Unlocking the Unlimited Power of Cursor: Boost Your Productivity!
Are you fully utilizing the power of Cursor? This video dives deep into how Cursor can transform your productivity, allowing you to control everything from Spotify to Docker containers seamlessly. By the end of this video, you’ll not only be equipped to enhance your workflows but also become a master of productivity tools! For more information on productivity tools, check out Boosting Productivity: Essential Tools and Approaches for Efficiency.
Key Takeaways
- Cursor Capabilities: Learn to use Cursor to control various applications and services.
- Custom Rules: Set up personal rules to tailor AI responses.
- Project-Specific Rules: Create targeted rules for different projects.
- Documentation Access: Utilize web and custom documentation.
- Model Context Protocol (MCP): Explore how to implement MCP for advanced integrations.
Starting Simple: Customizing Your Rules
Have you ever felt that AI responses are too generic? The first step to improving your experience with Cursor is to customize your Rules for AI. This global setting allows you to dictate how the AI behaves across all your projects. For example, you can instruct it to provide specific coding examples instead of broad explanations, making your interactions more efficient.
Example Rule Customization
“Do not provide high-level summaries; I want actual code examples.”
This straightforward directive can drastically improve your productivity.
Project Rules: The Upgrade You Need
Moving on, we explore Project Rules, which are specific to each project within Cursor. Unlike the deprecated rules file, these allow for much more refined control over how the AI interacts with your codebase. For instance, if you’re working with PostgreSQL, you can set rules that dictate naming conventions and coding practices. If you're looking for more on PostgreSQL integration, consider checking out Unlocking Bun: First Party Support for Postgres and S3.
Creating Project Rules
- Navigate to your Cursor settings.
- Locate the Project Rules section.
- Create rules specifying your coding standards and practices.
This feature becomes particularly powerful when working in diverse codebases, as it helps the AI adapt to different languages and frameworks seamlessly.
Notepads for Efficient Coding
Another fantastic feature is Notepads. These serve as a repository for your frequently used prompts and boilerplate code. Instead of retyping the same commands, store them in a Notepad and reference them as needed. For a compilation of tools that can enhance your productivity, check out Top 30 Must-Have Productivity Apps for Mac Users.
Using Notepads
- Click Add New Notepad.
- Store your common prompts.
- Easily reference and insert them into your code without the hassle of rewriting.
Accessing Documentation with Ease
The next tip involves integrating web documentation directly into your workflow. By typing @web
followed by your query or URL, you can pull in the latest information on libraries or frameworks, like Tailwind CSS.
Adding Custom Documentation
If there’s documentation not indexed by Cursor, you can easily add it by clicking Add New Doc and pasting the URL. This means you can access resources like Better Stack documentation directly while coding, keeping you informed without breaking your flow.
The Game-Changing Model Context Protocol (MCP)
Finally, let’s talk about the Model Context Protocol (MCP), a feature that many users overlook. This open protocol allows you to provide custom tools to Cursor, enhancing its capabilities tremendously. For more on productivity systems, you might find The Ultimate Productivity System: 6 Essential Modules for Enhanced Efficiency beneficial.
Setting Up MCP
- Find an MCP server that fits your needs (e.g., Docker).
- Configure it within your Cursor settings.
- Use the tools directly from the composer, such as creating Docker containers or managing logs.
This ability to integrate and run commands directly enhances your productivity and allows for more complex operations without needing to switch between applications.
Cursor is more than just a tool; it’s a powerful ally in your productivity arsenal. By customizing rules, utilizing Notepads, leveraging web documentation, and implementing MCP, you can unlock its full potential.
Have you tried any of these features? What tips do you have for using Cursor more effectively? Let us know in the comments! Don’t forget to subscribe for more productivity hacks!
you might be underutilizing cursor it genuinely has unlimited power like how many of you can say that you can control
your Spotify through cursor because I can and loads more cursor has been awesome at speeding up my workflows and
by the end of this video you'll be a productivity Master with it and you'll be able to use it to control basically
anything from your browser to Docker to databases to click house to even a Minecraft character for some reason
we'll start out with the easy stuff what I would call a 5 out of 10 on the productivity scale and we'll work our
way up to a 10 out of 10 you know what else is productive subscribing the first tip is to make sure you have your rules
set up in a way that you like now you may have seen the do cursor rules file before but did you know this is actually
being deprecated and there's a way better way to do things now if you haven't seen rules before it's like a
system prompt it's custom instructions that guide the AI tailoring Its Behavior to suit you in your settings head over
to General and you'll find a section titled rules for AI now rules for AI is global it's carried over to every
project that you do with cursor this is where you want to specify how the AI behaves in a general manner so you can
see in my example I actually found this on Twitter I'll leave it linked below I say do not give me high Lev stuff if I
ask for a fix or explanation I want actual code I don't want any of this here's how you can blah blah blah I say
be casual treat me as an expert be accurate and thorough and then other things like no need to disclose your an
AI I think I'm smart enough to work that one out essentially what I'm saying in my rules for AI here is shut up a bit AI
just show me the actual code and let me get on with my job I don't need any of this just wall of text that you
sometimes get so it's really nice to be able to customize the ai's behavior in this more General way but something even
more powerful than the rules for AI is the project rules I'd actually rate these an 8 out of 10 on the productivity
scale all you have to do in your cursor settings is scroll past the rules for AI section that we just set up and you'll
find a section called project rules now these are Project Specific rules that help the AI understand your codebase
this is the replacement for that do cursor rules file that you may have used previously but it's way more powerful if
we create a new rule I'll call this one code format and then SQL you can see that we get a new editor popup which
gives us a chance to enter a description glob and then the actual rule content filling it with an example you can see
that it's in markdown format now I've given it tons of rules on how it can use postgress in my codebase things like
naming conventions tables columns as well as a load of code examples I'll actually show you a place where you can
find tons of these rules as well as something really cool that super Bas did in a bit but let's see why these files
are magic that comes down to the description and the Globs the description is actually how you tell the
AI when it should use this file so for my example ex Le it should use this pretty much whenever I ask it about
postgress it's going to load in this rule automatically now if you want to be more specific than that we can use Globs
Globs are going to load in this rule whenever a file that the AI is working with matches the patterns that I provide
here so whenever I have a do SQL file and I'm telling the AI to do something with it it will load in this rule set
what's great about this is you can have tons of these highly detailed rules targeting specific parts of your code
base say I had a monor repo for example and my front end and back end are in completely different languages when now
I can set up the glob to match when I'm in my front end or backend folder and it will automatically load in the correct
rules it's way better than that cursor rules file which Tred to do everything at once which could often end up
confusing the AI once you've added a few of these that's super easy to share with your team and save as well as it
actually goes ahead and creates a folder within your project so we have the do cursor folder and then a rules folder
and in there you can see all of my rules in that MDC format which is marked down with this extra description and glops so
now all I need to do is go ahead and Commit This to get and everyone on my team can start using the rules if you
want a great place to find examples of rules you can head over to cursor. directory as you can see you can filter
by your language and you can come in here and just copy and paste the rule that you want something really cool
though is what superbase did they actually uploaded a load of example prompt to their GitHub repo so you can
come in here and find specific rules on how you work with postgress and superbase and you can go ahead and add
these to your project rules and it comes with all of the Globs and everything that you would need already filled out
for you these were actually what I was using earlier this is super handy and honestly I'd love to see tons of
companies follow that lead another quick tip similar to rules though is notepads these serve as a collection of thoughts
rules and documentation personally I find it great for boiler plate code or prompts that I end up using a lot so in
this example here if you go down to notepads you can click add new notepad in my notepad titled new page I just say
add a new page to the app and use at index. TSX as a reference you can actually go ahead and reference files
from within your notepads then all I need to do in my composer is I can simply say app and then go to notepads
and then new page and I could just say call it about for example and hit enter now it's going to load in that notepad
for me so it doesn't do it automatically you do have to manually reference it but it will go ahead and create the code
based on anything that I've put in this notepad so as I said I personally find it great for not having to type out the
same prompt over and over I can go ahead and just Define it in a notepad and then call that later now for a 9 out of 10 on
the productivity scale you know you can use web and custom documentation within cursor right in the chat all we need to
do is type at web and then we can go head and type in our search query or paste in a URL for example what if I say
latest version of tailwind and see what that comes up with as Tailwind V4 was just released there you go it's CED the
web and it's found out that the latest version of Tailwind is actually Tailwind V4 and it's gone in and read these Pages
as well and told me how to upgrade but you can actually use a load of pre-index documentation from within cursor all you
need to do is type in at docs and you'll find a long list of that officially indexed documentation for example we can
find things in here like nextjs we could find things like Tailwind loads of things have been indexed by them but
what if something you want hasn't been indexed by them yet well you can go down and click add new Doc then you can just
paste in a link to the documentation that you want to be indexed and you can hit enter for example I'm going to index
the better stack documentation if I click confirm here it will take you to the settings and it will tell you the
result of when it's completed its indexing so now that it's completed indexing I should be able to reference
the better stack documentation from within my composer so you go I can do at better stack here and it even shows you
a long list of all of the things that they've indexed and cwed based on that single URL that I provided with so if I
give this a go now and say list monitors for example and hit enter it should now be able to pick up the latest
information based on the documentation that I provided so there you go it's given me the correct examples and if you
scroll up to the top it even gives you its sources this is so simple yet effective and it really helps in getting
you upto-date codee within cursor let's finish up with the 10 out of 10 feature that I think most people completely miss
that is model context protocol the model context protocol is actually an open protocol that allows you to provide
custom tools to agentic llms and lucky for us curs is one of them it's actually a standard that was created by anthropic
so everything I'm about to show you Works in other agentic apps like the CLA desktop app the first step is finding an
mCP server that you actually want to use or you could even develop your own I found an awesome directory here that
lists out tons of mCP servers you can see there's tons of interesting examples like one to interact with the Reddit API
to interact with deep seek agents to take screen shots from Safari tons of different examples in here interacting
with perplexity there's even official ones too where companies have provided their own to interact with their
services things like compos in here tavil brev Axiom llama Cloud postgress up stash loads of examples you can find
online there is tons to choose from for my example I'm going to choose something a bit more useful than my Spotify demo
and that is a Docker mCP server so with this the agent will be able to go off create Docker containers look into the
logs stop them run Docker compose tons of different things without it having to run a command in my terminal so let's
take a look at the setup instructions now it's going to be different for each mCP server but generally they follow the
same pattern and we're looking for a command that we can run within cursor and I'll show you where in a bit before
I scroll down here we have a quick start you can see the command is uvx with the argument Docker dmcp now quite a lot of
them follow this pattern they use UV as a python package manager and uvx to go ahead and actually run the python code
without installing all of it on your system the other pattern they follow is some of them use an MPX command instead
it seems like this one has both but I'm going to be using the uvx command in cursor then head over to cursor settings
and then features scroll all the way down it's quite a hidden feature to mCP servers and you see I already have that
Spotify example that I showed you in the intro this one is actually just running a UV command for code that I have on my
system as I actually made my own modifications to it all we need to do is Click add new mCP server give it a name
choose the type now if you're not clear on this go ahead and check the documentation for the mCP server that
you're using R1 was using the type of command then we need to put in the command that we want to run for me that
was simply uvx and then it was Docker dmcp and I can go ahead and click add this may be where you put your MPX
command as well if I click add now you see we get a nice green icon and it tells us the tools that we can now use
so it's picked them up so we can create a container we can deploy a compose and we can get the logs and list our
containers now all from the composer let's try out our new tool then all you need to make sure of in composer is that
you're in the agent mode and if I say something like create a hello world Docker container this should run run off
and call our tool now as you can see it's calling the mCP tool create container and you actually see the
arguments it's calling it with as well so it's looking for the image hello world and it will give it a name of
hello world test then we can go ahead and click run tool here and you can see it's created the container and it's even
going ahead and checking the logs so we can see the output and I go ahead and expand this and see the logs that we got
out of that tool right from within the agent mode here and that means it's added to the context as well so if
there's any issues it should pick it up automatically and I can actually start to debug Within cursor from my Docker
locks this is what I mean when I say it has unlimited power since there's so many mCP tools out there now one anoints
you might run into is clicking run tool all the time in the cursor settings though you can actually enable a YOLO
mode obviously this is a little bit more unsafe as it allows composers to go ahead and run tools without asking for
confirmation even things like executing commands if you go ahead and enable it you do get a couple of cool options like
you can give it a description of which commands should be executed automatically and let the AI work out
whether it's allowed to or you can actually just give it a command allow list and deny list so if you're really
trusting of AI that can save you a bit of time there we go hopefully you learned something new about cursor today
do you have any of your own tips let me know in the comments down below and also let me know if you knew about mCP
servers while you're down there go ahead and subscribe and as always see you in the next one
Heads up!
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