Delhi University Company Law Exam Preparation: A Comprehensive One-Shot Revision Guide


Welcome back to our YouTube channel! In today's video, we will dive into a one-shot revision guide for Company Law, particularly beneficial for all Delhi University students who are preparing for their second-semester exams. This comprehensive guide will cover units 1 to 5 of the syllabus, ensuring you have all the necessary notes and explanations to tackle crucial exam questions confidently.

Understanding Company Law

What is a Company?

In simple terms, a company is a voluntary organization of individuals who aim to achieve a common objective. It operates as a separate legal entity distinct from its members, which means its existence and operations do not depend on the lifespan of its members. This concept is crucial for understanding how companies function under various conditions.

Key Features of a Company:

  • Separate Legal Entity: A company holds a distinct identity legally, separate from its shareholders.
  • Perpetual Succession: The company continues to exist regardless of changes in ownership or membership.
  • Artificial Person: A company is created by law, hence referred to as an artificial person, managed by its board of directors.
  • Limited Liability: Shareholders' liability is confined to their investment in the company.

Types of Companies

Understanding the various types of companies is vital for your exam preparation. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Private Company: Limits the number of members to 50 and does not invite the public to subscribe to shares.
  2. Public Company: Any company that is not a private company, offering shares to the public.
  3. Government Company: A company where the government holds more than 51% of the share capital.
  4. Foreign Company: Companies incorporated outside India but operating in India.
  5. One Person Company: A company with a single individual as the member.
  6. Small Company: Defined under Section 2(85) of the Companies Act 2013, it must meet certain capital and turnover criteria.
  7. Associate Company: A company where another company holds a significant influence, defined as ownership of at least 20% of the voting power.
  8. Dormant Company: A company that has not conducted any business or made any significant accounting transactions.
  9. Non-Profit Organization: Companies established for promoting charitable causes under Section 8 of the Companies Act.
  10. Illegal Association: Any partnership that exceeds the limit prescribed by law.

Key Concepts in Company Law for Exam

Here are foundational concepts you need to understand thoroughly:

Corporate Veil

The corporate veil distinguishes between the company and its members, creating limitations on liabilities and responsibilities. Understanding when and how the veil can be lifted (to find fraud or other misconduct) is essential.

Memorandum of Association

An essential document that outlines the scope and objectives of the company. It serves as the company’s charter, defining its operational scope and powers.

Key Clauses in Memorandum:

  • Name Clause
  • Registered Office Clause
  • Object Clause
  • Capital Clause
  • Liability Clause
  • Subscription Clause

Articles of Association

This document governs the internal workings of the company, detailing the rules and regulations for conducting business. Any amendment to these articles also requires shareholder approval.

Director’s Role and Responsibilities

Understanding the responsibilities of directors is crucial:

  • Appointment: Directors are appointed through various means, including a proposal during general meetings.
  • Duties: Directors must act in good faith, exercise due diligence, avoid conflicts of interest, and ensure compliance with laws.
  • Independence: It's essential to differentiate between managing directors and independent directors, who have specific roles and obligations.

Financial Basics and the Role of Auditors

  • Auditing: Regular audits ensure the company's financial statements are fair and transparent, and only qualified chartered accountants can serve as auditors.
  • Auditor Responsibilities: They verify the integrity of financial transactions and compliance with statutory obligations.
  • Audit Committee: This committee ensures the company’s audits are conducted effectively and recommend auditors to the board.

Understanding Dividend Payments

Dividend declarations must adhere to specific provisions:

  • Should be paid only from profits.
  • Must proportionate to the shares held.
  • Must be deposited in a separate bank account within five days of declaration.


In conclusion, this one-shot revision guide covers the essential aspects of Company Law relevant for Delhi University’s examination. From understanding what a company is to the roles of directors, financial responsibilities, and legal documentation, you now have a comprehensive overview to help you excel. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more insightful content and share with friends who might also benefit. Good luck with your exams!

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