In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, mastering e-commerce is essential for aspiring entrepreneurs. This article explores critical concepts, trends, and strategies related to e-commerce, providing a comprehensive guide for students and emerging business leaders alike.
Understanding Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship involves not only launching new ventures but also fostering an entrepreneurial mindset that encourages creativity and innovation. Understanding the various characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is vital for anyone looking to thrive in the business landscape.
The Entrepreneurial Mindset
An entrepreneurial mindset encompasses several traits:
- Creativity: The ability to generate innovative ideas.
- Resilience: The capacity to adapt and thrive despite challenges.
- Vision: Setting clear goals and envisioning the future of a business.
Forms of Business Ownership
Entrepreneurs must evaluate different forms of business ownership to determine the most suitable for their ventures:
- Sole Proprietorship: Individual ownership with complete control.
- Partnership: Collaboration between two or more individuals.
- Corporation: A legal entity that separates owners from the business liabilities.
Importance of Business Registration
Registering your business is crucial for a legitimate operation, providing legal frameworks for partnerships and joint ventures, as well as protecting intellectual property.
The Role of Innovation
As highlighted in our studies, innovation is a significant aspect of entrepreneurship. Understanding how to create a competitive edge through innovative products and services can set your business apart in the market.
E-Commerce: Definition and Importance
E-commerce focuses on buying and selling goods and services through the internet. In today's world, it is integral for businesses to engage in e-commerce to maintain competitiveness.
The Growth of E-Commerce
The e-commerce market has experienced explosive growth, valued at approximately $6.39 trillion last year. This emphasizes the necessity for entrepreneurs to leverage this growing market.
E-Commerce Business Models
There are various e-commerce business models to explore:
- B2C (Business to Consumer): Businesses sell directly to consumers.
- B2B (Business to Business): Transactions occur between businesses.
- C2C (Consumer to Consumer): Consumers sell to other consumers through platforms.
- C2B (Consumer to Business): Individual consumers offering services to businesses.
- B2G (Business to Government): Businesses supply goods/services to government entities.
- G2B (Government to Business): Government provides services to businesses.
- M-Commerce (Mobile Commerce): Transactions conducted via mobile devices.
Advantages of E-Commerce
Engaging in e-commerce presents various advantages:
- Global Reach: Businesses can sell to customers worldwide.
- Convenience: 24/7 access to products and services.
- Cost Efficiency: Lower expenses compared to traditional businesses.
Challenges of E-Commerce
Despite its advantages, challenges exist:
- Technical Issues: Infrastructure and connectivity can be problematic in certain regions.
- Cybersecurity Threats: Online scams and fraud must be addressed.
- Logistics and Return Management: Managing deliveries and returns can be complex.
- Competition: High levels of competition may impact market share.
Digital Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs
To succeed in e-commerce, entrepreneurs should utilize various digital marketing strategies:
- Content Marketing: Create valuable resources to attract potential customers.
- Email Marketing: Targeted communications to maintain customer relations.
- Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Promote businesses through paid ads.
- Affiliate Marketing: Collaborate with individuals to promote products for a commission.
- Influencer Marketing: Utilize popular figures to enhance product visibility.
- Retargeting: Focus on individuals who expressed preliminary interest but did not purchase.
Utilizing Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms provide opportunities to connect with customers and build brand awareness:
- Facebook: Excellent for direct engagement and advertising.
- Instagram: A visually driven platform ideal for lifestyle brands.
- Twitter: Useful for real-time engagement and updates.
- TikTok: Growing platform for creative marketing targeting a younger audience.
In conclusion, mastering e-commerce is vital for aspiring entrepreneurs. By understanding and leveraging various digital strategies, business models, and the importance of an online presence, you can position yourself for success in the evolving business landscape. Remember, practical application of the knowledge gained in your studies is just as important as theoretical understanding. Embrace the digital era to enhance your entrepreneurial journey and make your mark in the business world.
[Music] good day students you're all welcome to ENT
211 we started few weeks ago with the
introduction considered the concept of Entrepreneurship after that my colleague came to to
continue looking at the theories and rationale and relevance of Entrepreneurship after which we also
consider the characteristics of entrepreneurs that when somebody wants to be successful as an
entrepreneur what are the personality traits and the characteristics he ought to
possess thereafter we looked at entrepreneurial thinking that's what we call entrepreneurial mindset that what
typ of mindset to want process to be a successful entrepreneur then we moved on to
consider the forms of business ownership are you going to stand as a soul prator or you want to join hand
with somebody in Partnership or you want to incorporate your business and what are the factors
you should consider in determining the form of business ownership that is
appropriate again we consider the you of business registration uh forming alliances and
then joint ventures into detail that's a CLE to the study on forms of business
ownership then the basis of visibility boards and business plans fact that it is necessary to conduct a
research to know whether what you are going into this Venture is actually visible or not then come up with your
reports and through your results you can draw up a business plan that will Ser as a road map or a guide to running the
business successfully then another colleague came to take you on the issue of innovation
remember that one of the characteristics of the traits and part of the thing we talk
about under having an entrepreneur mindset is issue of creativity and Innovation so that was also properly uh
crashed with that you can achieve a Competitive Edge over the other entrepreneurs in the same industry
and uh after that you look at contemporary entrepreneurship skills
skills you should have in order to succeed if for instance if you are a manufacturing
organization uh the entrepreneur should have the knowledge the know how of that particular good you are producing or the
service you are rendering it's going to even if you are not uh personally involved in rending the
service or in the production of the good having personal knowledge as an entrepreneur is very essential to the
because it will assist your monitoring and supervision of the whole
process apart from that managerial skills are very necessary because we have the know how about producing that
or rendering that service but you don't have the managerial skills you may not be able to run the business successfully
because you are working with other people you need human skills you need conceptual skills you need you know
other skills that will assist you in managing people in managing finance managing time and other
resources so that's uh those all those ones are also treated then last week uh Pig also came to talk about
entrepreneurship in Nigeria how far entrepreneurship had gone the Practical aspect of it various types of
businesses people can go into even up till now now we are
rounding off the whole course for the semester
today with the basic uh principles of eCommerce so I want to look at the
aspect of e-commerce because we are living in a digital world and uh entrepreneurs to also
be uh not just computer lat but also be skilled in this aspect of e-commerce so we talk about
e-commerce as dealing with buying and selling of goods and
services through the internet internet is essential and because of the high rate
of competition every entrepreneur should strive
to be on top to see how to achieve Competitive Edge and one of the helpful areas is the issue
of being connected to the world operating globally and that is made possible to
through uh e-commerce uh when we talk about e-commerce variety of transactions can take place
online uh we have electronic Market places dig Services can uh rendered conducted through websites and online
platforms and other mobile applications you can even use your mobile devices uh Android
your iPhone iPad and so and and so forth and over the years eCommerce activities have been
growing and uh at the last count for last year last 2024 uh the e-commerce Market was valued
at approximately $6.39 trillion and know that a huge amount and
is a little bit here a little bit there you can also be part of those earning this uh if your own is not up to
billions at least maybe hundreds start hundreds of dollars, of doar that's why right from the Inception I emphasize the
Parra we not learning univers is not teaching you this just because you want to have an A or B you want to score high
my that's okay but most importantly for you to be able to make use of this knowledge in
Practical terms even uh right from now as a students I give you examples of those students are students who have uh
benefited from this course they have practical lied and be able to produce one thing or the some of them are also
engaged in buying and selling maybe Trading or producing most of them producing manufacturing maybe shoes
sandals engaging in rending of services and they have been able to uh take care of themselves that is the purpose most
important by the time you graduate and you're already a professional in the sense you can Market whatever knowledge
uh whatever field whether you are in arts or you are in Sciences or management Sciences medicine or any uh
field of study now if you are not online this generation uh you will not be able to do
as much or benefit As Much from the entrepreneurship knowledge you have so all those things you have learned by the
time you start rending the services or producing the use your presence online will assist to in uh you'll be visible
you improve your visibility apart from that you'll be able to Market your product or your good or your service
successfully that is it now with that's just brief introduction then we want to look at the categories of Ecommerce or
what some people call e-commerce business uh models we have different uh types
of U e-commerce activities or models that are designed to meet different Market needs the first one I'm going to
talk about is what we call B Toc B to C or business to Consumer so b2c is just an application for business
to consumer that's the most common uh model that's where you have business organizations rendering services or
selling Goods to Consumers online so everything we talk about will be online and this is done uh directly
without any intermediary coming in between the business and the consumer
uh we also also have B2B that's also an abbrevation you see B 3 B that is business to
business so as opposed to the earlier where businesses are selling to
Consumers businesses are selling to businesses and businesses are buying from business so the transactions are
taking place between one business or the other or between some businesses and other uh
businesses also online all this happens through various platforms number three you also have consumer to Consumer
that's what called C to C C Toc consumer to uh consumer in that case you see consumers selling uh directly to other
consumers but that is facilitated by uh third party platforms somebody will have a platform where individuals who want to
buy meet individuals who want to sell then uh number four you have consumer to business that is
C2 b c Tob consumer to business so you can have individual consumers to selling to
businesses that's also done through uh platforms you might be familiar
with up work where you see uh Freelancers offering their services to different uh
businesses so once they make thems available like that various businesses will contact them and then uh the owners
of the platform also will have their own percentage that they will collect then we have
b2g b2g that's business to uh government that's where you see businesses providing goods or services to
government agencies government uh uh entities for instance you can have a computer film that go
to develop or design softwares for the government agents maybe software that they can use
to for their salary payments to pay their staff or software for other uh purposes so business those businesses
are selling their services to the government that's why we say we call it B2 G then you can also have
g2b that's a government to uh business so in that case it is the government that
is uh rendering the service or providing the facility for those businesses for instance you know government has
uh regulator of business activities me open a portal for registration of businesses or obtaining
of licenses or for other purposes so those businesses that want
to relate with government or on that issue or maybe have any dealing with them on that issue will have to go to
that portal and filling the necessary information and then uh be able to comply with the
structures it have to do with obtaining of refenes or registration of businesses you know as opposed to what you used to
have those this where you have to do physically and then engage so many paperwork most of
these things are done online so the government can make uh Provisions for that for those businesses so when you
have online business or is an example of that G2 B then another business model is what
we call H mobile Commerce that's M Commerce it's a subset of e-commerce but you carry it out on your
mobile device whether your Android phone or iPad ipone or whatever once it is on a mobile device
it is regarded as a mobile Commerce and that is what refer to us m Commerce and in that case it encompasses B to C C to
C uh transactions there some we also have what refer to as a d2c that is direct to
Consumer direct to Consumer that's just emphasizing the fact that it is mobile marketing but it is
direct marketing it's done online but we are dealing away with the activities of any
form of intermediary so call it direct to consumer that to now why are we emphasizing or talking
about e-commerce is because of theart from fact that that's the in now that's trend business
world you also have some advantages which are visible number
one Global reach yes regard them as advantages but those are actually their characteristics ofici of any e comm
Global it has a global reach the business person the seller or the marketer the entrepreneur can reach any
part of the world at the same time at
once so all geographical barriers are eliminated in fact your customers are everywhere in the world you have a
worldwide consumer base so that makes your uh work or your activities easier because you able to
reach a larger number of people at the same time then uh the issue of uh interactivity that is the
e-commerce platforms facilitate direct communication between buyers and sellers so easily you can engage different
groups or types of consumers without much as once your presence is
felt online and you also feel the presence of those consumers you can once you make yourself
available you can provide your link to contact you and you begin to uh do business then is more convenience the
issue of convenience is there 24/7 access no closing time or opening hours you see but you cannot be sitting with
the computer all the time yes but these things may be automated so that even while you
are not here physically you have already programmed the thing so that people can still get
automated responses and when you come online I mean when you come to computer phally then you can uh do more follow up
and respond properly to those who are making inquiries uh other seing other things
then apart from that is issue of cost efficiency uh the amount of money spent is uh far
far lower than when you are talking about Big M type of businesses that is the normal physical businesses physical
interactions we are familiar with but because this one is online and then you are reaching out you are using your
website or other means by the time you look at the cost we see that it's far far cheaper than the conventional type
of business model but that's not to say that the e-commerce uh method doesn't have its
own challenges well especially in this part of the
world there will be some technical issues which may not uh which will not be present in the
developed World in terms of infrastructure uh network issues
electricity problems and so on that one but is in the develop part of the world where you have
247 electricity and you have good nwork that one may not be but we are talking of practical things now which uh apply
to our own environment then there's this uh cyber security threats that one is worldwide anywhere
you know you hear about scammers activities of frosters online and all that even though efforts have been made
to Checkmate this but still have reports of millions of
dollarss Nas that people are losing from time to time as a result of this cyber uh crimes so
we have that then the issue of logistics and the return management when you are
selling you have an online business you sell to people Del Goods to them they are associated
challenges number one as opposed to what you have in the physical Market where you go there you
see the good you hold it you can test you can check it and know that okay this is what I
want this one I don't want this and get it right there without paying but online sometimes
what is displayed may not be an exact replica of what you actually
need yes the specifications are there but at the same time by the time the GRS get to the consumers there are times
when you want to reject maybe the process of Transportation this might have been
damaged or it not exactly size or the the shape or the type the consumer wants and sometimes some of these Goods may
have to be returned so the issue of uh managing Logistics and such return uh issues may also be a
challenge then another challenge is due of competition because of the nature of the
internet on which Ecommerce you know that so many people have access to these online platforms so because
it's so crowded it has a higher level of competition than the normal physical business which uh geographical location
can sort of District but the online space is open to anybody from anywhere at any time so the issue of a high level
of competition the C markets is also uh a challenge then apart from that we are talking of technology and this
technological advancement doesn't stay at a point it keeps on improving and improving and advancing and because of
that if you want to succeed as an entreprene entrepreneur this online businesses
e-commerce uh platforms and activities then you have to keep on updating there something in business we
call environmental scanning so where the manager suspected to monitor goings on the environment to
see the implication or effect it has on it own business and how to respond or react to them the same thing
when it comes to the issue of operating through the internet so because of the dynamic
nature of the technological environment you have to keep on updating knowing the latest is that's why some of this your
apps on your uh Android from time to time you see another has arrived you have fixed this there's Improvement on
this area and that so if also want to make use of the online space there the need to keep on updating to keep our
breast of uh changes or uh involving uh Technologies another aspect we want to
consider this isue of online marketing and advertising uh there are so many
strategies that entrepreneurs can make use of uh in this digital digital
marketing uh activities we are talking about and when we talk of digital marketing that means the various online
uh marketing strategies that are aimed at promoting goods and services through
various digital uh channels some of these strategies include what we call content
marketing that's a developing putting up useful materials for people people that can
assist them uh to find solution to certain problems which you as an entrepreneur you are
trying to solve with your good or with your service so you may have your blogs where you post useful articles that help
people inform people educate people concerning solution to certain uh problems or meeting certain needs in
their lives it may be videos some I talk about podcast and podcast podcast audio streams that you
have recorded put on your website or BL here for people to click and listen to or watch and get certain information
that will attract them to uh patronize because when when they see the usefulness of this content they able to
want to ask for more so the goal in this H area of content and marketing is to build brand
awareness that's what we attract them to you and then you also want to establish yourself as an authority in
that industry then apart from that can talk about the email marketing so you send
targeted mails to uh individual businesses to communicate with customers so that you
can send newsletters produce newsletter send it to the uh emails you can design promotional offers sent into various
emails there can be personalized recommendations too that will attract them to you so in that case you are
trying to maintain uh good customer relationship and you also want to draw
people to yourself then there's this uh thing we call PPC that's a pay per click paper click
advertising where you make your presence or put your link on the uh maybe if you have your own website you can put it on
your own website or even somebody's else website so that as they click that uh maybe Google ads or other forms of media
ad for every click you uh that's what uh that is where advertisers pay a fee so
there's an amount of money you pay for each advertisement that is C so that's the purpose of that to generate traffic
to websites then we want to increase visibility then we can also talk about aate marketing
in that you are collaborating with other people collaborating with individuals or businesses that
promote uh your product in return for a commission so they sell they promote the goods and sell Goods on your behal and
pay percentage of the cost of that good or service so in that case you able to expand your
reach and then you are in also on the audience of this AFF Sometimes some of these AFF they
[Applause] have thousands of followers sometimes hundreds of thousands of followers so by
the time they assist you in sending your own information information about your product your
service to their followers on their various platforms you have a larger reach and more people be able to contact
your all these are done also e-commerce platform you also talk
about influencer marketing that is you partner with some people those people refer to as a influencers they also have
their followers they have their they can be bloggers they have their followers in social media personalities or industry
experts and they use their personality the name they have made the followers they have gathered to influence people
positively towards patronizing your product so that they can get your service so your aim in that
case is to uh tap into the influencers audience expertise or popularity for the benefit of your own
business then we can also talk about retargeting or the market there are when you discover that some people make
attempts click at one adver to the other to make attempt at product but they did not eventually make a
purchase but already they got information concerning product concerning the organization concerning
that business so you can also see and find a way of making them informing them and allowing them to make a return visit
so you are targeting those so that those who already have an idea they are not completely ignorant or unaware of a
product we now see how to make them enti them to make a trial so that we are able to convert them
to buyers not just people who are are of the existence of your brand now let's look
at the aspect of social media uh marketing uh you have so many social media platforms which people can
use to connect audiences can use to build your blood awareness or to promote your products or Services you're able to
engage directly with your customer and then uh build type of community around yourself and your
products uh we are all familiar with all the social media platforms each of them can be used for the purpose of
marketing and not just marketing of the product at least uh improving your visibility on the internet Facebook is
here it's a platform for uh advertising it's not just friends like or like that to te
your pictures and all that you can actually make use of it to get customers to publicize your goods engage our
customers share content and then uh do a lot of things that will help you to succeed at an as an
entrepreneur Instagram also is a visually driven platform where you can send your ideas your
brands in a passion that you make people to uh show interest it may be in the food industry passion
industry uh lify things that to do with health you can
promote different types of the and the businesses uh Twitter is also a social platform
that use off the Blogger to assist you link in it's not only
for academic people professionals people are now us it as advertising medium so a lot of business
to business business marketing goes on there that's talk about Tik Tok also is there all the social media platform that
can be useful for you as an entrepreneur and when you do that so you you create content uh you can engage or build
community of people around yourself you can engage in the page advertising and you can get people if you have your own
you have your own platform you can get people to also Place advertisements with you and
earn some money and a lot of monitoring of the traffic that goes on on on your own website or social media can be done
and when you get the statistics of people who are showing interest that are not making purchases gives you an idea
of how effective your advertisement and promotional activities have been and how much effort
you still need to push in order to win those who have not made up their minds to start making ords and then bring
fresh people too who uh they also want to be interested so that's how far we want to
go this semester I want to encourage every one of you because you still have all these things all these study
sessions on the YouTube go over them again and again from week one to week 11 and digest them and you can also get
more information on the test and references that G and prepare yourself to get the best of
entrepreneurial development don't forget it's not only to pass yourself understand that pass but at the
same time the major thing is the Practical aspect which you can start doing even as a student and then after
school you can continue to take care of yourself and even employ some other people wish you the best of luck in your
fure endear thank you and good bless [Music]
Heads up!
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