Understanding Gibbs Free Energy: The Correct Definition of Entropy


In this article, we will delve into Gibbs free energy, particularly focusing on its relationship to entropy and spontaneity of processes. The correct definition of entropy is pivotal in thermodynamics, leading us to understand when a reaction is spontaneous. This article will clarify common misconceptions and highlight why using the proper definitions is crucial in scientific inquiry.

Understanding Gibbs Free Energy

Gibbs free energy (G) is a thermodynamic quantity that helps predict whether a process will occur spontaneously at constant temperature and pressure. The fundamental relation we often discuss is:

[ ext{G} = H - T imes S ]


  • H is the enthalpy of the system.
  • T is the absolute temperature.
  • S is the entropy.

The Importance of Spontaneity

For a process to be considered spontaneous, the change in Gibbs free energy (ΔG) should be less than zero: [ ext{ΔG} < 0 ] This indicates that the system can proceed without supplying outside energy, making Gibbs free energy a key factor in thermodynamics.

Entropy: A Proper Definition

What is Entropy?

Entropy (S) is often described as a measure of disorder in a system. The second law of thermodynamics states that for any spontaneous process: [ ext{ΔS}_{ ext{universe}} > 0 ] This is the sum of the changes in entropy of both the system and the surroundings. However, a proper understanding of entropy is critical.

The Common Misconception

Many textbooks and sources provide a simplified equation for entropy change: [ ext{ΔS}{ ext{environment}} = -\frac{Q{ ext{system}}}{T} ] While this might seem reasonable, it assumes reversibility in the heat transfer—an assumption that is not valid when we categorize a process as spontaneous (and by extension, irreversible). In reality, the correct definition must adhere to the principles of reversibility:

  • Reversible processes always yield the maximum theoretical work output and adhere to thermodynamic definitions.
  • Irreversible processes, which are driven by gradients in temperature or concentration, do not conform to simple equations that rely on reversibility.

The Flaw in Simplified Arguments

Understanding the Gibbs question leads us to analyze the common arguments found in many educational textbooks. They typically assume:

  1. The total change in entropy can be calculated simply without considering the nature of heat transfer.
  2. They neglect that spontaneous processes can often involve irreversible changes.

Why These Assumptions Cause Problems

When engaging with Gibbs free energy under the assumption that heat transfer is reversible, the following sequence often emerges:

  1. The equation assumes change in entropy can be seamlessly intertwined with heat transferred.
  2. This results in the erroneous transformation of equations that hold only under reversible conditions.

The Correct Approach

In your own explorations, it’s vital to:

  • Acknowledge that irreversible processes must be evaluated with care.
  • Use the correct definitions of entropy before proceeding with reasoning leading to Gibbs free energy conclusions.


In summary, when studying Gibbs free energy and its relation to spontaneity, it is essential to understand the intricate relationship between entropy and heat transfer. The improper assumptions that neglect the nature of irreversible processes can lead to incorrect conclusions. Always strive for an accurate grasp of thermodynamic definitions, as they are the foundation of deeper exploration in physics and chemistry. By applying these principles correctly, you can analyze spontaneous processes more effectively and deepen your understanding of the fascinating world of thermodynamics.

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