Creating a startup idea community application can seem daunting, but it’s incredibly rewarding. In this article, we'll explore how to leverage modern tools and AI to build a social app that allows users to share and evaluate entrepreneurial ideas. Many are waiting for these technologies to become easier to use; however, seizing opportunities now can place you ahead of the curve. Let’s dive into the crucial aspects of building your app and capitalize on the current landscape.
Why Build a Startup Idea Community App?
Building a community app focused on startup ideas provides several benefits:
- Networking Opportunities: Users can connect and collaborate on ideas.
- Resource Sharing: Members can provide insights and helpful tips to each other.
- Validation: Entrepreneurs can get feedback on their ideas before launch.
- AI Integration: Leveraging AI helps to generate actionable steps for each startup idea. For more insights on AI and entrepreneurship, check out Unlocking the Secrets of Photo Realistic AI Images and Digital Entrepreneurship.
Creating Your App: Key Components
When building a startup idea community app, here are the essential components to focus on:
1. User Profiles
User profiles allow members to showcase their startup ideas and maintain engagement. Profiles should include:
- Profile photo
- Display name
- A brief bio
- Startups they are interested in
2. Idea Submission System
Create a clear, user-friendly interface for submitting startup ideas. This should include:
- A text field for the startup description
- Options to categorize the startup idea
3. Rating and Comment System
Implementing a system for users to rate and comment on startup ideas encourages community interaction. Features should include:
- Like/dislike buttons
- Comment sections for users to give feedback
4. AI Generated Steps
Integrating AI tools like OpenAI can generate steps for users to follow in order to develop their ideas further. Key functionalities may include:
- Automatic generation of strategy steps based on the submitted idea
- Marking steps as completed for user tracking
5. Visual Design
A clean and attractive interface ensures a pleasant user experience. Think about:
- Color palettes that represent your brand
- Responsive designs that work on various devices
Tools to Use for Building the App
Building a social media app for startup ideas requires modern tools. Here’s a breakdown of popular choices:
1. Firebase for Backend Services
Firebase provides a robust backend solution allowing real-time data handling and secure user authentication. Use it for:
- Storing user data
- Authenticating users via Google Login
2. VZ for Frontend UI Development
VZ excels in producing clean, styled components based on prompts. You can:
- Design your homepage and user interface without heavy coding
- Quickly iterate design components based on user feedback
3. Cursor for No-Code Development
Cursor utilizes AI-assisted prompts to help you create apps without writing complex code. Its functionality includes:
- Composing multiple files at once
- Providing real-time feedback on errors
Embarking on the journey to build a startup idea community app may require navigating through various challenges, but with the right tools and mindset, it can be a rewarding venture. By leveraging the power of AI and no-code platforms, aspiring entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and bring their ideas to fruition quicker than ever before. For more guidance on entrepreneurship, consider reading Building Bootstrapped Startups: A Journey Through Entrepreneurship and Mastering the Lean Startup Approach: Your Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship.
Remember, the best time to start building is now, even if the pathway seems complex. Embrace the opportunity and dive into the exciting world of startup creation!
Call to Action
If you found this article inspiring, subscribe for more insights and tips on startup strategies, as well as regular updates on new tools and apps in the entrepreneurial space. Let’s create the future together!
like I've noticed a lot of people under a lot of like commenting on a lot of videos saying like oh I'm going to wait
another year so it gets till it gets even easier and I just think there's a massive opportunity right now Greg as
you said to create an agency and doing it when it's hard is better because by the time the creating what we're doing
now gets easy the people who start now are going to be creating even better sites by then and like because there's a
group of people always pushing the edges of all these new things right now there's not very many people pushing the
edges of AI websites which is where you will find probably the most profitable Industries or interesting niches to get
into and so that would be my advice to anyone who's like oh I'm going to wait for this to get a little bit
[Music] easier okay I don't want to waste one second what are we doing today uh
yeah so last time we made a very simple app and as you know I struggled through but eventually pulled through making the
app and um and since I even added some more features and I might even release it as a product but we thought we could
do significantly better uh with this episode and accomplish a lot more especially with two people there's a lot
less pressure like when you have someone to talk and someone to build it's a very it's a very nerve-wracking thing you're
like all right I'm on a podcast but I'm also making an app it's like how do I act here so we came up with this idea
and this this is vzer we used this last time on the podcast and this is just a chat like I think where uh we had Claude
generate an idea and we thought it would be cool uh let's say you wanted to create a little Community uh app social
app for the startup ideas podcast where people could join create a profile uh and you could type in your startup idea
and it'll use AI to generate steps and uh PE other people can rate other people's startup ideas and then add
comments and we thought that would be like a really fun Community Building tool and so I threw in the basic concept
and I just said uh create the homepage of this app and then I didn't like the initial one right it gave us this right
here which looks horrible and then slowly but surely I ideated on it and got it to somewhere where I'm like okay
that doesn't look terrible um and then we had some padding issues and ended up with um this one right here and it's
pretty clean uh Simple app and we use VZ and I guess there's some few other things maybe that we could add to this
homepage that I think would be fun and then um we'll kind of get the general idea for what we want to build and then
we'll go into the template and build it sound good that sounds amazing and it's funny because I had a similar idea that
I wanted to create um and I asked uh a buddy of mine to create it and he quoted me I think
$29,000 to build something like this so oh well we actually we're going to build it in the hour but we charge 29 Grand
hour okay yeah yeah yeah okay um but we'll we we'll talk about the details after
um um okay so like let's let's talk let's since this is for your startup podcast like um what what type of colors
would you want to see in here like let's let's change this up a little bit let's make it fun so the brand of the Pod is
is white orange so do you have like a cover photo on
your YouTube actually yeah go to uh at Greg Eisenberg let's do Greg
Eisenberg and I think if we were to go to your profile maybe just use one of your
thumbnails kind of like yeah this one right here okay you see the the orange I'm actually kind of testing a
few a few ideas and thumbnails right now I also see if you see the cover photo it's just kind of like these Neons
that's a new thing I just just the Subscribe for startup ideas that I just just changed and it's performing really
really well um probably like three times the amount of subscribers than I'm I'm used to and I think it's just people
love the neon it's just like it's kind of like highlighter so if we could do something with neon that'd be pretty
cool okay so um I think maybe like a social app shouldn't be super colorful like I think
maybe the background could be white yes and so maybe um let's go back to v0 and this is the published page so anytime
you create one of these you can publish this but again let's just go ahead and paste that in let's make sure it's the
right image there it is um and we can say can we change and I guess we can can we change
the um site that we have here this homepage to match the Styles uh from this image do not look at the specific
text or content on this you are only looking at the Styles and let's make the background of the
site white and have darker cards or maybe like gray cards with neon text we can just try it out and
usually this takes a little bit to load there we go and we can just send it and I would highly advise anyone who
wants to just use voice I'm using this tool it's called Talk tastic like talk tastic and it works it gets the job done
and it what's cool about it is when Claude starts messing up and I start swearing it actually removes it from
what I'm saying so it's kind of good so it keeps our Claude and I on good terms and here we go we're going to kind
of watch it build whoa there's your neon that's actually crazy I like it so
far hold on please keep going where is it okay
yep oh let's do it ah wait why is the text so dark so dark all right what do you think of the background though I
like I mean I like the background it's kind of it's it's it's a nice pop of
color we can um wait we have to make sure it's done oh whoa I did not see that coming I did not realize it was
going to change thoughts I don't know man it feels it feels too much like am I am I
looking at a clown right now feels like it's like too Clowny you know what I mean
what I liked about the cover photo up top was it was like professional with a few hints of bright colors this just
feels too much okay okay so okay this is too much let's say keep keep the background the same but
make the cards uh slightly gray let's make the cards gray
with dark text but the header is the header text is dark blue and the checkboxes are green the rest should be
a more relaxed darker color uh to create a more simple in interface shh don't tell anyone but I've
got 30 plus startup ideas that could make you millions and I'm giving them away for free these aren't just random
guesses they're validated Concepts from entrepreneurs who built hundred million plus businesses I've compiled them into
one simple database compiled from hundreds of conversations I've had on my podcast but
the main thing is most of these ideas don't need a single investor some cost nothing to start I'm pretty much handing
you a cheat sheet the idea bank is your startup shortcut just click below to get
access your next cash flowing business is waiting for you Ane I'm curious any any thoughts here for the The
Styling yeah I I I mean I think um we should probably uh just style one component like one card at once and that
would be more effective um than the whole page um if we use that yeah fair enough so should we just maybe we'll
just focus on the card and we can worry about the background later um say let's just
design let's just design one of the cards let's say the current design is too much let's go more
conservative and then we'll say keep the background okay so let's just try this on one of the cards and the
designs are a lot faster what's really cool about um what an is suggesting here is on v0 you can go component at a time
so uh and you can say you can Fork all of these links and I'll show you right after this so after this is done if it
ever starts maybe we'll need to retry let's try that and while that's pulling up do
you recommend doing it one component at a time is that is that the good best practice uh I I orang could probably
speak he's he's probably implemented more designs into full websites uh it is probably easier to add them one at a
time based on my limited experience I'm curious an what what you think yeah I think um v0 really excels at uh
using your like whatever prompt you give it and making a specific component out of it and you can like visualize your
design changes in real time and so I really recommend using VZ to build that like specific component and a component
really is like anything you know a button can be a component a card can be a component technically a page is also a
component but the smaller you go the more you can iterate and focus on that without overwhelming the context window
and that's why I think it's like a lot more effective and you'll move faster because it takes less time to generate
the code because it has to generate a full page every iteration then you're going to be like there's going to be
like a full 90 seconds in between each change see I personally think this looks very good this clean gray card um it
lays out the the ideas and so what you can do here to organize your work what I would do is I would hit publish confirm
and publish and then you can um you can either view the whole page right here so we can open up a new window and just
paste it in we can see it full screen um and you can also Fork it from this so I would just save this link right here and
so this was our original idea and so you could make just like a simple um like components um and then you just go card
and then you just paste the link right there and you can keep track of all of your components and then it's easy very
easy to find the code because at any anytime you can click on it later and you can say show code and you're going
to we're going to want to give this to Claude uh later and so this it's a good way of organizing your your work because
and we can also Fork from this right we could Fork this so now this is the only chat that it has so far we can say can
you create a um create or uh create a profile um a profile
component where the user puts in uh name
profile photo oops stop all right well that's all they
get no we'll stop that early um name profile photo uh let's say startup
interests location and current profession I I don't know we don't need to include all
these this is just an example um I probably should have said to create one that's the same style but
I think it might just do it anyway and while that's while that's pulling up I noticed that when you went to go and
click I think it was share there was an icon for Reddit and why combinator Hacker News why did why like how are
people yeah oh oh on X as well like why what do you do there yeah so I guess maybe if you wanted like if we wanted to
get really quick uh feedback on it we could very quickly share it to Reddit share it on X I will say it it looks
like vzer is like busy like vzer is popping off the last two weeks like their servers must be taking a beating
like so many like you think our last video got 500k views we use vzero there's many many other videos also
using it so I maybe we cut it some slack um a little bit though I it'll get annoying there we go um but yeah you can
very easily change the styling and then share it with other people which which is really cool I just love the fact that
you can Fork it and keep everything organized because then you can do all of the planning before you ever go to
cursor I know right now we're going to hop directly into cursor after this but I'm telling you and an can speak to this
too it's very very very useful to come in with a full plan in mind expect to get stuck a lot more if you come into
diddle dle and I I like if you just like oh let's add features as we go it is fun you will you'll have fun and you can
just treat it like a for fun type thing but don't expect to like have an organized project at the end and we make
this the same style as the card prior um the gray background but other than that I think this looks pretty good
gray background and yeah and then after this these two components then we can dive
into the template and we'll create this into a site because time is of the essence we have a lot of features we
need to add your startup profile okay there you go you have a clean simple simple um simply
designed profile component so now we can just hit publish confirm and publish uh copy this link and then now we have the
profile component we can just paste that here and we're organized um now let's do the
fun stuff let's dig in we have multiple AI feat or yeah we have an AI feature we need to add which is creating the steps
to create the startup and so I'll kick it to an and he'll go through the template we just
created cool um let me just share my screen here Riley it must be nice that you can just kick it on you
know yeah it is it's nice to have I I do want to say I when I first started Ed creating apps with AI um an
was one of the people he just like reached out to me and we ended up having a 30-minute conversation and we just
like started talking and a few days later I was struggling a lot on a project after and I had hopped on a call
with him and he was like helping me with uh using AI features and he I told him I was like dude I
think in order for me to do this I think I actually just need to learn to code and he was the person who's just like no
I don't think you should I think you should do all of this without ever writing a line of code and I asked him
like do you actually think it's possible to become like a good developer without writing a single line of code and he
goes it's going to be really really hard but yes and then that's all I needed was one developer someone who who actually
knows how to build to just say like it's technically possible because I was worried I was getting in over my head
like creating apps without coding and then that's what caused me to just dive in like fully
anyway all right let's go let's make let's make some stuff okay so we have a we have this template here that we
created R and I and um all we've done is clicked the use template button on on dret they they get to this point here
and we've set up um Firebase and um a few other tools Riley do you want to speak about how people can do that if
they want to yes so um in our community so senior Swiss so senior software composer there's a tab if you want to
open that up really quickly I posted the video there and it I've have three separate videos in there going over the
setup what we didn't want to spend the time doing the like every single time you use the template you have to go
through this five to 10 minute step if it's the first time you've done it uh it takes about 15 minutes
maybe um but in the templates you can see and I wrote out all the steps so you can watch the first five to 10 minutes
of that video I go through every step to create Firebase Firebase is free and so it's super easy to get it set up and
then you just connect cursor to repet and you're good to go and that's the point that an is at now so we can get
into the fun stuff yeah so I did everything here and then I um went to this template here and I clicked use
template and that's where we're at so um I'm running this on on replate and I have cursor open here and I've connected
those to again those instructions are already in the post that Riley was just
mentioning so now we can just jump right into it so the way that we've set up this project um is that we can Implement
pretty much any web app that you think about and that's because we're using nextjs and you don't really need to
worry about what nextjs is or what it means but it basically means that we can call any apis like open AI or CLA from
anthropic or Firebase communicate with database any of that stuff is is possible with
this template and um to make it easier for people to get started we've created these Pats and these Pats are a few
different apps that we thought might be interesting and we're going to add a lot more these four are just the beginning
we're going to add many many many more um and so today we're going to create like a simple social media app for
people to share their startup ideas where they can get AI generated steps and
how to go about um creating that startup idea so we can honestly just get started from the social media um app path and to
get started it's really simple the first prompt so I'm going to open composer on on cursor here where I'm going to click
command I and this opens this window right here now this allows us to edit multiple files at once um cursor has two
modes um or three modes but uh this is sort of the one that allows you to edit many many files at once and we're going
to be mo mainly just using this composer mode and you are all software composers so this is where you're going to be
spending a lot of time so I'm going to just make this big and nice um and get started so um all I'm going to tell
cursor to do is follow the instructions um in um and uh you can just find the sorry
an do you want to zoom in like a click or two okay that's good yeah yeah that's
fire okay I can even zoom in more it's fine um yeah so all you have to do is tell cursor to follow the instructions
in the social media path and you can reference any file or the whole code base or with just this at symbol and
then you can start typing the name of your file and we have this file called social media which is essentially I'll
just show it um it's like a it's a prompt um that allows us to get set up with basic functionality like
authentication um a home feed liking and commenting for pretty much any any social media app so um I'm just going to
St it there follow the instructions in this file exactly create
uh the social app as described hey while he while he types that out this is very very similar to
what remember when chat gbt added custom gbts and then you could access them via the app sign where like you could just
go in the main chat and you could do the at Whimsical diagrams custom GPT and get access to it right away that's exactly
what we're doing here we're using the at sign to access notes which are basically in markdown format which
provides built-in instructions for cursor that's it it sounds like what we're doing
is we're accessing I mean every social media app has Primitives they have posts they have profiles they have likes we're
not Reinventing the wheel we're just accessing those Primitives so that we can use it in our app is that right
exactly and we've tested them so like we've we've basically created a prompt that creates a social media app and then
when we're like okay this prompt really works we add it as a path um basically to make it easier for people to get to a
specific starting point yeah so there there are two main value propositions this template offers one is like we've
set it up with a bunch of apis to common things that you might want to use like you want to update data on Firebase
which is like your database so like if you want to store any user data like um you know Riley just made a profile
component uh we might want to save like the name of the user or um the startup ideas that they're interested in all of
that would need to be stored somewhere and that's what Firebase is used for as well as images as and logging in with
Google um and then we also set up a bunch of other apis like we're going to be using uh the open AI uh chat chat GPT
API right now um to generate the steps that you need to take to do your startup idea and we've set
that all up a lot of that code is what we like to call Plumbing and it's very similar and it it doesn't
it's often times the hardest part for people who are just getting started and that's why we've we've set it all up for
you hell yeah let's send it just gonna get this prompt going and yeah the these are actually the most crucial like once
you get into the flow like Greg you saw it last time in our last podcast I struggled at the beginning because we
hadn't set up our template yet and that was trial and error like in after the podcast it was just me and an basically
um testing out like where are we going wrong and then slowly working our way backwards to make it easier for anyone
who wants to try and yeah the first prompts are critical so I would put most of your attention and then once you get
into the flow and you have the base set up it's a lot easier to make changes to the app and it it becomes more fun once
you get to that point for sure and you have a template that people can download and I I bet that there's other templates
available like where do people go find these templates I mean there's all types of I
encourage people to whenever they create a project that they like to just create a template out of it like you can throw
it on GitHub we only did it because we saw such a massive desperation need or a desire for people to like be able to
create websites with natural language like it's such an empowering thing and a lot of marketers business people want to
do it and so we decided that repet was the easiest one to just like create a temp because a lot of the time you have
to create a repo and I've never even done I've never even gone to GitHub I GitHub still scares me so like like I
like it I like the word templates a lot easier than repo you know like that's still scary but they're all over the
Internet um on you want to yeah so we uh just ran this base prompt and now we've gotten a lot of changes and let's just
see what it's done so it's updated a lot of different components it's created a lot of
Pages um it says it's implemented authentication navigation user profiles and this is the kind of flow that I like
working with with cursor I'll just click save all first and when you click save all the changes should be automatically
reflected on ret and you can see we got some errors here that's completely fine you're going to get a lot of Errors you
just need to copy them and then paste them right back in that's it that's all um and I I don't like accepting changes
until I've reached a point where there are no errors so that's why I'm just going to click save all um and all that
does is save the files syns it with ret so you can see the preview live so it said it's done the changes um and I'm
click save all again um and let's see let's reload this web view um okay
same same thing so you're saying don't get worried that errors are going to come up it's only
natural and just keep copying and pasting that's basically it yes when you're starting out when you're just
starting out yeah you have to do that but think about it he's pressing save all so at any point he could go and hit
reject all which would revert you back to the original state which is fine you get to try again um obviously once
become more um I've reached a point where I can actually pinpoint some of the errors that come up and I actually
know what the problem is um the more you do it the better you'll get but when you start out yes just copy and paste and
save very often so you can go back um that would be my best advice here quick ad break let me tell you about a
business I invested in it's called boring so a few years ago I met this group of people that were
some of the best SEO experts in the world they were behind getting some of the biggest companies found on Google
and the secret sauce is they've got a set of technology and AI that could help you outrank your competition so for my
own businesses I wanted that I didn't want to have to rely on Mark Zuckerberg I didn't want to depend on ads to drive
customers to my businesses I wanted to rank high in Google that's why I like SEO and that's why I use boring and that's why I invested in it they're so confident in their approach that they offer a 30-day Sprint
with 100% money back guarantee who does that nowadays so check it out highly recommend boring yeah so
we have something running um but there are some more errors um that are coming here um so I'm just going to keep going
down this flow for a little bit which by the way is crazy that in like 20 or something minutes you can
just like oh we have a social media app ready to go yes uh that was the most addicting
feeling I've ever felt like once you feel it and you make something that you have in your brain it's just so
addicting it's all I think about sometimes um we're definitely getting more errors than we did when we did a
we've done the previous um social media app in the past but this is expected and this is good data for us like okay maybe
we need to adjust the prompt in the path next time because there's going to be multiple versions and there's going to
be tons of errors and once we've accepted that and we're like all right it's not going to be perfect people are
going to get confused let's create a community that's down for errors and confusion like we're in a completely new
space at no point in human history have people been able to do this so like let's cut it some slack you have to kind
of have that mentality okay cool we are at a point where this is loading
um and let's see if we go to create post it says please sign in to create a post so now at this point like I'm not
getting more errors and so what I'd want to probably do is just accept these changes um save these changes and then
I'd come to um git the git tab here in in ret and I just write a message of the changes that I've made this will just
allow you to go back where you were at um if you ever get stuck so um we definitely faced a lot
more errors than normal um but that's fine that's like these llms are non-deterministic and they will like be
completely different in different situations um and so I mean I all I did was copy paste it like I could read this
code and go and fix that error myself and that would probably work just as fine but I could also just copy paste
and we've gone to a point where this app is running we have like a really simple home feed with a post that I added
previously um but yeah let me just um go change this so homepage working but if I go into profile or um some other page it
doesn't really load so I'm just going to say homepage working um sign in not working I can't
stress enough how important this step is for if you're just beginning I promise you if you forget to do this you will
waste four hours if if you get deep into a project and you don't save you will ruin your time it will ruin a night for
you I guarantee it I've done it multiple times where like I'm now yelling at Claude I'm like return it back to how it
was because I forgot to save and claude's like I don't know which version you're talking about like and it'll it's
huge pain that's all I have to say say less I could I could see the pain in your eyes you you've seen some
stuff yeah so now now that we have um a basic version working I'm going to just reset the composer and that's just
because I want to focus on different features or different problems that are not part of this context so I
can click reset or you can close it and just open a new window um but yeah I'm just going to click reset and then
um I don't want any files here if you know how to code you can add which files you think are necessary and I could do
that but for this version uh this run through I'm just going to pretend that um you know I'm I'm not looking at the
actual code underneath so what do we have here we have a homepage working with a a post um but we don't have
profile or create post workking um and when I when we go to this it just tells us to to sign in to view our profile
similarly for create post it just says that so um that's what I'm going to tell it home feed with some posts but when I
go to profile it do need to sign in profile or yeah and one thing and while an is
typing this out um one thing that an told me early on that really helped me was describe what's going on
first then tell it specifically what to do you don't want to leave it up to chance there's a lot of times where like
he could say my the the profile page isn't working send like it doesn't know how you want it to solve that problem
it's like the profile page is not working um it currently looks like this here's a screenshot of the profile you
don't have to do it uh but like for example if it's a design thing screenshot it show Claude be like this
is what it looks like I don't want it to look like this please make it look look like this it should be blank and like be
very specific at the end of your prompt so it knows exactly what to do could I screenshot it draw on it type notes on
it yes but you might want to be specific about what your let's say you're like I want it to be a um a header I want it to
be a top bar and I want this icon there if you Circle your where you want it to be be like on the image I circled where
I want the Prof profile button to be and be specific like explain it like it's an intern um and it will understand you it
will get it you just got to be over specific there's a tool I use for screenshots called cleanshot X for mac
and it's just super easy to do quick screen grabs and write on it so I'll include uh I'll include a link in the
description yeah cool so I did exactly what Riley said right I described what happening now and I described what I
want so there are three changes that I want in this these are all pretty small changes and if they're pretty small
changes you can ask them in just one prompt but usually if they're larger changes I would just restrict one change
to one prompt so I'm click submit every time I do this and and I didn't even press enter I get the the Jitters I
don't know if you you guys get the Jitters too they they wear off after a while um I think that's with anything
you know with experience comes composure you know like I'm sure Tony Robbins doesn't get the Jitters before he goes
and speaks you know no I've seen him live he definitely doesn't yeah if the audience has more Jitters than he
does I I forgot to um give it context of the whole code base so I'm just going to copy my prompt reject all the
changes um reset the composer and then Bas what I had and just add code base you got distracted
when you were um telling people about the specific files so that's the way to address it's definitely good to use at
codebase earlier on uh especially because if it doesn't know what files you're talking about it's not going to
look at the right thing but we I think an and I share the perspective that context windows are going to get so big
that it'll be able to look at oh that's starting to look better I I think future models are going to be able to look at a
lot more of your codebase every prompt which is going to be way easier for us cool so now we have a log out button so
I can click log out and then I can click log in uh so login is not working we can fix that um but that was
my uh account I was showing up previously so I'm just going to ask it um did you did you put the dev domain in
Firebase yeah I did I did um I think it didn't create a login page because what it's saying is 404 so you'll pick these
things up as you go but like this is something that' be useful so when I click the login
button it shows me 44 this page could not be found and anyone who's been on the
internet for any amount of time knows that like you know the 404 error is like you know when something not be fanned um
and so that's all I told it um so I describe what's going on right now and then I'm going to say
um create um allow me to login hey while while an is typing this out another
thing you might be a complete beginner and you might not know what to tell it and that's how I started and so if
you're in doubt say please create whatever is necessary to address this issue uh because some sometimes you
won't even know what to tell it to do uh but the more you get that's part of getting better it's a skill uh and
you'll get better at explaining exactly what you want and what you need yeah do you ever ask Cloe and just be like I
don't know what's going on here teach me all the time especially when starting out yes like you'll run into errors and
I actually I suggest pasting the errors in in the beginning being like okay don't generate any code tell me what's
the problem and that you'll increase the your learning rate significantly if you actually try and learn along the way and
you just have to ask cursor yeah and maybe even being like teach me and write it in plain English like eighth grade
English be clear and concise and write in plain English yeah that's definitely good um I
would suggest using cursor's um chat feature so so here if I minimize this composer window you can press command L
and you can open chat and then you can literally just ask it codebase um explain this codebase to me
in plain English um using a Creator language yeah and this is super useful
um to just see it in English so it tells you this is using a technology called nextjs which helps you make websites
faster and easier to build there's set up for user accounts using something called Firebase this lets people have
their uh sign in have their own profiles this app can do cool things like generate images have conversations with
AI use voice notes and this is just all our paths that it's getting that um information from um and now it's giv
code but you can also tell let to not give code and and give you a response that way um wait did you just generate
okay okay never mind yeah so um I'm here I'm going to save all these changes we will trying to fix the login issues and
then um I'm just going to reload the page over here this is like the path that you're at so um like the URL of the
website so I like if it's just a slash that just means the homepage so um I'm going to click login and let's see
what happens so okay it takes me to log in with Google I can select my email and now it's a log out button so if I click
profile I should be able to see my profile it got my name my email it shows me posts um I can create posts um I can
select an image um let me see yeah this is an app that R and I created um Voice Text app
um and I'll create this post um and yeah they just created that post um I'll reload the page let me see
if the images aren't loading but now they're loading yep so this is this pretty much it and we can click like and
it shows a like counter um and I can add an comment and it shows a comment um and clearly like
this has some issues right there're like two navigation bars for some reason um but like the basic functionality is
working and all I did was copy pasted the arrows I could have gone there and like edited the code myself or could
have written this whole app myself I've been coding for almost 10 years now but it's still faster for me to just prompt
Ai and tell it what to do and get me to a point where I'm here yeah know and and so do we want to next just apply the
Styles I I pasted those in that Google doc I sent you uh an if you want to make maybe we can make those cards for the
post or do you think we have some more steps before that yeah I think we should just clean it up a little bit I don't
think it should take too long so um we can just accept these changes again it's good to accept them whenever you're done
I'll reset this composer I'll go to the git tab on duplet and I will add a message for uh login
Works um looks kind of weird and these are just for you honestly it doesn't matter if if you're not working
in a team um what those messages are but like we' saved our progress so nothing's going to be lost until that point so
okay we're here um again I've reset the composer um all these files are open I I
don't really need them can just close them all and command shift I to to open the composer right here so I'm just
going to make a quick a few quick changes so you're going tell it um and um I have clean shot X too so why don't
we try your method Craig so I'll take a screenshot of this whole page it'll be like oh wait you can copy them directly
oh wow I'm downloading this wow it's a no-brainer it's a no-brainer what is it called cleanshot X called yeah it's
called cleanshot X I think the website's cleanshot dcom oh wait is that the one you said was part of uh set app on set
app yeah okay what's that set app is like a suite of tool you can get them individually but you can also like get a
membership to set app which gives you access to a bunch of tools or on Mac or something yeah I think Kane cway
suggested that to me yeah dozens of apps one subscription 9.99 okay wcl a link in the Des in the YouTube description I
love how quickly you can just like apply squares or rectangles and arrows that's super nice yeah and it's it's good for
this and it's also just good for sharing anything with a team member especially like when you're dealing with wireframes
designs and if everyone's a designer now because of vzero you're G probably need something like this yeah I mean the
endgame is like you're going to talk to AI exactly as you would talk to a designer employee um which scares some
employees but like also empowers you to create some cool things it's more it's more Hands-On
it's better than typing typing is kind of boring yeah so let's see if this works I've actually never um done like
this but theoretically it should um I bounded this navigation this extra one with this red box and I basically told
it for some reason there are two navigation bars in my app the blue one on top that says home profile create
post and log out is correct the one that is bounded should we say to Center the cards
um um I think we should do that in the next prompt um okay let's do it just just because it's good to focus on one
thing at once you can do multiple things at once you'll just be like expect more errors in that case um so I'm just gonna
say this and I noticed you put quotation marks uh around home I sorry profile and and stuff like that is that really
important to do no honestly um no you don't to do that but being very very descriptive is really useful so the more
specific you can be about what you want the better um so I guess think about it this way right like we gave it the image
and it it is a vision model and it's working somehow it's able to figure out like what is going on in the image um
but if it's not you can give it other context clues and so the main difference I saw between the top navigation bar the
one that we want and the this one the one that we don't want is that the top one is blue and it has four items which
say home profile create post and log out and the bottom one is has no color and um just has these three items so I was
very specific about the one that I want to keep um and I was very specific about the one that want to remove so let's see
if that worked um Okay so give me an error um I'm just going to copy paste that error
in here I feel like that's an easy one yeah it's just a font is not available um
yeah okay so it did not remove the bar um so let me let me rephrase what I'm trying to do um that did not work so let
me see if this even works it does work um but we don't we don't want it to work um the ISS so I'm going to
describe it in a different way so the issue is that the home page home feed page has a navigation
bar um that is separate um from the other pages I want to remove that one it only
has another way to tell it and this comes with time it's like I know this page has all the same cont like it's the
home feed page cuz it's we're at home um and only this page has that navigation bar that we don't want as you can see
and so if I tell it that it'll know where to look um and then I think the reason it didn't work before is because
I didn't give it code base contact so always do that don't don't forget how does this work with mobile
like are these web apps responsive in any way like on on the browser they're great
um like with the voice app we made last like Works honestly it works better on my iPhone than it does on the web app
obvious obviously that will be part of our community we will get there at some point uh developing web apps on cursor
which it is possible uh even with just AI it's just a lot more difficult I've heard and you can't use repl it as
easily you're going to have to do it locally hey it worked yeah cool yeah now it worked so I I told it where to look
and I forgot to give it the code based contact so that's sort of the reason why so again I'll save this accept it and um
I'll go here and add my changes removed useless navigation hey let's let's start powering through this I want to get to
the point where all three of us make a profile and create our own uh ideas I think that would be really fun
Okay cool so let's um you want to uh focus on components maybe we just do the let's
get the AI feature working and then do the components do you think that's a better way to do it or do you think the
inverse is better um yeah I think that's a better way to do it um Okay cool so so so I was thinking that the user you know
like on Facebook you go to create a post right instead of that it's like create a new startup idea and so
user uh types in their startup idea in a text field as if it'sit chat gbt and it will generate different steps that you
can mark off as complete and you can keep track of everyone's progress towards their
startup and then yeah and it allows you to edit each of the individual steps which isn't as
straightforward as a normal chat gbt chat because this actually has to plug things into Fields right it's plugging
things into steps rather than just giving you a text response but it shouldn't be too difficult yeah so now
we're going to describe how we want to change this app so um I want this I want to modify this app to be social media
app for startup ideas um or I'm going to be more specific on the create post page I want
to um be able to type out my idea and then I want AI to generate the necessary
steps to do to to achieve that idea to use then I want to use um open AI API to generate the next steps to
achieve the idea and what's fun about this is once you get this down in the basics the the steps might not be that
great but like in theory Greg you could take all of your YouTube videos and create like a custom chat gbt assistant
and instead of calling the open AI API you can now call all of your startup ideas or all the guests that you've had
on your podcast to kind and like you could even be like watch this video here to see he talks about it at this
timestamp like it would take a lot more time to like Implement that but like as a retention method for people watching
your episode and it would just be more useful probably to see some more context on why that's the right startup step you
know 100% all right this is probably the hardest step would you agree
an yeah definitely um but it looks like it knows where it's going Oh you mean implementing AI into a software app you
know like checks out yeah yeah it's it's so it's hard and my I have done this before
and actually this is one of the first projects an and I worked on was generating something like this with
paths I was calling them paths at the time and we struggled through it but he like didn't even he purposfully didn't
help me he's just like no keep going down this path and he just like he wouldn't like give me the answer okay
let's see someone shot at a startup idea uh what was the example I was doing in the last podcast uh selling water
balloons at football games in Germany in Germany it was Niche it was niche but
it's fine you know uh uh riches in the niches right is that your thing yeah that's what they
say Okay um it gave me an error um so let me come back here and say it gave you an error because Riley's idea was
painfully bad it's a zero it it evaluates it it just gives you an error it just doesn't work if it's so
bad Okay so so we are here um I've saved these changes and I'm going to tell it exactly what happened
so when I go to yeah this is actually going to be fun like as soon as we get a a deployed link
he can send it to us we can log in upload our startup ideas and we can comment on each others and see it in the
home feed I'm curious Greg what were some of the did you see any of the comments uh from the last podcast of
like things that people wanted to build or did you notice any Trends from the comments of like what excited people the
most yeah a bunch of things one and questions too you know one question that I think was on people's minds is who
owns this software meaning if I use vzero and I use repet and I use cursor is this my software or am I just
like like what's the deal here it's a good question I to my I don't know the answer if I I don't think that maybe an
would be a better like I think we own this like the I don't know actually I have no idea who owns the code like
isn't it just like open license I have no idea someone in the comment section who's hopefully a lawyer
go check it out we want to know to the bot you know we want to get to the bottom of this because you don't want to
create some we don't want to create something and it gets like a million users and then you know one from one of
these platforms is like you a bunch of money so worth looking into but I imagine the way it works is you pay for
a cursor so you're essentially licensing their software to create something that you own that's how like for example
it'sso tuno Ai and a lot of the music companies you own you own that software um because you're licensing it basically
right right yeah I I don't I would assume that's how it works um because like when you create
something on vs code it's open source so yeah I don't know I think a lot of people just watched the last video and
they were like whoa this kind of changes everything you know if creating a minimal viable product now takes a day
max I mean we've done we've done it in an hour or two um the hard part is build distribution and then just experiment
with a bunch of ideas seawood sticks um yeah and then you can make it prettier later right yeah well yeah you can make
it prettier later or uh I mean like think about how much of startups in the business world is like proposing ideas
even if you don't have the core functionality now you can just make the pretty parts and you can p people and
send them vzero links like hey imagine this app like a lot of you know if you're working at a company and you're
like hey I think we should add this feature you no longer need to send them an email with text you can send them
exactly what you think it will look like and you just you can immediately share your you can illustrate your ideas a lot
easier even if you don't want to dive into cursor and repet you can still use vzer to share your ideas an you want to
take us through um one of why we're getting these errors you think yeah so um we're just getting a lot of errors
and you can see that the error is being logged here um and I'm going through the same workflow and I think it should
figure out the problem I just copy the error you can click this Dev tools button and dret and you can paste that
in um and um you know let's see let's see if we're going to be make progress here it seems like it's unable to work
with open AI but we let me just check our secrets Tab and make sure that we have the open a API key yes we do um
okay um let's see what's going on I'll save all these changes what if you open the the dev
tools and it was literally just like that that startup idea sucks it was just in the a
loog that would be pretty funny okay so I think we've made some progress um it's it's
generating um let's see how long this takes shouldn't be too long right should be like maybe like oh there we
go oh wow that's what's up you can sled comments we can still like um and this is a startup idea and
like literally I I know how to code I could have gone in the code and edited it but all I did was copy paste the
errors that you're getting clicked here saw the whole thing saw the errors and copy pasted them that's it um okay now
now an it might be useful now to maybe just use the vzer component as a screenshot because we have those green
circles the green check marks in there that I think is going to like tie everything together um to kind of make
it look like a clean list of steps and once we get that working then we can adjust the prompt like maybe we make
them a little bit shorter um but I think we're getting there we've gotten past I think the hardest part
yeah cuz someone in the comment section is going to be like but this app is so ugly no one would use it but true but
now we have something that's working and a good foundation and now we're going to go paint the walls and make it look nice
yeah I mean on like we started this actual build process 45 minutes ago and an just going slower than we normally go
because we're explaining things like if we were to just heads down build this as fast as we can like oh yeah yeah that's
so this is vzer this is what we made at the beginning of the podcast and he's just going to snag this you could grab
the code as well I don't know if what you think would be the best best way to do this an Yeah in our next version of
our template we're going to make it so that you can um basically just um use this code
directly and we'll show you how to do that um and make it like make it look exactly like this but for now we're
going going to um just copy the code and then I'm going to reset this composer because I'm doing a new
um a new feature and I'm going to go back to my dlet and I'm going to be like um okay so I'll describe what we have
so um I want the startup idea card which
displays the startup idea in the home feed to look
like um following code and that's all I'm going to say and
I'm going to be like um do not use this code directly purely use it as a reference to
style the startup idea component um that display reate saying you're not you're not looking at the the
specific text like or content you are just looking at the styling I always I've gotten screwed over when doing this
and it takes the actual content literally and it can break the code do not use
the um exact content of the code provided um but just the styling I should give it context of the
code base so I'm going to um or actually it it was doing a good job I'm just going to get it
to um keep going or wait a sec just start it over just copy it it's hard to get it actually I don't got some
zoom out like command minus or whatever that's a good idea like I go all the way out and just snag it that is a good tip
until cursor fixes this um this is probably the way to go so um again I'm going to give it this
context um and give it coas yeah the cursor definitely has like just little minor bugs but I would
rather have minor bugs than them not ship new features all the time that are amazing and
life-changing and while this is happening why is cursor better than the
competition I will definitely not be the best person to I have never used any of the other competition but wait first
let's look this looks pretty solid oh yeah that's clean is there any responsiveness to
when you touch the or click on the the check marks no there isn't but I don't think
that's obvious oh we can still like and unlike we can add comments you guys just want to log into this site and add some
startup ideas yeah yeah why don't you are you going to just post the replit link yeah I'll just send this to you and
you'll have to eventually explain how to eventually get off of repet onto a custom domain yeah
definitely oh yeah we can we can do that right after we do this okay that's the E it's the easiest step once you deploy
deploying can be a challenge but replit makes it the easiest of all of them but yeah it's very easy to add a custom
domain oh wow yeah I see it on my screen do you see it Greg so interesting I am I I see so the font is
in white so I don't see it but I know do you know what I'm talking about mine took me I'm logged in wait did you
you copied the whole link uh on just sent yeah yeah I logged in successfully and I just added a startup idea but when
you go to create a post and you write within create a post the font is white and so it Blends in so that's just a
small visual bug nice but I've just successfully added a startup idea that I've had for a
long time which is IMDb for creators so IMDb is obviously a database of Hollywood and celebrities but I don't
know if that really exists for creators where's my Riley Brown uh page so I put that in there so each wait would each
video get a rating it it would just be like I a just like how IMD oh actually it's a good question I didn't even think
of that originally yeah like you know like think about it like if you if every video is rated um then you kind of end
up with this um like a you know a cohesive score you know you can look at all of a director's movies that they
have individually you know like I see you're trying to do you're trying to do a Rotten Tomatoes for creators like oh
yeah yeah yeah yeah which what I'm trying to do is who is Riley Brown give me a little description of it maybe his
top content like his top videos what are my musty um I don't need to score you
because that's just like a bit weird to score people I don't know how I feel about that um but that's that's the idea
I like it did you add an idea Riley I'm doing it right now um only with AI so I
I I added a comment to your um to your idea
Greg oh this is a dope idea yeah wow someone has said someone from the internet I don't know where who how
but someone has commented that they like my idea they think it's a dope idea and so we we just got from like
nothing to this AI generated startup idea social media app in wait refresh the page and check the
comment okay uh yeah this will not get funded someone else who's Anonymous said this will not get funded
um and they added a new startup IDE by the way I kind of love it's like a feature not a bug that people are
Anonymous like it makes it a little more fun and spicy well and and maybe it's a feature that you can't see what you're
typing and you just got to send it I'm that's why I made some typos in there um should we fix the input box an maybe
yeah I mean it's it's fine for me so I'm not sure what the issue is but um let me just I can assume that it's probably
something to do with dark mode but yeah let's Del Cloud that um I'm just going to save my changes here so but think
about it think about what we've done already like realistically we've only been working on this for an hour we
started 20 minutes in we were just doing design stuff so after one hour we have a full social media like app and it's like
a community based social media app you could have all of your community use it right now you can put in your startup
idea and it will generate all the steps or at least an outline of the steps that you need to take we can all sign in we
all logged in we can like and comment on each one and I think that's pretty sick yeah
sick I remember back in in the day just doing Google login would take months to add to a a
website now it's one prompt with the template but yeah okay let me save these changes
and let's see create post uh can can you guys check if it's been fixed for you so should we refresh
our page yeah just refresh the page yes it's fixed okay also the background of the site is black for me like yeah when
I'm when I'm viewing it the content is white so like the center row is white or the center column like where the cont is
but everything around that is black yeah so it's probably because dark mode light mode so if you change your computer to
be in light mode it'll probably fix it like here let me just try it right now so if I put my computer on wouldn't it
be more effective to just fix the site than to make everyone change to dark mode no no no yeah it would I'm just
showing you why I guess this is happening so you know I toggled system appearance and um there you go changed
that's what it looks like for us yeah so um I can do the same so I can just be like okay uh wait did I see on yours an
that it recorded your idea on your profile page um no I think this was the social media posts from our
previous uh when we were building the social Med like when we started with a social app oh oh yeah it was recording
those but it's not recording the sorry ideas we do need to fix that but that's just one prompt like everything here can
be one prompt like we can um you know hunker down for another hour and like get that all done if we want to but yeah
that that the progress that we've made so far is is pretty pretty crazy maybe try and go like five more prompts and
see what we can do in five more prompts and put a limitation on it and uh try and accomplish as much as we can with
that because I still got to get packed I'm about to fly to La we're about to do a s-day Sprint on
creating um content with cursor and like a full-on Basics and and some other things it's going to be fun oh yeah so
the things that come to my head after this an would be up updating a profile picture and then like being able to
toggle the and mark the check boxes as done to like and maybe a progress bar oo that's easy to add actually on the card
you should be able to mark them as is complete and it'll show you like a percentage bar
of how I think we've done that together um yeah we have we have um should you
should only the people who um created uh the idea be able to do that or anyone yes yes it should definitely you should
not be able to mark off someone else's to do l so I just went to dark mode now and uh the app looks the same so if I
toggle like you guys should be able to reload the page and it should be a white background now it looks great now wait
it actually looks real good um the homepage looks clean okay so I also save that now I'll
reset the composer again because we're discussing something completely new I think a lot of people they use the same
composer and that's when they don't get good results the context gets overwhelmed um but for now we have to
reset it but yeah so uh let's add a feature I know this is this might be
annoying but one thing I need to change on this app is calling it social media app yeah luckily that's about the
easiest change we can make okay I I can't I can let what do you want it what do you want it to call what do you want
to call it startup idea startup ideas is Bank okay so here you know you don't need to know how to code to do this I'll
show you show everyone like an easy way to do this without going into cursor so for this these kind of things you might
not want to eat your prompts up and whatever so you can search exact text that shows up on the screen that's not
user generated content like none of this stuff will show up because this is all user generated content but just stuff
that's the same for every user so you can see that there's like a some text here that says social media app you can
just change that there uh startup ideas Bank sure and that should instantly reflect um or you could just
ask urser to do it like that would also work so do whatever you want I think yeah startup idea community
and then just call it sick sick I don't know if you see that idea on sick last night I gave it a
oneop are why SB doesn't have the same ring to it no s is startup idea database I like Sid Sid s just sounds like your
cousin Sid I think of the sloth from Ice Age but oh yeah that's right by the way if you are going to become a senior
software composer you need to get a mechanical keyboard it's quite literally you know step one to be to to
becoming a cursor Pro yes and and get a good voice um like I use tastic and so like a
lot of these things you can just say with your voice it's really fun there are probably more errors just because
you try and go faster but like it's a lot more fun it's it's a lot more free flowing to just look at your site and
you're like I want to change this this this and this and this and outline it with your voice um and then it'll make
the changes I post a video on Twitter of me doing it fully like every single step with just my voice and it was crazy
you get in a deeper Flow State when you use your voice so it made these changes and um yeah so the steps aren't showing
up and this is likely you know because the data is saved in a different format um because we can see some of the data
showing up and suddenly it's not showing up so let's say we create a new post um hotel for dogs
um and this is something that you'll get better at like as you build more things and just understand
like how stuff is working under the hood um but yeah um wait so this is actually really
important that if what what an just talking about right now I guess I'll let him fix this era this is something he
taught me early on and I dealt with it a lot you see how it's showing up now um basically the code that he
generated earlier had a specific format and once he made the change right he's like now I want to be able to see it
like this and once he made the change the posts that became before it aren't compatible with that new format so like
he my initial Instinct would be like ah this isn't working but what really you need to do is just generate another
component which he just did and now it's compatible and it actually is functional and it's working and so that definitely
remember that because you will run into that guaranteed that looks pretty good
honestly yeah so I can like check these off and like if I reload the page it saves that data and you guys should see
it me checking these off um on your side as I can see it can see it right I'm going to generate yeah generate a new
one and while they're generating that I'll show you like how this works in Firebase so in
Firebase um wait sorry like what how cool is this this is just this is insane yeah let's let's soak this in for a bit
this is kind of cool soak Us in you know this is this is incredible like this is a new social behavior that I just think
is so interesting so can you guys check off I like my idea or
not I cannot okay perfect so it's working is intended and that was just one promt so it's it's
getting good obviously viously the design needs some more work um but yeah that's just another
prompt uh profile picture upload that'd be more fun yeah we can do that so accept these
changes it'd be more fun and then uh maybe change it to our name I think that would be good that would kind of
complete the experience um for this episode's purpose you know like we see our faces and have our proper name
I don't know I don't know if I want my name okay well you can be a non you can do something crazy
yeah that's fair you can I guess that's probably smart you haven't signed the um terms and agreements of the site we
could do whatever we want with your data right I'm giving exactly the idea now is owned by Riley
[Music] Brown there's a whole like agency service business that you can create by
just using cursor repet this template to go and build apps for for businesses too yeah I encourage that like we
want I want people to make money with the template I think that's awesome so an is saying I want to allow the users
to upload profile pictures and for those photos to show up on the home feed make the necessary changes to allow me and
that's a good that's a good lesson there it's like make the necessary changes to allow me to do blank maybe you don't
know how you want it to be designed but like make the changes so that I can do a specific thing it'll figure it out it's
definitely a lot less pressure this episode than with the last one when I was worried I wasn't going
to create it at the end yeah you were sweating but you made it you made it happen people should definitely go back
to that old episode to see Riley sweat a little bit because that will be you in your first your first St oh it'll be
probably worse than that but you just have to keep pushing through it it's too much
fun okay so we got an error um I'm just going to just do the same thing just copy the error and past it it's it is
pretty insane how that's how you've solved every error so far basically I actually think every error you've B You'
might have given a little extra instruction with the error but like you have not even opened the code except for
to show the example that you could change the title I haven't I just compos the whole
time um okay let's reload this page failed to load
ideas oh yeah I I see it on my end oh you see the profile picture upload
yeah and you can choose a display name um there is an error ER yeah yeah I'm getting error to and my homepage
says failed to load startup ideas um so I am just going to paste these errors in so on the homepage you see
there is fail to load startup ideas I'm going to click the dev tools again and like you can expand these errors usually
and like um just copy the relevant message um so the UI looks
good with some errors actually I think the homepage looks very good like it's a pretty clean
site it's clean which is great for an MVP it's not like the most beautiful website I've ever seen but it's
clean yeah I mean we haven't even got to the design yet we've we've given One Design prompt that's right uh for the
card because you got to focus on the function as much as you'll want to do the design like you just have to
remember that like without the core functionality you just have a pretty piece of artwork hanging
in in your back closet no one can actually use it so I just gave it the two errors there's one on the homepage
um and then there was one when I was updating the profile did it have to do with permissions for seeing the profile
picture on the homepage um no I think it just uh CH changed some code
so I just reloaded the homepage it's loading now yeah it's loading now and now let me update my
profile okay so um it's giving this error again I'll copy it and I think it's interesting too
like I've noticed a lot of people under a lot of like commenting on a lot of videos saying like oh I'm going to wait
another year so it gets till it gets even easier and I just think there's a massive opportunity right now great
asess you said to create an agency and doing it when it's hard is better because by the time the creating what
we're doing now gets easy the people who start now are going to be creating even better sites by then and like right
because there's a group of people always pushing the edges of all these new things right now there's not very many
people pushing the edges of AI websites which is where you will find probably the most profitable Industries um or in
interesting niches to get into and so that would be my advice to anyone who's like oh I'm going to wait for this to
get a little bit easier which it will okay wow I just uploaded my profile
picture yep it should show up on the the profile um let's see maybe I have to create a new post for this to show up on
the posts um still not showing up on the on the homepage as a comment it doesn't is it
is it only for the Post oh I didn't tell it to do it for the comments so I don't know if it be able to figure that out
but I can no it's okay UNH handle I just tried to create a post runtime
error yeah I saw that um we can solve that if you just reload your page it should go away um for now but we can
again it's just you can copy that paste that in and should be good love how we're just cooking with
boys you're you're muted uh Riley but in my head I imagine you said something really witty with
cooking no I said it's really fun it's very fun to get like to just ideate and just like throw things out there
especially if you don't like not every time when you make something there's urgency to create something quickly like
it's it's an art form it's fun to be creative and Just Vibe out and make something fun and so we'll definitely do
that in the community too just to like hang out and make fun apps it's also very rewarding to use
your own tools I found like my notes app that I use is like my own little Notes app and it does only what I want it to
um it doesn't do anything else like what does it do what are things that I just like I like the way it looks I said it
was it was the first app that I've created it it has like built-in uh AI features it has a voice app uh like a
voice record a recorder which I'm huge on I love voice recorders recording stuff
still not popping up no it's not using my profile photo
um okay I'm going to reset this and I'm going to Del it from scratch storage could it be a storage rule
thing uh I've said permissive storage rules I think it's uploading the photo I can check let
me just check and Firebase is owned by Google right right yes Google
Firebase we're going to be using another alternative for the next one it's a little bit different and it's
more visual it's called subab base or supab base I don't know how to pronounce it yeah it's not because of that um it's
basically trying to get the the wrong data um and yeah using super base would definitely help with this because our
data organization is gotten a little messy cuz start with the social app and then modified it a little bit um but it
should be able to fix this in a couple prompts um just going through that um yeah should we should we do that or
something else I would say if we can get it in two prompts we should just do it and call it good and that would kind of
complete the app I feel like just from a visual standpoint it would look be a nice um ending to the video it's
totally it gives us that clean payoff at the end that I think we got last episode but this is like much more difficult
they said they said we couldn't do it they said we couldn't create a social media app in under two hours but but we
did it yeah Greg what do you think like what do you want to build like when you're when you see this do you have any
projects in your head you're like you know what if I dive super deep into this the first thing I want to create is yeah
so I actually tweeted something and I was thinking about you and this when I was tweeting it I said how do you build
startups in 2024 step one tweet about it if it gets love create a video about it if it gets
love create a lead magnet about it if it gets love create a private membership Community about it if it gets love
create a SAS agency software out of it if it gets love hire yourself out of it if it continues to scale you can retire
or just do it all again and I I think I'm going to post on
Twitter post a video see what gets traction and then just be like hey I've got a fun Saturday
I've got a Saturday afternoon that I can go Tinker on something and just put stuff out there not be afraid to put
stuff out there and treat putting out software almost as if it's like putting out a tweet yes yeah I love that and and
you just continue down the process if you're you're like all right we have critical mass um like let's just build
this into a bigger app I I love that mentality yeah um that's super cool because like I think I think
there's going to be platforms Built For This like where there it'll be like a Sandbox thing where it's it'll be like
the uh the Tik Tock of social of applications where you can like create a little environment and you scroll
through them find ones that you like because it's going to be so easy to create little web
experiences um I think that would be really fun yeah and people will be able to just remix other people's
ideas yes the same way they remix uh Tik Tok that's right or Tik toks or retweets or quoted tweets um it's a lot like it's
like a way more efficient and userfriendly GitHub kind of yeah like way more simplified should
we try and upload another one an yeah I think that might be good and this is good like this is
realistic you end up you might get stuck on one annoying thing for longer than you want
to yeah you might and will and that's okay yeah it's fine yeah you definitely
will yeah it wouldn't be fine if you didn't have essentially these assistants that you can ping at any time
like so they're there for you okay it's it's it's going down a bad ravit hole here
um so I'm just going to reset this um it's good like this will happen like this probably like the worst case
scenario you can just discard all the changes that you made um
and you should attempt to to try again um just because you know it was just breaking things further and further you
don't want that to happen um so you should probably just um start from scratch
and give it an idea so um and what we can do if we run out of time is just like last time you know
like when we have time to throw on some extra things like we can very easily uh add some features to this and make it
look super clean it's just you know like we've only been doing this for 90 minutes did you do a screenshot on the
last one on uh no I did not I wonder if that would
help yeah um I don't I don't think so just because um the issue was it was just storing the data weirdly
um and this is what's cool about like finding other people who are also doing this and like it's fun to kind of follow
along I actually learn a lot when I follow along when other people are driving and you just you're exposed to
different types of Errors it will help you solve them faster in the future when you run into the same problems 100% same
thing with any skill yeah totally I think it's being with other people uh
looking over and seeing what you know what are they doing oh how do you do that I think it's watching content like
this and with people who just like are live cooking and and taking notes um that's what you have to do and
then it's also just making it a habit like do you know this is something that you need to practice every
day if you want to get great yeah like Mr Beast Mr Beast talked about it he famously talked about that
over and over again he's like he's surrounded himself with people as obsessed as he was and that's all they
did every day totally um and you'll get better you'll learn from other people's mistakes screen of
red that's that's fun you know it's yeah people want to get in your head so it's interesting to see how you
approach it yeah I'm curious as to what you think the error is more specifically I I'm curious actually because I've run
into a lot of problems with images images can be um annoying it's just like how the data is
being uploaded and accessed is weird so um um we have this we have Firebase and you can see over here like the photo URL
was being uploaded like if I copy this URL and I go to it it this was the image that I uploaded so it works you know the
uploading works it's just accessing it is a bit weird um the reason why I think the app
is just getting confused on um how and where to get the profile photo from the user
and so um this is also something that we're going to update our template with but is just like show people how um
you know how defining the data that your app has before you start building it is a better way to to
um not face these errors when you're when you're going through it so like creating creating a
prevention prior to even building out the app like as it's building out the app originally it'll have that in mind
it'll make it easier to access the data when it needs it yeah I mean if you can like have like I
think this is why I think super base would be useful like you were saying Riley which is like you can have like a
strict um basically like a Google sheet of your data and then it'll know exactly what to use when that's kind of the
issue that's happening right now it's just it's it's getting confused with that um and it's throwing a lot of
Errors so yeah um it's also easier to just based on the I watched two long videos on
subab base but it basically you have you ever used notion Greg like yeah our whole company runs on notion yeah so
like basically I have a lot of experience with notion I ran a previous company out of notion and learning
notion if you understand notion it makes this process a lot easier because I just think of a website as just a giant
notion rapper because like on notion you can add new columns um which are just new Fields basically and they can be
either a dropdown a to-do list you can upload files and it makes it super easy to picture the data but subab base is
the only one that actually has it shows it's in table format uh and so like it makes it super easy to picture like what
pieces of data would be on one of these cards right here like um which is just the same as notion and like notion has
like a their calendar feature I think is their best feature that they have where like you can put in a due date and then
you can switch it to calendar view and see when they're due and you can also do that on a website if you set up your
table the same way right um yeah okay so this
is clearly um getting confused with what's going on
um so I'm just going to reject all the changes cuz we didn't make any that were useful um
and what's going through your mind right now um in terms of now I think it might be uh like how the data is being
displayed on the profile page it works um but when you go to the home homage it's not working so clearly there is
something that's like [Music] um something that the AI is not doing
correctly um and I'm just trying to figure out how to give it context to do that correctly so maybe I'll be more
specific you know I'll be like um going to the profile Tab and I'll give it the exact file which is
just profile page um shows me the current profile picture that I have for my user
correctly I want the same profile picture shown in the comments um under a startup idea in
startup idea um make the necessary changes to show profile pictures next to
comments um under a startup post the whole code base as well yeah after I actually yeah I get I start re
like reiterating things a lot more once you get into these failure Loops um and it's really good the Cadence he has
right now where it's like he tries four or five times he scraps the changes starts again from like a slightly
different strategy and like yeah every single time you want to be more I get more aggressive and longer and sometimes
it can get me out of it like I probably would have stressed it I probably would have done like four sentences I'm like
just to reiterate the every single profile picture should be connected to that
profile everywhere that profile comes up so whether it's in the comments whether it is a post uh whether it's a startup
idea post uh one other thing that I'm thinking about is that it might be getting confused about posts the fact
fact that there are startup ideas when the template is built for a social media app so it's like is it getting that
mixed up between a startup idea and a post um I actually ran into the same issue when I was creating the last one
Greg where I you know this it started out with um sip or spit and then I changed it to pin or drop but the page
was still slash siips so that was a huge issue for me and then once I fixed that error it got easier but like I wasted an
hour on that so sometimes the naming can become an issue not saying that's the issue now
but just kind of going through some common problems I've run into right no that's a good
tip yeah um okay so the new comments now have profile pictures it was just the old comments that are not showing it so
um so we should all create new posts um yeah create a new post and or a new comment under the post but yeah they
should uh have the profile pictures okay so it finally got right with this with this prompt um it took a while but
yeah uh I got it and I didn't have to manually go in I was like oh no now is the time but it it
didn't cool there we go thank you I was going to say we did it but you
did it um thank you I appreciate it I don't think you realize you know
our last video had had hundreds and hundreds of comments of people being like wow I'm so excited to build things
and uh I think people are going to watch this [Music]
and they're going to be Builders so uh thanks for for inspiring them yeah I'm excited to see what people create
hell yeah um so couple to-dos if you've made it
this far in the episode um one is go to what what's the URL senior Swiss seniors sswc
docomo composer and uh there you will find a link to the community we opened up S days ago and we're at like 2200
members MERS um Co and yeah it's going to be a lot of fun we're going to I'm going to LA
tomorrow and we're going to work on a lot more Basics educational content right now we've been uh making a lot of
content like wow type content you can create a website in x amount of time but like we're going to bring it down to the
basics and go slower because a lot of people are a little bit more confused but we're we're going to bring people
all the way through the process I want everyone to create and deploy a web app that they love it's a really fun
experience so beautiful so that's to do that's that's one thing you could do um and
then the second thing is just uh we'll be in the comment section here so uh just comment if you enjoyed this it got
your brain thinking if you have any questions um and uh I respond to almost every
comment so go ahead and you know feel free to comment and then the the third thing is of course you're going to want
to like this video uh so you get more videos like this in your feed um and then you're going to want to
subscribe to the YouTube channel I just do these videos uh for fun I bring smart people here and if you like startup
ideas you're going to want to subscribe and sign up to Greg where I send my weekly email uh with free
startup ideas so you can go ahead and do that if you you thought this was cool um boys it's been fun cooking and being in
the kitchen with you I feel like I've been I feel like I'm with you know the Anthony Bordain of uh of this whole new
cursor and repet world so it's an honor being here and and I hope to see you soon oh well thanks thanks for having us
later guys yep peace [Music] baby
Heads up!
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