Overview of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
This video series is designed to provide a comprehensive review of pulmonary and critical care medicine, particularly for those preparing for internal medicine board exams. The content is structured over multiple sessions, covering essential topics that constitute a significant portion of the exam.
Key Topics Covered
- Pulmonary Physiology: Understanding the basics of pulmonary function tests, including the calculation of the alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient and its implications in hypoxemia.
- Common Pulmonary Diseases: Detailed discussions on asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary hypertension, and cystic fibrosis, including their pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management.
- Critical Care Management: Strategies for managing patients in critical care settings, including the use of mechanical ventilation, understanding acid-base disorders, and the management of sepsis.
- Palliative Care: Insights into end-of-life care and the importance of palliative approaches in critical care settings.
Pulmonary Function Tests and Disease Management
- Pulmonary Function Tests: Explanation of forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume (FEV1), and their significance in diagnosing obstructive and restrictive lung diseases.
- Asthma and COPD Management: Stepwise approaches to managing asthma and COPD, including pharmacological treatments and lifestyle modifications.
- Pulmonary Hypertension: Classification, diagnosis, and treatment options for pulmonary hypertension, emphasizing the importance of identifying underlying causes.
Critical Care Insights
- Mechanical Ventilation: Key principles of mechanical ventilation, including tidal volume settings, peak and plateau pressures, and the importance of minimizing ventilator-induced lung injury.
- Acid-Base Disorders: Detailed analysis of metabolic and respiratory acidosis, including the calculation of anion gaps and the interpretation of arterial blood gases.
- Sepsis Management: Current guidelines for the management of sepsis, including fluid resuscitation, antibiotic therapy, and the use of vasopressors.
This series aims to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in pulmonary and critical care medicine, ultimately improving patient outcomes in these challenging areas of practice.
uh a quick review on pulmonary and critical care uh we will do it over uh two or three sessions uh I'm trying to
cover the main topics uh that uh may be covered in the internal medicine board exam and the upcoming in service uh exam
in uh September uh this is a part of the blueprint from the internal medicine uh Board website uh you can see the
pulmonary disease is up uh to 10% of your exam and critical care is about another 10% uh end of life and uh
paliative care is about 3% so we're talking about uh 23% of your exam will be related to uh pulmonary and critical
uh care uh these are the topics we are going to cover in the first part we'll talk about basic physiology pulmonary
function test asthma COPD Alpha antirion pulmonary hypertension cystic fibrosis uh bronches in the second uh part next
uh if we talk about hypoxemia uh the aa gradient uh it depends on the age and uh the formula to calculate it there are
different formulas one of them is age divided by 4+ 4 and roughly this will give you a number between uh 5 and uh 15
uh the simple way of calculation is 150 minus partial pressure of oxygen uh plus 1.25 partial pressure of carbon dioxide
these values uh can be obtained from your blood gas uh this 150 number came from this equation uh remember this
equation has the parametric pressure uh the partial pressure of uh the water vapor and the normal F2 which is 0. uh
21 uh so remember you cannot apply this formula in every single situation if you have change in altitude or uh if the
patient is on oxygen then this can affect your a gradient if the patient is receiving oxygen this can increase your
a gradient so for example uh your a gradient can increase by 5 to 7 mm Mercury for every 10%
increase in your uh fi2 uh the opposite is right for high altitude uh because if you ascend for 1,000 ft uh the pressure
will decrease by about 24 mm Mercury if you apply this number here this will give you a lower number than 150 because
the atmospheric pressure will be lower so here the normal atmospheric pressure is about 760 if you go to Denver
Colorado it will be around 500 uh 20 uh so this will give you definitely lower uh number than 150 and this will affect
your total aa gradient uh calculation uh when you have a case of hypoxemia you can calculate your a
gradient and it helped to classify the cause uh of hypoxemia uh so you may have normal a gradient in cases of
hypoventilation uh most commonly on the floor this will be a patient on pain medication like narcotics this can
suppress his breathing and this can uh include CO2 retention and some hypoxemia but when you calculate your a gradient
in case of hypoventilation this will be uh normal in other situation when you calculate your aa gradient and uh it's
increased the cause can be a Vu mismatch or a shunt the way to differentiate is to give the patient a low to moderate
flow of oxygen and see the response if the patient respond and uh the partial pressure of oxygen increase or improve
uh this can be a vum match if not you have to think about uh shunt uh treatment will be of course uh depending
on the underlying cause but if there is a Vu mismatch you have to adjust oxygen to keep saturation if there is a shunt
you have to treat the cause of the shunt for example if you have a intrapulmonary shunt physiology because of collapse of
aluli you may need to add positive pressure if you have other causes uh causing shunt you have to Target that
like AV malformation or other uh causes we will talk a little bit more about shunt so the shunt can be anatomical
shunt or physiological shunt uh the anatomical shunt uh you have to uh suspect it uh especially if they give
you a question with a patient on very high amount of oxygen because usually the patient will be hypoxic you will try
to correct the chunt with low to moderate amount of fi2 the patient usually will not respond and you can go
even higher in the oxygen and uh the partial pressure of oxygen will not respond to your trial of increasing
oxygen so the usual question uh uh giving you a patient on 100% F2 usually maybe talking about uh shunt the shunt
can be anatomic or can be just physiological an atomic shunt it include actual shunting and you can detect that
by uh ordering to the echo with a bubble study uh you inject the bubble of agitated Salin and it goes to the Venus
side goes to the right side of the heart and you have to watch with the echo for these bubbles when it appears on the
left side of the heart if the shant is intra cardiac usually these uh bubbles will appear in the left side of the
heart soon maybe within one cardiac beat uh if there's a pulmonary shunt there is time of circulation the blood has to go
through the pulmonary circulation then the shunt happens and comes back to the uh heart so you can see this bubbles on
the left side of the heart later maybe after three or even after five beats so it's very important when you order the
2D EO with a bubble study to know when these bubbles appeared on the left side because it's not positive or negative
study it can be positive but you need to know how soon the bubbles appear on the left side to know if this chant is
intracardiac or uh through other uh abnormality in the lung like AV malformation uh which we can see as a
congenital type or in uh liver cell uh failure in advanced stage you can have uh hepatopulmonary syndrome with uh
disia and hypoxemia wors in upright position give you give you the term of plaia for shortness of breath on ight
position or oxia which is hypoxemia in the upright position the reason the hypoxemia and shortness of breath
becomes worse in upright position because this AV malformation uh tends to be localized to the lower parts of the
lung so when you sit by gravity there is more flow in the lower parts of the lung and there is more shunting and there
will be more more hypoxemia and more shortness of breath uh vacuum mismatch different uh pathologies can cause
vacuum mismatch uh interstial lung disease um pulmonary vascular disease obstructive lung disease uh very rarely
to have a diffusion as a cause of um increased a gradient because it has to be very low uh below 30% and uh rapid
heart rate so you don't have enough uh time uh for uh diffusion so the main causes will in increased uh your aa
gradient will be uh shunt and VQ uh mismatch and again you can differentiate by giving oxygen if you have shunt this
will correct will not correct if you have vum smatch uh this will respond to low to moderate amount of oxygen uh this
is a patient we received he he was 27y old male uh he had history of Chron's Disease he presented with uh hypoxia uh
shortness of breath uh this was a chest xray I mean the Parma looks clean but if you can see here there is maybe a small
nodule here another nodule on the lateral XJ maybe there is something there if you look more look on the right
copy of the diag there is something there and he underwent uh CT Ang geography to Ru out pulmonary Imp plasm
in setting of you can say not not normal xray but there is no uh pathology can explain the degree of hypoxemia uh so he
underw the CT scan uh P protocol and we can see the AV malformation a big AV malformation here with it's enhancing
another one here and we can see it here definitely with the feeding blood uh vessel the patient underwent a coiling
of the AV malformation with Improvement of his hypoxemia uh so this is an example of shunt due to AV uh
malformation uh in in this case the previous one you have to make sure it's not part of uh not a part of heriditary
oric tesia uh because these patients can have AV malformation and these patients with AV malformation they have uh higher
incidence of a stroke because of this uh shunt uh this is another patient uh this is another example of anatomical sht uh
we had her for evaluation of possible pulmonary hypertension uh she was 37 no past medical history uh doing the right
heart CF her Superior vinaa saturation was 95% uh she underwent CT and geography with a 3D reconstruction and
we can see the left pulmonary veins joining the left nominate veins so definitely she has a shun um partial
anomalous pulmonary Venus return the only blood vessel from the left side of the the left lung uh joining the left
atrium was here Crossing in front of the descending uh aorta and these are different Imaging showing the left
pulmonary vein joining uh the left in nominate vein she underwent surgery with uh Improvement of her symptoms
indication for surgery was enlargement of the right and uh Atrium and right ventricle and there are other indication
we have to see how much shunt she has and uh if she has large amount of shunt this will qualify you for surgery as as
well together with uh symptoms uh so when you have a case of hypoxemia you can look at the carbon
dioxide if carbon oide dioxide is elevated this can be a case of hypoventilation you can look for causes
make sure the patient is not receiving narcotics uh or uh there is uh nothing affecting the central nervous system
causing hyperventilation if your carbon oxide is okay and your oxygen is low you can calculate your a gradient your a
gradient if it's slow uh you can think about shunt and VQ match and you can give low to moderate amount of oxygen
see the response for oxygen if it improve it can identify VQ mismatch if it doesn't uh you can think about
sh uh next we will talk about uh oxyglobin dissociation curve uh there is what's called 3060 6090 rule uh so at if
you do your blood gas the partial pressure of oxygen at 60 mm Mercury will be almost equal to uh 90% saturation on
on your pulse oximeter if this rule doesn't apply you have to think about carbon monoxide poisoning or mid
hemoglobinemia the the the presentation will be different in carbon monoxide you will have a pulse oximeter reading
forcely elevated because it cannot differentiate between oxyhemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin while your blood gas
will show a low partial pressure of oxygen in hobia it's the opposite so uh you will find your uh pulse oximeter is
low while your blood gas is normal this is important in in case of you can get a question with carbon monoxide poisoning
they will give you a patient and they will give you history of exposure and they will give you the pulse oximeter is
98 % and the blood gas showing P2 of 40 so this goes with carbon monoxide poisoning if it's the opposite mmia case
uh this is frequently asked because myoglobinemia can be performed secondly to benzoin therapy uh not therapy penan
spray which you use for local uh um uh anesthesia when you perform broncoscopy or te or AGD uh if you give too much
spray of benzocaine that can produce MOG gmia and this can present on the pulse oximeter while you in the endoscopy
Suite as hypoxemia and then you will do the blood gas and the blood gas will be normal so you will get a case and the
patient is undergoing broncoscopy he received benzocaine uh spray and uh you started the procedure now the
oxygenation is uh pulse oximeter give you reading about 80% there is good air entry you don't suspect Nemo thorax you
do the blood gas and your po2 is 200 so in this case you should consider M uh hemoglobin and you should know the
treatment uh for both uh carbon monoxide um uh poisoning and mommia we will go over it but just also you should
remember the causes of right and left shift uh for your oxygen dissociation curve uh it shows up in in the exam uh
on many occasions uh if you want to remember it by exercise you need more oxygen with exercise your body
temperature rise your CO2 is produced uh lactic acid is produced so you'll have more acidosis so if you want to remember
it this way when you exercise there is right shift uh for the oxygen uh dissociation care so exercise will uh
will do this shift increase temperature acidosis or if you want to remember it by pneumonics here the C stands for
increase CO2 increase acid which is lactic acid or acidosis uh 23 DPG exercise all of these causes with the
temperature can cause right shift which will allow easy dissociation lift shift will be different uh uh which cause
difficult dissociation of the oxygen and this is another pneumonic uh to remember uh if you get a case of carbon
monoxide uh again your pulse oximeter will show a false elevated reading uh when compared to your blood gas uh you
should know the indications for treatment if you have end organ damage like severe acidosis Cardiac Arrest uh
seizure or coma this will be indication for Hyperbaric oxygen therapy if you have carbon uh the uh the monooxide
carbon monoxide level elevated above 25% this is another indication in case of pregnancy the number goes down to 20%
and the other indication will be a fetal distress uh so you should remember this indications hyper paric oxygen will
decrease uh your uh total time or or half life of the carboxy hemoglobin uh from 90 minutes uh to about 30 minutes
uh in cases of methemoglobinemia the treatment of methylene blue uh the treatment can be given if the patient is
symptomatic or the level is above 20% uh remember don't give too much because giving too much methy uh methylene blue
function test is complicated more than two three slides but I will try to give you a simple way just to detect
obstruction restriction and to answer the the question if they require you to identify any of these abnormalities in a
setting of lung pathology uh so we have the fvc or the forced vital capacity and this is the maximum amount of air
exhaled after maximum inspiration uh we have uh F1 which is the volume of air exhaled during the first second uh of
your fvc uh your total lung capacity is equal to your residual Volume Plus the vital capacity just to remember numbers
remember 80% and 70% 80% is uh the number for uh normal uh absolute levels so your total L capacity should be more
than 80% your fv1 should be more 80% uh 70% number is is for ratio so fv1 over fvc should be more than 70% if it's less
bronchodilator always remember that uh you should have increas in F1 by by 12% and 200 cc so this is not or you should
qualify for both 200 cc and 12% to read the ponary function test first you can take a look at the total L
capacity to make sure if there is a restriction or no and then to the ratio uh to determine if there is a
instruction then uh you can look uh into the diffusion so for example here we have different cases if we take a look
a normal uh pulmonary function uh if you look at the second one TC 110 maybe there is some hyperinflation the ratio
80% and the fv1 is decreased as well so that can be obstruction we can see this pattern in a case of
inys uh third case TLC about 100% normal There is mild reduction in the ratio here there is some obstruction dco is
normal or a little bit elevated about 80% uh if A1 is low this can qualify for uh obstructed pattern can be asthma uh
another case we can look at the TLC TLC 54% which is reduced the ratio here is 91% which is actually inre
inreased your dco is decreased and your fv1 is low this can qualify for restrictive disease you have decrease in
fv1 and FC in restrictive disease as well but the pattern is is different so the total uh ratio will be increased in
restrictive disease while it's decreased in obstructive uh because of the component which is affected more in the
obstruction fv1 affected more restriction you may have fvc affected more and this can give you either low
ratio in case of obstructive disease like inisa or higher ratio in case of restrictive uh disease and the last
example here this is another example TLC is decreased this is a little bit increased dlco is normal this can be
restrictive and it can be extrathoracic uh because DLC o is normal again you have to do the interpretation
in clinical setting you have to associate that with the patient symptoms the Imaging pathology and and so
on uh you have to identify the abnormal pattern of your pulmonary function uh test C or the flow volume Loop so this
is a normal one there is inspiration and expiration in inisa there is scooping or tailing uh so this is usually with
severe obstruction in restrictive lung disease such as fibrosis it looks like the normal Loop but it's a little bit uh
smaller and shifted it can give you uh different picture as witch head but basically you should
be able to remember this scoping or tailing in case of empyema with severe obstruction different algorithms to do
interpretation for uh pulmonary function test you can take a look at the spirometry if you have uh low fv1 fvc
ratio think about obstruction low fvc of low total lung volume think about restriction normal spirometry you can
think about asthma if there are symptoms consistent with asthma and you can do what's called metap challenge test and
we will uh touch based on that questions so you have a 68y old uh Hispanic male admitted to the ICU acute
respiratory distress chest xray obtained bilateral infiltrates DC elevated what's the most likely
dlco it can increase with alular hemorage uh it can increase with polycythemia sometimes with asthma and
this is a quick pneumonic for EUR obstructive lung disease including asthma prones chronic bronchitis and um
empyema uh you have to remember also this other pattern of the flow volume Loop especially this uh two here uh we
saw the previous one the normal flow volume Loop has more curve in the inspiratory portion and expiratory
portion uh when you have this curve with cut off of the inspiratory limb and expiratory limb you have to think about
fixed obstruction they will give you a patient uh with repeated uh intubation and they will give you uh that she was
diagnosed with uh severe asthma nothing is working she continues to weas despite treatment and uh they did pulmonary
function test they will give you numbers if V1 if VC and they will give you the actual Loop and the they will ask you
what's the next step or what maybe the diagnosis and in this case if you see this flow volum loop with cut off of the
inspiratory and expiratory limb you you have to think about tral stenosis especially with a repeated history of
intubation so the next step you may do broncoscopy to see if there is a real stenosis or no and if the patient is
very symptomatic you can uh pursue different kind of treatment other than keep adding steroids and inhaler uh the
other test question will be the cut off of the inspiratory limb of the flow volume Loop usually this happen with a
vocal cord dysfunction they will give you a similar presentation uh patient with resistant asthma or severe asthma
nothing is working patient is weing and she's getting multiple courses of steroids with no uh Improvement and this
uh Curve will give you the clue about the diagnosis there is inspiratory cut off uh this goes with vocal cord
dysfunction uh the Third Lop which is expiratory cut off it can happen with intrathoracic TR Malaysia
most commonly they give you a question about TR stenosis or vocal core dysfunction these numbers here represent
the 50% ratio so you compare this area to this area uh in fixed obstruction this will be equal and this will give
you a number of one uh in case of um inspiratory cut off this area will be longer than this area and that's why you
have ratio more than one here the opposite the ratio will be less than one or uh some books will say less than
0.3% uh this is explanation why you have inspiratory cut off or expiratory cut off depending on the site of the Legion
in thoracic versus intrathoracic it depends uh on the atmospheric pressure intrathoracic pressure and uh the
happens but if you want to remember quickly for the test extra with inspiration intra with expiration so
intra with X extra with in so that's that's a way to remember it quickly for for your uh
test uh so vocal cord dysfunction uh a lot of times it's diagnosed as resistant asthma or severe asthma uh the diagnosis
is difficult you have to either visualize the vocal cord adduction with laringoscopia or you have to uh find the
classic inspiratory uh cut off which is difficult to find especially if the patient is not uh having the attack
during the acute attack you may give uh some uh helium oxygen mixture or uh CPAP but uh basically the treatment is speech
therapy uh behavioral therapy and a lot of patients beh have depression you should Target that as well uh this is a
case we had a patient presented with multiple history of intubation resistant asthma severe asthma multiple courses of
steroids nothing is helping the flow volume Loop inspiratory and expiratory cut off we thought about uh stenosis
because of multiple intubation uh but we did the broncoscopy and she had vocal core dysfunction but this was atypical
she had inspiratory and expiratory vocal core dysfunction so this is during inspiration the vocal Cordes are
abducted and this is diagnostic this is called a posterior uh gtic shink so they have preserv it posterior gtic shink
which is this opening diamond shape and during expiration she still has some abduction but it's better and that's why
when we did the ratio it was more than one uh goes with vocal cord dysfunction plus we saw the vocal cord and she
didn't have evidence of uh stenosis and when she was breathing not sure if this is uh working
breathing but it was evident that it's coming from the upper Airway and uh not from the
Lance um asthma versus COPD ver versus overlap syndrome with asthma you may have variable Airway obstruction uh CPD
you have more persistent Airway obstruction and now there is a syndrome with overlap between asthma and uh C CD
uh can be seen as well uh treatment of asthma is dynamic you have to assess the patient uh determine severity of the
asthma start your treatment uh step up or down depending on uh symptoms uh and this is a step up protocol uh that you
should be familiar with so step one you can use short acting when needed uh step two you can add Loos inhal cortico
steroid step three you add uh long acting beta Agonist on top of the low do inhale corticosteroids step four you
increase your uh inhal corticosteroid to medium to high uh plus the lava and step five you can add other uh treatments uh
like short courses of steroids oral map which is ante uh uh anti and also you have to focus on
avoiding smoking weight uh loss and uh exercise and such so this is important the Step Up therapy and you have to keep
it and ass the patient later the patient is doing okay you can uh do a step uh down uh to control the
symptoms uh symptom control you ask about the daytime symptoms night symptoms and uh the frequent use of
inhalers and uh activity uh limitation by uh symptoms and you can uh put the patient in one of these categories
depending on how many questions they will Mark as yes and then the asthma severity itself you can classify it as
mild and moderate and severe uh mild usually is controlled by step one or two moderate controlled by step three and
severe requires step four uh or five uh now we have uh bronchial thermoplasty which can be used in advanced cases uh
we do uh broncoscopy with a thermoplasty of different segment and this decrease the uh uh emergency room visits for
these people with frequent exacer Pati uh for asthma but we have to select uh the patient carefully uh for
shouldn't avoid exercise even if you have exercise induced asthma the treatment usually is prophylactic
treatment with a short acting beta Agonist before the exercise if they ask you in the board should the patient stop
exercise the answer is no uh long-term control is not required just short acting beta agon to when needed before
exercise if you want to diagnose it you can do exercise test and you have to stress the patient to above 85% of the
heart rate uh expected and in this case you can measure the fv1 and you will have about 15% reduction in your fv1
reactive Airway syndrome is different think which may look like asthma in the question they will give you a single
exposure uh to irritant as usually it can be like chlorine and then the patient will have frequent episode
which looks like asthma in this case you treat it as asthma you can do methol challenge test as well if you are not
third may do uh worse uh principles of treatment uh for pregnant women are the same uh as for non pregnant um actually
asthma attacks uh carry more risk for the fetus more than the medications we give for asthma uh control uh even some
side effects which were thought to be a side effect of the inhaled uh steroids or other medications now are thought to
be due to the effect of hypoxemia and not the medications uh the most studied inhal corticosteroid is bide in case of
pregnancy uh if you have a patient uh with asthma recently diagnosed she's not an inhaler it's prefer to start pide if
the patient is on different inhal the steroid and her asthma is controlled symptoms are controlled you can just
continue with the medications uh she's receiving even if it's different than uh pite uh Senter syndrome you will have a
patient with asthma uh nasal allergy nasal polyps and history of aspirin uh allergy or asthma can be precipitated by
aspirin or other nonsteroidal uh drugs and you can uh do aspirin desensitization in controlled
setting in the ICU and liquid Trine agents can help with the symptoms uh most common three causes of chronic cuff
include asthma and uh upper award syndrome used to be called a postnasal drip syndrome and uh gear so you should
Target these three issues and take good history uh to make sure what's causing this chronic cuff uh asthma can present
in in a way uh the patient just has chronic cuff it's called cuff variant asthma and this can be difficult to
diagnose sometimes and you may need to do a meolin challenge test meolin challenge test you give the patient
multiple inhalers of escalating doses of meolin and you measure your fv1 after each inhalation and see uh at what dose
your fv1 will drop by uh 20% uh so in normal individual you will keep es you keep giving escalating Doses and the F1
will start to at certain level but in asthmatic patients or patients with Airway hyperactivity this drop will
happen earlier and you can take a look at what does this uh 20% drop happen and then you can uh say if it's normal or
mild or moderate uh or severe and this can be a helpful way to diagnose uh cases of asthma which uh
doesn't present with classic picture on the pulmonary uh function test uh another question patient asmatic
longstanding severe asthma evaluated from neonet fever fatigue skin rash uh respiratory symptoms uh 4 weeks ago she
started taking lrin receptor antagonist tapping off her oral prone chest exay shows bilateral infiltrate CPC showing
so we we will stop the liot Trin receptor antagonist uh you have to know that uh liot Trin modifiers uh were
associated with ch St syndrome in patients with asthma especially when you try to titrate uh the cortico steroids
it's not known is it the the loten medication is is the cause or just by titrating the steroids you are unmasking
the symptoms that were treated with uh corticosteroid but that's usually the situation this is a differential
diagnosis for a patient who has wheezing presented with enopia infiltrate on the X-ray make sure it's not infection and
then you have to go through your differential diagnosis it can be allergic Bronco pulmonary osis uh it can
complicate asthma cystic fibrosis it can cause Central bronches finger and glove appearance on the CAT scan IG level will
be very high above 1,000 and the treatment is steroid plus or minus itraconazol can be used as a steroid
sparing agent but the main treatment is steroid so we have to think about that if you have a case of resistant asthma
the patient keeps coming and nothing is working make sure he's not developing allergic Bronco pulmonary aspergillosis
should be in the differential chronic xenophilic pneumonia usually uh middle-age women they will have the
photographic negative of uh congestive heart failure so more peripheral uh opacities on the chastic ray one third
they don't have peripheral xenophilia the other third differential is sh stuss Rome Panka will be positive they may
have GL nephritis very high zils up to 80% of their white count uh L syndrome you have to think about medications if
they have a component of allergy to medications or parasitic uh infections uh in case of ler syndrome uh it's
called Simple pulmonary xenophilia treatment is just stop the offending drug or treat the underlying uh
parasitic infection tropical pulmonary inopia will be the last one but it's not common here it's number to vishia B
cofty and you will have very high IG and positive antifilarial antibodies this is a photographic
negative uh of chronic exophilic pneumonia uh in heart failure you will see the opacity more as that Wing
appearance this is more at the periphery uh so that's why it's called photographic negative of pulmonary edema
uh chronic isic pneumonia is different from acute exophilic pneumonia acute exophilic pneumonia you will have uh
Pati patient who is a smoker and he will come crashing with hypoxemia and acute picture of illness and they will not
have peripheral isia uh COPD uh the classification still the same mild moderate severe and very
severe depending on uh the cut off points of 80% 50 and 30% but the treatment uh changed recently and the
classification so now you have to put your patients in one of these categories a b c and d depending on the underlying
symptoms and the risk for exacerbation it may look complicated but we will dissect it and make it more easy uh
patient in group a they have low uh risk and less symptoms so the symptoms here uh you go this way there's more symptoms
you can use two scales the cat scale or the MRC scale here on that uh uh side this is the exertion risk here this is a
golden classification so patients in a they will have low uh risk and uh less symptoms in B they will have low risk
but more symptoms because we go this way C they will have uh high risk and less symptoms and B they will have high risk
and more symptoms it it can look complicated but basically your symptoms increase when you go this way
exacerbation risk is increasing here and severity of uh COPD this is the MRC scale but I just wanted you to remember
uh walking slower or to stop because number two is the defining number between uh mild symptoms and severe
symptoms so basically you can put your patient in one of these categories if you remember three questions uh first
you have to assess symptoms then you assess risk you assess symptoms by asking the patient if if he has to stop
uh because of shortness of breath or if he has to walk slower because of shortness of breath If he if he answer
yes he's already above two so now you are putting him in in the patients with more symptoms which can be uh uh b or uh
D then you ask the patient about the risk of exacerbation by if asking if the patient had two or more exacerbation the
last year or one single hospitalization if he answer yes he is at high risk for exacerbation and you look at F1 if it's
low than lower than 50% he is high risk what about if you get low risk here and high risk in the other question you take
the higher risk and you use it for classification so just three questions will help you to classify a b c d first
ask about simp symptoms if the patient has to stop of or if he has to walk slower because of shortness of breath
second risk of exacerbation by uh history of hospitalization last year history of exacerbation and finally your
ammonium anymore unless you're taking your BS in 18 uh 68 or 86 now we use other inhalers so uh you can
classify your uh category of treatment depending on the category of the risk uh uh of exacerbation and symptoms so
patients in group a uh they can just take short acting bet Agonist uh Group B they may take lava or Lama which is
anticor energic or long acting bet Agonist Group C you will add inhal corticosteroid gr D you can add uh the
inhal cor corticosteroid with lava and uh L so s sa lama lama uh long acting inhalers uh just
remember uh there are new inhalers coming every uh year uh couple of years ago we only had C metrol and forol other
inhalers came out uh also uh we had only tirop and other inhalers are coming out which are long acting anticolic just
remember the side effects of long acting anticolic with the bad effects with narrow angle gloma urine retention and
the most common effect is dry Mouse but I want you to remember the side effects which can be severe especially if you
have a patient with history of glucoma uh don't combine long acting and short acting anti cgic uh oral
treatment in in certain cases we can use a thein after we use every other uh single therapy and still the patient is
symptomatic you have to be careful because of drug drug interaction neurotherapeutic level can cause seizure
cardiac arisia you have to monitor your level uh you have to remember macrolite and focon which is the most frequent
medications given for CD patient with exacerbation or infection they can interact with your theophine level and
increase it so if you have a patient on theophine you admit him to the hospital you start giving him focon for pneumonia
you have to remember this flocon may increase your therapeutic LEL or of theophine and the other way if you start
a patient on theopen the hospital and the patient is receiving fluocinolone and you think your liver is a
therapeutic you discharge him with the same dose and he finished the course of fluocin the level of the focon will be
trace four inhibitor it's it's called Dad risp it's oral treatment it can be used for obese patients with COPD uh
chronic bronchitis type not empyema and uh history of frequent exacerbation it can decrease the weight
as well uh so it can help with obese patients with COPD who qualify for that treatment neck which is in acetal there
is conf conflicting results some trials show that it decreased the oxidant stress and help with COPD exacerbation
other trials trials didn't show uh benefit it's not part of the standard standard of therapy uh surgical
treatment you have long uh uh long voice production uh surgery now we we we conducting trials to try to do that uh
by broncoscopy by putting into bronchial valve uh to do some volume uh reduction uh but the main trial was published in
New England Journal of Medicine 2003 and it show uh benefit for the patients who has a baseline low Exercise capacity and
predominant upper uh loop um uh uh disease uh so remember number 20% if you are above 20% F1 dlco up L predominance
and you have good Exercise capacity uh you will not qualify still because of the exercise you should have low
Exercise capacity and you should maximize your rehab before referring the patient for that uh very low number will
uh put you in a lung transplantation category but you have to refer your patient before they H this number
because once they reach these numbers they will be high risk uh for uh surgery improving survival stopping smoking and
uh oxygen therapy you have to remember the indications for oxygen in in COPD uh the longer you give the oxygen the
better the survival the two main trials uh were done this is a combined data from both trials better survival with a
longer uh duration of uh oxygen smoking sensation you have different uh categories to choose in between just
remember the side effect in the board uh you shouldn't use will butterine if you have a risk of seizure and you shouldn't
is the main inflammatory cells in asthma cd8 in COPD uh asthma is mainly xenophilic uh inflammatory uh uh
condition COPD is nitrophilic subgroup of asthma patient they may have neutrophilic component and these are the
groups who are not getting the benefit of corticosteroid therapy and inhaled cortico steroid the the reason I
highlighted some of these interlukin some of the new medications for asthma being developed now trying to Target the
interlan 5 and 13 especially for severe asthma uh Alpha triin just remember it's more basal predominant younger age
patient uh the most severe form is ZZ form it affect 1 to 3% of your your COPD patient suspected if you have a patient
with a lower age and there is no history of exposure it's more common in patients with picutis uh and patients with Anka C
Ana vasculitis especially anti pr3 uh treatment not everyone will get the treatment but every patient should stop
smoking and if the patient has a low level which is above uh below 80 uh milligram per dcil and have moderate
obstruction of pulmonary function test and uh stop smoker already then uh he will qualify uh for treatment uh quickly
on pulmonary hypertension uh if you have suggestive symptoms suggestive Echo you do write hard cast uh you look mainly in
the pulmonary pressure the target number we look at is 25 with rest uh sometimes we can do exercise in the cast lab to
see if this number with exercise will be above 30 uh this is the actual number most of the studies using the 25 number
or 30 with exercise you should remember your classes from 1 to 5 one purely arterial with uh HIV connective tissue
disease and Venus will be secondary to a LIF side disease class three will be secondary to hypoxia such as an
intertial lung disease COPD obstructive sleep apnea uh thrombotic uh stage four uh the only thing I want you to remember
don't choose a calcium channel blocker unless they will give you a positive vasor activity test on the exam uh vasor
activity test to be positive your pressure should fall below 40 and uh should fall more than 10 mm your heart
cardiac output shouldn't drop at least it should be stable or uh increase otherwise you may harm the patient by
adding calcium channel broker 50% of the patient who are V vasor Active in few years they will lose the vasor activity
and they will need a different agent Waring is not the long choice if there is no contraindication uh we choose the
treatment depending on the stage Niha class one we just observe uh 2 three and four we start uh choosing oral medicine
uh till stage four you may have trip uh just remember uh the hard Cal the pressure is 25 if your capillary
pulmonary W pressure is uh below 15 this is uh pure arterial hypertension if it's above 25 it's secondary to uh heart
failure in between 15 to 25 you have to calculate trans pulmonary gradient which is basically your uh mean pulmonary
pressure minus your WG pressure if you have the number above 12 it means out of proportion of heart failure so you can
still qualify for uh some therapy based on that if your number is below uh 12 uh then this is proportional to your heart
failure and we canot provide specific therapy for pulmonary hypertension and uh lastly these are uh new medications I
don't think they will show in your in service or board exam the only thing I want you to remember is rioot is newly
uh approved medication for pulmonary hypertension and uh thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and don't
prescribe nitrate uh or uh cenil with it otherwise you can have serious side effects of uh hypo tension I think if if
they uh cover any of these this will be the main point don't prescribe cenil because cenil is most of pulmon
hypertension patients they may be on cenil and you don't want to start them on U this uh uh new medication uh if
they are taking that already I think we are done for to last last week we start started this
series of review on pulmonary and critical care uh last time we discussed basic physiology pulmonary function
testing asthma uh COPD uh vocal core dysfunction and um other uh subtopics in pulmonary uh today we will uh continue
on the second part uh I had to split this sessions on into three uh Parts the third part will be including uh uh Parts
related to high altitude medicine sleep and critical care uh review so this is the second part of the
hypertension because we went through it very quick last time and we didn't have the time to uh stress on the important
uh points so previously pulmonary hypertension used to be classified as primary and secondary this is all the
classification now you have to know the type 1 2 3 4 and five uh and you have to know which uh disease
fall in which category uh so for example type one it includes the idopathic pulmonary hypertension includes
pulmonary hypertension uh secondary to HIV secondary to connective tissue disease uh port to pulmonary
hypertension is included also in uh this category uh also drug uh induced pulmonary hypertension such as
amphetamin cocaine uh it goes under this category uh category number two is uh the Venus uh pulmonary hypertension
which is basically pulmonary hypertension secondary to left-sided heart uh disease uh type three is uh the
disease we see uh secondary to hypoxemia or secondary to primary lung disease so patients with Advanced severe COPD
Advanced fibrosis um uh or patients with severe sleep apnea they may have pulmonary hypertention uh secondary to
the hypoxemia uh we know the effect of hypoxemia on the pulmonary vascul causing vasil constriction and this can
cause elevation of the pressure uh type four is secondary to thrombo embolic disease uh if the patient had acute PE
uh later on they may develop pulmonary hypertension or a chronic thrombo embolic uh pulmonary embolism which is
more common in female or contraceptive pills uh there is certain uh category of patients young female uh they may
present later just with disia on exertion without a specific incident of acute pulmonary embolism and
they may have pulmonary hypertension secondary to this chronic thrombo embolic uh disease uh category five is
miscellaneous uh it's important to know these diseases in the work cup of pulmonary hypertension because you go
through your list and you try to roll in or out every disease uh so for example HIV testing is part of the workup
checking the liver function test is part of the workup history is very important asking about previous drug abuse any
amphetamin any cocaine or an anorogenic drugs uh you need to get a baseline idea about the pulmonary function and the
lung parena so a lot of times we do high resolution CT with the chest to make sure there is no underlying lung disease
uh we can get pulmonary function test to make sure there is no underlying severe restrictive or obstructive lung disease
which may be the cause of pulmonary hypertension if if we think the patient also uh high risk for sleep apnea uh we
can do sleep studies on uh these patients uh we can do VQ scan as well to rule out a chronic thromboembolic uh
disease uh so this is important in the work up of a patient with pulmonary hypertension uh usually the patient will
have shortness of breath someone will do an echo and uh which may suggest pulmonary hypertension uh with a strain
to uh confirm the numbers and uh measure uh the pulmonary artery pressure and the W pressure and then once we confirm it
with hard c a patient has pulmonary hypertension uh we will start the work up to uh determine the cause uh usually
the pulmonary hypertension when we do the right side heart calf we look at the pulmonary artery pressure above 25 uh
with rest or 30 with exercise so if we do the hard cast and the pressure of the pulmonary artery is normal say 23 uh
sometimes we do exercise in the hard calf so the patient can carry uh some uh sailing bags or sand bag and do exercise
for a few minutes and we measure the pressure again making sure it's not increasing uh with exercise because this
can cause dis with exertion uh as well uh the important Point here is about calcium channel blockers uh because a
lot of people uh see pulmonary hypertension and think calcium channel blocker and they just prescribe it uh
and they think it's beneficial for the patient we uh do not recommend to prescribe calcium channel blockers
without what's called vasor activity test uh so during the hard calf as well we usually use inhal nitric oxide here
uh to make sure the patient is B reactive or no uh so once we inhal uh the nitric oxide the pulmonary artery
pressure to to call it positive response should drop by more than 10 mm Mercury to a level less than 40 mm Mercury mean
pulmonary arterial pressure without drop in the cardiac output so the cardiac output should remain stable or
improve uh that's why it's determin in some people if they get the calcium channel blocker because this may uh
induce a drop in the cardiac output and this will be bad for the patient that's why we need to do the vasor activity
test make sure giving these agents we can use the osine proy here we use the inhal nitric oxide and to document if
they are vasor active or no if the patient is vasor active they can benefit from calcium channel blocker but a lot
of these patients later on they can lose this vasor activity so if the patient is on calcium channel blocker and later on
he was doing okay improved symptoms and then uh symptoms deteriorate we repeat the heart C making sure the numbers
didn't go up or the patient didn't lose the positive V activity test because then these patients may need other uh
kind of uh treatment and other uh groups of medication anti ulation is not the wrong answer especially if there is no
contraindication and especially in in chronic thromboembolic disease or uh pmon hypertension uh secondary to
thromboembolism uh usually for treatment we decide about the agent of treatment uh by the New York Heart Association
classification so it's a functional class class classification class 1 2 three or four uh class one usually we
just observe the patient the class two you can start adding medicines uh oral medicines some inhalers we have once you
progress in classes you can combine some different uh classes of uh different groups of medications and finally in
class 4 or Advanced uh class three stage you may consider adding IV treatment there are different classes of medicine
uh including sopy Endo Endo receptor antagonist prostacyclin analoges and this is a a diagram about the heart calf
if you go femoral approach you will go from the femoral vein inferior vena right atrium your catheter will go to
the right ventricle pulmonary artery and then uh you reach your uh pulmonary artery branch which uh uh you can do the
wedging of your balloon so you you keep the balloon inflated and you advance it till you see the tracing change and you
know you are in a wig position so you can measure the wtge uh uh pressure uh without when you deflate the balloon
then you you are measuring the pulmonary artery pressure when you inflate it and olude the blood vessel and you will have
a continuous colum of blood from the tip of the catheter till the left atrium this will be your wedge pressure which
is reflecting the left side of the heart or the left at uh it's important to know that uh
there are classification of lung zones lung Zone one two and three we prefer the catheter to be in zone three uh this
classification relate to if you have a continuous column of blood to the left atrium or no so we can see in Z in zone
one the alular pressure is higher than the arterial pressure and Venus pressure so it's actually interrupted here so if
you are measuring a pressure actually you will be measuring the intra alular pressure uh more and it will be
affecting your reading uh this is partial Interruption so the pulmonary artery uh pressure is uh higher than uh
the Venus uh higher than the AL pressure pressure but still the alular pressure is higher than the Venus pressure so you
can see here there is effect of the intra alular pressure on your reading so this is the best position you would like
your catheter to be in uh where you have continuous column of blood and you'll be measuring uh data reflecting the left
side of the heart uh this position is the lung is not classified anatomically anatomically to Zone 1 2 and three it's
blood flow so if you are standing your zone three will be most likely towards the basis if you lie down this change
depending on the distribution of the blood flow so it's it's zone three is the most dependent area uh of your lung
where you have more blood flow and continuous blood flow from uh the right uh side of the heart between the right
side and the left side of the heart the problem with with this you may get a force High reading uh say if the patient
is on mechanical ventilation and you have high peak pressure and you put your catheter and it's in zone one you can be
measuring your peep because this is the intra Alvar pressure applied by the ventilator so that's why it's important
to make sure uh it's in zone three so this is zone three uh where your uh pulmonary arterial pressure is higher
than the Venus and alular pressure uh while the alular pressure is less than the Venus side uh this graph is
important important and these numbers are important as well so we'll do the hard cast we'll give you the report that
hypertension and we mention in the report capillary wtge pressure so you have to know if your capillary wtch
pressure is less than 15 this is pulmonary arterial uh hypertension uh if your capillary W pressure is more than
25 this is reflecting a picture of heart failure uh which is uh group uh two uh with Venus pulmonary hypertension second
to Heart uh disease in this group between 15 and 25 we have to calculate what's called TR transpulmonary gradient
and uh this is actually the mean uh pulmonary artery pressure minus the O pressure if the number is more than 12
it means uh there is a pulmonary hypertension out of proportion of heart failure so you may still have left-sided
heart disease and on top of that you may have pulmonary arterial hypertension if this number is below 12 then uh it's in
proportion to heart failure in this case we recommend just management of the left-sided heart failure important also
to note that uh you have to pay attention of not only to the wedge pressure and Main pulmonary pressure uh
but when you get the cast report you have to look at uh the pressure of the right atrium uh because say you have a
patient he went for heart calf and uh his main pulmonary uh artery pressure is 30 uh or 35 let's say 35
and then the patient is receiving treatment and he's doing worse and then you rep repeat the hard calf and your
mean uh pulmonary arterial pressure on the repeat heart calf is 30 so the first number is 35 the second number is 30 at
the first look you may say you the patient improve but you didn't look at the right atrial pressure maybe the
right side of the heart is failing and getting dilated and that's why the pulmonary artery pressure is uh going
down but the right side of the heart pressure is going up so if you have the first calf right arterial uh right
atrial pressure is five and now it's 10 on the second heart calf patient actually may be doing worse and not uh
better any questions about the pmon hypertension uh diagnosis management care no okay uh treatments uh two new
medications came out recently uh Messi tenton and rioot um rioot is a new size of medication it's a
soluble gate Cycles um uh stimulator and uh it's approved for both uh chronic thrombo embolic pulmonary hypertension
and Pulmonary arterial hypertension last time I mentioned you have to remember the contraindication uh because it's
contraindicated to give it with nitrates and other treatments that we use commonly for palon hypertension such as
cenil I don't think this will show up in urine service or or your board because it's a new medicine but if if if there
is any question I think it's important to know uh this interaction because you may be the primary care physician of the
patient and he is already onos for pmon hypertension and you are considering adding some nitrate for heart problem so
you should be aware about this uh contraindication uh this is a patient we had uh she had horseness of voice and uh
Disney on exertion and uh this is oscopy picture and she had left the vocal cord paralysis so the next step
you do cut scan of the lung to make sure there's no Mass uh causing uh impairment of the function or
invading uh the uh LIF recurrent lenial nerve uh the CAT scan showed enlarged pulmonary artery and she underw right
side heart cat and this is not the systemic pressure this is the pulmonary artery pressure so pulmonary pressure
was 123 over 45 and was so huge it was causing paralysis of the vocal cord because it was pressing on the left
recurrent lenial nerve this is called orner syndrome orner syndrome can happen also when you have enlargement of the
LIF Atrium originally described with patients with romatic fever and nital vosis when they have enlargement of the
left atrium it can cause compromise of the left recurrent lenal nerve and it can cause vness of voice uh she was
started on uh treatment and she improved and her pressure is uh is down now uh this is another case we have you have to
consider cases of congenital anomalies even in older individual uh this is an example uh 61y old female uh past
medical R of hypertension shortness of breath she had a an echo suggested possible P hypertension uh she came with
dead heart Cal so this is a normal pathway of a catheter you insert from the inferior vena goes to the right
atrium right ventricle and to the pulmonary AR we should see that path on the xray on the fluoroscopy image it
should be going here and going like this and going to the pulmonary artery we had this abnormal uh pathway here we uh did
right femoral approach so the first catheter uh crossed the midline went up came down and it went to somewhere we
didn't know where is it but it it's in in the in the in the tracing you can tell where it's going so we saw the
tracing that the catheter going into the the right atrium and the right ventricle and the pulmonary but just the pathway
continuation of the inferior vena on the left side she has a left side is superior vinaa so you have to be
considering also these variants uh when you evaluate uh the patient even uh if the patient is not in in pediatric uh
group uh second cystic fibros is um it's a chronic lung disease uh usually can be diagnosed most of our cases diagnosed
during infancy but again uh you can uh consider it in young adult if if they had mild disease and it was not
diagnosed before uh you have chromosomal abnormality in chromosome 7 and the Delta F 508 this is the most common uh
genetic abnormality in up to 77% of the patients and you will have classic picture recurrent muonium ilas in the in
you will have pancreatic insufficiency you may have liver problems and you may develop diabetes malus with the
sweet chloride test if you remember the number it's above 60 you have to know they use pyoc carbon to induce it and
other causes it can be false uh positive um in other abnormalities such as hypothyroidism hypoparathyroid there
mucos acarid dois uh severe pancreatitis severe malnutrition hypog gam globin Mia so you you have to consider all of these
uh and in the criteria for diagnosis we don't take one criteria you have to have a clinical picture consistent with that
and then testing uh this medicine evapor is a new medicine and uh only uh 4% of patients have underlying um genetic
abnormality uh this medicine can work on it this is the only medicine in cystic fibrosis which Target uh the underlying
uh problem uh and uh you know in the problem in cystic fibrosis it's mainly uh transport problem between the sodium
and chloride uh in the respiratory epithelium and this medicine is targeting this underlying problem and
patients can do very well on it but again it's only 4% of the patients but you can do genetic testing uh to see
which patients will uh uh benefit from this patients usually colonized with staff hemophilus influenza later on they
will have colonization with pomonis uh The Chronic therapy you give them dnas and uh supplementation of pancreatic
enzymes some of these patients who have a chronic colonization of Sedonas you can give inhale to pryin uh these
patients also if you have a cystic fibrosis patient you will find they be getting macroides uh such as as estris
three times a week uh for anti-inflammatory effect and uh they do better with that uh chronic infection
with bosia is a contraindication for lung transplant so if you want to know anything just remember this medicine 4%
of population May benefit uh this is contraindication for lung transplant in most of the centers it's secondary to a
problem of chromosome 7 and swe chloride test uh remember number 60 uh again diagnosis don't take just a swe chloride
test and diagn a patient based on that you have to have consistent history clinical picture genetic testing and
combination of these element uh to make the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis other causes of bronch so this
is just aonic to remember the causes if you have a patient on the floor you do a CAT scan and the report say pronexis so
you have to go through a differential diagnosis uh list uh which can include cystic fibrosis uh especially if a young
adult uh allergic Bronco pulmonary aspis so can order IG uh level uh post infectious which is most common uh think
level um other rare syndrome carag syndrome if you have cytus inversus you have to think about it and Monon
syndrome uh you look at the CAT scan and uh you compare the internal diameter of the broni to the accompanying vessel and
uh from that you can say if the patient has bronis or no this is a patient we had he came with shortness of breath
fever cuff sputum production on the CAT scan you see dilation of the airway the tra is enlarged Airway enlarged these
are brones so uh this is varicose brones and cystic brones uh we did the broncoscopy and he has a lot of
diver in the airway and this was a case of mon syndrome the patient didn't have cystic fibrosis immunoglobulins were
normal and Alpha antipin was normal uh so uh this is a case of mon syndrome as an example of
bronis um interstitial lung disease um this is a a broad topic there is a about more than 200 of interstitial lung
disease uh so this is just uh trying to have all of these diseases in in one table just for the sake of your exam and
uh we have different classification for uh interstitial lung disease so if you want to classify it by the cause
inational and non incubation organic and inorganic causes so in organic caes you will have hyper sensitivity neumonitis
fosis uh inorganic Asis silicosis neosis and bosis non incubation you have other uh things like idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis uh collagen uh uh connective tissue disease lambang myosis usually female with neorx
kyus effusion and it's associated with t sclerosis hytos X usually present with Nemo thorax sarcoidosis which we see
frequently aniv proteinosis is very rare but you have to know uh if you do BM it's p positive which is periodic acid
Chi stain you can send for that if it comes back positive and clinical picture is consist consistent with that that you
can diagnose it but it's rare go pure syndrome and you have to have the anti anti membrane antibody and usually
patients present with hesis uh another classification we like is just classified as granulomatous disease
versus non granulomatous disease and known versus unknown causes it's important to know there are known causes
that cause interstitial lung disease and we try to exclude that in the work up if a patient comes in the are consistent
with interstitial lung disease chronic symptoms restrictive pattern on the pulmonary function test most of the time
and restricted volume and some element of fibrosis or ground glass on the CAT scan uh so you have to make sure the
patient doesn't have chronic aspiration which can cause uh basal fibrosis and the patient can present as interstial
lung disease you have to ask about history of drugs such as amidone uh because these patient they they have to
be monitored with pulmonary function test if they are receiving Amidon for long period of time
especially on higher doses you have to ask about the history uh such as history of exposure for hypers sensitivity
lionitis or any organic or inorganic dust exposure so you have to ask about the occupation occupational exposure not
only now but in the past and for how long how how was the duration uh still we have unknown causes but uh again we
have to do through history physical examination and serological can work up as well to roll out connective tissue
disease related interal lung disease uh in the process of work up uh occupational interstitial lung disease
uh these are uh some uh tips for the exam hypers sensitivity Nittis can present as acute uh Subacute or chronic
when it present as chronic it may look like a pulmonary fibrosis and uh uh it's difficult uh to just differentiate
between it and the pulmonary fibrosis except for the history uh it takes different uh names depending on the
agent the patient exposed to uh but it's all of these are basically hypers sensitivity pneumonitis um you'll have
the coton dust disease if in the typical exam uh they will give you recurrence of of symptoms especially on Monday uh
morning uh asbestos exposure you have to differentiate between asbestos exposure and asbestosis so asisto exposure can
cause po Plax you can see it on the CAT scan and and uh diaphragmatic classification with the sparing of of
costophrenic angle is important because you can see plural classification uh calcification in other diseases and we
will uh show you an an image of for example tuberculosis can cause that but you will find the calcification more
towards the Apex and not towards the diaphragm uh also remember uh benign as pistus related perur Fusion uh which can
be bloody and it's a benign thing uh and you have to remember Mop as well uh asbestosis on the other hand you will
have more than 10 years of exposure and uh it can predispose you to cancer and usually it affect the basis of the lung
and cause fibrosis silicosis upper lung exal calcification uh you have to monitor the patient with PP uh because
uh this is a part of U of the workup uh but this is we rarely see that and this is uh mainly uh can show up on your exam
and perosis it can look exactly look like sosis very difficult to differentiate uh you have to do this
lymphocytic transformation test uh to differentiate um examples hypersensitivity ntis C lob
pattern uh we have uh to know the pattern of different diseases on the high resolution CT but this is beyond
your uh exam level but for example here we have asist related calcification ation calcification because of silicosis
obstruction we can see the cyst in the lung she had biopsy hmb45 if you remember this this is inang myomatosis
45 uh location just remember the location remember asbestosis affect the base of the lung other
diseases I think I there was a few that I think they left because it's really messy affect the
cytosis uh smoker will present with neemo thorax usually and you have to remember for for for your test in even
in Internal Medicine the S100 and cd1a uh so just remember these two markers for for that disease most important
thing is to stop smoking treatment cladribine can be used it can help uh the other thing is respiratory
bronchitis Associated interstitial lung disease the only thing I wanted to make clear about the it's not only a
pathological diagnosis it has to be clinical diagnosis so the patient should have symptoms consistent with
interstitial lung disease Imaging finding consistent with interstitial lung disease and a a pulmonary function
test finding consistent with that uh such as restriction because if you do biopsy for any patient with COPD the
pathology report will will tell you there is a respiratory bronchitis uh picture but this will not put him in the
category of interstitial lung disease because this is a smoker's lung unless you have the supporting evidence of
hytos some cysts and we see small nules and this is the s00 St positive uh TPMT testing some patients with interstitial
lung disease we treat them with u as a thyine but before that you have to do this testing because if the patient has
deficiency in that enzyme he will be or she will be getting the side effects of the medicine because this is the enzyme
which metabolize that medicine uh idopathic pulmonary fibrosis you will have lung fibrosis bad cat scan
chronic symptoms physical examination just remember clubbing and crackles basil crackles uh it's uh you can you
can listen to this in in up to 85% of the patients with idopathic pulmonary fibrosis uh usually uh the distribution
is peripheral at the basis uh you don't need a biopsy to diagnose in ipf uh so by ads a criteria if you have consistent
clinical picture consistent Imaging finding you can uh do the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis also but you have to
rule other things so usually we do the serology make sure it's not uh uh uh connective tissue disease related uh we
take a good history make sure it's not related to exposure not related to certain medication after you rule all of
these uh causes then you can make the diagnosis of ipf based on the typical clinical picture and typical uh Cat Skin
if if biopsy is done usually the best word for diagnosis is plastic to side tempor heterogenity honey comb change
this areas called honey comb change and it's usually towards the bases this is a fibroplastic fi which indicate the
underlying fibrosis uh no treatment uh so mainly supportive treatment we treating the coorbit conditions giving
oxygen follow up with pulmonary function test uh don't give this combination because there is increased rate of death
beneficial for the patient two new medications came out in studies and uh hopefully they will be approved soon uh
they can delay the progress of the disease uh this medicine is already approved in Europe and being used since
2011 uh so hopefully uh it will be approved soon uh here uh this is an example of interstitial lung disease
patient came with hopsis he had hisma we can see the ground glass opacity in both lungs and we did the serological workup
to make sure it's not Al hemorrage we did sequential lavage was negative for hemorrage uh we did uh the Anka
antiglomerular basement membrane antibodies everything came back negative he underwent biopsy and this is this was
nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis so it was basically pneumonitis related to his Scleroderma and we can see the
difference here we can see a lot of cells so it was a cellular inflammation when you see a lot of inflammatory cells
it means the patient will respond most likely to treatment with immunosuppressive therapy he under went
improved uh sarcoidosis you have different grades on the chest xray uh the most severe one is grade four uh
they don't have to develop in sequence uh you have the classic picture of higher infiny the infiltrate uh you can
see it follow the bronchovascular Bumble and this can give you a hint that this is a case of
sarcoidosis uh non cting granuloma you have to remember that with uh negative uh gam negative fungal stains because
fungal infection can cause you uh non um cting granuloma so the buzz word is non- cting granuloma in U setting of no
infection uh BL remember this ratio CD4 to cd8 it shows up in the board and you know the ratio that differentiate
ratio is less than one sosis it's more than four remember bosis you cannot differentiate it and uh it's very
difficult to differentiate it from sosis because it gives like clinical pictures similar to it same radiological pattern
especially with higher lymphadenopathy uh remember that osm which is usually changes on the lower extremity on the
corticosteroids treat uh severe pulmonary symptoms and extra pulmonary manifestations with corticosteroids and
you have to treat hypercalcemia uh as well to avoid uh complications uh two syndromes in in
sarcoidosis you have to know even in Internal Medicine uh ler syndrome which is basically a combination of
aosm and uh fgia of the ankles and higher lympha opathy the thing you need to know is treatment is Ines so they
will give you a case with ankle pain athema Noam higher lymphadenopathy and they will give you the option to give
immunosuppressive therapy steroids insides so in this case you just use insides the other syndrome is here for
syndrome usually it's uh UTIs with pared enlargement and facial pulsy and uh you can treat with corticos steroids in in
this case but you have to remember these two entities uh from sarcoidosis uh this is a case of sarcoidosis sarcosis can
present with anything it can affect the liver can affect the lung here in this case patient came with shortness of
breath again CAT scan to make sure there is no cancer he was nonsmoker there was just this small area here uh which
looked like a mess we did navigational broncoscopy did the biopsy came back as nonas granuloma this is a ncting
granuloma during the broncoscopy we saw a couple Stone appearance of the airway which was consistent with sosis as well
so this was the only involvement just left vocal cord dysfunction with horses of voice patient received treatment
improved voice came back so sarcoidosis can present with any picture this is a picture of a of lower extremity this is
a list of differential diagnosis ofma Noam and higher lymphadenopathy so this can be sosis it can be coedo it can be
infection from the beginning and most of the cases are contained without progression so this is the exposure of
TB uh 70% no infection 30% you get some sort of infection this infection will be contained in 95% and this will be called
later as a latent TB uh only 5% will have primary progression of the disease especially if they have inadequate uh
immunity uh they're having difficulty at VA just close it just talk here better is it on yeah
it's on okay uh so uh this this uh uh graph here shows you uh primary uh progression and
secondary reactivation so when you have the exposure there is a chance of 5% that you will develop the primary
infection in the first year uh later on you can have late progression say you have latent TB infection contained in
your body and then you have uh problem with your immunity then you can have late progression which is called
secondary reactivation so your chance to develop an infection is 5% in the first year and then 5% for the rest of your
life HIV is different so you have uh 5% uh after the first year and 5 to 10% each year so if you have a patient
with HIV after 10 years he has latent TB there is high chance that after 10 years Almost 100% they can progress into um
active uh tuberculosis that's why it's important to treat a latent uh TB uh you have to remember these four uh uh
indications here for positive PPD test above five so the PPD test uh it's positive depending depending on uh the
number of millimeter of enduration uh based uh on the population you are doing the test in uh so if you have more than
5 mm will qualify you for a positive test in uh HIV infection close contact with active case a chest xray which is
suggestive of tuberclosis or if you are immunosuppressed so remember these four indication because in the internal
medicine board they will ask you and will give you a number of 5 mm or 15 or 10 and they want you to know is it a
positive test or just you ignore it which is uh negative uh remember 10 mm is positive for us healthcare worker uh
uh patients with diabetes malignancy silicosis uh so if you don't have no risk factor it's more than 50 mm and
then you shouldn't do the test uh if if you don't have risk factor really uh but 5 mm is high risk uh 10 mm is for a
healthcare worker uh will be a positive test uh there is another test to which which is the Egra or um interferon gamma
release which is a blood test you don't have to have interpretation reading numbers and the the ATS and CDC
recommending this test in all the indication that the tuber clean test is recommended for also they recommend to
ignore the PCG vaccine history so if you have a patient tells you oh I have a positive test because I got PC PCG
vaccine probably it's not because of that because it wains after 10 uh years uh the purpose of BCG vaccine in this
endemic area it decrease the incidence of TB menitis in Pediatrics and usually the effect of BCG vaccine will wi off by
almost 10 years so disregard history of PCG when interpreting uh tuber clean test results uh treatment just remember
uh 42 and 24 this is a busy slide but they ask you about the treatment uh so you start with four drugs for 2 months
and then two uh and then you continue with two drugs for 4 months so total duration of treatment is 6 months you
treat for 2 months you repeat the culture you need to see a negative culture in two months and then you will
uh continue uh in HIV patients you can use rabotin instead of refampin because of drug drug interaction uh refampin
will interact with with most of the HIV um uh medications uh treatment of pregnancy you have to know that it's
it's it's different so you will omit pyramide from the initial phase this will come as an McQ they will ask you
which medication you will not start which in this case will be pyramide and you have to know because you started
with a less medicine then you the continuation H phase which is usually 4 months will be extended to 7 months so
total duration of treatment in a pregnant woman will be a total of 9 months instead of uh 6
months uh later TP you have to know the treatment 9 months of inh if was in contact with resistant TB case you will
give recent for 4 months so from this page remember the treatment duration is 6 months HIV patient uh there there is a
lot of drug drug interactions uh in pregnancy exclude pyramide from the uh initial treatment
and extend the total duration of treatment uh to 9 uh months you have to follow up the patient uh make sure no
symptoms of liver problems you can supplement pyxine uh to avoid peripheral neuropathy you have to know your side
effects of medications such as AOL it can cause decreased Visual accurity and the multi-drug resistant TB is is
actually called uh when the organism is resistant to uh ni in and refampin at uh least uh this is uh extensive but the
only thing I wanted to uh to to show here is if you have a history of uh infection especially with cavitation on
the initial chest xray and you do your two month uh culture and still positive you should continue your treatment for 9
months instead of six uh the other graph here uh this is what's called culture negative TB if you have a patient
presenting with picture typical for tuberculosis loss of weight sputum uh uh night sweat and all cultures are
negative and you still clinically suspect this is TB actually you can start a treatment for two months and see
the response if the X-ray improve clinically the patient improve and culture still negative you can just
continue treatment for 4 months and this is called a culture negative TB it's clinical diagnosis of of TB I don't
think they they will ask you about that but they will ask you definitely about the uh duration of treatment 6 month
uh these are the main important points in uh treatment of uh tuberculosis uh this is a patient we had yeah go ahead
communicate person how how long contact yeah um it's it's I mean there is no uh usually prolonged contact but it's it's
difficult to to say uh and there is no um uh cut number saying that oh he will transmit it in few days or but you have
to consider any patient exposed to an active case of TB is high risk and you have to monitor and you have to place uh
PPD and uh if and you have to do x-ray so if you do your X-ray and the X-ray is negative and you do PPD and it it gives
you a positive remember the four indication more than five then you will treat that patient as a latent TB uh
with that history of exposure and positive PPD uh so you have to check that to identify the uh exposure first
find that patient uh who uh ask him if there there was any recent exposure contact these people get a chest x-ray
uh do a PPD uh test if the X-ray is negative PPD is negative so there is no uh risk most likely but you have to
remember in the early exposure PPD may be falsely negative so you can repeat it down the road to make sure it's not
converting to positive uh if the chest xray is is positive and the patient has TV you treat as TV if the PPD is
positive CH xray is negative then you will treat as latent TB uh so you you have to pay attention and this is a very
good question you have to pay attention for the exposure but how long for transmission it's a difficult question
yeah how would you say this person can't transmit anymore uh when you have cultures negative that's why we you do
negative then if positive then that's why you extend uh that WR and and remember a culture negative and positive
is different from Acid fast stain because the bacteria may die and the patient may be still splitting some
bacteria so that's why you say culture positive and negative not FB stain cuz you do two month it may be positive but
the culture can be negative okay uh this is a case of TB uh epical cavity uh uh and this is uh empa related to TV and
this is empatis which is the the the substance break through the skin the chest wall I mean and it's
under the skin and this patient treated and this is the pre and this is a post uh treatment so this is an example of TB
uh case another case this is old TB I wanted to make the point of uh plural calcif calcification so this is old TB
treated but it left the manifestation of Po plx as calcification and the reason I'm bring this x-ray to show you it's
more epical different from asbestosis or asbestos exposure related po calcification uh which is mainly basil
and including the diaphragm this one here is is mainly epical so not every plural calcification you will see you
will say aestus uh exposure uh other causes can cause like chronic infection such as uh TB uh can be uh a cause uh
this is non-tuberculous microbacteria infection I just want you to remember NE uh it can microbacterial Avan complex
and the treatment they ask about the this combination of treatment uh for me uh other bacteria micro bacteria cancer
C this is the second most non uh TB bacteria that can cause infection in the lung after the mac and other rapidly
growing micro bacteria uh I'm I'm not sure if they will give you a question about that but definitely you have to
remember myobacterium Avan uh the treatment for it and the clinical uh presentation part three today uh we'll
cover uh some more topics that were not covered in part one and part two uh first we'll talk about pneumonia uh
first uh uh this is again the review for uh board exam in service exam so we will go over uh more than one topic uh during
the course uh of this 45 minutes uh so pneumonia you should be familiar with different scores uh to classify severity
of pneumonia the most uh simple is a curb 65 that use confusion uh uremia uh respiratory rate low blood sugar and age
uh it will help you to classify your patients quickly uh to know who can be treated as an outpatient who can be
admitted and treated on the floor and who will need admission to the ICU based on the score every uh point will give
you a single digit number one uh which you can add together and you can find your score if your score is three or
more uh that uh uh score uh suggested that you should go uh uh to the Intensive Care uh unit uh other uh
scores like the cpis and the pneumonia severity index you should be familiar also with these scores uh they are more
complicated sometimes you may have uh to have a card uh to calculate the actual uh scores looking at uh more variables
uh than uh mentioned in the Cur 65 uh also there is a role now for procalcitonin uh to guide you regarding
uh initi in treatment and to stop treatment with clinical Improvement and procal stonin Improvement as well procal
stonin usually will be high in setting of bacterial infection and uh not in a setting of viral infection or viral
pneumonia uh you should be familiar with different types of pneumonia uh Hospital acquired uh which happens uh after 48
Hours uh after admission uh ventilator Associated pneumonia and we will discuss more because there is a new surveillance
system system that's suggested now uh to uh screen for ventilator Associated pneumonia uh again the 48 hour role
applies U with the incubation uh Health Care uh you should ask in the history if there is a recent hospitalization to the
hospital and uh when was admission and how for how many days the patient was admitted to the hospital more than two
days in the previous 90 days Will qualify you for hcap also if there is a history suggestive of extensive exposure
to Health Care like getting chemotherapy dialysis and nursing home residents will put you in that category you don't have
to memorize this but it's coming so probably you may hear you may have heard about it or you will hear about it soon
uh this is ventilator Associated events it's a new uh surveillance system the CDC uh puts a this uh uh phrase here
that this is not a definition it's it's used for a survey Vance but more and more uh you will find this being used in
the units uh basically they qu qualify U the events uh either ventilator Associated condition or infection
related ventilator Associated complication or ventilator Associated neumonia which will will take at least 8
days to say probable or uh uh possible uh VB uh because to qualify for vag ventilator Associated condition you have
to be on the ventilator with a stable uh conditions regarding Peep and F2 for at least two days and after these two days
if there is deterioration in F2 by .2 uh or peep uh more than three for and and this has to be continuous for 2 days so
now you are on the ventilator for 4 days now you can call it V and uh subsequently if you develop temperature
high white count or low uh qualifying you for a possible infection and you started new antibiotics for at least 4
is infection related ventilator Associated complication so already now we are talking about 8 days you have to
be stable on the ventilator for 2 days deterioration in F2 and Peep for 2 days so this is 4 days and then you will have
to be on antibiotic for another 4 days so this is 8 days and you have to apply other criterias uh regarding period
secretion and the number of cell count uh and this is different depending if you get it by just bl by broncoscopy or
just a sputum sample uh so this is more complicated but uh you will hear about it uh soon in the Intensive Care Unit
antibiotic selection for pneumonia you can treat as an outpatient or inpatient as we mentioned we classify patients by
curb score and this will help guiding uh locating our patients either as a patient or to the floor or the Intensive
Care Unit usually in outpatient sitting uh macroy or doicy will be good usually we give ayin you can use 500 mgram in
the first day and that's followed by 250 uh for another uh 4 days um out patient with comorbidity or antibiotic uh use in
the last 3 months you may use uh respiratory flocon um as your agent or you can combine balam and mcro uh in
patient in which you don't suspect uh resistant organisms such as Sedonas or MRSA you can treat with respiratory
fluocinolone alone or you can combined betan with micro just as we use aesty plus trione will be a good uh choice and
you try to ask what was the kind of antibiotic the patient was exposed to recently because you tried to use
different antibiotic so if the patient received flone you may use the betam Asing combination and if the patient
within short period of time if you have risk for Sedonas or MRSA then you can add coverage uh with um anti-al Pam and
uh you can do the double coverage for pneumonia with the Sedonas meaning that you will have anti-al antibiotic and the
fluocinolone and ifm RSA is suspected uh such as severe necrotizing pneumonia and the patient has risk for MRSA positive
recommend uh the minimal uh duration of treatment uh as long as the patient is improving uh clinically uh because you
will not find Improvement in the X-ray uh soon to guide you with stopping antibiotic uh procalcitonin uh has
increased uh role now uh in tapping antibiotic therapy uh minimum of days with good clinical response will be okay
except if you have other complication meaning that you shouldn't have any necrotizing pneumonia or impa or lung
absis and you shouldn't have resistant organism such as solonus or MRSA because these organism will need uh more U days
of treatment for example just sodon pneumonia you may need 15 days of antibiotic uh MRC pneumonia you can uh
use anywhere between 7 uh to uh uh 21 days uh it depends on the extent of the infection and the clinical uh course and
the response uh of your patient uh we see a lot of patients with sta oros spia you have to make sure they don't have
infective endocarditis as a complication uh if there is no good visualization of the cardiac vales with transthoracic EO
we may do a te to make sure they don't have infect infective endocarditis and you can classify the staff or bmia into
complicated or uncomplicated usually in the uncomplicated you will have a resolution of the bmia within 72 hours
uh you don't have prothetic devices you don't have uh evidence of infective endocarditis uh by te and and then you
can use antibiotics uh for 2 weeks uh if you have complicated uh infection uh such as with infective uh endocarditis
it it will make the duration uh longer uh if you are immunosuppressed if you have persistance of acmia Beyond 72
hours you you may need 4 weeks endocarditis or hematogenous Endo osteitis will increase further the
duration up to uh 6 to 8 weeks there is a question mark put on the diabetes here because the evidence is not strong uh
for the diabetes so just uh keep it in mind uh and this algorithm was uh done mainly for uh central line related
infection but again we can use these data uh to treat sta orus bacteria um as well even if it's not associated with
pneumonia uh you should have a followup chis rate to document resolution of pneumonia usually uh within 6 weeks uh
there should be an improvement uh in the radiological picture because remember some of these patients may not have
pneumonia and it may be just postobstructive pneumonia they may have underlying lung cancer such as
adenocarcinoma which grows slowly and can present as resistant or difficult to treat pneumonia and the patient will
still have that same infiltrate persistent and they can be diagnosed later with adenocarcinoma of the lung so
it's important to confirm resolution of pneumonia after uh treatment uh the other thing to remember if you have
volume loss on chest xray and you're treating pneumonia that's abnormal pneumonia shouldn't cause volume loss so
for example you will see a patient with infiltrate right lower lobe or left lower lobe and you will find there's
marked elevation of the diaphragm on that side which was not there before uh so you have to suspect about any lung
cancer if there is any endobronchial obstruction any postobstructive pneumonia because this may be masking uh
underlying uh lung cancer uh infiltrated on chist exray on the presentation if the patient is very dehydrated uh may
not be uh so clear and in this case if the clinical picture is going with pneumonia you can start treatment and
repeat x-ray after hydr ation you may find the infiltrates becoming more clear again infusion with pneumonia you have
to make sure it's not Ina and you have to know what are the criteria of impa if you find Frank P when you do thoros
sythesis that's impa a positive culture of the plural fluid if you have remember these two numbers the ph and glucose pH
less than 7.2 and glucose less than uh 60 uh where will qualify you for complicated uh Fusion
uh this is key points for different organism that may help you to identify the causitive agent on your uh board uh
stripto cocas pneumonia we see it a lot uh Grand positive uh diai uh sta orus usually they may give you a history of
preceding influenza infection there is tendency for cavitation cavity formation absis formation and you have to be uh
careful about the MRSA risk of course it's a grand positive Cella the classic uh example they will
give you a chronic uh alcohol user and he have uh he has history of aspiration carelis pum bulging Fisher sign are the
classic signs described with CP pneumonia we may not see them now but still these are Buzz wordss for uh the
boards uh especially uh with the CP uh so theonas you have to uh ask about uh previous history underlying lung disease
to make uh sure uh uh there is no risk for camonis infection of course it's a gram negative it's very common in uh on
mechanical ventilation uh hemophilus influenza morill Calis usually will be the patient with COPD they are gram
negative micoplasma you have to remember the hemolytic anemia called alanine and Emma multiforms and polus meritis on ear
examination May Point uh to micoplasma IGM antibody you can treat with ayin uh clamidia uh you have to remember the
treatment doicy uh Legionella remember legioner disease uh pneumonia diarrhea change of mental status change in uh
serum chemistry uh regarding the sodium and phosphorus uh also you have to know that we order urine Legionella antigen
but it it doesn't mean that the patient doesn't have Legionella infection if it comes back negative because it's only
testing for L1 cotype and this is about 70% of the cases so you may have uh Legionella pneumonia in and in 30% of
cases and you will have negative urine regen antigen because it's only L1 serotype which is representing only 70%
these are usually uh the key points in the question uh other organism especially in in immunosuppressed
individual uh you have to remember coxy hiso and plasto uh coxy C goes with C usually more in California you may have
skin manifestation histoplasmosis more in in this area Ohio River Mississippi River uh histoplasma urinary antigen
usually it's a good test if you think uh there is a risk for uh this infection uh also when you look at the CAT scan you
can go with the engine till the lower sections which include usually the liver and spleen and if you find multiple
splenic classifications that can be a hint about exposure to histoplasma as well uh blasto this is a picture for
blasto you have to remember with the B broad based buing yeast you may have a skin lesion the plan of treatment uh
will depend on on the your immune uh status and uh the condition severity of illness uh symptoms so the range maybe
you can just observe uh up to giving strong U antifungal such as infotrain so you have to know your patient and the
underlying immune condition uh the symptoms uh radiological manifestation and all of these factors will guide you
uh through either to choose to treat or just monitor give uh oral antifungals like itraconazol or giving strong
antifungal uh such as infotrain uh this is a patient we had he was an H I patient presented with uh cuff chronic
uh we can see a small cavitation in the left lower robe and also there is there is you can see the arrow Black Arrow sub
node and the white Arrow right higher lymph node we did Evas uh needed aspiration of these lymph nodes and the
patient had lymphatic cryptosis so this was a primary infection with crypto cocal infection with dissemination to
the lymph nodes and uh it caused uh this manifestation the patient also had later uh cryptal menitis and he was treated
and um he recovered so it's important to remember these opport opportunistic infection especially with
immunosuppression uh other uh organism that may be covered in your board uh Anthrax you have to remember Anthrax is
gr positive you will use flocon for treatment but it's a gr positive you have to remember this
uh also one of the buzz wordss is widened mediastinum because of lymphadenopathy associated with the
inhalational form of Anthrax uh treatment usually is combination not only flocon but I highlighted flocon
because it was always confusing for me how we use fluocinolone and it's I I used to think it's a gram negative but
it is a gram positive uh you can combine fluocinolone with doicy and uh one or two additional agents for the treatment
prolonged neutropenia this will put you at a higher risk uh there is a angio invasive characteristic of the um this
infection so that's why you may have What's called hocine the Hine you will have um solid consolation in the middle
and around it you will have ground glass area U and hence the name came as the Hine treatment is V you have to remember
septate Hy and um acute angle branching so remember the Hy are narrow and septate because this will differentiate
it from another kind of infection we will talk about in the next uh slide treatment of a choice now is voriconazol
so if you have aspergillosis uh and you have multiple choice question and they put infot tring and other uh factors uh
or other treatments you should use voriconazol as your treatment of choice as this was done already in a study
comparing infiltration with voriconazol and voriconazol was better uh PCB you have to remember especially in HIV
patient chest x-ray can look like anything even normal chest x-ray uh patient can present with only Nemo
thorax so if you have an patient with HIV presenting with Nemo thorax you still have to think about PCP because of
these cystic lesion May rupture and this can uh present just with neorx uh you have to remember indication of uh
cortico steroids in setting of PCP in HIV patient usually severe hypoxemia po2 less than 70 or aa gradient more than uh
35 uh will qualify you uh for that uh steroid treatment so again aspergillosis narrow septated H because we have a
different case here this is a patient presented with hopsis he had a three appearance in the right FL Ro and some
or white sey and it's not uh uh there is there is no septation uh of the uh this Hy and that you have to remember that
because aspergillosis is narrow and septated this is wide and non septated and this is muor micosis and this was a
rare presentation because the patient didn't have underlying problems such as diabetes uh treatment is POS conazol so
aspergillosis voriconazol treatment of meor micosis is poson you have to remember these two and you have to
remember the characteristic of the H Nar versus white septated versus non septated the patient was treated and
this is a followup CAT scan after treatment with clearing of the right lower lob he didn't have uh sinus
infection you have to think about sinus infection as a source of infection and you have to order cat scan sinuses to
make sure it's uh it's not the condition he didn't have any of that uh it's more common in in in the bone Maru units with
uh and with imuno suppression and uh with diabetes as well as risk factor uh also one of the points to be
covered is non- infectious pulmonary complication uh in patients with HIV this is a good reference it's a nice
article with uh the classification of the findings you can see in HIV patient they have high of asthma empyema bronis
you can classify the complications as those affecting the airway parena vasculature interstitial lung disease uh
they can have some of that malignancy as IDs defining or non-s defining uh and vasculature we know pulmonary
hypertension uh group uh one uh fall in this uh category uh remember Nemo thorax in HIV suggestive of underlying
PCP po Fusion you have to know lights criteria the numbers 0.5 0.6 upper uh 2/3 of uh the uh level of LDH in the
serum remember these numbers don't get confused because they they you may find different criteria called modified light
criteria and they will use the upper limit of normal of LDH as 0.45 it's there as well cholesterol as
45 uh these are called modified light criteria if you remember lights criteria just remember the number 0.6 0.5 and and
been on diuretics uh the if you do thoros sythesis it may look like exudate but it's in fact a transudate and you
can use the serum plur fluid albumin gradient uh so this is a gradient uh uh not a ratio uh only transudative po
criteria and the pH is very low six so that will be urin thorax urinal thorax so if the patient had a previous uh uh
renal surgery uh sometimes there is a leak and it can track into uh the plural space we had two cases of uh of urin
thorax before uh so your uh fluid will be transudative and your pH will be very low and you have to know this CU you may
go into different Direction because we we discussed before very low PH will suggest complicated infusion impa so you
may be going in a different direction you cannot have impa with transudative FL characteristics so you have to know
uh about the urino thorax also you can order the creatin level in the fluid and compare it to the serum and usually you
will have high ratio Kyo thorx uh will look like a Milky whitish fluid and the triglyceride level will be high
115 remember three causes of high am in po fluid will be uh pancreatic cause per perforation of the esophagus lung cancer
especially um adenocarcinoma uh there is a trick question but I'm not sure if if if they
will ask you this if you have a patient who is alcoholic and he presented with that infusion and you did the thoros and
he has a mess and you did the thoros synthesis and now you are confused you don't know am my is high is this because
of pancreatic uh cause or lung cancer cause so that patient has abdominal pain he has a picture can look like
pancreatitis and he has lung cancer so you can order the Ames ISO enzyme and you find the difference uh so you should
find pancreatic subtype or isoenzyme if if it's if the causes uh pancreatitis in case of lung cancer it's salivary type
so the type of amas can differentiate the cause of the fusion is it coming from the pancreas or coming from from
lung cancer lung cancer will be salivary amides in pancreatic uh causes will be uh from the pancreas uh you should be
aware about reexpansion pulmonary edema on removal of large amount of uh fluid uh nemox tension neorx you don't
need chest xray to diagnose it you have to treat the patient as soon as possible uh you should know about uh deep sulcus
sign in the ICU because the patient usually is line surine in the first picture is clear we have LS on the left
side here we have LS the right side but you cannot see the usually you will see a deep ccus sign if the patient is in
the sine position because the air track down uh you have to pay attention uh to that because you may have attention Nemo
thorax without clear picture of U radiological image like the first uh picture uh you have to know about the
lung cancer screening the age 55 to 74 uh still uh smoking or quit smoking within the last 15 years and it's a low
dose CT there is a lot of talk about this it should be done only in the centers which have uh centers having the
cap capabilities of following of the patient and doing uh multidisiplinary uh discussions about every case it's a
be familiar with u Paran neoplastic syndromes uh including hypertrophic pulmonary osteopathy more in adino par
parathyroid hormone related peptide andus they they may give you multiple choice question one of the uh things
with Hyper CIA would be is it parathyroid hormone related peptide or parathyroid hormone so you have to know
it's not the parathyroid hormone it's paraid thyroid hormone related peptide uh you may have Eon Lumber syndrome with
a small cell you have to differentiate it from myia gravis usual e syndrome the problem will be preoptic myia gravis
will be most CTIC problem you will have to differentiate with the uh electrical stimulation you will have a decremental
response in myia gravis while you will have incremental uh response in small cell uh cancer you have to remember
there is no surgery for small cell as well add carcinoma May mimic uh pneumonia uh the tumor is slowly slow
slow growing tumor uh in many cases uh Bronco alular carcinoma uh can look like pneumonia um the patient may be young
female nonsmoker uh they may complain of Bron Ora a lot of secretions uh uh and the tast will be salty because of high
pottassium uh secretion uh bit scan may be negative because the tumor is not that active it's slowly growing and the
metabolic activity is low so it may give you a false negative uh pit scan uh you don't have to remember that
but the only reason I I put it in just uh to know who is operable stage 1 and two who is UN operable stage three and
four but you should remember certain points that can hint to spread of the cancer so we can see right n is
recurrent n is highlighted so if the patient complain about change of voice you have to pay attention uh in setting
of lung cancer that there is no Invasion for recurrent Aral nerve because this will move your patient from operable to
inoperable uh supraclavicular lyph node you have to pay attention with physical examination to supraclavicular lymph
node if you feel it you don't need to do Prost you don't need to do trans thoracic biopsy you can just do fine Med
respiration of the lymph node and if it's positive you already got your diagnosis and the staging and the
patient is already in operable if you have malignant po infusion you should tap this infusion before doing biopsy
because again this will give you the diagnosis and staging and you will know it's already inoperable uh tumor
uh so just remember uh change of voice uh in the history taking or examination super clavicular lymph node
involvement and presence of fusion in association with lung cancer uh when you decide about
surgery uh two and 1 and half these are two numbers uh we use a threshold to see the patient is low risk for
pneumonectomy and uh lomy they will have acceptable quality of life if the F1 predicted and dmco
post uh surgery is above uh 40 uh% again pit scan may be negative in uh some uh types of adino car carcinoma uh this is
summary uh of the treatment options depending on the stage if you want to remember one thing remember stage one
and two uh you can uh do surgery three and four there is no uh option for uh surgery in this uh patient
unless you are removing obstruction Maybe by stinting or doing broncoscopy as a paliative uh method uh remember
pancost tumor this is a patient 54y old female presented with shoulder pain right arm weakness and everybody she has
hist of multiple sclerosis they thought multiple sclerosis is acting up she received treatment went back home and
coming back with more weakness and she had Thanos the tumor usually this tumor affect the apex of the lung uh usually
they go to Orthopedic first with complain of uh um shoulder pain and usually the lung cancer is discovered
accidentally they do x-ray of the shoulder and they found a shadow over the lung and they will do a full chest
to remember one thing uh speculated nules are suspicious cified nules are usually uh benign still can happen in
malignancy but there are certain characteristics that can point to malignant versus benign Tes uh if you
put your Crower on on your CAT scan usually you can read the how many hounds field unit and usually if it's less than
15 uh the negative predictive value is 97 uh% uh so uh it's good to know uh this uh you have to know your location
because if it's very peripheral you can do trans thoracic needle uh biopsy if it's Central we can do broncoscopy now
it's different because we have more modalities we have navigational broncoscopy which can reach difficult
areas that we couldn't reach uh before uh pulmonary impm you have to know what what's the indication for
TPA uh so it's massive pulmonary impm and when we say massive it's not depending on the size of the pulmonary
impm it depends on the hemodynamic parameters so if you have persistent hypotension uh in setting of pulmonary
impis and persistent hypotension is the definition is either systolic below 90 or you have a difference more than 40 mm
Mercury from your usual systolic blood pressure usually this will qualify you if you don't have a
contraindication uh usually you have this question about submassive PE the patient is hemodynamically stable but
there is strain criteria on the right ventricle and uh there is no strong evidence that giving TBA for these
patients will help uh recent trial New England Journal of Medicine it prevented a progression to decompensation but
there was a risk for mejor uh Hemorrhage in in this group so it's it's not a standard of care now to give these
patients uh TPA in case of submassive pulmonary impis so massive persistently hypotensive submassive is blood pressure
is okay and you have strain criteria of the right ventricle IVC filter uh can be recommended if anticoagulation fail or
uh or if the patient develop an event on anticoagulation while being fully anticoagulated or or if the patient
cannot tolerate another PE uh which make you know make him hemodynamically unstable and will put him into uh the
the massive uh pulmonary impis category uh fat impis remember skin changes disia confusion it can happen after U accident
long bone fractures long bone surgery uh cular cell uh anemia occlusive crisis which may affect the bone that patient
presented with uh St elevation and uh it pulmonary impis uh he had evidence of GI bleed at recently so he couldn't get TPA
uh so you have also to pay attention about for your AKG uh changes in setting of uh pulmonary uh
embolism another patient presented with hypoxia shortness of breath we thought it's a PE and this is angiogram the
right lung will pafy the left lung almost there is nothing when the C is directed to the left lung maybe one
bench is open this is 3D Construction the patient underwent um surgery uh to do um ectomy and it was not PE it was uh
she had fibrosing media STIs and she had higher fibrosis which was uh including uh the pulmonary artery uh to the left
lung uh so you can have similar presentation which is different difficult to differentiate but uh you
should know about these uh entities uh High ude usually the main question comes in the board is the use
of knifin or acetazolamide in setting of acute Mountain sickness or uh high altitude pulmonary edema uh you can use
either regression formula or inhalation test to see who will qualify uh for uh oxygen when they travel in high altitude
because the inhalation test will simulate 8,000 uh feet and uh you can uh decide if your patient will need uh more
oxygen or will need oxygen at all in the flight this is just a quick EPO because sleep still can show on your board they
will not show uh EPO of course but just wanted to make you familiar uh way we see the rabbit wave for they go into
sleep stage N1 it's slower they go into N2 we see K complexes uh and they have spindles as well and which are these
areas with uh fast waves and then you go into a deeper stage of sleep which is in three slower and rim rim stage which is
a Dre stage you will have rapid eye movement which which is a sharp deflection of the eye movement uh you
don't need to remember that but what you need to know uh restless leg syndrome uh know that it can be associated with iron
deficiency anemia remember 30 level below 50 is your threshold to treat uh that usually shows up in the board narpy
daytime sleepiness there are different type you should know there is cataplexy symptoms which is loss of muscle tune uh
with excitation it may be present or not depending on the underlying cause modafinil is one of the treatments uh
obstructive sleep apnea that stret above five is abnormal and the treatment usually CPAP or uh BiPAP uh we don't
treat everyone above five we treat above five if they have a coorbit condition above 15 usually if uh if the th do we
use uh to treat the patient if they do not have comorbid condition and if they are not symptomatic meaning that they
don't have excessive daytime uh sleepiness uh it can be Central it can be uh obstructive uh this is a kind of
special kind of of central apnea uh chin stock uh breathing uh with a patient with CHF you should know that uh this
puts you at a higher risk for mortality there is increased mortality in patients with CHF with chin sto breathing and
Central ATA we can see the patient stop breathing here uh there is no uh movement this is the air flow we can see
that you can see the desaturation it qualify for Central at because this line here representing the effort and um we
can see there is no effort here so this is Central AP and cresendo de cresendo pattern qualify you for U this category
uh quickly in critical care cpses IL directed therapy uh there is a couple of Articles uh which may change the way we
look into this protocol we when you you bring the patient you give fluid antibiotics prels if needed keep map
check the CVP uh transfusion and damine uh are challenged now and together with uh monitoring of uh the
central uh Venus mixed uh oxygen saturation uh this is the original trial included 260 patient
the reason I highlighted these three points because there are two trials came New England Journal of Medicine
comparing early G directed therapy to standard of care and there was was there was no difference and the no difference
I wanted you to make sure that it doesn't mean that uh you know treating the sepsis early or giving antibiotic
early or resuscitating with fluid and pressors is not important no it is important but these three things I think
starting to fall uh from the protocol now after these trials they came out we never transfuse patients with globin of
10 in in our unit anyway so we are not we already not doing this protocol and every single thing in the protocol
including the transfusion we using less less uh threshold now around seven uh hemoglobin of seven this original
protocol used uh hemoglobin of 10 uh we don't check uh Central Venus mixed saturation for every single patient and
using the dobutamine in the the same protocol now for every single patient we depend on lactic acid we have other
methods to monitor the fluid responsiveness like ultrasound uh we have the VIS Monitor to Monitor the
pulse wave and I think that's what's shown in in the process trial which came out including more number of patients
1300 and the the take home point from that study that the most important thing is sipsis is early recognition adequate
uh fluid resuscitation and early antibiotic therapy another trial just came 3 days ago which is arise trial uh
again we know that transfusion uh probably is is is is not done now at threshold of 10 we do it at
seven so this didn't make a difference uh in mortality as well and using the dobutamine as well again know that the
most important thing early recognition of sipsis fluid antibiotics and you can give the fluid and then a vasopressor
therapy but the bundle uh originally described in 2001 uh didn't show a difference immortality you can notice
that the mortality in these trials now for example this trial the mortality from 6 90 days was about 19% the
original mortality in the 2001 paper with the gold directed therapy was around 40% uh so uh in the last two
decades there is 1% decrease for every year there is 1% decrease in mortality resulting from s so your average
mortality now from sepsis came down from mid-40s to 19 %. uh activated C protein is is not used
anymore uh nice sugar trial you have to know your target of blood sugar tight control can cause hypoglycemia So Below
180 is okay hydrocortisone only used when you have uh sipsis and your blood pressure there is persistance of
hypotension despite fluid and vas oppressor therapy uh you have to know your different types of shock and the U
status of the cardiac index systemic vascular resistance cardiogenic mainly the low cardiac output distributive
shock which is uh sipsis is is one of these uh you have loss of systemic vascular resistance uh hypothermia you
will have low WG pressure you may have different kind which called obstructive shock in case of uh tension Nemo thorax
for example acid base it's difficult to cover the whole acid base balance but I I'll put two questions and I'll try to
cover it through it um so this is a case 30 minutes before the end of your call they are calls you for an admission
pressure is low teic cardic blood gas pH is on the Lower Side uh CO2 is in the Lower Side as well some hypoxemia uh B&B
admission accept the admission accept accept accept and it's the answer is not a so we'll have to
think about uh the last four answers you have to know your kind of metabolic acidosis so we can walk through it so
you'll have blood gas uh metabolic panel you look at the pH the pH is on the Lower Side acidosis uh hc3 is low and
carbon dioxide is low so there is metabolic element because your by carb is low so this is metabolic
acidosis you look if there's respiratory compensation or no and you use winter winter formula uh you calculate the
expected pco2 and it is within limits the expected pco2 will be 35 plus or minus 2 uh which is the case here so
there is adequate respiratory compensation uh then you calc your an Gap you have to know the formula sodium
minus chloride plus hc3 here will be uh around 10 and you have to pay attenion for the albumin
because if you know your an Gap is 12 you think 10 is normal this is non anion gap no you have to look at your albumin
so your album here is two your normal album is four uh so your normal album of four will give you expected gap of 12 so
albumin of two will give you expected gap of six so your normal Gap will be six so so 10 is abnormal so 10 is an an
Gap uh metabolic acidosis and then you want to know if there is another uh problem going on
with that or no so you calculate the Delta gap which is a calculated Gap minus expected Gap your calculated is 10
and you're expected in this case is six not 12 and this will give you a number of four and then you do your Delta by
carb which will be six and then you calculate Delta Gap minus Delta by car 4 - 6 will be Min -2 as long as it fall in
this category between - 6 and plus six this will be pure an gab metabolic acidosis I know there are different
methods which you can divide and you see if it's one or less than one or more than uh one or more than two I think
this is easier to do uh minus and you will get the number because this will be easier uh during the test um one last
thing um another so that the here the the condition will pure an Gap metabolic acidosis because your number when you
base so and again 7 minutes before your end of call they are calls you for another admission the patient is
busy so what you will do accept the admission and diagnose pure an Gap or sorry the options pure an G
metabolic acidosis or mixed um acidosis an Gap and nonanion GAP uh again we look at the ABG we look at the BMP
uh the pH is low which goes with acidosis uh hc3 is low which goes with metabolic uh you want to make sure the
patient has respiratory compensation or there is a respiratory element and you calculate again using Winter's formula
and the number will be within uh range your PC2 is 17 and your calculated one is 18.5 so there is adequate respiratory
compensation remember your formula again sodium minus chloride plus H3 and your Gap will be 19 uh in this setting they
didn't give you the albumin so uh you expect the album to be normal around five uh so your Delta Gap here is
straightforward 19 - 12 will give you 7 uh Delta by carb you calculate it and then you do Delta Delta and here it's
minus 10 so minus 10 is out of the range it's less than - 6 uh so in this case uh you will
diagnose uh mixed nonan Gap metabolic acidosis because of the Delta Delta and an Gap metabolic acidosis so the patient
has a mixture of these uh two um disorders okay hi guys we uh we'll uh go to part four of the pulmonary Critical
Care review uh I will start with uh two cases of acid based disorder that we uh started to discuss last time but we had
to finish uh quickly uh I will go quickly uh over them to uh uh see how we calculate the uh an Gap Delta Delta Gap
and uh to look at into the complex acid based disorders and such uh the first case if you remember this was a case of
hypotensive patients coming to the ER uh blood pressure was low patient was teic cardic uh they did blood gas uh pH was
on the Lower Side 7.35 carbon dioxide on the lower side as well um P2 70 uh the basic metabolic
panel showing some degree of acidosis as well with low hc3 and we wanted to see uh what's the type of acid base uh
disorder uh we had and we had multiple uh options uh I will go through it uh step by step uh so the first thing we
look at the blood gas and the uh B&B values and uh we can see that at the first look we have low PH uh 7.35 so
that goes with acidosis and then you look at uh your uh bicarbon CO2 to see if this acidosis is it a metabolic or is
it uh respiratory acidosis and here we see low bicarb and low CO2 so probably this is metabolic acidosis and the CO2
there is the respiratory compensation we think the CO2 is lower to compensate for the metabolic acidosis uh is it adequate
compensation or no and we here can use a Winter's formula and uh pco2 equal 1.5 multiplied by hc3 uh + 8 plus or minus 2
and uh if we calculate that we will find the number will be 35 plus or minus 2 which is uh very close uh to the uh
level of carbon dioxide so probably there is a respiratory compensation and it is adequate the quick way to do it
you can uh look at the last two digit of the pH which is 35 equal to 34 more or less and that can tell you that there is
a respiratory compensation which is adequate so this is a quick way uh to do it uh it doesn't work for all values
there is a limit uh if you start going very low on your pH this may not work but Winter's formula will be uh
consistently accurate in this situation uh so till now we know there is acidosis metabolic acidosis there is adequate
respiratory compensation whenever you have a case of metabolic acidosis in your board in your exam in the ICU you
have to know is it an an Gap metabolic acidosis or nonan Gap metabolic acidosis so the next step in any case will be
calculating your anion gap anion gap you have to remember the formula and uh sodium minus chloride plus u hc3 and if
we calculate that uh through the P&P values here this number will be uh 10 uh in each case after you calculate your an
iion Gap you have to see in the question if they give you albumin level or no if they don't give you the albumin level
you will assume the albumin level is normal around four and you continue uh if they give you albumin level there is
a reason they gave you the albumin and this reason is uh to uh use this albumin level and see what's your expected Gap
uh so for example in this case 10 a normal individual with album of four 10 will be considered more or less normal
your an Gap anywhere between 10 and 12 that will be normal but in case if you have lower albumin this number actually
can be representing an an Gap so your normal albumin is four and the expected Gap with normal albumin is uh 12 so in
this case we have album in around two so the question will be what will be your expected normal Gap in this situation
and to calculate that easily you multiply 2 by 12 and then you divide it by four and the number will be six so
for this individual with low albumin with albumin of two your expected normal an Gap should be six
his an Gap that we calculated is 10 so there is some discrepancy there and this uh should help us to calculate the uh
Delta Gap uh Delta Gap is the calculated gap which we calculated here which is 10 uh minus the expected gap for that level
of Algin which is six so we have a Delta gap of four The Next Step will be calculating the Delta by carb and this
will be 24 which is the normal by carb level and we will do it minus uh by car and this will give you number six so now
you have two two numbers four and six Delta gab Delta by car the next step to see what's the difference between Delta
Gap and Delta by carb I know in in in some uh books they use Delta Gap divided by Delta by carb and then you can look
at the number one two between one and two and the side I think doing uh Delta Gap minus by carb is easy uh rather than
dividing uh especially if you are in a test I think this can be quicker but both ways are uh uh correct uh so if if
we do the calculation here Delta Gus Delta y car 4 - 6 = -2 when you do the minus uh any way uh anywhere between uh
- 6 and + 6 is normal so zero is normal meaning that pure an Gap uh metabolic acidosis will be ranging anywhere uh
from - 6 to uh plus uh 6 or positive 6 uh and here so here this is the pure an G metabolic acidosis full uh here and if
your number here is more than positive 6 and this will indicate that you have Associated metabolic alkalosis on top of
your an Gap metabolic acidosis if your number is minus 6 so for example if this number comes back at - 8 or - 9 or - 10
then uh this will be indic Associated nonan Gap metabolic acidosis on top of your Gap acidosis that you um already
diagnose so the answer here will be uh pure an Gap metabolic acidosis because Delta uh Gap Delta by carb was within
that range so remember first you look at your pH to see is it alkalosis or acidosis then you look at your bicarb
and carbon dioxide to see is it respiratory or metabolic in this case it was acidosis and it is metabolic so the
next step will be calculating your anion gap when you calculate your anion gap look if you have albumin level or no if
you have albumin level uh try to see if this level is abnormal then you have to calculate the expected gap for that
level uh and after that you have to calculate Delta uh Delta value the reason you calculate Delta Delta value
is to see if is uh if it's only a single assd base disorder meaning pure an Gap metabolic acidosis or if you have
example of acid-based disorder another patient presenting uh low blood pressure teic cardia fever um looks like sipsis
uh pH uh on the Lower Side 7.23 uh carbon dioxide on the lower side as well uh we look at the the metabolic
panel uh hc3 is uh low U consistent with possible acidosis again the Ico fow is playing CS it's
busy um the main question here is uh what kind of acidosis or acid base disorder we have uh so again you look at
your blood gas and you look at uh the metabolic panel uh you look at the pH it's on the Lower Side consistent with
acidosis uh you look at your hc3 and carbon dioxide both of them are low so again metabolic
Next Step Winter's formula again if you notice here uh this rule may not apply accurately because the pH is lower uh so
when you use the winters formula uh to calculate uh the predicted PC2 here and you compensate you will have uh your
level 18.5 plus or minus 2 which is very close to the CO2 so now we know we have metabolic acidosis and we have adequate
respiratory compensation Next Step again will be once we know that we have metabolic acidosis we will calculate our
anion gap remember the formula sodium minus chloride plus hc3 and the number will be 19 in this question here there
is no albumin Li so you will assume the albumin is normal and 19 is high even for normal individual which should be
between uh 10 uh or uh to 12 uh so you will calculate your uh Delta gap which will be 19 - 12 12 is the expected
normal gap for normal individual with normal albumin this number will be seven Next Step will be calculation of Delta
by carb 24 minus hc3 24 is the normal level of B carb and this number will be 17 Next Step will be calculating Delta
Delta uh number and this will be uh 7 - 17 this is - 10 if you remember from uh the last example again we are falling
here in this category here more negative than - 6 and this means there is associated nonan G acidosis so the
answer will be the patient has mixed acid based disorder including nonan gab metabolic acidosis and anine GAP
metabolic acidosis so if you remember in the stem of the question the patient was hypotensive and he has diarrhea so the
diarrhea probably is the cause of nonanion Gap metabolic acidosis and the hypotension and sipsis causing uh
another acidbase disorder on top of that it's important to calculate the Delta Delta uh Gap especially if you have a
case uh of dka for example and the patient is vomiting so dka is expected to uh cause uh acidosis and the
vomitings uh through losing HCL may bring your uh pH uh to a normal value so actually you may have a normal pH and
you have two acid base disorders uh going on and if you don't calculate the Delta Gap and Delta Delta you may think
mix it acid base uh disorder uh for compensation Winter's formula you have to remember it and the
other easy way to remember uh if you make this table here this is alphabetic table if you see the a before the C
before the m so acute chronic and then metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis the first four are the
respiratory disorder either you have acute respiratory acidosis acute respiratory alcalosis chronic
respiratory AC is chronic respiratory alkalosis so for every change in PC2 you will have Delta change in car in in hc3
you're byard by one in this case 2 3 and five for every 10 change so if you remember this
alphabetical the a c m and then with acidosis comes before the alkalosis the C comes before the L okay so that will
be an easy way to remember in the last two these are the primary disorders here so in metabolic acidosis uh you will
have bicarb change uh by 10 for every 10 change in your carbon dioxide in metabolic alcalosis you will have bicarb
change by 15 for every 10 uh carbon dioxide change so if you remember the uh this you can list the primary disorder
alphabetically here and then the change in hc3 for every 10 change in carbon dioxide you can remember 1 2 3 5 1 2 2
35 so that that will be easy uh for you if if you are in a test and you're trying to remember uh just you can list
the acid based disorder alphabetically and you put 1 2 3 5 and then you can calculate your uh change for example
here if your CO2 your normal CO2 is around 40 if your CO2 is 60 and this is a case of acute respiratory acidosis so
I have the change uh from 40 to 60 equal 20 which is 2 * by 10 so the change in by c car will be two clear
okay um any questions in the acid base part no okay uh then the next two slides we'll talk quickly about some
interaction in the ICU between medications or ICU pharmacology you have to be familiar with uh certain adverse
effects of medication and certain drug drug interactions uh for example propol infusion syndrome usually happens if if
you are using higher doses usually above 75 and uh the patients more uh prone to that if if they are having systemic
inflammation like sipsis receiving pressors such as loped receiving uh corticosteroids such as this is every
patient with sipsis inflammation loped corticosteroid stress dose and propol uh for Sedation on higher dose so if you
have a patient and you're starting uh noticing development of you you're giving enough fluid every thing is is
should be going in the right direction but despite that you are starting to develop rdom myolysis severe metabolic
acidosis renal failure hyper calmia cardiac failure you have to think about propofol infusion uh syndrome treatment
is supportive you have to discontinue the propol and switch to another sedative agent uh IV loram which is
Ativan we use in the ICU you have to uh be aware about propylene glycol induced lactic acidosis so if you have a patient
and you are using Ativan everything is going in the right direction patient is recovering blood pressure is okay
patient is off pressors and you starting noticing the patient is acidotic and he's developing anion gab metabolic
acidosis you have to think about that as a causitive uh agent uh number three uh not in the ICU but you can see admission
you get called to admit a patient chronic acetamin ofin use usually reported in older female they can
present with with high an Gap metabolic acidosis and you may get C from the ICU to evaluate this patient in the AR and
you go there lactic acid is high the patient doesn't look sick blood pressure is okay there is no other cause you have
to ask this in the history if she's using the acetaminophen for arthritis or any other reason you may find this
acidosis and it's because of accumulation of pyroglutamic acid and uh it can be measured uh but it can take
depletion uh also if you have an HIV patient and the patient is receiving anti retroviral therapy and don't use
medam for sedation if the patient is still uh using uh yes does that Tylenol toxicity does it respond to like I and
it's a good question uh there are few cases reported about that it's a good thought because the
glutathione has the sulfur M which is in the cine but there is no clear cut guideline to treat it uh most of the
cases is supportive uh management just you know you disc continue in it and and support and treat any other side effects
and some cases they tried it but um if it's not like a clearcut to use it or no but uh it's a good thought uh because
there is a depletion of your sulfur Mighty and you deplete you replace it and some cases they they they tried it
uh for that yeah but there is no clear cut to use it you have to use it noes you ask it is it only the drip or
will be getting uh uh higher doses uh other than pushes but if you require it so frequently with pushing the Ativan
every so often then you may have the same side effect so it it doesn't depend on the rout of administration drip
administration um uh so HIV patient medam if you start him on the medam and the patient still
receiving the anti viral therapy you may have drug drug interaction with prolongation of clearance of molam so in
these cases you will stop the mid of the lamb and wait the patient to wake up and there will be prolonged action so you
have to be aware about that uh zyo or uh Len can cause lactic acidosis especially if if you are using it large doses long
time um for example if you have a patient with staff orous infection endocarditis and you discharge him on
oral zyo and the patient takes it for weeks uh you have to be aware about this side effect also it can can cause some
uh problem with the optic nerve in in long term Administration you have to be aware about it and uh press posterior
reversal uh in kopy syndrome uh can result from uh calcium urin Inhibitors such as cyclosporin so if you have a
patient imuno compromised and coming presenting with press like picture and the patient is on cyclosporin you have
to be aware about it calcium channel blockers especially deltm and tacrolimus or prograph you have to be aware about
the interaction uh because uh you will get a patient transplant patient receiving prograph goes to the ICU
develop aib and you start cardim drip and then you will have issues with your level in this case we prefer beta
blocker uh which does not have this interaction uh another thing you have to know CIS atracurium which we use for
severe ards for par paralysis uh nimix is the name uh the dose is not affected by renal or liver function uh so you
have to know about that as well then we will touch base about mechanical ventilation uh two things when you
ventilate a patient you targeting normal pH with or Bas line pH uh carbon dioxide and you target oxygenation uh looking at
the ph and carbon dioxide um they inversely uh uh they have inversal inversely proportionate relation with
the Min minut ventilation uh so the minage ventilation which is the respirat rate multiplied by the tidal volume if
you go up on your respiratory rate your carbon dioxide will go down if you go up on your tidal volume your carbon dioxide
will go uh down as well uh oxygenation depend on two things mainly the F2 and Peep if you increase your F2 and or
increasing your peep that will improve your uh oxygenation when we do mechanical ventilation we try to avoid
O2 toxicity so we try to use the minimum oxygen that will keep a safe level of oxygenation we try to avoid barot truma
and that's why we try to keep the plateau level within uh uh uh acceptable level less than 30 the lower your
Plateau the better uh uh the outcome uh volot troma try to avoid it by uh applying minimal tidal volume 6 m per Ki
and you have to remember it's the ideal body weight which you calculate from the height it's not the actual uh patient
weight uh this is important and now not not only in erds uh multiple clinical trials coming out showing better outcome
with using lower tidal volume even if you don't have ards uh best peep uh difficult question uh but that's the
least amount of peep that you can apply and allow safe oxygenation without causing hemodynamic compromise different
methods you can use to calculate the actual peep including uh plotting uh uh in in the volume pressure curve but this
is beyond uh this lecture but just prly speaking it would be the minimal amount of peep that would will
allow you to have a safe oxygenation with minimum utilization of uh uh F2 without hemodynamic uh compromise just
two things you have to be aware of with mechanical ventilation if you are doing the ICU rotation you will frequently
hear Peak pressure and uh Plateau pressure uh so the peak pressure is the maximum pressure we reach inside the
airway here during mechanical ventilation you have to remember it's directly related uh to resistance and
flow the reason I put the resistance in red because it's changing uh driven by the patient flow it will be you doing
vent changes okay uh Plateau pressure which is measured usually at end inspiration is actually the distending
pressure which usually uh distending the small Airways and the that's why I put this drawing here air way is here and
the Ali is here uh with the plateau pressure you uh do uh hold uh at end inspiration to measure your Plateau
pressure the plateau is inversely proportional to compliance also uh it's related to the tidal volume
but again the reason I put the compliance here is uh this is patient driven uh so the next scenarios I will
talk about the nurse will call you and there is a sudden deterioration in the respiratory status of the patient and no
one touched the ventilator or did any change that means uh probably things happen to the patient so uh remember
Peak depend on the resistance Plateau depends on the compliance in this situation if there is
sudden deterioration of the respiratory status the patient is on mechanical ventilation and the nurse call you there
is high peak pressure what will be your next step Next Step will be measuring Plateau to differentiate the causes if
the peak is high in isolation H is it has different causes than Peak and Plateau elevated so if you go there and
you uh put in in the inspiratory hold and your Plateau is high our limit is 30 if you are above 30 we consider it high
so if you go there Peak pressure is very high Plateau pressure is very high you have to think about compliance issue
compliance issue meaning anything causing compression of the lung it can be anemo thorax it can be uh abdominal
compartment syndrome it can be rapid accumulation of poal fusion if you have malignant Fusion accumulating rapidly so
you have to uh think think about things affecting compliance pulmonary edema so uh if you have a patient who's on
hemodialysis and uh you didn't do dialysis probably that day of dialysis you may find high peak pressure high
Plateau pressure and the nurse will call you and probably that patient after he gets dialysis you will find this numbers
uh going uh down uh the other scenario is you go there and uh you measure the plateau Plateau is normal so there is
only isolated increase in Peak pressure it's a resistance problem so you have to make sure there is no kinked tube the
patient is not biting on the endot tral tube there is no obstruction in the endot tral tube patient is not wheezing
uh so probably in this situation you'll do a suction for the patient you will give him some bronchodilator and uh make
sure there is uh no issues with your uh tubing uh system so these are the two main numbers uh or or or values you
should remember Peak and Plateau you have to remember the peak by itself goes uh in relation with resistance and
Plateau is related to uh compliance uh weaning uh you have to have a patient who is hemodynamically stable alert can
follow commands with u stable Bas line oxygenation in this case also you have to know about a rabid shallow breathing
index which is the respiratory rate divided by the tital volume in liters and uh this number is uh uh helpful uh
with making decisions with excution but you should not go only with this number in in context of the clinical picture of
the patient and the situation we like to see this number below 105 the patients who uh having this number uh qualify for
uh up to uh 2 hours usually we do uh there was there was a study showed no difference between uh 30 minutes and uh
longer duration uh if we have a patient who is very sick and uh debilitated and have been on the ventilator for longer
period we may do the spontaneous breathing trial for longer duration but if it's a straightforward case or drug
overdose or you know recent intubation few days just 30 minutes uh should be uh equal uh to a longer duration uh of uh
and you don't leave the patient Forever on the ventilator doing a spontaneous breathing trial otherwise the patient
may get tired and then you will have a failed spontaneous breathing uh trial uh so don't put the patient on spontaneous
breathing trial and go finish all your rounds and come back in the afternoon and so that that that shouldn't happen
uh also you have to consider other things like uh strength of cough secretion secretion is very important so
if the patient have copio secretion have to be suctioned every hour probably it's it's not the time yet uh to extubate the
patient uh questions so uh 10 minutes after starting mechanical ventilation on assist control mode 55-year-old male
with severe kma uh drops his blood pressure uh to 110 over 70 uh 2 90 over 60 uh tra on the midline breath sounds
are distant bilaterally uh first intervention giving fluid giving loped pulling the tube putting chest tube
one h e yeah e e is the right answer uh this is a case of oo peep you have to uh remember this uh some hints here the
remember these three scenarios uh hypotension or some uh compromise after uh you newly intubated the patient so
remember autoed secondary to air trapping this is the flow curve which is usually on the ventilator you can tell
from the flow curve the patient has utop this line normally should go back to the base line here so if the line does not
go back to the base line this represent the oo Peak and uh in this case the patient does not have enough time to
Exhale COPD patient need more prolonged time of expiration uh to get rid of all of that air otherwise they will keep
trapping air and this will cause Auto Peep and hemodynamic compromise in this case you have to decrease your
respiratory rate the other way uh to help is increasing respiratory flow if you increase respiratory flow the air
will be be delivered more quickly during inspiration making the expiratory time longer so we were rounding with the ICU
and CD patient having a flow rate of 40 40 is usually low for C CD patients so we increase it to 60 and the patient
improve so you have to remember respiratory rate don't put very high respiratory rate for patient with COPD
and don't put very low uh flow uh on these patients the other thing is intubation on the right men stem broncus
examination decreased breath sound on that side or tension neemo thorax and they will give you a hint about the traa
is not at the midline or shifted traa uh this question can come uh targeting a patient with Gan bre
syndrome myia gravis uh you have to remember uh this uh numbers um so what are the predicting uh respiratory uh
parameters uh that can predict your respiratory failure in this individual you can remember this rule uh 20 30 40
uh so vital uh fvc which is forced vital capacity if it's less than 20 M kg uh maximum inspiratory pressure less than
30 maximum expiratory pressure less than 40 these can be predicting that the patient is at high risk for respiratory
failure and probably need intubation so remember 20 30 40 ards uh most common causes pneumonia
aspiration as uh local causes and general causes sipsis uh you have to remember the Berlin definition you have
uh to remember acute onset bilateral infiltrate respiratory failure not in proportion with cardiac failure you have
to remember your ratio uh less than 100 from 100 to 200 200 to 300 and this help with predicting the outcome and
prognosis the easy way to remember is 234 234 so 20 something % will be your mortality 30 something per will be your
mortality in the moderate end then severe in the 40 so remember mild moderate severe 2 3 4 that can help you
even with the discussion with the patient family that you know he has severe ards ards by itself puts him at
mortality rate of 45% on top of that the patient has sipsis and that that can be uh helpful especially in the discussion
the only the only problem about that it's on people five uh we don't have any RDS patient with people five uh so
but the prior definition did not have even PE of five so this is an improvement maybe the next definition
they will add a combination of uh P2 fi2 with the peep uh value uh to make it more accurate because it's not the same
if if a patient having 100 to 200 range on peep of uh 8 10 and then what about if you change the peep to 15 and he
improve to the mild which one you will use so it it's it depends on other factors as well um you have to remember
two things about erds uh two things came back uh came out last year uh the prone uh positioning and a high frequency
ventilation so prone positioning uh if if you find it in your question it's a good thing now it's consider to decrease
mortality so you can use it high frequency ventilation didn't uh show uh Improvement and we will go quickly over
the trial proa trial is the prone positioning and it should decreased mortality but in severe ARS uh in 1
month and in 90 days we can see here in in suine position there is AIS of the dependent parts of the lung you prone
the patient there is a better oxygenation but remember severe ards not every case of ards this is beyond the
topic but this is one of the explanation why when you prone the patient they have better oxygenation they have homogeneous
distribution of the air here uh this is in suine position this is on in prome position here the lung uh height so here
uh you can see this is the gas tissue ratio one of the explanation is you have two uh factors the shape M matching
effect and gravity effect in case of surine position the shape matching effect and the gravity effect work in
the same direction causing more aexis of the lower aluli and relatively hyperexpansion of the epical one when
you put the patient upside down these two forces act in opposite direction and this lead to homogeneous distribution of
the air inside the lung among other uh factors which can explain better oxygenation in ards you don't have to
remember this table but why the uh only one trial which is the latest trial of propositioning showed benefit and there
was multiple trials did not show benefits uh first these cases were very severe if you look at the um uh ratio
here of P2 F I2 ratio this is the group with the lowest so that's why the the severe ards will get the benefit uh
number two they did it for uh appropriate time more than like 16 hours per day number three uh if you look at
some other trials they did not use protective mechanical ventilation in these two trials and even here when they
said yes we used protective mechanical ventilation the tit of volume was 10 m per kg 8 m per kg but here in this trial
we use the 6 m per kg so there are multiple things in this trial here more sick patient more severe ards lower P2
fi2 ratio we followed the ARs uh guidelines it's the lowest tidal volume sorry about that and that resulted in a
bitter uh 90 days mortality 23% versus 41% these are some of the factors why this trial came back positive proa trial
that suggested prone ventilation will be associated with better outcome two trials came out for high frequency
oscillation no significant Improvement and one of them oscillate trial actually may increase Hospital mortality so if
you have a multiple choice question don't use the high frequency oscillatory ventilator uh can be used in case by
case uh basis but uh generally you have to know prom position improve outcome and the high frequency uh did not uhds
you have to remember your ventilator try to minimize everything tidal volume tiate the peep to Pro to PR prevent
arular collapse adjust your fi2 ratio prone positioning rescue therapy in severe cases including ECMO nitric oxide
and such and you can remember the formula for predicting uh the body weight usually here if someone is um 511
so you can use the 11 multiply the 11 by 2 add 50 so 11 by 2 is 22 50 77 that's a quick way to calculate your predicted uh
body uh weight and finally uh by you have to know the indication uh the most proven indication is for COPD exertion
Complicated by hypercapnia and cardiogenic pulmonary edema the evidence is a stronger for these two indication
uh also there is evidence for postoperative and immunosuppressed patient but the evidence is lower uh
don't use bipad as a rescue therapy if you do extubation and the patient fails extubation just reintubate the patient
don't try bipad because that can be associated with a worse outcome also remember you should have a good mental
state uh no facial injury uh you don't have to have you should have uh close monitoring
uh don't put a patient on BiPAP and and go and say okay I put it I put the patient on BiPAP he's doing fine no you
have to be there repeat a blood gas in 30 minutes and see if the patient is not doing well you can change the setting or
Heads up!
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