In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals struggle with worry and anxiety, especially during challenging times. Tiffany, a passionate minister currently in Accra, Ghana, shares her experiences and insights while engaging in a double fast for breakthroughs. In this article, we explore the importance of prayer, fasting, and how believers can combat worry with faith and worship.
The Significance of Fasting
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that many believers practice to draw closer to God, seek guidance, and receive strength during difficult seasons. Tiffany emphasizes that her ministry, Covered by God, conducts a regular three-day fast at the beginning of each month. This month, they are undertaking a special 25-day “Year of the Bride” fast, which is an intense period of spiritual renewal and commitment to prayer.
Benefits of Fasting
- Spiritual Clarity: Fasting helps believers gain a clearer understanding of God’s direction for their actions.
- Increased Faith: Engaging in fasting strengthens faith and encourages individuals to rely on God more fully.
- Breaking Strongholds: Fasting can help break chains of worry, anxiety, and fear that hinder one’s spiritual growth.
- Reviving Relationships: This discipline fosters a deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit and enriches personal relationships.
Understanding Worry
Worry is often a natural response to impending challenges or uncertainties. Tiffany discusses the definition of worry as an anxious feeling regarding actual or potential problems. She highlights synonyms such as anxiety, panic, and restlessness.
Worry as Worship to the Enemy
Tiffany shares a profound insight: "Worship is to worry as faith is to God." When we succumb to worry, we unknowingly elevate our problems over our faith in God.
Key Teachings on Worry
- It is Insidious: Worry can creep into daily thoughts, leading to fear and mental distress.
- God’s Commands: Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious but to present all requests through prayer and thanksgiving, highlighting that worry is a choice that goes against God’s instruction.
- God’s Peace: Once we offer our worries to God, He promises peace that surpasses human understanding, guarding our minds and hearts.
Practical Steps to Combat Worry
Tiffany encourages believers to implement practical steps to fight against worry, which include:
- Prayer and Supplication: Regularly present your fears and doubts to God.
- Worship Over Worry: Whenever feelings of anxiety arise, choose to worship instead.
- Study Scripture: Engaging with the Bible strengthens faith and provides comfort during stressful moments.
- Stay Accountable: Partner with friends or congregation members who can encourage you in your journey of faith during fasting.
- Engage the Holy Spirit: Rely on the Holy Spirit as your comforter and guide during times of uncertainty.
Spiritual Authority and Power in Jesus
Tiffany draws attention to the strength believers possess through Jesus Christ. By adhering to God's word, worshipping, and engaging in prayer, individuals create a supernatural barrier against the enemy's attacks. Philippians 4:7 assures that God will provide peace, guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Testimonies during the Fast
As Tiffany shares her experiences, numerous testimonies emerge from participants regarding healing and freedom from pain. She recounts how prayers lifted spirits and how many felt the release from physical ailments during their fast. Individuals reported that their struggles with anxiety and worry diminished as they engaged more profoundly in prayer and worship.
In conclusion, Tiffany emphasizes the vital role fasting plays in spiritual growth and the necessity of resisting worry. As believers commit to prayer and reliance on God, they can effectively combat worry and experience breakthroughs. Engaging in worship acts as a powerful tool, reminding followers of God’s sovereignty and love.
As we approach the end of the year filled with hope for miracles and breakthroughs, Tiffany encourages everyone to join in the ongoing fast and reflect on their worries through prayer.
Remember: rejection of worry leads to acceptance of God’s peace.
For any further teachings, participating in the ministry’s fast, or accessing resources, visit Covered by God’s official website.
of the year of the Bride Fest my name is Tiffany and I wish I could give you a little bit more energy than I got baby
your girl is tired okay um I am currently in Ghana Acana um for Ministry and so uh we're actually doing two fast
at one time um the ministry that I'm with is called covered by God we're praying and
fasting Ministry and we're also prophetic and Teaching Ministry and our regular Fest is the first 3 days
of every single month uh for a couple of years now and then we're doing the year of the Bride fast which is a 25 day fast
and so um we're actually doing a double fast isn't that powerful anybody that's not
like a part of the 3-day fast with this fast you're really missing out this is a double fast that we're doing somebody
say You Preach down today thank you girl um tough job somebody's got to do it right
so um we are actually in a double fast I think every single one of you should be joining both fasts um and that's just
because of the reward you'll get for doing so and so if she say She's suffering if if somebody sent me an
email and they said can you write out the scriptures for us the notes it's taking me a while taking them a while to
get it together I said so let me let me get this straight you want me to you want me cuz I I fast before I fast with
you all I pray before I pray with you all I then I got to study the word then I got to teach you the
word and then I got to take a 10-hour flight to Ghana then I got to preach to a
nation then I cuz y'all get to skip the fast when you don't feel like joining every single day me not me I'm under
strict I'm under strict instructions to keep going so then I got to get up out my bed at 2:00 in the morning in Ghana
then again at 9:00 in the morning then go straight to preach again
like I can't do it all for you guys you got to do something okay you got to get you got to do something on your own and
so that is what I've been up to but God's Grace has sustained me and um no complaints out of me for any of this but
I believe that all of you should absolutely be joining both fast this is the end of the year and if you're
believing God for a miracle for a breakthrough I want you to absolutely join both fast so
um I think it's 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and then we meet again at 4:00 a.m. eastern standard time um and
so I'm excited about that today I'm not going to hold you long for real because I got to get back up and be with you on
YouTube again in a few hours but I wanted to go over the war against world uh before I do that
also I want all of you to spend the next few days catching up so there a lot of people that join the fast um on time and
then there are a lot of people that are coming and are just like Tiff you know I just started should I start with you
guys on day six or should I start all the way at day one and here's the thing that I want you guys to understand that
a fast without blood bloodline repentance and a fast without forgiveness is not a fast right like
that should be the very first thing you tackle is bloodline repentance and and um and forgiveness and prayers against
iniquities and all of that so I think that if you're just starting the fast start with us today right and then spend
all weekend watching yes B wa binge watch the fast uh which can totally be done if you stay off of social media if
you stay off the phone if you focus and do hyperfocus and don't get distracted you can get it done in a day to be
honest with you it's just 6 hours that's a Netflix series right and so it can definitely be done but just make sure
you binge watch also um The Notebook where's my notebook I'm going get my notebook cuz I want y'all to get the
notebook on we going together to go get the notebook here it is
[Music] so the notebook I want you all to go and get one online we're almost sold out you
can go to www.c coveredby god. again that is covered BYOD doco grab this notebook um I want you to all start at
day one because you have quite a bit of homework assignment that you should be filling out in your notebook so that you
can fill it out you know there and then obviously we're starting up week to next week and so we're going to really be
gearing up on our notebook activities and our prompts for the notebooks but I want you all to make sure that you're
caught up with all of the assignments and caught up with everything of that nature um normally during fasts like
these you have people that start off incredibly strong and then a few days later fall off and don't let that be you
right um in order to what's the what's the saying order to get like Like New in order to get new results you have to do
something you've never done before okay in order to get new results you have to do something that you have
never done before and so if you all have been consistently working and praying and doing all the things and nothing's
been working out for you I want to encourage you to just do not like don't fall behind on these fast I want you to
make sure that you're consistently joining in and um and just doing all that of that because you're going to see
a lot of breakthrough and I don't want your inability to stay consistent to stop you
from from that you know so please stay consistent if you want the instructions of this fast via email please go to
www. um covered BYOD doco into your name and email address and then check your spam folder because sometimes the emails
land there as well um but we are are absolutely doing two fast at one time
it's a double fast and it's going to be very powerful so yeah somebody said get an accountability partner and if you
don't have one the Holy Ghost will be your accountability partner I think we all need to start leaning on the Holy
Ghost a lot more than we do you know and um if you if you're looking for an intercessor things of that nature I want
you to join that as well um yeah so that is
my Tiff talk for the day so today is about the war against worry and why I think that this is pertinent and
something that the god really wanted us to deal with is because if you notice anybody that's ever you know trying to
figure out their marital situation especially after years of praying on it and babies and barness and things of
that nature years after praying about stuff like that worry definitely starts to um take root inside of you and I
think that once you um hear the definition of worry and just kind of all the things that are against it you're
going to be much more apt to be um Vigilant that you don't let it happen okay and so the definition of the word
worry is to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems the definition of the word worry is to feel
feel anxious or to feel troubled about an actual or a potential problem some of the synonyms of the word worry are
anxiety Panic to dwell on to be stressed about to torment oneself to lose sleep to be restless to be agitated and
fearfulness okay so what is worry it's a feeling of anxiety or being troubled about an actual or potential problem and
some of the synonyms of this word are anxiety Panic dwell on to be stressed about torment oneself loose sleep
restlessness agitation and fearlessness so I want all of you to think to yourself where you have absolutely felt
like you were worried about anything worry is such a a almost a normal response to
certain things but it's certainly not a god response to certain things and I think we all talked about how certain
things were normal but they weren't necessarily God right so we want to make sure that we don't make something that's
normal into our new normal okay another definition of the word worry is mental
distress um or agitation resulting from concern usually from something impending or anticipated so it's your mind getting
stressed out or agitated from a concern that of something that has not even happened yet
isn't that crazy and um the last definition of worry I want to share is to be mentally
troubled or concerned again this is about something that has not even happened yet you have like already
settled it in your mind this is what it is and all of that so um I want all of you to write this down worship is worry
to the devil worship is worry to the devil what faith is to God is what worry is to the
enemy what faith is to God right what faith is to God is what worry is to the devil so we often know that faith is the
currency of the Kingdom meaning the only thing that satisfies God is faith as a matter of fact his word says without
faith it is impossible to please God without faith it is impossible to please God well without worry it is impossible
to please the devil and so worry is worship to the devil anytime you've allowed your mind to become troubled
about something that hasn't happened yet or something that you see anytime you've allowed yourself to dwell on something
when the Bible warns us against dwelling on something it actually tells us where to redirect our minds to anytime you
allow your mind to become tormented with something or you're losing sleep or you're becoming Restless or you're
becoming agitated or you're becoming fearful about something you have now crept into bowing down to the devil and
worshiping him worry can also become an idol right worry is definitely something that people often turn into idolatry and
so you know the one thing the enemy wants is the is a believer's mind this is why I want all of you to read the
book reverse the curse by an at caps before we started the fast and that's because I that book blew me away I'm
going to be honest with you it's a very short it's a very short book if you have the paperbook version It's like a
pamphlet it's super short super small might take 40 minutes to read at best and I wanted everybody to read that
before the fast started but just in case you didn't read it yet I want you to go go and find the book and get it but that
book when I say gave the best example of and I read I read a lot of books that book was fire it was
absolutely Dynamic when it comes to the analogies given on the mind like one analogy she gave was how we're all
supposed to have these walls up right we're all supposed to have these walls up of our mind that keep out worry it's
like when he says the full armor of God is the hold up your Shield of faith and it quenches the fiery Dart of the enemy
she was like most of the time we don't have up the shield of Faith we're just trying to pull the
darts out after they hit us but you're supposed to actually have it up before it hits you and then she's talking about
this wall That's supposed to be up at all times and every single day the enemy is Vigilant about getting your wall to
come tumbling down so he throws thoughts of fear thoughts of worry things of that nature and she said I want you to see
your wall like like you see people at your wall at all times rebuilding it every single day there is a fight
against your wall to bring it down and so you have the normal wear and tear of that wall right like you have the normal
wear and tear of a wall like that where you're trying to get it to come down she was like and you're supposed to be
building that wall back up through prayer through fasting and things of that nature she said but then something
happens when um you get maybe so discouraged you stop doing your day-to-day activity to keep
the wall up until the wall just completely falls down and you're trying to figure out why the enemy has kind
of like really gotten through the wall you see what I'm saying that book is so freaking good
y'all it's called reverse the curse by inet caps it is so powerful and I think all of you should read it and find it
and things like that yeah she said the wall represented our soul and what is our soul our soul is your mind your will
and your emotions and so obviously whenever you're worrying it comes out of your soul which is your mind your will
and your emotions that's that's the only time people are worried is when it's seeped into their mind will and their
emotions and so then your wall ends up completely tumbling down and you don't have the the necessary tools to even get
it to be built back up the book is fire and I think it has a lot to do with today's live the war against worry and
so anyway worry is worship to the devil and the Bible is very clear on what to do with it um Philippians 46 it's very
simple he says be careful for nothing now I read out of the KJ version I know many of you
um emailed me and wrote in the comments Tiffany it's called sycamore tree I don't know why you keep saying syam my
tree and it's like my God these people are not doing the homework assignment of the fast which is to examine themselves
to see if it's the Holy Spirit leading them or the spirit of error leading them but these days you don't really need no
strong discernment to see who is who because if you had the Holy Ghost in you he would have said go check the
scripture she talking about before you look a fool in her comments trying to correct her about something that it says
in the KJV virgin which is a virgin she keep telling y'all she read out of I don't read out of the NLT or the NIV or
any of the other versions like that because they took out the scripture about fasting only reason I read out in
the message version is just for fun and Giggles because it's the hood version and I think it's funny but as far as
studying is concerned I read my Bible out of the KJV and I read it out of the Amplified any other version does not
count to me but that's just my take with that being said if you had the Holy Ghost for real and if you weren't
operating out of a spirit of error the Holy Spirit would say hey before you commented her comments go to KJV which
is the version She's always telling you she reads out of and see what that says and you would have seen that it said
sick of m not Sycamore sick ofine say it with me sick
of sick of sick of my tree it's the sick of my tree so just keep that in mind I read
out it I'm a KJV girl okay sick mind say it with me sick of Mind Tree it's a sick of Mind
Tree thank you so out of the version that I read which is the King James version it says
be careful for nothing the word be careful means anxious or to take thought so what he's saying is don't be anxious
be anxious for nothing don't be anxious don't get into anxiety but in everything by prayer and supplication with
Thanksgiving make your request known to God but in everything with prayer and supplication prayer and supplication are
two different things um supplication is when you request something of God you make a petition to God you ask God of
something right so he's saying don't be anxious about anything but in everything everything
but in everything what you think is small what you think is big in everything it doesn't matter if you're
like well I know God is really busy it's a war going on over near Israel I don't want to bother him according to
Philippians 4:6 you have total right to bother him because he said in everything in prayer and
supplication with Thanksgiving make your request be made known to God so isn't it funny that the first thing we do during
a time of fasting I always say in Psalms 100 ver4 in the message version cuz I love that what it says in that it says
um come with the password thank you come with the password thank you come with the
password thank you and so he's saying I'm going say one more time be anxious about nothing don't let anxiety get the
best of you okay but in everything whether you think your situation is big or small by prayer or supplication with
Thanksgiving let your request be made known to God the word Thanksgiving means grateful language to God as an act of
your worship to him grateful language to God as an act of your worship to him and we normally pray and say you know well I
pray that the Peace of understanding the peace of God surpasses all human understanding but that was actually a
conditional promise that you got what I just said down packed so in order for somebody to experience the peace of God
that surpasses all human human understanding that is a conditional Pro promise on if you were not anxious about
anything but in everything in prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving you made your request known to God after you get
that done then the promise of the Peace of all of God which passes all understanding shall keep um your heart
and Minds through Christ Jesus now let me just for this sake of being able to Define this properly for you define the
word peace and again I'm reading out of Philippians
46 and I am also um reading out of the KJV version which is my version of choice for many
different reasons and the peace of God so the word peace here means peace between
individuals it means to be on Harmony it means security safety prosp erity it also means Felicity because peace and
Harmony make can keep things safe and prosperous okay um it means quietness it means to
be at rest and it means to set at one again isn't it powerful that one of the definitions of peace is to set at one
again and I made very big mention about how the first week was God putting us in a hard reset it is so powerful so he's
saying if you um don't be anxious and if you in everything you're going through give God prayer and supplication with
Thanksgiving you're coming to God with the secret password thank you you let your request be made known to God then
you will receive the peace of God which is tranquility Harmony you maybe you're beefing with somebody right now and God
brings peace of God to you which passes all understanding the word passes here means Superior in rank
um Authority and power so this peace of God surpasses in superiority and rank Authority and power all
understanding it surpasses all understanding um and it shall keep your heart in mind guys what I love about the
word keep here is this is actually a military word the word keep is not a normal word it is actually a military
word and it means to guard it means to protect by a military guard either to prevent hostile Invasion or to keep the
inhabitants of a besieged city from flight okay it means to protect by guarding by watching and guarding to
preserve one for the attainment of something this is a military word this is no light word um that God used for
how he was going to keep your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus he said if you do this I'm actually going to put
a a milit unit oh a supernatural military unit you know people think that the scriptures are
like very soft and very cuddly and Teddy bearish but God said if you do this simple thing I'm going to put a military
with a Garrison thank you I just didn't know what a Garrison meant and I don't like saying words that I don't know what
they mean matter of fact let me look up what a Garrison meant since you said it cuz I saw it and I decided to skip it
cuz I was like what the heck is a Garrison Garrison definition I should have looked this up
earlier Garrison means the troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it wow that's good a military
Outpost where troops are stationed to protect or provide protection in an area it's so
good so good that was good it's a military post and so I saw
that word I just skipped it cuz I didn't know what it meant but it's also it also means keep
with a Garrison and obviously that means God put a mil a supernatural he put an a
host of angels that are be acting as the military in the realm of the spirit to keep your heart and your mind through
Christ Jesus what a powerful scripture that we often thought was very soft and cuddly but God is like like now I'm
going to go to war against these people for you so good like a Special Forces Unit absolutely Apostle a Special Forces
Unit to keep your heart and your mind which is the thing that makes you go you know so powerful cuz I got a
worship song for this you know um Minister Nathaniel Bassy just came out with a new song that we've been
listening to all Hallelujah challenge but we are definitely going to This is Our Song for today I'm going to send it
to you on the link it's so good this is brand new [Music]
[Applause] [Music] song so good now this is a war song it
is a war worship song Yahweh Sabah oath and for those of you that don't know what y uh Jehovah sabboth is he is God
of the Angel armies and so that song just came out today I will be sending out a link for it
um but what a powerful song that goes with this scripture now that we find out that this scripture what it means so let
me give you an example really quickly I see a lot of people asking me where did I get the definition from um for the
sake of just Clarity cuz I'm going to get off in about 10 minutes I don't want this one to be too long cuz it's kind of
self-explanatory but just for the record this is my phone okay and I use um the Blue Letter by Bible app for the KJV
version of the Bible I use the day one app to keep all of my dreams in um this is like for Message Bible
this is for Amplified blah blah blah but this is the Blue Letter Bible app I have an iPhone this is what I use
okay somebody said my flash is on yeah it is I know okay so I would click right here
let me show you how I got there uh so right now we're in Philippians chapter 4 and I wanted to go in six so first of
all I want to highlight this so that I know what I'm reading and I want to highlight my yellow and I want to do
verses 6 through 7 so I just go like this now we're all highlighted okay and so
um I somebody asked me where I saw Garrison at and if you see in verse 7 it says in the peace of God which passes
all understanding shall keep your hearts Minds through Christ Jesus now me I'm a curious girl
I looked up all the definitions of the words I'm like what do peace means I as okay let me show you what I did again I
clicked on this this verse right there I click on it it brings me here I go to the Interlinear concordance which is the
strong concordance and I'm going to click right here and it is now going to bring me to all of the words in the Old
Testament all of the words are the Hebrew definition and in the New Testament all of the words are the Greek
definition so this took me to that verse and it takes me to all of the Greek definitions of this word and I was like
oh I wonder what keep means not knowing that it meant something fire like I thought I just thought it meant like a
random word I click right there if I wanted to know how to say it in the Greek definition I'm going to click
right here strong G 5432 f f furo that's me practicing my Greek
language and so here we go the word keep means to guard to protect by a military guard either to prevent hostile Invasion
or to keep the inhabitants of a besieged city from flight um it means uh I just kind of
skip around to the stuff that makes sense to me in a moment to keep with a Garrison that's when I saw that word and
I ignored it because I didn't know what it meant and I don't like reading you stuff I don't know what it means until I
look it up to be a Watcher in advance and for example to mount guard as a centennial post spies at the
gates so good keep with the Garrison so that's how I look that up I go back over here and I kind of just do it to
all the words because I'm just a geek like that and I be wanting to know what everything mean because I'm like this
stuff is deep so this is why that's where I got that from it is the Greek definition of the word that is how I use
my definition so many of you heard my testimony and I'm going to spare you of
it because I did a whole live on it and that live is super fire but it's called give God custody and it's when my
daughter's father stole her from me a few years back and you might be like Tiffany a father of the child cannot
steal the child yes they can girl I don't know what you be talking about they can steal the child okay he was
supposed to bring her back during the holiday and he called me and said Not only did he not bring her back he also
enrolled her into school in a completely different state and said I could not get my daughter back and I tried to get a
court date to get her back and they were like we can't even see you for 4 months and I'm like yeah but I got custody
here's my paperwork why what is going on if custody didn't matter why did you guys make me go through the process to
get full custody of my daughter nonetheless I had custody of my kid and he stole her anyway and um the point is
I did a live called give God custody okay so you guys can watch that on your own time that live was fire okay however
the one thing I want to share out of that live is obviously when somebody steals your kid and the the the law La
that's supposed to be keeping you safe because you have a warrant not a warrant um custody papers is now saying that
that doesn't matter worry sets in like crazy and it did for me um and so I remember making a vow to
God that I would wor that I would worship God before I worried it was a vow that I made God during that
season I made a vow to God that I would worship before I worried I want you to write that that down in your Journal
that you make a vow to God that you would worship before that worried before you worried what does that look like
that simply looked like anytime worry we would come in like you're not going to get a v you done call the judge you
called the police you called um you called everybody and everybody saying you can't get your daughter back and you
know this is demonic like you know something about this ain't right and now you feel super defeated and all of that
worry comes in before I like the worry would come and because of the vow I made to God even if I didn't feel like
worship worshiping in that Mo moment it was a vow I made so I had to keep the promise soon as worry started to come in
I started to say God you're not a man that you would lie you told me like you would never snatch her away
from me like that you cuz I asked God I was just like David really and I said God did you want her to be with her dad
like me and him had her you know what I'm saying like do you want her to be with him like what do you want I'll do
whatever you want and I remember the Holy Ghost saying to me that um he would never snatch her away from me like that
he would never do it like that and he said go and get your daughter without fail you're going to recover all I never
forget that because I needed the permission of God before I went into a full War cuz y'all know I will go to war
and God gave me permission and so whenever the thought thought came up that I wasn't going to get her back or
everything seemed very impossible I would stop that thought with worship so anytime worry comes in and you're like
man it just seems so obsessive and it's bombarding my mind and I can't really stop worrying about it worship
immediately stops um the worry it immediately stops it and so I had already had scriptures
written out um that went against the lie that I wasn't going to get her back first of all I was like God you're not a
man that you would lie nor the son of man that you would repent it's it's not possible for you to lie to me and you
told me that you wouldn't do this to me so because of that I know I'm going to get her back so I worship you I worship
God who cannot lie I worship the God who breaks protocol for me I worship The God Who is just right and righteous I
worship the judge of all judges thank you God that you gave me my daughter back thank you Father that you
supernaturally gave me my daughter back and I put a Time limit on that b because they the lawyers told me I couldn't see
my daughter uh I couldn't get a court date this year which was not guaranteed that I got her back until 4 months later
I put a time limit on that and I'm like now I need her back like 24 hours how about that like that's
how much faith I had 24 of them I want her back and um I began to pray and I begin to ask God big things I think
sometimes we forget that God is God and let me tell you one of the things I was going to do so he had enrolled her into
school in Georgia and I wanted to go and get her now my sister at the time was very probably a lot less saved than I
was so she was just going to go up there with guns of Blazing okay and drag my baby back and just beat up everybody on
the way like she wasn't set it off and I was like no you got to stay saved and um and that's not going to give God glory
if we got to go up there and fight everybody to get her back cuz baby I was ready to fight do you understand and I
remember um I said to God I said if I have to go up to the school can somebody at that school know me from social media
because you know when you're dealing with a narcissist that person is always you know smearing your name and always
trying to make it seem like you're a crazy person and all of that stuff and I said can you have somebody that knows me
from social media so that when I go and get her if I have to do that they'll know what's up
do y'all know I got a phone call it wasn't 10 15 minutes later after that prayer and it was a woman I had not
spoken to maybe all year like well it was only January so let's say like all last year the year before that and she
called me she didn't even have small talk she said hey the Lord put you on my mind what's wrong that's the first thing
this lady says to me and I have not talked to her in months right immediately I tell her what's going on
she goes oh what county is it in I live in Georgia I tell her what county and she goes what school is she at I tell
her to school and she goes oh I have a best friend who loves you from Periscope she watches your periscopes all the time
she absolutely loves you she's the head of counseling over there let me know when you want to go get
her right powerful that just maybe that will encourage you to start asking God for
bigger or for something that you don't even you know that was just such a random ask and
then God answered my prayer like 15 minutes later and so um anyway I just made sure that and I got my daughter
back in in 24 hours the the second I made a decision to turn down my plate and fast is the second I got my daughter
back and so and and that sharing that that live is so good if you want to see how God moved in the most Supernatural
ways in a 24-hour period um cuz he I went through it for five days I didn't have the strength to fast until the last
day because I was I was just I didn't have I needed to eat to gather my strength too
fast so I could pray I didn't have strength to fast for those of you like why didn't you fast no strength I was so
mad I couldn't fast after I dealt with the four days I put the second I put down my plate baby I got my baby back
fasting is a powerful thing okay fasting is powerful the point is The Vow that I made to worship him I did not break The
Vow because I don't break my vows to God it is very rare that I make God a vow in general because we're human and I don't
ever want to be in a position that I break my vow to God but I for sure um kept my vow to worship and so because
we're in the year of the Bride fast and the enemy likes to have a Heyday with your mind and really wants to just kind
of warp your mind up and get you worried about everything I want you to make a vow to God today and that vow is to
worship God the second worry Creeps in I want you to go into a radical Wild Worship I don't care where you are I
don't care who you're in the phone with I don't care who's around you I want you to excuse yourself and go to the
bathroom and I want you to lift up your hands and say I worship you I thank you you know it might not make sense to you
but one thing about the kingdom of God is that it's not a kingdom that makes sense to he says I'll use the foolish
things of the world to confound the wise and that is definitely a foolish thing that confounds the wise and so please
I'm begging you through throughout this entire fast I want you to make a vow to God that you will worship him before you
worry and so we're going to be a people that put systems in place right so that when worrying come when worry comes and
tries to hit you like a fiery Dart you've already lifted up your Shield of faith and it's already quenched the
fiery Dart of um of that and so you're just going to continue to do that so it's very simple we're going to do our
prayer points really quickly take our communion Where's My Water oh I know nothing
is father God in the name of Jesus Christ we thank you we love you we worship your name we magnify your name
God you're the king of all Kings you're the Lord of all Lords and we thank you that the king of glory is here father we
we welcome you into our marriages as the king of glory we command our marriages lift up up your heads oh ye gates and be
lifted up you Everlasting doors for the king of glory is here who is that king of glory the long strong the Lord strong
and mighty the Lord Mighty in battle lift up your heads oh ye gates of our marriages and be ye lifted up you
Everlasting doors for the king of glory is here I want you to begin to declare that also as a scripture over your
marriage lift up your head all ye marriage I want you to command your your marriage cuz your marriage is a gate and
I want you to command your marriage lift up your head oh ye marriage and be ye lifted up you Everlasting doors for the
king of glory is here I want you to announce to your marriage that the king of glory is here who is that king of
glory the long the Lord strong and mighty the Lord Mighty in battle lift up your head all ye gates and be ye lifted
up it is in Psalms 24 that correct and you guys can read it word for word in the scripture but I want you to command
your the gates of your marriage to be put on alert that the king of glory is here the king of glory is here so father
we worship you as a king of glory we worship you today as Jehovah sabboth god of the Angel armies we thank you Father
and we just are in love with you we thank you Father for building capacity we thank you for giving us more grace to
finish this fast strong we we thank you Father for more Mercy to finish this fast strong we thank you Father that
it's not by works that any of this is going to happen but it is purely the election of Grace and we thank you God
for showing your mercy on us and Shining your light of Mercy on us and giving us what we asked for father you said that
you would give us the desire of our hearts and we pray God that even during the first day of this fast you fixed our
foundation so that our desire lines up with your will so that it's an easy yes we thank you Father that we will see a
physical manifestation of these prayers and we will testify that the god that cannot lie we will testify that the only
God that is still living we will testify that the one who breaks protocol on our behalf we will testify that God of the
the best of prizes we will testify that The God Who heals and restores we will testify that God who is our peace from
war we will testify that God who fights for us Jehovah Gabor we will testify that God our Banner that comes in like a
a flood when the enemy comes out like a flood you lift up a standard against them has fought for us God we thank you
that every enemy that comes up against US during this fast has now become an enemy with you we thank you Father that
anybody that puts their names on us we ask that you make a covenant with us today and anybody that puts their
anybody that puts their mouth on us God and it is in malit with delicious intent to smear our names we ask God that the
Covenant that you've made with us causes them to fall instantly unless they repent in the name of Jesus Christ I
thank you God that the fear of the Lord will come upon those that put their mouths on us and I thank you Father that
you um keep your Covenant with covered by God and while we are at this Al the altar that we've erected to you that you
keep us covered by God indeed father in the name of Jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you we love you we magnify
you and um and you are good and your mercy is forever father in the name of Jesus we repent for the sin of worry we
repent for the sin of anxiety we repent for the sin of fear we we repent for the sin of doubt and unbelief we repent God
for making other people our god there therefore we got advice from them that went totally contrary to the word of God
concerning our life we repent for it God we turn from our Wicked Ways and we ask that you would forgive us um from the
sin of worry and father right now we receive your forgiveness by faith in the name of Jesus Christ now father in the
name of Jesus we renounce we denounce we divorce oursel from we come out of agreement with every Covenant with the
spirit of worry we renounce we divorce oursel from we denounce we come out of agreement with every Covenant with the
spirit of worry we renounce we denounce we come out of agreement with we divorce oursel from every Covenant we made with
the spirit of anxiety with the spirit of worry with the spir spirit of Torment with the spirit of um stress with with
the spirit of unbelief we break the evil Covenant that we made with this um demonic Spirit God by saying things out
of our mouth which come into alignment with this in the name of Jesus Christ and father we now loose the Holy Ghost
and we loose God the word of the Lord concerning our life and we declare father that you have you now have Ru
Reign and Dominion in our minds and our hearts and according to Philippians 4:6 you told us to be careful about nothing
but in everything with prayer and supplication um with Thanksgiving making our request known to you and when we do
that will experience peace greater than the human mind can understand um which keep our heart and our mind uh through
Christ Jesus and so father right now we ask Jehovah sooth that you would set up a military operation in our mind and our
heart and that you would keep our mind and our heart on you father we confess even as day six Goes Forth every single
worry every single um disappointment everything that we're going through right now father we repent for not
running straight to you and putting these worries God at the foot stol of Jesus Christ and father in the name of
Jesus Christ we put all worries we put all you know um anything that's causing panic attacks and anything that's
calling causing fear and anything that's calling causing Obsession at this point father we put it at your foot stol right
now and we say God in the name of Jesus Christ it now belongs to you we cast this Care on you we cast this anxiety on
you in the name of Jesus Christ and we declare father peace put your hand on your mind put your hand on your belly
which is your G I track we declare right now peace that surpasses all human understanding peace that surpasses all
human understanding is now our portion in the name of Jesus Christ we command our minds to bow to the name of Jesus
Christ our mind will no longer run rampid and our mind will no longer um boss us around but our mind is now in
subject to the lordship of Jesus Christ and our emotions are now subject to the lordship of Jesus Christ
and we declare in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that our mind is free from all torment and things of that nature in
the mighty name of Jesus Christ now I want you to begin to open up your mouth and
command those demonic spirits that's been harassing you to leave your body now before they had legal right right
before they had legal right to um to hurt your mind and things of that nature but now they don't have legal right once
you break the evil Covenant and no longer has legal right to torment you so father in the name of Jesus Christ we
command every demonic Spirit of worry we command every voice of worry we command every demonic spirit of fear for your
word says you have not given us a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind we command the Demonic spirit of
fear and the Demonic worry to leave now I command it to come out of your mind I see an octopus Spirit In The Name of
Jesus Christ I command it to be rooted up out out of your mind with all of his tentacles and be cast into the abyss in
the name of Jesus Christ I command the spirit of worry that is rested in your shoulder area and in your back lower
back area I command the spirit of worry to come out with all of his tentacles and be cast into the abyss in the name
of Jesus Christ I command the spirit of worry that um is causing your gut health to be out of whack and now you need to
heal your gut because of it I command the spirit of word worry to come out of your gut in the name of Jesus Christ I
command the spirit of worry that is manifesting itself as inflammation in your body I curse it at the root in the
name of Jesus Christ I command the spirit of inflammation to shrivel up and die we curse the curse of inflammation
now in the name of Jesus Christ we command it to shrivel up and die and we declare it to come out of your body be
rooted up out of your body and be cast into the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ we command the spirit of any any
ungodly growth in your body that is a manifestation of ungodly worry Panic fear things of that nature we command
the spirit of any ungodly growth to die by fire we curse it at the root anything that has been feeding on WE command it
to lose its F its food source in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I want you to speak to any area of your body and I
want you to curse the inflammation curse the ungodly growth curse the pain curse all of it in the name of Jesus Christ we
curse it and we command it to be rooted up out of us and cast into the abyss father we loose the blood of Jesus
Christ to the foundation of our system and our body we lose the blood of Jesus Christ to the foundation of our minds
our cells our DNA our RNA our shoulders our muscle our muscle memory and everything else that's li de memory in
it we loose the blood of Jesus Christ into the foundation of these areas we loose the blood of Jesus Christ to act
as a laser against any um inflammation anywhere in your body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and father we declare
that even as we sleep tonight the blood of Jesus Christ goes in and does its job in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and
we declare father that the enemy is in high treason if it continues to try to bother us your word says that if we
resist the devil he has to flee from us so father we will do our part by resisting in the devil every time we
start feeling something or we start getting worried about something we will out of our minds resist the devil in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray amen and amen God is good I'm excited about it and I love what God is doing and um
I'm excited what God is doing in your life so today is um the war against worry I'm going to hop off and I want
you all to catch up over the weekend catch up if if you are just joining the fast make sure you go back to one day
one day two and if you you know don't get on social media tomorrow and um it's like watching this Netflix series you
can be done with it in a day or two you can definitely be all caught up by Monday when we get started you know with
our warfare prayers and so I'm excited about it yeah we're getting ready to take communion I don't have my water in
front of me but I'm going to take it when I get off but father in the name of Jesus I want you to grab your communion
cups and um grab the bread part of your communion and I want you to tear it into
pieces we you never want to take communion without Discerning the body of Jesus Christ there's people that
actually get sick from not Discerning the body of Jesus Christ and taking communion recklessly and so anytime you
take communion you want to somebody said their back pain went away we give God all the glory honor and praise because
God is The God Who heals and so we thank you God for that that you guys there's going to be a lot of testimonies of gut
healing um from this specific day fast we're going to get a lot of testimonies from back pain and things of that nature
we're going to get a lot of testimonies from that and so I'm excited to hear them and all of
that somebody said before I go can you please speak on physical attack she's been getting attacked in the middle of
her dreams last night was very obviously a spiritual attack on her big toe yeah the same thing applies anytime you're in
a fast you guys the demons are not happy about it and so what they want you to do is come into agreement with battle
fatigue which is where you're consistently fighting them and everything is like coming out of whet
but I send out an email and at the bottom of that email is a prayer to pray um every time you wake up from a dream
so Elizabeth that's what you're going to pray every day you wake up you're going to be unmoved and unbothered and you're
going to say you're going to pray that prayer if you guys want the prayer go to covered by God . enter your name and
email address check your spam folder and I'm going to send the prayer out in about an hour but I send it out every
day with the fast and so I want you every single day you wake up to be unbothered and you're going to pray and
you're going to break rebuke come out of agreement with the Covenant that that demon is trying to make with you um
because that's what it's trying to do and so you're not going to be moved you're not going to be bothered by it
this is to be expected during a fast like this and um and it you want want to ask God is there anything in your life
that that's hidden any hidden Covenant any hidden altar anything any hidden sin that you have not repented of that is
giving this enemy legal right to still attack you if you have been doing it for a while so keep that in
mind um stomach pain gone shoulder pain is gone
amen amen amen praise God back pain is gone back pain is gone lower back pain went away
in the name of Jesus Christ back pain and pelvic pain went away from the prayer praise God my back pain left
thank you Jesus no tummy pain thank you Father thank you Jesus
amen amen shoulder pain for months now has gone away somebody said their shoulders
were on a million and they didn't realize it was worry and anxiety we thank God we praise God thank you Jesus
thank you Father you are a good good father thank you that you are the physician of all physicians in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ thank you Jesus we worship your name we magnify your name thank you God thank you
Lord thank you Jesus somebody says they had a dream where were being proposed to but it
happened at a childhood home they don't even live in the Home Country anymore she prayed the prayer that I shared with
them so yes that's obviously not a good dream because a childhood home represents the spirit of delay and there
is a familiar spirit in that childhood home that is trying to attach itself to you keep that in mind and so um there is
a um it's trying to attach itself to you so continue to pray the prayers in that in that in that uh with the email just
continue to pray it and you're not going to have those dreams it's just simple to the dreams again it's already scheduled
in heaven it's trying to it's God showing you secret Intel of what the plan of the enemy is which is to keep
you um keep this anti-marriage spirit this familiar Spirit from keeping you married is trying to come in Covenant
with you and keep you in a spirit of delay the beautiful thing about this is God let you know what was going on right
and so you don't get discouraged by that you keep praying the prayers and you will begin to see that
um you know you'll begin to see that you won't have those those anymore chest pain has left amen shoulder pain is
completely gone in the name of Jesus Christ thank you Jesus thank you Father the symptoms of molach are gone
in her body amen thank you Jesus thank you
Father thank you Jesus stomach pain is completely gone
cramps from fibroids and U fibroid is completely gone thank you Jesus lower back pain that they have for two days
now has completely gone thank you Father thank you Jesus thank you
Lord so what I was saying about theer earning of the body is whenever you take the the bread part of the communion you
want to break it into pieces and you want to discern what the body what Jesus went through in his body you want to
take into serious account for what he did so when you break the bread into pieces what you're saying what you're
reminding yourself is that he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the
chastisements of our peace was upon him and every stripe he took every breaking of his flesh every tearing of his flesh
every stripe he took so when you're breaking the bread you're reminding yourself that and the this the pieces of
the bread now in your hand the body in his hand you're reminding yourself of the flesh that fell to the ground and
the torture he went through you were healed right so then you take I want you to take it now take the take the bread
put it in your mouth that's the body of Jesus Christ and you're taking that Discerning the fact that those broken
pieces represented your healing those broken pieces represented your health and your
restoration and then you take the blood of Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus Christ broke the curse right that's
where we got into the New Covenant and so you take the blood of Jesus Christ and you say father every Witchcraft and
enemy assignment against me every psychic prayer every hoodoo voodoo every every witchcraft incantation every Sanga
trying to pray against me everything I declare that the blood of Jesus Christ has cancelled it in the name of Jesus
Christ the blood of Jesus Christ has cancelled it in the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus Christ has canceled it in
the name of Jesus Christ that's when you take the blood the communion Discerning that the blood of Jesus Christ canel
Every curse that was written against you Time released against you generationally against you the blood of Jesus cancel
the curse in the name of Jesus and so that's that I'm going to leave you to it I will meet you guys in a few hours for
our three-day fast I want all of you to wake up at 4:00 a.m. eastern standard time I'm currently in Acra Ghana Acra
Ghana and it's 9:00 a.m. here no no no my prayer will be at 9:00 a.m. so I want you to join the fast for the it's our
day two for the fast because we're now in a double fast fast right and just imagine a double fast is going to be
powerful for you a double fast is going to be powerful for you so this is the end of the year if you are expecting a
miraculous to happen you got to do you got to you know you want you want different results do something different
that's all I'm going to say um go to covered BYOD doco we are almost all out of our journals and when we're all out
of them we will not be restocking these so if you want to Keepsake journal to keep all of your revelations in all of
your dreams in all of the notes from the fast all of that go to covered BYOD doco and grab this journal I will not be
restocking it and we are almost out of stock also if you want the email instructions to the fast go to www.c
discovered BYOD doco again that is covered BYOD doco into your name and email address and check your spam folder
because sometimes it goes there as well so um somebody said you shouldn't be
telling anybody you're on a double fast well obviously I probably have to tell people so that they can join the fast
since it is a corporate fast and when you look in the Bible corporate fast had to be announced so people knew what it
was but yes you're right in your personal life don't be telling people that you're on a double fast shoulder
pain is gone we are getting a lot of testimonies in these comments so we thank you Jesus for it I'm going to send
out the worship song for for today that you're going to listen to and um I love you guys to life and we will see you we
will see each other in a few hours bye
Heads up!
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