Understanding Quantum Mechanics: Energy Measurements and Wave Functions


Quantum Mechanics is a fascinating field of physics that delves into the behaviors of particles at very small scales. One of the central components of this field is the concept of wave functions, which describe the probability of finding a particle in a given state. In this article, we will explore how wave functions interact with energy measurements, specifically looking into particle states, Schrödinger's equation, and examples of quantum systems like the particle in a box and barrier penetration events.

The Basics of Wave Functions and Energy Measurements

What is a Wave Function?

The wave function, denoted as ψ(x), represents the state of a quantum system. When measuring a quantum mechanical variable such as energy, the wave function is crucial in predicting outcomes. In quantum mechanics, measuring a property like energy doesn’t yield a deterministic value but rather offers probabilities based on the wave function's coefficients.

Energy Measurement in Quantum Mechanics

When you measure energy in quantum mechanics, a wave function can be expressed as a summation of terms, each associated with a specific energy state. For an arbitrary wave function ψ, the probability of obtaining a specific energy E upon measurement is given by the square of the absolute value of the coefficient corresponding to that energy:

[ P(E) = |A_E|^2 ]

Here, A_E represents the coefficient for the energy state in the expansion of the wave function.

Schrödinger's Equation

To find the wave functions in the context of energy measurements, we rely on Schrödinger's equation:

[ -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d^2\psi}{dx^2} + V(x)\psi(x) = E\psi(x) ]

This equation allows us to calculate the allowed energy states and the corresponding wave functions for systems subject to various potentials, V(x).

Example 1: Particle in a Box

Setting Up the Problem

The particle in a box is a common quantum mechanics problem that illustrates quantization. Here’s the setup:

  • A particle is confined between two walls, represented as an infinite potential well.
  • The wave function must vanish at the walls, a condition that gives rise to quantized energy levels.

Solving the Schrödinger Equation for the Box

When solving Schrödinger’s equation for a particle in a box, we focus on three distinct regions: the inside of the box and the regions outside the box where the potential ( um{V}) is infinite. The solutions in each region yield specific wave functions.

Inside the Box

In the box (where V=0), the wave function has the form:

[ \psi(x) = A\cos(kx) + B\sin(kx) ]

Where ( k = \sqrt{\frac{2mE}{\hbar^2}} ).

Applying Boundary Conditions

Applying the boundary conditions (ψ(0) = 0 and ψ(L) = 0), we deduce:

  • Setting (\psi(0) = 0) gives ( A = 0 ).
  • The boundary condition at ( x = L ) provides quantized values for k leading to:

[ k_n = \frac{n\pi}{L} \quad (n = 1, 2, 3, \ldots) ]

This results in the wave functions:

[ \psi_n(x) = B\sin\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L}\right) ]

And the corresponding energies:

[ E_n = \frac{\hbar^2 n^2 \pi^2}{2mL^2} ]

Example 2: Quantum Barrier Penetration

Understanding Barrier Penetration

In quantum mechanics, particles have a nonzero probability of passing through potential barriers even when their energy is lower than that of the barrier. This phenomenon is known as barrier penetration and is fundamentally linked to the wave nature of particles.

Setting Up the Problem

Consider a particle approaching a potential barrier from the left with energy E less than the barrier height V_0. In classical mechanics, the particle cannot surmount the barrier. However, in quantum mechanics, we must analyze the Schrödinger equation across different potential regions.

Applying Schrödinger’s Equation

For regions where the particle energy is less than the potential:

  • The wave function behaves such that it decays exponentially in the barrier region, representing the probability of finding the particle in a classically forbidden area.
  • Outside the barrier, the particle will continue to behave as a normal wave function, allowing it to potentially escape on the other side.

Conclusion of the Penetration

Ultimately, this results in a finite probability of finding the particle on the other side of the barrier, conceptually illustrating how quantum particles can penetrate barriers where classical particles cannot. The notion that there is a finite probability of escaping suggests no barrier is ever completely impenetrable in quantum mechanics.


Quantum mechanics provides an intricate framework for understanding particle behaviors on a microscopic scale. The principles of wave functions, energy measurements, and interactions with potentials underpin significant quantum phenomena such as barrier penetration and the behavior of confined particles. As we further examine these concepts, we gain invaluable insights into the fundamental workings of our universe at its smallest scales.

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