Mathematics is more than just a school subject; it is an integral part of life that permeates various facets of existence at any age. Its relevance extends well beyond the classroom, highlighting the necessity for educators to teach mathematics comprehensively. Teachers must deepen their understanding of students' learning abilities, experiences, reasoning, and logic to foster effective learning environments. This article explores several key learning theories that serve as the foundation for mathematics education, particularly in the Philippine context, and outlines effective teaching methods based on these principles.
Understanding Learning Theories in Mathematics Education
To successfully teach mathematics, educators need to understand various learning theories that inform their teaching practices. Each theory has different implications for instructional methods and outcomes. Here are the primary theories prominent in mathematics education:
Cognitivism emphasizes the importance of mental processes in learning. Originating from scholars like Benjamin Bloom, the theory posits that learning involves the manipulation of information that is processed mentally. Cognitivist strategies include:
- Memorization of Basic Facts: Ensuring students acquire fundamental math facts and formulas in fields such as measurement, conversion, and geometry.
- Window Cards: An effective technique to increase speed and accuracy in solving arithmetic problems.
- Problem-Solving Strategies: Encouraging students to discover diverse methods to approach mathematics problems.
Key Topics Applicable to Cognitivism:
- Whole Numbers
- Number Theory
- Fractions and Decimals
- Ratios and Proportions
- Basic Algebra Concepts
Constructivism is a learner-centered approach where students construct knowledge by connecting new ideas to their previous experiences. Influential theorists, including John Dewey, Jerome Bruner, and Jean Piaget, contributed significantly to this theory. Key components of constructivism include:
- Active Learning: Students engage with materials that encourage hands-on experiences, like manipulatives and interactive materials.
- Knowledge Construction: Emphasizing how students build new understanding through their prior knowledge and experiences.
- Role of the Teacher: Teachers act as facilitators who guide students toward self-discovery rather than merely delivering information.
Essential Teaching Strategies in Constructivism:
- The CPA Approach: Utilizing Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract methods to teach mathematical concepts.
- Self-assessment: Allowing students to reflect on their learning processes and set future goals.
- Real-World Simulations: Educators should involve students in authentic mathematical situations, enabling practical understanding and relevance to their lives.
Discovery Learning
Discovery Learning, spearheaded by Jerome Bruner, focuses on students learning through exploration and inquiry. Students engage in activities that require them to discover facts and concepts independently. Important aspects include:
- Inquiry-Based Learning: Facilitating an environment where students investigate and discover relationships in mathematics.
- Hands-On Experiments: Using tangible experiences, such as measuring and calculating areas and volumes.
Topics for Discovery Learning:
- Circumference and Area Calculations
- Basic Probability Experiments
- Recognizing Mathematical Patterns
Situated Learning
Situated Learning, developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, posits that learning is most effective in authentic contexts. This theory allows students to apply knowledge in meaningful situations. Key attributes include:
- Authentic Contexts: Activities and lessons that reflect real-life scenarios to enhance the learning experience.
- Collaborative Learning: Promoting teamwork among students in authentic tasks that require critical thinking and application to actual situations.
Topics for Situated Learning:
- Basic Operations Involving Money
- Data Interpretation and Representation
- Understanding Standard Measurements
Experiential Learning
David Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory emphasizes learning as a process of transforming experiences into knowledge. This theory allows students to engage directly with the material, making their learning more pertinent. Key strategies include:
- Manipulatives: Integrating physical tools that students can interact with to understand mathematical concepts.
- Task-Driven Contexts: Placing students in real-life problem-solving situations to foster immediate application of mathematical concepts.
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning is a strategy where students work in groups to achieve shared educational goals. This not only develops mathematics skills but also enhances social interaction amongst peers. Key aspects include:
- Peer Collaboration: Students discuss and solve math problems together, promoting diverse perspectives and methods.
- Focused Group Work: Groups are designed to encourage interaction, with teachers facilitating rather than directing discussions.
Selected Topics for Cooperative Learning:
- Basic Mathematical Operations
- Measurement Corrections
- Strategy Development in Problem Solving
In summary, mathematics education benefits immensely from the integration of various learning theories. Each theory brings unique perspectives and methodologies that can enhance the teaching and comprehension of mathematics. Educators must understand these theories to design effective lessons tailored to the cognitive levels of their students. By leveraging cognitivism, constructivism, discovery learning, situated learning, experiential learning, and cooperative learning, teachers can nurture a deeper understanding of mathematics and foster an engaging atmosphere conducive to learning. The goal is not merely to teach mathematics but to cultivate a holistic mathematical education that students can apply throughout their lives.
mathematics is one subject that pervades life at any age and in any circumstance thus its value
goes beyond the classroom and the school mathematics is a school subject therefore must be learned
comprehensively and with much there to succeed in teaching mathematics
teachers need to enhance their understanding of the students learning abilities experiences reasoning
and logical abilities learning theories and teaching methods on the other hand have
been used in different educational systems around the world teaching methods involve the use of
learning theories and each theory has different outcomes in mathematics education as
experienced teachers we believe that all teachers operate according to theories
our practice is driven by our theories about what will work for our students some of these theories are explicit and
are learned in school some are implicit and are the products of years of experience in schools
as teachers parents and students the conceptual framework of mathematics education
in the philippines is supported by the following underlying learning principles and
theories one we have experiential and situated learning
constructivism cooperative learning and discovery and inquiry based learning however in our
presentation later on we've added the cognitivism so the mathematics curriculum is
grounded on these theories now let's go to the learning theories
number one we have here cognitivism psja one of the cognitive theorists promoted the concept that the mind has an
important role in learning and so to focus on what happens in between the appearance of environmental
stimulus and student response as a reaction benjamin bloom created a taxonomy for cognitive skills
and the six stages are further elaborated and revised in study by anderson and grothwall as remembering
understanding applying analyzing evaluating and creating cognitivism can be
applied by teachers through memorization of basic facts and fundamental formulas in measurement
conversion and geometry the use of window cards for speed and accuracy
in the four basic facts and helping students find different solutions and formulas to solve the problem
other key concepts and skills involving numbers and number sense whole numbers number
theory fractions decimals ratio and proportion percent and integers are some of the
topics in elementary mathematics where incognitivism can be applied
let's go to constructivism constructivism is the theory that argues that knowledge is constructed when the
learner can draw ideas from his or her own experiences and connect them to new ideas
john dewey is often cited as the philosophical founder of this approach bruner and piaget are considered the
chief theorists among cognitive constructivists while wigatsky
is a major theorist among the social constructivists the constructivist theory is a
learner-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of individuals
actively constructing their knowledge and understanding through the guidance of their teacher
constructivism emphasizes the importance of knowledge beliefs and skills
in an individual brings to the experience of learning it recognizes the construction
of new understanding as a combination of prior learning
new information and readiness to learn individuals make choices about what new ideas to accept
and how to fit them into the established views of the world the class uses raw data primary sources
manipulatives physical and interactive materials constructivism implies that learners are born with innate
ability to deal with small integers such as 0 1 2 3 4 and so on
and to make comparative estimates of larger numbers teachers aid the students when
it comes to their own understanding and instead of telling the teacher begins
asking teachers role can be a mentor a consultant and a coach and challenge the student by
making them effective critical thinkers also constructivist teacher
challenges students to reach beyond the simple factual response connect and summarize concepts by
analyzing predicting justifying and defending their ideas
constructivist teachers teach math using cpa approach concrete which includes using real objects or manipulatives
pictorial which includes pictures and illustrations and abstract which includes symbols and variables
the use of self-assessment is an important reflection tool for students to manage what they learned
their progress and the goals they would like to have for work they would have to do
in the future constructivist reduce the load of algorithms in the classroom it is not about the
number of items solved by the learners but how depth the learning is the focus its quality other than quantity
also practical simulations using pupils and or materials to describe or represent mathematical knowledge or
processes the constructivist approach involves students in
real world possibilities numbers and number sense which includes whole numbers number
theory fractions decimals ratio and proportion percent and integers
measurement which includes the time speed perimeter circumference and area of
plane figures volume and surface area of solid figures temperature and meter reading
and statistics and probability are some of the topics in elementary mathematics where constructivism can be applied
moving on to discovery learning bruner as the lead proponent points to learning that occurs one
students are required to find out something by themselves discovery learning and inquiry based
learning support the idea that students learn when they make
use of personal experiences to discover facts relationships and concepts learners
acknowledge the challenge of realizing something for themselves rather than requiring the teacher to
provide for them answers some of the topics in elementary mathematics where
discovery learning can be applied include finding the circumference of circle
and area of plane features volume and surface area of solid or space figures and repeating patterns and simple
experiment and experimental probability in statistics another theory that can be associated
with teaching elementary mathematics is a situated learning theory by jin lav and nichian wenger
situated learning is an instructional approach developed by jean lave and ichian wenger in the early 1990s
and follows the work of dewey vygotsky and others who claim that students are more inclined to learn by actively
participating in the learning experience learning best occur in an authentic situation
or learning context learning for them takes place in social situations with other people
[Music] in teaching mathematics since not all schools can let the learners conduct
classes in actual places or areas like stores for example
in teaching basic math facts like additions and multiplication and kitchens for example in teaching
them the knowledge and measurement teachers should create learning space for learners to act
as if they are in the actual scenario [Music] it is also important to consider the
accessibility of these contacts to the learners their needs what they want to learn as
to provide them with a more meaningful learning experience
[Music] here are the topics in elementary mathematics where situated learning can
be applied basic mathematical operations involving money
standard measures of length weight capacity area and the like the knowledge of time
interpreting and representing data through graphs and tables and recognizing patterns and sequencing
because these competencies can always be used and applied by the learners in daily lives
[Applause] [Music] in situated learning teachers must
provide authentic context that reflect the way the knowledge will be used in real life
provide authentic mathematical activities provide access to expert performances
and modeling of processes solutions and solving problems they should also provide multiple roles in
perspective for the learners and support collaborative construction
of knowledge for every one of them in this case teacher turns from transmitter to facilitator of learning
by tracking progress assessing products produced by learners building collaborative learning
environments and encouraging reflection and learners will be assessed
through discussion reflection evaluation and validation in the community's perspective
what are the implications to childhood mathematics education of situated learning
situated learning involves students in cooperative activities where they are challenged to use their
critical thinking and kinesthetic abilities these activities could be applicable and
transferable to students homes communities and workplaces another theory that could be related
to situated learning is david gold's experiential learning theory [Music]
as advocated by david cold it is the learning that occurs by making sense of direct everyday experiences
experiential learning theory defines learning as the process whereby knowledge is created
through the transformation of experience knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming experience
this theory focuses on the use of concrete manipulatives and direct experience in learning
experiential learning can be used in teaching basic mathematical operations involving
money standard measures of length weight capacity
area and the like and knowledge of solid and plain figures wherein they can manipulate things
[Music] in this case teachers must provide meaningful tasks
in context which will encourage learners to try various strategies in solving problems
use appropriate tools such as concrete manipulatives which are really
accessible for learners and are countered by them in daily life the tool should not just be limited to
localized materials but teachers must also let them explore modern tools
which can enhance their 21st century skills in solving problems and arriving in solutions
and they should also introduce play and games in learning this type of learning can elevate
students cognition levels increase the use of critical thinking skills
and learners can acquire knowledge to concrete tangible felt qualities of the world relying to
their senses in concrete reality and results to active participation [Music]
another one is the cooperative learning theory cooperative learning is a teaching
strategy that encourages students to assist each other in a small group to achieve common goal
through cooperative learning methods each student in a group responsible to share opinion
and work together to solve the mathematical problem [Music]
these topics could be taught using cooperative learning basic mathematical operations knowledge
and measurement and teaching through problem solving [Music]
in this case teachers must group learners considering certain factors to have a fair combination of them and
provide a learning space enough for the learners to work together especially explain the whole process
[Music] with that learners will be able to have the opportunity to collaborate and share
ideas with fellow learners as they all together create solutions
and solve problems and teachers can use cooperative learning activities to help students make
connections between the concrete and abstract level of instruction through peer interactions and carefully
designed activities [Music] no one size fits all there is no best
learning theory that can make our learners competent in grasping mathematics however some
learning theories might not be effective in teaching mathematics but can give bountiful learning
experiences to other learning contents our role as curricularist is to understand each learning theory
so that we can design effective lessons that are appropriate for our students cognitive levels
Heads up!
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