Protein kinases are essential enzymes within our bodies that play a critical role in catalyzing phosphorylation reactions. Phosphorylation, a vital type of covalent modification, regulates the activity of enzymes and functionalities of proteins. In this article, we will explore the different classifications of protein kinases, their functionalities, and how they influence biochemical processes.
Overview of Protein Kinases
Protein kinases can be categorized into two primary groups:
- Dedicated Protein Kinases: These kinases phosphorylate a single substrate molecule or closely related substrate molecules.
- Multifunctional Protein Kinases: In contrast, multifunctional protein kinases can catalyze the phosphorylation of an array of different enzymes and proteins.
What Determines the Specificity of Protein Kinases?
The ability of a protein kinase to bind and catalyze a specific location on a substrate molecule is largely dependent on:
- The fit between the substrate molecule and the active site of the protein kinase.
- The amino acid sequence surrounding the amino acid residue targeted for phosphorylation.
For successful catalyzation, the substrate must remain bound for enough time within the active site to allow the phosphorylation reaction to transpire. If the amino acid sequence is not compatible, the binding will not occur.
Example: Protein Kinase A (PKA)
Importance and Functionality
Among the various protein kinases, Protein Kinase A (PKA) underscores vital physiological functions, especially during stressful situations. It is activated in response to hormones like epinephrine, which triggers the sympathetic nervous system.
Activation Mechanism
When adrenal medulla releases epinephrine, it stimulates the conversion of ATP into cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP):
- cAMP acts as an allosteric regulator that binds to the inactive form of PKA, converting it into its active form.
Mechanism of Action
Once activated, PKA phosphorylates different substrates, primarily targeting serine and threonine residues. The specificity of PKA in selecting target residues lies in the consensus sequence characterized as follows:
- Arginine - X - Serine/Threonine - Y
where X is any small amino acid and Y is a large hydrophobic amino acid. - An alternative binding can occur with lysine instead of arginine, although the affinity might not be as high.
Quaternary Structure of Protein Kinase A
In its inactive form, PKA consists of:
- Two Catalytic Subunits: Containing the active site for phosphorylation reactions.
- Two Regulatory Subunits: Housing the allosteric sites for cAMP binding.
In the absence of cAMP, the structure of PKA is represented as R2C2, meaning two regulatory and two catalytic subunits are present without activation.
Role of cAMP in Regulation
When cAMP levels increase in response to stress, it binds to the regulatory subunits leading to:
- A conformational change that causes the regulatory subunits to dissociate from the catalytic subunits.
- The freeing of catalytic active sites, allowing for substrate binding and subsequent phosphorylation activities.
Summary of the Activation Process
- Binding of cAMP: Four cAMP molecules bind to the PKA's regulatory sites.
- Dissociation: The regulatory subunits remain bound, but catalytic subunits dissociate and become active as the regulatory sequences released their grip on the active sites.
- Phosphorylation: The catalytically active PKA can then bind to target substrates, leading to their phosphorylation and consequently altering their activity.
Protein kinases, particularly Protein Kinase A, play a pivotal role in cellular regulation and response mechanisms. Understanding how they operate, including their specificity and activation processes, sheds light on the intricate workings of biochemical reactions and enzyme functionalities in our bodies. As research continues to unveil these processes, the potential for novel therapeutic strategies targeting protein kinases grows, highlighting their importance in maintaining cellular health.
protein kinases are these enzymes found inside our body which are responsible for catalyzing for sporulation reactions
and as we discussed previously phosphorylation is an example of covalent modification and this is a
mechanism that our cells use to basically regulate and control the activity of enzymes and the
functionality of proteins now we can categorize protein kinases into two groups on one side we have a group
called dedicated protein kinases and on the other side we have a group known as multi functional protein kinases now
what exactly is the difference between these two groups well dedicated protein kinase is basically phosphorylate either
a single substrate molecule or a set of closely related substrate molecules on the other hand multifunctional protein
kinases have the capability of actually catalyzing the phosphorylation of many different types of enzymes and many
different types of protein molecules now the first question I'd like to address is what exactly determines the specific
nature of protein kinase is what exactly determines the ability of a protein kinase to actually bind and catalyze a
specific location on some enzyme on some substrate molecule well for a catalyzation reaction to actually take
place logically speaking that substrate molecule has to be able to fit into the active side of that protein kinase and
not only got the subject molecule has to have a high enough affinity so that it remains long enough in the active side
for that phosphorylation reaction to actually take place in the first place and so what that means is to have a high
affinity between the substrate molecule and the protein kinase the sequence of amino acids around the side around the
amino acid which is a balanced ebbr which is about to be phosphorylated has to be correct because if the SI
of amino acids on the substrate molecule is not correct that active side will not be able to bind on to that substrate
molecule so we conclude that the specificity of protein kinases depends on the amino acid sequence that directly
surrounds that target residue that is about to be force for elated now to actually see what that means let's
discuss a specific example of a specific a specific protein kinase that exists inside our body and this is protein
kinase a or simply PKA so what exactly is the importance what is the functionality of protein kinase a when
does our body actually use protein kinase a well in dangerous or exciting or stressful situations recall that it's
the sympathetic division of our nervous system that kicks in and initiates the flight-or-fight response and what
happens is the sympathetic nervous system basically stimulates the adrenal medulla to release a hormone we call
epinephrine and as epinephrine travels through our cardiovascular system it basically stimulates our cells to
transform ATP molecules into another molecule known as cyclic adenosine monophosphate or simply C A&P now what
CA and P does is it's an allosteric regulator of protein kinase a and as we'll see in just the moment it binds on
to the inactive version of protein kinase a and it activates protein kinase a and protein kinase a once it's
activated it becomes responsible for activating many different types of enzymes via the process of
phosphorylation and it phosphorylates one of two types of residues either the serine residue or the threonine residue
now the question is on any given substrate enzyme molecule we have many different types of
Arina and threonine amino acids so let's suppose we have a sequence of 200 amino acids and let's say 20 of them are
actually serine or threonine amino acids the question is how this protein kinase a actually know which serine or
threonine amino acid to actually bind to what determines the specificity of that protein kinase a so it's exactly what we
said before it's the sequence of amino acids that is found around the side that residue that is about to be forcefully
that determines the ability of that protein kinase a PKA to actually bind onto that substrate molecule now what is
the sequence or the sequence known as the consensus sequence is shown on the board so basically if the substrate
molecule contains arginine arginine X serine 3 or threonine and Y where X is basically any small amino acid for
instance glycine and Y is basically any large hydrophobic amino acid this is basically where that protein kinase will
by 2 and what it will phosphorylate this target side the serine or threonine now of course we can also change the
arginine to lysine and that will also allow the protein kinase to bind on to the sequence but if these are changed to
lysine the affinity will not be as will not be as good as in the case where these two are arginine molecule arginine
amino acid so we see that the consensus sequence that is recognized by protein kinase a is shown to the left and this
means that enzymes substrate molecules that contain serine or threonine surrounded by this specific sequence
will be recognized by the protein kinase a and the protein kinase a will bind onto this section and will fast for
allayed this target side and by phosphorylated it basically change the activity and the
functionality of that target substrate molecule now earlier we said that it's the cyclic a and P molecule that
actually binds and activates protein kinase a now the first question is what exactly is the quaternary structure of
protein kinase a when it is non bound to the cyclic a and P what is the inactive coronary structure protein kinase a so
this is basically shown on the board so in its inactive form PKA consists of two types of subunits so just like aspartate
transcarbamoylase atcs consists of catalytic and regulatory subunits our PKA also consists of
catalytic and regulatory subunits now the catalytic subunit contains the active side while the regulatory subunit
contains that allosteric site that binds onto the cyclic a and P so in the absence of the allosteric effect that
the cyclic adenosine monophosphate molecule the quaternary structure consists of two catalytic sites and
these are shown in green as well as two regulatory sites and these are shown in light brown so this is basically one of
these regulatory subunits and this is the other regulatory subunit and so we have two catalytic and two regulatory
subunits and so we where are we represent the inactive form of PKA with the following format so R 2 C 2 complex
basically means we have two regulatory subunits 1 2 & 2 catalytic subunits 1 & 2 so as we mentioned previously on their
stressful situations the adrenal medulla stimulated and reached and it releases the epinephrine hormone and the
epinephrine hormone basically stimulates the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate CMP and it's the C
and P that is the allosteric regulator of PKA the question is how exactly does regulate the activity and how does it
activate this enzyme so what happens is if we examine a single one of these regulatory chains each regulatory chains
contains one two allosteric sites so we have one two and two here so we have one two three four of these regulatory sites
that the cyclic adenosine monophosphate can actually bind to now once that cmp binds onto all of these regulatory sites
so we have four CMP molecules binding to four of these sites what happens is that creates a conformational change that
allows the are too complex so this entire Brown section to actually dissociate from these two green sections
and so what happens is these active sites which are occupied in the inactive form basically become unoccupied they
become free and once the active sites are free these catalytic subunits and we have two of them can basically go on and
catalyze all these different types of target enzymes via the process of phosphorylation so once again cyclic
adenosine monophosphate binds to allosteric sites found on the regulatory chains this stimulates the dissociation
of the regulatory subunits from the catalytic subunits and once the catalytic subunits basically dissociate
those active sites become free and now the substrate molecules can go on and by onto those active sites and by the way
this is the active site here and this is the active site here for this second green subunit and in this inactive form
both of these are both of these active sites are basically an occupied by regions of the regulatory subunits and
the sequence of amino acids found on the rats for a subunit that binds until the
active side is known as the pseudo substrate sequence so in this r2 c2 complex if the pseudo substrate sequence
of the are subunits that binds unto the active side and occupies that active side and because that active side is
occupied it cannot bind to substrate molecules and so it is not active but if our concentration of cyclic a and P
inside our body begins to increase what happens is those CMP molecules will begin to bind onto these allosteric
sites and once bound to all four allosteric sites that creates conformational changes that causes these
sewer substrate sequences to the sociate from the active sites and that produces this are too complex so notice that
these two regulatory are subunits do not actually dissociate they remain bound together but these two green catalytic
subunits basically dissociate and so now they're activated because these active sites are free they can go on and bind
to all different all sorts of different types of substrate enzyme molecules and once the substrate molecule binds on to
the active side of that catalytic subunit what happens is this catalytic subunit which actually consists of these
two lobes so we have lobe number one lobe number two once that active side becomes bound onto the substrate
molecule those two lobes essentially close off and as they close off they basically create a perfect conformation
between the substrate molecule and this catalytic subunit and that allows the phosphorylation reaction to actually
take place
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