Welcome, Ninja Nerds! In today's video, we're delving deep into the fascinating world of the cell nucleus. This essential cellular component serves as the control center of eukaryotic cells, housing our genetic material and orchestrating many vital processes. Join us as we explore its structure, functions, and significance in cellular life!
What is the Cell Nucleus?
The cell nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells. It's often referred to as the brain of the cell because it manages gene expression and mediates the replication of DNA during the cell cycle. Specifically, the nucleus contains two primary structural components - the nuclear envelope and the nuclear content (including the nucleolus and chromatin).
The Nuclear Envelope
The nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus, protecting its contents and regulating what goes in and out. It's composed of two phospholipid bilayers:
- Outer Membrane: This part is contiguous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) and plays a pivotal role in protein synthesis. The outer membrane is studded with ribosomes, making it an integral part of the cell's protein production machinery.
- Inner Membrane: This is lined with lamina, a meshwork of proteins that helps maintain the shape of the nucleus and organizes chromatin.
- Nuclear Pores: These are large protein complexes that span both membranes, allowing the transport of molecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Importantly, these pores facilitate the movement of small molecules passively (ATP not required) and require energy for larger molecules.
The Nuclear Content
Within the nucleus, we have the nuclear content, primarily composed of:
- Nucleolus: The site of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and ribosome assembly.
- Chromatin: This is the complex of DNA and proteins (mainly histones) that packages the genetic material in a compact, organized form. For a deeper understanding, check out Understanding the Structure of DNA: Key Components and Functions.
The Functions of the Nuclear Envelope
Let's break down the functions of the nuclear envelope:
Outer Membrane Functionality
- Continuous with Rough ER: The outer membrane's connection with the rough ER allows for a direct pathway for proteins synthesized to enter further processing stages. This relationship highlights the importance of the cell membrane in cellular function.
- Protein Synthesis: mRNA transcribed from DNA will interact with ribosomes on the rough ER, where translation into proteins occurs.
Inner Membrane Functions
- Lamina Role: The lamina stabilizes the nuclear envelope and organizes DNA within the nucleus, facilitating DNA replication and transcription.
- DNA Interaction: The inner membrane also plays a role in the accessibility of DNA to transcription machinery by regulating how tightly the chromatin is packaged.
Nuclear Pores’ Importance
- Transport Mechanism: Nuclear pores act as gateways for molecules moving in and out of the nucleus, regulating cellular biology by controlling what enters and exits the nucleus.
- Active and Passive Transport: While small molecules can move passively, larger molecules, like mRNA, require energy (ATP) for export.
Understanding Nuclear Content
The Nucleolus
The nucleolus is a crucial substructure in the nucleus responsible for:
- rRNA Production: The nucleolus synthesizes rRNA, which is essential for ribosome assembly and function.
- Ribosomal Subunit Formation: It combines RNA with ribosomal proteins to form ribosomal subunits, which are then exported to the cytoplasm for protein synthesis. For insights into cellular components, see Understanding Cell Organelles: A Quick Review and Ratings.
Chromatin Structures and Functions
Chromatin is made primarily of DNA and histone proteins. Its structure ensures DNA is compacted efficiently:
- Histone Interaction: DNA wraps around histones, creating nucleosomes, which further condense into higher-order structures necessary for proper cell division.
- Gene Regulation: The state of chromatin (heterochromatin vs euchromatin) influences gene expression. Methylation leads to heterochromatin (condensed and transcriptionally inactive), while acetylation causes euchromatin (looser and transcriptionally active). For a broader view of cellular structures, check out Understanding Cell Structure: The Amazing World Inside a Cell.
Key Takeaways
In summary, the cell nucleus is a complex organelle essential for regulating genetic information and cellular function. Understanding its structure (nuclear envelope, nucleolus, and chromatin) and functions (transport, protein synthesis, and gene expression) is critical for grasping how cells operate and communicate. To explore more about cellular functions, you may find Understanding the Structure and Function of the Cell: A Comprehensive Overview helpful.
We hope this exploration of the cell nucleus has enhanced your understanding of cellular biology. Remember, like and subscribe for more educational content! Happy learning!
foreign what's up Ninja nerds in this video today we're going to be talking about
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with me without further Ado let's talk about the cell nucleus so the nucleus we're going to talk about is
the structure and the function so what I really want to do is I want to cover the components of the actual nuclear
structure and it's really kind of two things you see here we have a cell and then again
within the cell you have your intracellular fluid and then here you have your extracellular flu we already
talked about the cell membrane how it's separating those two right we went over the membrane lipids the membrane
proteins the cholesterol the glycocalic structure all that stuff well here I want you to think about this
structure here surrounding the inner side so this right here is your nucleus this whole thing right here is your
nucleus but there's a structure that's surrounding the inner components of the nucleus you see this this is called your
nuclear envelope and we'll go over all the different components of the nuclear envelope but
it's really really cool there's three components of it and we'll talk about that structure here
the next one here is inside of the nucleus there is the nuclear content and we'll go over in great detail what the
nuclear content is it's primarily made up of two things one is the nucleolus and one is the chromatin and we'll go
over that more detail later but let's actually take some time now we know the two structural components of
the nucleus is the nuclear envelope and then the next one is the nuclear content let's dive in each one nuclear envelope
if we were to take this nuclear envelope here this little son of a gun right here and zoom in on it in great detail this
is what we get this is our nuclear envelope and with the nuclear envelope you have this part here and this is
going to be the membrane and there's two components of this membrane and I'm not kidding it's very straightforward this
is the outer membrane oh man super complicated isn't it so first one is the outer
membrane and again this outer membrane is made up of phospholipids it's made up of phospholipids so you're going to see
the phosphate groups you're going to see the fatty acid tails you may even have some cholesterol within that
the next thing here is you're going to have the inner membrane this is the inner membrane and this is going to be
another really important component as well and as you see here the inner membrane contains again this
phospholipid bilayer as well so here's your phosphate groups here's the fatty acid tails and there's another important
component here which is called your lamina so again outer membrane is made up of a phospho
lipid layer and then this one contains a phospho
lipid layer and a lamina
layer which is made up of these proteins called lamins very very important proteins okay
and then the last thing is you have these like orange proteins which are kind of plugged in and span their
integral proteins are transmembrane proteins that span the entire nuclear envelope these are called nuclear pores
these are called nuclear pores so again let's go ahead and quickly recap up to this point what are we covered nuclear
envelope consists of outer membrane which is a phospholipid layer inner membrane which has another
phospholipolar but this Green Layer here is called the laminal layer made up of lamin proteins
and then lastly here we have the nuclear pores and the nuclear pores are going to be the proteins that span the entire
nuclear envelope nuclear content so now we have the nuclear envelope which is the outer membrane inner membrane
nuclear pore inside is what all the juiciness right in this part here this red structure here this is called the
nucleolus so it's called the nucleolus all right so the nucleolus that's this component here and then
surrounding kind of all these like like squiggly lines around the edge of it is called the chromatin
and we will talk next about all of these different things so now what we've done is is we've completely covered
everything with the structure of the nucleus we've covered the nuclear envelope talking about outer inner and
nuclear pore we then talked about nuclear content which is the nucleolus and the chromatin
all cells have three things in common no matter what type of cell they are all cells have a cell membrane which
separates the inside of the cell from its environment cytoplasm which is a jelly-like fluid
and DNA which is the cell's genetic material there are two broad categories of cells
the first category is eukaryotic cells they have organelles which include the nucleus and other special parts
periodic cells are more advanced complex cells such as those found in plants and animals
the second category is prokaryotic cells they don't have a nucleus or membrane enclosed organelles they do have genetic
material but it's not contained within a nucleus prokaryotic cells are always one cell or unicellular organisms such as
bacteria so what are organelles organelle means little organ
organelles are the specialized parts of a cell that have unique jobs to perform let's start with the nucleus the control
center of the cell the nucleus contains DNA or genetic material
DNA dictates what the cell is going to do and how it's going to do it chromatin is the Tangled spread out form
of DNA found inside the nuclear membrane when a cell is ready to divide DNA condenses into structures known as
chromosomes the nucleus also contains a nucleolus which is a structure where ribosomes are
made now let's dig into a little bit more detail on the functions of the nuclear
envelope and then functions of the nuclear content all right my friend so now we're going to talk about the
functions of the actual nuclear envelope okay so when we talk about this we're going to go through each kind of step in
a little bit more detail so we know that it's made up of the outer membrane the inner membrane and we know it's also
made above the again nuclear pores is there some specific functions to that yes so outer membrane is actually really
cool because one of the cool things is as you can see here it's contiguous with the endoplasmic reticulum very specific
one though is it's very continuous with one of the structures called the rough endoplasmic reticulum and I love this
because it makes so much sense why it's continuous so here is our our chromatin what you'll learn later is that
chromatin is basically DNA okay and DNA will undergo this process called
transcription well you'll take DNA and convert it into mRNA so then we'll make this into what's called
mRNA this is a process called transcription mRNA loves to bind to what the ribosomes
so we call the structure of the rough endoplasmic reticulum because this connect kind of like these continuous
tubules that are continuous with the nuclear envelope particularly the outer membrane
and what it has on it is it has ribosomes and what happens is this ribosomes when
they get red by the uh by the when mRNA gets read by the ribosomes what it does is is it pushes into the rough
endoplasmic reticulum a protein so it pushes into the rough endoplasmic reticulum
a protein Isn't that cool and then what happens is while it's in the rough endoplasmic reticulum it undergoes some
specific modifications and then when it's done being modified in the rough endoplasmic reticulum it takes and says
okay I'm done modifying you let me go ahead and Bud a piece of you off into this vesicle here
and then what I'm going to do is is I'm going to break you off and then send you somewhere else to get further modified
and that's one of the really cool concepts of the outer membrane so what I want you to remember is the outer
membrane of the nuclear envelope is contiguous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum and why does it have to be in
such close proximity because the DNA in the nucleus will get transcribed into mRNA mRNA will get translated on
ribosomes on the rough ER which is very contiguous with the what outer membrane and then get utilized to make proteins
so protein synthesis get packaged and then sent to another structure called the Golgi which we'll talk about later
that's one really really cool concept of the outer membrane the second thing is the inner membrane
what is the inner membrane good for and don't say absolutely nothing all right the inner membrane is really really cool
so here we have the outer membrane which was contiguous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum which is an
endoplasmic reticulum studded with ribosomes DNA mRNA mRNA to the ribosomes gets translated into proteins pushed
into the rough ER and then modified and then sent to the Golgi the inner membrane a little bit different
so one of the big things the inner membrane has this protein here called lamins all right so it's called the
lamina but lamina is basically made up of lamin proteins
and these lamin proteins have many many different functions what are some of them they're involved in taking this
here this is DNA right DNA is basically going to be right here I'm just kind of
zooming in on it when DNA undergoes a very specific process where it makes more DNA
what is that called DNA replication this is important because in order for
us to replicate DNA it allows for us to take one cell and make what two perfectly identical cells via
mitosis so it's involved in the cell cycle in that particular way it also and then again lamins is
basically the thing that's helping and assisting in this particular process so let's actually draw a green arrow our
green plus signs to recognize that the lamin proteins are regulating are completely involved in this process
they're also involved in these two other processes which is what taking DNA and converting it into RNA
you know what this is called This is called transcription this is called transcription and there's
so many different types of RNA there is what mRNA which is the most important one which will get translated by
ribosomes there's TRNA which is important in protein synthesis there's our RNA which is also important in the
ribosomal formation so all of this is kind of helped with lamin proteins which are on the inner membrane and the last
thing is they organize the DNA
and condense the DNA and we'll talk about this later so you see how all of this kind of DNA here is kind of
condensed down near the Edge by the lamins the lamins help with that process they organize and then Compact and
condense the DNA as well so these are the three particular functions of the inner membrane with
most specifically involving the lamin proteins they're involved in DNA replication DNA transcription and
organization of the DNA inside of the nucleus let's now come down to the last
component of the nuclear envelope which is the nuclear pores and we've already kind of indirectly covered what they do
and it's really really cool so the nuclear pores are great because inside of the nuclear envelope is the nuclear
content the chromatin which is DNA and proteins and the nucleolus in order to make DNA what do you need
you need ions you need nucleotides you may need some proteins right so if I want to transport things into
the nucleus such as ions or such as amino acids or such as nucleotides
I have to use these nuclear pores to import these particular small molecules in and so these nuclear pores can allow
for import so maybe there's one example of importing specific types of molecules passively this would be a passive
example they don't require any type of ATP to perform this so there's no ATP required
but let's say that I want to move out large molecules such as
RNA right RNA in order for me to get this big molecule RNA out I may need to
utilize ATP so that's an active transport and this may be involved in export
exporting the material out of the nucleus and so if I move this RNA out let's say
that this is specific RNA is mRNA and I give you T RNA you know what these generally do these two go and combine
with what's called ribosomes ribosomes you know ribosomes these are
very very special chakras that we already talked about that are present where on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
or they can be free ribosomes but generally what happens is the MRNA will interact here and then the
TRNA will interact here and this will help us to synthesize proteins
so this will help us to synthesize proteins and some of these proteins maybe need to
be sent back in to the nucleus very very large proteins and so let's say that some of these proteins that I basically
have synthesized I want to send back into the nucleus well then in order for me to be able to
get these proteins back into the nucleus because maybe it's involved in some type of particular process I may need to
import them again but if they're really really large so if I have to import large
molecules right import small molecules it could be passive importing large molecules may require ATP to do
this so it's active one of the cool reasons why this is important is because you know inside of
the actual nucleus there's something called the nucleolus there's this structure here called the
nucleolus and we'll talk about this in just a little bit but the nucleolus is really really important because what it
contains is it contains something called rrna and it contains something called ribo
zomal subunits and I think that's super cool because we
actually synthesize proteins like ribosomal subunits send them back into the nucleus
and then what happens is this actual DNA will make RNA guess what's the other RNA that it makes R RNA and if we combine
that with the ribosomal subunits this will then kind of go into this area
here called the nucleolus and then it'll help to combine it and
make true ribosomes and then from there we'll send out these large proteins out of the nucleus out into the cytosol to
bind onto the rough ER so that it can perform more of the actual translation process so it's a
really really cool concept and again we'll recap this in a little bit but the basic component of the nuclear pores is
allow for the export of things from the nucleus out into the cytosol or to allow for things to come from the
cytosol into the nucleus big thing to take away from this is that if it's large molecules it requires ATP to
import them or export them that's an active process and if it's small molecules like ions or small amino acids
or small proteins or nucleotides that are needed and they're being imported then that is actually going to require
no ATP and it's a passive process okay at this point we have covered now the functions of the nuclear envelope that
being the outer inner membrane and the nuclear pores let's now move on to the functions of the nuclear content in
other words going over the nucleolus a little bit more and then going over the chromatin all right my friend so now
we're going to talk about the functions of the nuclear content so first thing I want to talk about is again when we talk
about nuclear content we said that it's made up of Chromatin and the nucleolus just like when we said nuclear envelope
was outer membrane intermembrane nuclear pores outer membrane continuous with the rough ER really involved in that kind of
process where DNA in the nucleus gets converted into mRNA combines the ribosomes on the rough ER and then helps
to make proteins inner membrane has lamin proteins which are involved in helping the process of DNA replication
DNA transcription and organizing the DNA and the nuclear pores allow for things that are molecules or such to move in
and out of the nucleus if it's large charge molecules big proteins big nucleic acids those require ATP to be
imported are exported if it's small ions amino acids small proteins and nucleotides those can be imported or
exported without ATP that's a passive process okay next thing is chromatin chromatin is
really just made up of two particular things so if we were to actually take this chromatin inside of the nucleus
it's actually going to be made up of one thing which is called histone proteins so good old histone proteins and the big
thing I want you to know about histone proteins is that they are positively charged and they're technically is eight
of the son of a guns eight of these different types of histone proteins with the histone proteins because
they're positively charged they're going to love to interact with things that are somewhat negatively charged and what do
you think is negatively charged my friends DNA so DNA is the other component here of Chromatin and DNA is
this double helix and it's actually negatively charged now that is the two components of what the
two components of Chromatin so one is DNA and the other one is histone proteins these make up most of it
there's other small percentages of things that are involved in chromatin but these are the two primary things
now when we talk about chromatin really what is the function of it so let's actually kind of dive into a little bit
let's talk about what are the functions of DNA and then really what are the job of the histone proteins because we know
that that's what makes a chromatin well DNA is really cool it's in the sense that I already know that I can
take DNA and use specific DNA polymerases to take this DNA and make more DNA so if I want to take DNA and
make more DNA which will help me in the process of replicating cells so taking one cell and then making two cells this
is an important process via DNA replication so that's one of the things that I could do with DNA is I could
replicate it which is important in making more cells what does this call when I take one cell and make two
identical cells this is the process called mitosis and this involves so many cells of our body
another concept is what if I take the DNA I take a piece of it a gene a very specific portion of it and I read it and
I transcribe it and make RNA specifically with these examples is mRNA but there is other rnas right I can make
mRNA I could also make another RNA called TRNA that's another example and I can make another RNA which is important
in ribosomes which is called rrna what is this process called when I take DNA and make RNA this is called
transcription why is transcription important transcription allows for you to take DNA
to make RNA RNA which is mRNA TRNA rrna are all involved in the process of reading mRNA
and making it into something called proteins and proteins are super super important because they're basically the
things that keep the cells going they play a role in structure they play a role in function and so very very
important process there so DNA is really cool in the sense that again you have the ability to replicate it or
transcribe it to make very specific many types of proteins that play a huge role in our cells being able to survive
the second thing is the histone proteins what do these things really do what do these little guys do
it's actually really cool one of the concepts here is let's say here we have some histone proteins right so it's an
octomer there's eight of these histone proteins kind of locked in here so the eight of these histone proteins that are
kind of locked in here what happens is DNA will wrap around
this actual histone proteins twice Isn't that cool so they'll wrap around
these histone proteins twice and what that does is
that allows for these kinds of DNA to get condensed so what we call this is really whenever these are kind of
wrapped around the the DNA is wrapped around the histone proteins we call this a nucleosome
nucleosome and what happens is you can take DNA you know how long DNA is it's two meters long imagine trying to fit
two meters of this stringy DNA into a nucleus you can't do that normally so the histone proteins will condense
the DNA look how it condenses the DNA to make it fit into the actual nucleus and that's
important because we need the DNA to condense in order for us to undergo the process of mitosis
because we don't want to have DNA being super loose and stringy because then it can actually cause lots of breaks and
damage to the DNA and that's why we know one of the best examples of condensing of the DNA is you know an example of
that is especially during mitosis we take the DNA and we compact it into this thing called a chromosome that's
all DNA in there but a chromosome is going to be one of the best examples of condensed DNA DNA wrapped around histone
proteins to really allow for it to fit properly in this nucleus and allow for it to easily be passed on from one cell
to the next without breaking strands or messing up the DNA really really cool another function of the histone proteins
is that they play a role in regulating they play a role in regulating they regulate
genes they play a role in gene expression so imagine here
there's a particular Gene right here that I want to read and I want to read it and I want to be able to make
something called mRNA from it that's really what I want to do I want to be able to read it and make mRNA so
transcription these histone proteins if you put certain things on them it will help them
to maybe tighten the DNA up or loosen the DNA so in other words if the DNA is tight can I actually read that kind of
Gene no if the DNA is looser will I be able to easily read that DNA and make an RNA yes
so here's the thing if I were to add on a methyl group so I'm going to add on what's called a
methyl group I'm going to do something called methylation methylation is the stop sign to the gene now look what I'm
going to do I'm going to condense this DNA to where I can't read the Gene and what this is
going to do is if I have this methyl group here so imagine here I add a methyl group
onto I'm just going to represent it with this dot here here's the methyl group on these histone proteins they will
condense the DNA so when they condense the DNA we actually say it's really hard to be able to provide transcription so
we will inhibit transcription you will not make any RNA
this type of DNA that's condensed we give it a very specific name right we call this heterochromatin
hetero chromatin I want you to remember highly condensed for heterochromatin highly
condensed and this is usually due to histone methylation
and the other situation if I add a acetyl group all right so usually this is kind of like this kind of structure
here I'm adding some type of carboxy group with like a methyl Groupon this is called
acetylation acetylation okay so I'm adding some type of carboxy group with like a methyl
group on it so here I'm going to draw this one like this I have these acetyl groups that are
added on to the histone proteins believe it or not it allows the histone proteins to then separate the DNA strands and
open up the genes so now this Gene is super opened up and since it's opened up now the actual
gene expression is in play so this will stimulate transcription and if I stimulate transcription guess what I'm
going to make from this DNA I'm going to make RNA and that is a really cool concept so it
doesn't condense the DNA instead what does it do it actually loosens
if you will the DNA you know we call that when you loosen the DNA it's called euchromatin so it's called U
chromatin and the way that I remember this one is expressed DNA so highly condensed DNA
Express DNA methylation shuts down transcription acetylation stimulates transcription acetally a methylation
will cause heterochromatin acetylation will cause U chromatin that's the big things that I want you guys to take away
from the chromatin function let's now talk about the next aspect here which is the nucleolus
so the nucleolus is the other component we talked about chromatin being the DNA and the histone proteins
and what they do DNA replication transcription talk about chromatin for the condensation we also taught I mean
histones for the condensation of DNA and then we also talked about it for gene expression the nucleolus is really cool
and what I want you to remember big big thing is nucleus is the site of rrna and ribosomal synthesis let me
explain okay from this DNA I'm going to make two RNA
molecules all right all right we'll say three we're going to make RNA okay
one of these is called R RNA and that goes over here to this nucleolocyte we'll also make TRNA
and mRNA and these will go out of the nucleus via the nuclear pores so here I'm going to have mRNA
and I'm going to have TRNA these will then go
and actually interact with a ribosome so here is going to be a ribosome and ribosomes can be free meaning they're
circulating in the cytosol or they can be bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum
the MRNA will bind with the ribosome and the TRNA which we'll talk about later will carry a very specific type of
amino acid and from this they will synthesize what proteins so from this the whole goal is
to synthesize proteins with the MRNA and the TRNA okay so here's going to be our protein one thing I left out though
is that there's one more RNA so this is TRNA which carries the amino acid the codon I was at the anticodon mRNA
carries a specific code the codon but there's another molecule in the actual ribosome called
R RNA the nucleolus is actually what synthesizes the ribosomal subunit and the rrna
but how does it do that we're almost there so let's say we're making these proteins and just for the simplicity's
sake let's say that it's ribosomal proteins so let's actually make this red here's my ribosomal proteins or my
subunits okay where do these have to go well where the rrna is where's the rrna
it's in the nucleolus so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take these ribosomal subunits
and I'm going to bring it in and I'm going to combine the rrna and the what's this right here let's
actually just show them in Vivo here here's going to be our ribosomal subunits
I'm going to import them into the nucleus combine these two and when I combine these two I'm going to make
ribosomes and guess what I'm gonna do now that I have these two I'm going to
combine them together and I'm going to ship out of this nucleus via exporting via the nuclear pore I'm going to send
out my ribosomes here's my ribosomal subunit here's my ribosomal subunit and guess
what's kind of incorporated into the structure the r RNA
that's a really cool thing and then that will then kind of go and help you to make more of these which will help you
to make more proteins so really the nucleolus is really the site of taking R so if we
were to really take this nucleolus and zoom in on what happens here's my rrna here is my ribosomal
subunits the RNA comes from the DNA the ribosomal subunus comes from the protein that was
made via mRNA TRNA and a prior ribosome that had rrna and proteins in it and then from this I will synthesize more of
these so it just keeps manufacturing more of these ribosomes that will either
become free ribosomes or will become ribosomes that bind onto the
rough endoplasmic reticulum so the nucleolus is the site of ribosomal synthesis where rrna comes from the DNA
and the DNA makes mRNA and TRNA which helps to underminate translation making more ribosomal subunits sends it back
into the nucleus and combines with the RNA makes ribosomes and sends them out via export Isn't that cool I think it's
pretty cool but that is the concept there for the nucleus and that finishes the video on the nucleus structure and
function I hope it made sense I hope that you guys liked it as always until next time
Heads up!
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