Understanding Enzyme Inhibition: The Impact of Competitive, Uncompetitive, and Non-Competitive Inhibitors
Enzyme inhibition is a crucial concept in biochemistry that affects molecular biology, pharmacology, and other fields. This article delves into two main categories of enzyme inhibitors—irreversible and reversible inhibitors—and focuses specifically on the effects of the three types of reversible inhibitors on enzyme kinetics. These inhibitors—competitive, uncompetitive, and non-competitive—each influence the turnover number, Michaelis constant (Km), and maximum velocity (V-max) of enzyme reactions differently. This understanding is vital for various applications, including drug development and metabolic regulation.
Categories of Enzyme Inhibitors
1. Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitors
Irreversible enzyme inhibitors bind tightly to the enzyme, leading to permanent inactivation of the enzyme's catalytic function. Once this binding occurs, the enzyme cannot return to its active form under biological conditions.
2. Reversible Enzyme Inhibitors
Reversible enzyme inhibitors, on the other hand, bind to enzymes temporarily. They follow the usual dynamic binding affinity of molecules and can dissociate under certain conditions. Reversible inhibitors are further classified into:
- Competitive Inhibitors
- Uncompetitive Inhibitors
- Non-Competitive Inhibitors
Competitive Inhibition
Concept Overview
In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor resembles the substrate and competes for binding at the active site of the enzyme. The enzyme binds the substrate to form the active enzyme-substrate complex, which is crucial for catalysis.
Kinetic Effects
- V-max: In the presence of a competitive inhibitor, the V-max remains unchanged. By increasing substrate concentration, you can eventually outcompete the inhibitor for the active site.
- Turnover Number (K_cat): The turnover number also remains constant since the efficiency of conversion from substrate to product is not impacted directly by the presence of the inhibitor.
- Michaelis Constant (K_m): The Km value increases as more substrate is required to achieve half-maximal velocity due to the inhibitor occupying the active site, indicating reduced affinity of the enzyme for the substrate.
Key Points
- Competitive inhibitors increase Km but do not affect V-max or K_cat.
- Increasing substrate concentration can overcome competitive inhibition.
Uncompetitive Inhibition
Concept Overview
In uncompetitive inhibition, the inhibitor binds only to the enzyme-substrate complex, preventing the formation of product. This binding occurs after the substrate has bound to the enzyme, often causing a change in structure.
Kinetic Effects
- V-max: The V-max decreases because the total number of functional complexes that can convert substrate to product is reduced.
- Turnover Number (K_cat): The turnover number remains unchanged since the substrate binding process does not affect the efficiency of those active sites that are functional.
- Michaelis Constant (K_m): Km decreases since the inhibitor stabilizes the enzyme-substrate complex, increasing the enzyme's affinity for the substrate.
Key Points
- Uncompetitive inhibition lowers V-max and decreases K_m but does not affect K_cat.
- The inhibitor requires the substrate to be bound before it can act.
Non-Competitive Inhibition
Concept Overview
Non-competitive inhibitors can bind both to the enzyme alone and to the enzyme-substrate complex. This versatility allows them to inhibit enzyme function regardless of whether the substrate is bound.
Kinetic Effects
- V-max: V-max decreases due to a reduction in the number of effective enzyme molecules catalyzing the reaction.
- Turnover Number (K_cat): The turnover number decreases because the inhibitor alters the active site, making it less efficient in converting the substrate to product.
- Michaelis Constant (K_m): Km remains unaffected since the inhibitor does not prevent substrate binding, only the catalytic activity.
Key Points
- Non-competitive inhibition lowers V-max and K_cat but does not change K_m.
- The inhibitor can affect the enzyme regardless of substrate presence.
Enzyme inhibition significantly impacts enzyme kinetics and understanding these effects is vital in various biochemical contexts. Competitive inhibitors compete directly with substrates, leaving V-max unchanged while increasing Km. Uncompetitive inhibitors, which bind only to the substrate-enzyme complex, decrease both V-max and K_m. Non-competitive inhibitors lower V-max and K_cat but leave K_m unaffected. By grasping these fundamental mechanics, researchers can better manipulate enzymatic activity for practical applications in medicine and biochemistry.
previously we discussed the concept of enzyme inhibition and we said there are two categories of enzyme inhibitors we
have irreversible enzyme inhibitors that bind unset the enzymes and don't let go don't dissociate very easily and we also
have the reversible enzyme inhibitors that bind unto the enzymes but they can dissociate quite easily under specific
conditions now we also said we can subdivide reversible inhibitors into three types we have competitive
inhibitors we have uncompetitive and we have non-competitive reversible inhibitors and what I want to focus in
this lecture is how exactly do these three types of reversible inhibitors actually affect the kinetics of enzymes
how do they affect things like the turnover number the Michaelis constant and v-max the maximum velocity of that
enzyme so let's begin by focusing on competitive inhibition so this is the equation that describes competitive
inhibition so in the absence of an inhibitor that substrate is going to collide into and bind to the active site
of the enzyme forming the functional enzyme substrate complex and then that complex will catalyze and transform the
substrate into the product which will then dissociate and be released from that active site now in the absence of
an inhibitor the curve that describes the substrate concentration to the velocity is this black curve here and
notice that black curve eventually reaches a maximum velocity that's the point when all the active sites of all
the enzymes are filled by that substrate now in the presence of an inhibitor what happens is because the inhibitor
resembles that substrate it's going to bind to that same active site and once it bonds it forms this enzyme inhibitor
complex and because that inhibitor is found in that active site the substrate is not
found in that active side and so that enzyme is inhibited now the thing about competitive inhibition is because the
substrate binds to the same exact region as the inhibitor if we increase the concentration of that substrate there is
a greater likelihood that the substrate is going to collide into that active site and that can displace and replace
that inhibitor in the active site to form back this enzyme substrate complex and so all we have to do to basically
overcome competitive inhibitors is to increase the concentration of the substrate and what that ultimately means
is if we examine the red curve which ascribes the presence of the inhibitor if we increase the concentration of s if
we move along to the right side along the x-axis eventually the red curve is going to reach the same v-max value as
the black curve and what that means is in the presence of a competitive inhibitor that v-max does not actually
change and once again this is because that inhibitor binds to the same exact section as that substrate and so that
inhibitor can be overcome by increasing the concentration of that substrate so even though we have to increase the
concentration of that substrate eventually all those inhibitors in the active sites will be replaced with that
substrate and all the same active sites are going to be filled by that substrate in the inhibition case as in the absence
of the inhibitor and so the same v-max will actually be reached now let's move on to fact number two about competitive
inhibition and enzyme kinetics the turnover number K CAD does not actually change is not affected by a competitive
inhibitor inhibitor and that can be seen from the following equation so in our lecture in our discussion on the turn
over number we said that the turnover number basically describes the efficiency of that active site though so
it's basically the number of substrate molecules that can be transformed into the product molecules over some amount
of time per a single personal active site so per enzyme and because the turnover number is not changed what that
means is the efficiency of that active site in the presence of the inhibitor does not actually change and this can be
seen from this equation if v-max does not actually change and the total concentration of that enzyme that is
functional does not change then k-kat also does not change if remains constant and so because these two don't change
the turnover number also does not change so v-max doesn't change k-kat doesn't change but
what does change is the km the km value essentially increases and all that means is to reach the same rate in the
inhibition case as in the absence of the inhibitor to reach the same rate of activity all we have to do is increase
the substrate concentration to basically reach that same velocity of that enzyme and that means our K and value will
increase because remember the km value basically describes the V Max divided by two so when our mixture reaches a
concentration of substrate that is equal to km the velocity of that enzyme will be exactly midway between the v-max and
the zero point so V Max divided by 2 because v-max doesn't change V Max divided by 2 doesn't change and so if we
look at the corresponding y coordinate point for the at the corresponding x coordinate point for this y coordinate
in the case of no inhibitor present it's here in the case of the inhibitor present it's farther along that
axis and so the km is greater so competitive inhibitors increase the apparent K and value so since most of
the active sites are occupied by NIT by the inhibitor a larger amount of substrate needs to be present to
actually overcome and displace that inhibitor to reach that same enzyme rate and this means a higher amount of
substrate is actually needed to reach that rate of V Max divided by two now what this also means is because the
km increases the affinity of that substrate for the active site decreases and that's because now we have an
inhibitor that has a higher affinity for that active site and so we have to increase the number of substrate
molecules to increase the likelihood of collision with that active side to actually displace and replace that
inhibitor in the active site now let's move on to uncompetitive inhibition in this type of inhibition the only time
the inhibitor can bind on to that enzyme is when the substrate is bound to that enzyme so we have the substrate collides
and binds into the active site of the enzyme and once we form the enzyme substrate complex that creates a
conformational change that creates this brand-new Park in the allosteric site that the inhibitor can now bind to now
in the absence of the inhibitor the enzyme substrate complex will simply form the product and then the product
will dissociate but in the presence of the inhibitor that inhibitor will bind onto that brand-new allosteric site
found on the enzyme substrate complex and that will form the enzyme substrate inhibitor complex and once this complex
is formed no reaction will take place and that's because once the inhibitor binds on to
the enzyme substrate complex it will keep that substrate inside that active site and that active site will not
be able to catalyze the transformation of that substrate into that particular product now this leads us directly into
point number one uncompetitive inhibitors actually decrease the v-max value and that's because they decrease
the number of enzyme substrate complexes that are efficient that are functional that can actually convert the substrate
into that particular product so uncompetitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme substrate complex and decrease
the total number of functional enzymes and we can see how that affects v-max by looking at this particular equation so
if we rearrange this equation we get this equation here and what it basically tells us is the v-max is reached when
all the active sites are filled with that particular substrate and in this particular case because we decrease the
total number of functional enzymes we decrease this quantity because some of them are transformed into this quantity
we decrease the v-max value now what about the cake at what about the turn over number well the turnover number
basically describes the ability of that active side to actually transform the substrate molecules into the product
molecules per unit time now because when the end when the inhibitor is not balanced to that particular enzyme
substrate complex that active sites ability or efficiency to change that substrate to the product doesn't
actually change we see that the cake add value in uncompetitive inhibition also doesn't actually change it remains the
same so the cake add value in this equation remains unchanged but because this change is decreases the v-max also
decreases and finally what about what that KN Valley what happens to the michaelis constant well to answer that
question let's take a look at the following equation so when that inhibit so remember km the Michaelis constant
scribe's the affinity of that particular substrate to the active site if km increases the Finiti decreases if km
decreases the affinity increases so what happens in the presence of the inhibitor well when the inhibitor binds on to the
enzyme substrate complex what happens is once we form the enzyme substrate inhibitor complex that basically that
inhibitor by binding unto that complex it prevents that substrate from actually leaving that active site and what that
means is because that active site does not release that substrate the affinity of that substrate for the enzyme
increases and if the affinity of that enzyme and if the affinity of the substrate for the active site of the
enzyme increases when the inhibitor binds unto the complex the km value decreases and that's one way that we can
explain how the km actually decreases another way of explaining it is in the following manner so since the total
number of functional enzymes decreases and the v-max decreases that means we need to add a lower concentration of
that substrate to actually reach v-max / - and that's why the km decreases so if we compare no inhibitor to inhibitor
present we see that the v-max is lower in the presence of the inhibitor and the km value is closer it's more to the left
side along the x-axis so the apparent km decreases compared to this km so let's move on to the final one non-competitive
inhibition so in non-competitive inhibition on that enzyme there is a permanent
allosteric side batters present and what that means is that inhibitor can bind onto that enzyme regardless of whether
or not that substrate is actually bound onto that active site and so this is the equation that describes this process so
in the absence of the inhibitor the substrate is going to bind to the active side of the enzyme forming the enzyme
substrate complex and that will transform the substance of the product and then the product will be released
now in the presence of the inhibitor that inhibitor can either bind onto that individual enzyme forming that enzyme
inhibitor complex or a combined unto the enzyme substrate complex to form that particular enzyme substrate inhibitor
complex and notice that if we form the enzyme inhibitor complex valdes enchain j-- the likelihood that the substrate is
going to bind to that enzyme and that is important in in part 3 as we'll see in just a moment so let's begin with 1 the
v-max is lowered and the v-max is lowered for the same reason that the v-max is lowered in this uncompetitive
inhibition case so we simply decrease the number of active sites number of enzymes that are functional and if we
decrease that value we essentially decrease the v-max so since some number of inhibitors are balanced at the enzyme
at any given moment in time and that inhibits the functionality of the enzyme less functional enzymes will be present
and so v-max will decrease now let's move on to to the k-kat is lowered the cake at the turnover number is lowered
and what that basically means is the efficiency of that active site in transforming the substrate into that
particular product is decreased and this makes sense why well because as it turns out
when that enzyme binds on to that inhibitor that inhibitor changes the shape of the active side and so the
active site is essentially normal it's it's no longer complementary to that particular substrate and although the
substrate can bind to that active site just as likely as in the case of the absence of the inhibitor once the
substrate binds on to this enzyme inhibitor complex that fit will not be perfect and what that means is the
active sites ability to actually
Heads up!
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