Proteases are pivotal enzymes in the biochemical processes of the body, primarily responsible for the hydrolysis of peptide bonds - a vital reaction for both digestion and cellular regulation. In this article, we will explore the mechanisms of action employed by enzymes, specifically focusing on proteases, their classifications, and their significance in biological systems.
Mechanisms of Catalysis in Enzymes
Enzymes in our body leverage a variety of mechanisms to accelerate biochemical reactions. The major catalytic mechanisms include:
- Covalent Catalysis: Involves the transient formation of a covalent bond between the enzyme and substrate, facilitating the reaction.
- Acid-Base Catalysis: The enzyme stabilizes charged intermediates through proton transfer, enhancing reactivity.
- Metal Ion Catalysis: Metal ions facilitate oxidations/reductions or stabilize negative charges during the reaction.
- Catalysis by Proximity and Orientation: Bringing substrates together in an optimal orientation to promote the reaction.
These mechanisms are crucial for efficient biological processes, especially in the function of proteases.
What Are Proteases?
A protease is a specialized protein enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds. This process is essential for breaking down proteins into their amino acid components, which can be reused for energy production or synthesizing new proteins and enzymes.
Why is Peptide Bond Hydrolysis Important?
The body requires the breakdown of peptide bonds for several key reasons:
- Digestion of Dietary Proteins: Ingested proteins are too large to be absorbed directly and must be broken down into amino acids.
- Protein Recycling: Cells need to degrade damaged or unneeded proteins to maintain cellular functions.
- Regulation of Biological Pathways: Proteolytic cleavage can activate or deactivate pathways, such as in the digestion of pro-enzymes.
The Role of Catalysts in Hydrolysis
The Rate of Reaction Without Proteases
Hydrolysis of peptide bonds, even if thermodynamically favorable, occurs at a very slow rate without the assistance of enzymes. For instance, the reaction involving water as a nucleophile and the peptide bond as an electrophile is significantly hindered by the bond's inherent double bond character due to resonance stabilization. Without proteases, the production of amino acids from proteins would be inefficient, severely impacting metabolism.
Types of Proteases: Classification
Proteases can be classified into various categories based on their active site residues, each type playing specific roles in biological functions:
1. Serine Proteases
Serine proteases contain a serine residue critical for catalysis. Examples include:
- Trypsin: A digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins in the small intestine.
- Chymotrypsin: Another digestive enzyme with specificity for aromatic amino acids.
- Elastase: Affects the digestion of elastin and collagen.
- Digestion: Breakdown of dietary proteins.
- Blood Coagulation: Enzymes like thrombin in the coagulation cascade are serine proteases.
- Immunity: Complement C1, involved in the immune response.
2. Cysteine Proteases
Cysteine proteases utilize a cysteine residue in their active site. Notable examples include:
- Caspases: Play critical roles in apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
- Papain: Found in papayas, known for meat tenderization due to its ability to break down proteins.
- Programmed Cell Death: Essential for developmental processes and regulating immune responses.
- Bone Remodeling: Involved in the maintenance of bone structure.
3. Aspartate Proteases
These proteases contain aspartic acid in their active sites. Examples include:
- Pepsin: A digestive enzyme active in the acidic environment of the stomach.
- Renin: Regulates blood pressure by influencing angiotensin production.
4. Metalloproteases
Metalloproteases require metal ions for activity. Examples include:
- Carboxypeptidase: Important in digestion, cleaving amino acids from the terminal ends of proteins.
- Thermolysin: A bacterial protease utilized for protein breakdown.
Proteases are indispensable for life, enabling the breakdown of proteins into amino acids essential for numerous physiological processes. Through various catalytic mechanisms, these enzymes enhance reaction rates, ensuring metabolic efficiency in our bodies. Understanding the diverse roles and mechanisms of proteases not only highlights their importance in biochemistry but also opens avenues for medical and biotechnological applications. With their various classifications - serine, cysteine, aspartate, and metalloproteases - proteases exemplify the complexity and specialization of enzymes in biological systems.
the enzymes of our body use a combination of different mechanisms to carry out their catalytic function to
speed up the rates of biological reactions and the four major mechanisms of action that we spoke of previously
include covalent catalysis acid-base catalysis metal ion catalysis and catalysis by proximity and orientation
and so to demonstrate these mechanisms we're going to begin our discussion on the first group of protein enzymes used
inside our body namely the protease so what exactly is a protease well a protease is a protein enzyme it's an
enzyme molecule that is a protein that catalyzes the hydrolysis the breaking of peptide bonds and peptide bonds also
known as amide bonds are the bonds that hold amino acids together in any protein molecule in any polypeptide chain now
why would we need to actually break a peptide bond in the first place well for instance if we ingest some food particle
that is a macro molecule for incident protein then we have to be able to break down that food protein molecule into its
individual constituent amino acids so that once we have those amino acids we can either use the amino acids to
actually form let's say ATP molecules or we can also use the amino acids to actually form brand new proteins and
brand new enzymes now the second reason as to why we need to be able to break a peptide bond is because our cells
actually need to be able to recycle protein molecules for instance if let's say a cell needs to decrease the number
of protein channels found in the cell membrane it has to be able to remove those protein channels and then digest
those protein channels and so inside the cells we have these digestive enzymes in the same way that we have digestive
enzymes inside our small intestine as well as inside our stomach and these digestive enzymes are proteins as they
are used to break down and recycle the proteins found inside ourselves and finally as we'll discuss in much more
detail in the future these proteases are also actually used in proteolytic cleavage and that is used to activate or
sometimes deactivate important biological pathways and biological molecules so as we'll see in the future
lecture these different types of digestive enzymes are actually themselves activated by other proteases
so the digestive enzymes inside our stomach for example aren't always functioning but as soon as we ingest
food those enzymes are activated by proteolytic cleavage by other protease molecules so these are the three major
reasons as to why we have to be able to break a peptide bond now the next question is why do we have to use a
catalyst why do we need to use an enzyme for this reaction to actually take place inside our body well as it turns out as
we'll see in just a moment the rate at which the reaction takes place is very very low so let's take a look at this
particular reaction so we have the peptide bond between the carbon and nitrogen shown in purple and what this
describes is the hydrolysis of the peptide bond so ultimately the water molecule acts as a nucleophile this
carbon acts as an electrophile and what happens is this nucleophilically attacks the carbon and ultimately displaces that
amide bond the peptide bond and notice that the arrow pointing this way is longer than the arrow pointing in
Reverse and what that means is equilibrium will lie towards the product side and that implies that the products
are lower in energy and more stable than the reactants so we see that even though this reaction is thermodynamically
favorable it doesn't take place at a very high-rate without the use of the
protease enzyme now why doesn't it take place at a very high rate well as it turns out water by itself is not a
strong enough nucleophile to actually attack the carbon and the carbon is not a strong enough electrophile and this
has to do with the strength of this amide bond so as it turns out this bond here shown as a single bond is not
actually a single bond this peptide bond contains a double bond nature double bond character as can be seen by drawing
these two Lewis dot structures so this is the first lewis dot structure but the other Lewis dot structure is described
by this diagram and so if these two electrons essentially go on to form a PI bond so let's use blue so we have these
two electrons basically form this PI bond here we get the following diagram and so these two electrons in this pi
bond between the carbon oxygen basically go on on to the orbital around the oxygen and we form a negative charge on
the oxygen a positive charge on a nitrogen but at the same time we have a double bond between the carbon and that
nitrogen so we see that although this bond isn't exactly a double bond it's also not exactly a single bond it's
somewhere in between because these two resonance stabilized structure describes the actual structure of that peptide
bond which is somewhere in between so because we have a greater electron density that is fluctuating in between
the carbon and nitrogen we have more electrons fluctuating between those two atoms the electrons of the oxygen will
not be able to get to that carbon because of electron-electron repulsion and that's exactly what we mean by the
carbon simply will not be a good enough electrophile and this oxygen on the water will not will not be a
good enough nucleophile for this reaction to take place at a high enough rate even though these products are more
stable and lower in energy than these reactants so we see that although this reaction is thermodynamically favorable
it occurs at an extremely slow rate and this has to do with the double bond character of peptide bonds in this
diagram we see that the resonance stabilized structure of peptide bonds make the carbon this carbon here less
susceptible to nucleophilic attack by water because of this resonance stabilization the electrons fluctuate
around the carbon and nitrogen as a result of the double bond character and that essentially electro electrostatic
repels the electrons of that water molecule and therefore in order for this reaction to actually take place at a
high enough rate inside our body and in order for us to be able to quickly and effectively break down these peptide
bonds we have to use these enzymes these proteases protease is as we'll see in the next several lectures actually make
water a much better nucleophile and they make the carbon a much better electrophile they make these reactants
much more reactive and that facilitates this hydrolysis reaction now we can actually categorize protease 'iz in two
different categories and these are five categories of proteases we have serine proteases we have cysteine proteases we
have metalloproteases and we have aspartate protease is and we'll discuss these in much more detail in the next
several lectures and we also have three onion proteases so let's very quickly discuss these four of the five protease
molecule so let's begin with serine proteases and by the way the major difference between these different
proteases is the presence of a specific type of residue inside the active side of that enzyme so in the
case of serine protease from the name you might guess that inside that active side it's a serine molecule a serine
amino acid that plays the nucleophilic role of nucleophilically attacking or breaking that peptide bond and so it's
the serine that ultimately catalyzes that reaction now in addition to that serine as we'll see in the next lecture
there are other additional residues present in the active site that also assist in the catalysis process as we'll
discuss in the next lecture now what are some examples of senior proteases and what are some of their roles so let's
begin with some digestive enzymes so we have trips and we have chymotrypsin we also have elastase and these three are
digestive enzymes found inside our small intestine which basically play the role of breaking down the proteins that we
ingest we also have seen proteases involved in the blood coagulation process and we'll discuss these in much
more detail when we'll discuss the blood cascade and so these are these are thrombin and plasmon now inside our
immune system we have the complement system and one important serum protease part of the complement system is known
as the complement c1 and finally see your protease is also play a role in reproduction so when we discuss sperm
cells we said that on the tip of sperm cells are these structures we call acrosome and inside the acrosome
are digestive enzymes and these digestive enzymes are known as acrosomal protease --is and these are examples on
serine protease so serine proteases are involved in biological processes such as digestion so trypsin chymotrypsin
elastase blood coagulation thrombin and plasmid we have immunity so the complement c1 and we also have
reproduction namely acrosomal protease which are the enzyme which are needed to basically digest the
whole inside the membrane covering of that excel so the sperm cell can move inside that excel to form that zygote
now we also have not only see our protease as we have cysteine proteases as Purtill or aspartate proteases and
metalloproteases so as you might as you might infer from the title cysteine protease is basically contain a cysteine
residue that plays that nucleophilic role of attacking that peptide bond and catalyzing this hydrolysis reaction out
cysteine proteases such as caspase and cathepsin are involved in programmed cell death also known as a pitocin and
this is basically an immune response that our body has and this process is also involved in a normal embryo logical
development of that human embryo now other evidence also suggests that we have cysteine proteases that are
involved in bone remodeling as well as MHC class 2 processing and remember MHC class 2 is a protein complex found on
certain cells immune cells of our body where MHC stands for the major histocompatibility class two complex
now these cysteine proteases are also found in many other organisms and they're found predominantly in fruits
and so papaya type of fruit contains a special cysteine protease known as papain now let's move on to as Purtill
or aspartate proteases as well as metalloproteases so once again from the title from that name you can infer that
instead of having serine or cysteine inside these active sites of these enzymes we have aspartic acid in fact
these enzymes contain two so a pair of aspartic acids and as we'll discuss in a future lecture one of those residues
takes away an age Adam and the other residue basically is used as a is used to increase the
nucleophilic character of that particular substrate molecule and Rina nor Renan is basically an example of an
aspir tool protease that is involved in increasing or decreasing so regulating the blood pressure inside our body and
we also have another example namely pepsin and pepsin is once again an example of a digestive enzyme it's used
to break down the proteins that we ingest into our body and finally we have metalloproteases and these are simply
enzymes proteases that actually utilize a metal atom a metal ion to basically catalyze that hydrolysis reaction and
two examples of such metallic proteases are carboxypeptidase a which is an example of a digestive enzyme we'll
focus on it in much more detail in future lecture and we also have a bacterial enzyme known as thermal Eisen
so we don't have inside our body but certain bacterial cells have the thermal icing protease molecule that is used to
break down peptide bonds inside that bacterial cell
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