather ourselves and uh maybe get picks and heal up yeah the most important reason why is because remember
what we talked about not necessarily getting kills but marking something that's valuable mhm let's say there was
a Widowmaker up here and we just Dove here what's going to happen uh did what maker is going to
have a field day yeah she's just going to hit a head shot somewhere or Hawkeye's going to hit a head shot or
hell is going to hit a head shot okay but damage is not the only thing that's valuable to them what do these
characters provide especially this guy uh healing healing healing if we cut this guy off what is their Adam doing
from this range nothing absolutely nothing so if this guy's preoccupied
with emo himself and carrying each other and linking each other and doing all this stuff just because of Venom and
Spidey is on them even though that's two of our characters for two of their characters is that a positive trade for
us or a negative trade for us definitely positive they have no for sure positive because we're trading damage for the
entirety of their heals the best way to kill these guys is actually to just stop their healing not actually damage them
these guys will bleed out just over time because they have no heals does that make sense yes
okay we got yeah did we know they had a black panther there it doesn't look like I saw
him I called them out but I don't think anyone heard it okay and like they they're coming from a starlord on the
other side too like there's a good pitch Fork attack that you talk about before yeah with the OverWatch
team yeah so as the composition that doesn't have a lot of Mobility right like half
our comp does the other half of it doesn't really I think you guys are probably more inclined to go to a high
ground like this and try to clear them or something you know um and try to like pressure their choke or something like
that um but I think we kind of just like stay on our side of the map and then they end up doing a really good pinch
that we weren't expecting and it just looks a little bit awkward okay that's fine do we swap anything or do we play
this the whole time we swap into the second point I think okay yeah I think the first point was just kind of cooked
but the second Point second and third point was better okay this is really bad so let's
think about our composition versus theirs okay does their comp dive us or do they poke us or something uh dive
they kind of dive us too right yeah so they're also playing a kind of weird comp but to be fair both of their tanks
can actually get the [ __ ] in pretty well yes so they are playing a pretty DIY composition okay against the dive comp
what are they going to have to do before you touch the objective they're going for the back
line they're going to dive you they're going to hit you on rotate yeah so when we come out of Spawn here technically
based off of this game what is our goal there's one position High ground touch the point tou the point okay if we don't
do that one singular goal we lose the game right if we just stick around over here
for like 60 seconds do we not just lose for free we have to eventually touch the point so if we understand that what they
want to do is hit us during our rotate which is when we're vulnerable which is why we're dying here right what if we
just walk to a different area that has so much more cover and is so much safer and we can just take point this way
right why not take the shorter what feels like a shorter route because you actually have so much
cover right right I mean hell you could walk here if you wanted to and do you suggest us break wall when we do push
that way it's already BR absolutely absolutely The Wider the choke is the better it's going to be for you you
don't want to give them a little narrow choke and you don't have to send everybody over here either if you have a
different composition you could send like some people here and you can have some people linger over here and like
maybe like swing this side or you could like send a few people over here like you're doing right now specifically to
attract their attention and then you send like your Hela over here and then it's just like it's free you know what I
mean so you could do a lot of different things and combinations of different ways to retake but typically the common
ways to retake and OverWatch is going to be creating an off angle Advantage creating a cool down advantage or
forcing the objective you could add a fourth one which is like ripping an ultimate but
right now I'm focusing on like neutral ways to retake so we could create an off angle we could send four people here and
send a support plus one over here boom now we have an off angle that's a way to create an advantage we could send six
people over here but track their cool downs and say hey uh let's say that they're playing Groot or something hey
Groot just wasted all three walls can we walk uh no no emmo no emmo no link no link
can we go can we go right so we're scouting the cool downs and the cool Downs is what's giving us an advantage
where if we push them on a certain timing we actually have a really good chance of winning and this team has a
couple of the biggest resources that are really really really good but temporarily strong link is so broken but
when it's on cool down he's not really a character immortality is so broken but when it's on cooldown he's not really a
character okay so we can push at the right timing and that could give us an advantage or we could touch the
objective with our quote unquote Tracer in this case it would be like let's say we had a cyoc or something siloc went
invis dashed over here touched Point all of a sudden who goes the point yeah it's kind of awkward for them right yeah and
even if our silot gets marked by a lot of people it's fine because their formation will break right I guarantee
you even their front line will be back to Here by that point guarantee their entire team will turn okay it's just a
natural human thing that's done when is forced everyone panics C9 C9 C9 touch touch you know like they're all going to
turn around okay right also notice that again our comp doesn't necessarily have like a full
brawl comp but we also don't have a full dive comp so it's a little bit awkward for us
to just walk into them here even though we have a Groot who probably likes this kind of fight our venom has to feel like
he's doing absolutely nothing our Spidey probably feels like he's doing absolutely nothing because we're trying
to out brawl like Thor cap team up with full Loki pocket and Adam with soul link who's actually going to brawl you really
[ __ ] hard because both immortality and soul link can actually be used aggressively to push you feels kind of
hard right yes now if we had this swap to like Magneto and then we had our Spidey swap to I mean dude [ __ ] it
Squirrel Girl if you want to like neyar with Luna or just like anything B but I'm just I'm just giving examples right
so you could swap to anything here that is like more Broly and into that is your wi
condition we lose some people blah blah blah we get staggered who cares let's see how we rotate now okay we do end up
swapping what the [ __ ] is this guy doing what a lovely play okay uh you guys end up swapping to
um Star-Lord Bucky and a MAG and the mag yeah it's true
okay V one Thor all right we're whiffing a little bit cryptic that's okay though it's okay
I get it I get it trust me all right so can anybody tell me we talked
about taking off angles we talked about touching the objective we talked about looking for for a cool down Advantage
what's the correct answer against this team comp that they're playing right now there is a correct
answer like what composition is is no I'm saying so like what what should we play around as our like our our fight
plan as as our like what fire plan should we have with this C yes exactly against their composition what is the
correct answer is it play for a cool down Advantage is it play for an off angle is it touch the objective
enforcement drop cool Downs then push okay What cool Downs though Soul link is the number one Soul link if
they have soul link you need to play like the biggest coward I'll use a nice word
words as as you can okay you need to play like a [ __ ] coward I'm gonna curse anyways but if they don't have
soul link you need to play with the most gigantic dick energy that you've ever had in your entire life okay push their
team and just walk them like a dog does that make sense because they don't have link rip it just go pretend you're on
Ram with a just run in okay it's very simple if they have link active back up they do not have link for which they
won't for a very long time then just literally Barrel stuff them and just run in
okay oh my God guys please help my boy cryptic here holy oh cryptic cryptic cryptic clutch oh oh oh my God okay guys
when you are up and the fight is won the number one thing you cannot do is allow trades we're so greedy to go get these
kills that we're leaving our Bucky behind the other justification you could have is that our Bucky is too slow and
he should be here right now doesn't really matter to me honestly we get to that position exactly that's
that's what I'm saying like so we're right here right cryptic still fighting a
couple people he thinks that we're with them and we're not does this make sense yeah so this could be a comm's issue it
could be cryptic like like walk forward walk forward like you know maybe somebody calls out starlord behind black
black panther behind and somebody says I know I know just walk walk walk walk walk walk past walk past right it could
be a comm's issue it could be an awareness issue maybe we weren't aware of cryptic or cryptic wasn't aware of us
I think it's the both all it could be a combination to both right so to me it doesn't really matter what we do here it
doesn't matter to me if we stay here as a six and get these two kills and let them rest doesn't matter doesn't matter
to me if we push forward here and we leave the these two behind that's what I would probably be probably prefer but it
would require good comms to actually execute that play okay so this kind of a comms issue okay um I don't think there
was Golden Rule is do not allow trades when you are up in numbers which right now we are up in numbers even if they go
for this for this res which I know like you usually want to walk on reses and try to pressure them right even if they
res here they're still going to be hard stacked low HP walking into our space you don't have to like hard Greed for
this because even if they resawn they're still at a disadvantage when they walk in okay right and they probably don't
have their link either appreciate that yeah really good stack and stable no trades at
all no trades no trades no trades no trades great okay this is good he's just staggering
himself he love to see it this guy Celestial yeah their whole team was yep
no some of them were Master there's like one plat or something there was a plat and a master three but he was
Celestial I think Celestial 2 I should be [ __ ] top 500 by now then okay
yeah uh interesting whoa okay so let's look at the comp that
we're playing now we have Magneto we have Thor what does that mean in comparison to like when we were playing
Venom uh slow yeah we got we're a little bit slower and we have more like sturdiness now right like groot's really
sturdy but Venom not that sturdy so we actually have the ability to brawl pretty hard now what did we say was the
correct solution to retaking against this team what is the one thing we need to watch out
for uh cool Downs yeah which one link okay so if we need to care Soul link on our retake guess what we need to Care on
our hold to link the exact same [ __ ] thing okay why are we giving them the
entire map so we should be pressuring down why would we not force the link in their spawn give space and kite now they
don't have it and they don't have Point control I'm pretty sure we were just hella
flustered well I mean at least we're learning but we're literally AFK standing low ground six stacked on point
taking no space taking no angles holding nothing letting them come and touch point for free look at their HP in the
top right mhm they've taken zero damage guys so what they're going to do is they're going to say oh all of this is
uncontested okay thank you let me just take all this space for free take all this space for free take all the space
for free oh now we're going to fight now I'm linking on you and if you kite me which you're supposed to do what do you
now give up something that actually matters the objective right does this make sense
versus if you guys hold here and you spam spam spam and they're like guys guys guys we're really struggling to
retake okay I'm going to link us in ready 3 two one link and then they push you out you're already prepared for that
because you're smart players you're like okay thank you for linking I'll catch you later now you reset here now they
have no link now they're chunked what do they do now they get pushed it's our turn to play now right make sense yeah
okay good ultimate let's see [Music]
Thumper is this an easy ult for you to hit I haven't played much Magneto but I should be hitting somebody I did it to
cancel the uh I was trying to you should be hitting somebody from here are you sure against this
team well maybe not from that from that distance those are both the cool Downs too yeah I popped it to like cancel out
the the Star-Lord alt like that was the main well of course of course right but that doesn't mean that we can't optimize
the rest of the ultimate too this was a this was a great ultimate using it to counter star that's that's really really
really good but when you go for for an ult like this right now did you force their cool Downs sure but I actually
think you can use this to get a kill because the cool Downs that they're using to counter what you're doing right
they're still getting value from those cool Downs right like you're forcing them yes but isn't it better to like get
a kill and let them have their cool downs and they're just down a player I'd rather have that you know so what you
should be doing here is understanding hey those guys are really [ __ ] far away they still have link they still
have Emo I'm probably not going to get a Kill from this distance and the farther away I am as a MAG
the the less chance just mathematically speaking objectively speaking I have of actually Landing a direct that's going
to kill so why not hover like this look the Star-Lord keep your ears open for audio hover like this look at them make
them scared to use their cooldowns to make them emo themselves you flick to here and you shoot the [ __ ] out of these
guys look at them y a free kill man and can these guys do anything to stop that kill no no no because you're or in them
Humper you're saying look at me I am scary and they're like oh [ __ ] a Magneto kite kite kite emmo emmo Link Link Link
and then you go not [ __ ] you baited and then you hit these guys and you just instant kill okay does that make sense
it's so free dude it's so [ __ ] free they even if they have Linkin in imemo they're not going to Win 4 V6 I'd rather
have that situation okay do you see what happens we actually end up losing our support okay this guy almost lives but
thankfully we get the kill okay they still have Ground Control they drop
down they spin and then we end up losing okay did we die with ultimates absolutely we did okay pitch did we have
our ult before we died yes okay
unfortunate I think that would be a good time to ult just because if we we need to win
this fight right if it's an overinvestment I would rather overinvestment
leave it up to chance and the downside is that if we lose this fight we lose the map based on their my thought was I
could save it for the next like next round we actually oh oh okay no I think I think this fight's really winnable no
yeah no it's super winnable like I don't think in our heads I don't think we thought that but it's actually like
surprisingly we were kind of just like yeah we just game one we our out out for sure okay okay yeah I think
you guys are just getting in your own head but you know you guys are a new team it's it's going to take a little
bit for composure to sudden okay especially for a new game but can anybody tell me why this is so [ __ ]
winnable there's like one good answer that you can give here they overextend them
like isolated and we don't do anything to capitalize on it distance here bro like the [ __ ] Red Sea is in
between their backline and their front line look how far these guys are and look at Thumper Aura they're so
scared these guys are so free to kill yeah so free okay so these are free kills we need to be able to recognize
when the fight is still winable and we need to recognize as well when we're still in danger from this ultimate
Magneto ult is not just hard counter starlord right it counters a portion of it but he's still going to have it
active and he has a really dominant position right now and you'll notice that he comes down does a little spinny
and we're just [ __ ] okay so keep this kind of stuff in mind okay guys yes we appreciate that go next
map hey did we adjust our composition at all no did they adjust the composition at all
no great okay well we thought we figured something out so we're like we can okay I mean h that's that's fair it was
better than the first fight that we did should we I want to know what should we be running though we did end up
adjusting it though and this if you ask me what you should be running there's literally infinite answers in this game
right like there's so many answers is what we're running now good though I would say
no what's the issue on our team though like that's what I want to know it's a very weird combination of characters
that just don't usually play together right so is that Star-Lord as being one of them no because because like
star-lords Star-Lord is good by himself but he's good when you synergize with him right Magneto is really good in like
most comps he's not really ever the issue most times right Thor it's it's it's it's all the
characters it's not like you can pick out one necessarily cuz a lot of these characters are pretty decent but they're
optimized when they're paired with people that make sense yeah so like what should we have G for so I would say here
for example if you're playing Sue Sue likes to play stacked with some sort of like chunky Broly team right I feel like
Sue and Star-Lord have good Synergy because of the shield but I feel like with your comp you don't have a lot of
reach anyways like you're playing Bucky so Bucky's going to be hard stacked clo and
Dagger really likes healing a bunch of people in a group like AOE type stuff so clo and Dagger also likes your team to
be stacked right Magneto and Thor like to be stacked and then stord kind of there so something you can do is you can
maybe play like I mean you could swap your uh your Thor to a Venom and you could swap cryptic to some sort of
aggressive dive DPS and now you have kind of a dive comp and then the starlord makes somewhat like a more
sense yeah I mean I also think Sue could be could be okay I don't think Sue is that bad in dive you have to play her in
a more of a different way almost like a Sombra okay so it's a little bit different but let's say for example that
you wanted to play more stacked then maybe something you can do instead is you could go like um you could play
[ __ ] solo mag and you could have like Bucky and Punisher and swap somebody to Rocket now you have triple support
rocket with like Bucky Punisher do you get what I'm saying it's like I'm not saying that that comp is the best of
what you should be playing but I'm saying that the calculations that I'm doing is it's being supported by some
sort of logical conclusion like rocket synergizes with Bucky Punisher so we're stacked and we have a lot of like range
pressure and we're playing for our Z value and like Magneto has shield and bubble for punishers timing with
infinite ammo and it's like all of these things are kind of jelling together where maybe the comp isn't even that
optimal but the comp at least makes sense okay it's like playing Winston Tracer Genji Kiri L all of those
characters are fast they do the same thing really really well they all synergize so that's kind of what you
want their comp while very [ __ ] ugly sort of has some sort of wi condition their comp actually plays quite fast but
what we've noticed is their backline plays really slow at least These Guys these players play slow cuz the L play
fast but I don't noticing that yeah so what we should be doing is probably playing a composition that can absorb
their dive and while they dive you could even try a hybrid comp where once you notice separation like once you notice
that like hey I don't really see their Panther right now I don't really see their cap right now where's the rest of
their team they must be set up on an angle behind me they're always going to dive us first because these guys are ego
us they're Celestial they're a higher rank they play at a faster Tempo they're going to Ego us and go first Tempo every
single fight right they're probably going to be the ones diving us not us diving them you guys agree so what if we
played Venom here and when they're setting up for their dive we dive their backline at the same time but it's not
actually a dive it's a Venom solo diving right Venom takes the aggression and the aggro from both of their their their
supports and distracts them so they're not healing then the entire rest of our team is able to 5v4 and we just absorb
with Bucky and absorb with neyar Luna if it was an option here we absorb with Loki
ourselves you get what I'm saying right yes like come dive us I will Mark your backline because your back Line's
immobile and your back Line's kind of [ __ ] from what I've seen so I'm just going to Mark you with a Venom I'm going
to give him bubble on his engage so he can save his shield and have more uptime marking you and you're going to be
completely marked out is Venom going to ever kill the adom and the Loki no probably not never ever ever in a
million years is he going to kill their back line but what he will do is make them look at him right and that's all
you need because all of these guys will die attention is a resource yes exactly
watch what they do here they're already on top of you guys you see this they're already diving us imagine if we had like
a Venom that was just boom like right here and all of us turned right now and just walked this way back towards our
spawn you know what I'm saying yeah did we use our Fade Out of Spawn I hope not
need to swap a little bit faster I think and like get ready to fade okay also audio is very important like
listening for for enemy team this doesn't go for pitch this goes for literally everyone we should be helping
our support here I think do you guys see what happened here we actually got a trade now could we say
that this is like a good start to the fight definitely not right like we're not winning this fight currently but why
did we get this trade can anybody figure it out cuz we turned around we turned around on the same Target and most
importantly separation where's their backline over there who are they looking
at imagine this a Venom some lonely starlord do you guys get what I'm saying though look how [ __ ] these players are
three people on their team one two three people are looking at one Star-Lord instead of playing over here and healing
but also these guys are so aggressive they're so like overly aggressive that they constantly keep to dive you
out of range of their immobile characters how is Adam supposed to help you from
here right so guess what happens to their tank even though they start off by getting the
kill he dies because he's fighting in a room alone and isolated right okay this is how it should look this is how we can
punish them because these players are honestly not very good if they were good I would probably
know them like look at us we're we're literally down to support right we're literally
down to support and we're still pretty [ __ ] stable because of Separation they're so far from us that we can kind
of just chill in this room and please just do not let your Sue die or else you are cooked your Sue is probably going to
die never mind this guy's diving our front line instead of diving our Sue I think that makes a lot of sense yikes
yeah I think it's just ego look at this do you guys see what I'm talking about right yeah purely
because they're mispositioned we actually are like winning this fight low key we're we're genuinely winning the
fight they're fighting in our space where we're super super super stable and we're just chilling like we're
completely fine all right let's use one ultimate here
good no fight planning why are we stacking support alss this is like a cardinal sin in this game right okay if
they engage on us I'm using my old two second conversation right okay if they on us
I'll pop cage I'll pop Su okay okay I'll I'll after if needed right uh hey I'm I'm Thumper I'm going to save my magal
for their starlo next time he has okay cool great right right I'm I'm using this against this right uh you know I'm
I'm going to go with my Bucky can we can we like look to to to crash here like can can we get this person low HP follow
up on my ultimate get ready to follow up and then also they're playing Loki so you can reset off of his clones with
your ultimate so it's like super [ __ ] free to like just kill a clone with it just to like start cycling your your
damage um which is very very very helpful so like Bucky ult should be a really big win condition for us here
because they're playing lowy okay do you see how we kind of panic though and then we end up like double stacking I want to
say pitch called that she was going to use it but it looks like inis was yeah I calmed it going to die there so she well
do you guys know why that was the case we're split look how far we are from each
other if the call is that we're going to be playing around are uh clol clol is an AOE ultimate it only affects a certain
area of course right and at the beginning of the ultimate it's a very thin area and then it starts to widen
and widen and widen as you spread out for more space okay if we already know that we're going to play around our clal
why would we not stack in a formation that justifies that decision right mhm why would we not all be stacking on
pitch and walking as a team onto point which is the most important space in the game let them come on to us and then we
just and we're good mhm you know what I mean so this is just it's a bit more advanced Theory but Thumper said he's
recording this so I'm going to say a lot of information you're absorb all of it but you can always go back and watch
later okay I'm going to guess that this fight does not go well for us but we shall see
okay it does look like it goes well for us but at what cost another Al Another ultimate both are support ultimates gone
Thor ultimate gone used earlier to kill the Adam who just resed okay and then we uh we use star as well which is a very
strong ultimate okay for some reason they use thoral inside of our double supportal no clue
why if I was them I would actually just die on purpose I would just die they're only celestrial so that is
true very fair point threw a screenshot of like the the lobby in the chat as well
so like we were calling for a diamond one low GM scrim they didn't tell us what the ranks were until we showed up
they we saw that like whoa I don't know what that symbol looks like and that's also that's also somebody's alt account
as well yeah so yeah these guys are these guys are cooked for sure
H I don't know if I agree with that uh Bucky ult selection on the guy who has eye frames
and is very hard to hit and can fly it's probably not the best idea so if you want to go for bucko you can use it on a
tank if they're really far in your space and you can aim it so it doesn't get blocked and that way your team can
follow up on it easier because even though tanks are tanky um if they're they're the ones that are usually closer
to your team so following up to help confirm your kill and keep you resetting is a lot easier what you should be doing
though is trying to combo with somebody on backline where look who's already over here that's kind of nice Lok lok's
con are free for the all too exactly that's what I'm saying so we should be Ting towards the Loki as often as
humanly possible and just constantly using him to farm resets okay it also makes you feel cool CU you feel like
you're doing something recess I'm saying this because I'm a Bucky player okay I started play
at me so fun again yep yep yep what' you do I killed three clones yay yep exactly and the entire Lobby just feels your
aura from killing clones all right Thumper I don't know about that one Thumper let's see so Thumper what
ultimate are they 2% away from mhm the uh starlord what are we using our ult for
here save ourselves or something uh seems like it to try to win the fight I felt like do we have
supports no so are we going to win this fight anyways if I kill the supports
with one ball probably not happen probably not going to happen I I wish I really wish
it did but unfortunately I think we're probably taking an L here so now when we retake we are going to get [ __ ] Ed
mhm it's not going to feel very good they might just 32 one link you right now
oh if only if only Thumper these guys are so [ __ ] horrible Jesus Christ
they burned two ultimates in Your Spawn when your team isn't even respawned yet when they could have wasted so much time
off the clock and then used one ultimate wasted so much time off the clock then use black panther all they would have
won the game for free but what can you say they're only celestial y our Tracer touch
point I I folded I folded I folded but I mean you actually having a staring contest like you you got us how
to spot how did you get here like he he touched to fall back never died and another team is split like Tracer at
your best Jesus Christ that is [ __ ] horrifying yeah I fol
him hey on Space Station we would call that a cancer stagger okay that's what we'd call that uh yeah
that that's that's not a very good play I think you should just die yeah but like faster cuz you you did die but die
faster faster like jump off the [ __ ] map if you need to what a lovely ultimate that
was my bad oh is this cap going to die hello
okay okay we're up one what's the Golden Rule when we're up in numbers beat them the [ __ ] up no trades no correct no
trades no trades do not get traded do not get traded we are in the middle of five please do not
die please do not die Born Again care what a lovely res right in the middle of the most open
space I've ever seen yeah that's a big res it's a Celestial res it's a St no trades no trades please care pitch
please care pitch where's my where's my where's my Sue Sue dies right
after we're up in numbers and we're taking one V ones instead of playing with our Superior
numbers this is giving me shades of Tracer gameplay guys when the tracers just end up like in the back of the map
Just One V oneing each other the whole game this is I this is something I'm very accustomed to seeing I wanted to di
him a little bit okay I I can tell I can really tell yeah um so we need to stack and we need to stable
okay we're going to teach you guys the the three the three s's okay this is the the three suji s's right I've said this
to so many teams um I haven't had to set it say to a pro team but I have had to say this to multiple contenders teams in
OverWatch okay so you stack you stable and you slow this is your default when you are up in numbers okay why do you
stack you push slow you push slow exactly yeah but why why do you stack at first uh to play with your support so
you don't get picked out for safy it's just for safety is a good way of saying it right because if you think about it
in a fight that's chaotic as a coach I can't specifically know and predict every single exact position where you're
going to be conceptually speaking though I understand that if you guys like sag back towards each other right like fall
in towards each other you will be safer in almost any scenario do we agree than like being split 100% y so as a enal
good default rule of thumb if you guys are playing in a fight it's usually going to be Scrappy it's going to be
chaotic some people are going to be like really really far some people are going to be extended in like different areas
some people are going to be split onto angles if we get that first pick find your team and A lot of times just find
the objective and go to point so everybody falls into place we restack together we get in our formation then we
ask ourselves are we stable what does being stable mean we're all healthy we're all healthy we all have high HP
is our HP high if the answer is no focus on that before getting a kill you are not allowed to kill people if you're not
stable once you are stable you slow and slow is just simply a shorter way of saying slow push yeah as a team you stay
relatively stacked and you slowly safely and calmly clean up those kills get those really nice staggers and nobody
gets trade it what did we do here we did none of those things
absolutely correct okay we're split we're everywhere we're not carrying our backline at
all we do end up nice ultimate here though now we're no trades oh my God even this is scary as a Star-Lord you're
still one HP and you say I'm going right here into this cap this guy could kill you he genuinely
could kill you I'm better luckily we don't die though okay but we are down both supports so we need
to be or no I thought for some reason I thought that I thought that pitch died was down yeah yeah okay we lost our
Sue so we still have to be careful right but we do have one support at least alive
okay diamonds beating celestials I never thought I'd see today I'm hoping we get an aggressive
fight plan here e um okay what what do we think about cryptic's Target selection here it was
wonderful actually it's actually fantastic it's actually fantastic unfortunately uh how is our fight
planning guys not too well not too great what are we doing for the second time in a row AFK standing on point for our
defensive holds why are we not here why are we not hiding 3 2 1 go hit six people [ __ ] run them over
why are we not like invis alting on their head let them cap Point who cares kill
them imagine if we were here imagine if we were towards their spawn okay pretend that these guys didn't split cuz like
why the [ __ ] is their backline split but just imagine if we were like right here and let's say that there's four people
over here who gives a [ __ ] inv voman ult first tempo right here what does this guy do nothing walk out of your ult and
get slowed yeah they're [ __ ] man like there's nothing they can do to stop it
look at their ultimates they have nothing why because they use a lot of celestial
have I like I like the idea of using invis for attack yeah yeah of course because it it can be used aggressively
because it's it's like you can't leave the cage or else you get slowed and then you're just turbo [ __ ] you know so get
in there cryptic's like dude I'm about to go ham it's my hero moment and this guy's like 1
V6 look look at this guy I mean that that's that's just sad that's just [ __ ] sad do you see
this yeah I mean that is a [ __ ] murder okay that is a massacre that's not
okay now we're spinning we still okay now we use an ultimate do we target Focus though
Panther's dead where's that where's the kill on Adam kill Adam thank you we didn't Target Focus next kill next kill
next kill everyone on the same Target please please please we got someone over here we got a few people over here one
target one target one target stand in the AL stand in the AL stand in the AL stand in the AL stand in the AL why are
we hiding stand in the AL okay good Target Focus I I was two people really really low this this is fine this is
fine to shoot different targets here because they're both literally one HP Tracer diff Tracer diff
great okay great and we actually won we won against the unbeatable celestials incredible yeah now if you can beat that
team with no coaching imagine how badly you can spank them if you play really rematch now right yeah yeah like it'd be
[ __ ] free okay so when it comes to the comps comps are very important in this game obviously okay we can all
agree comps are always important in in games like this however I think the macro theory is still the same
regardless of what comp you're playing it just adjusts based on your characters but it's the same Theory like if you're
playing like a Winston Tracer Genji comp and you're playing Venom magic BP it's the same [ __ ] you guys get what I'm
saying like the the parallels between characters Still Remains the Same so um no matter what composition you guys end
up on there's going to be something that we can learn from it and there's something that you could be doing better
you know even if you're playing like a really weird uh arrangement of characters right there's there's still
stuff to to do better okay um does anybody have any questions for me no I mean I know I know you say you
can't like tell us what comps to play but is there like a relatively like decent comp that would not be a bad
thing to practice anything that includes a wolverine or a storm if we got you like our hero pool could you give us
like a comp that you want us to work on uh I mean I could I definitely could but the thing is is that it's hard to
give defaults in this game as opposed to OverWatch because bands are in place yeah the bands you know what I mean like
your hero pool and the comp that you play will literally have to change every single game like it's tough you can try
to default towards certain Styles that's why I prefer to think about Styles over comps like if you want to be a dive comp
and like a dive team maybe you're like really really really good with Venom but you teach yourselves how to play Dive
with like a Hulk or something or you you start like perab Banning uh like lokis and Lunas all the time or you start like
having your BP player who gets banned gets like Target banned in a scrim or something you have them learn psylock
just in case they get banned you get what I'm saying so you can like prepare your hero pools and your ideas in order
to stick to a style not necessarily a comp so it's like if this stuff gets banned can we still play this style of
comp right for example something that I came up with for my European team um is I gave them a Punisher rocket comp to
play and when that Punisher got Target banned I had them swap to Iron Man because if you think about Punisher and
Iron Man with like gamma team up versus Z they play the exact same way like Punisher swings on a 321 with
rocket Z and Iron Man swings on a 321 with gamma team up they do high amounts of damage and they're very squishy but
they're extremely dangerous in that form so they're temporar strong on a 321 push does that make sense right and those
comps are also very different from each other Iron Man Punisher are two very different characters nobody would be
expecting it so I have them default Punisher once we get Target ban on Punisher which we do get Target Bandon
scrims a lot for punisher then we just play Iron Man what are you going to do now you're going to ban both okay if you
ban Punisher and you ban Iron Man You're Just freeing us up to play any other comp in the game we can go [ __ ] storm
Wolverine on your ass you know like if you're going to really want to ban that that badly that's what I want from you
either way it's a win-win for me as like a coach does that make sense yeah so I can't
really give you guys defaults because just because you play certain characters doesn't mean that you're it fits your
style can I ask a question though for myself yeah what's up just a as a Star-Lord like main MH um I want to
because I I still need to learn a lot more about him so I want to know like what comps has he get into is does he
work wealth bra bra as well kind flexible right like he can sort of be played in any composition I think um he
just hasn't really gotten a lot of play time in High ELO recently because other characters have been so dominant rip
okay like playing like a storm or a wolverine or sometimes Hela or you know stuff like that has just been stronger
but starlord still gets some play time um one tip I can give you for starlord though is figure out how valuable your
neutral presence is versus your ult presence into certain compositions your ultimate might not get a lot of value so
you might have to play a little bit more aggressively with your with certain characters or against certain characters
or in the neutral you actually have to play kind of like a dive character in other matchups especially Magneto
mirrors just a little piece of advice F little little like trick I came up with is if you're playing Star-Lord against a
Magneto he is going to try to synchronize his ultimate with your cycle what you should focus on is instead of
like staging and trying to dive back line and taking a lot of different angles AFK play like a [ __ ] shoot the
tanks yeah all you have to do is have high up time and farm your ult charge against the enemy Magneto so that way
when you're at 99 the enemy Magneto at and then you ult and he's permanently desinc from
yous that's all you got to do I appreciate so in certain matchups you can play for ult charge as a Star-Lord
which he's really good at farming ult and does a lot of damage to tanks as well right and in other matchups you can
play a bit faster and play him more like a I don't want to necessarily call him like a tracer but he's he's sort of like
a tracer I guess yeah you know um so you can play him in a little bit more like backline divey pressure style okay got
you yeah hey any other questions guys I think that was a that was a mouthful yep well I mean you've been
coached by I know it's always insightful it's like one of my favorite only reason why I'm saying more to you guys here is
because you're recording if you weren't recording I'd have to reduce the information cuz you're like a human
brain can only digest so much brand new information right if you have a [ __ ] video you go back to it's literally
saved forever so I appreciate that you guys always go back and look at it as a resource you know mhm all right well
pleasure meeting you guys if I haven't met you before okay good good seeing some of you pleas being coached yeah
yeah anytime guys thank you all right I will catch you guys probably same time next week okay got it got it we see you
next week or are you doing Rao next week uh to be determined let me see what what did Javi
say I thought he was splitting us oh I mean if he wants to do that that's fine I don't [ __ ] know man I
just that's fine all right yeah yeah but have a good one good night y
Heads up!
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